Friday, April 15 of 2016

Daily Messages


I have already instructed you much about the spiritual path and the way to reach plenitude within it. You already have many instructions, including almost practical ones, about how to tread this path. Now, My beloved ones, the experience of these principles depends on the election of each one.

What will move you away from the enemy is the humility and the deep love that you may be capable of living. Today, the adversary of God is very close to the hearts that search for the light and in every way he will try to extinguish the flame that illuminates your steps, your path. Therefore, children, there is no longer time for naivety. Do not confuse being naïve with being pure, because purity is full of wisdom, while naivety is fruit of immaturity, including spiritual, of the beings. The one who is wise lives in themself the principles of God and overcomes darkness, being themself the bearer of Light.

At these moments, in which everything is allowed for the final trial of the consciousness, the only fortress and the only refuge of all will be the living of Truth.

When you live in God and shine Him through, you disarm the plans of the adversary by your own potency of love. But if you still resist and let yourselves be carried by the influences of this world, with small intentions of enhancing yourselves, you will fall again and again in the traps and confusions of the enemy.

Remember, children: your fortress must be the living of the teaching; your testimony must be alive.

I know about the effort and the will of everyone to persist and, therefore, I tell you these things, because there is still much about yourselves that you do not know. The potential is within everyone, but to find it and develop it, you need to decide to divest yourself of everything that fills you with your own selves and with the things of this world. Because it is by being nothing, including invisibles for yourselves, that you will make true echo in the world.

In a land of prides and vanities, the humble heart shines without realizing it.  

Keep in your hearts what I tell you and develop My teachings in your consciousnesses.

Your Father and Instructor,

The Most Chaste Saint Joseph