As happens every day, we started by praying the Rosary for the children in the war and went on to pray a Mystery of the Holy Rosary. When we finished the prayer, we saw that Heaven was opening into another Heaven, deeper and bluer. In that place we could see the Universe of God, and what could be seen was a pulsating Heart, full of love, but at the same time, of pain. From this Heart, Our Lady emerged, and She said to us that this was the Heart of the Celestial Father. Then we saw Our Lady descend from this Heart as a sphere of light, crossing the universes until She appeared before us, at the top of the pine trees of the monastery woods in Aurora.
When Mary manifested, She was different than all the other days. She wore a veil on Her head and an Egyptian headdress of a golden color; She had a more slender look and seemed taller than usual. Over Her Immaculate Heart three spiritual symbols appeared, which She pointed to with one of Her hands, while She extended the other toward us.
In that moment, Mary said: “I am the Mother of the Triune Consciousness; these three symbols that appear over My breast represent the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit”. She lowered her gaze to us and said, as every day: “Son, write My message of peace to the world”.
I originate on this day from the center of the Heart of God, from where Eternal Love springs, to arrive here, in the perfect Presence of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit.
I would like you to know, My children, the importance of you, who are called to be pillars of Christ in these times, complying with the beloved Plan of God for Uruguay. Your consciousness has always been characterized by a lack of effort and by a disharmony between the parts. But this is not what God needs after He placed here, with His own Hands, the Kingdom of the Sacred Hearts.
In truth, My children, the fruits of this sacred intervention could be seen physically manifested in Brazil, Argentina, Nicaragua, Colombia, Venezuela and the rest of the nations of the Americas, which were receptive in their soul to the spiritual call.
Your pride and temper have always opposed the Works of God, and many times you forgot, children of Uruguay, that above all you are brother and sister servers convened by Christ.
Thanks to the Universe, Mercy has never been lacking for you; through My Heart of a Mother, many times I consoled you and waited for you to take the step toward spiritual and human maturity.
For some moments, all that Grace that descended over Aurora was not properly tapped into by you, children of this region, and for some moments, when efforts should have added up, you My children, split up, or even worse, separated from the Purpose.
Throughout time, the Work of God in this part of the world was directed toward those regions where there was receptivity and a response on the part of souls, as occurred in Rwanda, in Uganda, and in the Congo through the missions of peace. In truth, in those places there is great need for Infinite Mercy, something that you have always received in abundance.
Later, through your lack of understanding, you forgot you are souls, precious souls loved by God and called by Him for this spiritual purpose in Uruguay. It was then that indifference ruled your hearts, and once again you got lost in the superficiality of matters.
You did not let or permitted yourselves to hear each other as brothers and sisters, as soldiers of Christ, and you became even more separated. In all this time you believed you were complying with the task, but it was not loving enough.
Divinity never forsook you at any time, but you, My children, did not take the initiative of gathering to pray and thus healing yourselves of all adversity. You preferred to keep your vision and purpose instead of asking the Eternal Father if you were doing what was correct.
Aurora repeatedly called you so that your lives could be redeemed and you could break loose from the obstacles of consciousness, those that always lead to the same error.
In truth, My children, you still do not know what the sacred commitment you have before the Creator is. If God sowed one of His main Gifts of healing in this land, what should be your attitude before this great mystery of love? How should you proceed when faced with this task?
The Universe has always shown itself to be patient and persevering. The Son of the Most High has worked during these last times so that something should change within and outside of you. What have you done?
The most precious treasures of Heaven have been given, especially into the hands of the Uruguayans, because, in spite of it being a consciousness that has not been much instructed, it has a great heart, which is the heart of the nation, and which is rapidly being extinguished.
As Mother of the Truth, today I transmit to you the deep feeling of the Heart of God. His kindness opened this door because the Father knows how HIs creatures are, and this is an example and experience for all so that the same error is not repeated in any other place.
It is time that you loved to hear the truth no matter how hard it seems, because the Lord, who is in the Heavens and Who loves you, does not want you to get lost nor that you deceive yourselves with your own affairs. It is time that you grew up, that you no longer judge yourselves but accept yourselves; it is time for you to fulfill the sacred Law of My Son: “Love one another, just as I have loved you.”
This will make you free and you will be ready to take on this important mission of redeeming Uruguay and of consecrating it to the Immaculate Heart of Mary. There is still much to do; may all that is taking place today in the world with the Kingdoms of Nature and with humanity itself pull you out of indifference and separation. When you work with reconciliation and with love, everything can be different.
There no longer is time to lose! Do not deliver Uruguay into the hands of the adversary through your reasons or sentiments. Aurora needs you and the Father also needs you.
Only read this message and meditate, for I love you and pray for you, for your prompt conversion.
I thank you for listening to the Heart of the Creator!
Who contemplates you and loves you,
Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace and Mother of the Triune Consciousness
Association Mary
Founded in December of 2012, at the request of the Virgin Mary, Association Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception, is a religious association without ties to any institutionalized religion. It has a philosophical-spiritual, ecumenical, humanitarian, charitable, cultural character, and it supports all activities that are indicated through the instructions transmitted by Christ Jesus, the Virgin Mary, and Saint Joseph. Read more