Saturday, March 30 of 2013

Weekly Messages


Praised be, Our Lord Christ Jesus!

Blessed be those who live in His name.

Forgiveness and Mercy! Forgiveness and Mercy!

It is what has descended today on the planet and upon humanity, that which lives on the surface and that which, in other planes waited for forgiveness, mercy and redemption.

Praised be the Highest, Hallelujah!

Dear and beloved children: All of My Love of Co-redeemer Mother is in your hearts.

Today the Father of Heavens has poured His Mercy through His Divine Messengers, and you, My children, with your task of prayer and of love, have contributed so that part of the consciousnesses that submitted to Jesus more than two-thousand years ago, may begin to have an opportunity of redemption

The Divine Mercy has poured out over sleeping humanity and, through the sincere love of the servers, Our Lord has interceded before God Almighty to heal the denial, the lie and the betrayal of humanity.

From the Celestial Kingdom, the voices of your souls have been heard which, permeated by the task of rescue, have supplicated for forgiveness for this planet.

Do you remember, dear children, when I taught you to be mediators before God?

It was for you to realize these tasks together with Me, the ones that end the atavisms, that cut the chains that humanity still maintains with evil.

We are in times of test, but also in times of great miracles in which all the light, the love, the mercy and the forgiveness of God are available.

Humanity must put aside its pride and ask God for forgiveness, to supplicate to My Son so that He may intercede before His Father. Humanity cannot lose this opportunity and allow that its vanity may be more than its love. Humanity cannot lose the opportunity of being forgiven, or for My Son to be able to conduct it towards the Throne of the Supreme Father.

Humanity must understand that, in humility, God waits to forgive it and to hand it the treasure He holds for it. My beloved children:

You, who today are more conscious, must walk together with My Son, the Redeemer, and guide other brothers and sisters through the path that you are transiting through, the path of forgiveness, conversion and renovation. This is your task, to be examples and impulses to others who wait for an opportunity.

Prepare yourselves because the time has already come to multiply that which has been given to you, which is a treasure on Earth and in Heaven, the total renovation of your lives, the forgiveness of all your faults and the opportunity of converting yourself for all eternity into worthy children of the Highest, companions of the King of the Universe, favorite children of the Universal Mother.

You just must love the path of love, live from the heart and love your brothers and sisters as you love Christ Jesus.

I love you, I bless you and I guard you in My Immaculate Heart where evil will not touch you.

From the Heaven and the Earth, the Mother of Love, in union with the Redeemer, is with you.

Mary, Mother of all of the creatures