May joy and perseverance never stop prevailing in the hearts of My children, because these attributes will build the unbreakable foundations of the inner fortress of those who must live the end of these times.
My beloved ones, as Mother and Lady of the Divine Word, I come to bring to the world the Will of God and His guidance to the souls who have decided to follow the path that leads to the Father.
My Heart rejoices to find you in prayer, because thus I will be able to prepare My soldiers, the faithful disciples of Christ, so that they may face with bravery the days to come.
My beloved children, many fear to listen to My words, others prefer not to believe them, because My word invites you to a transformation, My word calls you to maturity, so that as souls you may no longer be children and you may recognize the great responsibility that you carry as humanity, a humanity that must take a great leap and that often does not feel ready to take it.
But now, My dear ones, the moment to elevate your faces towards Heaven has arrived, and just as My Son told the Father, may His Will be done and may begin in this world the great transformation that will guide you to His Most Sacred Heart.
My dear ones, a very long time will pass in order for you to learn how to consolidate in your beings the Grace of becoming truly resembling to God.
Days will come in which your eyes will not want to open, in which your arms will seem to not be able to raise themselves, in which your legs will feel that they cannot walk, but during those days you must remember about moments such as this one that you lived today, in which I have come to meet you, awakening you from the sleep and bringing you the peace and the joy that must be perpetuated in your hearts.
In the years to come, you will learn that you can overcome many barriers in matter and in spirit. You will discover that the fortress about which I spoke so much is truthful, and as well as My Son Jesus, you will be able to incarnate the Father's Will. During days of deep darkness, you will awaken in your own heart the sun that will illuminate the world once again and that will warm up the heart of those who had their inner sun almost extinct.
I wish each one of My children to be a sun on the Earth, to dawn every day for a new time, to dissipate the clouds and the darkness with its own light that emerges from its prayers.
My beloved ones, I am building in each one of you something that you will only be able to find when you believe that you are unable to do anything else for this world. The treasure that I have placed in your essences will be very hidden and the key to find it is the persistence in prayer and the overcoming of oneself and of all the worldly energies in order to fulfill the Plan of God, a Plan that you must love and on which you must trust for all eternity.
Although someday you may not see the manifestation of God in yourselves, be sure that this God will be hidden inside of you.
And today I tell you that you must see arise in the heart of Africa, by means of this mission, the pulsating and living Heart of God, a Heart that won over suffering and sorrow and that now elevates itself, giving an example to all on how to reemerge in joy and in peace.
May My soldiers be able to have their hearts always in the Heights and the eyes of the soul always open, in order to not only see what physically happens in this world, but to find the Glory of God behind all things and in the invisible of every event.
I thank you for the joy in receiving Me. Remember this joy on the days to come and never lose it from your sight.
I bless you and by means of your prayers, I bring My blessings to the whole world.
Mary, Mother and Lady of the Divine Word
The Glory of God manifests itself in the world!
Association Mary
Founded in December of 2012, at the request of the Virgin Mary, Association Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception, is a religious association without ties to any institutionalized religion. It has a philosophical-spiritual, ecumenical, humanitarian, charitable, cultural character, and it supports all activities that are indicated through the instructions transmitted by Christ Jesus, the Virgin Mary, and Saint Joseph. Read more