Beloved children,
My maternal request was announced yesterday for the spiritual emergence of the communication network Misericordia María. This project, which is not a earthly project, but a spiritual project, will attempt to reach the hearts of the homes in a fraternal, ordered and peaceful way, because the purpose of Misericordia María will be to open the doors to all souls so that they may hear My Message and the Message of My Son, Jesus.
You must have asked yourselves: why will the Celestial Hierarchy need to transmit Its Words through a means of communication? Because of the planetary urgency, the lack of awareness about the events in humanity, the need for peace and prayer in homes, the constant union with God, and mainly because of the redemption of the souls that in these times are linked to the networks of evil. It is a reason and an aspiration of My Immaculate Heart that My Kingdom of Peace may obtain victory over the world before the glorious arrival of My Son.
But this project of My Heart is a timeless project, this means, My dear children, that the Celestial Hierarchy will communicate Its Words and consequently pour out Its Graces for an undetermined time, because the Father has asked us, the Celestial Messengers, to do everything possible so that a great part of the consciousnesses of humanity may withdraw from modernities and enter, through this project, into experiencing their own redemption.
Misericordia María is an archetype of more direct and advanced communication that will operate through celestial principles, which will protect the development of the task, and this will avoid the influence of the external realities towards the task.
I mean, dear children, that Misericordia María will not be a broadcaster similar to those that exist nowadays in the world and those that confuse souls. This project will directly reach the most profound nuclei of the inner beings through the work of the Holy Spirit and thus, it will cease to be something superficial and material.
All that the Celestial Hierarchy requests, we communicate with a high degree of love and wisdom to prevent those who receive the call from interpreting it or becoming confused.
For the first time in the History of humanity, Heaven asks, through this call, for a project that is little understood by the consciousnesses. But Misericordia María will have the foundation of prayer, fasting, and the loving surrender of those who are willing to carry the task forward, under the vow of obedience and order for this design that My maternal Consciousness is carrying out.
Misericordia María wants to take the Mercy of God to the homes. Therefore, this project of communication will experience principles, to banish from the unconscious of the servers something that this world awakens by mistake such as vainglory, vanity, power and competition among beings.
Misericordia María, through the Christic principles, will gradually liberate these needs of self-realization from the unconscious, and thus it will place the Light of the Divine Kingdom in the hearts.
It will be a task of Misericordia María to repolarize the consciousnesses of the world that have been dominated by the modernity of evil, so that through its impulses, beings may awaken to God, their Lord.
Misericordia María will be the heart of the Heart of Mary, which will lovingly beat to transmit impulses of fraternity, healing and forgiveness, which is what the present humanity needs.
The Christic principles of Misericordia María are the following:
1. Transmit the true and healing love of the Immaculate Heart of Mary.
2. Approach the consciousnesses and the souls to the saving Message of the Sacred Hearts.
3. Rescue for everyone, the value of the Creation of God through the care of all Kingdoms.
4. Unite the groups of prayer under the same Divine Purpose.
5. Be a bridge of redemption and forgiveness among families.
6. Fraternize in the whole world through the devotion to the Sacred Hearts.
7. Express the pilgrims' experiences of faith as an inner testimony of conversion.
8. Liberate the unconscious of humanity from the influences and deceits of evil.
9. Generate in the consciousness of the whole world the consecration to the Immaculate Heart of Mary.
10. Train those who awaken as soldiers of prayer.
11. Build among pilgrims the Love of Christ.
12. Activate in the consciousnesses the importance of responding to the call of God.
13. Establish within the hearts the spirit of humility and peace.
14. Eradicate suffering through the union with the Divine Mercy.
15. Congregate groups of prayer so that they respond to the call of planetary prayer.
16. Awaken in the souls the true devotion to the Sacred Heart of Jesus.
17. Close the uncertain doors of the enemy in the homes, so that the celestial doors may be opened in the hearts.
18. Create a perfect unity between souls and the universe.
19. Gather the presence of the protecting Guardian Angel among the souls.
20. Be conscious of the importance of living in the Law of God.
21. Be a link between homes and the Immaculate Heart.
22. Generate a peaceful response in all beings.
23. Elevate the realities of families towards the spheres of prayer and harmony.
24. Support those who try to pray every day.
25. Accompany, like the Most Holy Mary, the soul that awakens for the first time to the call.
26. Convert human pain into spiritual healing and redemption.
27. Be the shining sun of the Heart of Mary so that all may recognize Her.
28. Work tirelessly for peace in the world.
29. Serve the Plan of God above all things.
30. Illuminate the spaces that are dark.
31. Reconcile the souls in most need with the good of Christ.
32. Merge the hearts in the Presence of the Sacred Hearts.
Dear children, these principles will allow My Marian project to be fulfilled under the protection of My maternal Light.
I thank you for supporting and collaborating in this call!
Mary, Mother and Queen of Reconciliation
Association Mary
Founded in December of 2012, at the request of the Virgin Mary, Association Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception, is a religious association without ties to any institutionalized religion. It has a philosophical-spiritual, ecumenical, humanitarian, charitable, cultural character, and it supports all activities that are indicated through the instructions transmitted by Christ Jesus, the Virgin Mary, and Saint Joseph. Read more