Monday, March 13 of 2017


Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón transmits the Words of the Virgin Mary:

I come here to bring peace to this city and to these people in need.

I come with all My angels to this meeting so that they too can bless you, for they are sent by the Father to close uncertain doors and open hearts to love.

It is for this reason that I have chosen to come here, dear children, to be closer to you and to bring you the good news, the moment that is approaching, long-awaited by all of humanity: the second coming of the Christ. Thus, you must have your hearts ready, not only through confession but also in communion with My Son. These will be the keys that will prepare your hearts for what will come.

I approach you, dear children, to be able to heal your hearts, to again bring you the joy of knowing that the faithful Servant, the Mother of the Most High, the Lady of the Poor, will be here among you every month until My mission of making this city a point of Light and of prayer for the world is accomplished.

This is why I have founded this house with all My maternal Love, so that here, the foundations of service and of prayer, of fraternity and of love among beings are gestated, and thus this work will be carried forward, which not only embraces the entire world, but will also come back here as an endpoint, as the culminating point of My work in these times, requested by My Son through My Immaculate Heart and the union of all your hearts with Mine.

Today I come here with the Holy Archangels so that your spiritual lives may be revived, so that your paths may be purified. And, in the end, upon the horizon, you may again see the Light of My Son, His Glorified Heart that is approaching this region of Brazil so that, during the Sacred Week, He may bless you and administer the Sacraments to all with the luminous sign of His Holy Cross.

Dear children, during this time, I need your hearts simple. In this way, with that simplicity your hearts have given Me today, through your affiliation with Me and your presence in this place, you will allow My Immaculate Heart to continue to come to this house to visit you every month and again bring you My celestial Graces, which will be the source of your reparation and conversion. In this way, you will find reconciliation with God, in the deep inner communion of each of your souls with My Soul and the Soul of My Son, and thus with the whole Celestial Kingdom.

I bring you seven important keys, dear children, that will help you move forward with this mission that I entrust to you today, of being able to make this city a Point of Light for the world. Each of you, dear children, will be a reference point for the pilgrims that will come from around the whole world. In your eyes and on your lips must be reflected My celestial smile, and in your hearts, free of suffering and pain, there must be peace; because My aspiration is to heal each of you so that you may enter into the universe of My maternal Love, where you will only find joy, hope and rejoicing for being able to be in Christ, Our Lord.

So that all this may be possible and the miracles occur in your lives, at a time of great inequality, I invite you to pray with Me, every day. I want this city to become a great Rosary of Light for the whole world, and that each bead of this Rosary of Light, which will be built by you, may represent a group of prayer, a prayerful nucleus, in which the bases of the Sacred Family will be able to express in your hearts and lives through the Gifts of the Holy Spirit.

I want to erect Our Lady of Carmel again. May this city be blessed by that holy name. That Our Lady of the Poor may be in the heart of each one of My children and in each place where needs exist.

Thus, dear children, I gave you the sacred House of Saint Joseph, in this city, where My missionaries of peace live; where you will be able to learn to build a truly fraternal life, a group life based on brotherhood and love among beings, finding in each place the service and a possibility of living the prayer of the heart.

It is in this way, dear children, that I invite you to be a great spiritual family. I invite your families to be renewed through service, prayer and communion.

From Heaven, I bring you all these gifts so that the Celestial Church that dwells in the depths of your souls may be erected again; and My Son, when He returns during the Sacred Week, may find a refuge, a place of relief and prayer, where He may be able to enter into your hearts and lives.

As Lady of the Poor, I invite you to rebuild this city through example and simple acts. If your prayer is powerful and you live it daily, I assure you, dear children, with the authority given Me by Christ, that many things will come to an end and hope will be recovered in many consciousnesses.

For this to happen to all of you, dear children, in the humility and in the simplicity of your hearts, I invite you to take the step, to accompany your Heavenly Mother on this mission and in this purpose that I come to present to each one of you.


Sister Lucía de Jesús transmits the Words of the Virgin Mary:

In the same way that today I consecrate this house, I hope to consecrate each of your homes, so that this city, My children, may be in likeness to My Kingdom, and those who come here from the four corners of this world, seeking peace and reconciliation with God, may find in each of you that path that leads to My Immaculate Heart.

Thus, today I will ask that month after month you announce My Presence in this place; that you take your families, especially the young, to My Marian Center so that I am able to heal them, little by little, so that they find meaning in their lives once again, because the young, My children, are becoming lost due to the illusions and influences of this world, and the desire of the Creator is that His children find Him, that they are able to express unity and a likeness with Him in this time, in the same way that My Son, Jesus, expressed it.

I want you to strengthen your faith, My children, that you strengthen your unity with Me; because I only take you toward Jesus so that you may find Him when He returns to the world, so that you may recognize Him among humankind, so that you may recognize Him walking on the streets, converting hearts and reminding you of your commitment to God.

On this evening, My children, I establish peace in your lives and ask that you open the doors of your hearts to Me so that, with My angels, I may be able to free you, heal you, and place you on a path of peace and of spiritual growth.

I do not come here to found a new religion nor a new church. I come to strengthen the faith that already exists within your hearts.

I know that many love Me and are devotees of My Divine Spirit. Now, My children, you must testify to My Presence in your lives, because I am here to say that I have heard your prayers. I am the response to your pleas, to all those pleas you directed to God for this city to be different so that your children could find peace. I am here, children, as a unique spring of peace. I only ask that you open your homes and your hearts, that you take your rosaries in your hands and pray with Me so that, through the authority granted Me by God, I am able to transform your lives.

Trust in the power of prayer when you unite your hearts with Mine. Trust that, together with Me, the destiny of this city can be different, and it will be able to be recognized throughout the whole world as a source of peace for those who thirst, like a fount of life for those who die in spirit.

I come to convert this ground so that it may become sacred and announce My Maternal Presence to the world; so it may be the example for humanity of hearts that truly prepare for the Return of Christ, because He will come and it will not only be in spirit. All eyes will see Him, all knees will kneel before Him, because, children, you will not be able to resist His Love and His Power.

Those who are His companions will follow Him, and with Him they will establish the Kingdom of His Father. The New Jerusalem, which the ancient peoples so long awaited for, will be visible to human eye because the Will of God will be established and His promises will become life.

Trust in what I tell you, My children, because the world will tremble and hearts will repent for not having woken up in time.

Today I call you by name so that you may be in My Presence. Today I consecrate you and offer you My Peace so that you convert your lives and are truly called Children of Mary.

The Kingdom of God is approaching your lives. The Creator offers you His Love, and it is only necessary, My children, to say 'yes' to the Supreme God.


Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón transmits the Words of the Virgin Mary:

I come to remove you from hell so that you may enter My Paradise. Thus, today I am here, among you, very happy. You cannot imagine, dear children, how great My happiness is while consecrating new Children of Mary, and thus, each one of you, who are permeated by the rays of My Love and My Grace.

My wish is that next month there be twice as many present here. Open the doors of this city so that the angels may reign and souls, that have died spiritually, may rise in light of the glorious coming of Christ.

Now, I want those who are to be consecrated as Children of Mary to approach this stage so that I can bless them. Come to Me, dear children, be close to My Immaculate Heart; you must not fear. I bring you the peace and celestial happiness that your lives so need to be able to fulfill the Purpose of God that, in this time, is being carried out through this Work.

I want all the priests to open their hearts to My call. I am the Mother of ecumenism and I lead all My children towards Christ. All are deserving of the Mercy of God. All are deserving of the Grace of God. All are worthy children of God and deserving of the salvation that My Immaculate Heart grants all souls.

Today I will not only bless the Children of Mary, these seventy new children that will be part of the first groups of prayer in the different points of this city. They will be the onrd who will sow, so that new souls be able to emerge, through this impulse to pray the Holy Rosary for peace every day, so that this city may be consecrated to My Immaculate Heart.

I also come to consecrate your sacred objects, as well as all these flowers you have placed on My altar, on the sacred altar of the Lady of the Poor. You will take a flower as a remembrance of My Presence in your lives. I will also bless your rosaries, under the authority granted to Me by God.

Now let the new children, who are being consecrated in this house of the Lady of the Poor, place their left hands upon their hearts, and holding the light of their candles, confirm the Divine Presence in this place; the Presence of the Father, the Presence of the Son and the Presence of the Holy Spirit.

Today I untie a great knot so that you may be freed and thus find peace again, for if peace is in you, peace will be in this city, hearts will be converted, the sick will be healed, and all will feel more loved, for I will be present here. Each time you go through the door of this house, know that the Lady of the Poor always observes you and accompanies you with Her Love.

I come to close the wounds of your hearts, drawing out the thorns of life. I come to heal your souls, so they may ignite through My Divine Spirit. In your lives, I come to re-ignite the powerful flame of the prayer of the heart.

Today I come to give you My Love and all My Grace so that you may be blessed, be worthy deservers of the Mercy of God for all those who do not experience it and distance themselves from the Kingdom of God, stepping away from the Love and the Truth that lives in the universe.

I consecrate you. I bless you, I embrace you as a good Mother, as the Mother of all and the Mother of the New Humanity.

In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit.

Sing Mary of Nazareth and lift up your rosaries so that I may bless them.

The Lord blesses these sacred objects that symbolize the opening of the doors of Heaven in the innermost core of each soul. May these beads of prayer be permeated by My Grace and by My Light. May souls cling tightly to this celestial instruments so that they may always find the love and the path that will take them towards My Son, to His Sacred Heart.

I bless these rosaries so they may bless this city, under the authority granted to Me by the universe, in the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit.

Carry your rosaries upon your hearts so that Heaven may enter your lives.

I thank you.

I will wait for you next month and I am happy to be able to meet you again in the spirit of faith and unity.

So be it.

Saturday, March 25 of 2017

Apparition of the Virgin Mary in the Marian Center of Figueira, Minas Gerais, Brazil, to the visionary Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón

I have come here with the Scepter of the Light of God to aid the world and in this way, establish the peace that is still lacking in humanity.

From your hearts, I have received all your prayers, and this pleases God greatly, because the pilgrim hearts, the most humble among the humble ones, have decided to be faithful to My Heart, so as to be faithful to Christ, and consequently, to the Almighty.

Believe, dear children, that today I am giving you many Graces, after having made a pilgrimage here, seeking to strengthen your faith, the union among your families, and the restorative communion, which you are invited to experience every day through the Holy Eucharist.

Today your simple hearts confessed to My Heart. As a compassionate Mother, I hold you all in My arms, to offer God the best that you have within yourselves.

On this evening, I want to expand your consciousnesses beyond this apparent material life, so that your souls can take new steps, in representation of all of humanity, which in these times is very disconnected from God, far from the Fount of His Love.

By being merciful and faithful to My Immaculate Heart, you will always find the doors open to the Kingdom of God, into which all your supplications will be taken, not only by My Maternal Heart, but also by the Sacred Heart of My Son.

So today I want to tell you, dear children, that My joy is infinite because of finding you here with Me today, strengthening in your souls the path of perfection, the path of prayer, which is very necessary in these times.

Feel that your sadness, problems, and obstacles are dissolving before My Presence, because today, carrying this Scepter of the Light of God, I am not alone here, dear children, but rather with all the angels of Heaven that assist your Celestial Mother to carry forward this co-redeeming Work.

Today I come displaying My crown of stars to illuminate the four corners of the Earth and so that, beyond this humanity, the higher spirits of your beings may awaken to this call, and thus find it again.

I invite you to experience the instruction from your heart and to be the living instruction in these times, for in this way, the Gospel of My Son will be in a process of fulfillment.

Today I come with the Scepter of the Light of God to remove what My enemy conveys to all human minds that are very weak because they lack a true life of prayer, a true pleading of the heart to the Heart of God.

I need, dear children, that you become strong. That is why I bring this Scepter of the Light of God, and today I extend this revelation to you so that your consciousnesses may take new steps and you do not miss the divine impulse that is coming directly from Heaven and the Universe, to experience these spiritual impulses that will make the New Humanity possible, which will be driven by you.

I need you to be humble, and if you have still not found the humility of the heart, I invite you to live resignation before My Son, because in this way, dear children, you will allow Christ to accomplish His Work through your lives and hearts.

Again I invite you to fidelity, so that you may be contemplated by God in the immensity of His Divine Mercy.

So, dear children, I come to consecrate each one of you to God day by day, according to what each one can give Me, in the school where you are, to thus be able to learn from all that the Universe will bring to the Earth, within this school of redemption and of forgiveness.

Above all, may the Love of God prevail in you, because without the Love of God, I assure you, My children, that you will not be able to do anything; you will feel too limited to solve the things of this superficial life.

Without the Love of God, you will not be able to follow the Celestial Hierarchy; you will be many steps below, and you will not be able to be at the point God needs in these times.

Each one of you, in spite of the imperfections of human life, is a precious instrument for God.

I come to ignite the flame that exists in you, so that through you, you will be at the service of My Son in this preparatory Plan of His second Coming to the world.

I want you to be able to open the spaces of your hearts, so that the thorns of misunderstanding may be removed, and in their place, love may be cultivated, the love that your Heavenly Mother brings you, to revive your spirits and consciousnesses in this proposal of redemption and of forgiveness.

Do not miss the chance to love, because I am very sure that you know when you are not loving, nor forgiving your neighbors, stepping away from the path of My Son, with your misunderstandings, because of your ignorance.

The Work of God is still not known by any being on Earth. It is a divine mystery that is slowly revealed, so that souls can learn to love it in an unknown and dedicated way, no matter what the cost.

Thus, dear children, I invite you to follow My Son on the path of the light of brotherhood, of consideration, and of the awareness that in truth, each act that you perform, no matter how small it may seem, has repercussions in humanity and in the universe.

You are part of the last phase of this race, before a New Humanity emerges, after your purification and surrender to what God needs.

My Heart of Love and of Truth reveals to you what God is thinking.

I invite you, dear children, to correct your paths because you are still in time.

My adversary will cause humanity to tremble, but My Scepter of Light, of the Light of God, will be invincible when it strikes the Earth with the Power of Grace and of Liberation.

This is My message for you; these are My words for today. I need you to meditate on them and that you not leave here as if you knew nothing, as if nothing had happened here.

In this way, I bring you the Gift of Wisdom so that you can contemplate it in your hearts.

Take the steps toward My Heart in obedience and sacrifice, so that you may be with Me in everything.

My wish, dear children, is that your inner ears do not close, but rather that your hearts expand when touched by the light of My instruction, so that evil may be dispelled, souls may reconsider and can be placed on the path from which they were lost.

It is My beloved Son Who, on this night of prayer and of consecration, sends Me to tell you all these things.

You know, dear children, to whom I am speaking, to whom I am addressing My words, so that your hearts can open.

My message is for the world and especially for My servants who for so long have followed Me on this path of hope and of faith.

And now I will demonstrate what My maternal love is like through the consecration of new children, whom I now call, so that you may be close to this altar, this center of humility that is offered to your Heavenly Mother.

These souls that congregate here today for consecration, represent many more in the world; souls that must be touched by the fire of the Love of My Son, so that all may receive the opportunity of entering the cycle of salvation.

The children of Mary are flames that are reignited through the call of God, which is emitted by our Sacred Hearts.

Today I am before different children, but in essence much alike, because today, here, the Universe of God has gathered you so that you can receive this Grace.

Now, with the simplicity of the heart, place your hands in a position of reception so that My maternal Light can consecrate you and make of you new lives, lives in the Lord, lives within the Plan of Love, the Plan of Redemption and of Peace.

Today, dear children, you have committed to pray with Me every day for the triumph of My Immaculate Heart, not only in your consciousnesses, in your families, in your loved beings, but also in the world and in humanity, which needs a great Grace to be able to be safe before My Son returns to the world.

Through your inner silence, dear children, children that will be consecrated to My Immaculate Heart today, place your intentions in My Heart so that the Father of Love, the Celestial Father may hear them.

I now receive your petitions in the silence of the heart and the soul, so that in this way, all of humanity can take the great and awaited step toward an awareness of love and of unity.

Today not only My Heart blesses you as new renewed children, but also the Scepter of the Light of God is placed on your heads so that the holy and divine Will may descend upon you and thus the Redeeming Project may be accomplished.

My Rays descend upon your spirits to console you.

My Graces touch your souls to convert you.

My Love enters into your hearts so that you can revive in Christ, until the thousand years of peace are fulfilled.

I consecrate you, I bless you, and also today I embrace you, placing you under My Mantle, where there is no danger, no evil, no adversity, but rather Light, Triumph, Redemption and Mercy for all the souls that thus accept them.

I bless you in My infinite joy.

In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

I thank you for responding to My Call.

May your fortitude not tremble, but may your hearts transform so that the mind does not colonize them. So may it be.

Who are we?

Association Mary
Founded in December of 2012, at the request of the Virgin Mary, Association Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception, is a religious association without ties to any institutionalized religion. It has a philosophical-spiritual, ecumenical, humanitarian, charitable, cultural character, and it supports all activities that are indicated through the instructions transmitted by Christ Jesus, the Virgin Mary, and Saint Joseph. Read more
