Monthly Messages

May My Heart of Peace be the guide that leads you to Christ

My Children,

I come in a time of chaos, ignorance and indifference toward God, toward His Plan and His Truth, to open the eyes of a generation that is getting lost in the wounds and memories of the past.

I come to reveal to you a Divine Purpose, which forever erases from your consciousnesses the obstacles that separate you from God.

And this same Purpose reveals to you, not only what the Heart of the Father offers you, but mainly, children, it brings you closer to the Truth of the Heart of God; Truth which has been hidden throughout human evolution, and now must be revealed.

I come as the Mother of the World, as your Universal Mother, so you may understand that not only eternity after this life is full of mysteries, but life itself holds secrets that have not yet been revealed, holds truths that are beginning to emerge at this time, as a last opportunity for souls to awaken.

My Heart offers you nothing more than awakening to the path of prayer, surrender, service and sacrifice.

But it is this very path that will open, in your lives, the doors to the new, and will finally bring the meaning which your souls expected to know about the existence of life on Earth.

You can already feel and perceive your own ignorance, not only before the Universe and Creation, but also before yourselves.

And what I come to do in these times, My children, is to open your eyes through the power of prayer, so that, transformed under the spirit of humility, you can enter into the truth that dwells within you, a universe as vast and as broad as the one you see in a starry night in the sky of the Earth.

As the immensity of the sky, as the infinity of the stars, so it is within each of My children, because He who created you, in His image and likeness, is infinite and unknown.

The likeness to God is not limited to the appearance of humankind. The likeness with God is kept in a deep mystery that dwells in your hearts, and that keeps in itself the true reason for which God created this humanity.

Each being of this Earth, My children, is a renewing potential of the Divine Consciousness.

From your most profound and sincere experiences of love, the Creator derives His renewal, the re-creation of His Divine Creation.

I know that this is a mystery, almost incomprehensible for the creatures of the Earth, but this is due to the great blindness, and ignorance of humanity.

To enter into the celestial Mysteries, you must have a humble and simple heart, and your Heavenly Mother grants you this heart through prayer that transforms you inside and out, that transforms your lives and, therefore, life on Earth.

I come as your Divine Mother to lead you, by the hand, to a higher Purpose.

I want, My children, that in this last time of awakening, you may not only know Christ, but you may be in Christ, what God has thought for your lives and for this world.

You are still in time to transform this planet into a sacred planet, to build and inhabit the islands of salvation, which will serve as the beginning of the new when the time comes.

But this, beloved children, begins in the small and in the true. It begins with the Rosary in your hands and the Heart in God; it begins with sincere service and the true interest that your brothers and sisters also receive the best; it begins by listening to the Words of God through His Messengers, and by following and living these Words, because when you least expect, they will be alive and consolidated in your inner world.

And it is there that all eyes that look at you will find an example, and all hearts that feel you will feel God, because you will be called His instruments, His companions.

Today I reveal to you a path, and I extend My Hands to you, so that you may allow Me to lead you to the new; to the eternal and unfathomable Heart of Christ.

I thank you for responding to My call, and following My steps as Mother and Pilgrim.

The souls that are awakening are in jubilation and the planet feels relief in its heart.

All this is due to the effort of each one of My children.

I bless you,

Your Mother, Mary, Rose of Peace


I descend from Heaven on this day to bring peace to the world, especially to place it into the heart of those who need it most.

After the important mission, which My Beloved Son has accomplished, your Celestial Mother comes to conclude the final stage of the spiritual work that was realized in these last days here, in Austria.

This is the main reason why the Celestial Father granted Me the permission to descend into Austria, along with some of the celestial chorus, in order to seed in the inner worlds of the souls certain attributes that will help them in the next stage of humanity, on the spirit level.

This way the Mother of God, and the ever Virgin Mary, today will not only be working on you, as souls and essences, but also will be working in the context of all of Eastern Europe.

In this sense, the Pilgrimage for Peace, the places and cities which are visited, demonstrate the need of inner and spiritual help which thousands of souls have,  beyond them belonging to the European continent or to other regions, as for example Africa and Middle East.

The spiritual operation, carried forward by the hosts of Light of the Mother of God, manage to work and act in levels of the human consciousness, deeper each time, and this reverberates not only in the planetary life, but also in the scope of the surface of the planet, where events increasingly committed are unleashed, which could harm the next stage of current humanity.

When the Divine Messengers visit different nations and cities, in this case of Europe, it is to prevent events, and to divert the race from unexpected dangers.

Thus, each city visited by the Pilgrimage for Peace not only receives the divine impulse of prayer and music, but also very deep aspects of the past are worked by the very Spiritual Hierarchy. And in many of the current cases, these aspects are worked altogether, at the same time and under the same Law: the applied Law of Redemption, Liberation and Mercy.

Each aspect which is directly treated is united, from the consciousness, to an aspect of that nation or of the culture of the people.

As you could witness in this last month and a half of pilgrimage, the Celestial Hierarchy has intervened in places, cities and cultures that were not foreseen inside the purpose of Divinity.

But this happened from the adhesion of souls, which originally represent those nations, and participated in the Campaign for Peace. As souls from other nations that live in European countries participated, and opened a spiritual door so the operation and the divine intervention, which happens through this Pilgrimage, could arrive to these places; which is the case of Cologne, in Germany.

With all of this perspective, we aspire as Divine Messengers of Love, that the participants of this Work, who have demonstrated to be totally adhered, and also those who arrive for the first time, may understand that the Pilgrimage for Peace is more than a physical journey through places indicated by the Hierarchy and that the answer, and mainly the love, the faith and the trust of the prayerful and devoted hearts, strengthen this great operative network of spiritual and divine help, which descends directly from Heaven, to help the humanity of these times.

This immediate adhesion builds unity within the beings, and therefore in humanity.

May this divine operation, which comes from Heaven, move forward with the support of everyone, so that more nations, cities and souls are touched by the Healing Love of God.

I thank you for responding to My call!

Who blesses you,

Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace

Special Apparitions
Extraordinary apparition of the Virgin Mary, on the 8th of July of 2018, in Vienna, Austria, to the visionary Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón de Jesús

Do not fear.

I am the Queen of Peace, the Virgin of Schoenstatt, Mother of all peoples, Virgin of all cultures, Mother of all languages and Queen of Love.

I come to the world as Mother of the Universe, to remove from your hearts all that distances you from love, all that keeps you apart from God, all that is not part of His Divine Plan.

This is why I have come to Vienna to conclude the mission that My Son has started, to end the suffering of human beings, especially those sufferings that have marked the history of humanity and that nobody, nobody has been able to erase.

This is why I come from Heaven to announce that I Am your Mother who loves Her Children, a Mother who understands humanity and its mistakes, a Mother who has come to the world many times to warn humanity, to correct humanity, to guide them on the path of love.

You have time, My children, to live all that I promise you and bring you, of transforming your lives according to My designs, of forming part of My celestial commands and of making this planet a planet of redemption together with all the Kingdoms of Nature.

Remember then, My children, the unconditional service of your Guardian Angel who is there, present close to you, to take you by the hand towards the Design of God, to remove you from the path of constant suffering and agony that many souls live on many degrees of the consciousness.

Therefore I come through My Grace to grant you the Grace of God, the one you will need to awaken the consciousness, the one you will need to live in life the Principles of God according to His Will.

I want you to open your consciousnesses to the Universe and to all that exists beyond this planet and this humanity.

I invite you, My children, to look up to the Highest, to find in the infinite your history and your origin, to reencounter your path according to the Will of God and to make this a sacred path so that in you and in time you may awaken the virtues of Divinity and these may be part of the project of redemption of humanity.

I come to open the eyes of your superior consciousnesses, searching in all of this path for unity, the one that will lead you to wisdom, in the joy of serving God and above all, in the path of faith.

Austria, like all of Eastern Europe, still needs to heal its most profound wounds of war.

I come to grant you and your last generations My maternal Grace in order to remove the pain from your hearts, the hatred or resentment for having felt apparently abandoned by God.

But God was, in that moment, contemplating His children and sent Me to the world in those times, to announce My Message in Fatima, in order to rescue many souls, many families who escaped from suffering and the horrors of those times.

I do not want, children, to remind you of the past, but to submerge you, through My Heart, in the eternal present, where you will find the Design of God for each one of your lives and consciousnesses.

I come to encourage you to renew the times and to transform theses times into great moments of forgiveness and redemption.

I invite you to continue living the School of Prayer because with prayer in your lives and especially in your hearts, you will be able to perceive, My children, which is the new path that you will have to go through at this time.

Therefore, I am here today, with all the angels of the Universe, those you sing Glory to God, to offer you the consecration to My Immaculate Heart.

In this way, My children, in this very simple consecration, but true, that your lives can offer Me at this moment, you will be able to not only help your families who also need the forgiveness and the Love of God, but also help all of Austria and beyond it, radiating, through your consecration, the renewal of time and humanity that forms part of Eastern Europe. 

At this moment, before the Presence of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit, a new step is granted to your consciousnesses, which want to be led through the path of awakening so that some day, under the aspiration of My Heart, you may feel motivated to serve the world and its humanity expanding, together with your Heavenly Mother, this network of Light, prayer and forgiveness.

Europe still needs much mercy for all it owes to Africa and to America.

I invite you to convert the mistakes of all times into love, in this way you will be sincere hearts, that listen to the Call of God and dare to take a step in the name of Love.

Therefore, I bring you Peace, so that Peace may be conceived in your lives and may triumph in humanity.

We have come now to the moment of your consecration.

May the music of the Children of Mary sound so that I can bless those who will consecrate today.

And today I call Austria to renewal and hope so that, in this place, forgiveness and love  may be reached in the hearts that need them the most.

Now, children, that you are at My Feet and that you will know My mysteries, make a sincere petition to Me in the silence of your hearts, so that I may be able to take it to God and it may be fulfilled according to the Divine Will.

May this petition not only be something for your lives, which today are renewed in the Holy Spirit, but also a petition for humanity, that cries out for love and relief of suffering. So be it.

I bless this water in the name of My Son, for you to be baptized and blessed by the fire of the Holy Spirit of the Mother of God and for the talents of your hearts to awaken in honor of the Triumph of the Sacred Heart of Jesus. Amen.

I thank you for responding to My call.

May Peace and Goodness descend upon Austria and all the souls who are congregated here.

In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.


Stay in peace and may your heart be calm, because there will never be anything between you and I that may be shattered or broken. 

Unity and love among souls and My Heart are unchangeable because if souls trust in the Mother of God, they trust in the Divine Will.

All the errors committed are a part of a great learning to know how to one day step aside from the path of constant pain and enter into the path of Eternal Love.

Therefore, stay in peace.

Child, peace cannot be dissipated nor changed. Peace leads you to retreat and to have hope in these difficult times of humanity.

Liberate yourself from the past and look, with the eyes of hope, at everything good that happens in life.

God and the Universe know the weakness of humans, but they also know the virtues that one day will be fortresses that will defeat the old human, so that the new being may be born.

So then, be encouraged to keep trusting in the infinite Purpose and offer each moment of service as an opportunity to love, more and more.

I thank you for responding to My call!

Who blesses you,

Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace


Be encouraged to transform the pain of the world into love and peace.

Transform the pain of the world is to live, for love, a great sacrifice, and to bear that which perhaps you would not be able to. Yet it is love that makes you to achieve it and advance it, love makes you able to heal wounds and helps you to dissolve incomprehensions.

This school is based in the Love of God, and in love you may go through all experiences.

Beyond the whole suffering and pain, may love prevail and reign so that it may continue working in the lives of souls that need to live in the Love of God.

May love be the perfect reason to understand and accept everything.

May love be the pathway that will convert the impossible.

May love be the perfect balm to bring peace.

I thank you for responding to My call!

Who blesses you,

Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace




I come to the world, just as My Son, to grant humanity My Spirit of Peace.

Together, with My Son, I come to assist the most lost souls, the souls poorest in love, the souls empty of God.

I come to the world on this day of merciful prayer to help essences that live in their own and great hell, so that they may find the path toward freedom and be led upon the path of redemption.

I come to the world to bring more Mercy, because Mercy will grant atoning Grace to souls and, in this way, all will be reborn in the truth of this time.

I come to build the new in consciousnesses and so that souls may awaken from their deep sleep.

I come to grant Love to those who most need it.

I come as a Mediator of Peace.

I thank you for responding to My call!

Who blesses you,

Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace


May peace be in your heart so that you may see God within you.

May peace renew your being in Christ so that Christ may renew the times through you.

May peace be unchangeable so that it may be established beyond consciousnesses, nations and peoples.

May peace be carried as a banner of loyalty and honor to our beloved Lord of the Universe.

May peace bring science and knowledge to the human beings so that through peace they may find God.

May peace reign in the inner universe of each being so that inner peace may be known in the world.

May peace bring that which is new and eternal for everyone; may it bring the joy of serving God and of helping to rebuild this humanity.

May peace never end in those who truly serve God and who fulfill His Plan.

I thank you for responding to My call!

Who blesses you,

Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace




There must never lack hope in the hearts, because a life without hope is not a life in God.

Therefore, children, have hope present in your lives, so that this world may ask for forgiveness and be redeemed.

May hope be the flame that illuminates all. 

May hope be the reason for the accomplishment of the Plan of God.

Do not move away from hope. Become the hope that manifests and shows itself to the world.

Be that hope which renews faith and builds the bridges of love between hearts.

Children, do not forget hope.

Hope will give you peace and in peace you will see the wisdom that humanity needs in order to learn how to make correct decisions.

Seek the flame of hope in God and within yourselves, because in this way the most critical situations will be alleviated and the Love of My Son will triumph again.

I thank you for responding to My call!

 Who blesses you,

Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace


Through the Mysteries of Joy, what does the Annunciation of the Archangel Gabriel represent to you? What does the visit of the Servant of God to Her cousin Elizabeth represent to you?

What does the blessed Birth of Christ and the presentation of the little Child in the temple represent to you?

What does the first preaching of Jesus in the temple mean to you?

In the Mysteries of Joy we find the opportunity and the Grace to please God, listening with the heart to His divine Call .

The Mysteries of Joy are the first impulse of the revelation of God through the selfless service of the Mother of God.

In the Mysteries of Joy we find the first sign of the Presence of the Celestial Father and also the silent acting of the Holy Spirit.

The joy of serving God is the primordial impulse to be able to concretize the divine works.

That is why the Mysteries of Joy invite souls to go through the same experience of love and service that the Sacred Hearts had lived.

In the Mysteries of Joy, the soul finds, as a reference, the spiritual model that the Celestial Universe needs to awaken the depths of the essence of humanity.

I thank you for responding to My call!

Who blesses you,

Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace


Dear children of Mine,

Nothing which is occurring is outside the Will of God.

In this time and at this moment, souls are having the Grace of being able to define their lives for the coming cycle, even though they may not know it.

This is the reason why the Heavenly Father remains once again in deep silence before the entire humanity, especially before the followers of Christ, because after so many Graces received, hearts should already be able to recognize the Will of God for their lives and above all, their paths.

Decisive moments are coming for the lives of souls, when you will be before two paths, yet you must follow only one. I only hope, as a Mother, that it be the path of Christ.

I pray day and night, I beseech for the sake of My children at each new dawn, so that in this time they may make a correct decision, which is not based on human impulses neither on maladjusted emotions.

It is necessary children, to pray more for the souls that are before their great definition, a response that will reverberate on the rest of their existence.

I thank you for responding to My call!

Who blesses you,

Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace

MESSAGE FOR THE SPECIAL APPARITION OF MARY, ROSE OF PEACE, during the journey from Archamps, Haute-Savoie, France, to Munich, Germany, TO THE VISIONARY SISTER LUCÍA DE JESÚS

To God it does not matter that your lives are imperfect, but rather that your hearts are always truthful; thus you will allow Him to work and act, and someday, My children, without you noticing, your lives will be transformed.

At this time when everything is being purified, take refuge in the Heart of the Father, in the Sacred Temple of inner prayer, so that nothing and no one may deviate you from the path of My Son.

If some souls are being tested at this moment, may they not feel intimidated; may they know that, above all reality and situation, the Celestial Father is present, patient and very kind, always awaiting for them so that, through His Divine and Infinite Mercy, everything may be healed.

When souls in this time cannot experience the divine Plan or adhere to it, it is because they are not approaching the Source of Mercy, a place where all doubt will vanish and any conflict will cease.

Sometimes the correct step must be taken towards God and not towards your own concepts or feelings.

Mercy will always lead you to understanding and forgiveness.

I thank you for responding to My call!

Who blesses you,

Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace


My children,

On the day of Saint Peter and Saint Paul, festivity of the first missionaries of Christ, I have come to Geneva in the name of peace and of unity to confirm the ecumenical alliance among all Christians.

This is the reason why the ever Virgin Mary and Mother of the Church, has asked on this day, June 29th, for a special meeting in Geneva, headquarters of many state institutions, in order to unite all the believers of Christ in the inner planes, by means of the ecumenism shared among His servers. 

The mission of each Christian is to love the Purpose of God and to carrying it forward by means of equality of conditions and under the sacred spirit of understanding of the different Christian manifestations of faith.

In this twenty-first century, in which the world faces great challenges, and also social and global inequalities, may the Flame of the Love of Christ be the point of union among all Christians, based on the principle of faith and in the Sacred Gospel of Christ.

As the Mother of the Church and of humanity, My Son sends Me to grant the deep Grace of understanding, of knowledge and of wisdom so that all of those who open their heart to the call of ecumenism may together, and in unity, solve and respond to the urgent needs of humanity, of all the People of God.

This inter-religious ecumenism will allow all Christians, under the same goal and supported by Divine Grace, to reach the complete vision of the different lacks and needs of humanity, knowing that it is urgent and immediate to dissolve together the evil, the wars and the conflicts that embrace many peoples in the world, and rescue from these very hard abysses those who suffer the most: the innocent.

By means of ecumenical and Christian unity, Christ will work more widely, because His disciples of these times must be witnesses of the Gospel in all the places, in order to sow the seeds of faith, of love and of unity in the most arid soils of this world.

And Christ, the Living Water, will be the One who will water and cultivate what His kin will accomplish in the world.

The ecumenical and Christian union will generate the spirit of respect and, above all, of a true solidarity among Christians that accompany the same God, the Only and Omnipresent, with their feeling and through their faith and their trust in the teachings of the Gospel. 

On the day of the Apostles Peter and Paul, may the missionary spirit arise again in all Christian Churches, a spirit that will impel the revelation of the life of apostleship in Christ, so necessary to relieve suffering and to bring the healing and the love to the marginalized hearts.

Christ is for all.

He came on behalf of all and for all.

The effort of the witnesses of Christ will be, by means of ecumenical union, to carry forward the preparation of His glorious second coming, preparing in the souls the bases of their union with God and with all the attributes that awakens faith.

At last will emerge the burning wish of the Lord, that His followers and companions of missionary and apostolic path may unite to attend the current world crisis.

For this reason, I come to Geneva to give the blessing to all and to encourage you to carry forward the announcement of the Word and the Love of Christ by means of the works and the ecumenical unity.

I thank you for responding to My call!

Who blesses you,

Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace and Virgin of La Salette


When the Grace and the Mercy of God Descend to the World

When the Grace of God descends to the world, My children, open your arms and hearts and do not ignore it.

Receive with gratitude the mercies of the Lord because in this time He sends His Messengers to pacify hearts and transform them, breaking the barriers of indifference and ignorance.

The Mercy of the Lord comes before the time of Justice, so that the hearts prepare for a new cycle and a new time, and know how to maintain their faith alive, regardless of the events that will come to happen on this Earth.

The Mercy of God descends upon His children to teach them to forgive, to unite hearts in a purpose of Peace, to serve those who are most in need so that there is balance in this world, so that there is love.

The Mercy of God descends upon the Earth with the presence of His Messengers to help in the definition of His children, to remove them from deceit and to awaken in their hearts the Grace of Wisdom in times of deep ignorance.

To receive the Grace and Mercy of God, My children, you must be with a simple heart before what He offers you, without concepts, without excessive thoughts, but with the mind still, for a moment, giving place to the heart, so that it knows how to feel and receive what the Creator gives you.

The Mercy of God descends upon the world and pours not only on humankind, but also on all the Kingdoms of Nature.

And to perpetuate this Mercy, allowing all thirsty creatures to drink from this unfathomable and infinite Source, you must pray, you must cry out, you must surrender your hearts before God, asking for a new opportunity for the life on Earth.

The Mercy of God descends upon the world and teaches the hearts to recognize one another, teaches the brethren, children of One Father, to serve your Lord God in unity, no matter your religion, race or culture.

The Mercy of God makes you true, and in this truth you can be united, despite the apparent differences that your hearts express on Earth.

The Mercy of God descends upon beings to awaken within you the purpose of Peace, so that you institute Peace on Earth through respect, understanding, self-giving and selfless service to all kind of life.

The Mercy of God descends upon every being, as well as upon your souls, spirits, and hearts, teaching you to be in the new and eternal Heart of God, surrendering the old human, the old being, so that it may be transformed into a unity with Christ and in Christ, be in God.

To receive this infinite Mercy, which descends upon the world before the time of Justice, My children, pray and cry out to the Father for Mercy, serve and bring mercy into your acts, forgive the mistakes of your fellow beings, those of your hearts and those that have been committed in the past, so that this world may be worthy of receiving Mercy.

Everything is available to the hearts of humans.

Graces do not cease to descend upon the Earth, Mercy springs from the Heart of God.

Know how to see, know how to cry out, know how to receive and know how to give mercy. Thus all things will be fulfilled according to the Purposes of God, and the world will reach a greater time of peace.

I bless you and thank you for praying with Me, so that this world receives Mercy.

Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace

Special Apparitions
Special Apparition of the Virgin Mary, in Geneva, Switzerland, to the visionary Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón de Jesús

When the world understands that we are one, humanity will be saved and there will no longer be suffering or desperation in the hearts.

When humanity understands that we are one, joy will return to the hearts and hope will make souls be reborn.

When humanity understands that we are one, a new humanity will be born and it will not be necessary to live in the past anymore, but rather to look always to the future, to what is more reachable, immediate, to what is available for all souls and that comes from the Kingdom of God.

When humanity understands that we are one, it will no longer be necessary to hold back the mysteries of the Universe, because all will be revealed and divine knowledge will be there for everyone. Human science will someday understand that God, Our Father, is the great Administrator of Creation and of Life; and that we all come from Him and that someday we must return to Him to carry out the synthesis of this experience and thus recreate Creation.

That is why I come to Geneva, seeking to unite all Christians under the Most Pure Spirit of My Son, in which everything will be realized, in which everything will be able to be carried forward, following the steps of the Light of the Lord.

In this way, I come to stabilize all that moves against the evolution of God. Through divine neutrality, I come to bring peace to the hearts that need it and I come to awaken the souls that must open their eyes to the Truth of God.

Through Peace I come to grant these Graces to the world, knowing that for God nothing is impossible and this is an example of what happens today; nothing is impossible for God when He wishes it with the ardor of His Heart.

The spirituality that the world does not live consciously, which is grand and infinite, is very simple and humble. So simple and humble that the ever Virgin Mary, Mother of God, comes to meet you to testify and to confirm the importance of this ecumenical union among the servers of Christ. Because by establishing this ecumenical union, doors all over the world will open that it had not been foreseen would open; doors through which many Graces will be poured and many atonements will be granted to places in the world that were meant to disappear. 

Thus, My children, when the first step towards the Call of God is taken, many more things may happen than those which were foreseen.

When the response is real, full of love and simplicity, God can continue working in the hearts and bring more Mercy to the world.

That is why I am here, My children, in Geneva, standing by for that great moment, which anticipates the coming of Christ in a surprising way, never seen before by this humanity.

In the meantime, My children, follow the path that I am indicating to you. Continue building in yourselves this ecumenical spirit that I need to move forward with the Plans of Peace of My Beloved Son.

I need you on this path and on this realization, knowing that it is important and immediate to respond to the needs of humanity, so that more hearts may be healed and redeemed.

I encourage you to live this spirit of Christian ecumenism that will unite races and peoples even further, that will defeat the projects of My enemy and that will cause the Sacred Heart of Jesus to triumph in all souls.

Thus the importance of this moment, My children, because while the Mother of God is present here with you and with the world, with each devoted and believing heart, the omnipresence of the Mother of God can destroy the great currents of evil that pervert souls and remove them from the path of Love of My Son.

Therefore, if I am here, why should you fear?

I am here and I am your Mother, and whoever is near the Mother of God has no reason to fear evil, because evil does not exist, evil is created by the indifference and the ignorance of humankind.

The Love of God does exist; it neutralizes everything, it harmonizes everything and brings peace to hearts.

Hold on to the Love of God and your lives will triumph in the conversion, not only because of daily prayer, but also because of the Sacraments that My Son offers to you, which should be valued and contemplated as true jewels of the Spiritual Universe.

So, My children, I invite you into the spirit of ecumenism, because the world needs it in order to figure out and perceive where this current humanity stands and how distant the path that it treads is from God.

I invite you to make all the necessary effort, because this will help the Plan of God and will, in your hearts, constitute a real purpose that will cause you to walk on the Pathway of Christ and will give you the impulse to inner transformation.

Following these steps, responding to My requests, everything will have been said.

While I am here, I am with the people of Switzerland, from the North to the South and from the East to the West, sowing the cross of victory of Christ at the highest point of the Alps. So that all spirits, all consciousnesses and all hearts may recognize, through the Redeeming Cross of Our Lord, the Advent of Christ in His second glorious Return to the world.

Continue praying for peace and peace will be granted to the world for some more time, and the great representatives of this humanity will make correct decisions, that will be in accordance to the Will of God and especially with the need of the most humble and poor peoples.

As Lady of all nations, I come to call you to solidarity and to the good, because in this way, hearts will also be healed and the most solitary souls of this world will find once more the hope they need to be able to see Christ again.

I am leaving here with a stage completed by all who have responded to My Call. Because the amount does not matter, but rather the truth, which brings hearts here who hear the inner call of the Mother of God; this will build the Plan of God in souls and will bring Light to all the essences of the world.

With so little I can do much, because in the little is the simple, that which is humble and sincere.

Thank you, Divine Mother, for all that you give us!

And I give you the Light of My Hope.

In the Name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

I thank you for this important moment because later you will see. Amen.


Within the Mysteries of Light, souls find the inner strength they need in order to learn how to overcome this time within themselves.

But what does the Baptism of Jesus in the River Jordan mean to you? And the first miracle granted at the wedding in Cana?

What does the proclaiming of the Good News through the announcement of the Gospel mean to you? And the luminous Transfiguration of Jesus on Mount Tabor?

What does the Last Supper of Jesus with His apostles mean to you?

In all events we not only see the Light of Christ acting, working and transforming all things, but we also see the Light of God manifested by means of His beloved Son.

The Mysteries of Light are the revelation of the Divine Source by means of the public life of Christ. In such deeds we see the Divine Knowledge act through the Sacred Word.

The Word again demonstrates to earthly humankind that It is the beginning, for in the beginning was the Word, and from the Word, life arose.

By means of the Mysteries of Light, we shall find the Light of knowledge that will lead us into making our whole being sacred, as well as our whole existence.

I thank you for responding to My call!

Who blesses you,

Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace



Through the Mysteries of Glory, the soul meets the true testimony of the accomplishment of the Divine Plan in humanity by means of the Sacred Hearts of Jesus, Mary and Saint Joseph.

But, what does the Resurrection of Jesus on the third day represent to you? And the Glorious Ascension of the Lord?

What does the Descent of the Holy Spirit represent to you? And what does the Ascension of Mary to Heaven mean to you?

And the moment of the coronation of the Servant of God?

In all these moments there are important internal and spiritual resources for any soul willing to reach inner perfection, a path full of challenges and tests, but truly filled with the Love of the Creator.

Each passage of the Mysteries of Glory represents a key to access the realization of the Divine Will and to transform the human will into a will fused in God.

The Mysteries of Glory reveal the presence of the Love of God for all creation, especially for His creatures.

I thank you for responding to My call!

Who blesses you

Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace


Through the meditation of the Sorrowful Mysteries, what does the agony of Jesus in the Garden mean to you? What does the flagellation of Jesus mean to you?

What does the sorrowful crowning of thorns mean to you?

What do the three falls of Jesus with the Cross mean to you?

What is the value of the crucifixion and death of Christ to you? And the moment in which the spear thrust His side and poured out Water and Blood?

Have you understood the greatness of these merits?

In some part of your being and of your consciousness, all these facts and true experiences of Christ may be resonating.

Why should they resonate?

Because in communion with these mysteries, you will be in perfect communion with Christ, and you will allow all the merits of the Redeemer to replace, in your consciousness, all that must someday be transformed.

Therefore, live the Sorrowful Mysteries as a triumph, at each step, and experience surrendered by Christ.

Live each Sorrowful Mystery as the deepest demonstration of the Love of God that forgives all and can do all.

This is the essence of the experience of Love of My Son: to leave His legacy to the world so that humanity may avail itself of this legacy.

I thank you for responding to My call!

Who blesses you,

Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace

Monthly Messages

How to receive Mercy

My Children,

I come to the world at this time to teach you not only how to cry out for Mercy, but how to generate merits so that you are worthy of the celestial atonement that Divine Mercy brings to your lives and to the world.

I come to warn you of the reality of the planet, which agonizes before the indifferent eyes of most human beings on Earth.

I come to remove you from ignorance because human ignorance and indifference have no nation, no religion and no culture.

Ignorance and indifference are in the human consciousness as deep roots, which have been growing and gaining space throughout your development as humanity.

And today, these roots are fed by the modernities, commodities and facilities that this world offers you, through things that are created at the expense of humanity and the Kingdoms, and by the outrage of the Earth.

Therefore, My children, I arrive at this time to cut these roots, to lead you to a new life, to show you an option that the world does not show you because darkness has taken over the daily life of many human beings.

In order to awaken within your hearts the love that leads you to Truth, I call you to service and to charity, I call you to prayer.

Only the heart that begins to serve can understand what I tell you, and if you do not try for yourselves, you will never drink from the Source of Wisdom, which is born from experience and not from words.

My Words are divine impulses, they are like the Light that brightens a dark room so that you may find the door out of the prison of these times. Therefore, My children, listen today to My call, My Voice that is pronounced by a Divine Will, superior to all things and that transcends human understanding.

Listen to My Voice and follow it.

This world is blind, and your Heavenly Mother comes at the request of God, to bring the Light so that you can again see and bring life to those who died and did not realize it because, day by day, they fall into the abysses of ignorance and indifference.

I come to a Nation that is full of knowledge, filled with sciences and philosophies, with an aspiration to transform, but today I tell you, My children, that not only your own lives should be cared for. This world as a whole is your home, and every being that dwells within it, all the Kingdoms of Nature, are your brothers and sisters and sacred creatures of your Celestial Father.

Today I call you to leave aside the sciences and philosophies, and all the knowledge that fills your minds in these times so that you receive from God the Divine Knowledge, Understanding and Wisdom.

And I tell you that there is no other way to receive what the Father offers you if you do not cross the door of humility and, on your knees and in prayer, cry out for Mercy.

It is not the riches of the world that will fill your souls, but the fullness of knowing that you have done everything so that all your brothers and sisters can have an opportunity to feel and experience love and true joy, and the fullness of knowing that you have fulfilled your part to reach the Father, before His Celestial Altar, with a clean and peaceful heart.

Listen, My children, the warnings of your Celestial Mother. Serve, pray and cry out for Mercy.

Go to those who need the most, and let charity work in your hearts, transforming your human condition, cutting the deepest roots of ignorance and indifference. Thus, you will know and understand what I tell you.

I thank you for listening to My words, and for opening yourselves from the heart to the divine impulses that I bring you today.

Who blesses you and loves you,

Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace and Virgin of Schoenstat


Equality among Peoples – Part II

And a New Humanity and a new planet will be built, from the moment in which human beings fraternally share everything they possess and distribute everything they have in perfect harmony, unity and equality.

This will create the condition for the current race to build, within the beings, the New redeemed Humanity

All who manage to accompany this movement and all who carry out this goal will deserve more Mercy and forgiveness, because they will be stepping out of themselves, of all that is petty and mediocre, to begin to live a new state of consciousness.

Thus, there will no longer be the poorest among the poor, but rather a true civilization that will manage to approach the living of the Attributes of God and the manifestation of His Divine Plan.

In this sense, all those who promote in the world balance and equality among peoples will be deactivating the occult groups who instigate and promote, in a perverted way, imbalance and inequality.

The moment will come in which none of these consciousnesses will be able to go ahead by their own means, due to the immense darkness that will absorb them; for this reason, they will seek help, consolation and much aid.

Thus, those who are sovereignly working for equality among peoples will be conceding, without perceiving it, an extraordinary Grace for these souls, and they will receive, although they do not deserve it, the Mercy of God.

At this moment, and in this hour, the Mother of Heaven will intercede and all these souls, lost due to abuse of power and pleasures, will be converted by the imperious Love of the Heart of the Father.

A Divine Ray of Justice will disarm all the world system and everything will change overnight.

Thus, I come to Switzerland to ask for the restorative Communion of the first five Saturdays, so that here, and in the world, many more souls that are lost may receive the spiritual help needed to repent from their errors, and to ask for Mercy and forgiveness.

In the meanwhile, I wish to establish in Switzerland the true devotion for My Maternal and Immaculate Heart so that someday, and from here arises the imperious necessity of definitely abandoning the superficial life and the pleasures that make the souls of people die for not having God.

I need those who decide to accompany Me in this purpose to establish groups of prayer in Switzerland, in order to generate a potent column of redemption and of Light that will spiritually communicate you with Me.

I hope this request will be fulfilled, so that the ever Virgin Mary, Mother of All Peoples and Virgin of Schoenstatt, can intercede to establish the living Love of the Source in the hearts that are hardened and empty of God. 

I thank you, from now, for your cordial and loving response.

After the groups of prayer in Switzerland are created I will say, in a short time, a new request.

I thank you for listening to Me with attention!

Who blesses you always,

Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace and Virgin of Schoenstatt

Apparition of the Virgin Mary, in the City of Zürich, Switzerland, to the visionary Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón de Jesús

Today I can say that My Call has been heard and that you will promote it with faith.

This is the important thing that I have come to tell you today, in the company of My little Son.

I am the Virgin of Schoenstatt, I am the admired and victorious Mother through the love of My children and the prayer of the faithful to My Immaculate Heart.

Today I come to pour out an important atonement on the plane of the spirit for Switzerland, and consequently, for all of Europe.

Today, an indelible mark, which used to be indelible, dissolves in My Presence. A mark of the suffering, the abandonment, the lack of morality and especially, a lack of love.

My mission in Switzerland has been accomplished and for this we must celebrate. Because I hope someday to be here with you again, in these high mountains of the Alps to contemplate together with each one of My children the descent of Divine Will, through the experience of the groups of prayer and the unconditional service to those who most suffer.

Today I come as the presence of a Mother who comprehends and understands, of a Mother who seeks to bring the good to Her children beyond what they may understand or not of Heaven.

That is why I bring you the gentleness of My Words, the sweetness of My Message, and the deep Love of My Heart; so that you may avail yourselves of it and continue transforming your lives, knowing that My passage through Switzerland is not in vain, that in all the days that will come you must remember My Message. And someday, My children, in your practice of prayer, you can be My living Message in the world, testifying to humanity the Presence of the Son of God in your hearts through the restorative communion, which will console My Immaculate Heart each time that you live that inner communion.

That is why today the Little King of the Universe will consecrate you, not only as children of the Mother of the Living God, but He will also have you commune with His Spirit and His Divinity, so that you may take on this mission that I have enthusiastically asked of you, with that same enthusiasm that has led you to disseminate My Call here in Switzerland, and will lead you to open the doors to understand and accept human suffering, especially a spiritual suffering that eyes cannot see. A spiritual suffering that resides in the heart of the Swiss, a suffering so similar to the suffering of My children of Africa.

I have not come, My children, to make comparisons, but rather to share the inner reality of humanity.

My Son, who today is in my arms, brings you His Spirit of renewal so that Switzerland not only be renewed, but also converted to the Light of My Immaculate Heart; a Light that comes to touch the very depths of your souls, the most intimate of your essences; a Light that will redeem you and heal you; a Light that will take you to peace.

Let those who today will be consecrated to My Heart come here.

And, at the feet of the Virgin of Schoenstatt, My children, and before the presence of the little Child Jesus, make your offering to the Mother of God and to the King of the Most High, so that much more may be restored, so that much more may be converted. So that you may receive from My Heart the Eternal Grace that will lead you into peace and to the experiencing of love.

Free your hearts of all anguish, free your hearts from agitation and any distrust. I love you, I understand you, and I also live you, that is why I have called you to My Feet to release the knots of suffering.

The always Virgin of Schoenstatt, the victorious and admirable Mother, brings you the consolation of Heaven and of the Universe, the dissolution of sadness so that your hearts may be rekindled in faith and in the hope of knowing that God will touch your lives with His Holy Hand.

And also God, who is merciful and kind with all of His children, will support you, guide you, and take you through the path of His Eternal Purpose.

Today I will not only bless you with the water, because My Son will also bless you. My Son will also bless you with  the communion, with His Body and His Blood, so that Switzerland may begin to live the restoration to My Maternal and Immaculate Heart. Bring me water and communion here to bless.

Place your hands in the sign of receptivity.

Kind is the Power of your Mother from Heaven. Invincible is the Love of Her Kingdom. Sweet is the Peace that She pours out, and comforting is the Love that She gives you, to dissolve the deepest wounds in the souls, to bring to your hearts the Light of the Kingdom of God, which will sanctify you, which will sublimate you, which will consecrate you as soldiers and My children.

Therefore, before the Presence of the Child Jesus, King and Sovereign of the Universe, may the Fire of the Holy Spirit descend over this water so that the Gifts of the Celestial Father, a powerful and unquenchable Source that will carry souls to Redemption and to the pure Love of His Heart, be scattered throughout Switzerland.

Here is the Body and Blood of the Living God; the God of Love, of Kindness, and of Mercy, Who died for you on the Cross to make Himself the smallest among the small, to rescue the miserable among the most miserable.

Behold the Redeemer and the Savior, the one who gives you His Mercy and His Peace, so that the good may triumph and evil be defeated forever. Amen.

Children reach Heaven before adults, because their purity touches the Heart of God. Be like children and God, Who is pure in Mercy, will always embrace you.

Uplifting your hearts to the Kingdom of God, we will sing the Hymn of the Consecration of the Children of Mary, in Spanish.

I thank you for responding to My Call and I await you in Geneva, to take My Heart to the world even more.

Thank you.

In the Name of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit. Amen.


Who are we?

Association Mary
Founded in December of 2012, at the request of the Virgin Mary, Association Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception, is a religious association without ties to any institutionalized religion. It has a philosophical-spiritual, ecumenical, humanitarian, charitable, cultural character, and it supports all activities that are indicated through the instructions transmitted by Christ Jesus, the Virgin Mary, and Saint Joseph. Read more
