Special Apparitions
Special Apparition of the Virgin Mary in the Marian Center of Aurora, Paysandú, Uruguay, to the visionary Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón de Jesús

I carry a request of God in My Hands; this is part of His most ardent wish.

I have come on this day not only to celebrate with you, but to commune of the love of My children.

In My Hands, I carry a parchment of Light, which has on it the handwriting of God, a request that will be revealed to the world today, so that souls may benefit of the time they have left in order to fulfill the Will of God and thus avoid a great many events.

As of the prayer of the nations of the world, this request of God has materialized, and He has especially prepared it for this day. So, as His faithful Messenger, I bring you this announcement that is part of the Word of God, of His Divine Thought and of His eternal and most pure Heart.

In this parchment, nothing new exists, but rather a wish of God that arose since the beginning, which has been interfered with many times so that it could not concretize on this planet or in this Universe.

But now that My children have entered the university of prayer and have understood My Message, I can ask you again, My children, for what God so much wishes with the ardor of His Heart, deeply aspiring to move His children away from suffering and from chaos and bring them toward His eternal and peaceful Heart.

On this parchment of light is found the Original Plan of God, a part of one of His greatest acts of Will, which was thought of and meditated upon in the Spiritual Universe before Creation existed.

Now, My children, perceive that you are facing a single Principle, which originated Life, which originated the Universe and everything that exists in it; this is the Plan that must be fulfilled no matter the cost, and your consistency and adherence is being very special for God, first taking care of the smallest details of daily activity, up to the greatest details of Creation and of this Plan that are safeguarded by His Divine Spirit.

Everything is part of the Plan of Creation, of an original and immaculate Cosmic Plan, which was thought of by the One Mind and revealed to His Archangels and Angels in Gifts, Virtues, and Talents, to be carried forward in all the Universes, especially in the mental and material Universe.

Now that you are before the Principle that originated you before you existed as consciousnesses and essences, I invite you, My children, on this special eighth of August, to deeply revere the legacy of God, to revere the Father Who loves you and Who has conceived you for a special purpose, for a divine goal, and a sacred mission that has not yet been accomplished.

We are in the transition toward that event; that is why humanity must purify itself so as to more deeply know the Plan of God, lose from their memories the code of evil and all the experiences of suffering that in some way or another have occurred in the Universe and on the planet.

That single and original Principle, which your Heavenly Mother carries in Her hands today, comes to erase a memory that has not been possible to erase because of so many sufferings caused by and originating in humanity.

So remember, My children, your Universal origin.

Remember, My children, the Source from which you have emerged; allow your essences to reacquire the filiation with the Creator and you may be participants in this Plan that is being re-written in humanity in this end time.

On this parchment of light is held the concretization of a race of New Christs, something that cannot be understood by the human mind, nor by the rational mind; it is necessary to feel the mystery within yourselves to be able to understand it, because in its humility, it will reveal itself.

This impulse of light that brought about the origin of all that exists comes on this eighth of August to aid this humanity and the planet, and I have gathered together all the prayers that My children have said throughout the years, all the offerings, sacrifices and acts of penitence, renunciations and acts of contrition, so that God could grant this Grace to the Celestial Mother, that on this eighth of August of two thousand and eighteen, She could bring the Principle of God that originated all things toward the Earth from the Universe.

So, My children, as much as what I tell you today is abstract, withdraw into this Mystery of God that is being revealed today to the world, and in your hearts feel the grandeur of participating in the Plan of God, of being aware and of being called to fully serve it, among so many millions of souls in the world that are becoming lost at this time.

South America has been chosen for the great planetary transition, so that it may be the seedbed of a New Humanity, for having humble and simple peoples at its roots, which understood the Creation of God and took care of it at the beginning; but this will not mean that South America will not be purified, as will all of the planet in due time.

The adherence of souls to the Plan of God will allow the avoidance of many events that were already written, and that adherence has been felt by the Creator on part of His children.

Now it is time to continue concretizing that aspiration of God; for this purpose and that spiritual reason, today your Heavenly Mother brings you the Principle that originated Creation, that powerful current of creative light, that powerful current of manifesting light, so that this impulse may serve souls and motivate them to continue onward until the end of the end of times, no matter what the cost and whatever it may mean.

But if your adherence were to continue onward as up till now, My Presence in the world will last some more time.

It is in your hands, My children of the world, this great decision: that also the Sacred Centers can welcome those who will awaken in the end of times, and receive into their nuclei of love those who will take refuge from the chaos that the planet will experience.

But do not focus your minds on what will happen, because it has not yet happened. Place your attention on what is still to be done for humanity and the planet, for in this way, the happenings will change, and many, many souls will be relieved of their suffering and their pain, in the same way that all of your own inner selves were alleviated many times from suffering.

Today the Archangel Saint Gabriel has visited Me again. Before I came here to meet you, My children, he was the messenger sent to give Me the Principle that originated Creation.

In these moments, all the Universe is attentive to the response of the inner worlds, because what is most important is to be within the conception of the Plan of God and step away from the chaos of these times that reigns in humanity.

As much as the planet, at this time, is experiencing its most difficult and hard test, and even though what one does does not seem enough, believe, My children, that what is invincible will occur first in all that is invisible, to then materialize in all that is visible; this is a Law that is followed from the beginning of Creation and that governs this local Universe and this race.

I encourage you in this time to be intelligent on the path of love, of transparency, and of truth; this will help you to continue to build the Plan that God thought of from the beginning, and your souls will feel a very deep gladness, your spirits will feel an unbreakable joy, as you accomplish the mission that you came to carry out in this end time, and even further, if that unity were to transcend boundaries and nations, just as your Heavenly Mother tries to do by means of the pilgrimages.

Very lost souls will awaken in an unexpected way; they will experience a process of redemption and of rehabilitation and they will become pillars of Christ on the planet, causing His redeeming Project to triumph.

I encourage you, My children, to continue to build the new times and to not focus on what happens in humanity and in the nations of the world, because evil will defeat itself without perceiving it.

My children, be constant flows of the Love of God. Be willing each day to love more what you cannot love and forgive what you still cannot forgive; continue to expand your consciousnesses through prayer and service to the Kingdoms of Nature.

Thus, at least an island of salvation will exist, a new Noah's Ark, formed by the self-summoned who will make a New Humanity re-emerge in the firmament, with the compelling assistance of the light of Aurora.

There is no time to feel intimidated, nor to fret; it is time to carry the joy to the world and the happiness of serving the Plan of God. It is time to carry to the world the message of the brotherhood and of peace, of renewal, of the relief of suffering and the healing of souls.

It is time to live redemption in fullness and of feeling redeemed by Christ. It is time to forget sin, it is time to remember the light that comes from Heaven, and which has blessed you many times to awaken your inner consecration to this blessed Plan of Love.

On this eighth of August may your inner stars re-ignite.

Place your left hand on your heart and feel the inner sun that illumines all things awaken in you. Confirm your origin, your redemption and your awakening. Spiritually sign the commitment to our Father-Mother Creator and the inner alliance with your Guardian Angels.

Conceive yourselves as ambassadors of Christ, as messengers of peace and of love, as sparks of light of the great Divine Spirit, as that inexhaustible spring of mercy that never ends and that will always triumph over all evil.

May the advent of a new race be accomplished.

May humanity be able to accomplish its purpose so that in Heaven and in all of the universe, we may celebrate this moment together with the Creator.

May the powerful and invincible Cross of Emmanuel guide you and move you away from all error, from all suffering, and from all disturbance.

Re-ignite in yourselves that filiation with the Heights and thus renew the commitment of moving forward with a small part of the Plan within this great vast Universe that calls you for an awakening.

Today I want your souls to sign this parchment, this commitment of renewal with the Plan, because there will still be much to be done, there will still be much to assist in and rescue on this planet and in this humanity.

Now that your stars have lit and the Fire of the Love of Christ has awakened, the time has come to give the blessing, not only to those present, to those who listen, and to those who feel, but also to those who will be consecrated as Children of Mary.

Let My children come here.

Blessed water.

Today in a special way, I will bless souls that are still awakening, trying to find their path toward their personal mission, just as many more children are trying to do.

What is most important, My children, is that your consecration be true, knowing that you are inwardly taking on a special union with the Plan of God, to help in its manifestation on the surface of the Earth; that is why today I will bless you in a special way, since your inner stars have ignited in the presence of the portals of the Universe and of all the Hierarchies.

May the same water that baptized Jesus in the River Jordan, today baptize you and sanctify you, so that the Holy Spirit may reveal in your lives the sacred Gifts of God, so that in you may awaken the virtues of service, of prayer, of mercy, of healing, of fraternity, and of brotherhood with the planet and its humanity. Amen.

Friar Gabriel Pio.

In the same way, today you will take these roses that today you have placed at the foot of My Altar, as the offering of My gratitude to each one of My children who is willing to live their consecration in union with My Immaculate Heart.

Today your origins are being revealed.

Today the essence of your purpose is being granted, to the innermost of your souls, and your spirits are ennobled with the presence of the Sacred Spirit of God through His faithful Servant.

Friar Elías:

At the request of Our Lady, we are going to pray with the children who are being consecrated today, a prayer of the Universal Mother, to receive in our hearts that sacred impulse that comes from God for this eighth of August.

(the prayer to the "Universal Mother" is recited) https://mensajerosdivinos.org/es/oracion/madre-universal

I consecrate you by the authority that the Father granted Me and by the intersession of the Divine Son, in the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

When you receive the rose, My children, you will place it on your chest, leaving it there a moment, so that My maternal energy may work, and in this way you will thank God for this moment and this Grace.

I bless all who have self-summoned themselves at the feet of the Universal Mother.

May this peace and this love that is born of the brave and humble hearts, serving and surrendered, expand to the four corners of the world.

In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

Let us give thanks to God for His Eternal Presence.

I thank you!


The Origin of the Sacred Feminine Source

Beloved children,

Who in these last eleven years spoke and shared with you the Love of God, comes from a peculiar Source that was created by the Ultraterrestrial Universe before the Material Universe existed.

In that Source, the Divine Essence, of Who later would be Mary, the Mother of Jesus, was gestated, conditioned and lovingly prepared to carry forward the great mission in the humanity.

This Ultraterrestrial Source of the Spiritual Universe, was characterized by its highest level of purity, of love and for its immaculate essence.

The Father, after the fall of the Project of His first children, Adam and Eve, He thought to create a way and a sufficiently pure, immaculate and humble Consciousness, which with Her invincible Love could embrace all human error and convert it through forgiveness and the sublime Maternity.

It was thus that the Creator Fathers, the Archangels, received the request of God and, in the elevated Celestial Universes, each Archangel began to contribute with the best of Themselves, so that the Feminine Essence, which would emerge from the Creative Source, would come to Earth to begin as soul and divinity with Her special mission.

The Sacred Source of the Feminine Energy was translucent by means of the Principle of Maternity.

In past times, the Eternal Father thought that it was necessary that His children  have a Mother capable to receive them, understand them, help them and guide them on the right path of good and of peace.

Thus, from two human beings, from Anne and Joachim, the Consciousness of Mary was born, the One who from a young age would carry forward the mission of gestating in Her Most Pure and Immaculate Womb the Child Jesus, the Redeemer.

A special universal conjuncture, cosmic and spiritual, happened during the gestation of Mary, as during the gestation of Jesus.

The Archangels achieved to manifest, and attract to the Material Universe, creator currents of energy which contained high voltages of Love-Wisdom, as of essential and virginal purity.

At that time, the Idea of God was fulfilled and again, by the Presence of the Mother of God and of the Divine Son, evil was defeated, just as the fallen angel was once defeated by the Archangel Michael in the Universe.

The existence of the Consciousness of Mary, a simple mother of Nazareth, was the result of a divine and angelic experience that overcame all times.

The Eternal Father, through Mary, has shown us His Consoler Love, taught us how great is His Mercy and how infinite is His Forgiveness for His lost children.

God has taught us, through Mary, the universality of His Love and the presence of His Paternal Heart at all times.

From this special Divine Conception comes Mary, the Mother of Christ and Mother of everybody.

She is the unconditional and eternal advocate between humankind and God.

She is who waits in the silence and who prays for Her children in the stillness of Her Immaculate Heart.

She is the one that comes to the help of those who sincerely repent and She reaches to all the poor and humble of heart.

Mary is the Mother who consoles all, who repairs all and who heals all.

Her Heart suffers when Her children are separated from the Truth and submerge themselves into the lie.

She is the Mother who will never say "no", who will always say "yes" to whoever calls Her.

God gave us a Mother that we many times offend, hurt and omit with our indifference and ignorance.

She is the patient Mother who always expects us to reach beyond appearances, that we can feel the heart of the brethren who searches for peace and comprehension.

Mary teaches us how to truly love so that, in Christ, we may walk towards the goal of being in God, forever.

I thank you for responding to My call!

Who blesses you,

Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace Rose and Mother of the Divine Conception of the Trinity


My Beloved ones,

I am here again with all of My precious children to keep celebrating, inside and outside of the heart of My faithful children, the advent of Christ, the advent of the New Humanity. 

Today My Heart of Mother is nestled inside of the heart of the faithful, of the devotees, of the unconditional, those who say YES to My Immaculate Heart and to the powerful call of the Son of God for these times.

In them I find consolation and relief for My Universal Consciousness, which, although it comes from the Creative Source, still feels pain for what it sees in this world and above all for the infinite ignorance and indifference that humanity suffers from in this planetary time.

I am asking the Eternal Father, with humility, as Mother of everybody, that in His Infinite Mercy He allow Me to be together with you for the longest possible time, because I see that many imperiously need My maternal instructions.

However that, I have total trust in that everything that has been delivered by Us, the Divine Messengers, has found inside of the consciousness of each one, a space to sprout, grow, give fruits and also flowers, seeds that can be sown in other souls. 

In this new anniversary I want to thank My beloved Aurora, to its Kingdom of Healing and of Redemption for having been the home, here on the planet, that in this cycle has opened its doors and its heart to receive the Universal Mother, the Mother of God, the Co-Redeemer of the Savior.

As never before a Kingdom of Love donated itself without conditions to the Greater Will, placing the Plan of Love, almost unknown, in first place, with full humility, love and confidence.

To this, My House on the planet, I give today the teraphim of My Immaculate Heart, so that it may always be available for the souls.

This Immaculate Heart will radiate Healing and Redemption, Divine Forgiveness, Liberation and Rehabilitation to all the souls that come here seeking a new opportunity for their lives.

Here, this Heart, united to the powerful Light of the Archangel Michael, will liberate from the oppression to all the spirits that come, with sincerity and humility, seeking to be pure, free, seeking to be healed of the diseases of the soul, those which sicken the minds and the bodies.

Here, the Mother of God will leave open forever the healing of the soul and of the spirit, the possibility for the beings to be washed and purified by the Codes that Christ reached when He shed His Blood on the Cross.

Every consciousness that enters in this place with reverence and humility, recognizing that it walks in a sacred ground, a space in which the Redeemer placed His Feet again on this planet, after two thousand years, will receive from the Universe what it needs to go forward, to serve the Son of God in the preparation of His path of Return to the world.

Here will be forged the Warriors of Mercy.

Here the valiant souls will receive their instruments, those that they will play together in the great symphony of the planetary rescue in the end of times. 

Here the Warriors of Peace will wait for the great signals from Heaven that will announce the great coming of the Son of God.

Here will be the place where the Warriors of Light will illuminate, with the Sun of their interior, the path for the souls that should come to find the lost way.

Here, in the Aurora of My Heart, will rise the spiritual columns that will sustain the fallen ones, those who will find God for the first time and, as a celestial miracle, will place their souls on the ground to offer them to the Redeemer when He returns.

This Aurora of My Heart, which with so much humility and rejoicing always waits for Me, will be the school of those who, through its essence and instruction, will govern the Promised Land, when, after the Great Transformation, the New Humanity arises in the dawn of a New Era.

To you, My Beloved Aurora, Hail!

Hail your pure and humble heart, My Love grows in your presence!

I love and bless you,

Your Mother Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception of the Trinity and Universal Mother


My child,

Elevate your heart to your Father and Creator, Who, from Heaven, emits His Silence to the world, observing the inner steps that His creatures decide to give in these times.

Contemplate the infinite Universe of God and, for a moment, let your thought return to its Origin, to the Creator Source from which all things come.

Contemplate with your heart the Infinite, which not only becomes visible in a starry night, but also in the depths of your inner world, where the Cosmos becomes small and life is mirrored because God mirrors Himself within you.

Today let your consciousness take one step further towards the Infinite, as towards the truth that is kept within your own being.

This is a definitive cycle for humanity, as for all life, and no creature, neither in Heaven nor on Earth, will be free from its spiritual and evolutionary definition.

The very Laws and currents that come from the Heart of God, preceding His Justice, will correct the paths and give impulse to the beings toward a definitive decision, because the moment has come for there to be only one boat, and all the self-summoned within it.

The definition of the spirit, of the consciousness and of the heart is spiritual, but it also manifests in the physical life of every being, in their actions, in their decisions, in their thoughts.

Each being, My child, will be defined according to what they have built within themselves.

If you have built a path of effort and constant surrender, albeit imperfect, the Laws and Rays that come from God will help you to establish your feet and your heart in the path of your surrender without hesitatation.

But if your heart sowed uncertainty, and again and again you preferred to surrender to temptations rather than to overcome them, then, My child, the Law and the Rays of God will put you definitively in the place that you chose to be by your free will, expressed in your actions, in your thoughts and within your heart.

The most intimate space of your heart will come to light and you will be transparent not only before God but also before humanity, because the cycle of definition precedes the cycle of revelation and, after souls have been defined, everything will be revealed to them.

I know that many will cry late for their ignorance, and they will cry out for Mercy only in the time of Justice, because pride had blinded their eyes to the Grace of God.

But today, I come to your encounter to teach you to elevate your heart toward the Heights and place your consciousness in the Divine Purpose so that the definitions of your brothers and sisters do not frighten you, nor the cry of those who will later repent. 

My Heart does not come to the world to judge souls, but to warn them, to deliver them all that they need to overcome the obstacles particular to these times.

I come for the self-summoned and I come for each of My children, for all who know how to hear Me.

My Voice does not pronounce to a few.

My Voice echoes throughout the world for everyone, because it represents the Grace of God that descends to the world for all His children.

Therefore, My child, listen to the voice of your Heavenly Mother in your heart and seek God. Choose the definition that places your spirit in the search for salvation.

Look very deep within your interior and be sincere with yourself; let your thoughts and heart reach the Celestial Spheres and understand that a greater Plan is drawn through your life and life in this world.

Render the superficialities to which you incline your heart and ask the Father with a clamor for the Grace of definitive awakening; because the awakening is gradual, and every step of your heart reveals a new awakening that becomes necessary, until you return with everything that you are, to the Heart of God.

Do not fear these times, do not fear loneliness, do not fear for your companions on the path, do not fear the darkness of the world, but be, My child, a light within that darkness.

Keep your heart in God, keep in you the love of His Purpose, and in the future you may be an assistance to those who today you see are lost in this world.

These are times of definition, times of surrender, and I know that you have already heard this throughout your spiritual walk. But now, My child, you will see before you the fulfillment of the Prophecies, which not only spoke about the end of the old humanity, but also, and above all; about the revelation of a new humankind, a new life, a New Earth.

Place your heart in this Purpose; make of yourself a seed of the new; a beginning of the new in this cycle that ends.

I leave you My blessing and My peace.

Thank you, My child, for listening to My call of peace!

Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace and Mother of the Divine Conception of the Trinity


Dear children:

The path of Love is performed from the moment in which the heart is inclined to take the first step.

The path of Love transforms lives, unifies beings and transcends errors.

To experience the path of Love, you must first recognize yourselves as loved creatures by God and so allow Love, which comes from the Source, to intervene and to transform you.

To be loving is to not be indifferent and to be within yourself.

To be loving is to think about others and to share the pain of your fellow being in some circumstance.

Love brings wisdom, because love does not take possession of anything.

Love as a path is learned by loving, building and principally accepting life and its greatest events.

In love, Truth is perceived and lies are dissolved.

The true path of Love is liberating and at the same time consoling and sublime.

Love leads to understanding and makes introspection easy in the daily needs.

I thank you for responding to My call!

Who blesses you,

Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace


Let the Divine Mercy do its work and act through you.

Convert yourself into a flame of the great Source of the Spirit and be light for the times of darkness.

Convert your soul into a consecrated temple for the sincere prayer and for the constant faith.

Let each moment of prayer be a ceremony offered lovingly to the Creator, Father of Heaven and Earth.

May each moment of offering, in union with the most High, be an opportunity to confirm your soul to the Kingdom of God.

Keep in your heart the great experience of Mercy and shelter it within your being as a spiritual treasure that you can always find within you, each time you need it.

Therefore, live in the Mercy for all the miserable ones so that you can be the bridge and an instrument of light that serves as help for those who still do not know the marvels of the Mercy of God.

I thank you for responding to My calll!

Who blesses you,

Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace


To those who have already awakened - Part 2

To those who have already awakened, it is up to you to sustain the flame of faith for those who do not succeed on their own.

To those who have already awakened, it is up to you to confirm yourselves before the Hierarchy every day, so that the impulse of constant renewal may never be lost.

To those who have already awakened, it is up to you to respond immediately, knowing that each lovingly offered assistance builds and manifests the Plan.

To those who have already awakened, it is up to you to be humble and to empty yourselves a little more each day, so that the fire of service may separate you from convenience and indifference.

To those who have already awakened, it is up to you to always say yes, so that all that is in the Heights may descend completely upon the world, without obstacles or interferences.

To those who have already awakened, it is up to you to be wardens and guardians of all manifestations, that is, of the Marian Centers and of the Light-Communities, because this will allow the Hierarchy to always be present, since this attitude of care and maintenance of the manifestation will be the reflection of what there is in each inner being.

To those who have already awakened, it is not for you to complain or judge. It is understood that those who have already awakened are considered souls in service and possible Christs of the new time.

To those who have already awakened, it is not up to you to lower your aim, but on the contrary, to maintain the aspiration on the Heights so that the treasures of the Father may continue descending upon humanity.

To those who have already awakened, it is up to you to be patient, kind and persevering, and in everything to place the Love taught by Christ.

To those who have already awakened, it is not up to you to omit, lie or influence. A being who has already awakened to the Hierarchy works daily on their inner transparency and their constant purity.

To those who have already awakened, it is up to you to be faithful to the Hierarchy and to eradicate any betrayal. This will help the treasures of the Hierarchy to be in good hands.

To those who have already awakened, God alone is enough and nothing else, for in God you will find all that you need and thus you will be free of self, totally donated and confident that all is in the Hands of God, a sincere expression of His Divine Will.

I thank you for responding to My call!

Who blesses you,

Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace


To those who have already awakened - Part 1

To those who have already awakened corresponds, within the Plan, the greater commitment, solidarity, cooperation, and the effort to always do the best.

To those who have already awakened corresponds, giving greater support to those who do not support themselves; it is up to you to do the impossible so that each stage of the Plan may be fulfilled.

To those who have already awakened corresponds, to unite and fraternize more with fellow beings; you are responsible for making a greater sacrifice for those who do not truly do so, to be able to compensate for the inequality that exists between what has been received from the Universe as a treasure and those who do not surrender sincerely to God and create conflicts.

To those who have already awakened corresponds, to always keep in mind that you are serving God and not someone in particular; that the Work is not personified in any consciousness, sympathizer, or leader, because the Work is of the Hierarchy and not of humanity.

To those who have already awakened corresponds, being conscious that everything you do, think, or express will influence in favor or against the Plan, depending on the pure or impure intention that is placed upon it.

To those who have already awakened corresponds, to safeguard, shelter, and protect those who have just awakened and yes want to live the change. They must be protected from those who have become crystalized in time and space with their forms, ideals, and projects which are not merged to the Will of the Hierarchy.

That protection of those who have just awakened will allow the renovation, in a permanent way, of the Work of the Hierarchy.

To those who have already awakened corresponds, to know that everything that is done or said, be it evolutionary or negative, will influence in favor or against the Projects of the Divinity, and that it will help or hinder the realization of the Purpose.

This attitude, in one way or another, will weigh positively or negatively in the consciousness of who emits it. Therefore, to those who have already awakened corresponds, as a discipline, to never forget that you are in a place that does not belong to you, that it was granted by Grace and Mercy, and that this place, task, or mission cannot be in vain, but rather must receive the value and the respect with the love and the reverence that the Hierarchy deserves.

To those who have already awakened will correspond, remembering that everything that happens in this cycle will be registered in the Universe and that one day everything will be evaluated by Divine Justice.

To those who have already awakened corresponds; having more humility, resignation and much gratitude, thus the Work will remain alive in time.

I thank you for responding to My Call!

Who blesses you,

Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace


Perceive, My child, the time of purification, and together with Me contemplate the unfolding of the recent events.

Perceive, together with Me, how everything is purified inside and out of beings, and how immediate prayer is, which helps to balance all the situations in life.

Perceive, together with Me, how everything happens, and how important a union of souls with God is, so that creatures may have a place to hold on to when everything happens.

Perceive, together with me, the Silence of God toward His children and the invisible help of the higher levels for the current humanity.

Perceive, My child, together with Me, how everything is about to happen and how important the change and maturity of the consciousness is.

Perceive, together with Me, the moment for giving all for the Plan and for the redemption of humanity.

I thank you for responding to My call!

Who blesses you,

Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace


My Children,

On the eve of the next meetings with My Son, your Heavenly Mother prepares for His arrival at the Marian Center of Aurora so that, in this month of August, we may remember all the divine impulses that, through the humble Aurora, were granted to humanity.

I would like every prayer being to know the importance of staying united with what is High during these days so that the spiritual impulses that the sacred Universe will give you may be recognized within each being, and thus the fulfillment of the divine stages of the Plan may continue on.

Aurora, with the silent strength of its power, will embrace with its fire all who come, and as part of the spiritual mission of Aurora, it will give the last impulses that will define consciousnesses so that they be able to follow the path of Grace or the path of Justice.

The attention and care of every child of Mine who comes to Aurora will show the Sacred Kingdom of Love the possibility for its universal and cosmic intervention, as from the coming 8th of August, in which an important cycle will be defined forever.

I thank you for responding to My call!

Who blesses you,

Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace


At the doorway of the Kingdom of Aurora, your Heavenly Mother prepares the great stream of spiritual impulses that will be given during the first days of August.

The Kingdom of Aurora will be lit again as a Mirror so that humanity may receive from the Universe the spiritual help it will need for defining the next steps of the race.

Aurora, as a Center of healing and redemption, will offer to consciousnesses this gift of being able to abandon the past and be able to enter the inner schools of redemption so that someday they may experience rehabilitation.

Aurora, as a Sacred Center of God, will carry forward this spiritual movement of cosmic redemption so that the human beings present at this time may receive the Grace to free themselves from the ties of consciousness and enter into the school of forgiveness.

All of the Spiritual Hierarchy is working toward this.

We are in unity.

I thank you for responding to My call!

Who blesses you,

Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace


Within the essence of compassion lies the key to inner transcendence.

Through compassion, the consciousness is able to understand everything beyond appearances. 

One of the reasons why human beings suffer is because of the lack of compassion for themselves, as well as for others.

Compassion teaches us how to awaken the virtue of understanding and balances conflicts, dissolving them in the divine power it possesses.

Compassion leads the soul to accept the mistakes of others and to positively enjoy the most significant and determining life experiences.

In compassion lies the balm for deep wounds because compassion dissolves divisions and strengthens inner unions.

In compassion one manages to transcend their own will and the constant habit of control and ownership because a truly compassionate being wants nothing for themself.

The being is elevated in the compassion of the heart so as to be able to embrace all difficulties and transmute them through the love that compassion itself expresses.

I thank you for responding to My call!

Who blesses you in Divine Compassion, 

Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace


Rest, My child, in the Heart of the Father and, surrendering, accept all the tests of faith that He sends to you.

With humility accept each stage of life and never complain.

Retreat into the silence of the heart and pray, pray until you can dissolve any feeling and thought contrary to the light.

Do not rush into the void and do not worry; time and events will always show the signs that you need to take a chance, each day, to love more and more.

In this way, you will build within yourself a strength based on the principles of faith and of loyalty.

As Mother, I deeply know the human condition and this planet is the first school for being able to transcend it.

But if in truth you feel that you are loving what you experience and are happy to be serving God, do not feel intimidated; do not open the door to My adversary.

Be sustained by the confidence of knowing that God loves you as you are and that, in spite of the circumstances, you must always do what is best.

Decide to follow My example, simple, even though it seems distant.

I am Mother and love each being.

I wish the best for your life and the triumph of My Son in each Christic essence.


I thank you for responding to My call!

Who blesses you,

Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace


To the Youth of Peace 

Dear children,

With joy and gratitude, we offer the youth meeting of today to the Universe, so that new seeds of Light may be sown in all beings that must awaken to a new state of consciousness, as a form of inner preparation for the times that will come.

Each activity that was offered today with enthusiasm has contributed to the spiritual manifestation of this state of consciousness that the present-day humanity needs to acquire for the current times.

For this seventh Youth Festival, the city of Buenos Aires was chosen as the host of the ecumenical youth meeting; the preparation for it, with effort, love, service and dedication, has demonstrated to all youth that it is possible to carry out the Work of the Hierarchy and make it part of their lives in this cycle.

The seventh Youth Festival represents a cycle of maturity, of learning and of experiences for the pioneering youth that gave the first impulses for the materialization of the Youth Campaign for Peace.

In this sense, the number seven means that all youth have passed by seven cycles and seven schools of learning, which helped strengthen the commitment of love for the Hierarchy and for humanity.

Today, an internal and spiritual synthesis has happened in the inner world of each youth collaborating with this Work of love, which goes beyond the meetings of peace, integration, service, prayer and humanitarian missions.

From this seventh Youth Festival for Peace, which has preciously taken place in the city of Buenos Aires, an integration has been established among the youth of different nations, who, together with the Hierarchy, and from this new cycle onwards, will be encouraged to spiritually rebuild the consciousness of the planetary youth by living the new patterns of conduct, co-existence, fraternity and service for humanity and for the Kingdoms of Nature.

The Youth Festivals for Peace represented for the Celestial Hierarchy an opportunity of healing, of renewal and of service for a planet that suffers and agonizes day by day.

From the Spiritual Universe, new virtues and new talents will be placed in the heart of each youth, in order to keep constructing this network of love and service so as to relieve the human and internal pain.

We encourage you all to continue working, to live each learning and each experience as an opportunity to grow internally, knowing that such old spirits, as those of the youth, must resume their places within this Plan of Love for humanity.

My dear children and youth, let us celebrate this day as part of a celestial victory in humanity.

I thank you for responding to My call!

Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace


And now, after the Pilgrim Mother has visited some nations in Europe, carrying Graces and the Mercy of God to them, your Heavenly Mother will come with the Sun of the New Aurora to make the sacred attributes of redemption and rehabilitation rise up again in the inner worlds.

The Light of Aurora will emerge again upon the horizon and will bring very significant signs for the life of all beings.

From Aurora, the great portal will open through which the Heavenly Mother once passed and crossed to reach the planet with all of Her Divine Consciousness, as was done on August 8th, eleven years ago.

At the completion of eleven years together, My children, the Light of Aurora will attract to the surface of the Earth the last solar impulses, which will prepare the warriors of prayer for the times and the events that will come.

Thus, establish your feet upon Aurora. Be grateful and place your head upon the ground to revere the Divine and Solar Regency, the Light of Aurora that will redeem the past and will open its doors to the future.

I thank you for responding to My call!

Who blesses you,

Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace


My children,

I am with you all the time, in the silence of the heart, through the gaze of love, of a Mother Who contemplates the efforts of Her children.

I am with you in each prayer, uniting My maternal Heart with each word expressed as an offering of love.

I am with you, children, in each circumstance of life and, whenever you call Me, I will be there to carry you to the Celestial Father through the path of goodness and of peace.

I am with you, children, in each new test as well as in each inner victory, supporting you and protecting you in each stage.

I am with you in each moment of adoration, of confession and of communion with My Son.

Each act of prayer, of service and of love that is offered, I offer to the Father as a reparation and for another Grace for humanity.

I am with you when you seek Me, when you accompany Me, when you simply say "yes" to the Lord.

I thank you for responding to My call!

Who blesses you,

Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace


Never, My child, let peace get away from your heart.

Never let the peace of the universe leave from whitin you; strengthen yourself in it, and you will always find guidance for the circumstances of life.

Let peace work within you and do your work. Find upon this path the possibility to grow and to love.

The peace of the universe will lead you to wisdom, since wisdom is impregnated with the Love of God.

Love and wisdom are divine currents that permeate the essence of peace, which all beings on Earth must learn to experience and find, from cycle to cycle.

Peace builds newness and therefore everything gets renewed, everything gets restored, everything participates of a greater impulse.

May peace sustain the inner worlds so that the moment of inner healing may be achieved within the souls.

I thank you for responding to My call!

Who blesses you,

Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace


The Revelation of God to Humanity

The Revelation of God to humanity, My children, is eternal and begins when the human heart is maturing and awakening more than in wisdom but, in humility.

The Revelation of God to humanity happens when the heart is simple and recognizes its own smallness, not limiting the divine wisdom and existence to its comprehension and to everything that has already been revealed.

The Revelation of God to humanity does not stop, but from the patriarchs to the present day it deepens and only culminates in the full unity of the being with God, in their return to the origin.

Humankind itself is the Revelation of God.

It is the true self-knowledge, which is not a human science, but a spiritual and divine science, that leads you to the Revelation of God Himself.

At the same time, humans beings are the closest creatures to God, yet the most distant. 

The divine presence within you and the unity that you hold as a silent potential in your essence makes you close to God. However, My children, ignorance and indifference push humankind away from themselves, from what you truly are, and consequently move you away from God and from the Truth.

The Revelation of God to humanity happens with the awakening of thirst for superior life, with the discontent of the spirit with all that life in matter offers to it, with the discontent of the spirit with its own expression in life.

When the spirit is discontent with itself and with the world, it moves within the being so that this spiritual discontentment impels the consciousness to seek superior life, to deepen in the awakening and the self-knowledge that, in truth, is the knowledge of God within you.

The Revelation of God to humanity deepens as human consciousness evolves, and what for the patriarchs was an inexplicable and incomprehensible feeling of God, and only an experience of God, without explanations; at this time it can become a profound and scientific revelation of human existence and of the existence of God.

The Creator Father is simple, and in His simplicity He keeps His Mysteries. But the human mind places barrier over barrier to know God, and few are the ones who deepen in His Presence.

This, My children, is the time of the Revelation of God to humanity, because a new cycle is coming, which will be culminating for human consciousness. 

The time has come for history to be renewed.

The time has come for the new prophets, the new apostles, the renewal of holiness and faith in the human heart, because just as God awakened and raised the prophets and peoples of pure faith in the past, in order to prepare the birth and the coming of His Son to the world, also today, My children, peoples and nations, hearts and spirits will raise to prepare again the arrival of Christ into the world.

The return of your Lord will be definitive and will mark the end of a time, because the last words of the scriptures will be fulfilled, and the Gospel that He left in the world will be renewed by the new revelations that the Son of Man will bring to the Earth.

His Word will be life and will reveal to the world the superior Truth, to which many have been blind, though it has always been here.

Before the arrival of Christ, just as in the past, the Revelation of God will be given first to the prophets of the new time, and the universal Gospel of Christ will begin to be written with the truth that is already emerging in the hearts of humankind.

The New Testament is being fulfilled at the same time that the Revelation of God to humanity is deepening, so that you can write the New Scriptures; the Laws that will dictate the new life.

Open your hearts to the Revelation of God, because everything is being said to awaken and to prepare the hearts and spirits of humanity for this new and definitive cycle.

I love you and bless you,

Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace


Beyond the Universes – Part II 

Within spacetime we find various realities, according to how we contemplate the immensity of the Universe.

We know that the Universe is not only physical, but also internal and spiritual.

We know that beyond the physical there is a Principle that still has not reached its end, because this Principle is evolving and developing.

In all of this existence of the Material, Internal, and Spiritual Universe is God, Who is the great Manager of the Creation within the systems of life that we know, that is, of material, mental and spiritual life.

God is present and manifested in all that has been created. We depend on Him to be able to truly live the Principle that created us.

Even if there are non-believing creatures, and even though this happens in most cases, in some place within them, God, as the Father and Dweller of the life of the spirit, is at the great expectation that His children become aware that life is not only material and that we are not only born, grow and die.

The Creative Universe itself, which is God expressed in an infinity of Names and of cosmic manifestations, expects that, in His Superior Love, His children recognize someday, that they have come to life for a Purpose.

In the Material Universe, also called vast Cosmos, we find infinite forms to understand the Existence of God in all spaces and planes of consciousness.

But God, in His most pure Intelligence, held and protected Himself in a place where every creature could find Him, beyond everything that is external.

The Eternal Father, in His great Humility, has placed Himself within each creature so that His children could learn to find Him and to feel Him very close.

If the Celestial Father is within us it is because within each soul there is a universe created by God, so similar to the Universe that we can know.

But more than hundreds of Suns, stars, nebulae, galaxies and vast Universes, God thought, in His Mercy, that His children should know what is unknown and is well kept within the beings: the true and autonomous potential of being able to love and develop through the degrees of love.

Throughout the times, the different humanities lost the path and the feeling of loving in an unconditional way and before the race destroyed itself, the Father of Love and of Infinite Unity decided to present Himself and incarnate through His Divine Son so that, by means of His Sacrifice, the creatures could remember how they should love and how much they should love.

If within the Children of God is this Grace of developing and of expressing themselves through the virtue of love, why does evil still exist?

Because evil is the opposite of the love that creatures can feel, show and reflect.

Evil is the result of a disobedience that was lived by one of the main angels when it moved away from love, as the disobedience blinded him completely.

If within us dwells and vibrates a universe that is so similar to the one that exists above us, why are the creatures of God sometimes incapable to unite to the Great Existence?

When we truly love, the barriers and obstacles dissolve from the paths. Christ came to teach the way through which the creatures would attain true freedom.

Again, God revealed Himself to humanity, from very close, so that they could recognize and love Him.

In all the existing Universes, within the human beings, is the great potential of awakening and of growing through the degrees of love.

Love which the Eternal Father Himself placed within His children, allows us to be in perfect communion with Him and with the Universe.

The infinite and divine Love that can awaken in each human being has the capacity of forgiving and of transcending any error committed.

When the souls cannot forgive nor reconcile with themselves, nor with their fellow beings, it is because fear prevails instead of love, and thus the door is closed to Truth.

Love is one of the great spiritual and physical revelations that the Eternal Father sowed with all of His Intelligence in His creatures.

The hour has come to submerge in the inner universe to find the treasures that the Highest left manifested in His children since the origins; because if we are in the origins, we will know how to remember our principle, which is to be in eternal communion with the Greater Universe.

I thank you for responding to My call!

Who blesses you,

Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace

Reserved Apparition of the Virgin Mary in the city of Fatima, Portugal, to the visionary Fray Elías del Sagrado Corazón de Jesús

In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

From the Heart of Fatima, today I send blessings to My children of the world and as Mother, today I come to look for your inner universe so that it may be recognized, contemplated and loved.

I wish for you to seek within yourselves, My children, that which truly exists and that goes beyond material life, the superficial life or the human life.

The Universe is attentive to the awakening of the consciousness of each human being because with this movement many more situations will be able to be regenerated and healed in this race.

The awakening of your inner universe is important for this cycle because it is where you will find the answer to your questionings or doubts, it is where you will find the Wisdom of God, it is where you will find peace.

If you come out of this inner universe, My children, you will not be able to understand the coming circumstances in humanity around you.

The signs of the Universe will come directly towards the deep levels of the consciousness.

Humanity has demonstrated that in the superficiality of life, God cannot be found.

I teach you, by means of  the path of prayer, to enter into communion with your inner universe and with your whole existence, even though you may not know it.

I invite you to enter into this state of consciousness, day by day, so that you can penetrate this Mystery of God even more, a mystery that keeps important revelations for the souls of this time.

If you are in this cycle, present in humanity, it is for a spiritual and inner reason.

This is why I invite you, My children, to understand, beyond the senses, the Word of the Hierarchy.

You are before a crucial time in which everything must be defined, but this definition can be loving or painful. The human being has the opportunity to choose it.

I come, as Mother, to look for this inner wealth that there is within each one of My children.

I come with the intention that you look within yourself, beyond the imperfections and miseries, beyond the obstacles or the difficulties of the day-to-day.

God has left a spiritual treasure in each creature and the time has come for this treasure to awaken and be conscious for each of My children.

Thus My children will be able to be in communion with the Universe, they will be able to understand, even if they do not know, the Laws that will act in the end of these times and the events that will develop at the end of this cycle.

I only hope that, through the virtues of the soul, you can access this inner knowledge; thus, your most ancient registers will be transmuted and will be liberated, and it will not be necessary to remain in the vicious chain of errors.

I invite you to let the inner Sun of love dawn within you, because by means of this Gift you will overcome everything, you will transform everything .

I need, My children, that you disconnect from what is known and connect with the unknown, that you may cross this portal that today the Universe opens for you so that you may not only be in filiation with the High and the Superior, but that within you new things can be gestated.

As Mother of the Universe and Mother of the Confraternity, I give you the impulse to a new change, to a new state of consciousness, to a new perception of life, different from what you have understood and experienced until now.

The great Creator Fathers of the Spiritual, Mental, and Material Universes wait to give new impulses, to humanity and to the planet, and to be able to reflect all these impulses for the Universes of which you are a part of, all the time.

This will allow, My children, for humanity to be worthy of new revelations and, although it is within a path of inner and material transition, the Guidance and the Knowledge of God will never be lacking for humanity; but not everyone is prepared to receive these impulses, but the majority will be able to benefit from them, because God continues to be merciful.

The Laws that try to awaken in souls will change the events, it is necessary to learn to perceive them, even if they are not known. For this reason your union with the High will always be indispensable.

Renew this union every day so that, in your hearts, the Will of God may be mirrored.

As Mother of the Universe I bring you all of the Knowledge of the Cosmos because it is time for you to learn to perceive reality from another place.

The Universe is a constant dynamism, it is a constant flow of knowledge and information.

The Universe is like a power source that renews and regenerates everything.

The Universe never stops, since it was created it has never stopped.

The spiritual stagnation is not part of the dynamism of the Universe, for this reason  constant and permanent change leads to the awakening of consciousness and to the understanding of new realities, you must only do what is correct to be able to live it.

What I bring you today is not a mystery, it is something that any being in this Universe can live, can experience, can vivify in theirselves.

God is still open to receive His children and their intentions, to listen to their hearts and their prayers.

In this time, there will not be the path of retrogression, you must only rest your gaze on the horizon of God and move ahead.

The times that will come and their experiences have never been lived by humanity; everything you feel, think or perceive in this cycle will be something new, although it is not good and in everything there is a learning and an inner lesson for souls.

It is time to recognize the time of purification and to not want to distance from it, because there will not be how to escape from it.

There are souls in this time that are purifying more than others, but all will live their purification, to some degree and in some sense.

You must not fear to discover in you what still must be redeemed.

Thank God, every day, for having knowledge of His reality, because the planet must still be redeemed as Consciousness, humanity must still find the path toward the Purpose.

I need you to understand everything I tell you in a single sense, which is the sense of the ascension.

What is superficial will be superficial. It will remain in the superficial, but at some moment this will change when the Laws of the Universe descend to conceive new Principles in souls and in consciousnesses.

It is time to perceive that something is changing.

It is time to perceive that everything does not remain equal.

The Spiritual Universe presents itself to announce this to you.

By opening your eyes to Infinity, you will discover the Truth and will recognize its purpose.

Because there is a Star in the Universe to which you belong, and it holds your history since the beginning until the end, and this Star waits for the synthesis of your lives.

And these Stars will ignite even more when you take your steps toward the path of the spirit, which is in constant sacrifice and effort; there the wonderful experiences of love and of redemption of the hearts will be registered.

In the Firmament of God will be written the result of His Creation and everything will begin from scratch because the souls will have learned to overcome duality in themselves and will have learned to win by means of the Love of the Redeemer.

Each time I come from the Universe, I descend from Heavens and come to meet you, My children, something new is registered in the Universe of God and also in this Material Universe.

You must openly perceive what this means and for this you must be in the correct vibration and in the correct channel in order to be able to understand and feel it.

The Universe is still a mystery for humanity, but the one who first loves the Universe will understand and know it.

The mind of the human being will never be able to understand the Universe, it is the heart that God has given to humanity that understands and perceives everything; for this reason, My Immaculate Heart is the door to your understanding and your wisdom.

In My Heart is the path for those who want to learn to transcend themselves.

My Heart is the refuge for your lives and it is the offering to God, in constant offering and surrender.

The one who passes by My Heart changes their life, forever, because My Heart is part of God and of this great Universe that waits to definitely show itself to humanity.

In the name of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

Thank you, Divine Mother, for everything you give us.

Thank you, Lord, for all that you give us.


Who are we?

Association Mary
Founded in December of 2012, at the request of the Virgin Mary, Association Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception, is a religious association without ties to any institutionalized religion. It has a philosophical-spiritual, ecumenical, humanitarian, charitable, cultural character, and it supports all activities that are indicated through the instructions transmitted by Christ Jesus, the Virgin Mary, and Saint Joseph. Read more
