Saturday, May 25 of 2024

Weekly Messages

Inner Prayer of Padre Pio
for each moment of taking a decision

Beloved Lord,
may my gaze, my ears and my soul
be attentive to the signs that You send to me,
because knowing how deeply imperfect
and small I am before You,
I know that, if I implore from my heart and spirit,
Your inexhaustible Love will guide me.

Make me, Lord, in this world,
a faithful mirror of Your Presence;
banish from my being all arrogance, haughtiness and pride;
convert my heart according to Your Will.

May my soul be
like a pitcher of fresh water
in Your Holy Hands,
so that You, Lord, may pour out my spirit and my being
where You need them the most
so that, in perpetual self-giving and service,
I may fulfill, at each step, your Work of Love.

I ask You, Lord,
for You, just as Your Son did to the holy apostles,
to wash my head and purify it
from all thought that is contrary to You.

I ask You, Lord,
for You to wash my hands and liberate me from all the past,
and especially divest me from the inappropriate use
of power and all authority.

I ask You, Lord,
for You to wash my feet from the dust of the past,
from acquired traumas, from all suffering or scars
that I may have caused in some heart.

I ask You to purify me,
just as Your Beloved Son
was purified at the Temple.

Make me free from myself
so that, with another consciousness
and under a secure condition,
I may decide in accordance with Your Will
and Your Holy Aspiration.

Lastly, Lord,
empty me, humble me, make me nothing
so that You, Beloved Father, may be everything
because at the end of this pilgrimage on Earth,
Your wise and loving decision will be fulfilled.


I thank you for responding to My call!

Who blesses you,

Your Mother, the Virgin Mary, Rose of Peace

Friday, May 24 of 2024

Special Apparitions

In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

Behold the Lady of Silence, who through the Silence of God, contemplates the planetary situation, and especially the situation of souls.

It is this blessed and sacred silence which allows Me to protect the souls most in need of Mercy, because God’s Love is very great and unknown.

It is His Infinite and Wise Love that, through the sacred silence, stops the forces of evil and destroys them. For there is nothing and no one in this universe, in Heaven or on Earth, within or outside of beings, that can oppose the Love of God.

When life and situations are not in the Love of the Father, evil enters and divides, distracts and disturbs minds and consciousnesses.

When the Spiritual Hierarchy many times called upon souls to silence so clearly, it was not only to establish peace on this surface, but also so that each one could carry out their soul searching and their reflection.

As you will see, My beloved and dear children, where will those sacred seeds that I brought you yesterday end up? Where will they be deposited? Where is the fertile land that the Divine Mother is searching for?

This is why I am here and I continue to search for this fertile land in hearts, but I seek a land in hearts, I seek the life of the hearts that is divested of itself and in surrender, far from the adversities of these times, but not absent from all that which urges humanity, far from indifference, close to love in order to be close to charity.

But not only in the service for those who suffer and have to endure the most, which is the spirit of the Hierarchy, to serve those who suffer and have to endure; but also the task of souls in this world, the spiritual mission, should consist in listening.

For this reason and on this day of the culmination of an important stage for the Work of the Spiritual Hierarchy in the United States, where it is possible to see, on this horizon, the rise of the future Light-Community, the Light-Community of Mount Shasta, the Divine Mother brings you this silence for you to live a synthesis, but not like the synthesis you have lived in other times, but rather a new synthesis; that is, a new reflection and meditation upon the aspects that have corroded your lives, including your spirits.

Because in the face of this difficult reality of the surface of the Earth, the Hierarchy can no longer waste its precious pearls, that is to say all its treasures of Heaven. Many more need to be consistent, very few are not enough. And this, dear children, first of all starts within each one, within the decision that is taken for your own lives, within the actions that are carried out and have repercussions in many situations.

In this last cycle, for you to follow the steps of the Work of the Hierarchy, My children, it will be necessary to reformulate many inner and external situations. Here and now there must not be guilt or deception, justification or permissiveness. Here the Holy Spirit of understanding, science, wisdom and acceptance must reign.

Because when each one of you, time and again, is invited to take a new step and climb a new rung, there is something that needs to be purified. The Law of Purification will continue to act in these times, dear children, but not the way most understand or comprehend it. The Law of Purification comes to liberate you from yourselves forever.

As I told you yesterday, I repeat it again today so that you may not forget it: the Divine Mother also purified Herself at the Temple, when She offered Her little Son into the Hands of God. Is this wrong, by any chance?

The universe is dynamic and constant. And just as the universe is dynamic and constant, your transformation must be constant. Nothing in this universe can remain static or even motionless. The evolution of the universe can be measured not only through the degrees of love, but also through the degrees of consciousness. It is this that brings you closer to the degrees of forgiveness, which is the door that opens to redemption.

Therefore, be attentive, My children. The Hierarchy will not be able to stop in the face of the emergency of the planet, in the face of the need for peace in the nations and the peoples, of the urgent need for unity among consciousnesses. But each one of you, placing your hand upon the heart, ask yourself before the Sacred Heart of the Lord:

Am I willing to renounce? Am I willing to go beyond myself, for a Higher Purpose that I completely do not know, for a Higher Will that sometimes I cannot grasp?

For this, you have the master key of faith, a faith that must not be buried by incorrect actions carried out within the Spiritual Work of the Hierarchy, by condemnation or even punishment to those who do not deserve it.

Today My Son has sent Me through His sacred and blessed silence. Because you know that silence speaks more than words, that silence emits more messages than the word, because silence is healing, silence is redeeming, silence is renewing and sublime.

Each one will do, in this time, their own soul searching. We are still waiting for them, because the aspiration of Christ is that there be mature and decided apostles who do not retrogress due to the development of the times or even due to the events in life; but rather who, among all as brothers and sisters in Christ, may live under the Law of Love and Truth, Truth from which some still hide. The Hierarchy knows it, but does not judge it, because the human condition can go very far, it can try to paralyze our Plan.

The Hierarchy knows it profoundly. But it will not stop for this reason. The merciful help through an intervention in this world is urgent.

We will walk side by side with those who will follow Our guidance and do not modify it. This is Our most recent decision in the face of the planetary reality.

The boys and girls have grown up, it is time to assume, with spiritual adulthood, this Work, it is time to repair the hearts that have been wounded and hurt.

The inner world of the one to whom I am speaking already knows it, because My Son has asked this of Me as a supplication. There is still much to do, but all can be done if you will allow it.

Heaven does not violate human choices. Heaven only elevates, embraces and loves the life of each being, however imperfect. But the imperfection will be transformed by Love and because you will learn every day to live in the Holy Justice, which is not the justice that is practiced in this world, not even among you. Therefore, do not distance yourselves from the Truth.

In the name of My Son, I come to remove the blindfolds from some eyes, so that you may see the reality, and in this way understand it.

I will continue to pray so that everything may be redeemed and healed. It is no longer time to hide, it is time to face the end of times, just as the brave Hierarchy does and as Our Sacred Hearts impel you to also do.

All has been said. Now what is left to do is only to pray for the consequences and pray from the heart, as you have never done before. Because God is Love, but He is also Justice and He will never allow you to unlearn His Principles and His Attributes, and He will do anything as a good Celestial Father so that those who are blind may be saved.

I leave, giving thanks to you from the innermost depths of My Immaculate Heart, for all that was lived and spiritually built in the United States, including all that may emerge in Canada and Alaska.

However, Our gaze, and I want you not to forget this, is now upon all the necessities. The Spiritual Hierarchy is not selective, the Spiritual Hierarchy embraces, with Its Light, all those who need it, all the urgent causes, whether internal or external.

Thus, throughout the times and the centuries, and until My Son returns to the world, We, the Divine Hierarchies, work for peace and We hope that you will truly work for peace. Ask yourselves if you are doing this.

I thank you and bless all those who hear Me, especially the pioneers of the Light-Nucleus of Mount Shasta.

In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

Thursday, May 23 of 2024

Special Apparitions

In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

The time of sowing is now ending, but as the Mercy of God for souls and nations is so great, today your Divine Mother brings with Herself the last basket of Light, in which the seeds from Heaven are kept, the last seeds of Light, so that they may be sown in the inner worlds of hearts and so that, someday, souls may bear fruit in abundance.

This is why I bring this basket of Light here, because My Most Beloved Son has sent Me to throw into fertile land the seeds that will sprout in the coming time, through the Graces that your hearts have received throughout the times, by means of the Grace of being before the Sacred and Divine Hearts of Mary, Jesus and Saint Joseph.

My dear children, I ask you: Do you now consider yourselves a seed of Light that has abundantly sprouted to awaken the Attributes of God on this planet?

The Graces that come from the Heavens are available to be given to hearts. This is why I come with this basket of Light today, so that you may understand the Abundance of God, which is something infinite and inexhaustible.

Through the seeds of the Light of God, how many gifts and virtues does He need to deposit in hearts? Do your hearts perceive this? Could your hearts become tabernacles of these seeds of Light?

This is why I tell you, My dearest children, that this is not something so symbolic, but it is rather something more prophetic. Because the world needs to be converted, the world needs to repent, in order to achieve peace not only in hearts, but also in all nations, especially those that are at war and in conflict today.

Therefore, My children, this is also My aspiration, and I unite to the Aspiration of the Eternal Father today, hoping My dear children will be depositaries of the Gifts and Virtues of the Father; and that they may have this Legacy that comes from Heaven as a part of their vows of life, consecration and awakening of their spirit. Because this is what humanity needs now to re-establish union between Heaven and Earth, which is gradually corrupted through the wars and conflicts in nations, but also is corrupted through conflicts in families and between hearts.

We, throughout the years, have taught you the steps of Love and Forgiveness.

I know, as the Mother of all of you and as the Mother of all souls, that there are situations that you cannot comprehend or understand today. But I invite you once again to trust in Jesus and in His Eucharistic Presence, so that hearts may be consoled and renewed and, regardless of what they are living in these times, they may feel the Caress of God for those who do not receive anything, for those who lose everything, for those who are submerged into war and pain, and especially for those who do not have the Grace of being born.

On this day, through Our Sacred and Self-given Hearts of Mary, Jesus and Saint Joseph, We, as a Triune and Unique Consciousness, offer you Our Hearts so that you may glimpse and recognize the reality of these times.

Because it is necessary for you to understand, My beloved children, that in order for the world to change, for peace and good to exist in humanity, the change must first of all take place in yourselves, and then take place in all the others and in all life situations.

Souls suffer because they distance themselves from the Love of God, but there are also many souls that suffer because the Love of God is taken away from them, through wars, conflicts, or even human and spiritual slavery.

May this basket of Light, which I bring today to all My children of the Earth through My honest offering, My loving gift, be poured out upon hearts, upon the souls and essences that must be part of the Kingdom of God in this time.

Because as much as you are not yet in Paradise, where many wish to be someday, this Eternal Paradise of God can be in you if you so allow it through gestures of love and mercy, through acts of forgiveness and compassion.

There is no other way, dear children, to reach the Kingdom of the Heavens, other than by first passing through these schools of redemption that My Son established on this surface with His Presence among you and, above all, at the most painful moment of His Passion, during His Death on the Cross, when My Most Beloved Son opened the door of opportunity to all, the Christic and redemptive path for all the souls who trust in Him, and in this path that the Sacred Hearts offer to the world.

For this reason, I pray every day, not only so that many more hearts and souls may achieve it, but also so that nations may someday achieve it, by mercifully living Charity and Fraternity.

My aspiration is that all may be depositaries of these Virtues and Gifts of the Father because, if you receive any Virtue or Gift of God in this time, you have to realize, dear children, that it will be necessary for you to purify yourselves, just the Divine and Precious Mother purified Herself at the Temple. This is a Law, and the Law must be fulfilled in Heaven and on Earth, and in every place of the universe.

Before concluding, dear children, and also before carrying this basket of prayers that you have offered to Me today, prayers that will be deposited at the Feet of the Creator, I want to thank all the prayerful and devoted beings who, in this month of May, consciously work at their reconsecration to My Maternal and Immaculate Heart. A profoundly spiritual and anonymous exercise of each prayerful soul on Earth, which in the coming times must become daily, because humanity needs to remember its consecration every day, even those who have been called upon to consecrate to Christ to serve Him through religious and priestly life.

Do you now understand the importance of this month of May?

Because it is not only for you to remember that the door of My Heart is open to all, but also that the last seeds of the Light of God today, through the Most Holy Mother, are being thrown into the Earth, upon the fertile land of the hearts and essences of the world. In this way, through this blessing and Grace, the world will achieve peace and the end of war, the end of human cruelty, the end of human wickedness, the end of adversity and human harassment, so that hearts may be reborn in Christ and for Christ, Our Lord.

Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón de Jesús:

Now Our Lady is showing us the Most Blessed Sacrament of the Altar in Her Hands, and with the Monstrance of Light, She blesses the four corners of the Earth.

The Light of Christ needs to be radiated to the world, especially to the most sinful and lost, so that all may achieve the path of conversion, not only the path of conversion of the heart, but also of life.

This is My aspiration, but also My commitment before the Sacred Heart of Jesus.

I leave you in the contemplation of the Holy Monstrance, the Most Precious Presence of the Eucharistic Body of Christ, brought today from Heaven.

Contemplate Christ within yourselves and have faith. All will be well.

I thank you for being with Me today, in union and prayer for peace in the nations.

Monday, May 20 of 2024

Special Apparitions

In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

Feel the caress of the elements of God’s Nature. How at this moment, through My Divine Presence and My Maternal Love, the whole Earth is filled with the Love and Tenderness of God. Feel, in this place, how this happens, how the elements of nature respond to the Mother of the World.

Do you know that you are a part of this, that God’s nature is in you, My children, just as the Father is manifested in all that was created? It is the power and strength of the elements of nature, in its harmony, beauty and simplicity, that transmutes the darkest situations of the planet.

The elements of God’s Nature have always accompanied the Divine Hierarchy and the Hierarchies, for through the presence of the elements of the Nature of God souls are raised from earthly life into spiritual life, and the potent currents of healing present themselves so that, through the Divine Word and the perpetual prayer of the Mother of God, hearts may be healed and transformed from their past and pain.

But this is still stronger and more spiritual, it is deeper and more unknown, because where the Divine Hierarchy goes on pilgrimage, through nations and peoples, in the places that the Hierarchy visits, blesses and consecrates, there are sacred spaces such as this one where not only the Sacred Nature of God is manifested and reflected, but also the inner spaces conceived by the Spiritual Hierarchy reflect, as a mirror, the attributes and principles that humanity needs in this time to attain peace.

When I present Myself here, just as I have presented Myself in various places of the world throughout the times, the sacred elements of the Nature of God also present themselves before Mother Nature, the Mother of souls and hearts, to transmute the most adverse conditions in the lives of people, but also to elevate the spirit of each being towards God, in whom the spirit of each being, the soul of each heart of this Earth, will be able to find healing, liberation and redemption.  

These sacred elements of the Nature of God present themselves as angels and devas, who are the great celestial potencies of the universe, who open the doors and dimensions so that the Spiritual Hierarchy may descend upon the planet to deliver Its Message to humanity.

This has always been like this, My children, in the Apparitions of the Most Holy Virgin, of the Sacred Heart of Jesus or the Heart of Saint Joseph, sacred elements of the Nature of God generate a spiritual and unique conjuncture for souls, and especially for the nations that receive the Spiritual Hierarchy.

How many spiritual matrices the Hierarchy cam work in the consciousness and soul of a nation! And though this, My children, how many souls are benefitted by this hidden and spiritual movement of the Hierarchy!

But this cannot be seen with physical eyes, but rather with the eyes of the soul. This hidden and divine movement of the Hierarchy cannot be understood with the mind, it can only be felt with the heart, with the open mirror-heart of each soul, so that it may perceive and also receive the spiritual impulses of the Hierarchy.

With this, I want to tell you, My beloveds, that the entire Spiritual Hierarchy, united and gathered at this moment not only in the United States and Canada, but also throughout the world, is building an inner condition, anonymous and silent, sowing the seed in the hearts that open to receive it. Because, dear children, as Divine and Cosmic Consciousness, we try that at least a small part of this humanity of the surface may attain the  realization of the Promised Land of the New Humanity, just as the Celestial Father ardently wishes in His Heart.

Despite the conflicts, despite the wars, despite the natural disasters, despite the grave situation of this humanity, despite the death penalty or prison, through the sacred elements of the Nature of God, the Celestial Father will send, once again, His Son to the world to rebuild this wounded and martyrized surface. And for this We are preparing you, dear children.

Do not forget this important moment, which precedes the Return of Christ.

Do not take this Message as simply mere words. Take this Message for yourselves as an inner and spiritual impulse of preparation in the end of times for yourselves. Even while you purify and consecrate yourselves, do not lose sight of the impulses of the Divine Hierarchy, so that the New Humanity may be built and manifested.

I want you to keep in mind the angels and devas that accompany your Heavenly Mother and the Laws of Healing, Love and Mercy that fill this nation of the United States, but also many places in the whole world which, at this time and moment, need spiritual intervention.

If your effort for Us is always true and honest, and so is your fidelity and loyalty for Us, I assure you, dear children, that despite everything and even under any situation or experience, you will be able to understand the call of the Celestial Hierarchy.

Therefore, on this day, I encourage you again to follow Our Steps, so that the history that God writes, through Our Presence in your lives, may resound in the innermost depths of your hearts and always renew and impel you to move forward.

For this reason, beloved children, so that the sacred elements of the Nature of God may continue to work and transmute the world so that it may attain again the peace and love that it has lost, I ask you, dear children, for Our Words to resound in your hearts as the last preparatory and important Words for your redemption.

As a Mother, I accompany the steps of all My children, I accompany the good moments, but also the painful moments. Be aware that I am attentive to all the needs and requests.

Continue to pray for that which you need, in order to know if you really need it, because there is something beyond all material life that is waiting for you through this celestial portal that the Divine Consciousness opens time and again for the planet and souls so that they may receive My Graces, the deepest Graces of My Heart.

May the Mirror of My Immaculate Heart may reflect again upon the world and upon this place, and especially that the Mirror of My Heart, through the tenderness of My Spirit and Soul, may reflect upon your hearts so that you may feel, My children, that I am close and not far away, so that you may know that the time has come for each one to learn to mature and grow, even in this unknown Armageddon.

Whenever you call Me, I will be there. Whenever you invoke Me, I will be there. Whenever you pray with Me, I will be there. Whenever you cry at My Feet, I will be there. Whenever you manage to take any step, I will be there; or even whenever you fall many times, I will be there. Because I Am your Mother, the Mother that loves you, consoles and supports you.

This is My Mission and this is My duty before the Sacred Heart of My Son. This was My commitment at the foot of the sorrowful Cross. This is why I am here to help My children of the world, so that they may come to God.

I thank you for responding to My call.

It is a spiritual jubilation that the United States, despite its spiritual debt, may receive such a Grace from all of Heaven.

I bless you in the name of My Son and of the union with the Most Holy Trinity, in the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen. 

Saturday, May 18 of 2024

Weekly Messages

Dear children,

In this month of May, I invite you to return to My Immaculate Heart so that, together with Me and in prayer, you may contemplate for a moment that which the Celestial Mother contemplates of the wounded and martyred humanity.

I desire that you enter into My Heart so that, through Me, you may grow in love for the life of the spirit, and especially for the life of service.

It is at this crucial moment that My dear children must remember that they must come out of themselves in order to recognize the reality for themselves; that same reality that the Sacred Hearts recognize in these times.

Therefore, My children, in this month of May in which the seeds are being planted, after the offering of My Son to each of you, you must know where you will sow the seeds you received from the Redeemer, and if these seeds, which are gifts and Graces at the same time, will be deposited in the right place.

Dear children, this is important: in this time of so many transgressions against human life and the inner life of souls, it is necessary to keep in mind that nothing is lost or wasted, because these are the last impulses that come from Heaven.

As a Mother, I am here to accompany you, to be able to lead you towards Jesus.

I thank you for responding to My call!

Who blesses you,

Your Mother, the Virgin Mary, Rose of Peace

Sunday, May 12 of 2024


In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

My beloved children, on this day when the anniversary of My Apparitions in Fatima is being celebrated, your Heavenly Mother avails Herself of this special moment of souls to attend, help and aid the prisoners of war and those who live the death penalty, a state that humanity has not yet been able to transcend and heal.

No matter how grave the sin has been, dear children, God does not fail to love His Creatures and, even correcting and straightening them along His path of the Law, the Heavenly Father does not fail to show His Merciful Love and His Grace.

For this reason, on this special day, when all devout and prayerful souls ignite the flame of Light in their hearts, in this way representing the Love of Mary, your Heavenly Mother avails Herself of this moment to attend to this group of souls who are forgotten, because very few are those who pray for them.

Thus, I awaken you in consciousness to a reality that humanity should no longer live. I tell you this because the life that God has given you is precious and immaculate, it is the life that God granted to all the creatures that, day by day, are exposed to danger and decay.

Therefore, dear children, from their birth to their old age, all must have the opportunity to experiment and learn. Because God grants to the souls that incarnate on Earth the opportunity to evolve and grow to carry within themselves, in each heart, the spiritual values of this experience on Earth.

This is why your Heavenly Mother comes today to attend to these suffering souls, who need the tenderness and caress of God to find the path of redemption, the path of peace and the path of forgiveness.

I need you to accompany me in this task, because the death penalty in the world is one of the greatest knots of the human consciousness, which ties and binds this civilization to a state of suffering and loss.

However, through My Grace, through My Maternal Love and My tenderness, just as I did with the sinners in the times of Jesus, the Mother of God approaches all her children to invite them to the time of healing and reconciliation, to invite them to the time of peace.

This is what God hopes for, so that humanity may be reborn far from the action of revenge and impunity, remembering that all souls are precious to God.

This is why I am here to bear testimony of this. This is what My Son asks of Me, to remind the whole world that life is precious, innocent and pure. The life that has been distorted by the ideologies of these times, by the practices of these times, by very liberal acts that place souls on an uncertain path, far from the Light and Love, far from the Truth.

This is why I come here to fulfill this aspiration of the Eternal Father. And I begin with the United States because it still lives this death penalty, it still lives this act of condemnation that places the hearts that have made a mistake on a dead-end.

But how is it possible for this to happen, in a cycle when many things have changed?

Spiritual slavery still continues to happen, which is something that needs to be abolished, because you cannot even imagine what souls suffer when they live this.

May each Rosary offered today transmute this human condition, liberate these actions that lead souls to a dead end.

I need your prayers to work in this, so that humanity may be reborn in love for life, for what is most precious that God gave to you.

When humanity values life again, it will not be necessary to live painful experiences, but rather learnings that enrich the spirit and life through the Project that God created for humanity, a Project that still needs to be repaired and healed; a humanity that needs to live redemption at some moment.

Today, I join the voice of all those who cry out through the prayer of the Rosary, especially those who are gathered in the Sanctuary of Fatima to invoke the Kingdom of the Heavens, so that maternal Grace may descend and grant healing and redemption to hearts.

I am united to you and your brothers and sisters, let us continue to pray to spiritually rebuild this humanity. This is all that the Hierarchies expect, that all may come to know how wonderful it is to live in God and be part of His Kingdom.

I open the Maternal Mirror of My Heart again so that all My children, especially the prisoners of war and those who are living the death penalty, may remember that, as souls, they can see themselves reflected in the Purity and Love of God through the Mirror of the Heart of the Heavenly Mother, where everyone will always find a safe and protected harbor to take refuge, a place spiritually prepared for each one of My children.

This is why I am here: so that, on this May 13, you may enter My Immaculate Heart and, in this way, may be in communion with God.

I thank you for responding to My call!

Remember that, on this special day, souls can see themselves reflected through the Mirror of My Heart. There, everything will always be well, there you will find the happiness of serving God, even if it does not seem so, just as the Mother of God found the joy and bliss of serving the Creator.

I bless you, under the Light of the Higher Mirrors, Mirrors of Love, Light and Unity.

In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

Saturday, May 11 of 2024

Weekly Messages

In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

I come with the announcement of a night illuminated by the stars, but also by the Sun. I come as the Universal Aurora to fulfill what I have promised to My children of the Earth: to awaken the Creatures of God in the end time.

All possible signs are being delivered. The Spiritual Hierarchy works in this, this means a planetary, but also a cosmic movement.

The very elements of the universe, the strength and the union of the planets and the stars, foretell the time of the coming of My Son. Just as it has been said to all, there will be signs in Heaven, there will be signs on the Moon, there will be signs on the Sun, there will be signs within you.

And it is time for this to be fulfilled, dear children, because the Heavenly Father allowed it in view of the sensitive and grave planetary moment. The Heavenly Father wants to save His favorite Project, humanity.

Therefore, the wise and gifted Hierarchies work tirelessly to accomplish this end and this purpose. That is why today I present Myself to the world as the Universal Aurora, as the Sacred Feminine Energy that leads Her children to God, guarding them all in Her Immaculate Heart so that souls may stop suffering and enduring.

Beloved children, in spite of the signs of the universe, at the end of these times, which foretell the arrival and Return of Christ, I know that for many of My children it is still difficult to understand and accept that painful and even inexplicable experiences are lived, that souls live these experiences, many of them being prayerful and servants.

Could it be that this represents for you a punishment from God?

In Garabandal, I announced to you something similar; but I never told you that God would punish you, because God is not a judge, but a Father of eternal and infinite Mercy.

I announced to you in Garabandal that the time was ending for humankind, just as I announced in Fatima, Portugal, that humankind on the surface of the Earth had strayed from love and peace.

That is why, My children, within all groups of souls, at the end of these times, and in an unknown and, I would say, inexplicable way, there are souls who have offered to suffer for many more souls. And this does not mean a punishment, but a silent and anonymous service, just as My Beloved Son did for you until He died on the Cross.

This is something inexplicable for the souls of this time. For this reason, for some souls it could become painful. But understand, dear children, that My Beloved Son has very few and true apostles.

This is a reality and I do not want to bother you, My children. Just as Christ carried out His important task on Earth with so few apostles, in this time, in a similar way, My Son carries out His task with few apostles.

But this does not mean that there may not be other apostles in the world; it means, My children, that the apostles must be determined and devoted to Christ, so that He may carry out His spiritual task and especially His mission of return to Earth, through hearts that are depositories of His redeeming and consoling Love.

Today, My beloved children, you dedicated your prayers for peace in the nations. Again and again I will tell you, and I will not tire of telling you, that the prayer for the nations of the world and for their angels, for the angel of each nation of this world, at this time is fundamental and I would say essential that many hearts and many souls, like yours, join in this purpose.

Because from the first day that I asked you to found the Prayer for Peace in the Nations and to learn to pray in different languages the loving declaration of the Archangel Gabriel to My Immaculate Heart, the main cause of this spiritual and internal task is to appease the anger of the elements of nature, the lack of control of the planet, the balance of the axis of the Earth and mainly the end of wars; so that the time of peace, love and unity among the creatures of the same project and of the same purpose may be established.

Therefore, remember this cause of the Vigil of Prayer for Peace in the Nations, because not only you or your families will be protected by praying the Holy Rosary for this cause of the Blessed Mother, but you will also help with your prayers and supplications so that the world will no longer be agitated, so that wars will no longer be aggravated, that conflicts no longer take place, that peace may be established, that faith may not disappear, that love may not dissolve, that unity may allow the descent of Grace into souls and hearts and, above all, that the soul and consciousness of this planet may be maintained in its balance.

Now, do you understand, My dear children, in how many causes the Mother of God works?

That is why I return here, again and again, to meet My beloved and dear children who have already left the school of little children, to enter the school of adulthood and spiritual maturity, a place and space where all the Hierarchies need to have you at this time, in this definitive cycle.

Therefore, I encourage and urge you, My children, as I asked you in the last Message, to decide to grow internally, so that the pillars of the Work of the Hierarchy on the planet are not only strengthened in the hearts and souls who serve God, but also that these pillars of the Work of the Hierarchy become a reality on this wounded and outraged surface so that everything, absolutely everything, can be healed and regenerated.

Now, do you understand why I come today as the Universal Aurora?

Through the signs of the night, through the signs of the day, through the signs in every heart; I come to remind you, My children, that humanity is in urgent need of healing and peace, and this healing and peace will be completed at the Return of Christ to Earth.

Today, I open for all the Temple of My Mirror Heart, just as this lake opens spiritually as a mirror in donation to capture in the impulses of the Heavenly Mother and to radiate them to the whole world.

Through this simple but beautiful place, I want, My children, that your souls see themselves reflected in this mirror, so that you can rediscover in yourselves your origins and can start from scratch from there, reviving the Values and the Principles of God that the world needs so much in order to experience healing and redemption.

May the Spiritual Light that descends to the world through Mount Shasta, relieve the suffering souls who live the climatic catastrophes, raise again the hearts that have lost faith because of suffering and unify the essences with Our Father-Mother Creator.

How simple but profound is the beauty of God's Creation! He has given us everything, absolutely everything, so that we would be happy from the beginning of this Project.

In order for you to reach that spiritual happiness and that heavenly joy, beloved children, be obedient for those who are not obedient. Thus the world, under the protection of the Law of Love, will find peace.

I thank you for responding to My call.

May you all be in My Motherly and Immaculate Heart.

I give you the blessing of My Son and of the Almighty, in the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

Tuesday, May 7 of 2024

Special Apparitions

In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

When I lived in the Holy Land, My Son had entrusted Me to care for, above all, the suffering souls; and many already know the silence of Mary, the silence which carried, as an example, the Presence of God, healing for hearts, the relief of suffering for all those who were agonizing in pain.

Why today do I say this to you, My children? Because it rejoices Me to come to this house, one among so many houses in the world, where the family is contemplated by God as His Essential Project.

All the families already formed in the world, as I have told you, My children, are being attacked and harassed.

Also for this reason, we must continue to pray for unity in families. Especially unity in the entire human family, so that the spirit of solidarity, cooperation and fraternity may be present in these very critical and hard times for souls which, in different places of the world, face and go through unexpected tests.

But I, as a Good and Merciful Mother, place in My Heart and in My Arms all those who need My Peace in these times, because I know that, throughout these definitive times and, above all, in this time of purification, hearts imperiously need to find peace again, at a moment of chaos unknown to many.

But I, as a Patient and Loving Mother, come to raise again, in My children, what God gave them at the origin. Because many of the situations that the world and nations live today, situations that change events overnight, take place because not only has this human family rejected the Law, even if they do not know it deeply; but also, through their ways and habits of life, separated from the true Love of God, the human family of the surface of the Earth has been led to continue to move away from its values and principles as a civilization and Project of God.

I cannot refrain from telling you, My dear children, that, as a receptive Mother open to hearts, I do not fail to feel the pain of My children for all that they live in these times, and much of what they live is unknown to most. In My Heart, I feel the pain of those who suffer and have to endure, I feel the agony and the cry of the animals that die, killed in an indescribable manner.

Who will take charge of this spiritual debt of humanity?

My Son will not return to be nailed to the Cross again. I want you to know, My children, the Living God Himself, Omnipotent and Eternal, gave His Life and His own Being for the creatures of this world, so that you and all your brothers and sisters of the world might learn about the school of Love and Forgiveness. But where is all of this, which My Son taught you such a long time ago?

In this planetary reality and, above all, through these recent events, few are the souls in the world, and this is my grief, that manage to understand not only what consecration means, but also what it means to preserve in themselves the Values and Principles of God existent in His Project.

But as long as the use of weapons and the experiences in laboratories is, in the first place, not only with animals, but also gravely with humans, how do you think the planet will fail to move?

Now, My children, I want you to understand, because I know that many think in this time and many more will think in the coming times:

Where is God? Have you seen Him within yourselves? Have you perceived God in Creation and Nature?

His own Manifestation and Power in what is most simple and humble, reveal His Beauty, but also His Humility.

How can you think that God is not with those who suffer and have to endure? By any chance, am I not here, and am I not your Mediating and Intercessory Mother?

Not even all the angelic hosts with whom I work daily, not even all the currents or powers of the universe that dwell in what is highest in the cosmos, manage to attend to this inner situation of humanity.

Do you understand what I am telling you out of Love?

My Son has prepared you. My Son has announced it to you.

Now, My dear children, you, who say are His companions and apostles of Christ, must cross, just as Christ did, the abysses of the Earth and, above all, your own abysses with your own feet.

The Light has been shown and indicated to you. Many already know their own star of origin. What else do you need, My children of the Earth? How many more signs are necessary for you to change?

I ask you not to blame the elements of nature. The response of each one of them is the agony they experience. While animals continue to be killed, while innocent human blood continues to be shed, few will be the ones who will manage to be in peace.

Therefore, in this time the strength and power of the Supplicating Network must grow. Do not expect for the change to take place in most beings. Because if it had been this way in the times of Christ, this humanity would be living in the sixth dimension by now. The transformation must continue to be deep, conscious and true.

Ask yourselves, according to the circle in which you find yourselves, within or outside of this Work:

What am I doing with my life?

What have I done with the treasures I have received without deserving them?

Have the Words of God and of My Son become flesh of your own flesh at last?

Do not waste time with the illusions of the world, because the world is already very deluded.

Do not close, with your own hands, the door of Grace. Open the door of Grace to those who do not deserve it. But this door will open if your lives are consistent with the Principles of the Father, because everything, absolutely everything, will be counted on the day of the Final Judgment.

Children, I have to speak clearly to you, because there is no more time left. Place your feet upon reality, and no longer distance it from your lives.

The cup continues to overflow. Who will collect the codes of the Blood of Christ, which are becoming lost in many consecrated souls? I pray before God on My knees, because the priestly life is at stake.

Who will decide, once and for all, to be a victim of Christ? Not a human victim, but rather a victim of His Love and a victim of the resignation of the Lord?

Beloved children, grow, grow and mature quickly. I do not want to see again what happened in Rwanda, where the majority did not hear the Mother of God.

It is time for you to do something for yourselves and, above all, for humanity. If today you have the Grace, compared to so many millions of souls, to be listening to Me, by any chance, have My Words become something secondary in your lives?

Do not become accustomed to the Spiritual Hierarchy. There are souls that would give their evolution to listen to the Divine Mother, and many more would give anything to be before Me, as a bearer of Peace and Messenger of Heaven.

May this world see the strengthening of the network of service and charity and, above all, of training and knowledge for the times of emergency.

Everything, absolutely everything, has been entrusted to you.

Today, I bring this Message for those who dare to grow internally and come out of the learning of inertia and inactivity, because these times were already written and not everyone must live everything. Each one will be where it is foreseen, and this does not mean indifference, it rather means the learning that each one must live and assume.

At the doors of May 8, the seeds, the last and precious seeds of Light of My Most Beloved and Venerable Son, have already been given.

Remember what He asked you: "Where shall these seeds be sown?" His Treasures are inexplicable, but they are immeasurable.

It is time to perceive the reality. This is the Message of all Hierarchies, it is time to listen, it is time to amend the errors committed, also within this Work, because, as I told you even a short while ago, who will make themselves responsible for everything that has happened?

The impunity of this world goes beyond the dimensions. Mercy will always be infinite, but Mercy will never be irresponsible; for this the holy and wise Justice exists, which places you on the path of the Law, something that many still do not understand.

Love will always be greater. But your steps of transformation, if they were honest, could be greater.

My Son taught you this at each step with His Cross, until the last moment of His expiration, because when He no longer had anything to gain or lose, He surrendered even more for you and for the world. When He no longer had a drop of blood in His Body, He surrendered His Spirit as a justification and an act of reparation for the errors committed since Adam and Even until the end of times. My Son expects maturity from His apostles

My blessing to all, on this day, so that the Holy Spirit may guide the consciousnesses along the path of discernment and wisdom during the time of reparation, especially for those who are suffering.

My Soul is with Brazil as it has never been before.

I thank you for being with Me and for having responded to My call.

Remember, it is time to grow internally, everything has already been taught.

Be worthy of the Legacy of the Hierarchy and of the foundation of this Work. Be stewards of the principles of group and evolutionary life. But above all, due to the absence of innocence and purity in this world, and being aware of everything, much more than other souls, be stewards of the truth and transparency.

Remember what My Beloved Son once said to you: “The truth shall set you free.”

Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón de Jesús:

Let us pray together now, for the attributes of the Universal Mother, so that souls may receive them in their essence, on this May 8.

Let us say the prayer "Universal Mother" once in Spanish, once in Portuguese and once in English, so that, united to the Queen of Peace, our honest and sincere prayer from the heart may reach the planet.

Prayer: Universal Mother.

We thank You, Lord, for all that You give us.

Thank You, Divine Mother, for all that You give us.

In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

We remain withdrawn in the Heart of Mary, listening to Her Words.

Saturday, May 4 of 2024

Weekly Messages

My very dear children of North America,

After a long time, I am again gathered with all of you in the name of the Love of My Son, a Love that grants hearts the long-awaited Grace of forgiveness and reconciliation.

Today, as your Heavenly Mother, I come with the Sacred Star of Light from Mount Shasta on My Forehead; so that this new cycle, which begins for the Work in the United States, may bear the fruits so long awaited by the Heavenly Father.

Dear children, I want you to know that the Heavenly Father also places His Paternal Glance upon His Children most in need of spiritual healing. This is the reason and this is the motive, this is the moment in which will be born through the new Light Nucleus that principle of healing through love that the souls of the United States need so much.

From now on, I await with joy and rejoicing for the service that you will render in the coming times to the souls and hearts traumatized by war and all its consequences.

This is the day awaited by the Lord so that, in North America and through the Star of Light of Mount Shasta, the time of hope and reparation for the forgotten hearts of this country may arise; that sentiment and empathy may be born for the maimed of war, for those young and old who were prisoners of a movement and an idea that demoralized their lives, families and spirits.

Dear children, may the angels of Mount Shasta accompany you in this stage of manifestation of the Heavenly Father's Will for North America.

I bless you with My Maternal Love.

I thank those present for having responded to My call!

Who Blesses you,

Your Mother, the Virgin Mary, Rose of Peace

Who are we?

Association Mary
Founded in December of 2012, at the request of the Virgin Mary, Association Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception, is a religious association without ties to any institutionalized religion. It has a philosophical-spiritual, ecumenical, humanitarian, charitable, cultural character, and it supports all activities that are indicated through the instructions transmitted by Christ Jesus, the Virgin Mary, and Saint Joseph. Read more

