In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.
When I lived in the Holy Land, My Son had entrusted Me to care for, above all, the suffering souls; and many already know the silence of Mary, the silence which carried, as an example, the Presence of God, healing for hearts, the relief of suffering for all those who were agonizing in pain.
Why today do I say this to you, My children? Because it rejoices Me to come to this house, one among so many houses in the world, where the family is contemplated by God as His Essential Project.
All the families already formed in the world, as I have told you, My children, are being attacked and harassed.
Also for this reason, we must continue to pray for unity in families. Especially unity in the entire human family, so that the spirit of solidarity, cooperation and fraternity may be present in these very critical and hard times for souls which, in different places of the world, face and go through unexpected tests.
But I, as a Good and Merciful Mother, place in My Heart and in My Arms all those who need My Peace in these times, because I know that, throughout these definitive times and, above all, in this time of purification, hearts imperiously need to find peace again, at a moment of chaos unknown to many.
But I, as a Patient and Loving Mother, come to raise again, in My children, what God gave them at the origin. Because many of the situations that the world and nations live today, situations that change events overnight, take place because not only has this human family rejected the Law, even if they do not know it deeply; but also, through their ways and habits of life, separated from the true Love of God, the human family of the surface of the Earth has been led to continue to move away from its values and principles as a civilization and Project of God.
I cannot refrain from telling you, My dear children, that, as a receptive Mother open to hearts, I do not fail to feel the pain of My children for all that they live in these times, and much of what they live is unknown to most. In My Heart, I feel the pain of those who suffer and have to endure, I feel the agony and the cry of the animals that die, killed in an indescribable manner.
Who will take charge of this spiritual debt of humanity?
My Son will not return to be nailed to the Cross again. I want you to know, My children, the Living God Himself, Omnipotent and Eternal, gave His Life and His own Being for the creatures of this world, so that you and all your brothers and sisters of the world might learn about the school of Love and Forgiveness. But where is all of this, which My Son taught you such a long time ago?
In this planetary reality and, above all, through these recent events, few are the souls in the world, and this is my grief, that manage to understand not only what consecration means, but also what it means to preserve in themselves the Values and Principles of God existent in His Project.
But as long as the use of weapons and the experiences in laboratories is, in the first place, not only with animals, but also gravely with humans, how do you think the planet will fail to move?
Now, My children, I want you to understand, because I know that many think in this time and many more will think in the coming times:
Where is God? Have you seen Him within yourselves? Have you perceived God in Creation and Nature?
His own Manifestation and Power in what is most simple and humble, reveal His Beauty, but also His Humility.
How can you think that God is not with those who suffer and have to endure? By any chance, am I not here, and am I not your Mediating and Intercessory Mother?
Not even all the angelic hosts with whom I work daily, not even all the currents or powers of the universe that dwell in what is highest in the cosmos, manage to attend to this inner situation of humanity.
Do you understand what I am telling you out of Love?
My Son has prepared you. My Son has announced it to you.
Now, My dear children, you, who say are His companions and apostles of Christ, must cross, just as Christ did, the abysses of the Earth and, above all, your own abysses with your own feet.
The Light has been shown and indicated to you. Many already know their own star of origin. What else do you need, My children of the Earth? How many more signs are necessary for you to change?
I ask you not to blame the elements of nature. The response of each one of them is the agony they experience. While animals continue to be killed, while innocent human blood continues to be shed, few will be the ones who will manage to be in peace.
Therefore, in this time the strength and power of the Supplicating Network must grow. Do not expect for the change to take place in most beings. Because if it had been this way in the times of Christ, this humanity would be living in the sixth dimension by now. The transformation must continue to be deep, conscious and true.
Ask yourselves, according to the circle in which you find yourselves, within or outside of this Work:
What am I doing with my life?
What have I done with the treasures I have received without deserving them?
Have the Words of God and of My Son become flesh of your own flesh at last?
Do not waste time with the illusions of the world, because the world is already very deluded.
Do not close, with your own hands, the door of Grace. Open the door of Grace to those who do not deserve it. But this door will open if your lives are consistent with the Principles of the Father, because everything, absolutely everything, will be counted on the day of the Final Judgment.
Children, I have to speak clearly to you, because there is no more time left. Place your feet upon reality, and no longer distance it from your lives.
The cup continues to overflow. Who will collect the codes of the Blood of Christ, which are becoming lost in many consecrated souls? I pray before God on My knees, because the priestly life is at stake.
Who will decide, once and for all, to be a victim of Christ? Not a human victim, but rather a victim of His Love and a victim of the resignation of the Lord?
Beloved children, grow, grow and mature quickly. I do not want to see again what happened in Rwanda, where the majority did not hear the Mother of God.
It is time for you to do something for yourselves and, above all, for humanity. If today you have the Grace, compared to so many millions of souls, to be listening to Me, by any chance, have My Words become something secondary in your lives?
Do not become accustomed to the Spiritual Hierarchy. There are souls that would give their evolution to listen to the Divine Mother, and many more would give anything to be before Me, as a bearer of Peace and Messenger of Heaven.
May this world see the strengthening of the network of service and charity and, above all, of training and knowledge for the times of emergency.
Everything, absolutely everything, has been entrusted to you.
Today, I bring this Message for those who dare to grow internally and come out of the learning of inertia and inactivity, because these times were already written and not everyone must live everything. Each one will be where it is foreseen, and this does not mean indifference, it rather means the learning that each one must live and assume.
At the doors of May 8, the seeds, the last and precious seeds of Light of My Most Beloved and Venerable Son, have already been given.
Remember what He asked you: "Where shall these seeds be sown?" His Treasures are inexplicable, but they are immeasurable.
It is time to perceive the reality. This is the Message of all Hierarchies, it is time to listen, it is time to amend the errors committed, also within this Work, because, as I told you even a short while ago, who will make themselves responsible for everything that has happened?
The impunity of this world goes beyond the dimensions. Mercy will always be infinite, but Mercy will never be irresponsible; for this the holy and wise Justice exists, which places you on the path of the Law, something that many still do not understand.
Love will always be greater. But your steps of transformation, if they were honest, could be greater.
My Son taught you this at each step with His Cross, until the last moment of His expiration, because when He no longer had anything to gain or lose, He surrendered even more for you and for the world. When He no longer had a drop of blood in His Body, He surrendered His Spirit as a justification and an act of reparation for the errors committed since Adam and Even until the end of times. My Son expects maturity from His apostles
My blessing to all, on this day, so that the Holy Spirit may guide the consciousnesses along the path of discernment and wisdom during the time of reparation, especially for those who are suffering.
My Soul is with Brazil as it has never been before.
I thank you for being with Me and for having responded to My call.
Remember, it is time to grow internally, everything has already been taught.
Be worthy of the Legacy of the Hierarchy and of the foundation of this Work. Be stewards of the principles of group and evolutionary life. But above all, due to the absence of innocence and purity in this world, and being aware of everything, much more than other souls, be stewards of the truth and transparency.
Remember what My Beloved Son once said to you: “The truth shall set you free.”
Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón de Jesús:
Let us pray together now, for the attributes of the Universal Mother, so that souls may receive them in their essence, on this May 8.
Let us say the prayer "Universal Mother" once in Spanish, once in Portuguese and once in English, so that, united to the Queen of Peace, our honest and sincere prayer from the heart may reach the planet.
Prayer: Universal Mother.
We thank You, Lord, for all that You give us.
Thank You, Divine Mother, for all that You give us.
In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.
We remain withdrawn in the Heart of Mary, listening to Her Words.
In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.
Behold a Heart that was pierced, but a Heart that is still unknown.
Who would be able to penetrate this mystery and know it?
Who would launch into the void without knowing where they might fall?
Because in the great abyss of My Mercy there is no perdition. There is abundance, accomplishment and merits. For this reason, I show you My Heart for you to live it.
I come to seek this from good souls, but I also come to seek this from imperfect souls. Because I would have no reason to carry out a work on this planet, if it were not for souls.
Do you now understand the meaning of My coming to the world in this time?
I have to ask you many questions so that you may reconsider your paths, because a good Master and a good Friend would give His Life for His companions. And this life that I give for you is abundant and infinite, it did not end with the Death on the Cross.
Have you ever wondered what I gave beyond this, even after My Ascension to the Heavens?
What mysterious door exists, which no one has yet opened to know what there is on the other side? What is this, so unknown, that even you do not know?
But if the people of Israel knew it in depth and in spirit, why can you not know it?
I come to remove you from the superficial dimension, in which many are found in this time. I come to elevate you to the dimension of My Love, above all of My Cosmic and Divine Love, so that you may understand and above all feel the Celestial Spheres that descend and embrace you.
Have you wondered how I arrive here, knowing that the time of the Hierarchy is precious?
But I do not come here only for you and your awakening, I come for a greater and unknown cause, a cause that is waiting to make itself known through consistent and available hearts. Because the projects of the Hierarchy must not be wasted or lost, not even Its Word can be wasted, as in the Word of the Spiritual and Divine Hierarchy there is a decree, a purpose, but also an accomplishment.
Therefore, you must keep in mind, each time you listen to Me or even each time you receive Me, that in each one of My Words and in the Words of the Hierarchies there is a Higher Purpose for you and your brothers and sisters of the world. In the same way, this has also been done by the Divine Mother throughout the ages and by means of Her Apparitions and Messages in the whole world.
The Hierarchy needs the human condition to draw near, but not the stingy or rebellious condition, it needs the availability of the human heart to carry out the Spiritual Mission in the world.
This is how the Spiritual Hierarchy can deliver Its projects and aspirations to the creatures, who are preciously chosen by the Eternal Father Himself, as is the case on this occasion, here in the United States.
Therefore, I ask you again: Can you understand why you are here and why your souls have brought you here, to be before the Lord of the Universe and of Peace?
What do you have to do with all that which is happening?
Christ does not need excuses, because He knows human error and misery. Christ needs true, although imperfect hearts, hearts that can give more and more, until they feel, in their own being, the essence of God’s Project.
In this month of May and on this coming May 8 that is drawing near, today the Lord brings in His Hands many seeds of Light, precious and incalculable treasures for each one of the souls of the world who listen to My Message. Seeds that wait to sprout in the coming months, through the sensible and balanced decisions of souls permeated by the Discernment and Wisdom of God.
Where will the seeds of the Lord fall? Where is the fertile land of the human heart?
There is something that must happen here, I hope you will comprehend and understand it.
The cycles exist in humanity so that you may learn to take your own steps.
It is time of the New Christs, the world can no longer wait, because it agonizes. This is the time of the emergence of the Inner Christs, those who can succeed the Lord of the Universe to prepare this Earth for His Return, for the reappearance of Christ in humanity.
I come with this Message from Heaven, so that you may remember Heaven and no longer become lost in what is superficial, but rather abandon yourselves in the profound abyss of My Merciful Love.
Many among you, in this month of May, must make a synthesis, and from this synthesis obtain an inner response for your lives.
The signs have been given, the Message has been revealed, the impulse and the cosmic current of My Love has been delivered. All has been said, now it is up to you to give a response to the Universe, so that you may give a response to the Law.
For this reason, I will be praying in the coming times. There is a lot to do, and I hope that the sensible hearts will accompany Me, hearts that no longer only want to receive, but also to give of themselves.
Meditate and think of what I tell you. I Am here to help you, for you to grow in a Higher Love and in the Truth, so that with each passing day, and each approaching time, you may no longer justify yourselves, so that you may no longer deceive yourselves. Thus, you will assume the Plans of the Redeeming Lord.
Meanwhile, I will continue to work with the angels, who are here with Me for this special task in the United States, trying to help and aid those who are lost in vices, in indifference, in evil and even those who are lost in death, in spiritual death.
I come as a Sun, invisible and immaterial, to cause the rebirth of the hearts who accept to see My Light on the horizon, in the deepest universe of beings.
God hopes that all His Children may be worthy before Him.
So that this may be a reality and not something so distant or even impossible, we will have to go through many challenges and some of them are dangerous challenges. Because the pathway is very long until you can reach the goal that God expects.
But the strength in the hearts that believe in Christ and live in Christ can be an unbreakable and I might say unmovable strength, a strength sustained in faith and trust in God.
Thus, I prepare you for the new sowing.
What will you offer to the Plan?
I will patiently wait, but do not forget that we are in a time of emergency, the answer must be now. But not a superficial response, it must be a mature response, from a being that understands what it means to be converted into a Christ.
This is all. Go through these times in My Peace.
I thank you, once again, for truly being with Me.
Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón de Jesús:
Thank You, Lord, for all that You give us.
In this meeting, we honor You, Lord.
In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.
To My beloved children of Argentina
Dear children:
In these recent times, My Maternal and Immaculate Heart has accompanied, step by step, the social and spiritual situation of My beloved Argentina.
Today, I want to tell you that, at each moment, I have suffered with you the regression that the country has lived in recent years and, above all, I have contemplated the needs that the most vulnerable have experienced, as well as the entire families that have been forced to abandon My beloved Argentina due to the insecurity and the lack of future.
However, many of you remained in the country and, like the apostles in the Sea of Galilee, have faced the hard storm of the country and of all its people.
Argentina is the food provider of the world, and this will never change. This is why, on this day of decisions for each one of My Argentinian children, I want to tell you that, despite the situations of wars and emergencies that the Divinity attends, My Heart of a Mother will be with each one of you, because in the last four years, which were painful to My children of Argentina, your Heavenly Mother closely accompanied the experience and anguish of each son and daughter of Mine.
This is why, once again, My beloveds, I call you on this day not only to invoke the discernment of the Holy Spirit, but I also call you to pray with Me.
Therefore, this Sunday, in a special way, I invite all prayerful beings, and especially My children of Argentina, the Light-Network of this country, to unite in prayer, by praying a Mystery of the Holy Rosary together with the visionaries of this Work.
In this way, My appeal to God will be so that Argentina and all its people may live a greater time of Peace, Justice and Grace, so that the angel of Argentina may have the necessary strength and support of all My children of Argentina so that the country may rise spiritually and materially again, so that harmony, the common good and a fraternal spirit may be the bases that allow the country to recover the hope and peace it has lost.
Today, more than ever, dear children, in prayer and supplication, I will be united to all My Argentinian children, so that you may not forget that I love you and I will lead you to Jesus, so that you may live under His Divine Will.
I thank you for responding to My call!
Who blesses you,
Your Mother, the Virgin Mary, Rose of Peace and Lady of Luján
My dear children,
Through the One Thousand Hail Marys, may tonight and tomorrow be dedicated to an inner state of vigil and prayer so that the souls of Brazil and especially their Guardian Angels may guide consciousnesses on the path of discernment and Divine Wisdom.
Meanwhile, My children, your Heavenly Mother, together with Christ the Redeemer, will tomorrow be accompanying, imploring to God, through the prayers of all the Angels of Heaven, that the Angel of Brazil and all of its people may be supported by following the path of faith, hope and justice.
Therefore, dear children, the day dedicated to one thousand Hail Marys will be a culminating day for Brazil.
Regardless of what may happen, My children, do not forget that I will always be your Mother, the Lady of Brazil and the Guardian of hearts.
Let us keep ignited the flame of faith.
I thank you for responding to My call.
Who blesses you,
Your Mother, the Virgin Mary, Rose of Peace
My dear children,
During these days of special prayer, may your requests and prayers for Brazil come to Me with the warmest love of My children, as roses at the Feet of the Celestial Mother.
Dear children, let us unite, at this moment, to the Heart of My Son so that the Sublime Spiritual Government may fill the souls of this nation of Brazil, and thus the purpose of this country may be protected and sheltered under the luminous wings of Brazil’s Guardian Angel.
It is in this way, dear children, that through the powerful prayer from the heart, the Holy Spirit may also guide and inspire the hearts of My children so that the discernment and peace that this dear people of Brazil need may always prevail.
As your Mother, as the Lady of Aparecida, I am praying every day, together with you, and I unite My Voice of a Servant and Slave of God so that in Brazil and throughout the whole world the Will of the Eternal Father may be fulfilled.
The intention of My Motherly desire is for Brazil not to convert itself into a scenario of inconsistencies and lack of spiritual meaning.
You, my children, must proceed to allow the Lady of Aparecida to continue being the Governor of this nation, destined to be the cradle of the New Humanity.
Continue praying with fervor, allowing the Sacred Flame of Wisdom grant understanding and reason to humble hearts.
I thank you for responding to my call!
Who blesses you,
You Mother, the Virgin Mary, Rose of Peace.
If I smile at you, will you smile at me?
May God bless you in the name of His Son.
In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.
Today, I want you to bring Me a Menorah and a candle, for humanity is entering its important last seven cycles; and I invite you, companions, to consciously pray for these cycles, so that all that the Celestial Universe expects to carry out in humanity may be possible.
The Menorah has been an ancient symbol of Judaism since the times of the patriarchs. It is a symbol of divine inspiration that consciously prepares consciousnesses and souls for what they will live in the coming times.
For this reason why the first candle that we will light today in the Menorah represents the first cycle that humanity will live after the Sacred Week, for which you must pray very much, because they are great planetary events that will come to correct humanity, not with justice, but with Love and Mercy.
Therefore, we will light this first candle in the Menorah so that, from today on, it may be at this Altar of Mine, which you have conceived for the arrival of your Master and Lord.
I will wait.
Accompany your Master and Lord in this spiritual exercise that I teach you to consciously live so that you can enter the coming cycles with maturity, commitment and responsibility, virtues that the Holy Spirit will give you for these times.
And we will light the first candle of the Menorah, asking for the Gifts of the Holy Spirit to descend at this moment, just as, at Pentecost, the Holy Spirit descended upon My companions and upon My Most Holy Mother, who at this very moment accompanies with Love all that Her Beloved Son is doing.
“Come, Holy Spirit,
and blow with Your Fire upon the consciousnesses of the world
and, especially, upon those who follow Me
and dare to prepare My path,
thus paving the way for My Return.”
Within the Gift of Science of the Holy Spirit, let us pray to the Holy Spirit, invoking, through the Gift of Science, for the Gift of Discernment to be established at this culminating moment of humanity, when the lineage of the Governors must be lived and understood widely so that the entire surface of the planet may be reconfigured and reorganized according to Divine Will.
Now, let us place the Menorah at the altar.
And thus, until Sunday, the great moment of the Resurrection of the Lord in the hearts of the world, the Menorah will gradually become completely lit, inviting, through the Holy Spirit, all its Gifts and Virtues, so that them may guide all the consciousnesses that are postulants to the Plan of God in these times.
Let us ask the Holy Spirit for the Gift of Discernment for all causes of the world.
Let us ask the Holy Spirit for the Gift of Discernment for all unjust situations throughout the world.
Let us ask the Holy Spirit for the Gift of Discernment so that the rulers of nations and peoples may make consequent and beneficial decisions, in accord with what the Celestial Father expects in these times.
Let us ask the Holy Spirit for the Gift of Discernment so that wars may not be fostered and the sale of weapons may not be justified, lest they place humanity itself in great danger.
Let us ask the Holy Spirit for its Gift of Discernment so that the minds and hearts that are closed to God, that live the evil of the world, may be exorcised and liberated from their spiritual and eternal prisons, so that they can be redeemed.
On this day, let us ask the Holy Spirit for the Gift of Discernment so that this humanity may be truly rebuilt, through peaceful dialog and beneficial action for the most miserable among humanity.
Let us ask the Holy Spirit for the Gift of Discernment so that the trafficking of people may end, so that the exploitation of the poorest nations may end and so that the poorest and the slaves of these times may recover their human dignity.
Let us ask the Holy Spirit for the Gift of Discernment so that a spirit of fraternity may be established in this world. Amen.
For you to live the Gifts of the Holy Spirit, I will give you a great key: no longer have personal will. Allow the Holy Spirit to embrace you at this moment and to tear, dissolve and transmute what is most resistant in your consciousnesses.
Let us ask the Holy Spirit with faith and confidence, because this is a promise that I have made to you from the moment I was on Earth: God will send His Spirit and renew the surface of the Earth throughout the times and generations, through those who say ‘yes’ to Christ.
Open up to the mystery of the Holy Spirit, conceived in the Sacred Fount of the Feminine Energy, because not only you, but also your brothers and sisters throughout the world, cannot take spiritual steps without the help of the Holy Spirit.
Let us then invoke the Mother of the Holy Spirit, so that She may send, through Her Heart, the deepest ray of Her Original Purity, and the inner worlds may be liberated from their spiritual prison, from slavery to the forces of chaos, so that they may be reborn in the Holy Spirit, the Eternal, inexhaustible and unchangeable Fire of God, which comes on this day to renew all things, renew them once again. Because in this way, through your lives, I will fulfill the promises that I have made to God for each one of you.
Feel the Breath of the Holy Spirit so that the Gift of Discernment may also be established in your consciousnesses, because if in these times there are no souls with discernment, there will be no New Humanity.
And you, who are co-creator creatures before God, remember your origins, return to your sources of origin, remember your true spiritual names, those which are written among the stars of the Cosmos, and allow the Gift of the Holy Spirit to establish itself so that this planet and its humanity may be removed from danger, from violence, from wars, from persecution, from famine, from the lack of distribution of resources; that they may be removed from the danger imposed by My enemy, the one that you must not forget that I defeated on the Cross, for each one of your lives and existences.
Do you understand now that you are conscious at this moment, before the Doors of the Heavens, that you can return to your origins and make the Gifts of the Holy Spirit reemerge in you? Gifts that you will not only need to serve Me in these definitive times, but that you will also need to live them and infuse throughout the world the Purpose of God, the one that must still be fulfilled in this world, the Purpose that has still not been fulfilled since Adam and Eve.
Although this may seem impossible in the face of the sufferings of the world, elevate your consciousnesses; My Heart is open like a Temple for this to happen.
Enter My Celestial Church on behalf of your brothers and sisters and of all those who do not believe in God so that, in time and before it all happens, before the nuclear weapons may, unfortunately, be activated, the Gifts of the Holy Spirit, the same Gifts that were in the apostles in Pentecost, may transmute and liberate these conditions of evil, through the offering of the hearts that offer themselves as empty tabernacles so that the Holy Spirit may rule their lives and definitively establish the Will of God.
Let us pray, the way I taught you.
Let us pray together, invoking the Holy Spirit, at this delicate moment of the planet.
Come, Holy Spirit,
Illuminate the hearts,
so that they may achieve
the Transfiguration of Jesus.
(four times)
Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón de Jesús:
We stand up at the request of the Lord, and we will sing as one voice, infusing this Holy Spirit into the whole world.
We will stand firmly upon the ground, at the request of Christ, so that this powerful energy of the Holy Spirit may descend upon us and the world. And we will place our hands in a gesture of reception and gratitude.
Let us sing.
Song: “Adonai, Holy Spirit.
We may sit down.
And we will place our hands in a gesture of reception upon our laps, for the Lord, through the priests, will give a blessing to all through the water that is being offered, so that, through the Light of Christ, the Holy Spirit may be infused not only in us, but also throughout the whole world, through this blessing.
“Father of Mercy,
Unfathomable Spirit of Love,
Inexhaustible Fount of Grace,
Immensurable Truth, Justice and Healing,
listen to the Voice of Your Beloved Son at this moment,
who, just as in the Garden of Gethsemane,
has offered to drink the Chalice,
in reparation of Your Heart
and for the salvation of humanity.
Contemplate, Adonai,
the offering of hearts,
the effort of consequent souls
and the perseverance of those who say ‘yes’ to Your Beloved Son.
O, Celestial Father!
do not contemplate the adversities of wars,
the impunity of some hearts,
the evil that is established in the world.
Today, My Heart, like a reliquary,
offers itself between You and the world to redeem humanity.
Send Your Holy Spirit, Lord,
and that through this water that You have created
to quench the thirst of Your children,
souls may be blessed and renewed
through the Presence of Your Holy Spirit.
In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.
Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón de Jesús:
We will sing a few more times “Adonai, Holy Spirit,” so that the Holy Spirit may be infused at this moment into those present here and into those who are united to Christ at this moment.
Song: “Adonai, Holy Spirit.”
And before I bid farewell, before you enter the Spiritual Communion, in which you have the opportunity to renew your commitment to Me and to My Work of Redemption, I have come today to also ask for the Sacrament of the Washing of the right foot, as in other Sacred Weeks. This is so that, through the consciousnesses that I have chosen, and on behalf of all, personal will may continue to be dissolved, so that the Will of God may be established within you, that Supreme Will, which has the destiny written for each being.
The best way to live this moment is by singing to Me, by loving Me and recognizing Me, not only at this moment, but also in your lives, as a Christic and redeeming particle of Love, which has touched your lives forever. The song that I have chosen for this moment of Sacrament is all that you have lived for Me.
Christ is referring to the song: "All that I have lived."
Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón de Jesús:
We will call here, to the altar, for this moment of consecration and of Sacrament, the following brothers and sisters, who the Lord has mentioned, which I will ask Christ to repeat, as there are many names:
Igor, Zimra, Martha, Tseguereda, Cristiano, Sister María Templaria, Guatami, Vanessa from Finland, Irene Almeida, Sister María de Fátima, Augusto and Vanilda.
Have a good spiritual exercise!
I bless you, giving My Peace to you again.
In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.
En el nombre del Padre, del Hijo y del Espíritu Santo. Amén.
In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.
Do not let the light of your heart go out.
I have come here to help you and to accompany you. I have come here for each of My children, on this special day, when consecration is the premise for each of your consciousnesses, because the final moment is approaching, and you are living it.
Decide, My child, to enter this Calvary, which Our Lord calls upon you to live and to experience.
In this pause between the battles, decide to carry the cross that He is giving you so that this Lent may be a victory, so it be a triumph for God.
You know that love will always triumph, love will never perish.
Evil does not know love, that is why evil aggresses and attacks. Its fury is unknown, but its debility is great.
As long as you love and live in faith, everything will be transformed, no matter how difficult it may seem.
Now, the cross that you must carry, in this Calvary to which you are entering, is the cross of humanity, the spiritual cross that very few dare to carry upon their backs, that very few risk to feel and support, just as My Son did.
Do you not think that it is possible for you to carry that cross?
This is the path of the New Christs. This is the path of the soldiers, of the Children of Mary.
Not only will prayer, day by day, sustain you, purify you and elevate you, but so will your true surrender and sacrifice to Our Lord, in order to compensate the great debt that the world and humanity have.
God does not pour out suffering upon His children. God pours out His Mercy and His Graces, but still, few can recognize, appreciate and value them.
Therefore, My sons and My daughters, be resigned and humble to be able to perceive the vast universe of God, to be able to contemplate everything that He wants to give you.
As time goes by, the greater the definition becomes. This is the time to live it and experience it.
This is the Cross of the Apocalypse.
Wearing part of My Celestial Mantle is not only a blessing and a Grace, it is a commitment, it is a responsibility, it is living fidelity to God through My Immaculate Heart.
I have prepared you throughout these years for this moment, and today I receive with love the aspirations of many of My children who want to consecrate themselves.
This material time and the events of the world prevent My children from reuniting.
Evil has carried out an unknown project upon you; it has paralyzed all of humanity because humanity is very ignorant and unconscious. But faith can renew all things. Prayer can transmute all things. Sacrifice repairs and mends the mistakes of the entire world.
My Son hopes that there be hearts that offer themselves as victims of His Love, that there be hearts that can live what Christ expects so much; that they not only receive from My beloved Son His Mercy, but also His pain, His thorns and His spiritual wounds.
This is the Meeting of the Children of Mary that closes a cycle, as it is the seventh.
In truth, My children, God did not expect humanity to reach this point and this situation, but it did, and so it is.
That is why I invite you to rise from the ashes, I invite you to rise from tribulation, from the desert; to leave sin, lies, pride, arrogance and vanity. I invite you to live obedience, fidelity, commitment, responsibility, loyalty and, above all, love, Christic Love.
My Son will base Himself upon these sacred attributes to make your lives and hearts apostles of Christ.
Your mission is in the conviction to live in Christ and for Christ, and not to live a life of material or spiritual illusion.
Children, this is the time to assume the heavy wood of the cross of humanity so that the world forever be liberated from the state it has reached, from the place where it has remained for centuries.
I can only pray for you and encourage you to go forward, to not back down and go through this turbulent time of instability and challenges; an unknown time, which no humanity has ever before lived or went through.
You are a race in transition, a project that has been left unfinished and that must be finalized. A human project that must be realized, just as it once began in the holy peoples of Israel. You are their offspring, you are its new tribes.
Christ needs to gestate His Project of Return in truthful hearts. While this does not happen, He will not arrive.
I pray to the Eternal Father for that moment to come, because, as a Mother, I suffer for a world in chaos, in suffering, in agony and in pain.
All the angelic hosts that accompany Me help the planet in all that is possible. My Mantle envelopes all nations, but still, humanity does not want to disassociate itself from evil.
Be that Light of Christ that the world needs at this time. Be that Sacrament realized and concretized by the Mercy of My Son, giving testimony to His Word and living in the Eucharist.
The signs of the Return of Christ will be very visible to all. But I ask you, beloved children, I ask the whole world, not to pretend that the prophecies are fulfilled, do not do it, do not do it anymore. May your lives be a promise and not a calvary.
May your consciousnesses unite to the Project of God and His Will in these times when the battle is very hard and difficult; but always see My Son, that Man of Nazareth who shed His Blood for you, down to the last drop.
The sacred soil of the planet witnessed this event and you cannot lose it or stop valuing it.
Now learn, My children, to support your own passion, your own agonies and uncertainties, so that the purification of the world and the liberation of souls may triumph.
On March 13, 2021, a spiritual door opens for all the Children of Mary to go through. It is the door of the mature sacrifice, of a matured cross that you are invited to spiritually carry with My Son.
I ask you not to justify yourselves or to be sorry. I invite you to carry out this work silently, united, from heart to heart, to the great Heart of Christ, the Universal King.
Your Hands will not be able to meet many needs, not only those around you but those throughout the world. The soldiers are reducing in the ranks of the Commands of Christ. Will anyone else perish?
It is not the time to step back, My children; allow the Spirit of the spiritual Government of Christ to guide you and protect you; give you impulse to find, day by day, the path of transcendence and the redemption of all your human aspects, because whoever truly serves and surrenders, will lack nothing.
The call of Christ at this time is straightforward and clear.
Decide to be that last flock and that last tribe of Israel that is surviving the end times, because in the midst of darkness will shine the Star that will bring the great consciousness of Christ to the world, and He will put an end to everything that humanity lives today, but first the planet will cleanse itself.
May everyone have the opportunity to straighten their paths and to not forget the Commandments, which we have told you so many times.
When you can take it no longer, My children, I invite you to rest in My arms, I will embrace you with My Mantle and sing you a song so that you can sleep, just as I would put the Child Jesus to sleep.
My Heart is ready to accompany you. Is your heart ready?
May this consecration and renewal of vows deepen in each one of My children. It is necessary to pray more so that peace may not be lost and, especially, so that souls may have discernment in their decisions, because nobody will any longer be able to say that God is punishing them.
The consequences are generated by your actions, by your choices, be aware of this and you will not suffer. May the star of the commitment of the Children of Mary shine upon the chest of each being, and help will come.
Today, be anointed by the luminous sign of the cross.
Today, be blessed by the Celestial Mother.
I thank you all for having reached this moment and this time.
Follow in the steps of the Mother of God, but may your steps be barefoot, divested of yourselves, and surrendered in trust to the Creator.
I bless you with the Light of My Son, and on this day I renew the vows of your consecration.
In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.
In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.
Behold the universe, which belongs to you and this is still unknown.
From the universe, I have come to bring you My Message of awakening, in the face of a planetary scenario that only provokes chaos, conflict and confusion; a scenario in which the human consciousness in this time must make a great effort in order to elevate and transcend itself; in which the abysses of the earthly consciousness absorb souls and make them lose track of the Christic Path.
Time and again, I approach the Earth’s orbit to contemplate the world and humanity, knowing that this moment would come, because I already knew it since the Garden of Gethsemane.
Today I come dressed with My violet garment, with the flame of the violet fire of the universe so that the waves of adversity may be transmuted and liberated from the earthly consciousness, so that My apostles and disciples are not absorbed by evil.
I have always spoken to you about the importance of entering My Heart. This is the time, this is the moment; but in order to cross the door of My Heart and be protected, you must surrender, you must yield, you must humble yourselves.
The door of My Heart is so small, that you cannot imagine. It is through the door of humility that you will be able to enter My Heart and there you will be safe from any harassment.
Although the human consciousness commits itself, day by day, to that which is not evolutionary nor spiritual, I come again to the world to make it remember what I left here more than two thousand years ago.
The Blood of the Lamb was shed upon the surface of this planet and this has incalculable value for you.
Invoke the power of My Blood and be bathed by it, receive the Christic Codes of Light that were achieved through the sacrifice of your Lord. In this way, from the consecrated consciousnesses to the consciousness of humanity, everyone will be filled by these Codes and be able to straighten their paths, until they can meet Me in the inner planes.
I know it is not easy to liberate oneself from the chains of oppression, of harassment and of darkness, but you have the tools to do it.
The power of the word of prayer will lead you to be at another point and in another state of consciousness.
The commitment to the life of the Sacraments will lead you to be protected and blessed by My Gifts.
To love the power of the Cross of Emmanuel and of the Cross of your Master and Lord will free you from sin.
A life of charity, of surrender and of service will remove you from yourselves so that you may learn to truly love.
Thus, with these simple tools that We have taught you, you will be able to survive in this fierce battle that is taking place on the planet, which many do not see and most do not want to accept.
This is the time of Armageddon, it is the first time of the book of the Apocalypse.
No longer let your eyes be covered by the blindfolds of illusion. Tear up these blindfolds and free yourselves forever from that which is superficial.
May your hearts not become points of indifference, of insensitivity nor of despise.
I have given you all that you need and a little more so that you may come to this moment. Do not fear knowing yourselves just as you are, and not what you appear to be.
Through the spirit of My Truth, become free from yourselves, and thus you will free the world from suffering.
Many of Mine throughout the whole world were assigned to live this time, they were anointed by My own Hand of Light, under the impulse of My Divinity, so that they would never forget the commitment.
Now it is not time to be busy with yourselves, but rather with My Plan. It is time to love the proposal that I gave you seven years ago.
I still wait that you can be My Word, My Message. I still wait that you can be My apostles, as many have been throughout the times. But this, companions, has a price; it is not a favor, nor is it an emotion.
To be under My Government means responsibility and discernment. To be under My Government means love and unity, transparency and truth, because evil does not know these attributes.
If your lives are these attributes, as imperfect as they may be, you will be protected and you will not suffer. For a moment, look around you, and you will realize what I tell you, it is not necessary that you go far to perceive it.
Each one of you must purify your lives during this Lent, but let this be a true purification and not a mental one.
You must feel in your own flesh the need to be different, the aspiration to fulfill My designs and at least reflecting on Earth a little love, a little light; because the world lacks this light and lacks this love, and you know this.
May this Marathon number ninety represent discernment for all, the action of love in all things and needs, the responsibility to live the commitment and not to escape the commitment; the affirmation to be My apostles, and someday be the New Christs, the Christs of the New Time.
I know that many of you have thought someday that you would not come to this moment, nor to be so aware of the responsibility of being with Me, of being by My side; but this is what God needs.
His celestial treasures cannot be kept just anywhere nor in just any consciousness. His celestial treasures must be kept in the most humble, the most simple but truest hearts.
If humanity could understand the need to live change, that which is happening in the world would not be so.
Many think that the Celestial Father does not want to dissolve everything that is happening in the world, but this is not true, companions.
Humanity generates its own sufferings, and these sufferings fall upon the most innocent and the poorest among the poor.
A true King would never be born in a palace. I need you to be humble, just as I had to be in the manger in Bethlehem.
God does not hide in material wealth. God is present in the spiritual treasures, which can be the very example of souls that are converted and redeemed.
May the sacred violet garments of Christ make you understand, in this Lent, that you are already in the time of a great transition, a transition that is more definitive and profound than it seems to be.
Open your inner senses to understand all that I tell you. Do not try to understand with your mind nor with your external senses.
In this Lent, open yourselves to be transfigured by My Light.
May My apostles hear the call of the Lord of Israel and may they prepare the spaces for His arrival.
This is the time marked for My Return. It is the time when many of Mine will have the opportunity of learning and of growing, if they so accept.
I will no longer force you to follow Me. Your feet must walk by themselves, just as I have told you, that for faith you must walk upon the waters, just as the apostle Peter.
May this Marathon invoke the Gift of Discernment of the Holy Spirit so that the consciousnesses, from the consecrated consciousnesses down to all of humanity, by irresponsibility, by indifference or by lack of common sense, not miss the opportunity that the Father has given them.
At the doors of this Sacred Week, and after so many Sacred Weeks, the moment has come for you to carry your own cross and to be brave, to learn to endure the fire of purification and to learn to transcend yourselves, to free yourselves from yourselves, forever.
In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.
Dear children,
May the Peace of Christ be with you.
At this time, seek to strengthen your union with My Son, thus, allowing the Immaterial Laws to come into your lives, and your consciousnesses to be withdrawn from the current of chaos and attacks.
At this time, My children, you must carry forward truth and sincerity with My Son so that He may make of you souls of charity, mercy and goodness.
Continue praying the Holy Rosary daily, because in the prayer of the Rosary, you will find the ladder of Light that will elevate you and remove you from any danger.
From Heaven, I have been accompanying the moment that the planet continues to go through. The more works of good and peace that are carried out, the greater will be the Graces that humanity will receive, even if it does not deserve them.
Children, use discernment, use the word correctly, may nothing be wasted.
Be people of love and kindness.
Live the message of My Son and thus the world will be safe by the presence of the holiness of souls.
Recognize My Son in your fellow beings.
Awaken your virtues and talents.
Be ambassadors of peace and no longer live hatred, revenge or discord.
Be more merciful, and Divine Mercy will reach the world.
I give you My maternal blessing so that you do not become discouraged.
If you are in Christ, in Christ you will achieve your redemption and conversion. Go ahead!
I thank you for responding to My call!
Who blesses you,
Your Mother, the Virgin Mary, Rose of Peace
Keep the Light of God in your heart. There, it will rest and silently work until it fulfills its inner purpose.
Keep the Light of God in your heart, so that it may reach the goal within you. That Light descends to bless you and renew you.
The Light of God is neutral but very compassionate. Its presence regenerates life and awakens love in the human heart.
That Light, which comes from His Source, is a most powerful Grace that comes to renew the life of the prayerful soul.
The Light of God comes to redeem your cells through the inner elevation of your being. Thus, you will open up a space for that powerful Light to act and work according to the purpose it has.
Let the Light of God transform your being and those spaces within you where light has not yet reached.
Trust in the power of the Light of God, and everything will change.
It draws souls toward the Divine Source.
It communes with the heart that lives the path of prayer.
It is the Light that illuminates the path for the pilgrim feet.
It is the Light that reveals the inner truth.
It is the Light of God that awakens the consciousness and leads it toward discernment.
The Light of God intervenes at culminating moments and in difficult situations.
The Light of God is never reduced nor does it disappear from this space-time.
The Light is omnipresent and its omnipresence allows it to help many souls that have imperative needs of this humble Light of the Creator.
I thank you for responding to My call!
Who blesses you,
Your Mother, the Virgin Mary, Rose of Peace
In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.
May peace be within you in these times of great setbacks, in which serenity and meekness are the principal keys for going through them.
Today I come from a place that some already know and that others will come to know today.
My voice echoes within a distant place of the Earth, where nothingness is present and the void fills the whole being.
My voice is heard in the inner planes, where the melody of peace and rescue for humanity resounds.
Today I come from Shambhala, in the Gobi Desert. Focus your attention upon this place; there, in the desert, lies the Voice of the Master, Who prepares His Return to humanity.
The instructions and teachings continue to be given; knowledge descends to bring more wisdom and discernment in this time.
The great decisions are carried forward and all gather in confraternity.
Shambhala brings the feeling of the sacred and the devotional to all. Its harmony and attunement awaken in the human heart the sacred melody that causes Shambhala to resound.
But Shambhala is remote, its origin unknown. Many want to access its portals, but few find them, because to reach Shambhala, the heart and the intention must be pure; in this way, you will enter the Kingdom of Shambhala.
My Message is being emitted from there, on this day of preparation for the month of August, when I will come to the world to give the last impulses and treasures to humanity.
The light of Shambhala brings peace to the contrary currents and stabilizes the forms; the human mind cannot understand what this is about. Because Shambhala is not of this world, even though it is within it. Its existence is very ancient, its legacy is very profound.
Those who draw close to Shambhala will know the sacred and the blessed; they will feel a call toward ascension and toward the elevation of consciousness, even in these critical and difficult times.
In the Kingdom of Shambhala, you will find many brothers and sisters who are not in material life, but rather in the spiritual life, who intone their songs and mantras to sustain the planet and humanity in equilibrium and harmony.
Join this chain of love and solidarity with the Confraternity of Shambhala; may its sacred spaces fill you and lead you to understand, beyond the material, the whole Plan of God.
It is thus that today Shambhala resonates as a sacred note, a primary key for this end time in which souls are called, on the inner planes, to the Sacred Chambers to meet with the Hierarchy and accompany it in fidelity and obedience.
It is thus that My Voice is emitted from the heart of Shambhala; the doors of Its Kingdom are open before the presence of the Master of Love and Humility.
May its disciples come to Shambhala to also recognize the legacy that is within each being and that for the first time was given impulse in the origins of Shambhala for this planet. Thus, the surface will be permeated with new principles that will dissolve the corrupt and transgressing forms.
The minds will be set free from the chain of bad thoughts, from destruction and cynicism, because Shambhala will be able to awaken within everyone.
In the same way that the monastics of this region of the planet perpetually intone their mantras, may the voices of prayer, supplication and pleas resound within you, because the door of My Mercy is still open to the world and to all souls, beyond their conditions or situations.
The light of Shambhala emerges on the surface of the planet. Some manage to perceive it, others are still too asleep to realize this great happening.
Shambhala emanates its silent message within souls so that they may recognize the moment of Shambhala in this time of humanity.
I want your beings to submerge in Shambhala to understand life and existence from another point within the consciousness; in this way, you will not feel blocked or imprisoned by your own human condition.
Shambhala forges the warrior; Shambhala forges the guardian; Shambhala forges the devotional soul, and constantly gives an impulse to the elevation of the consciousness toward the Sublime Universes.
The Earth is not just chaos. Shambhala, like other places, is a Sacred Chamber where you will be able to make the inner pilgrimage within yourselves, toward your origins, toward the truth. Thus, appearances will disappear, the incomprehension will dissolve; but only the pure and humble hearts enter Shambhala, one that knows, beyond itself, how to recognize the Power of God and Creation.
Shambhala opens like a fount of inexhaustible love. Souls are bathed by the light of Shambhala at this moment to again find the meaning for their existence and their missions on Earth.
Shambhala is here. This is the light of Shambhala. In reverence, be thankful and prepare your hearts for that which will come.
If Shambhala is here today, it is because of a universal, not just world importance. It reveals itself again, after its long withdrawal. Its rays and lights show the next cycle, in which everything will come to an end.
Go and seek what you need in the fount of Shambhala. The Father will always give you everything, always. And when you are in His Law, drink of this fount and your talents will awaken.
Shambhala is unchangeable. Shambhala is eternal. Shambhala is a history of great origins. That is why so many monastics come there, to the Gobi Desert in Mongolia, to seek Shambhala where it seemingly does not exist.
May the light of Shambhala stabilize the spaces and consciousnesses so that harmony and peace may reign.
Shambhala is preparing for its great task and its great moment. Accompany it.
Shambhala summons you in spirit and in soul for the inner union and attunement with the Greater.
But when you walk toward Shambhala, empty yourselves completely. May your feet be washed clean of the dust, the worldwide chaos, before entering the portal so that, purified, your souls may receive what Shambhala has to give you. Accompany Me in this inner pilgrimage.
Shambhala is the essence of Truth; follow its light. It is like a great star in the firmament. Shambhala is like a great sun in the Universe. Its Kingdom is there to be recognized and loved.
Shambhala is the voice of the wisdom of the heart.
Shambhala, Shambhala, Shambhala, come to those who seek immortality and the overcoming of self. Come to those who love the Plan of God and seek It.
Before saying goodbye, and so that you remain in the light of Shambhala, I want to ask you for something special to Me, that, in this Sacred meeting with Shambhala, you close this work by singing "Solar Christ."
In this way, souls will ignite through the impulse that Shambhala will give you with its wisdom and love.
Follow in My footsteps along this pilgrimage, towards a meeting with the sacred and the devotional.
I bless you, in the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.
Sacred Light of Shambhala
that emerges throughout space,
Sacred Light of Shambhala
that permeates all forms and archetypes,
Sacred Light of Shambhala
that transmutes the concrete and terrestrial mind:
Elevate all principles!
Transmute all currents!
Dispel all adversity!
so that the Love that comes from you
may triumph throughout Creation.
To maintain balance in times of transition, My children, your consciousnesses must embrace from now on the love for selfless service and constant self-giving. It is this determination to serve, unconditionally, that will renew you in body and spirit, and allow you to remain supported by Divine Grace.
The search to serve and help others will make your consciousnesses attract from the Heart of God His wisdom and discernment, His healing, His Love and His Peace, even in the most adverse situations.
This will be so, children, because God will give you the tools you need to fulfill the mission that your souls have committed to live.
So that you do not become unbalanced, go mad or become saddened when you find no other support other than what lies only within God, you must now begin to love service, love helping others, love fulfilling the Plan of God, love being available, love being in the Creator and not in yourselves, because this is how you will be able to overcome, not only the tests that will come, but you will also allow the Love of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit to be renewed and to overcome within you.
You have My blessing for this.
The Most Chaste Saint Joseph
On each new day, rise with a heart full of gratitude.
May your first thought be permeated with gratitude for the gift of life, gratitude for every lesson this day will bring, gratitude for all the Graces received, gratitude for still being able to get up and serve, love and transform yourself according to the Will of God.
Gratitude, child, will allow you to grow humanly and spiritually because the one who is grateful does not become involved with human weaknesses, but rather they are integrated with the Divine Grace and Mercy that they receive from God, every day.
The grateful heart becomes aware that everything it can do in this world is little to repay and multiply the Love that it receives from God.
Gratitude elevates consciousnesses beyond the dimensions of chaos and places them in a state of grace so that they may know how to deal with every situation in life with wisdom and discernment, imprinting the Will of God, and not their own, in all things.
Therefore, elevate yourself through gratitude and, at every moment of the day, remember to be grateful to God for everything. In this way, you will be in the world, yet belonging to the Heavens, and the Kingdom of God will be able to express itself through you.
You have My blessing for this.
The Most Chaste Saint Joseph
To grow humanly and spiritually is to every day contemplate, not only your own responsibilities but also, and above all, the spiritual realities, the knowledge and the Instruction that comes from the Hierarchy.
In this way, you consolidate the guidance within your consciousness and it becomes an experience that matures the being and unites you to God and His Purpose.
To every day Meditate upon the Instructions that God gives you is the elementary part of the path of maturing the consciousness. It is the first step toward becoming an adult in the spiritual life and a human being full of God, not of yourself.
It is through the Instruction of the Hierarchy that you will develop within your being the ability to discern, to decide, to help, to lead the beings through the right path, to keep yourself in the Divine Will, despite all the deviations of the world.
And I do not speak of reading or listening. I speak of meditating, feeling and trying to understand; I speak of seeking opportunities in life to practice the Instructions; I speak of making the Impulses of God become alive and making them flesh within you, every day.
This is how, children, you may grow humanly and spiritually, a little more, every day.
You have My blessing for this.
The Most Chaste Saint Joseph
Today, I pray with you, My children, prostrated upon the ground before the Majesty of God, to again ask for all My children and, together with the angels, we make the loving offer to God so that He, in His unfathomable Love and Pity, may have Mercy upon the whole world.
I pray, prostrated upon the ground, for a humanity sick in spirit, confounded and deceived by the mind, shaken by its emotions.
I pray, together with you, so that all lies, which are provoked and subject the majority of humanity, may dissolve by the power of Truth, the Truth that each one is, from their spiritual essence.
Prostrated upon the ground, I pray for the nations and for all their inhabitants so that souls may again seek God and no longer the idols of communications nor the fanatics of the end of times.
I pray, prostrated before God, so that the light of discernment may invade, with its power of wisdom, as many souls as possible so that, in this way, My children may not again enter the endless chain of sufferings.
I pray, prostrated upon the ground, for all those who occultly promote and generate evil in humanity by means of global actions that only harm and frighten humanity, so that harmony and inner order may be established.
I pray, prostrated upon the ground, for the Kingdoms of Nature, those which most suffer the effects of pollution and the contamination of humanity. Something that worsens, day by day, and that no longer has a return.
I pray that the consciousness of awakening propels My children towards awareness and mutual respect among the Lower Kingdoms and humanity so that Creation may have its essential and fundamental space to regenerate itself.
I pray, prostrated upon the ground, for all those who suffer and for those who have suffered in recent times, so that these anguished souls may attain liberation from themselves and may find the path of forgiveness and inner healing.
I pray for the Church of My Son, extended throughout the whole Earth, so that the Holy Father may have the force of determination and bravery to purge from the bosom of the Church that which is not of God, just as My Son expelled the merchants of the Temple.
I pray, prostrated upon the ground, for countless causes, requests and appeals.
I invite you to pray together with Me, on this day of Vigil of Prayer and on all days that will come, because, although it may not seem so, prayer will be your defense weapon against My adversary and all his wicked plans that he carries forward.
Prayer will always be the fortitude for your spirits and consolation for your souls.
Never cease to pray because, in this way, you will be protected and supported from the extremely hard consequences that the planet will experience and from the barbarities that the anti-Christs will commit.
Love prayer and you will not recognize yourselves. In this way, you will also help all souls that suffer.
I thank you for responding to My call!
Who blesses you,
Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace
God strengthens the hearts that respond to His call through tests and challenges, battles and difficulties, which forge fortitude and faith within.
It is in this way, children, that in the light of so many Graces received, the laws are balanced and those who receive everything from their Creator are called to give everything for Him.
God does not want to see you suffer, but He does need to allow the laws of this world to be fulfilled and that they guide you so that you may experience an ever deeper surrender of your lives.
In the face of the chaos of the world and the inner chaos, seek the spirit of peace and allow your consciousnesses to be focused outside of the dimensions of conflict that confuse the minds of humankind.
Through peace, your hearts, in times of such confusion and imbalance, will be able to attract Divine and Universal Laws and live the wisdom and discernment of the Spirit of God.
And so, children, do not forget to understand that the laws are fulfilled and all abundant Grace is balanced with sacrifice.
However, in difficulties, you can choose how to experience them. You can be in peace and united with the Divine Consciousness, and, in this way, not only keep your own consciousness in God, but also provide a service for this world that is confused and lacking balance and harmony.
I bless you. I place you under the protection and the peace of My Chaste Heart.
The Most Chaste Saint Joseph
I come to save those who want to return to God. For this reason, today I am present on this date that is very special, not only for the Celestial Father, but also for the Sacred Hearts.
Tonight I bring the synthesis of the experience that I had in Bethlehem, because many mysteries occurred on that night. And in spite of two thousand years having gone by since this event, it continues to echo in the Celestial Universe, as well as in the Cosmos.
Today I have you spiritually participate in the revelations of God, in the revelations that God made for the Sacred Family and for all the souls that were called by the Father, in that time, to be able to experience and participate in the Birth of Christ.
Today it is a planetary reality that many do not seek the inner Christ. But the strength of the inner Christ in a very few grants the graces that the planet needs, that humanity urgently needs to be able to awaken to the reality in which it lives.
My divine intervention descends today to Earth with all the angels of the Universe that praise God, that adore the Child King. They come with Me today, dear children, to be able to help and assist the families of the world, because the family, as you know, My children, is the main nucleus of the Project of God. A family that, in this so crucial time of humanity, needs to recover the values that God gave them from the beginning of this genetic project.
And each time this very special date of the end of the year comes closer, when My adversary works untiringly to distract souls and draw them away from their inner purpose, the Celestial Universe then comes close to the Earth and, with the strength and the power of the Holy Spirit, through your Heavenly Mother, souls have the great opportunity and the great chance of being able to recover the place they lost after committing their errors. Because the event that took place in the Cave of Bethlehem was a great merit, it was the first merit that Christ granted to humanity, through His Incarnation in this world.
Thus, the living God was present among the men and women of the Earth. He announced Himself to the world as the Messiah, the Savior, and He will continue to do so for the times that will come, until the last soul has the opportunity to awaken, beyond the errors committed in this current cycle.
And so, on this special night, in which we contemplate the Nativity of Our Lord and Divine Grace drawing closer to humanity, I draw closer to the families of the world, I enter into the homes of the world, so that all may be able to spiritually commune of this occult Sacrament of the Birth of Jesus, in which families can again drink of the Divine Fount and souls can be strengthened on the path of faith and of trust in God.
Today I have all nations of the world at My Feet, all cultures and all peoples that give tribute to and remember the Birth of Jesus. And from Heaven, He sends them a fraternal embrace as the Greater Governor that He is, so that you may always follow His Purpose, so that you may continue following His footsteps, the footsteps of light that He leaves opon His paths, until finding the great Portal of Redemption.
Today, in My Maternal Heart I bring this important moment of the Cave of Bethlehem, this mystery that ceases to be a mystery and that reveals itself to the world today, through the knowledge and divine instruction that the Hierarchy brings, knowing that it was not a simple birth, but rather it was a great revelation that God brought for humanity.
With the birth of My beloved Son, God indicated an opportunity to the world, and He continues to reveal it; He continues to show it through the contemplation of this mystery, in which many Hierarchies participated and a Great Celestial Brotherhood assembled around the planet, more than two thousand years ago, to participate in this moment, because a very great many cosmic rays descended to accomplish the spiritual recovery of humanity and withdraw the human race from a project dismissed by the Eternal Father Himself.
How much Love He had, so immeasurable and infinite, that He gave Himself to each one of His children! He made Himself into such a little child and in likeness to yourselves, so that you could recognize Him, you could feel and see Him with your own eyes, because many that are here today were participants in this event in the Cave of Bethlehem.
This is the time for understanding that this story continues and is being written, and that this story that is being written cannot be changed.
In this way, you can understand, My children, how the Divine Will continues to be active throughout the times and the generations, and how this Will must be concretized in yourselves, and your brothers and sisters, so that what God thought of and ardently desired, within this cycle of the final battle, may be accomplished beyond any event or circumstance.
And so, My children, you are facing a new opportunity of consciously assuming this commitment that My Son offers you; not only an inner union of yourselves with your inner Christ, but the living of the Project of the Redeemer, of all that He needs to concretize and carry out in this cycle.
In this way, your purification will be small, insignificant, because the energy of cosmic healing will grant you a transformation and change of your being.
Thus, I bring you this opportunity so that you may consciously re-enter the Divine Source, this Source that generated the incarnation of the Son of God through the Grace of the Holy Spirit, in the conception of your Divine Mother.
Everything that God needs for this time and through this Work is not small, but rather very large. In everything that He needs to carry out in humanity, in the most distant peoples of the Earth, as is Africa, His aspiration is ardent and alive, it beats in the very Heart of the Father until it may be accomplished and carry out what He needs, because in the simplest things the most marvelous things will be seen. It is in this space and in this place where Mercy will take action and hearts will be redeemed, becoming free forever from the captivity and slavery that My enemy imposes.
But you have the Grace of having Aurora and other Sacred Centers, where you do not lack the opportunity nor the tools for being able to experience this ascension and transformation, no matter how hard it may seem.
While you fulfill what God needs, you will not suffer, because God is love and joy. Suffering is a part of humankind, of that which humanity itself has generated through its debts.
The spiritual Universe is hope, is ascension, and it is light. And it is this Light of Christ that I bring to you today, My children, so that it may penetrate your hearts and essences and, recovering your origin and your existence, you may be able to again feel as a part of the Project of God, of this great Mission of the end of times that each one is called upon to experience, together with your Heavenly Mother.
I place a blessing today, upon those who most need it, setting My Hands upon you and upon the whole world, as a mother who caresses her children and consoles their hearts. This Grace brings you the fortitude of the Holy Spirit and the Gift of Science for experiencing these definitive times.
May the fortitude and the science of the Holy Spirit grant you the power of discernment, the capacity to understand beyond the limits of the mind and the consciousness, and to be able to carry out and give impulse to the Will of God upon the surface of this planet.
If you simply fulfill, only this, you will be living the purpose and the essence of your lives. And, in this way, My Immaculate Heart will triumph in many more places, in many more hearts, in many more lost souls that will become rescuable and will no longer be fallen stars, but rather little suns in the firmament that will also live their spiritual mission.
Today I tell you these last words, in this cycle I give you these last messages, because when the twelve years of My Apparitions are completed, in the coming 2020, a period will end, will be finalized, and you must live everything that you have received as knowledge and instruction.
While I am here, I help the rest of humanity and carry all toward the Heart of My Son, fulfilling on this night what He requested of Me, and re-establishing His Divine Will in this place, so that it may finally be lived without alterations.
I am this new Aurora that comes to the world to illuminate the times of darkness. I am the last Messenger of God and the first that will open the door to My Son so that He may return to the world. In that moment, your hearts must already be defined and, with bravery and courage, waiting for the coming of the Redeemer.
Today, from your hearts, I will receive this sacred offering of the novena and in My Heart, I will carry your prayers and all your intentions to those who are suffering because of their purification, so that they may stop suffering, because God loves them, God considers them and contemplates them, just as He contemplated and considered His Slave and His faithful Servant, your Celestial Mother.
I want you to place yourselves at the foot of this manger, this spiritual manger, this divine revelation that I have brought to you today, so that this impulse that the Hierarchy brings may be radiated and expanded into the whole world, so that the New Christs may awaken and participate in this sacred Mission.
For this, in this moment, let us listen to the instrumental of "Silent Night."
And, at the request of our Divine Mother, for all the families of the world, because of all the graces and merits of this novena, carried out by the families of the world, we will pray the "Act of Consecration to the Sacred Family of Nazareth" two times, and in the Heart of the Divine Mother, in Her presence, we will offer these prayers.
We take a breath.
Prayer: "Act of Consecration to the Sacred Family of Nazareth" (repeated twice).
My tears fall tonight, feeling the love and the strength of your prayers. How in the simplest and most humble lies what is great and victorious, what comes from God, for all eternity. Amen.
You will sing "Silent Night" so that this consecration may reach all the families of the world and the very smallest, those who are alone and who are orphans.
I thank you for responding to My call, and may the powerful Light of the Star of Bethlehem guide the steps and your paths for the coming times. Amen.
In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.
Dear children,
After the Meeting of Music yesterday, Amazonia has been prepared so that, through the Grace of the Divine Son, it may receive all the Light of the Universe that it will need in order to go through the end of times, as a Kingdom.
Aside from that, dear children, today your Divine Mother will prepare, by means of the prayers of Her beloved children, to enter into scenes of humanity where the suffering of the most little and innocent ones becomes worst, day by day.
For this reason, the Mother of God, the Sun of Life, will reach all the little and innocent ones, in different parts of the world, to help them and rescue them from this spiritual, mental and material condition in which hunger, persecution from war, exploitation of children and also undue trafficking of organs are carried out by a part of adult humanity that has completely lost the sense of discernment and the value that family represents.
My children, I not only will go towards those who despair, in these conditions of survival, but also, as Mother of the spiritual healing of humanity, I will come to hospitals and institutes where bodily suffering retains the departure of the little innocent souls that cannot manage to be freed from their incarnation.
Today, by a special Grace and by the sincere prayers of all servers of the Earth, I will concede immediate relief for this inhumane situation.
Therefore, My children, your support and participation, by means of the Vigil of Prayer, will contribute to and grant that the most innocent may find the relief and rest they so much need.
I will also come to the inappropriate and hidden spaces where the future mothers decide, by the interference of the enemy, to remove from their wombs the lives and love that God gave to them.
Within the coming and awaited for meeting, in the Marian Center of the Child King, on September 25th, I will come to ask all the collaborators of this Work of Love not to forget to help and serve the children, adolescents and youth that are in the Community of the New Earth, because they are the reflection of this part of humanity that needs healing, love and understanding.
I will be very grateful if the Planetary Light-Network groups visit and participate periodically and actively within the group and service life of the Community of the New Earth.
In this way, you will consciously be allowing other service groups in the rest of the world, to be able to assume the relief of suffering of other children, adolescents and youth.
May this vigil be the vigil of the heart and of self-surrender.
I thank you for responding to My call!
Who blesses you,
Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace
To find God, children, it is enough to be sincere of heart, truthful and transparent.
Washed by the Mercy, which descends upon your souls, when you confess with God and you surrender to Him, this is when you will be ready to cross your own inner doors and enter into His Kingdom.
It is not enough to want to know, to understand or to acquire divine knowledge in order to enhance your human personalities because, in this way, children, your minds will be full of half-truths that mankind may achieve, but empty of Wisdom and of the Gift of Discernment and Divine Science.
To want to know is a step, but it is not the treaded path. To want to be is another step, which also does not complete your destiny. To surrender to God in humility is more than a step, it is a key which opens the door for the encounter with the Redeemer and with the Creator of all things.
Therefore, I teach you about humility, before revealing to you the divine sciences. Therefore, I speak to you about surrender, before speaking about knowledge; I speak to you about love, before understanding; I speak to you about faith, before the revelation of the Truth.
In order to go through the narrow door of union with the Father, you must first remove from yourselves the many layers that do not allow you cross it. And this, children, happens through the Sacrament of confession, transparency, humility and the surrender before God.
You have My blessing to tread this path.
Your Father and Friend,
The Most Chaste Saint Joseph
In this moment of planetary chaos, in which within and outside of humanity there is confusion, doubts and fear, you, child, must in everything seek Divine aid, so that in the silence of your heart, the Lord may bring the answers that you need, in order to be at peace before His Plan.
Meditate as the Son of God used to meditate in the desert; cherish the moments of silence and solitude in which you meet God for a dialogue with your Lord. There, the Father will guide you and support you in the decisions about your life so that you do not fall in the same abysses, over and over.
Understand the importance of the inner desert so that you may find emptiness, nothingness, and you may know how to surrender your being so that it may become a divine dwelling.
Understand the importance of your inner desert so that your internal world may be strengthened.
Understand the importance of the inner desert, because in it you start entering the divine wisdom and discernment. It is in the desert of your heart that you will build what you will make use of during these end of times.
Therefore, child, pray and enter the silent depths of your heart without fear and there wait for the arrival of your Lord and God. In this way, you will be worthy of participating with Him, in His Plan of rescue and of salvation, first of your own soul and then of this world.
Your Father and Friend,
Saint Joseph Most Chaste
Association Mary
Founded in December of 2012, at the request of the Virgin Mary, Association Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception, is a religious association without ties to any institutionalized religion. It has a philosophical-spiritual, ecumenical, humanitarian, charitable, cultural character, and it supports all activities that are indicated through the instructions transmitted by Christ Jesus, the Virgin Mary, and Saint Joseph. Read more