Sunday, March 31 of 2024

Sacred Week

In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

The Feet of the Resurrected One touch the surface of the Earth to bless, heal and redeem it.

Today I also have the special Grace of spiritually contemplating the path of those who have decided to follow the Footprints of the Redeemer anywhere on the planet, carrying My Presence in the human heart that is transfigured by My codes of Light and Love.

I would like you to contemplate with Me the greatness of the miracle of Love in your lives. Even if you still feel imperfection, contemplate for a moment, beyond all this, what the eyes of your Master and Lord contemplate.

Behold, behind Me, the Kingdom of the Heavens, with its angels and archangels, especially the celestial choirs that today surround the Glorified and Resurrected Lord, as well as each one of your consciousnesses, so that, through the Book of Life, which is preciously kept in the Ark of the Holy Covenant, the experiences of love may be written, those which you were able to live in this last Sacred Week and, above all, the reconciliation and forgiveness between brothers and sisters.

Because in truth I tell you that if no one reconciles and forgives themselves or others, what will become of the destiny of this humanity, in the face of so many disasters and wars and so much suffering?

I come here for the last time, on this last day of the Sacred Week, so that you may be witnesses of My Presence in the world and in hearts.

Very great and unknown is the debt of this current world, but greater and more powerful can be the work of Mercy in hearts that respond to My Call, such as your hearts.

Today, the Lord of Israel, the Glorified and Resurrected Lord, cries not only for Jerusalem, as it was in the past, but He also cries for the innocent and those who are tormented in spiritual, moral and human captivity.

My tears become Light for the innocent and today your prayers, not only of this day, but of this entire Sacred Week, including the Spiritual Trilogy of Devotion, Contemplation and Prayer, have become an important spiritual cause for the marginalized, innocent and poorest among the poor, so that they may be helped in this next cycle. Thus, your prayers become roses at the Feet of the Creator.

Your souls prostrate themselves before the Kingdom of the Heavens, just as the holy angels do at this moment, so that the Son of God may be glorified in Heaven and on Earth, and especially in the hearts that seek relief from suffering and peace, just as it was at the doors of Jerusalem.

Today, in the face of the painful scenario of the world and humanity, I come to remind you again of the importance of love, and I come to pray for those who need it the most, so that My healing and redeeming Hand may touch the head of all those in need of love and redemption.

Carry My Graces of this Sacred Week in your hearts and lives. You can now be witnesses of My redeeming Love.

The Lord listens to the prayers of those who cry out. The Lord contemplates the pain of those who suffer, and His Divine and Unfathomable Mercy placates the human miseries so that everything may become redemption and forgiveness.

Today, I come to leave to you the spiritual seal of your union with Me and the union of My Heart with your hearts, so that you may hold on to the Presence of the Lord, who wants to lead you along the path of peace and goodness.

My spiritual task does not end here, in this Sacred Week. The coming times will bring challenges to all, but also promising opportunities for growth, surrender and self-giving, so that the grave errors committed in this time by humanity may be justified by the self-giving and surrender of the consistent ones, and Mercy, instead of Justice, may be poured out.

As an example of all of humanity, there are souls present here today who fulfill an important parable, the parable of the prodigal son. Because the Eternal Father is not severe to the one who makes a mistake out of ignorance or unconsciousness; His Mercy and Love transform the mistaken heart.

Just like the father of the prodigal son, the Father, with His Arms open, places His miserable and mistaken Son on the path of return toward His Heart, where all offenses and errors are diluted, the soul attains forgiveness and Mercy and once again starts from scratch, as each one of you does.

On all the days that will come, you must have the courage, the bravery and the strength to begin anew every day, just as your Master and Lord did at each step of the Calvary. At each moment, although I could not, I started anew, because the power of the spirit united to God is very great, there is no evil in this world that can overthrow the ardent aspiration of hearts.

However, everything has its moment and its time. The triumph of the Love of God in souls has its time and moment. Therefore, you must no longer become bitter or sad. You must cross the door of this place renewed by the full conviction that you have glorified the Lord of the Universe and of Peace, and entrust your lives again in the Hands of God, just as I Am Life in the hearts that surrender to the Lord.

I want you to carry with you what is most precious that I have, the most precious among all treasures, gifts and Graces. I want you to carry with you, in Spiritual Communion, the Love of the Redeemer, which will help you to continue on in these unknown times. It will bring you the hope of renewal. It will help you even in your self-esteem, because your souls and those of your brothers and sisters of the world must no longer be depressed.

Although this difficult time does not help humanity, because humanity becomes compromised outside of the Law of God, you must feel the renewal that I bring, and the absolute certainty that you have found Christ as the Way, the Truth and the Life.

I want to thank all those who made the effort to prepare these meetings. Everything, on all planes of consciousness, even on the material plane, must be aligned with the Purpose of the Redeemer.

The prize that awaits those who have truly surrendered to collaborate with this Sacred Week, is very great. But what is greatest, companions, is that My Love may transform you into what I so much expect and aspire to.

Therefore, before I close this Sacred Week, through the Holy and Divine Communion, I come to give you once more, the Anointing through My Spirit, so that you may carry within yourselves the visible sign of the Cross of the Redeemer, which will accompany you until the end of your days, until it is the moment to conclude this experience on Earth.

Remember that what I give you is inalterable and unchangeable, because it is an eternal and incalculable Grace.

May My Peace encourage you to live in My Peace, so that My Peace may be in you, and My Grace may be in you, so as to be in your brothers and sisters of the world.

Feel yourselves anointed by My Light.

In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón de Jesús:

At the request of Christ, at this moment we will conclude with that with which we began this Sacred Week: confident and renewed by His Presence, transformed by His consoling and redeeming Love, purified in soul, spirit and consciousness, anointed by His Grace and His Light, and by each one of the merits of our Redeemer.

Thus, we will unite through the song of María de los Inocentes (Mary of the Innocents), asking, from what is most intimate in each one of us, that the Grace of the Anointing of Jesus may reach those who most need it and those who suffer the most.

At this moment Our Lord says that each one will know, in the silence of their heart, what soul known by you needs the Grace of His spiritual Anointing.

For this, we will sing as one voice and one heart, giving thanks for the Presence of the Lord in these eight days.

The Lord will draw near His friends and companions.

Let us sing.

Song: “Healer of my soul.”

May Light, Grace and Mercy accompany all hearts as a special Anointing of Light.

In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

Saturday, March 30 of 2024

Sacred Week

In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

In the Kingdom of Heavens the supreme reality of God lives, something that God Himself has tried to have humanity understand, knowing that after this material life and this experience on Earth souls must return to Him.

Therefore, everything you do here, in the experience of the Earth, will represent the evolutionary or non-evolutionary result of what you will later on live on the higher planes of consciousness.

Through the revelations made to the holy visionaries, you have come to know a part of the mystery of My Resurrection, which is the same Law that rules this material universe.

I would like humanity not to forget that it has a soul, and that this soul exists on the inner planes, to finish living an unconcluded experience.

Nothing of what you live here on Earth could be transitory. God always indicates the path to the one who seeks it. With His Hand, God guides the path of hearts, and We, through Our Divine Presences, have offered to the world time and again, for it to be guided, believe and have faith.

For this reason, I granted you the Sacraments, so that you may remember that they are there as inexhaustible and inextinguishable sources of Grace, for the soul that truly seeks the conversion of the heart.

This is why it is so important that you may live forgiveness in this experience on Earth. Remember that you cannot leave this world without having forgiven and without asking for forgiveness.

The soul exists to conclude an experience, and I want you to know that for the majority this is the last experience. Therefore, you must think of the existence of the higher planes of consciousness, the Kingdom of the Heavens or whatever you want to call it, where your experiences after this life will undergo a synthesis.

I do not come to speak to you of the bodily death. I come to speak to you of the opportunity that you must not miss in this life, because the step is unique, just as is unique each moment of surrender and offering of your hearts.

I come to tell you this, companions, because I know that many who are here today and others who are not here, have submerged on the path of suffering and guilt. But God demonstrates to you, through the Presence of His Son in this time, that the door of His Divine Mercy is still open for the world, especially for those who have little time left to repent.

I want you to always keep in mind that God loves you, under any situation or condition. God does not have anger, God has Pity, Grace and Mercy; and this, in many cases, is completely forgotten, because the souls that are incarnated in this time easily become involved with indifference and that which is superficial.

But I also come, in this time and through each meeting, at the request of My Eternal Father, to place the redeeming Christic code in the innermost depth of the government of your souls and essences, the code of love and redemption that must be cared for and protected by yourselves. Because just as God gives all, He can also take all from you.

Not even the minutest particle of His Divine Grace is wasted in this universe; if that happened, it would be an offense to His Heart. For this reason, I call you to value this moment and to learn to read what I Myself Am writing through your lives. On this will depend what will happen to each one later on.

Imitate the example of the angels and saints who adore, love and revere God, Our Creator. Thus, your lives will deepen their spiritual and human dignity, and those virtues that God holds in His Heart, and are preciously chosen for each one, will be delivered in due time, when your hearts are ready, and that moment is drawing near.

The time of preparation is ending, the time of action is beginning, because the emergency in the world is very great. Misery, suffering and illness must be placated and many, really many hearts are waiting for the great day of their liberation.

You, by being here and by responding to My Call without My directly asking you, are participating in the preparation of this great moment, when I will return in Glory and with all the Power of God, to establish in this world again the universal order and the true Spiritual Government.

Do you understand that the Law must be re-established? And this will take place through the attitude of your hearts, through merciful actions, because Mercy will help you to perceive the necessity in any place, even in that apparently silent and anonymous heart.

I come so that your souls may open their eyes and perceive, for themselves, what they are participating in. It is not just a moment of Grace, Pity and Mercy; it is a moment to make the new apostles emerge, those who, in the end times, will re-write the history of humanity and the planet, just as the Hierarchy itself has re-written the history of all its inner and sacred centers, such as this place, throughout the times and above all through souls.

Not all will be able to live the same model of evolutionary life, you must be very clear about this. If this is forced, it might have irreversible consequences.

You must learn every day to perceive the need of your fellow being. In this way, you will truly help the growth of each brother and sister, by sustaining and supporting their being without condemning them, because I Am here so that hearts may find Me again.

But so that hearts may find Me again, may feel and live Me internally, the consciousness and, above all the heart must be open here, because I will send souls and though these souls I will go and test you, to know if My degrees of Love have been correctly sown in you.

Therefore, take advantage of this Sacred Week and release all that which binds you to the past and, above all, become liberated from yourselves, because you can now do it, it is just a matter of trusting Me more. Thus, the future plans and those not so distant will be visible to all, and God will place His Hand upon you so that, through your souls, He may write His Will.

If that happens just as God expects, I assure you that the errors of the world will be justified, including the errors that are committed with the blood of the innocent, which is still shed in these times. Thus, you can understand that this is nothing personal, it is a way similar to that lived by My Apostles.

But now we are in a definitive time. All decisions must be premeditated, discernment might not be enough, it is necessary to ask for Light for each matter, so that the path of the Law that I Am drawing, which is the Law of My Love, may be trodden.

Thus, I make you participants in all My designs, projects and operations, because in this way I will be able to find available and authentic hearts, capable of giving everything. Likewise, many more will be called to give everything, so that God’s Aspirations may be concretized.

Under this reflection, companions, which you must not forget and that you must know by heart, I prepare you for the next three years of your time, when very decisive events will present themselves, and all, in some way, will participate in these events, because humanity is one and one is the Project of God for humanity.

These next three years will define the reappearance of Christ, your Master and Lord, who will make His incursions in some places of the planet. And this will not be just spiritual, but also physical. As you know, I will not warn you in advance, because the Plan that I have foreseen must be fulfilled just as it was proposed and thought of by the Great Creator Fathers.

Whether you want it or not, whether you accept it or not, and take the step you must take or not, all will participate and be witnesses of this. Therefore, it will be important that, before My hour is fulfilled, your intentions, attitudes and forms be already purified.

In truth, I tell you that not even the holy women, who ardently waited for My Resurrection, were able to withstand the vibratory Presence of the Lord. I ask you: what will you do when that happens?

The Lord will come as a stranger, but through His garments will be the Presence of the Lord. You have to be attentive to recognize Me and also when I call you by your names, because the history that began in Israel must be completed, and this is the time for this to happen.

Therefore, My Spirit, Soul and Divinity gather you in these end times and through the Sacred Week, with the higher intention to prepare you. But remember that there is a part in all this that corresponds to each one.

Do not wait for a response. Position yourselves in the way that a server and an apostle must position themselves. Offer to come out of yourselves and thus the clarity and guidance of the Sacred and Unfathomable Heart of Jesus will come to you.

I want to celebrate this Holy Communion today for this cause, especially for those who are awakening and for those who will awaken, so that your brothers and sisters of the world may receive the same Grace that you have received more than once. And through an act of true redemption and repentance, may all receive the Grace of Mercy.

I have destined, at this moment, seven guardian angels for this Eucharistic Celebration, so that, during the moment of transubstantiation of the bread and the wine, which will be converted into My Body and My Blood, your most honest and true intentions may be elevated to each one of the guardian angels, so that the Holy Spirit of God, by means of His gifts, may guide the steps of the souls that will walk toward the Purpose.

So that your souls may receive these impulses and may hold it in the innermost depths of the spirit and the consciousness, I come to raise, elevate and offer, to all those present and those not present, the principles that founded this Light-Community and made possible for the  humble and tender Gaze of God to contemplate this simple and humble space, so that His Word might descend to Earth and from here to the whole world.

Feel as part of this greatness of God and, above all, of His infinite and invincible Love.

So that these principles may flourish in all souls and hearts, as a preparation for this moment of Spiritual Communion, we will honor and glorify the instrument that inspired this expression of God’s Plan on the surface, your brother and instructor José Trigueirinho, who was the secure door who offered himself for the awakening of souls, and who opened the door of his heart so that the Sacred Hierarchies might be here today, speaking to all.

Let us revere this moment.

Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón de Jesús:

We will sing “Breath of the spirit.”

I bless you so that you may reflect and grow internally, knowing that My gifts, in this time, are unique and unrepeatable.

In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

Friday, March 29 of 2024

Sacred Week

In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón de Jesús:

The mothers of the Order may draw near the foot of the Altar.

 We will ignite our candles for this moment of encounter with Christ, seeking to maintain quietness before the Presence of Christ.

Despite all that which you already know that I lived, there is something that humanity does not know up to the moment, which was a deep experience that I lived for you and for the world. It was what sustained Me so that I might have the courage to drink from the Chalice in the Garden of Gethsemane, so that I might have the strength to kiss the Cross before carrying it and take My steady steps to the top of Mount Calvary, where the Tree of Life would stand for the first time, totally surrendered and self-sacrificing for His own.

This experience of Love that I lived in a tender, deep and spiritual way, was that of being able to feel the intimate Love of My Mother and of the holy women, the women walking on Earth who revered the Precious and Beloved Son. Even after all that I did for the world, even being rejected, humiliated and severely martyrized, after so many miracles and prodigies, so much liberation of souls from impure spirits, after each one of My Words pronounced in the Gospels and, above all, through My Parables, despite all that happened and was lived by Me and by each one of your brothers and sisters on Earth at that time.

The sacred Fidelity of the holy women and the Mother of all Her children, was what elevated the Will of the Lord so that, under the Omniscience and Omnipresence of the Father, I might do what you know I did for you.

Despite the suffering and the pain of the Lord, not only in that time, but also in these times in the face of the planetary situation, in the face of the grave lack of love in humanity, I return here today, in the name of God the Father, to deliver to Mine the codes achieved through the merits of My Passion.

Today, when My five main Wounds of Light radiate to the four corners of the Earth, I come to try to transfigure your paths and the paths of your brothers and sisters, transforming them through the power of My Precious and Divine Blood, carefully held and watched in the Ark of the Holy Covenant by the four angels that guard the Sacred Ark.

But today I want you to dwell on something very important, beyond the fact that you know for yourselves My pains in the Passion. I want you to dwell on the important teaching that I left to you about Love, because I know that each one of you carries your own cross, with greater or lesser weight upon your backs.

But what should encourage you to continue, despite the consequences and traumas, just as the Lord, in His Calvary, continued without doubts, fully trusting in the life of the spirit that the Eternal Father was granting to Me, at each step of the Calvary, through Archangel Michael?

My Friends, My children, in these times I want you to keep very much in mind this first teaching that I gave you about Love. Because the redemption of the human race, in that time of My Cross, would not have been possible if your Master and Lord had not given His ‘yes’.

Because the power, and even the authority that I could have made use of to overcome all evil, was collected and secretly kept so that, after the Death on My Cross, all the spirits and souls of the world could be rescued and saved.

But your feet, companions, as well as the feet of your brothers and sisters in the world, after the experience lived with Me in the Holy Land, walked on other paths that were not My paths.

Thus, through this Sacred Week, I once again make you return to My only true path, which is the path of Love, so that you may be anointed by My Spirit and My Divinity, and your deepest and hidden traumas may be dissolved, and the healing of the soul and spirit in each one may take place according to how the Law of Grace and Mercy grants it.

Just as today, the mothers of this Order, on behalf of all mothers of the Earth, carry a lighted candle, representing the vigil and adoration to the Lord during His most painful agony on this Good Friday, I want you to remember, through this powerful flame of the Spirit of the Lord, that you must keep vigil, pray and watch for My Love in the world; first in yourselves, so that then you may preserve and take care of the Love of Christ in others.

When in truth, companions, you have lived the deep experience of Christic Love, preciously permeated by the codes of the Blood and Water of Jesus, I assure you that I will not need to repeat this to you again, because through your own experience of love day by day and, above all, with your brothers and sisters you have by your side, one of My many promises made to the Eternal Father will be fulfilled: that you love one another, just as I love you. May God come first in your lives, before everything.

Why do I say this to you?

Because humanity is changing the course of its path, through the events and even modernities, in which there is an attempt to replace the Living God with artificial gods, in which all human sensitivity is blocked and paralyzed. For those who make contact with this, I need that you may keep this very much in mind, so that you may not be deceived.

God wishes and aspires to govern your lives through His Son, just as He silently tries to do it every day by means of your paths of transformation and redemption, love, service and charity.

This is what will maintain your spirits alive on Earth and, although there are currents contrary to God’s Love and divine life, I assure you that, if your consciousnesses keep these attributes alive, there will not be anything contrary that could make you falter, because God’s Love will guide you, just as God’s Purpose guided His Beloved Son, until He died on the Cross, pierced and disfigured by the sins of the men and women of Earth, so that, as from the Sacred Death of Jesus, humanity might have abundant Life.

Some wonder: why is it necessary to relive the Passion of Christ every year?

It is because humanity forgets, in just one instant, Who I was for you and the world, and what I represent as a living part of the Creator, as an intermediary and mediator between souls and the Eternal Father.

If no one follows My Path, My Truth and My Life, and does not even remember Me once a year, what result will come from the life of those who have chosen other paths?

It is not necessary to be a visionary to understand and comprehend it, for the signs of the times will be clear. And it is the legacy of Christ, in the hearts and intimate life of all the souls that have faith in Me, that will perpetuate the Love of God and of Christ in the world, regardless of what may happen in this difficult planetary transition.

Therefore, remember that, just like the flame that you carry in your hands today, so must the flame always be ignited in your hearts: the flame of the Purpose, the flame of Love, the flame of the Truth that will make you free.

Thus, at this sacred moment, when Heaven and Earth unite in communion and life, through prayerful hearts and through God, I come to deliver to you, through My Spirit and Divinity, the Spiritual and Sacramental Communion, the same that My Most Holy Mother received through the hands of Archangel Gabriel.


Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón de Jesús:

Let us place our hands in a sign of receptivity. Let us open our hearts even more, to receive from the Sacred and Unfathomable Heart of Jesus, the same code of Divine Energy that Christ received in the Garden of Gethsemane in a luminous and resplendent way.

Let us take our hands to our hearts, and commune spiritually, in gratitude and love. Let us commune for all those who, at this hour, forget Christ, so that God may have Mercy on these souls, and that they may awaken to the truth.

Let us pray:

Most Holy Trinity,
Father, Son, and Holy Spirit,

I adore Thee profoundly. I offer Thee

the Most Precious Body,
Blood, Soul, and Divinity of Jesus Christ

present in all the Tabernacles of the Earth,

in reparation for the outrages, sacrileges, and indifferences
by which He is offended.

And by the infinite merits of the Sacred Heart of Jesus

and the Immaculate Heart of Mary,

I beg the conversion of poor sinners.


And just like this rain, which falls at this moment to purify, wash and nourish the earth, just as the elements, devas and angels, the Kingdom of Figueira, commune in the Presence of Christ, in the same way I bless all the crosses that you have brought to My Feet, and I mainly relieve your spiritual cross.

In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

Be brave and have faith. I Am here to help you.

On this day, when we celebrate the victory of Christ, your Master and Lord, over all evil and adversity, I come here to institute the blessing of the Sacrament of Marriage, because families in the whole world are being attacked and divided.

On behalf of all the families present here and those not present, I have chosen some couples to bless them today with My Spirit through the anointing, blessed water and incense, so that, in this unity between souls that love each other and live together, the Purpose of God may be re-established in the cell of the families.


Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón de Jesús:

We will prepare ourselves now for this moment, at the request of Christ, Our Lord.

He will withdraw, but He will come back to bless those He has chosen on behalf of all.

While we prepare ourselves, we will sing to Our Lord, remembering the power of His Most Precious and Divine Blood, so that it may bathe and purify us, like this rain that falls at this moment, and may liberate us from prisons and pain.

In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

Let us sing and proceed to an interval.

Song: “The power of the Blood.”

Brothers and sisters, we will accompany this moment of blessing and consecration that Christ has asked for.

We will profoundly unite to all that which Christ said to us, keeping very much in mind what families and above all marriage mean to God.

I want to clarify that we will carry out a blessing and a consecration, which is not a marriage. I am clarifying this at the request of the Lord.

Brothers and sisters, you may come.

We will pray together one Lord’s Prayer, one Hail Mary and one Glory Be in Portuguese, so that the Lord may bless and unify these souls in one spirit, in one heart, in one love and life, so that His Attributes and Graces may become present in their families.

Now we pray in English.

Now, consecrated to Me, your families and, above all, your matrimonial and spiritual union must be a nucleus of Light, understanding and above all love, so that the values and principles of the Sacred Family may descend upon you and upon all those who have united their lives to live together.

Through this simple yet profound moment, your Master and Lord, Jesus Christ, comes to bless you with His Spirit and His Peace, so that the nucleus of the human family may be rebuilt and sheltered, and protected from all influences of evil, for the triumph of Love of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit in all families.

May your hearts rejoice.

May the union between your souls grant to you evolution, the experience of love and charity for your fellow beings.

I bless you, consecrate you, under the Triune Unity, in the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.


Thursday, March 28 of 2024

Sacred Week

In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

My silence reveres this moment, because you must not lose any moment of it.

My silence will open the door of your consciousness so that, once again, the codes of redemption may enter your souls, the innermost depths of your spirits, for you to participate with Me in this sacred moment of celebration and Communion with My Body and My Blood, a moment at which, just as it was in the Last Supper, the hells will be paralyzed, souls will be rescued by the authority that the Father has granted to Me.

Today, I dedicate this important moment to all the mothers of the consecrated ones, who have given their children to Me, without knowing if this path of consecration would be fulfilled.

On behalf of all the mothers of the consecrated of this Order, at this moment I ask for the mothers of the consecrated who are present here at this place to come closer to the foot of this stage and light a candle that I will consecrate for you.

Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón de Jesús:

You may draw near.

These are the mothers, among so many others, who have entrusted to the Sacred Lord what is most precious that they have, renouncing the life that the world offers to them, so that their sons and daughters may know the life of the spirit.

Behold the mothers who have given their lives for you, consecrated ones, so that all of you could be here today listening to the Lord. Because a good child will never be able to live without their mother, because the mother is God’s protection for all the children to walk safely toward the Sacred Heart of the Lord.

How much the hands and feet of your mothers have had to work to bring food to the table, for you to have something to eat so that you could grow strong, mainly nourished by their maternal love, so that someday, as it is today, on this holy day, you might be before the Lord.

This is why I ask all the sons and daughters of the Earth to remember their mothers with love, that you may forgive each other, reconcile and above all love each other, so that the Most Holy Mother of God may be glorified today in Heaven and Earth. Thus, as in Her deepest silence and anonymity, the Slave of the Lord was glorified at each step of the Calvary, for Her fidelity and obedience to God, upon surrendering, without anything in return, what She loved the most in Her life, Jesus.

Today, your mothers have surrendered what is most precious that they have. Did you know that?

In this way, know the truth that is hidden in the reality, to the eyes that would see appearances.

Therefore, I bless these candles and, with My Spirit, I come to ignite this flame, so that the mothers may continue to pray for their sons and daughters of the Earth and, especially, for those who have consecrated to Christ to attain the sanctity that may justify the grave errors of the world, of all of humanity, just as many saints and blessed ones have done throughout the times.

In what is imperfect, God makes Himself perfect. This is the essence of God’s Love.

This is why I have called the mothers of the consecrated ones so that, just like the Most Holy Mother and the holy women, they may closely accompany, also from the heart, this moment of Communion and priestly ordination, so that you may remember that all that you will give Me, especially your families and loved ones, I will take care of, so that souls may live My Will, just as the holy women gave their husbands and apostles for them to follow the path of Christ in the apostolate and priesthood, so that God might be glorified.

Just as God is glorified in the Heavens, God is glorified in each soul that is consecrated and ordinated, regardless of life’s imperfection and even sin, because God has the power to transform everything through His Love, in the same way that your mothers made their children grow up to attain the Dignity of God in all consecrated life, in all families. 

Let us celebrate this Holy Eucharist in the special company of the Sacred and Unfathomable Heart of Jesus, who once again is a victim of the sins of the world, so that all may attain liberation and reconciliation with the Law in this spiritual amnesty that I grant to you.

Thus, I absolve you, in the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón de Jesús:

Let us accompany the Lord in this celebration.

We will begin, then, with Our Lord, Jesus Christ, by reliving and remembering this important moment of the Last Supper, when, through the transubstantiated bread and wine, Our Lord surrenders to us for our redemption.

Our Lord, Jesus Christ, gathered with His apostles as a humble and faithful servant of God, washed the feet and hands of His companions for them to purify their intentions with the sacred intentions of God and live, as from that moment of the institution of the Eucharist, the priestly ordination and the apostolate of Christ on Earth, thereby being ambassadors of peace and of the Divine Word, of the announcement of the Good News.

Thus, Jesus, calling His companions to the holy table where the Paschal Lamb would be immolated, He took the bread in His Hands in thanksgiving, and in sacrifice He raised it to God, asking for the Eternal Father to transubstantiate the bread into His Glorious Body, through angelic intervention.

Then, Jesus broke the bread to share of Himself with all His own, and passed it to His companions, saying to them: “Take and eat of It all of you, because this is My Body, which will be surrendered for humanity, for the forgiveness of sins.”

We praise You, Lord, and we bless You.
We praise You, Lord, and we bless You.
We praise You, Lord, and we bless You.


We revere at this moment, just as the holy angels, the presence of the Body of Christ.

And on that holy night, before finalizing the supper and departing for the Garden of Gethsemane, where He would live His agony in the deepest silence, Christ expanded His offering for humanity and the whole world, through the transubstantiation of the wine into His Divine and Precious Blood.

So it was that He took the Holy Chalice in His Hands and raised it to God, asking for the Eternal Father to convert the wine into His Precious and Divine Blood, through angelic intervention.

Then, Jesus passed it to His companions, saying to them: “Take and drink from It all of you, because this is the Chalice of My Blood, the Blood of the new and eternal covenant between souls and God, the Blood of the Lamb, which will be shed for the remission of all faults. Do this in remembrance of Me until I return to the world.”

We praise You, Lord, and we bless You.
We praise You, Lord, and we bless You.
We praise You, Lord, and we bless You.


We revere the presence of the Precious Blood of Jesus, just as the angels revere this moment.

We stand up.

United to the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit, Source of all inspiration, love and healing; united to the angels, archangels, blessed ones and saints who are in Heaven and on Earth; united to our guardian angels and all beings of goodwill, we will consummate this consecration so that the Christic codes become present and descend upon souls.

We will make this consecration through the Lord’s Prayer in Aramaic, by singing it.

May the Peace, Love and Mercy of Christ descend upon the Earth.

With the same faith of the centurion, we pray:

Lord, I am not worthy that you should enter under my roof, but only say the Word, and I shall be healed.


Christ told us: “I leave Peace with you, My Peace I give you.”

May Our Lord not see our sins, but rather our faith in His Presence. In fraternity and brotherhood, we give one another the greeting of peace: Peace of Christ.

And we announce the Spiritual Communion of all souls of the whole world with Christ.

The mothers of the consecrated ones and also the mothers of the Order will commune. You may draw near.

Celestial Father,
who leads us all,
accept our offering of surrender to You.
Lead us along the path of Love,
so that Your Will may be done.


We thank You, Lord, for all that You give us.

In this meeting, we honor You, Lord.

In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

And after this Holy Communion, we will now prepare ourselves for the priestly ordination and then for the Sacrament of today.

Wednesday, March 27 of 2024

Sacred Week

In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

Behold the Father and the Son, the Sovereign and Eternal God, who comes with His Most Beloved Son, Christ the Redeemer, to partake with His Creatures, in perfect and perpetual communion, elevating souls to the Kingdom of the Heavens for a moment.

Behold, companions, the One Who gave you life and gave life to His First-Born, through the Most Pure Womb of Mary, the Womb that gestates today, in Her bosom, the New Humanity, the Creative Womb that offers itself to transform all things.

Now, behold the Mother of the Holy Spirit, the Sacred Triune Consciousness who, from the Heavens, contemplates the world, which is wounded by hatred and revenge.

Behold the Eternal Heart of the Father, the Sacred Heart of the Son and the Immaculate Heart of the Mother. Sacred geometry is formed here, inner matrices are expressed so that all the chosen may receive them within themselves and prepare their inner worlds for the hour of the emergence of the New Humanity.

For this reason, Archangel Uriel and Archangel Gabriel are present here before the Adored Father, the Venerable Son and the Most Holy Mother. The holy archangels justify this moment before Creation, so that once more, the Ark of the Holy Covenant may be renewed by the experiences of redemption and forgiveness of the souls who live in Christ every day.

For this reason, these holy angels, present here, erase from the Books of Divine Justice, the errors that have been committed out of ignorance, dissatisfaction and also guilt. Thus, once again, your souls will be purified before the greatness of God, Who comes to deliver His Blessings and Graces through the Heart of His Son and the Heart of the Most Holy Mother, so that the innocent may be rescued and all those who today suffer impunity may have the Grace of salvation and, above all, the consolation of the Heavens.

Today the Eternal Father, before the Presence of His Son and the Most Holy Mother, Archangel Uriel and Gabriel, comes to gather in His Arms those who are fallen, those who have become trapped in suffering without being able to see the Light, without being able to find Love.

God grants this moment for those who listen to His Call, for those who say ‘yes’ to inner emptiness.

Let us listen to God:

"Children of the Earth and of the universe, elevate your spirits towards Me. I Am the Father, Who blesses and fills you, Who nourishes you with the life of the spirit and of the entire Source of Creation.

Come to Me, My little ones. May the children of the past return to Me, so that innocence may be repaired in the world and Love may take away, from the claws of the enemy, all those who are prisoners and in captivity.

Behold the God of Israel, the God of the patriarchs and prophets, the God of the holy women and missionaries of Christ.

I come here to grant you My Law again, which has been violated and outraged by humanity.

Behold, in My Heart, the cradle of the New Humanity, of which all those with determination can partake, by believing in the promise of the Kingdom of the Heavens, of the triumph of My Will in each Creature of the Earth.  

Praise God, just as nature praises Him, so that spiritual sensitivity may return to the human heart and many more in this world may abandon indifference and may open up to charity. This will establish the forgiveness that the world needs, in the face of the injustice of so much war and unimaginable human suffering.

I Am the Law of Living Love, and through My Love, all has been created for My Children, from the origin of the Earth up to the present and beyond the present.

I Am Adonai, the Resplendent and Living God, the Immaculate Mirror of Creation. I Am the cause of your joy, your beatitude, your justice.

Elevate your hearts to Me, O sacred people of Israel, in the same way as Christ, My Son, was elevated on the Cross and His Heart was pierced by the sins of the world, and His eminent sacrifice made Mercy, rather than Justice, spring forth, through Blood and Water!  

Behold, in My Heart, the perfect relic of Love, which elevates the spirit and liberates the consciousness, which places its feet upon the correct path so that, just like the people of the desert under the guidance of Moses, you also may find the Promised Land, which is within each one of My children. The Sacred Land sown by My Principles and Attributes, by the new patterns of behavior that will elevate humanity again.

Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón de Jesús:

God’s Heart is wide open.

Who will enter the unknown Universe of God?

Who will be One with the Father, just as the Son is One with the Father and just as the Holy Spirit is One with the Son?

My Sacred Aspects can also be in all, in those who recognize and adore the Living God, present today in a Luminous and Eternal manner, under the support of the archangelic consciousness.

Children, may the world seek peace and the end of war, within and outside of you, so that the Promised Land may be a reality, and no longer just a promise.

Listen to the Voice of the Father, Who loves you, the Voice of the Father, Who created you in His Image and Likeness so that you might be happy in Me, because this is what I wish the most."

Words of Christ:

Companions, this is our Father-Mother Creator, adored by the angels, revered by all beings of goodwill, exalted by the blessed ones. Because in truth I tell you that no one goes to the Father but through Me; because I Am the direct Door to Him, just as I hope your hearts will open the door so that I may enter.

Today, the Ark of the Holy Covenant is magnetized by those who renew their consecration to the Divine Purpose.

Behold the eternal and inexhaustible Flame of God’s Abundance, a Flame that nothing can extinguish, because it is the Immaterial Flame of God that illuminates the path of the pilgrims, of those who remove their own sandals to walk barefoot to God.

Behold the sacrificed Consciousness of God, under the image of the Divine Purpose, which aspires to straighten humanity so that it may return to the path of the Law and Love, before it is too late.

My Heart is nourished by this imperious and powerful Flame. Likewise, from this Flame of Divine Purpose your hearts must also take spiritual nourishment, just as the holy angels do and live it in the eternal present.

This is the Sacred Flame, which impels the transformation of life and consciousness, transforming what is corrupt into what is incorrupt.

What is the reason for your existence? What is the motive for your being on Earth?

I come to make it known through the Living, Omnipresent and Eternal God, Who has visited you today in the innermost depths of the spirit, to help the whole world. Revere this unknown yet infinite Grace, which comes to grant reconciliation to all those who seek it.

As I have promised, and under this Impulse of God, I come to give an opportunity to all those who aspire to consecrate their souls to eternal life, to untiring service for the Plans of God.

Let us prepare ourselves for this moment, which I will guide and witness, just as it must be for each soul who seeks the consecration of their life and consciousness. And this is possible through the power of My Blood and the merits that it granted to those who adore My Blood in the Most Blessed Sacrament of Communion.


Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón de Jesús:

We will prepare ourselves in Christ and for Christ, through a song, so that, at this moment of consecration with the Lord, the spiritual power of His Blood may encompass and radiate to as many souls on Earth as possible, especially to the souls that need His Mercy the most.

Rita from Portugal, the Lord is calling you, come here. He will ask you a secret question.

All has been said. The time has been consummated, just as Christ, your Master and Lord, lived His hour in the Last Supper.

Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón de Jesús:

At the request of Christ, we will sing “The power of the Blood,” and all of us, together, will accompany this consecration of new helpers.

You may draw near, sisters.

Here, sisters, in this basket are the names of consecration of each one of you, they are Biblical names. Each one now will choose a name and I will read it so that all may hear what their name for this new task.

Sara de Adonai, welcome!



Jokmah de María.

Belén de María.

Altar de Dios.

Inmaculada de María.


Déborah de Israel.

Claudia de Jesús, welcome, Claudia!


Ruah de María.

Lea de Israel.

El Bethel.

Leonor de Dios.

María de Magdala.

Martha de Jesús.

María de Sión.




María Ruth.

María Cleofás.

Anna de Dios.

Aruna de Dios.

Isabel del Bautista.

Emilia de San José.

Magdalena de Jesús.

Phoebe de Jesús.

Amparo de Dios.

Now, we will say a Hail Mary, the Lord’s Prayer and a Glory Be.

We will stand up to accompany the sisters in this offering before the Sacred Heart of Jesus.

Thank You, Lord, for all that You give us.

In this meeting, we honor You, Lord.

Tuesday, March 26 of 2024

Sacred Week

In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

Listen, brave heart, do not tire of persisting. You must always remember that there is a Higher Love that blesses and embraces you, even under the severest conditions.

Today I come to remove from you the weight of your cross a little, so that you may rest in My Arms and may feel the infinite greatness of My Love, the same Love that I taught when I was on Earth.

What do you fear, if you will not lose anything?

I need to build, in you, My Victory, still not revealed to your human eyes, the ardent victory that your soul has waited for since your conception in the womb of your mother.

I need you to learn to dissolve in My Love, because My ocean of Grace is infinite, it purifies all impurities and sins.

Remember that each drop of My Blood touched the earth, and each drop of My Blood, which was shed upon the surface of the Earth, was permeated with a high code of Love, which did not become known to those who were blind in soul and spirit, to those who were against Me, even those who crucified Me without any pity.

But you, My soul, listened to My Word on the top of the Mount, as well as in the desert and on the boats in the high sea.

How many followed My footprints, which I would leave marked on the ground! How few waited for My Resurrection! But many kept watch at that moment.

Today, I bring that which overcomes all adversity and all tests. I bring you the essence of My Origin, which impelled My manifestation in the Life of the Spirit, in Divinity, in Soul and in matter, until I was born here, in this world, in a humble manger.

Why do you fear your falls, if I fell for you on the path of the Cross?

Why do you fear your wounds, if I was flagellated for you so that you could be healed by My Wounds?

The price of My martyrdom was very great and is still unknown to the whole world. This is why I come to demonstrate it to you through the essence of My Origin, which is the very Source of God’s Love, which impels life, elevates the soul, consecrates the spirit, which opens up the Grace of redemption.

And this does not mean that, throughout your human life, you will not continue falling or suffering. But you must extract a lesson from each fall, to learn not to fall again in the same circumstance or situation. Because I have taught you to stand up, not only through My Will, through the most difficult moment of My Life, which was the agony in the Garden of Gethsemane, but I also taught you to stand up and persist through My Love, a very great and unknown love that is capable, even in your life, to forgive any situation, under any circumstance.

If I forgave you, even while nailed to the Cross, praying to the Father to forgive you all, because I knew that you and your brothers and sisters did not know what you were doing, by any chance, My soul, do you not believe that God has already forgiven you?

So that you do not fall again under the same circumstances, you must truly live My Word, with dedication and justice, until each one of My Words may be part of your life, just as I Am a part of you in the Communion, breaking Myself and sharing of Myself with Mine, through the consecrated Bread and through the transubstantiated Blood.

My beloveds, at each Communion lies the deep renewal of your being, of each atom and each cell, because your Master and Lord renounced for you, did you know that? In the same way, the Lord renounced for the whole world, assuming, on His Back, all the sins of the world, without complaining or condemning. Because it was the Living Love of God, through His Son, that amended all the errors, from Adam and Eve to the end of times.

This is why I Am here once again, to remind you of this. You cannot leave here without keeping My Words in mind, because the world provokes great thirst in Me, a very bitter and severe thirst, like the one I felt on the Cross, when they gave me gall to drink. Who would be capable of enduring this with Me?

In what is apparently unjust is the great key to overcoming, the key that opens the doors of love to someday live compassion, the compassion that perpetually shone in all My masters of the East. Remember that they visited Me in Bethlehem and found Me through the signs that the Sky gave them.

Out of love and reverence for everything that is sacred in the Far East, I returned their visit, and learned and remembered wonderful things, so wonderful and important as the ones I remind you of in these times, especially through My last Christic impulses.

I do not come to place you before your own reality. My soul, which still belongs to Me, I come to place you before the truth, because, as I once told you: “The truth will always set you free.” And you will be able to live the truth, if you live justice and transparency, recognizing that you, My soul, are still neither perfect nor pure. But My Love can consecrate you and transform you into something pure and true, by your simply living fidelity to Me.

Dare to take steps toward Me and allow My Love to rapture you completely. Do you, by any chance, fear the power of My Love or losing the control of your life?

In truth I tell you, My soul, that there is no greater Love that you can come to know, as the one that many Saints have known and comes from the Kingdom of the Heavens.

Help Me for Christs of the New Time to exist, in the simplicity of the spirit, in the communion with the soul, in untiring service to those who suffer the most and to the poorest among the poor.

If there were more charity in the world and if more souls practiced it, I assure you that it would not be necessary to purify the planet, because the one who responds to the Will of God is free from their own prisons and agonies.

Today I come to speak to you with the sweetest Love of My Heart. Do you dare, My soul, to experience it?

Do not just say ‘yes’ to Me, because you must demonstrate it until the end of your days when you have left here.

Christic Love is not unattainable, it is close, tender and secure in simple and humble souls, in those who do not allow themselves to retrogress, but rather move forward with bravery, courage and determination, just as I taught you at each passage of the Calvary.

Today I confess to you, My souls, that when I fell, and My Most Holy Mother came towards Her suffering Son, the flame of Her Love pushed the contrary forces aside and raised Her Son again. In the same way, I raise the dignity of each one of you again.

Because if you have been struck on one cheek, you must, in humility, offer the other cheek. Because if you have been offended, you must have the courage to forgive. Because if you have been hurt, you must have the bravery to see the Lord disfigured, and remember that Love is capable of everything, it is capable of renewing all things.

I leave this lesson to you, because it will be essential for you in these critical times. Because when I Am no longer here to speak to you, you must be My own Living Word on Earth.

Today, My Spirit will baptize, through the Sacrament, the souls that have asked for it, the souls that have been chosen by Me and need it.

I tell you all that today, through the symbol of the Sacrament of the Baptism, to renew, before God and in a spiritual way, your first Baptism, so that, through this Sacrament, the lost souls may be rescued in different parts of the world, and the union of these souls with God, the Creator, may be re-established.

Let us then prepare ourselves now for the Sacrament of Communion.

And so that My Words may enter even more into your hearts and essences, I ask you to sing to Me again, so that God’s Love, inexhaustible and inextinguishable, may be poured out upon you and the world, especially upon those who suffer the most.

I bless you and encourage you: Forward, New Christs! There is still very much to be done.

Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón de Jesús:

Our Lord has just removed His Heart from His Chest and placed it to levitate over the public.

Why do you do this, Jesus?

Behold the Love that never ends, the Love that burns with Love for the souls that dare to be victims of My Love until the last days of their lives.

Behold the Sacred and Pierced Heart of Jesus, which does not retrogress, but rather moves forward, and transfigures, with Its Fire, all those who let themselves be touched by My Light.

My Heart lives for you. This is the reason for My Life.

Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón de Jesús:

Now, His Heart has returned to His Chest and beats strongly, strongly, through the fire of His Redeeming Love.

We thank You, Jesus, for this moment, and because You always demonstrate to us that it is possible to continue moving forward.

Do not distance Yourself from us, Jesus. We need You.

I Am here to give you life in abundance.

May peace fill you and renew you, so that peace may be renewed in the whole world.

In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón de Jesús:

Jesus Christ will stay a little longer to listen to us singing. Those who feel like it, may kneel down.

We will sing: “Everything I have lived.”

And we make our offering, through this song, to the Sacred Heart of Jesus, inexhaustible Source of all prodigies, miracles and mercies.


Account on the Apparition, made the following day:

I want to make a little synthesis of the Apparition of Christ, as several brothers and sisters asked me about some moments, and I would like to explain to you what Christ clarified about these moments.

I will begin with the end of the Apparition. You remember that Christ, at a certain moment said that He had removed His Heart from His Chest, and placed this Burning Heart levitating over the public, over you.

As much as Christ’s Presence is in Divinity, Soul and Spirit, and His Presence is real and impactful at each moment, on these planes of consciousness there is also life, just as it exists on the physical plane.

And Christ made this movement so that we might meditate upon how it is possible for a Consciousness such as Christ to remove His Heart and continue alive? Because I know that many wondered: Why did this happen? It is an attempt at understanding the Message through this symbol, because He is Omnipotent, Omniscient, and Omnipresent.

So, as He is one of the manifestations of the Most Holy Trinity, He, in a simple, yet also powerful way, comes to manifest what God really is, above all through Love.

Some asked me: “Friar, to whom was Christ speaking?” He was speaking to each one of us. Because when Christ is present, He can see everything: what we feel, what we think, what we live, what we silence, everything. We know that we cannot hide anything from Our Lord.

And when He speaks sometimes in singular form and sometimes in plural form, He gradually builds the path to the extent that we allow it.

His Christic Energy, which is a very high energy, as you were able to feel, is an energy that gradually enters us according to our openness. Because He, who is the King of the Universe, will never transgress our will and our permission. This is why He is the King, do you understand?

So, He gradually works in us as we give me permission. Most of the times, He manages to reach those spaces of the consciousness in which there are situations that are not well solved and we do not even realize it by ourselves.

And He knows it, He does not judge it, does not condemn it. On the contrary, He raised our human dignity above the different situations that each one of you has lived in this lifetime, even with someone close or distant, which seemed very intense to me.

So, when He says “My soul,” Christ speaks to that aspect of our consciousness that has the possibility to unite to God. Because He speaks to souls, not to minds. And the soul of each one of us knows what Christ is saying. Therefore, each moment that is lived with Christ goes beyond any emotion, it is a deeply inner movement, which our souls express and many live.

And thus, when Christ works with our soul, He also works with our spirit; with our spirit, which knows divine life and knows what it is about, although it may seem a little abstract to us. It sends its impulse to our soul and our soul and our soul discharges this energy upon our human being, and then, at this moment, when the Christic energy enters, we feel liberation.

To conclude, I want to tell you something that I always tell my brothers and sisters who travel with us all the time, because it is something that we have lived for sixteen years, every day: that the Divine Hierarchy, as much as we live the same ritual, the same prayer, the same Apparition, never manifests itself in the same way.

Because Christ, just as at so many other moments that we live with Him at each Sacred Week, has demonstrated to us, once more, how infinite His Love is.

And each time He demonstrates this infinite Love to us, what He tries to do, in this instance that we give Him, is not only to liberate souls from their prisons, but also unite souls in communion. And when this happens, brothers and sisters, there is no contrary force that could prevail. Because at that moment, we make Christ triumph on Earth.

Thus, I invite you to stay motivated. We still have a few more days in this Sacred Week, until the Sunday of Glory. Give yourselves the opportunity for Him to do what He wants to do to each one of us, at last. Ok?

Thank you! I wish you a good work!

Monday, March 25 of 2024

Sacred Week

In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

In this universe, in all Creation and in all life, there are Laws and, among them, an important Law, which is very unknown to the human consciousness and not understood, because this Law preserves its own revelation: the Law of Transmutation. Something that the Hierarchy has known since the origin, since all was thought of, from the moment when the great fallen angel disobeyed the Higher Law.

From that moment on, Creation and the experience of the universe changed its course and Laws that had not been thought of had to be created in the Source of the Eternal Father, so that the evolution of beings, under these conditions of change, might be a balanced and harmonious evolution that would mean an important effort for each creature that would emerge from the Source and begin to live their experience in this Creation, under these new Laws that emerged out of necessity, such as the Law that I present to you today.

The Law of Transmutation was interpreted by the human being. Even for the Hierarchies themselves, it is a mystery, because, as I have said, it is a Law that preserves its revelation.

However, throughout the times, of the different races in this world, the Law of Transmutation had to intervene to correct the deviations of this Project, not as an act of justice, but rather as an act of harmony.

This Law of Transmutation was revealed to many beings who, throughout the times and the different stages of the planet, became enlightened. Siddhartha Gautama himself was aware of this Law, just as other masters of the East, and even having this inner revelation, none of them flaunted having this Law for themselves. Because the only thing this Law reveals as its essence is the service it renders to this entire universe and all humanities.

Thus, this Law intervened throughout the times. Many had to learn to interpret and understand it, because this Law, in itself, is not only a Law, but it is also a Ray of the Source of Creation, expressed through the violet color, an extremely high frequency in this universe, which lives a material and mental experience.

This creative Law comes, throughout the times, to place events and consciousnesses at another point.

The Law of Transmutation cannot be appropriated by anyone. Neither this Law, nor any other Laws, can be under the control of any human being or any creature. Because in essence, the Laws are intelligent and autonomous, they are manifestations of currents of the Creative Source, and act in this material universe according to the need or urgency.

This Law of Transmutation has intervened in humanity in important events. As an example of this: in the disappearance of the civilization of Lemuria, in the disappearance and sinking of Atlantis, in the very spiritual and esoteric construction of Egypt, and also in the First and Second World Wars, in which the ether of the planet had been destroyed by the race itself.

The so-called “veil of the temple” had been torn and continues to be torn in this end time, each time of detonation of a bomb or a weapon against someone’s life or even in entire nations. This opens uncertain doors to unpleasant events, the most innocent souls are placed in uncertain places.

The Law of Transmutation, which the Hierarchy utilizes with the permission of the Eternal Father, descends upon the world to encompass the neediest souls, from the deepest nucleus of the essence to the spiritual being. Because between these states is the soul of each being, which, in this time, must not be taken or deviated by anyone.

The Law of Transmutation, guided by the Christic energy, is at work in this time. This is why, at these moments of very important meetings with Me, the Hierarchy deepens into its work and operation in humanity, and superposes itself upon the psychic and emotional situations of humanity. In this way, the others Laws work in a hidden way.

We know that humanity cannot have the entire revelation at this moment, because of selfishness, vainglory and indifference. This is why I once told you that I Am the Way, the Truth and the Life, and there is no other master that you can follow, but only those who demonstrate they follow the only Christ.

This Law of Transmutation will work extensively at the end of these times, because it comes to correct and amend the errors and outrages committed by humanity against the Universal Laws.

I want you to keep very much in mind, that you have it engraved in your consciousnesses, that each time you disobey, you are allying yourselves to the deterioration of the Laws on this planet. Therefore, you must always be careful with your actions, your thoughts, your intentions and all that which you believe you can hide from the eyes of others.

Life of the spirit in the life of matter is an exercise of daily correction. No one should believe they already have everything solved, that would be living in illusion.

Therefore, I come, out of Love, to open your eyes, the eyes of the  consciousness of the inner world. This is because humanity, through its acts and sins, has gravely infringed the Universal Laws, which are not there to do justice to anyone, but rather so that you may attain the degrees of Love, just as I achieved them step by step, at each moment of My Life.

But when I return, a time that is not far away, the planet and humanity will strongly feel the descent of the Laws that will come with Me. They will be like rays that will cross through the stratosphere and atmosphere of the planet, in a way that is stronger than the rays of the Sun.

These currents of the Creative Source will descend upon those places that will need correction, wherever and however that may be, no one can escape the Laws, because all were created in the image and likeness to them, beginning from what is most inner to what is most external.

These Laws, which will be renewed and will come with Me in My Return, will put all things in their place, beginning with the intentions of this race, and then with everything else. At that hour and at that moment, those who have the Grace of being present at My Return, on the physical and on the universal level, will be witnesses of this event, because it will not be hidden.

Therefore, throughout the times and recent years, I have come to prepare each one of you and humanity for this moment, because you could not be present in this event as you would not be able to bear it, just as My holy apostles were not able to endure My Ascension.  

At that hour, the Power of God will be known on Earth. The most resistant ties will be cut, the captivity of many beings will end, because duality will not be necessary, nor will suffering for not being able to transcend yourselves be necessary either. Therefore, the one who lives in the Law of My Love will never perish. But you must live according to My Love, and not according to your intentions or your motivations.

The Law of Transmutation underwent a pause after 1988. Now, in these last times, with the reappearance of the Lord, this Law reapproached the Earth again, because it is now preparing My arrival. Everything must be exorcised so that the New Earth may arise, so that the New Humanity may manifest itself.

Hold this knowledge within your inner worlds, because you will not understand it today. You will understand it when it happens, when the Law of Transmutation acts and corrects the world, so that peace may be restored again and everything begins anew, just as it was thought of in the Origin, before Adam and Eve.

Then the times will unite again, between the spiritual and the material time, it is something that the Eternal God Himself will do so that the souls that are part of the New Earth may have the bliss of knowing the Kingdom of the Heavens, although they are still on this planet. The happiness will be indescribable, and there will not be feelings of guilt, shame or disturbance, but rather the joy of rediscovering the path they once lost, the path that was written by the very Hand of God in the origin.

Receive the Light of Divine Knowledge, just as the people of Israel received it, just as the great patriarchs received it, just as the prophets revealed it and just as all the believers lived it in honor and glory to the Creator.

As a testimonial of this, I come to consecrate new adorers, so that My Mystical Body on Earth may be strengthened and your souls, in this world, may be living cells of Christ, who only seek the good and peace, charity, service and Mercy, through the offering of each adoration.

I know that you have heard it before, but it is good that I say it again: when a soul adores the Most Blessed Sacrament, it removes a thorn from Heart of Jesus, and the Father allows Me to grant the Grace of salvation to someone who does not deserve it, by the mere fact that there is a soul in adoration, as an authentic offering of their life to God.

Thus, once again, I come to ignite My Christic cells on Earth, so that the Light of God may be stronger than the darkness in the world, and the love of each human and adoring heart may replace suffering, vengeance, betrayal and all evil, for the triumph of the Good of Christ on Earth.

Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón de Jesús:

The brothers and sisters who have offered to be postulants may draw near.

We may bring here the symbol of the Grace Mercy Order, so that they may be blessed by Christ, which the brothers and sisters will, from now on, carry with them with all respect, love and reverence, symbols of the Order of Christ on Earth, so that, from this day forward, they may be part of this congregation.

We invite each postulant, in the silence of their heart, to make their offering at the Feet of Our Lord.

And all together, we will accompany this special moment of blessing and consecration of new adorers through the song “Consecration,” so that, as from today, the souls of these brothers and sisters may be free to walk toward the encounter with Our Lord, until it may be the day and the moment of merging with the Heart of the Redeemer.

Celestial Father, bless these symbols, which represent the descent of Your Holy Spirit upon the souls that have ardent faith in You.

May Your Holy Spirit, through the symbol of this Order, the incense and the blessed water, bless Your Children that consecrate themselves today, so that someday, under the imperious faith of each adoration, they may be converted into flames of My Love for the world.

So be it.

Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón de Jesús:

At the request of Christ, we will say a Hail Mary, a Lord’s Prayer and a Glory Be, so that the souls of these brothers and sisters may receive the impulse of consecration that Christ brings to them.

Today, My Hands collect your tears, and they are offered to God as crystals of Light at the Feet of the Creator, as an honest and true offering of your hearts, in response to the Great Call of the Father.

For this reason, I bless you and consecrate you as faithful Adorers of My Eucharistic Heart, as the faithful company of your Master and Lord.

In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

I thank you.

Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón de Jesús:

We will now prepare ourselves for the Spiritual Communion. And to complete this consecration, the priests will administer the Holy Communion to the brothers and sisters who have consecrated themselves just now, to seal this covenant with Christ.

Sunday, March 24 of 2024

Sacred Week

In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

I have come here to be closer to those whom I have chosen. Your souls belong to Me, your lives belong to Me. And today, I want to embrace you with My Glory, just as humanity once embraced Me and recognized Me as the Lord of Israel, during My triumphant entrance in Jerusalem.

Today I come to return to many of you what you once did to Me at the doors of Jerusalem. From this fact and from such a special moment lived by Me and by each one of your souls, I come to remind you of the sacred value of each one of your lives.

Give to Me that which presses you. Give to Me that which saddens you. Give to Me all that which takes your attention from My Heart.

Moving My garments, I expose now My Sacred and Unfathomable Heart; a Heart that died for you and for the world and that, at this hour of Mercy, comes to bless you all in the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

Thus, on this first day of the Sacred Week, I come to purify you, just as the little Child Jesus purified Himself at the Temple. Do not fear this, because it will not be painful to you.

Purification is important so that you may liberate yourselves from all faults or any omission that you may have committed without realizing it. Purification, on this first day of the Sacred Week, comes to open to you the door of the elevation of consciousness.

This is why I Am here, accepting your offering, the offering of each heart that has come here to meet Me, to nourish yourselves with the Word of God and so that, through My Word, you may renew yourselves, become liberated from yourselves and may find again the path of peace, which you may have lost through some life event.

What is most important now, companions, is that you may enter the eternal present, through My Heart that is exposed and opens as a Temple for each one of your intentions in this Holy Week.

But above all, My Heart opens, as a Temple, to your souls and consciousnesses, so that you may know that I deeply know what happens to each one of you. Not only can I see it at this moment, through the Tender Gaze of God, through the Care of God, but I can also see it all the time, because I accompany you day by day.

And I do not tire of doing it, because you are a part of My spiritual flock. The flock that already prepares the Return of Christ to the world through each heart that trusts in Me, each heart that lives in Me, just as I can live in each heart, regardless of the anguishes and tests.

I come to make you be reborn through My Spirit, the Consoling Spirit of God, which, at this moment, through the Word of Christ, descends to Earth and above all descends to this world, so much in need, really so much in need of love and redemption.

Thus, after this spiritual purification that I grant to you, I come, on this first day of the Sacred Week, to open to you the door to the path of consecration that each one of you will be able to live.

But however it is, what matters to Me is that it be true, that you take one step at a time, that you do not hurry too much, that you do not become anxious to become consecrated; because your souls, My children have already consecrated themselves and committed themselves to Me, on receiving the triumphant Lord in Jerusalem.

How many among you extended your mantles in the sacred Holy Land for Me to pass by?

How many among you touched My tunic, just as the woman with the flow of blood did, to be healed and redeemed?

This life is not the first time that you are listening to Me, because you must remember how many times you listened to My Sacred Instructions, not only on top of the Mount of the Beatitudes, when each one of you and your families learned to pray the Lord’s Prayer, but also listened to Me in several places, in My beloved Israel and beyond it.

How many were part of the first Christian communities?

How many sacrificed their lives for Me, despite the martyrdom lived in those times?

And today your souls are before My Eyes, your souls are before My Merciful Heart so that I may be in the whole world, which is blinded and perverted by wars, unjust and indifferent due to revenge, severe due to violence.

I come to raise again the souls that trust in Me, trust in the sacred coming of the Kingdom of God, because today you and your brothers and sisters in the world are part of My Mystical and Spiritual Body.

This is the New Jerusalem that I will come to seek on Earth, and the Light of God will ignite itself in you and your brothers and sisters, just as this Light ignited itself at the Pentecost to consecrate My companions to the apostolate and priesthood, so that everyone on Earth might know My Word of Life.

Therefore, today may your souls consciously rise to Me, just as you have recently sung to Me one of the most special Biblical passages for Me, which is the irrefutable promise that I made to Mine: that all those who should come to Me and relieve their hearts, just as the Lord, triumphant in Jerusalem, comes to you today.

Elevate your prayers in the silence of your hearts. Elevate your intentions in the silence of your souls, and unite, as brothers and sisters in Christ, under the spiritual unity of My Spirit.

Thank you for being here, My beloveds. Continue to seek good. Do not do evil, because there is a lot of evil in the world. In this way, you will not lack peace in these difficult times.

Behold the Peace of God, who comes to give you the Peace of the Heavens, who comes to comfort your hearts, just as the Lord comforted His apostles in His most absolute and anonymous silence of each step of the Cross, when your Master was abandoned and rejected by all. However, I already knew it, just as I knew what each one of your lives would live in this time.

This is why I come here to encourage you, to strengthen you, so that you may stand up from your falls, so that your souls may rise to Me, as between you and Me there will be no evil, because My Love is invincible, just as it was invincible in the apparent defeat of the Cross, because I come once again to renew all things.

Liberate your heart through your tears, because the Consoler has come and all will be renewed, inside and out. Hope is possible, do not lose faith, I come to give you courage, the same courage I had to have when I assumed to drink from the Chalice in the Garden of Gethsemane.

Do not fear the sacrifice that I ask of you, because I hope you can surpass Me in Love. Remember this. In this way, the universe and Creation will be renewed.

Before we proceed to a moment of consecration, for which I have been waiting for two years, I want you to sing to Me, in one voice, as if your voices sang and united to open the Kingdom of the Heavens, the doors of the Celestial Kingdom.

I want to anoint you with My Spirit, at this moment. Do you allow Me to?

Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón de Jesús:

Please, María de los Inocentes, we will sing your song, at the request of the Lord.

Let us open ourselves to this moment with Christ, so that He may liberate our beings.

We will concentrate on the Sacred Heart of Jesus. Let us offer this moment for all souls of the planet, for all those who still cannot come to Christ, so that the Consoling Spirit, just as it comes today to us, may come to our brothers and sisters in the whole world, trusting in the power of the Transfiguration of Jesus, which as a Divine Ray, makes itself present in our lives today, renewing all things.

Let us sing.

Song: “Healer of my soul.”

Today, within our congregation, the Grace Mercy Order, Christ is opening the masculine branch of the Helpers of Divine Mercy.

Now, we will accompany, in the silence of our hearts, this union and this consecration that each one of the brothers will live with Christ, through the Heart of Christ and the ring.

Bless, Lord, those who dare to follow Me. And though this humble and simple symbol of the wooden ring, establish, between souls and My Heart, the eternal covenant forever, so that they may represent Me on Earth as the peace-makers, and be mirrors of My Mercy wherever they go.

We will say a prayer for the Consecration of these brothers, to consummate this moment. Let us say the Lord’s Prayer in Aramaic.

May the Lord bless you and protect you in this mission and in this service to His Sacred Heart.

In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

You may go in peace.

Who are we?

Association Mary
Founded in December of 2012, at the request of the Virgin Mary, Association Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception, is a religious association without ties to any institutionalized religion. It has a philosophical-spiritual, ecumenical, humanitarian, charitable, cultural character, and it supports all activities that are indicated through the instructions transmitted by Christ Jesus, the Virgin Mary, and Saint Joseph. Read more
