In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.
In the Kingdom of Heavens the supreme reality of God lives, something that God Himself has tried to have humanity understand, knowing that after this material life and this experience on Earth souls must return to Him.
Therefore, everything you do here, in the experience of the Earth, will represent the evolutionary or non-evolutionary result of what you will later on live on the higher planes of consciousness.
Through the revelations made to the holy visionaries, you have come to know a part of the mystery of My Resurrection, which is the same Law that rules this material universe.
I would like humanity not to forget that it has a soul, and that this soul exists on the inner planes, to finish living an unconcluded experience.
Nothing of what you live here on Earth could be transitory. God always indicates the path to the one who seeks it. With His Hand, God guides the path of hearts, and We, through Our Divine Presences, have offered to the world time and again, for it to be guided, believe and have faith.
For this reason, I granted you the Sacraments, so that you may remember that they are there as inexhaustible and inextinguishable sources of Grace, for the soul that truly seeks the conversion of the heart.
This is why it is so important that you may live forgiveness in this experience on Earth. Remember that you cannot leave this world without having forgiven and without asking for forgiveness.
The soul exists to conclude an experience, and I want you to know that for the majority this is the last experience. Therefore, you must think of the existence of the higher planes of consciousness, the Kingdom of the Heavens or whatever you want to call it, where your experiences after this life will undergo a synthesis.
I do not come to speak to you of the bodily death. I come to speak to you of the opportunity that you must not miss in this life, because the step is unique, just as is unique each moment of surrender and offering of your hearts.
I come to tell you this, companions, because I know that many who are here today and others who are not here, have submerged on the path of suffering and guilt. But God demonstrates to you, through the Presence of His Son in this time, that the door of His Divine Mercy is still open for the world, especially for those who have little time left to repent.
I want you to always keep in mind that God loves you, under any situation or condition. God does not have anger, God has Pity, Grace and Mercy; and this, in many cases, is completely forgotten, because the souls that are incarnated in this time easily become involved with indifference and that which is superficial.
But I also come, in this time and through each meeting, at the request of My Eternal Father, to place the redeeming Christic code in the innermost depth of the government of your souls and essences, the code of love and redemption that must be cared for and protected by yourselves. Because just as God gives all, He can also take all from you.
Not even the minutest particle of His Divine Grace is wasted in this universe; if that happened, it would be an offense to His Heart. For this reason, I call you to value this moment and to learn to read what I Myself Am writing through your lives. On this will depend what will happen to each one later on.
Imitate the example of the angels and saints who adore, love and revere God, Our Creator. Thus, your lives will deepen their spiritual and human dignity, and those virtues that God holds in His Heart, and are preciously chosen for each one, will be delivered in due time, when your hearts are ready, and that moment is drawing near.
The time of preparation is ending, the time of action is beginning, because the emergency in the world is very great. Misery, suffering and illness must be placated and many, really many hearts are waiting for the great day of their liberation.
You, by being here and by responding to My Call without My directly asking you, are participating in the preparation of this great moment, when I will return in Glory and with all the Power of God, to establish in this world again the universal order and the true Spiritual Government.
Do you understand that the Law must be re-established? And this will take place through the attitude of your hearts, through merciful actions, because Mercy will help you to perceive the necessity in any place, even in that apparently silent and anonymous heart.
I come so that your souls may open their eyes and perceive, for themselves, what they are participating in. It is not just a moment of Grace, Pity and Mercy; it is a moment to make the new apostles emerge, those who, in the end times, will re-write the history of humanity and the planet, just as the Hierarchy itself has re-written the history of all its inner and sacred centers, such as this place, throughout the times and above all through souls.
Not all will be able to live the same model of evolutionary life, you must be very clear about this. If this is forced, it might have irreversible consequences.
You must learn every day to perceive the need of your fellow being. In this way, you will truly help the growth of each brother and sister, by sustaining and supporting their being without condemning them, because I Am here so that hearts may find Me again.
But so that hearts may find Me again, may feel and live Me internally, the consciousness and, above all the heart must be open here, because I will send souls and though these souls I will go and test you, to know if My degrees of Love have been correctly sown in you.
Therefore, take advantage of this Sacred Week and release all that which binds you to the past and, above all, become liberated from yourselves, because you can now do it, it is just a matter of trusting Me more. Thus, the future plans and those not so distant will be visible to all, and God will place His Hand upon you so that, through your souls, He may write His Will.
If that happens just as God expects, I assure you that the errors of the world will be justified, including the errors that are committed with the blood of the innocent, which is still shed in these times. Thus, you can understand that this is nothing personal, it is a way similar to that lived by My Apostles.
But now we are in a definitive time. All decisions must be premeditated, discernment might not be enough, it is necessary to ask for Light for each matter, so that the path of the Law that I Am drawing, which is the Law of My Love, may be trodden.
Thus, I make you participants in all My designs, projects and operations, because in this way I will be able to find available and authentic hearts, capable of giving everything. Likewise, many more will be called to give everything, so that God’s Aspirations may be concretized.
Under this reflection, companions, which you must not forget and that you must know by heart, I prepare you for the next three years of your time, when very decisive events will present themselves, and all, in some way, will participate in these events, because humanity is one and one is the Project of God for humanity.
These next three years will define the reappearance of Christ, your Master and Lord, who will make His incursions in some places of the planet. And this will not be just spiritual, but also physical. As you know, I will not warn you in advance, because the Plan that I have foreseen must be fulfilled just as it was proposed and thought of by the Great Creator Fathers.
Whether you want it or not, whether you accept it or not, and take the step you must take or not, all will participate and be witnesses of this. Therefore, it will be important that, before My hour is fulfilled, your intentions, attitudes and forms be already purified.
In truth, I tell you that not even the holy women, who ardently waited for My Resurrection, were able to withstand the vibratory Presence of the Lord. I ask you: what will you do when that happens?
The Lord will come as a stranger, but through His garments will be the Presence of the Lord. You have to be attentive to recognize Me and also when I call you by your names, because the history that began in Israel must be completed, and this is the time for this to happen.
Therefore, My Spirit, Soul and Divinity gather you in these end times and through the Sacred Week, with the higher intention to prepare you. But remember that there is a part in all this that corresponds to each one.
Do not wait for a response. Position yourselves in the way that a server and an apostle must position themselves. Offer to come out of yourselves and thus the clarity and guidance of the Sacred and Unfathomable Heart of Jesus will come to you.
I want to celebrate this Holy Communion today for this cause, especially for those who are awakening and for those who will awaken, so that your brothers and sisters of the world may receive the same Grace that you have received more than once. And through an act of true redemption and repentance, may all receive the Grace of Mercy.
I have destined, at this moment, seven guardian angels for this Eucharistic Celebration, so that, during the moment of transubstantiation of the bread and the wine, which will be converted into My Body and My Blood, your most honest and true intentions may be elevated to each one of the guardian angels, so that the Holy Spirit of God, by means of His gifts, may guide the steps of the souls that will walk toward the Purpose.
So that your souls may receive these impulses and may hold it in the innermost depths of the spirit and the consciousness, I come to raise, elevate and offer, to all those present and those not present, the principles that founded this Light-Community and made possible for the humble and tender Gaze of God to contemplate this simple and humble space, so that His Word might descend to Earth and from here to the whole world.
Feel as part of this greatness of God and, above all, of His infinite and invincible Love.
So that these principles may flourish in all souls and hearts, as a preparation for this moment of Spiritual Communion, we will honor and glorify the instrument that inspired this expression of God’s Plan on the surface, your brother and instructor José Trigueirinho, who was the secure door who offered himself for the awakening of souls, and who opened the door of his heart so that the Sacred Hierarchies might be here today, speaking to all.
Let us revere this moment.
Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón de Jesús:
We will sing “Breath of the spirit.”
I bless you so that you may reflect and grow internally, knowing that My gifts, in this time, are unique and unrepeatable.
In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.
The last year of impulses of My Chaste Heart
You are going through the last year of the great impulses of the Divine Hierarchy, a time when your hearts must incessantly drink from the Source of the wonders and gifts that we give you at each Apparition.
The last year of the impulses of the Hierarchy speaks about undeserved Graces which souls are receiving so that they may live their definition and strengthen their consciousnesses in order that, in the next cycle that will come, they may be responsible not only for their own inner sustenance, but also for the support of all those who did not drink of this Source and will have need of help, healing and mercy to be able to walk through the narrow doorway of the last opportunity.
The last great impulses of the Hierarchy speak to you about a great test of love, surrender and yielding which we will lead you to experience so you may learn what Christic Love truly is and transcend human love and the common good in the Grace that we will grant you to understand that, beyond the chaos, the evil and your own and others' miseries, there is an unfathomable Fount of Christic Love from which you must learn to drink, and this will be the same for everybody.
In this cycle there will be no preferences, no titles, no human merits capable of excluding somebody from the greater test of surrender, definition and the unveiling of a Higher Love.
All will be before two doors: the large and ample door of worldly comfort, a false and poor comfort which will confuse souls, offering its consolation and an illusory peace; and the narrow door of surrender and Higher Christic Love, which will forge in you the possibility of seeing each other as you truly are, transcending the human condition, judgments and opinions, in order to unite under the single purpose of supporting the planet until the old human gives way to the one who is capable of living the Divine Purpose in fullness.
For this reason, know that each time you are faced with a situation which seems greater than what you can bear, in reality you will be facing an opportunity of transcendence and surrender which God calls you to live so that you awaken the love latent in your hearts.
If you are in this world, at this time, it is because you are called to experience the great human definition, and this will not make you greater or lesser than the others; it will only make each of you an instrument in the Hands of God for the transformation of life, life beyond life, which must be renewed.
Thus, do not waste the impulses, but rather, drink from each of them, meditate and do not allow them to go by without first permeating all of your consciousness.
You have My blessing for this.
Your father and friend,
The Most Chaste Saint Joseph
In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.
Be brave and do not lose heart. God forgives all faults because He is merciful in His Son. The one who believes in this knows how to persist. The one who believes in this learns how to love and go beyond their limitations, beyond their possibilities. This is why I am here, to remind you of this.
On this day, I also want you to contemplate the greatest testimonial of Love, the Sacred Treasure of the Father, through the Ark of the Holy Covenant. The Ark that has been open these days, the Ark that is open at this moment before all inner worlds so that you yourselves may deposit your experience of love, a striving love, a love that can expand, a code of redemption and light which through your offering you may place within this Ark. It is open before your Lord so that, just like Me, you may place the experience of love and redemption.
But these treasures of Heaven will not remain in the universe, these treasures must descend to the planet and humanity, through all Inner Centers that hold and protect this Sacred Ark on a spiritual and immaterial level.
When I return, the Sacred Ark will also return, that same Teraphim that guided the people of Israel and always allowed them to remember their commitment to God and the importance of fulfilling the purpose.
Now that you have expanded into tribes and cultures, the Ark must return to the planet so that the soul of nations and peoples may recover the Purpose of Creation. This purpose has been altered throughout recent times, a purpose that must not be dissolved within your essences because it was placed there, the moment you emerged in the origin.
Therefore, do not identify yourselves with all that which is material and exterior. Turn your gazes towards the inner worlds and remember, remember your sacred name, the one that is also living just as many other names in the Sacred Ark.
This is what Argentina needs to recover internally. Because you will not see the change with your own eyes. You will see the change within yourselves when you learn to change your vibration and plane so that your consciousnesses may expand and see this planetary reality with eyes of Compassion and Mercy. If the majority do not elevate their consciousnesses to this purpose, they will become lost in all that is superficial and material.
God has given you the great key of the word, the word that builds, the word that concretizes, the word that affirms the fulfillment of Divine Will.
If any of you have distanced yourselves from this Will, behold My Merciful Heart, which opens as a great door, so that those who have lost this Will may recover it and know that they have never ceased to be worthy Children of God.
Because to distance oneself from the Will of the Father is to distance oneself from the Purpose, and this is what you should never lose sight of, because if your souls distance themselves from the Purpose, they will wither like a flower that slowly dries and ceases to express the beauty that God placed in each heart.
The bridge to the spiritual reconciliation of souls is not only in My offering for you, but also in the Sacred Ark of the Father, who, in omnipresence and omnipotence, from these days on internally travels the nation of Argentina so that the bonds that have broken between Heaven and Earth may be re-built. Also so that the ties with evil may be undone and souls may see the coming times with eyes of hope, empty of themselves, filled with the Love and Presence of God, so that He may work through His Children. And so that, through My Heart united to the hearts of all of you, He may make all things new, as many times as necessary, because the Father knows that souls need it so.
Now, in the silence of My Spirit, I receive the offering of each heart that dares to take the step to be part of the Mystical Ark of God, so that you never forget that God loves His Creatures and that in His Eternal Heart all is already written.
Therefore, as I have told you, your choices change the events, because God will never distance Himself from His Children. It is His children who distance themselves from God, forgetting what is essential, losing what is true, leaving behind what is really important.
For this reason, so that Argentina may again rise in spirit, wisdom and discernment, I must first work with you, to unite you again to the Source and, in this way, I help the nation of Argentina and all of its people.
In all parts of this country, My Eyes contemplate the need, the need of souls and thirsty hearts. Therefore, I already know what each one needs at this moment.
Now, with Me, you will raise your voices toward the Heavens, toward the Source so that, through the Names of God, Argentina may be spiritually re-built and the groups of souls present here may receive what they need through Mercy.
Let us sing.
Song: “Sacred Names of God – Canon no. 1.”
While the Codes of the Ark of the Holy Covenant are being radiated toward Argentina, important inner decisions are made by your Master and Lord, and not only for the Project that must be carried out here in South America, through the emergence of the New Humanity. These decisions also encompass many groups of souls that need to recover their filiation with the Source, a filiation that was removed by impunity and injustice. This profoundly spiritual filiation is recovered today for all who aspire to have it, through the impulses of the Ark of the Holy Covenant which is present here.
Thus, on this second day of meeting, one more step is taken by humanity. One more step is carried out by the Hierarchy, even though the scales of this world are out of balance.
Although impunity and the lack of discernment weighs more, the Hierarchy balances these scales so that the Law of Mercy may intercede, rather than the Law of Justice, as the door of My Heart is open once again to all those who dare to cross through it in trust.
You were anointed yesterday. Today, you are impelled by My Spirit so that you may always remember that you are brothers and sisters, that you are part of the same spiritual and universal family, and that for God there is nothing separate.
Thus, I invite you to return to the origin of the Purpose so that the Purpose may return to Argentina and, thus, return to all of the Americas. And this is possible through those who consecrate themselves according to their possibility and understanding, knowing that the degrees of spiritual consecration allow the Universe to come to Earth. They also allow the sacred bridges of Light to unite humanity with the Source, unite humanity with the Law, allowing everything to be corrected, everything to be redeemed and hearts to feel healed from their sorrows and anguishes, their uncertainties and tests.
But do not forget, as I told you yesterday, that I died on the Cross for you, and that if I had not surrendered in trust to the Father, nothing that has happened among you and with Me would have been possible. There would be no way to justify it and no way to grant it.
Thus, all this is the work of Grace, a state of Grace that you should recognize, value and take care of, because to be within Grace is to be within the Spiritual Government of God.
May souls no longer lose the Grace of God. Be worthy of being in that Grace, of not losing it, of not discarding it. Because I assure you, companions, that the life of each one of you would not be enough to understand what Grace means.
Receive My Words as a balm so that they may impel you toward transformation, a transformation that does not end in this life but rather continues after this life, under transcendence and ascension.
Now we will experience a special consecration of new adorers, those souls that have decided to place their eyes on My Eucharist, to place their hearts at service, to place their voices to pray for many, so many needs.
Therefore, after these last two years, Argentina, through this consecration of new adorers, receives the spirit of My Ascension so that not only souls may learn to elevate themselves, but also the most miserable and endemic conditions may be transformed.
And this, companions, begins first within you, looking with courage to al that there is to be transformed, without any fear. Because, if My Love is within you, why should you fear anything? If you fear, it is because My Love is not with you. Today, I come, before you, to reaffirm My Love, also through this consecration.
May the priests bring water to bless and incense to offer it to the Lord of Adoration so that the souls that are consecrated today may be part of My Great Mystical Body, they may be the Rays of God’s Eucharist.
Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón de Jesús:
In reverence and devotion, we invite the postulants to be adorers to stand up and, at the request of Christ, we will sing a song so that it may always guide these souls and the souls of all our brothers and sisters.
We will sing “Breath of the Spirit,” so that the ship of the spirit of each being may be always guided toward Higher Life.
Celestial Father,
Who grants healing to who seeks it,
Who renews life for who needs it,
Who consecrates with Your Spirit and with Your Presence all that you touch,
encourage souls, through Your Ardent Devotion,
to find the path toward feeling Your Paternal Embrace.
O, God of the Universe!
Do not look at the miseries of this world or at impunity.
Believe in the faith of those who follow You
and who permanently seek to live in You.
Bless these elements
so that they may bless those who will be consecrated
as adorers of the Eucharistic Body of Christ.
In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit.
In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.
Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón de Jesús:
We will bless with the incense and then with the blessed water.
We may sing, sing with joy, because the Lord will hear us.
Song: “Breath of the Spirit” (in Portuguese).
XIII - Seek God, Come to Know His Mysteries and Experience Them
A soul that aspired to know eternity and Paradise, and each day sought merits so as to come to deserve a place in Heaven, questioned the Lord about which path is deserving to be by His side, saying: "Lord, life on Earth, in spite of being sacred, is too little for me. My soul ardently aspires to be with You in the Paradise of Your eternity. Tell me, then, beloved God, what do I do to remain by Your side in the Infinite?"
And with profound love and wisdom, the Lord responded: "Little soul, what is Paradise to you? In your heart, how do you think that life is in My Kingdom? I created you so as to dwell within you; thus, I want to make you understand that you do not have to desire to be in Heaven to be by My side, but rather discover Me within you. Happy and blessed is the soul that knows how to find unity with Me within their own essence, the one that does not seek outside of themselves, but rather within, in the depths of their own inner world.
Many are the souls that say they want to be with Me but how many souls silently stop to seek Me within their own essence?
Many are the souls that say they prefer My Kingdom to the world; but how many set aside, even if for an instant, the things of the world to seek My Kingdom within their own hearts and know themselves to be the Kingdom?
Many are the souls instructed in My Knowledge, those that know of My Words and say they love them; but how many souls are there that, after having been instructed about something, do not stop in the knowledge but rather seek an experience about what they have learned?
Little soul, My Kingdom is within you, just as I Am also within you, and the path to find Me is simply to truly seek Me, with sincerity and love. When you simply stop in order to find Me within you, you will see that My mysteries were not hidden in the stars. My Paradise is not only in Heaven; it lies within you."
May this dialogue, children, inspire you to seek God within yourselves, and not only come to know His mysteries, but also experience them, each day.
You have My blessing for this.
The Most Chaste Saint Joseph
In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.
Today I come with the little Child Jesus in My arms to carry you into a new state of consciousness, a state in which you can see the world, not with the limitations of humankind, but rather with the perfection of God, contemplating the true need of these times, contemplating the Laws that are moving, that enter the Earth, Laws that have never before been active on the planet.
Many believe that they have already known Divine Justice, from back when the era of the patriarch's God had spoken to them with Justice.
Throughout the centuries, this Justice gradually developed, deepened, and as the human consciousness transformed, all of Creation transformed.
The Laws and the Rays are no longer the same as those of the beginning times on Earth or the beginning times of this Creation. Each cycle is new, and even if it has similarities to previous times, everything is renewed.
The time of Mercy has come, the New Covenant between God and humankind, sealed by Christ on His Cross, confirmed by Him in His Ascension into the Heavens. And in spite of this Covenant being eternal, to live it you must respond to it.
So that you can be under a law, you must attract that law into your lives. When you do not do so, children, you do not justify the Blood that was shed on the Cross, and even though that Blood may be available, eternally given to all creatures, if your hearts are not open to it, it flows from the Heart of Christ and does not transform your lives.
The cycles will continue to pass by, and the Law of Justice has come, a Justice that is not the same as in the beginning times. It does not come with the wrath of God, because God is simply silent. The Laws work by themselves, because the time has come in which humanity itself, as a potential co-creator with God, may also be the one responsible for its own evolution.
In past eras, God spoke to humankind with Justice and with what you know as wrath, which is actually the profound Ray of Divine Will, which humanity could not understand. This Ray descended on Earth, with all its power, to break the hardest and most archaic structures of humanity. But when human beings began to open to love, the Laws began to work in a different way, and the Creator found room to transform the world in another way, through a greater Love, which transcended all laws, all forms, all life.
That was the Love of God in His Son.
That Love is still echoing in the four corners of this world and in all life. Many times it is poured out upon the Earth without you being aware of it.
God constantly provides opportunities for each being. He gives them His best, that which is most perfect in the universe, the best opportunities for the evolution of those who least deserve it, because His Love does not act according to the justice of humankind, but rather to the Mercy that is born of His Heart.
Today I come with the Child Jesus in My arms so that you may understand this new cycle in light of His Presence.
His Mercy continues to resonate; His Blood continues to be poured out over the world; God continues to give opportunities to humanity, but each being in these times must choose the path that they will follow.
Thus, children, this is a new era of Justice. Mercy will not cease to exist, but the Creator will no longer intercede for His children as before. He will remain silent, a silence that will speak deeply to all of Creation, because the silence of God means a profound prayer, unknown to all beings, including those who, in the dimensions of the angels and archangels, are constantly at the Feet of the Creator.
In the silence of God, His Love for creatures expands, and those who open to hear Him, to let His silence resonate within them, who open to that infinite Love, enter the dimensions of that Love and live an experience of unique transformation, recognizing the true potential of human beings, recognizing the unity that happens between the Creator and His creatures, understanding what it means to open the doors between dimensions and live in likeness to God.
All of this happens when beings simply respond to the Love of the Creator, setting aside their smallness, their imperfections, and strive to transcend themselves each day to leave the human condition and come to know the condition of the children of God.
Thus, you attract the sublime Laws into your lives and, taking a single step, these Laws lead you and elevate you to ever greater, broader and more profound steps.
But, when beings know that God is silent, when they already know His Mercy and ignore all the opportunities that He gives them, the laws that they attract to their lives are different: the law of justice, the law of suffering, the law of loneliness, of abandonment, of anguish, of hopelessness.
I want you to thus understand, children, that it is not God who is designing your lives, but you yourselves are doing so.
This is the cycle of the definition of humanity. You can no longer live as ordinary creatures, when you were designed to be children of God, in likeness to Him, co-creators, who bring within themselves, in their deepest essence, a possibility for transforming Creation, as not even the Archangels can do.
In this way, understand the responsibility that you have for all life and therefore, do not remain any longer in the small things, those that bind you and attach you to this world. Meditate on what I tell you and on what God says to you through each Divine Messenger.
We came to the world as an echo of the Voice of the Creator, which is speaking for the last time in this cycle of humanity. Not because He does not love His creatures and does not wish to speak to them for all eternity; but if it were not this way, you would never discover who you are, and this Earth will self-destruct through the ignorance of humankind.
It is possible to repair suffering, it is possible to awaken beings through love, service and constant prayer, but it is not possible to enter someone else's consciousness to define their steps according to Divine Will. Each being must experience their own definition.
The greatest service you can render today, in the name of all humanity and for the elevation of souls living in ignorance, is to take your own steps towards the Father, to live that infinite Love, discover this mystery that is hidden within you, let that Love expand and transform everything around you. Thus, give an example to the world through your own life, because in this way you will be generating an opportunity for redemption, not only for your own souls, but for all of Creation, for worlds and universes unknown to you.
You are a drop of water in the infinite ocean, but not just any water. A living water that, when it enters this ocean, is capable of transforming it, transforming all the other drops, seas and all the life that dwells within it.
I know that many do not believe in what I say and do not even believe that I am here; but I did not come for you to believe in Me, I have come to give you an instruction, that you live for yourselves the experience of attracting divine Laws or human laws toward your lives.
Go through the experience, children, of letting yourselves be transformed by the Love of God, which descends upon you when you pray, when you serve, when you are silent before something that causes you anguish, that wounds your human egos and contradicts your personalities.
When you allow someone else to express themselves, allowing some else to grow, you grow from the inside out, because when you renounce being a protagonist in the world, it is God who finds a space to be a protagonist within you, and no one will see you, but it is there that the true meaning of life is accomplished.
Give thanks for everything that you have received. Permanently thank the Creator and elevate your consciousness beyond human needs, beyond your aspirations and your wills, beyond your plans and goals for life on this planet. Elevate yourselves through gratitude.
Today the Child Jesus, in My arms, points toward infinity, and within it beats the Heart of God, which calls upon you to return, to return in essence, to return to Him without ceasing to exist, to return to God, being in the world and making this planet part of His Heart.
This is what you are called to live.
Today, on this altar, yet another mystery of God is revealed to you. A rarely understood mystery, because many do not know what a sacred object signifies. Many question and ignore the different Graces that God grants to humankind.
A sacred object, magnetized by the Creator, is something that constantly reminds you what your true mission is, what you are called to live and what the path might be for doing so.
A sacred object is like a seal that makes you recognizable to the angels and archangels.
It is like a sign, a sign of light that in the darkness of the world will let souls recognize it and know the way.
It is a symbol of protection and of Grace, a symbol of adherence and faith. It strengthens your faith every time you put it on and believe in all the promises we have given you.
A sacred object is a symbol of healing, of reconciliation with God, when a lost, sick soul receives it and they believe that they have received a divine gift from the hands of their Creator, to remind them of how much He loves them.
A sacred object is a mysterious symbol of God drawing closer to the hearts of His children. He is silently there, in each little medallion, in each little scapular, speaking to your hearts, reminding your essences where they came from and to where they must return. That, children, is a sacred object.
For this reason, today, here on My altar, there are medallions of My Most Chaste Heart, which together with My little Son, I have come to bless.
This blessing will resonate and remain, forever and ever, in every medallion coined in honor of My Most Chaste Heart, and the mystery that I bring you today will remain in them and in all those that will come, strengthening the faith of those who believe that the Love of God is there.
With My little Child Jesus, I lay My hands upon these medallions and decree, in the name of Christ and by the authority that God has given me, that the Gifts of His Holy Spirit will remain within them.
May all the blessings and promises that I have given you be fulfilled. May all those souls who will receive them be strengthened, awakened and reconciled with the Father, finding their way through the darkness and no longer remaining lost. May their suffering turn into hope, may their pain turn into reparation for the greater and deeper pain that the Heart of God feels while contemplating the world in these times.
May the souls who receive them hear the silence of the Creator, feel his deep love and choose to live under the law of Mercy, rather than Justice.
May the souls who receive them draw the rays of Grace, healing and compassion to their lives, and may they be consistent with them in all their actions and thoughts.
By the Grace of My Son, today in My arms, I give peace to all those who carry this small medallion with them.
Listening to My words, I know that some souls have asked themselves how to attract into their lives what I have told them in order not to live under the law of justice, of suffering or of pain, but rather, of Mercy, of Grace and of Divine Love.
And I just say to you: serve, be grateful, live each word that we have already given you, study what we have said to you, because with a simple reading of them, each day, the vibration of our words alone will transform you. Adore the Eucharistic Heart of Christ and open the door for Him to express Himself within you.
Do not seek things for yourself, do not desire to accumulate the treasures of the world, but in the silence of your souls, in the depths of your hearts, in a dialogue and in a contact with God, let your celestial treasures manifest.
We have already taught you what to do, we have already poured out blessings, graces like rain over your lives.
You need only create the conditions for them to manifest each day, and I do not tell you to be perfect, but rather to observe yourselves and whenever you are leaving the path of fraternity and of love, stop, ask for forgiveness, and try to do it again in the right way; and it does not matter that you may fall many times, because the calvary of these times also has many falls; you just need to get up from them and continue walking toward the goal of overcoming yourselves in love, every day.
This is what I have to say to you today, but I must also fulfill a request of the Creator, that His children spiritually commune so that they receive His Graces and be strengthened, that they feel His Presence and commune of the Body and Blood of Christ, which manifests in all your cells at this time.
You may bring the altar and Friar Yesua here.
I would like one hundred of these medals to go to a daughter of mine who, trusting in my call, day after day, attracts the Law of Grace, not only to the country where she lives today, but also to the whole of Africa.
I would like two hundred of these medals to go to the House of Saint Isabel, carrying not only My protection, but the Love of God to those who generate merits for the salvation of so many children in this world, through their prayers and their purity.
I would also like the members of the Light-Community Fraternity to receive My medallions, because in their silence and striving, in spite of their imperfection, they also generate merits for the transformation of humanity. And, little by little, let each of the devotees who aspire to answer to this call and receive this teraphim from My Chaste Heart also be able to do so. This is what I most want for these medallions and for all those yet to come.
Just as God granted me the authority to pour out Graces onto the world, He also did so for every priest consecrated by Him. It is thus that in My presence and for the consecration of this Eucharist, you will pray for all the priests of the world, for all those who feel hopeless for not being able to share the Graces of God and for all those who ignore the Presence of the Creator in their vocation and the possibility that they have of drawing the Graces of God to the world.
Spiritually communing of the Body and the Blood of Christ, allow the Mercy of Christ to reach not only those who commune, but also those who share the bread and the wine transformed on the altar, so that this abundant life that is revealed in the Body and the Blood of Christ may permeate their priestly hearts first. Amen.
Friar Yesua:
In union with the Heart of Saint Joseph and the Heart of Our Lord, we unite with the Celestial Church of Christ and humbly offer this Communion to all the souls of the world, to all our brothers and sisters who at this moment are in need of the Love and the Presence of Our Lord.
We remember that moment when Our Lord took the bread, elevated it to the Father, giving thanks, and broke it and gave it to His disciples, saying: take and all eat of it, for this is My Body that will be given for each one of you, for the forgiveness of all sins.
We hear the three chimes, consummating the consecration of the bread into the Body of Our Lord.
We praise You, Lord, and we bless You.
We praise You, Lord, and we bless You.
We praise You, Lord, and we bless You.
And in the same way, Our Lord took the Chalice and, elevating it to the Father, passed it to His Apostles, saying: take and all drink of it, for this is the Chalice of My Blood, the Blood of the New and eternal Covenant, which will be spilled for the forgiveness of all sins and the salvation of all mortals. Do this in remembrance of Me until the end of times, until I return.
We praise You, Lord, and we bless You.
We praise You, Lord, and we bless You.
We praise You, Lord, and we bless You.
And together we revere the Presence of the Body and Blood of Our Lord and, in profound union with His Heart, together pray the Our Father in Aramaic.
(Our Father prayer in Aramaic).
May the Peace and Mercy of Our Lord descend to Earth at this moment.
And we ask You, Lord, that through this Communion, our brothers and sisters in the world may also spiritually commune of Your Body and Your Blood. Amen.
Sister Lucía de Jesús:
And all of us who are in their homes will, at this moment, visualize Saint Joseph with the little Child in His arms, and from the little Hands of the Child Jesus, we will receive the Eucharist, of which our souls commune in the name of all humanity.
May the Peace of My Chaste Heart, all the Graces and the Love that are born in the Heart of My little Son, the Son of God, reach all souls, transforming and healing hearts and spirits, their sick bodies, so that they may find peace.
With My words, I bless you and thank you for reflecting with your hearts upon all that I have said to you.
In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.
And with the intention that the Healing of God may reach the four corners of this world, we will end this prayer with a song that attracts divine Laws, Grace and the blessings of God toward the planet.
Sister Lucía de Jesús:
At the request of Saint Joseph, we will sing “Rains of Love”. Thank you all very much.
Be in the desert like Mother Teresa of Calcutta who, in spite of being in the void and in solitude, knew how to find the Lord in her neighbors.
And everything she sought in inner compensation faded away. Her faith became stronger and was consolidated in simply fulfilling the Will of God and comforting the poor, in body and spirit.
It was in this way that Mother Teresa found God and merged into Him, even though she did not entirely perceive Him.
Be in the desert like Mother Teresa of Calcutta, strengthening yourself inwardly, neither in the sensory world nor in a mystical union with God, but rather in a palpable faith and a constant overcoming, proving and experiencing the Presence of God in those most in need, being nothing to the world and to the self, and everything to God, everything to the Heart of the Redeemer, Who tiredly beat in the poor and the oppressed, in the lonely and the lost.
Seek, child, to live your desert, consolidating your faith. Know that each desert brings a leap into infinity and this happens in many ways.
If you thirst for sensations and inner experiences, thirst for self-realization and seeing God, and yet He keeps you in the void, discover that maybe the Will of God will be revealed to you where you least expect, in that space where it is hard for your love to reach, where your resistances block your steps and do not allow you to enter, where your weaknesses prevent you from discovering the need for love. There is God, waiting for you.
In the desert, leave your desires and aspiration, your needs, your deepest anxieties. And when you have nothing, the Creator will show you where He is hidden, calling for you, seeking your gaze, your faith, your heart.
Who knows, child, maybe your desert will be the desert of Mother Teresa of Calcutta, where God is revealed from the outside inward and from within your fellow being to your inner being.
The Most Chaste Saint Joseph
In order for your being to become depersonalized and truly become different, sometimes certain tests or learnings arrive, that perhaps for your mind make no sense or have no explanation.
But for God, everything that happens to you indeed has an explanation, and the Father will always hope that every experience that you may live or go through will help you to take steps in the evolution of your soul and your essence.
Only certain experiences can help you perceive that, if in truth a situation did not exist, which made you change your position or your opinion, you would not by any means manage to take the Christic steps that at this moment and in this time, I need you to be able to take.
Thus, your irritation or discouragement have no value because you must know that your destiny is already written in the Heart of God.
When there is suffering, lack of understanding or tension, it is because you still have not managed to clearly perceive that there is something within you that must die forever and no longer be there.
It is only with faith and a great deal of determination that you will manage to overcome the limits of consciousness, but for me it does not matter if you do not manage to do so; what really matters is that you try again, every day.
Allow yourself to be guided by what the Universe and spiritual wisdom are gradually showing you and never try to modify the occurrences, because then you would be delayed much longer before finally being able to reach Me.
Trust, surrender and be nothing; in this way, you will allow Me to be part of you.
I thank you for keeping My Words in your heart!
Who blesses you,
Your Master and Lord, Christ Jesus
The Universe of God is sublime, and its mysteries are incalculable. But, before reaching the celestial heights, children, you should learn to deal with your human condition and live the transcendence of illusions, available to humans by the time of Earth and its mysteries, until you can cross the layers and veils that separate you from the Truth and the Time of God, so you may discover not only the celestial mysteries but, above all, yourselves.
If I spoke to you only of sublime things, you would make from the Truth an illusion in your minds, you would have it as a story, but not as an experience, as a philosophy, but not as life manifested in everything that you are. This is why, sometimes, I speak to you of the Universe and sometimes I go back to your human condition, to create a bridge between what you think you are and what you must find out about yourselves.
The Truth already is. It manifested in the Origin of life and has hidden in the essence and microcosmos of each being. To find it, you should search for it as you search for the things of the world today. Just as you make an effort for the victories on Earth, make an effort for the triumphs of Heaven.
Search for the example of those who have already walked this path. Drink from the experience of those who were tested and transcended human life, to find Christ hidden and alive within themselves. Those you call saints, children, are not God, and it is not their miracles that will make them reach God, but rather their example which can inspire you and bring you light for the darkness of consciousness.
To reach what is High, you should elevate yourselves. To reach that which is within, you should deepen. And this is an eternal and tireless mission, until you return to the Origin of life.
Your Father and Friend,
The Most Chaste Saint Joseph
In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.
May the blessings and graces from the Kingdom of God permeate your lives.
In the name of Christ, I bless you, so that, as your Father and Instructor, I can lead you to a new cycle. Many wonder what these cycles are in which the Hierarchy places you, time and again.
What are the spiritual cycles?
In these times, children, the impulses that descend from the Heavens are infinite and, each time these impulses arrive upon Earth, this represents a new cycle for your lives, a new opportunity for you to begin again.
This means that, much beyond your faults and sins, much beyond the past and the experiences that you have lived upon Earth and beyond, in these times, in this world, the Creator offers to you new opportunities to be clean, with the heart pure and willing to be renewed before God, and participate in this evolution, as His worthy children.
This cycle in which you enter as humanity represents a unique opportunity for awakening.
Many believe they already know everything we tell you, that they already know about higher life, the Centers of Love, of Light.
But I come to tell you that what most of humanity has is a piece of information, information from the mind which lacks experience, lacks wisdom.
If human beings really knew the Centers of Love, if they were permeated by the Centers of Light, the planet would not be in this point that it is in, humanity would no longer be living in illusion and would participate with Me in the celestial dimensions.
Therefore, you enter a new cycle, a cycle that is no longer of information, but rather of experience.
A cycle that will forge true companions of Christ within you so that you no longer live spiritual life in a passing way, while you are tired of being distracted by things of the world.
Each day more, children, this higher life must become your reality, and I know how difficult it is to walk upon Earth with the consciousness in the Infinite, in the Universe of God, but this is what is necessary in these times.
Not that you should cease to do things in the world and participate in the human experience as it is presented today on the material levels, but you should be aware that the true reality has not been revealed to you.
Each day that passes, the Time of God approaches the time of this world.
What was invisible will become visible, what was incomprehensible will become knowledge. What seemed part of the imagination of a few will be revealed as the reality of everyone.
Your history and your origin will no longer be in the sacred books as half-truths.
So far most human beings walk as children in evolution, but this period of spiritual childhood has ended.
Now, children, the planet no longer waits, the souls make their definition by themselves because the very impulses that descends from the Universe is what leads them toward definition.
The ones who planted light will flourish in light, and those who planted darkness will grow in darkness.
Therefore, the world will be unbalanced in a way that will be unacceptable for many and, at the same time, truths that had never been told will be revealed.
Beings will awaken to their true mission and many of those who were distracted with the world will feel within the anguish of the need for higher life, for inner life, for spiritual life.
With this, you must be attentive, because they are thirsty and need to know the Source that lies in the Heart of the Father.
Never leave someone thirsty for spiritual life. Give to drink to the souls that awaken, give to the world the knowledge of this path, because many have lost hope and must again find it.
Many think that I do not tell you anything new, that My impulses are repetitive, but I touch your hearts like the untiring water that hits the rock to mold it.
I knock on the door of your hearts to open them, because not even you know your own inner world, the true composition of human consciousness, the science that hides, the truth, the essence.
Therefore, I am still here and I will remain here as long as God allows.
I do not tire of telling you, to come to meet you and to do this, every day, if it is necessary, crossing the layers of the lower dimensions until I arrive upon the Earth, opening the path in Heaven for souls to reach God, because I came to know the wonder of unity with the Creator and I want to lead you to live this experience, of being fully in God, in His Truth, in His Heart.
But for this, children, you must first live sacrifice, effort, the forgetting of self and of your own wills. You must serve in that which is necessary, when it is necessary and where it is necessary, because your evolution can no longer be molded to personal will but to the need of this planet.
You are no longer here just to live an experience because, in this cycle, the evolution of the Earth is defined and there will no longer be experiences to make, just a Plan to fulfill, which is the Plan of the Creator.
Centuries and centuries have passed by now; you have experienced a lot in this world. Now the moment has come that you so much waited for, as consciousnesses and as souls, as beings coming from the Universe of God.
The moment has arrived to see divine thought manifest and that which was incomprehensible for the whole Creation will become visible.
The Universe did not understand God's Love for the Earth. As such imperfect creatures, you carry the Divine Perfection hidden within and you have not discovered it, have not felt it, have not experienced it.
The time has come to discover it and to live the consequences of Its manifestation in your lives.
The consequence of the divine presence in you is the renewal of the Love of God. It is the cycle that is beginning, and it will be in the little things, in the little efforts to love, to serve, to transcend, on behalf of your neighbor and for the need of the planet, to be an example for humanity and of the Love for the Plan of God.
This, children, is what will awaken higher life within you; this is what will make the Light of the Sacred Centers radiate to the world, because humanity no longer has references of evolutionary life and, even though you may think that no one sees you, the experience that you live here, that you live in the Light-Communities and in all homes consecrated to God, will radiate to the world, will shine like a Light in the darkness, it will dazzle the eyes of those who are in darkness, and even if you are in silence, your example will cry out loud to the world’s ignorance.
Higher life does not manifest only when you pray, when you meditate and when you enter the inner universe. It also manifests when you transcend, overcome and express Love. It manifests when you defeat personal will and affirm love for Divine Will. It manifests when you tear out the roots of retrograde life and choose the new standards of human life, those which will manifest in the New Humanity and which already exists within you.
This is what will open your eyes to higher life, this is what will make you see the Light of the Infinite manifested on Earth, the reality of the Hierarchy, that which was hidden.
This will be the carpet that will extend upon the Earth for the arrival of Christ; your sacrifice, your effort, your love, your surrender.
Do not forget what I tell you. Let yourselves elevate to the consecration of life so that you many learn to make life sacred upon the Earth.
This is the experience that I bring to you, this is the legacy that I deliver to you, because this is what I learned in this world and this was what made Me return to God and arrive today to meet you, to teach you these things.
Feel My paternal love, feel how I live this sacrifice together with you, because I will not cease to come to the world as long as humanity needs it, as long as God allows me to be here.
Elevate a thought of gratitude toward the Universe for always keeping open the doors of God's Graces, of higher help. As long as you are striving and thankful, the Father will always come to meet you.
I would like to say many things today, but this is what you need at the moment. Make of your lives opportunities to be in God, and God is Love.
When you express love, you are within Him and find the truth about yourselves.
You have My blessing for this.
Receive My Peace and My Grace.
In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.
Allow the Miracle of the Sun to happen again within you, illuminating the deepest spaces of your consciousness and heart.
Open yourself to live an experience of faith in which the Creator finds the open pathway to transform you.
Allow the Sun of God to bring the Kingdom of His Purity into your life, transforming your thought, your feelings, your intentions, your actions, your heart and your gaze. Allow your essence to express itself in your entire body, in your entire being. Allow the Kingdom of Lys to be within you.
Express truth and gratitude, express the fortitude of silence, the wisdom of purity, the power of prayer. Express the virtue of love, the mercy of a heart that lives in Grace. Allow the Kingdom of Lys to be within you.
Today the Sun returns to shine within those who know that being in Lys with the Virgin Mary will never be the same and will always open a new cycle for humanity.
Your Father and Friend,
The Most Chaste Saint Joseph
Christ taught you to love, not only so that you might know and experience Love, but especially so that you might multiply it and take it to all those who do not know it, do not live it and do not have any knowledge about it.
Therefore, after so many impulses, go and give testimony of the Love that has touched your heart. Give testimony of the spiritual and divine Presence of Christ, through your actions, your words, your feelings and your thoughts.
It is in the expression of a new behavior, different from all that humanity already knows; you will make those who are blind be able to see that the Return of Christ is approaching and, with it, a new life.
Your Father and Friend,
The Most Chaste Saint Joseph
Dear children,
What happens today in some nations of the world is the reflection of what once occurred in the Universe.
Everyone was once a participant in a very ancient history, which transcended the times until the present day.
Everyone was present and participated in an event within the Universe that changed the Plan of God, in the sense of its realization and its fulfillment.
Everyone comes from a spiritual and universal origin. In these origins, the first learnings began which, in most cases, were learnings and experiences that made you arrive here, to the Earth, to be able to someday attain forgiveness and redemption.
Each one of My children carries within themselves a history, not visible to human eyes but known to the eyes of the spirit.
This is the time in which this history, which occurred in the Universe, will close so that another stage may begin and humanity may be finally liberated from the endless chain of errors.
For this reason, children, there are certain events, still unknown to you, which are kept in the history of your spiritual being. Your spiritual being is what deeply knows all the causes and consequences that were once experienced by you in the Universe.
Everyone comes from a somewhat traumatic experience. Everyone comes from ancient wars in the Universe that only sought the conquest of space and the benefit of personal evolution, for this, having skipped the Law of the Hierarchy and the Law of Love.
This history, which is still recorded in the Universe, remains there, waiting to be purified by each of My children, in the moment and the hour that corresponds to you.
Within each one of you, this history, of great conflicts in the Universe, has greater or smaller intensity according to the experiences lived and the participation of each one within these events.
This is the time to put an end to this history because humanity, throughout the nations and throughout time, has repeated the same errors again, so similar to the most determining facts that were once lived in the Universe.
The higher planes expect that each one of My children, by means of service and of surrender, can help dissolve and repair these past events. Thus, humanity will have the grace of going into a new cycle with greater possibilities of deepening in love and in service.
In this sense, everything that was once experienced in the Universe is not only the result of the conflicts caused by the ambition of knowledge and of power but were also delicate experiences that left indelible marks in the consciousnesses.
Now that everyone can be more aware of this and can help break this chain of errors that humanity still lives and commits, you must know that prayer will be that key that will open the right door so that all of these histories of the Universe can be forgiven and the souls may have the opportunity of beginning to walk with hope.
Coming into contact with this history of the Universe, in which the majority participated in, is to return to the conscious commitment to live forgiveness, healing and redemption, beyond what has happened.
Therefore, everyone who today becomes conscious that they are not only beings incarnated on Earth, they will receive, in the name of humanity, the possibility to change the destiny of history so that finally all beings may live the great moment of redemption.
This is the time in which the history of the Universe will come to light so that the consciousnesses may also learn to redeem itself.
I thank you for responding to My call!
Who blesses you,
Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace
Enter the time of no-time, what is known as, Real Time, which is the approaching of the Kingdom of God and His Eternity.
Prepare your heart, praying as if it were the last, serving as it were the last, giving and asking for forgiveness, as it were the last time, living fraternity and love as it were the last.
In the Time of God, the present is the only experience to be lived. In the present, the past is healed and the future is built. Live inside this Time, in which another moment is no longer waited for in order to act, pray, serve and live better.
You must heal from the human consciousness the addiction of losing cycles and putting off the opportunities that the universal conjunctures send to you.
Now is the time to do all things well, with completeness of spirit and heart, building the new life with present acts, and learning to enter into the Real Time, into eternity, through living the present.
I tell you this because this time is now approaching, and within it the cycles and the impulses will rapidly pass through your lives. To receive and experience them fully, it is necessary to always be living from within the heart, and for you to somehow comprehend living each instant as it were the last one.
Thus, children, you will be awakened for the cycles that might come, and for the impulses that the Universe may send you. This way you will be worthy of rebuilding the Earth and of expressing a new life in the Time of God, in the Real Time.
Your Father and Friend,
The Most Chaste Saint Joseph
I pray so that souls may attain peace.
I pray so that the consciousnesses may awaken to the planetary reality, to the universal truth, and thus, they may transform their lives according to the Divine Purpose.
I pray so that hearts may aspire toward unity with their neighbor, with the Kingdoms of Nature, with life, with God.
I pray so that seekers may recognize the truth in all the teachings transmitted by God through His Messengers, so that those who seek may know how to see beyond words and find between the lines the divine science of Creation.
I pray so that sacred life may no longer be hidden by human superficialities and, in the same way, I pray so that the essence of beings not be hidden by the illusory beliefs they have about themselves.
I pray for a new life and a new race so that after human learning is consolidated, beings may have the courage and hope to make the new life emerge and allow the new being to blossom within themselves which, before Christ, will begin to appear.
I pray so that humanity may not lose the meaning of its existence and so that spiritual life may cease to be a habit and a practice in order to become a reality and an experience of life.
I pray, finally, so that the Graces of God may not remain in Heaven, but that they may be poured out upon the Earth.
Today I call you to pray with Me, and thus you intercede for this world while there is still time. Pray with Me for Peace.
Your Father and Friend,
The Most Chaste Saint Joseph
Walk toward the Heart of God every day and seek to place your eyes, your heart and your aspirations always on the Most High.
Seek, child, your reference in the Love of Christ, in His Life, His word, in how He spiritually builds His Work. Because you are in a culminating moment of human evolution, in which many incomprehensible events will happen. Even, inside of you, will emerge feelings, thoughts and actions that you will not understand, but you must balance them with a simple prayer, service and union with God.
The old human is being purged within you and it is not only formed by the human experiences that you know and live. There is much more within you and in the human consciousness that you are completely unaware of.
Before these unknown and incomprehensible situations, only a greater Love will balance them, the Love of God.
For this reason, listen to what I tell you and do not stop praying sincerely, strengthening, everyday, the link of unity with the Heart of the Father because this will be your sustenance and the sustenance of the planet in the cycle that will come.
Your Father and Friend,
The Most Chaste Saint Joseph
The Healing and the forgiveness of the past – Part 1
In the beginning, when God created His creatures, He thought of leaving in them something that, being valuable for the Spiritual Universe, they should learn to find within themselves.
This Gift and, at the same time, this potential that God deposited in His children, would give an impulse to the great change throughout the times and would generate the renewal of Creation on the spiritual, mental and material levels.
Thus, His creatures were evolving and living universal and internal experiences, but after the great fall of the adversary, the errors and faults began to manifest themselves.
All these events that happened once in the Material Universe were the result of the lack of obedience to the Divine Will; this caused the school of duality to manifest itself.
From then on, many humanities underwent different learning experiences and tests, which in most cases, led them to the internal and spiritual decadence.
But all this was happening because the creatures, created in the image and likeness of the Most High, were forgetting to go within themselves to find love, which is the matrix that heals and forgives all.
Each being of this planet carries a spiritual history that is still unknown to them, which, however, their spirit holds with total consciousness, beyond the fact that the conscious world of the being does not know anything.
This cosmic history is registered within the Universe, which must still be healed by means of the school of love and forgiveness, that this planet offers.
This is the time of the great and true miracles that will allow souls to liberate themselves from the chain of errors and all consciousnesses to be rehabilitated by living the path of redemption.
It will be in such simple way that the history of the past will be healed by the Fount of the Love of God.
The time and moment has come for the Universe to be able to breathe and liberate itself from hundreds of stories and facts that have led creatures of God to the path of suffering.
It is in this way that the Spiritual Hierarchy comes to extend its hand and to sustain those consciousnesses that accept, in total trust and love, to forgive and heal the spiritual past that was once lived and experienced in other stars.
The Mirrors are preparing to put in evidence the history kept in many humanities in order to attract inner reconciliation and the much necessary relief after eras of events that led consciousnesses to separate from Love and from the Truth.
For this reason, children, the time will come of the end of an end, of the beginning of a new stage in the higher and spiritual life of souls.
The Spiritual Universe will open as a repairing and healing fount so as to be able to reach those regions of the Material Universe and dissolve all errors from universal memory so that all consciousnesses may no longer feel the weight of carrying an indelible past.
May, on the contrary, consciousnesses be able to believe again in the prodigies of love so that the life of souls may be different.
The Love of God will be this vital balm for the spiritual reconstruction of the Universe and for the emergence of a New Humanity.
I thank you for responding to My call!
Who blesses you,
Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace
Songs of Figueira - "Ascension"
This canticle places us consciously before higher realities, and in a especial way, reveals to us the existence of aspects of the human being that still are unknown to the majority.
This canticle brings us closer to a truth that already exists in the Universe, something that is part of the principle of universal life and that is conducted through inner levels that already know where our next cosmic destiny will be.
This canticle reminds us of the basic conformation of our being, that we are not only matter that is born, lives, and dies, but that all the experiences, which occur on Earth, including the daily ones, are part of a great chain of learning marked by acts of love, of forgiveness, of redemption and of reconciliation.
The Holy Spirit is revealed in this canticle as this powerful flow of divine energy that can express its Gifts through the terrestrial, as well as the spiritual, consciousness.
The Holy Spirit of God helps to gather all experiences, so that, lived on the different levels of the consciousness, they may serve as a legacy and learning for the New Humanity, as well as for the remembrance and knowledge of the universal Dwelling Places.
At a universal level, certain Solar Regents are the ones who take care of and protect the evolution of these learning experiences that cause the human consciousness to awaken to the fulfillment of its purpose and its mission.
These Regents gather together all the evolutionary and spiritual legacy that a consciousness has been able to experience on Earth so that it may serve as knowledge for the awakening of new inner virtues.
This is the reason why the experiences of life unavoidably lead the human being to achieve the meaning and the reason for their having come here to this world.
I thank you for keeping My Words in your heart!
Who blesses you,
Your Master, Christ Jesus
And someday, you will come to Heaven to be with Me, and you will tell Me how your experience of love and forgiveness on Earth went.
You will tell Me, step by step, what you have lived for My cause, and I will bless you again in the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit.
Thus, your wounds will be healed and you will no longer remember anything about suffering. You will enter through the main door of the Kingdom of the Heavens to unite with and join the blessed.
There, face to face, you will find those you have truly loved, and those you once loved will approach you to give you the warmth of their fraternal embrace.
You will feel unknown happiness within your spirit and you will no longer remember the struggles you once lived to be able to overcome yourselves. You will only have the memory of the true affection you once felt from those you loved wholeheartedly and with all your strength.
You will be placed in the Fount of Purification so that your head, hands and feet may be washed, and thus, right after, you will enter the House of the Heavenly Father alone, you will come to know His Seven great Golden Portals and, before you, the majestic humility of His Kingdom will be revealed.
Therefore, I tell you that it is worthwhile to continue sacrificing yourselves for Me because, after this whole story of life, which you are going through at this moment, you will find the powerful joy of having lived in God and for God.
You will help to recreate Creation with your example of renunciation and redemption, and in your spirit, you will build the result of a long trajectory of love and service for humanity.
I thank you for keeping My Words in your heart!
Who blesses you,
Your Master, Christ Jesus
Death is permeated by a Law, the Law of Disintegration.
That law is applied at the moment in which the bodies enter into the mortal and spiritual ambit and, little by little, they are prepared to live the detachment from all the terrestrial life, to pass, right away, to the beginning of a spiritual judgement, where all the human life experienced is evaluated.
That moment is important, because the consciousness is before a synthesis, and from there, everything is defined.
Death is the passage to new spheres of experiences that are accompanied by the angels.
Therefore, praying beside the dying helps in the detachment of their consciousness and assists the elevation of their being toward schools of mental, soul and spiritual maturity.
If all of that is accompanied by prayer and by the unction of the expired body, by a priest, everything will rise more quickly and certain terrestrial forces will not intervene in attracting the consciousness towards the Earth.
Unction is the vehicle that allows the total release.
I thank you for responding to My call!
Who blesses you,
Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace
Keep the Will of God in your heart and vivify It.
Keep in your heart all His plans, principles and ideas that come from the Divine.
Keep in your heart all His Messages and the signs that He sends you in order to guide you.
Keep in your heart all His Knowledge, the known and the unknown, so that the latter may be revealed.
Keep in your heart all His Might so that one day you may understand the power of His Mercy.
Keep in your heart how Great He is and how small He made Himself through the consecrated Bread and Wine.
Keep in your heart all that He did, infinite and similar to Him, for His children.
Keep in your heart the joy and jubilance of belonging to His eternal Kingdom.
Keep in your heart the humility and the beauty that He expressed in everything He did.
Keep in your heart the wonderfulness and the beauty that His Sacred Spirit emanates from all that is manifested by Heaven.
Keep in your heart the yearning to meet Him one day, before the doors of His Heavenly Kingdom, to render Him all your experiences and learnings lived throughout the times.
Keep in your heart the unconditional Love of the Heavenly Father.
I thank you for responding to My call!
Who blesses you
Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace
Association Mary
Founded in December of 2012, at the request of the Virgin Mary, Association Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception, is a religious association without ties to any institutionalized religion. It has a philosophical-spiritual, ecumenical, humanitarian, charitable, cultural character, and it supports all activities that are indicated through the instructions transmitted by Christ Jesus, the Virgin Mary, and Saint Joseph. Read more