Monday, February 6 of 2023

Marathon of Divine Mercy
Most Holy Trinity,
Father, Son and Holy Spirit,
I adore thee profoundly.
I offer You the most precious 
Body, Blood, Soul and Divinity 
of Jesus Christ,
present in all the Tabernacles of the world,
in reparation for the outrages,
sacrileges and indifferences 
by which He is offended,
and by the infinite merits of the Sacred Heart
and the Immaculate Heart of Mary,
I beg you the conversion of poor sinners.

I am silent so that you may learn to perceive the depths of My Being, and through Me, feel what the Hierarchy feels and lives at this moment, for all that happens in the world. And I will not get tired of repeating this, because the time of redemption has not yet arrived.

My silence speaks of something profound and spiritual, My meditation and My prayer speak for souls, because souls must have the strength to go through Armageddon. I know that this word Armageddon frightens many consciousnesses, but there will be no other way or other path where, after the transition of the planet, a New Humanity can start from the beginning.

The Lord, your Master, does not relate with the suffering of consciousnesses. The sufferings of beings and the agony of hearts are those which I must transmute and purify so that souls fully trust in My Christic Love and thus not lose the hope of being able to rebuild their lives and conscioussnesses, of recovering the path that they lost toward the Heavenly Father, because many souls in this humanity lose that path, day by day.

Thus, I am in silence and in meditation so that you may feel the depth and magnitude of My Heart, so that you may assume together with Me the pains of Christ, pains that are deeper and more unknown than those of the Cross.

This makes you grow internally, and you will learn to see the life of your consciousness, and that of your brothers and sisters, with greater discernment and responsibility, knowing that this is the time not to waste the opportunities of the universe, not to make life superficial and indifferent. This strengthens impunity, which is something the world is unaware of; this accelerates the end of times and its consequences.

Because now, through My own Eyes, I see fulfilled what the Father showed Me so long ago, that which I taught in My Gospel to the apostles during My public Life, when I spoke of the end times, of all the unknown that souls should learn how to face without losing faith, even if it seems difficult.

For this reason, you are very blessed, before those who cannot be blessed in the world. For this reason, more will be required of you, because you must correspond to the treasures that you have received from Me, and those pearls of Heaven, which I have delivered to each one of your hearts, you must give your fruits and your answers to the Father.

I speak to you of something profoundly mature, although many are not at the same level or in the same school, but My Merciful Love has no exceptions.

At the end of these times, your Master and Lord will give great opportunities to the least prepared, because I know your essences, and I do not pay attention to what is superficial, nor to anything temperamental; I search for that gift that the Father deposited within you from the beginning, from the Source.

Thus, just as I knew that the time of Armageddon would come, I also knew that there would come a time   to look for talents, through those who follow My Footsteps and My Path; that time is now coming.

Are you noticing and acknowledging this?

I will come to ask for those talents only once,  I will not be able to stop at those who do not want to surrender their lives. God, as He is so Kind and Merciful, He has a place for each of His Children.

Following My commands and My guidelines, within the development of the end times, means much more than having a mature and responsible consciousness, it means more than obeying and being faithful.

Following My commands and My guidelines means being available unconditionally so that I can work through hearts, in the face of the horrors that are seen throughout this world and in this humanity, situations that must be liberated and alleviated by someone, by those who offer themselves to be postulants to the path of the apostolate: to be present where it is necessary and when it is necessary, where God wants it so and when God needs it so.

Thus, I bring you the example of My Pierced Heart, a strong example to contemplate in these times, because you must have the courage to feel what I feel and that which I live  so as to be more united with Me, like never before, because union with Me is always gradual when souls are encouraged to live their path of Christification and surrender.

For this reason, on this afternoon of Pity and Mercy for the world, I leave before you the needs of the planet and of humanity, the projects and aspirations that the Hierarchy has in different parts of the world, where the expression of the Sacred Points of Light in the world is urgently needed by the entire Brotherhood of Heaven, reflected through the group life of the Islands of Salvation. The least expected places need this spiritual and concrete assistance, such as, in today's example,    the Middle East.

Imagine, for a moment that, through these Points of Light, if they exist and are manifested through correspondence with Me, how many uncertain doors could be closed throughout the entire world!   

How much more would the elements and the Kingdoms of Nature lighten their fury and anger with humanity!    

How much more could the telluric forces of the planet, the Circle of the Pacific, be sustained! How much more could the continents, through the Points of Light, minimally maintain their connection with the Divine!

I could tell you many more things than what I have  told you so far, but for all this to be possible, it is not only interest or enthusiasm that is necessary, it is not only necessary to have awareness, responsibility or discernment, it is necessary that first of all, this lives in you.

I would not want to see a world more destroyed than this one is, a surface corroded by the forces of chaos. I would not want to find a reduced humanity when I return, but I know, since the Garden of Gethsemane, that I will definitively come to close the hells of the planet; and I will arrive at that moment, in which souls will perceive all this clearly.

Therefore, you must pray with more fervor and with greater awareness, each day to come. You must be prepared for unexpected emergencies, not just here, but anywhere in the world.

I have been able to manifest and concretize the Fraternity-Humanitarian Missions, such a concrete impulse of the Hierarchy for the end of these times, a fundamental key for each one of your lives, so that your material life is also prepared, through that space that the Fraternity- Humanitarian Missions could offer to everyone and to the world.

I am not only talking about ethics, rules or fundamental principles to survive Armageddon; I am talking about you being deeply united to the Hierarchy, through the Rescue Plan that is being outlined at the end of these times, through the practice of the Fraternity-Humanitarian Missions.

The Hierarchy has taken a risk for you, at My request, by joining other institutions and organizations of the world, and although this Work and this service is small or insignificant at this moment, companions, it is where I have to be able to sow My seeds of Light in those spaces of the world, where light, love and peace no longer exist.

I will give you an example: imagine one day waking up and everything around you is in deep chaos and destruction, what would you do? What would be your first spiritual attitude?

Millions of people in the world live this way, and this Work, which was formed through the Community of Figueira has offered Me this unique space at the end of these times, so that I had the opportunity to speak to the world.

No one in this humanity is prepared for what will come. Thus, I implore you once again to delve into the light of prayer; and I ask you, out of charity, to seek not only your own salvation, but also to seek the salvation of the one next to you, every day. Thus, you will begin to learn and also understand what I am saying.

Today, I bring you this Message ahead of schedule because this world and this humanity are unpredictable, and while many more continue to believe that nothing will happen, I suggest that they change their minds quickly, that they be humble and recognize the Armageddon so that nothing takes them by surprise, just as My apostles were taken by surprise when I was imprisoned in the Garden of Gethsemane. I hope I do not have to see the same this time.

But it is important for me, at this hour, that you can consciously grow and mature, not only for everything that awaits this country, but also for everything that awaits the rest of the world.

Here, I do not come to give an apocalyptic Message. I do not want you to get confused, I want you to be aware of the reality in which you live and that, from now on, everything that happens here or anywhere else in the world should be as important to you as it is to the Hierarchy, because that will form you as true servants of My Plan.

I need to get you out of yourselves, once and for all. If you get out of yourselves, others will also get out of themselves and put aside their preferences and intentions to live My Will, which still awaits to be fulfilled within your lives.

Thus, I come once more to pray for you and for the world. I come to tell you that you can count on Me at all times, and that the deepest core of My Heart is open so that you can enter and be a part of My Mystical Body, and the first way to achieve this is adoration, acknowledging the Presence of your Master and Lord through His Eucharistic Body.

It will be increasingly urgent for the world that souls be postulants to the practice of Eucharistic Adoration, so that the different points on Earth are sustained by a spiritual balance, above all, the axis of the Earth that needs it so much.

As a testimony of My Love for those who strive, I have accepted the consecration of new adorers; to those I silently invite to approach the altar so that they may be consecrated, at this moment, by Me.


Friar Elias of the Sacred Heart of Jesus

Let us prepare, through the Priests, the incense and the water, so that they are blessed by Christ.


I want to thank each one of you because, with effort, you have placed a grain of Light in this world, within this arid desert of suffering and of war throughout humanity.

For this reason, today I consecrate you so that together with Me you may commit yourselves, through future adorations to the Blessed Sacrament, to sustain the balance of the planet, of the elements and of the Kingdoms of Nature so that, in the north, in the south, in the east and in the west of this world, the time of purification may be sustained by you at each new moment of adoration, as in each moment of prayer.

Your souls have been walking together for a long time, even if you are unaware of this. Thus, you walked with Me through many regions of the Holy Land; because you searched for Me, and thus you found Me. You pleaded with Me and touched My Mantle, and I healed you and cured you.

Today, I remind you of this again, as a treasure for your souls and your lives, so that you trust that I am by your side, even though many times you have felt alone, struck by sadness or despair.

I come to give you the strength and power that the Eucharist gives you. If you are always before Me, My Heart will always be in you, and I will always relieve you, and through you, I will be able to relieve your families and friends.

Do not forget the following: if the slightest effort is never made, this world could not be converted.

Everything that you can sacrifice for Me will be a faithful sign that you are on My path of apostolate. This is so, through this Consecration and this time that I dedicate to you, because I know you need it; I affirm My Love and My Victory, because you have opened the door to the Lord, so that I may live within you, beyond the imperfections.

Therefore, be at peace and trust.

Everything in life has a reason. Everything has its time and its moment. And I am here to encourage you and your brothers and sisters, because you will see, like Me, that there will be more horrors throughout the world.

Offer yourselves fully to Me through the adoration of the Blessed Sacrament of the Altar, so that everything is relieved within you and within the world. I thirst.

Celestial Father,
You who see the responses of Your children,
You see, up close,
The Work of My Love being concretized
through souls,
receive in Your Kingdom this offering 
from those who fully recognize
the Presence of Your Son in the Eucharist,
and for this merit that they have generated,
bless them and bless their families,
so that one day, as I hope,
they may be a true temple of worship,
a testimony of redemption with Christ.

May the Peace and strength of Our Lord Jesus Christ be within you.

In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

Sunday, February 5 of 2023

Marathon of Divine Mercy

A day will come when the world will no longer know what pain, anguish or depression is. That day is near, it is within the Heart of the King, and this  I share with you today because it is a promise by which souls can rediscover the Kingdom of God and thus, once and for all, be part of the Primordial Source.

Today, I am here, listening to the supplications of those who are Mine, feeling the love of My companions, receiving the reparation of My Heart for all that humanity does still today, moving away from love and truth.

Therefore, I come with that promise that the day will finally come and hearts will rejoice when they are seated by My side, before the nature of this world, before the beauty of Creation, the sound of the oceans, the sunrise and sunset.

Those I have called to serve Me will be with Me again; they will be as the apostles were, face to face, heart to heart, listening to the Word of their Lord.

And, at that hour, I will tell you about the New Earth, and that promise will no longer be distant, but you will see The New Earth blossom through the souls that will have fulfilled My Will.

And the Great Book of the Lords of the Law will be open and that which was written will no longer be. Everything will begin anew, bearing in mind the lessons learned, having enriched their hearts after having received so many Sacraments and Graces, after having witnessed this moment, as well as so many others which you have lived with Me throughout time.

At that hour, no child will be heard crying upon Earth. The cries of the men and women of this world will be of joy, for the great promise of My Return will be fulfilled through the faith of those who have walked by My side without anything in return.

At that hour, God will be present, contemplating this universal event, and the signs of Heaven, which were previously hidden, will be unveiled. 

At that hour, the mystery will no longer be necessary for the peacemakers, for the mystery will reveal itself. 

And many, at that hour, will know the Son of God not only as the Humble Man of Nazareth, but also as the Redeemer of the World. And through My Hands, My Feet and My Side, I will show you the luminous signs of My Resurrection, those Signs that are still kept deep within My Being and My Consciousness.

And from that moment on, between the past and the future, between the real and the unreal, the history of this humanity will be rewritten, now purified of its errors and faults, because all who have recognized the Name of the Lord will be blessed. Just like at this moment, My companions, through this moment, you have the opportunity and the Grace to be the blessed of the Father, those who are not afraid to say yes.

Therefore, I ask that before this great promise arrives, you continue to be patiently transformed, continue to purify yourselves evolutionarily, continue to transcend positively, without giving place to bitterness and sadness.

I know that many of My children in the world do not understand why there is so much suffering, but God did not create you to suffer, God created you to love and recognize Him, to be in His first Project, His Blessed Sons and Daughters of the Earth, those consciousnesses worthy of Eden.

But that moment, which has remained inconclusive and uncertain, must be taken up again. After the error and failure of Adam and Eve, from that moment up to the present, everything must be repaired.

Therefore, the great promise is important for the end of times, the great promise of the reunion with your King and Lord. 

I hope for this every day.  Will you be able to wait for that moment too ?

 I do not need your answer now. May your response be your example of Christification, perseverance, faith, love and reverence for the sacred.

Today, I have heard this song that I was offered, as if it were the first time. And this is very significant for Me, because your Master’s Heart can collect the experiences of love and forgiveness of His companions, true experiences of redemption and light through those who, with effort, are encouraged to love a little more every day.

The Name of God has been praised today. Blessed be this in Heaven and on Earth, in the mountains, in the seas and in all nature. Blessed be He, within and outside of beings. Blessed be those who trust in the Lord and do not let themselves be intimidated, but with courage and bravery hold My Torch of Light in this world so that, day by day, the darkness will be dispelled from humanity and from the hearts that have condemned themselves.

For this reason, this is very important to Me, and I share with you this great promise, which you must believe in, before you see it,  which you must feel, before it may be concretized, practicing the sacred exercise of love for the unknown, for all that is beyond yourselves.

Thus, companions, these are My Words today, the deepest Words of My Heart to those who are Mine, Words that reveal and concretize the Will of God in the consciousnesses who accept to live My Call and through the sublime Grace of the Sacraments, those whom I will accompany with care today, so that not only may this country be more helped, but, through those who will be sacramentalized, may more souls be helped in this world, souls who desperately need light and redemption.

This must be the aim of your lives: to work with Me for the redemption of the world. This should be your promise before God, whatever it takes, for thus I will be within My new apostles, in those who give themselves to serve Me unconditionally.

May My Words, on this day, not dissolve into the ethers of the Earth.

May My Words, like a sacred melody, continue vibrating in sidereal space, so that souls realize and perceive that, through the Divine Word, God pours out His Graces and Affirmations in the hearts that are open to receive Him.

I want your lives to be the true sign of conversion, of the walkers and the tireless apostles, of those who faithfully follow the Divine Purpose, learning how to overcome, each day, a little more.

This whole path of sacred transformation, though it may not seem so, will help this nation to be the cradle of the New Humanity.

You are in time to fulfill this promise, just as I will fulfill the promise I bring you today.

May the Light of the Sacraments be kindled.

May the souls enter into My Heavenly Church and may the name of Jesus be praised again, together with the angels of Christ, so that the evil in this world may be placated and the hearts, in captivity and slavery, may reach the same liberation that you have reached. For if you are here today, before Me, have you realized that you have already been set free?

Now is the time to walk and to build the Sacred Work of My Mercy in all places throughout the world where it may be possible.

I want to ask you for something else: that you accompany Me wholeheartedly in the sacred task that your Master and Lord will carry out in the Middle East.

I ask you, from now on, to pray for this, so that the merits of My Sorrowful Passion may be rekindled in the Holy Land and, beyond it, during the Sacred Week, may they reach the whole world in order to avoid a greater gravity in the war between Ukraine and Russia. I hope you have understood Me.

And now, before entering the Holy Eucharist, in the infinite Graces of the Sacraments, you will sing to your Master and Lord another song: "You are the King".

Let us celebrate, thank and revere this moment, under the Power and Grace of God.

In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón de Jesús:                             

The Lord says he will listen to each heart sing to him.

Friday, February 3 of 2023

Marathon of Divine Mercy

God bless you, in the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen. 

I did not expect to be here right now, but it has been necessary. 

My Heart is where it is invoked. My Name is where it is called, to remind you once again that I am with you and, being with you, I am with this nation of Brazil, praying and working silently, just as I did in the Passion, therefore nobody should think that I am not doing anything.

The signs from Heaven are internal, they are inextinguishable impulses that reach souls that are open of heart to accompany all that the Hierarchy carries out. 

However, My attention is not only in this country, but in all that is happening throughout the world today. There are worse situations that happen on this planet, which many do not know of because they are situations that are hidden from the eyes of humanity, so that humanity does nothing about them.

But My Heavenly Father sees everything, through the Heart of His Son. Thus, He sends His Son into the world to prepare hearts for His long-awaited Return.

Therefore, I tell you, in truth, that all you experience in this time is not by chance; that if many of you are incarnated at this time, it is for a spiritual reason unknown to many.

Thus, I tell you not to dwell on superficial things. Do not remain in that which is superficial, in everything that is insensitive, devoid of love and truth.

Place your consciousnesses in the right place and you will help the Hierarchies; for this is the last boat that is passing through the world, the boat of salvation through My Word and My Message, through the visible sign that I leave to open hearts that, beyond themselves and all circumstances, are able to perceive the true task of their Lord.

But I left you an important Legacy for these end times, the Legacy of the Holy Eucharist, something that you must be very attentive to when you live it and practice it, because I see that the Eucharistic Celebration throughout the world is becoming transient. 

And this is the great moment for each one of you to deepen and live the merits of My Holy Passion, that is, to live every moment of Communion as something unique and true, that your thirst for Me not be sentimental, but deeply spiritual.  

Because in the face of all the mistakes that humanity is experiencing today, have you wondered how these mistakes will be corrected? Will your Master have to return to bear the Cross?

Therefore, I need of the new Christs, of those who are far from mediocrity and neglect, of those who do not cool their hearts and become doubtful in the face of any attack, but through the strength that I have given you through My Heart, know how to overcome your own limitations and all the barriers that are imposed by the system of this world, without challenging or battling.

Thus, I ask you to rethink your spiritual exercise of Communion with Me, because only through the souls who live Me and feel Me can I pour out My Graces upon the world, for those who value the Eucharist and the Sacraments.

Therefore, each of the Sacraments that I have left for you is sacred and not fleeting. For through the Sacraments which I have left to the world is the one true way of redemption;  just as is the way open to peace, through all who worship Me on the Most Holy Altar.

I ask all My children of Brazil not to seek the solution of this country outside of you. Look for that answer which is within you, in your inner world, and rethink all that I am telling you right now. Thus, many will be able to perceive how, in an ignorant way or due to a lack of knowledge, souls often  waste the Grace of God.

The world is burning with suffering. Wars challenge the migration of peoples and of many nations. Blood continues to be shed without any price and the cry of the Earth is heard more and more loudly through the phenomena of the climate, the expression of all nature. 

Who will stand firm to hold this moment with Me?

Who will not sway before the temptations and challenges of the world?

I know that souls are fragile, but spirits can be strong and invincible, and ready to live that which has to be lived, without anything in return, without acknowledgments, without vainglory.

When souls perceive through this Message, and when the hearts feel the value of the Sacraments that I have left them, then there will still be a little time, the little time that remains for the world so that, through the souls that live My Word and My Sacraments, I can justify the errors of the world that cannot be paid, before the Law. 

Therefore, if souls are conscious and generate merit, not only will they be saved, but also many more souls will be saved, especially those who in life are burning in the fire of hell due to their links with evil.

But do not forget that I come here as the Redeemer of the world, and extending once more My Arms over Brazil, I come to bless that which is most sacred to exist in this place, which are the souls that live God with joy and who faithfully follow My footsteps with effort, beyond their imperfections, beyond all that is unknown to them.

I need to establish here My Spiritual Government for the coming times. South America should be that support for the rest of the world in the times of greatest tribulation. But that does not mean, My friends, that you do not experience afflictions, for as long as you are in this world, you will experience them.

Who is truly with Me learns to overcome within themselves the Law of suffering, learns to transcend themselves, every day a little more, even while taking very small or slow steps.

The most important thing, companions, is the effort and the impetus, fundamental pillars of the determination to be the example that My Father so much expects you to be, for these times where darkness, pride and evil, the children of indifference and ingratitude, reign. 

But you have the Grace to be able to change these events with your honest path of holiness, day by day, effort by effort, so that one day, without being noticed, you will be that Mirror of God on the surface of the Earth. The faithful example of a redemption achieved and lived. Therefore, there is still much to work and build.

Your Master and Lord is preparing for an important task in the Middle East.  It will be the most important of all tasks in recent times. I hope you, in spirit and in heart, can accompany Me, so that once again not only you, but also your brothers and sisters of the world, may receive the Christic codes and the merits achieved by your Lord throughout His experience on this planet.

This Marathon of Divine Mercy will be important for those who will sincerely become self-summoned and spiritually receive the impetus they need to complete being formed as My apostle.

I need to see this as real. I need to see My apostles on the surface of the Earth, just as I have many other apostles throughout the world who live and serve Me, and that their life is only here to repair the Heart of the Lord.

Who else will postulate themselves to live this moment, to be where I need them, as I need them and when I need them?

I have to tell you all this so that you can grow quickly; for I know that you can respond Me, just as you have responded to Me in these recent years.

I want to thank you for your courage to listen to My Words, and for this, I again bless you and give you My Peace so that within you everything is always renewed and thus you may participate in the Holy Will of the Creator, of what He has preciously kept within His Heart, for each of His children.

Be brave and do not be discouraged!

Live your purification as a liberation, as the end of the spiritual bondage of this world. 

My Graces are upon those who would like to receive them.

May peace be with you as My Peace resounds throughout this universe, through those who say yes to Me.

In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

Who are we?

Association Mary
Founded in December of 2012, at the request of the Virgin Mary, Association Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception, is a religious association without ties to any institutionalized religion. It has a philosophical-spiritual, ecumenical, humanitarian, charitable, cultural character, and it supports all activities that are indicated through the instructions transmitted by Christ Jesus, the Virgin Mary, and Saint Joseph. Read more
