In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.
That night, while I was with My apostles in the Sea of Galilee, a storm came and darkness embraced them, even though I was present in the boat.
Everything seemed about to precipitate, until they called the Lord because their fears were immense, and their faith was tested before the Presence of the Lord.
And even after everything I had taught them, at that moment they experienced their spiritual test, which is something that the world is experiencing today. This is the spiritual test that each one faces to understand within themselves how strong their faith and trust in God are.
The boat seemed about to break that night. The despair of My apostles was immense, simply because for a moment they had forgotten that they were in the boat with God Himself.
Where lies the limit between reality and appearance, between that which is true and that which is false?
For this reason, that night I demonstrated to them that the anonymous and secret Power of God was capable not only of stopping the storm but also of demonstrating how the faith of each one of them was.
In the face of the storm that the world is experiencing today, in the vastness of its suffering and agony, its traumas and aftermath, how will each one of you, in the boat of the Lord, go through this spiritual storm that is approaching?
Remember that, on the top of the Mount of Beatitudes, I taught you how to pray to the Celestial Father and, in trust, surrender to Him everything that happens to you or everything you experience. However, there is no cause with great victims here but rather an intention for each being of this planet to be aware and responsible for everything they have lived and caused throughout time.
Today, the King of Africa is here, with His sovereign and humble Majesty to deliver, to each one of His children of Africa, the treasure of the Reliquary of My Heart, in its spiritual and divine form, so that you may entrust your beings to the Heart of Jesus and so that you may know that, despite everything, there is nothing greater than My Love, because My Love vanquished on the Cross, it vanquished the sin and errors of the world.
And it is this Love that remains perpetually because it is an infinite, inalterable and immutable Love. It is a universal Love that comes to strengthen the souls that seek it, the hearts that, through the Blessed Sacrament of the Altar, enter into communion with My Sacred Heart.
The time of captivity is reaching its end, the order has been given to the whole universe. And, through the hosts of angels and archangels, the shackles will dissolve, the chains will break, and souls will be liberated so that, renewed by faith and hope, they may joyfully prepare the Return of Christ to Earth, the Return of the Lord, which is announced today through the voices and prayers of the poorest and most simple from My entire beloved Africa.
I come to embrace with My Light all those who need it, especially those who agonize the most in this country and on this continent, because I Am there with them, just as I Am with you today as Jesus, the Nazarene, the One Who preached and taught on the shores of the Sea of Galilee; the One Who resurrected, healed and liberated hearts; the One Who gave His life for you and your brothers and sisters so that, through the Sorrowful Passion, Death and Resurrection of Jesus, as many souls as possible could receive, in this time, the Grace of eternal life; the most important moment for you to be able to enter Paradise, at the end of your days, just as the one who entered Paradise and had been crucified by My side on Calvary and who was able to recognize the Face of the Lord. This redeemed him forever and allowed him to enter the Kingdom of the Heavens, even being a great sinner.
However, here I do not come to point out faults but rather gifts and virtues, the power of the word which, through voice and singing, the sacred adoration to the Lord can express to the Earth and the universe, not only in the luminous form of the Eucharist but also through each inner world and heart that lives in Me and for Me.
Through Saint Isabel’s work of charity, I come to make Africa My new seedbed of Light for the world. Because where there seems to be nothing material or human, worthy or sublime, the Lord, in His Return, will reveal the spiritual wealth that has been delivered to the hearts of Africa; a spiritual wealth against which attempts have been made to bury and marginalize, and even abolish; a spiritual wealth that will rise like the sun on the horizon, like a flower that opens to the rays of the Sun to show its most intimate beauty and devotion.
These are the humble souls of Africa. How many important values the world does not know and marginalize! How many souls are incarnated here and have suffered so much, so much, just as your Master and Lord suffered on the Cross!
However, from the apparent defeat arises the power of victory, based on the authentic Love that resurrects life within the hearts that despite everything, and even despite the consequences, trust in the Lord.
On this day, may the promises that Christ made to Africa begin to be fulfilled.
Humanity urgently needs to learn from the spiritual dignity that dwells here, and from the precious, inner and sublime worlds that exist within each soul and each heart.
May the eyes of the world open to come out of blindness and recognize the spiritual universe that dwells and lives in Africa.
The faith of this people, honored and loved by Me, is what sustains the whole world today, and prevents the painful and grave wars from worsening in humanity and in nations.
For this reason, God made Himself humble and poor in a manger, and in this way He will make Himself humble and poor once more, showing His Power through simple hearts, those who perpetually live in faith.
The Call of My Heart to the whole world is reflected on this sacred mirror of water, in My African Galilee, a fertile ground for the seeds of God that will be sown in the coming time; because in Africa an unexplainable Fountain of Graces and miracles will spring, just as Our Most Holy Mother did in Kibeho, Rwanda.
May the voices of the most innocent be heard, may the most hardened hearts soften and open to recognize the need in each place.
It is time to share everything that each one has, because God did not make rich and poor, it was the world that made them. Because God is poor in His Essence, in His Spirit and Divinity, just as His Son is, the King of the Universe, the Bearer of Peace, Good and Mercy.
Although Our Work will be withdrawing in the coming times, know that I will always be able to return here, every time it is necessary and the Celestial Father allows Me. Because the Lord, Christ Jesus, also lives in this time and, in this time, He feels the agony of the world.
I come here so that you may quench My thirst through the love that you give to Me, through the adoration that you offer to Me in each new Eucharist, at each new moment of prayer and sacred praise.
Feel the embrace from the Heavens and from all its dwellings.
May the time of redemption be fulfilled, may peace be established, and may many more resurrect like Lazarus.
I thank you for your goodness and your charity; may these gifts multiply for the whole world.
I give you My blessing and remind you that the Lord comes to seek His dwelling within the hearts of Africa, to repose and rest, just as you can repose and rest in Me when you need it.
In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.
Dear children,
In this month of May, I invite you to return to My Immaculate Heart so that, together with Me and in prayer, you may contemplate for a moment that which the Celestial Mother contemplates of the wounded and martyred humanity.
I desire that you enter into My Heart so that, through Me, you may grow in love for the life of the spirit, and especially for the life of service.
It is at this crucial moment that My dear children must remember that they must come out of themselves in order to recognize the reality for themselves; that same reality that the Sacred Hearts recognize in these times.
Therefore, My children, in this month of May in which the seeds are being planted, after the offering of My Son to each of you, you must know where you will sow the seeds you received from the Redeemer, and if these seeds, which are gifts and Graces at the same time, will be deposited in the right place.
Dear children, this is important: in this time of so many transgressions against human life and the inner life of souls, it is necessary to keep in mind that nothing is lost or wasted, because these are the last impulses that come from Heaven.
As a Mother, I am here to accompany you, to be able to lead you towards Jesus.
I thank you for responding to My call!
Who blesses you,
Your Mother, the Virgin Mary, Rose of Peace
To the young seekers of the Great Peacemaking Heart of Christ
A peacemaking heart is one that is clear, within itself, about the path it wants to travel.
A peacemaking heart is willing to go beyond itself, for the sake of good and peace in humanity.
A peacemaking heart recognizes the need and attends to it in order to alleviate it.
A peacemaking heart does not defend itself, nor does it justify itself. It always seeks to be attentive to inner signals.
A peacemaking heart knows why it is in this world and what it has come to humanity for.
A peacemaking heart rejoices in the achievement of others and strives to help others surpass them, because a peacemaking heart knows that it has nothing to gain and nothing to lose, since its ardent aspiration is to help everyone achieve their dreams.
A peacemaking heart loves Creation and secretly works so that every day nature is repaired.
A peacemaking heart does not raise its voice nor does it assert its own ideas, but is receptive and open to learn from possible differences.
A peacemaking heart keeps alive its aspiration to serve God's Plan and never stops holding the banner of peace.
A peacemaking heart seeks the Footsteps of the Master, because in them is the way, in them it finds the truth, in them it will understand life, experiences and learning.
A peacemaking heart works to achieve its goals and strives to express its gifts and talents.
A peacemaking heart does not retreat, but walks, keeping in mind that each of its steps will be blessed by the Great Light.
A peacemaking heart drives change, renews the ways and concretizes the aspirations of the Great Peacemaking Heart that is Christ.
May the seekers of the Great Peacemaking Heart, who in these days gather and unite for a Greater Purpose, receive the blessings of their Heavenly Mother, so that all young peacemakers may be the new seeds to be planted in the coming Promised Land.
Who blesses you this day and thanks you for responding to God,
Your Mother, the Virgin Mary, Rose of Peace
I am silent so that you may learn to perceive the depths of My Being, and through Me, feel what the Hierarchy feels and lives at this moment, for all that happens in the world. And I will not get tired of repeating this, because the time of redemption has not yet arrived.
My silence speaks of something profound and spiritual, My meditation and My prayer speak for souls, because souls must have the strength to go through Armageddon. I know that this word Armageddon frightens many consciousnesses, but there will be no other way or other path where, after the transition of the planet, a New Humanity can start from the beginning.
The Lord, your Master, does not relate with the suffering of consciousnesses. The sufferings of beings and the agony of hearts are those which I must transmute and purify so that souls fully trust in My Christic Love and thus not lose the hope of being able to rebuild their lives and conscioussnesses, of recovering the path that they lost toward the Heavenly Father, because many souls in this humanity lose that path, day by day.
Thus, I am in silence and in meditation so that you may feel the depth and magnitude of My Heart, so that you may assume together with Me the pains of Christ, pains that are deeper and more unknown than those of the Cross.
This makes you grow internally, and you will learn to see the life of your consciousness, and that of your brothers and sisters, with greater discernment and responsibility, knowing that this is the time not to waste the opportunities of the universe, not to make life superficial and indifferent. This strengthens impunity, which is something the world is unaware of; this accelerates the end of times and its consequences.
Because now, through My own Eyes, I see fulfilled what the Father showed Me so long ago, that which I taught in My Gospel to the apostles during My public Life, when I spoke of the end times, of all the unknown that souls should learn how to face without losing faith, even if it seems difficult.
For this reason, you are very blessed, before those who cannot be blessed in the world. For this reason, more will be required of you, because you must correspond to the treasures that you have received from Me, and those pearls of Heaven, which I have delivered to each one of your hearts, you must give your fruits and your answers to the Father.
I speak to you of something profoundly mature, although many are not at the same level or in the same school, but My Merciful Love has no exceptions.
At the end of these times, your Master and Lord will give great opportunities to the least prepared, because I know your essences, and I do not pay attention to what is superficial, nor to anything temperamental; I search for that gift that the Father deposited within you from the beginning, from the Source.
Thus, just as I knew that the time of Armageddon would come, I also knew that there would come a time to look for talents, through those who follow My Footsteps and My Path; that time is now coming.
Are you noticing and acknowledging this?
I will come to ask for those talents only once, I will not be able to stop at those who do not want to surrender their lives. God, as He is so Kind and Merciful, He has a place for each of His Children.
Following My commands and My guidelines, within the development of the end times, means much more than having a mature and responsible consciousness, it means more than obeying and being faithful.
Following My commands and My guidelines means being available unconditionally so that I can work through hearts, in the face of the horrors that are seen throughout this world and in this humanity, situations that must be liberated and alleviated by someone, by those who offer themselves to be postulants to the path of the apostolate: to be present where it is necessary and when it is necessary, where God wants it so and when God needs it so.
Thus, I bring you the example of My Pierced Heart, a strong example to contemplate in these times, because you must have the courage to feel what I feel and that which I live so as to be more united with Me, like never before, because union with Me is always gradual when souls are encouraged to live their path of Christification and surrender.
For this reason, on this afternoon of Pity and Mercy for the world, I leave before you the needs of the planet and of humanity, the projects and aspirations that the Hierarchy has in different parts of the world, where the expression of the Sacred Points of Light in the world is urgently needed by the entire Brotherhood of Heaven, reflected through the group life of the Islands of Salvation. The least expected places need this spiritual and concrete assistance, such as, in today's example, the Middle East.
Imagine, for a moment that, through these Points of Light, if they exist and are manifested through correspondence with Me, how many uncertain doors could be closed throughout the entire world!
How much more would the elements and the Kingdoms of Nature lighten their fury and anger with humanity!
How much more could the telluric forces of the planet, the Circle of the Pacific, be sustained! How much more could the continents, through the Points of Light, minimally maintain their connection with the Divine!
I could tell you many more things than what I have told you so far, but for all this to be possible, it is not only interest or enthusiasm that is necessary, it is not only necessary to have awareness, responsibility or discernment, it is necessary that first of all, this lives in you.
I would not want to see a world more destroyed than this one is, a surface corroded by the forces of chaos. I would not want to find a reduced humanity when I return, but I know, since the Garden of Gethsemane, that I will definitively come to close the hells of the planet; and I will arrive at that moment, in which souls will perceive all this clearly.
Therefore, you must pray with more fervor and with greater awareness, each day to come. You must be prepared for unexpected emergencies, not just here, but anywhere in the world.
I have been able to manifest and concretize the Fraternity-Humanitarian Missions, such a concrete impulse of the Hierarchy for the end of these times, a fundamental key for each one of your lives, so that your material life is also prepared, through that space that the Fraternity- Humanitarian Missions could offer to everyone and to the world.
I am not only talking about ethics, rules or fundamental principles to survive Armageddon; I am talking about you being deeply united to the Hierarchy, through the Rescue Plan that is being outlined at the end of these times, through the practice of the Fraternity-Humanitarian Missions.
The Hierarchy has taken a risk for you, at My request, by joining other institutions and organizations of the world, and although this Work and this service is small or insignificant at this moment, companions, it is where I have to be able to sow My seeds of Light in those spaces of the world, where light, love and peace no longer exist.
I will give you an example: imagine one day waking up and everything around you is in deep chaos and destruction, what would you do? What would be your first spiritual attitude?
Millions of people in the world live this way, and this Work, which was formed through the Community of Figueira has offered Me this unique space at the end of these times, so that I had the opportunity to speak to the world.
No one in this humanity is prepared for what will come. Thus, I implore you once again to delve into the light of prayer; and I ask you, out of charity, to seek not only your own salvation, but also to seek the salvation of the one next to you, every day. Thus, you will begin to learn and also understand what I am saying.
Today, I bring you this Message ahead of schedule because this world and this humanity are unpredictable, and while many more continue to believe that nothing will happen, I suggest that they change their minds quickly, that they be humble and recognize the Armageddon so that nothing takes them by surprise, just as My apostles were taken by surprise when I was imprisoned in the Garden of Gethsemane. I hope I do not have to see the same this time.
But it is important for me, at this hour, that you can consciously grow and mature, not only for everything that awaits this country, but also for everything that awaits the rest of the world.
Here, I do not come to give an apocalyptic Message. I do not want you to get confused, I want you to be aware of the reality in which you live and that, from now on, everything that happens here or anywhere else in the world should be as important to you as it is to the Hierarchy, because that will form you as true servants of My Plan.
I need to get you out of yourselves, once and for all. If you get out of yourselves, others will also get out of themselves and put aside their preferences and intentions to live My Will, which still awaits to be fulfilled within your lives.
Thus, I come once more to pray for you and for the world. I come to tell you that you can count on Me at all times, and that the deepest core of My Heart is open so that you can enter and be a part of My Mystical Body, and the first way to achieve this is adoration, acknowledging the Presence of your Master and Lord through His Eucharistic Body.
It will be increasingly urgent for the world that souls be postulants to the practice of Eucharistic Adoration, so that the different points on Earth are sustained by a spiritual balance, above all, the axis of the Earth that needs it so much.
As a testimony of My Love for those who strive, I have accepted the consecration of new adorers; to those I silently invite to approach the altar so that they may be consecrated, at this moment, by Me.
Friar Elias of the Sacred Heart of Jesus
Let us prepare, through the Priests, the incense and the water, so that they are blessed by Christ.
I want to thank each one of you because, with effort, you have placed a grain of Light in this world, within this arid desert of suffering and of war throughout humanity.
For this reason, today I consecrate you so that together with Me you may commit yourselves, through future adorations to the Blessed Sacrament, to sustain the balance of the planet, of the elements and of the Kingdoms of Nature so that, in the north, in the south, in the east and in the west of this world, the time of purification may be sustained by you at each new moment of adoration, as in each moment of prayer.
Your souls have been walking together for a long time, even if you are unaware of this. Thus, you walked with Me through many regions of the Holy Land; because you searched for Me, and thus you found Me. You pleaded with Me and touched My Mantle, and I healed you and cured you.
Today, I remind you of this again, as a treasure for your souls and your lives, so that you trust that I am by your side, even though many times you have felt alone, struck by sadness or despair.
I come to give you the strength and power that the Eucharist gives you. If you are always before Me, My Heart will always be in you, and I will always relieve you, and through you, I will be able to relieve your families and friends.
Do not forget the following: if the slightest effort is never made, this world could not be converted.
Everything that you can sacrifice for Me will be a faithful sign that you are on My path of apostolate. This is so, through this Consecration and this time that I dedicate to you, because I know you need it; I affirm My Love and My Victory, because you have opened the door to the Lord, so that I may live within you, beyond the imperfections.
Therefore, be at peace and trust.
Everything in life has a reason. Everything has its time and its moment. And I am here to encourage you and your brothers and sisters, because you will see, like Me, that there will be more horrors throughout the world.
Offer yourselves fully to Me through the adoration of the Blessed Sacrament of the Altar, so that everything is relieved within you and within the world. I thirst.
May the Peace and strength of Our Lord Jesus Christ be within you.
In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.
In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.
As in other moments, place your heads upon My Chest and feel the cosmic beating of My Heart, and let us ask, through this perfect alliance with Me, for the Holy Spirit to descend once more to the world, to grant it the Highest Gift among all gifts, the Higher Law among all laws, the Higher Purpose among all the Purposes of God.
Today, I open the door of the Holy Spirit to grant the world the Gift of Love. Therefore, you must feel the beating of My Heart, a Heart that thirsts for souls, a Heart that suffers for the innocent, for the slaves, for those who are lost and the refugees; this is the Heart that once again gives its Life for you.
But do you know what I am giving you today? My Spiritual, Divine and Cosmic Life, all that I learned after I ascended into the Heavens and after I was present at the center of this universe, called Andromeda; so that, in spirit of humility, your King might learn to govern, just as the Father governs through His Love and His Mercy, because the Government of God is no imposition, nor is it justice or authority.
The heart of Andromeda, at the center of this galaxy, is where your Master and Lord prepared Himself, during the two thousand years of your time, to come to this culminating moment and be able to reappear to those who are Mine, to those who belong to My Spiritual Life, to those who are a part of My Mystical Body, so that all together they may consciously prepare My Return, the Return that is near.
Do you now feel what makes My Heart beat? Now embrace Me, feel Me, trust Me again, and believe that, between you and I, between My Soul and your souls, there is nothing that can separate us.
Believe in this Power that God has given Me to free your life, to sanctify you time and again, so that someday you may be My redeemed, the one that I will crown, just like the blessed ones, all those who take the risk of fulfilling My Will, without knowing why.
Now allow the Fire of My Eternal Heart to illuminate you and the Rays of My Merciful Heart to permeate the depths of your soul and your essence so that, in the face of the errors and injustices of the world, your Lord, your Master and your Love may have a way to justify before the Father all that I need to achieve through your life and the lives of your brothers and sisters, because I am the Christ in you and in them.
You should not hide anything from Me, but you should not fear Me either. I do not come here as a judge, I come here as your Redeemer, as that One who, at each step of Calvary, shed drops of His own Blood so that you and your brothers and sisters might be here today, listening to the Lord of the Universe and feeling each one of His Words, which definitively come to put an end to this captivity.
Today is a special day for Me, because each time someone is consecrated, they consciously take a step toward the unknown, not toward that which they do not know and are not aware of, but rather toward the unknown of the Love that awaits them to renew their lives and the lives of their brothers and sisters, of all those who need My Love at this moment to learn to survive and go through the deserts of these times, which lack water but where the thirst of many hearts abounds.
Embrace Me very tight, feel My Spiritual Body, the Glorified Body of the Son of God, who, out of love for you and the world, resurrected each one of His atoms and cells, and, igniting in the Spirit of God, resurrected on the third day to give Eternal Life to all of you.
In this inner communion with each one of your hearts, today I establish, for all those present and for all those who are listening, the Sacred Sacrament of Reconciliation, because the moment you embraced Me, and I hope you are still embracing Me, feeling the Fire of Love in My Heart, your guilt, faults and debts were forgiven, because I know that you can do it for Me, and you can do even more so that the Will of My Father may be made in each corner of this planet and in each heart present on this surface. Because the step that you take towards My Heart, beyond what it may mean or represent, will be a step that will open a door toward the redemption of the human race.
In simple words, through My Embrace, through the Embrace that I give you today, in the Mercy of God and in the kindness of His Eternal Spirit, I not only renew you, but I also impel you to give more and more.
Do you by any chance doubt that you will be able to be the Christs of the New Times?
If I, with twelve consciousnesses, was able to save the world, what could I do at this moment with all those who follow Me?
Do you now understand the immensity of the ocean of My Mercy?
It does not have limits, because the Mercy of God, to be Mercy, loves what is imperfect and corrupt, and makes it incorrupt, sublime and elevated, so that all creatures, regardless of the place in the universe where they are, may be united to Me in this perfect alliance of propagating Love for the world so that the wounds, the traumas and the pains of millions of hearts, who have gone through this pandemic and this war of the Ukraine, may have hope and rebuild their lives forever.
Through this embrace that you are consciously giving Me today, I can also have in My Arms the children of the wars, those who walk for days and days in the desert, seeking an opportunity, those who are in the prisons of the whole world, submerged in darkness, because no one has had the courage to love their enemy and forgive the one who has made a mistake, just as you have many times been forgiven by Me.
Today, I do not give you a cross. Today I give you a promise: the promise that you believe that you can serve Me and that you can expand the degrees of love throughout this suffering world, because the Love of your Master and Lord will transform your imperfections and thus transform the world, returning to humanity the dignity it completely lost for all that My enemy has imposed on millions of hearts, in hundreds of lives that no longer believe in the Love of God.
Now that you, in this Sacred Week, can be witnesses that God is present here through His Son, ask yourselves again, "What else can my heart give to the Lord? Because now your hearts must not only be ready, your hearts must now be empty to fulfill the aspirations of your Master and Lord.
Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón de Jesús:
Take your hands to your heart and feel, at this moment, the warm embrace of Christ. And He asks us to repeat: Lord Jesus, I trust in You.
Lord Jesus, I trust in You.
(five times)
Christ calls two of His companions, two of His spiritual spouses, to come before the Sacred Heart of Jesus and sing for Him.
Sister María Jerusalén and Patricia may come here.
And through this Alliance with Christ and before the Sacred Heart of Jesus, we will not only once again renew our vows before this Apparition of the Lord, but we will also prepare this moment of consecration that new auxiliaries will live at this moment.
The sisters that will sing to Christ may come.
We will sing a song He has chosen for all of us, which is called “I will rest”, and we will ask the choir to accompany the sisters in this offering.
All those who want to make an offering before Christ, may make it at this moment, standing or kneeling down. We will sing to Christ at this moment, as He is contemplating us here , so that He can take our love to God.
Song: “I will rest.”
The Lord has blessed us while we sang, opening His Arms as the Redeemer of the World, and through the love that we were offering to the Lord, He returned it to the world as Light, Healing and Hope.
And He is still with His Arms open, and now with a red Mantle and a white Tunic, as the Redeemer of the World, offering His Hands so that, whenever we need, we may hold tight to them, and He tells us that with Him we will never be defeated, that we are a part of His Being and of His Christic Consciousness.
The Lord tells us, at this moment, that He would like the sisters that are here, María Jerusalen and Patricia, to sing a song on Holy Saturday that is important in these times for all, as they can best do, which is a song that He will use on that Holy Saturday so that all those who rule this world may have a moment of Light in their consciousnesses, so that they not forget that Love is above all things.
This song that He has offered for this planetary situation is “The Prayer.”
He asks the sisters if it is ok with them. The Hierarchy always confirms what they ask, because all is precious for God.
I wish I could be here longer today, but the suffering of the world calls me, through My servers and prayerful beings, so that relief and peace may be established for all those who need them in this hour.
For this reason, I thank you for having responded to Me. Tomorrow, at the same time, I will meet you here, so that we may once again be united in the Embrace of God, thus uniting Heaven and Earth, and souls to the Divine Source.
I bless you in the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.
Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón de Jesús:
Let us take the Embrace of Christ to our hearts for some moments. Let us commune with this Embrace of Christ, let us hold on to this Embrace of Christ and let us allow all pain, whether personal or of others, internal or external, to finish being dissolved by the Love of the Redeemer, who today anointed us again with His Spirit.
Let us now prepare for the consecration of new Auxiliaries of the Divine Mercy of Christ.
In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.
Today, I have you cover your heads, just as I am doing at this moment, and I invite all those who can, to do so as well so that your souls and especially your consciousnesses withdraw into the Heart of God, the safe and the favorite dwelling of the children of the Father.
I ask you to do this exercise, at this time, to accompany your Master and Lord in this spiritual and also planetary task that today I carry out, together with you, and you carry it out together with Me, in withdrawal and reflection.
Today, on the eve of Pentecost, I gather you together as My apostles of the past so that the Holy Spirit and all His divine Gifts, prepare you in this time for what is to come.
I do not come to impart fear to the world, because the world itself already lives many fears, I come to ask the Holy Spirit to lead each one of Mine towards reflection about the importance of maturing and growing internally, the importance of humbling oneself and of surrendering outwardly so that adversity will not cause My companions defeat at this time, but rather that their spirits may be brave warriors of peace, who firmly follow the steps of the Redeemer.
Also, on this day, when the inner Aurora shines in the heart of each being, through the Presence of the Celestial Mother, a cycle is closing in this month of May. And, today, your Master and Lord humbly deigns to come to meet you in order to close this cycle.
The times of the Hierarchy before were longer, they were more prolonged and lasting cycles. When this twenty-first century began for you, those cycles shortened and they were quickly presented to all of humanity in a more decisive and rapid way.
The cycles that the Hierarchy live today and the cycles that your internal worlds can live today are daily impulses, second by second, before those cycles were throughout the years, or even throughout decades.
I abruptly stop so that you are concentrated and drink from My Words that lovingly only want to give you impulses for your spirits, for all your souls; because these impulses that I bring you today are the last of this cycle that I have lived with you in the last seven years of My Apparitions.
You accompanied Me for some time in the daily cycles, then you accompanied Me in weekly cycles, after, you accompanied me in monthly cycles, as it is up to now, and finally, for the coming time, you will accompany me in annual cycles. These cycles, which will be the last to come, Christic cycles for all humanity, will consist of seven cycles.
When that is fulfilled, other situations will happen on the planet. And it will be at that moment, and at that time, within that cycle, that I will deliver to you, in some way or another, where your spirits will be able to live the last cycle of redemption; so that I find you ready when I return to the world and reappear to search for Mine, for those who in the surrender and resignation of their lives and their consciousnesses followed the steps of the Words of the Lord, Words that may be within you for your whole life.
In this withdrawal, but also in this synthesis, that we live today, your Master and Lord teaches you to read the events, to learn through the events and to grow through the events.
Because your lives and above all your minds can not understand what the Celestial Hierarchy is doing and carrying forward at this time.
The impulses that Divine Messengers give are unrepeatable, it is time for you to understand and also see that, in what seems to be the same, the impulses that we give you are never the same, because they come to place you upon the step of evolutionary life that each of your spirits must reach, in union with the dwelling of the Heart of God, where His whole Will, all His Principles and all His Intentions are kept.
Companions, on this day of synthesis of the impulses of the Divine Messengers for the month of May, have you asked yourselves:
Have I already taken one more step towards the Heart of God?
Have I understood how to face the transformation of my life?
Do I cling more each day to the Tunic of the Redeemer so that with His unconditional and loving support, no opposing force can take me from His path of love and redemption?
On this day of synthesis, have your consciousnesses wondered:
How can I give more of myself, from my inner world to my outer world?
How can my consciousness, but, above all, my cells and atoms transcend to illuminate life and everything that surrounds?
Have I learned how to deepen the degrees of love?
How charitable am I towards my fellow being?
How much more have I been able to learn to love, without conditions and without rules, just as I love you, even if you fall at My feet or often fail to follow My steps?
And finally, in this planetary scenario of suffering and adversity, have you asked Me:
Lord, am I ready?
Is my heart ready to experience the driest deserts for You, no matter what that means or represents?
Would I be capable of drinking the bitter gall that You drank on the Cross, feeling a deep thirst for all souls?
As never before, companions, beloved of My Father, I have given you all the tools, internal and external, so that you can move forward in this planetary transition and learn to one day surpass Me in love, as some have already learned to surpass Me in love.
For this reason, My Holy Mother, who is your beloved Mother of Heaven and Earth, yesterday invited you and called you to live in love. That is not something that can remain stationary or static.
The Love that I bring you is part of a cosmic dynamism, of a universal Law, it is the Love that has created you, in the image of the Father. Because He only needs you to love Him as He loves you so that you learn to live an invincible love and not a stingy, possessive love, or even an indifferent love.
At this moment, I need the New Christs on Earth, just as many Christs are in Heaven, in the stars, and throughout the universes, giving impulses to your inner steps as part of this humanity.
How can I reverse this chaos of the world without having My companions?
Who will walk by My side, taking with them the torch of Light and entering the deepest darkness of the world, no matter what happens?
When darkness is very great in your lives, it is when you must most ignite in My love.
How do you think you will overcome your own deserts?
How do you think you will reach the most remote places of the world to appease the suffering and sorrow of humanity?
I only ask that you continue to be part of My chain of Love, which is a universal, spiritual and divine chain.
Now that I have purified you through My Words, feel the strength and power of My Spirit. And, in this Ocean of Mercy that I show you today, through My Heart, go up to My boat so that your consciousnesses be part of My Mystical Body, so that, one day, your lives be part of My Eucharistic Body, precious instruments in the Hands of God that live the universe of virtues and that express the Gifts of the Father through service, an unconditional, permanent and tireless service.
I have entrusted to the Most Chaste Heart of Saint Joseph that, at this moment of synthesis, during the last days of May, and throughout the days to come, His Holy Heart will teach you to love humility, so that your missions may be established and fulfilled, just as it is written in the Sacred Books of Creation.
I wish that My apostles, throughout the whole world, be souls in consolation, souls in reparation for humanity and for the planet.
I have said to you at this moment all that I had thought of saying, but not with My Mind, but rather through My Heart, through the Rays of My Heart, I have given you the divine impulses that come as a flow of Graces to consecrate your more each day to My Wills and Principles.
Today I come to close, in the name of the Love of God and for the planetary situation, this cycle of impulses of the month of May by means of the Sacred Eucharistic Celebration.
But before that, I want the impulses of My Heart to be seen by the whole world through the Blessed Sacrament and, before beginning with the Eucharistic Celebration, I invite you to adore the Most Blessed Body of Christ for peace in the world, the end of wars, the end of conflicts, the end of indifference, the end of pride and, above all, the end of the evil that I come to transmute today for you and for your brothers and sisters so that your souls may be elevated in adoration of the Creator, the One that is in the Heavens and to Whom we owe honor and reverence, loyalty and Love, above all things.
Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón de Jesús:
Our Lord has knelt down at this moment, so that we may adore the Blessed Sacrament in reparation of the Immaculate Heart of Mary and the Sacred Heart of Jesus.
We may bring here the Blessed Sacrament and the Altar.
In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.
Thus, I bless the world so that it may fully enter My adoring Heart, the Heart that eternally adores God.
Fiar Elías del Sagrado Corazón de Jesús:
Thus, we respond at this moment to the request of Our Lord, Jesus Christ, for all His intentions.
At the sound of the bell, we will begin this small adoration for the aspirations of Christ.
We surrender to You, Lord of the Universe,
so that Your Grace may descend to Earth.
We surrender to You, Lord of the Universe,
so that Your Mercy may be fulfilled
in each one of us.
We surrender to You, Lord of the Universe,
so that Your supreme Light may descend to the planet
and all may be renewed, within and outside of us,
throughout all of humanity.
We adore You, Lord of the Universe,
We recognize You, we love You,
and accept to live Your Will.
On this day, of Your unfathomable Mercy,
may Your Design be fulfilled
In each one of us.
Make us small, humble,
Empty our hearts of all personal will.
May our souls, Lord of the Universe,
and the souls of all our brothers and sisters of the planet,
merge into the Source of Your Creation
to return to our origins.
At this moment, at the request of Christ, before the Most Blessed Sacrament of the Altar, everyone will carry out their inner offering so that our consciousnesses may be filled with His Faith.
In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.
We praise You, Lord, and we bless You,
for by Your Holy Cross, You redeemed the world.
I am here to celebrate with you the Sacrament of Life. Of a life that surrendered for you, much more than it surrendered when this life was on the Cross so that the souls of all My companions might be a part of the redeeming Christic Legacy that I offer to you again today, in an unconditional and pure way.
Just as I gathered the twelve at the Cenacle, so that they might afterward be blessed by the Spirit of Pentecost, on the eve of this great day of the Holy Spirit for the whole world, and as it was in Emmaus, I come to share My Life with each one of you, holding the bread in thanksgiving and raising it to the Father for Him to convert it into My Body so that, in this end of cycle of the month of May, the souls, together with the Angels of Redemption, may reconfirm their inner vows to My Heart.
Thus, I break the bread again and I offer it to you, saying, “Take it and eat it, for this is My Body, that was surrendered for humanity and for the forgiveness of sins.”
In the same way, before concluding this supper, which out of love I celebrate with you and for peace in the world, I take the Chalice in My Hands again, offering it to God for the redemption and forgiveness of souls so that the wine may be converted into My precious Blood and transubstantiated by the Angels of Redemption. Thus, I offer it to you again, saying, “Take it and drink of it, because this is the Chalice of My Blood, Blood of the New and Eternal Covenant, which was shed by Your Redeemer for the remission of all sins. Do it in remembrance of Me, because I am already returning.”
Behold, companions, children of My Father, the Body and the Blood of Your Redeemer, sensitively wounded and outraged by the sins of the world, and which, in this third eucharistic trilogy, I invite you to repair.
In union to the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit, I invite you to consummate this Consecration together with Me through the Prayer of the Our Father:
Our Father
May My Peace, which is the Peace of God, descend to Earth.
Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón de Jesús:
And we announce, in the name and in the Presence of Our Lord, Jesus Christ, the Spiritual Communion, the reparative communion today for all souls of the world, for all our brothers and sisters of the planet, through three bell sounds.
We commune, Lord, with Your Sacred Heart, so that You may give us strength and bravery, hope and renewal.
Today, I leave, companions, with a task concluded. I invite you to continue in faith, for the victory of the Sacred Heart of Jesus.
Before bidding farewell, I invite each one of you to elevate your intentions toward My Heart. And by means of a song that is very special for Me, which represents the elevation of your consciousnesses, I invite you to sing one of the most important hymns of the Community of Figueira, called “Breath of the Spirit.”
I thank you and you may go in Peace.
In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.
At all the Marian Centers, through the Reliquary of My Heart, I will be the doorkeeper and the protector, the guardian of the spiritual relics and of the divine gifts that are held within the sacred places, erected in honor of God and for the manifestation of His Plan.
The Reliquary of My Heart will be the protector of all the virtues achieved by souls. It will be the guardian of the evolution of those who said 'yes' to God, and each time that you should contemplate it with love, you will not only be receiving within yourselves that which I once achieved through humility and spiritual emptiness, but also, children, you will be safeguarded by Me, Who before God has received the authority to be your father and guardian in these times of transition.
It is for this reason that, in the face of the difficulties that seem impossible to you to transform, pray with Me, contemplating the Reliquary of My Heart. When the desert is greater than your faith, pray with Me, contemplating the Reliquary of My Heart. When the energies of the world within you seem to battle with your purest principles, pray with Me, contemplating the Reliquary of My Heart.
And so that all the souls of the world may have the chance to be before the Reliquary of My Heart, I ask that every 19th of the month, in a simple way, the Reliquary of My Heart be transmitted live, for one hour, so that all those who want to be before It in silence, may do so. This practice will allow you to find peace and to strengthen all the virtues that you have already achieved with you.
In this time of transition, I will be the guardian of your souls, your father and companion who, in silence, will follow your steps so that you not become lost, but that you may be always in Christ.
It is in this way, children, that I ask that every 19th day, of each month, at 7 pm, your hearts unite in prayer. Especially those who today cannot be at the Marian Centers, so that they may also receive the Graces and the Gifts that emerge from the Reliquary of My Heart for the world.
If you do this simple exercise on the day of the Celebration of the Heart of Saint Joseph, not only for yourselves but also for all the souls of the world, you will be able to intercede with Me for the greatest sinners and for those who are self-condemned, so that those souls may open their eyes and find the light and salvation in Christ.
I wait for you in prayer and I bless you.
The Most Chaste Saint Joseph
XXII - Concerning Prayer
A devout soul that was always willing to give more of itself to God, while they prayed, questioned the Lord, saying: "Lord, I lift up my voice to the Heavens and pray for the souls that suffer, for the Kingdoms of Nature, for the planet, for Your Plan. What more must I do for this prayer to truly reach You and generate merits for the salvation and the redemption of the world?"
And the Lord responded: "While you pray, speak with Me, pronounce each word not only to hear your own voice and feel that you are fulfilling your part. Pray, allowing your essence to look into My Eyes, allowing your heart to be within Mine and your words to be an echo throughout the infinite, throughout Creation.
To pray in this way, beloved child, soul of Mine, you need to be whole before Me, without caring about time, tiredness, the sensations of the body or about those who are around you, whether or not they strive as you do or whether they sleep and become distracted in their words. May nothing matter to you but My Presence and the imperious need the world has for sincere and real prayers.
When you sing, may your ears not care about the sound of your voice, may your mind not care about who is listening to you, but rather may your heart care to attune your voice and be before Me, singing with perfection for the One Who is the Owner of all sound, the Creator of each note, of each tone, capable of transforming your vibration into gifts that expand through Life, transforming lives. This, little soul, is how your prayer must be."
May this dialogue teach you, children, to deepen each day into your prayers. May they be sincere and reach God.
You have My blessing for this.
The Most Chaste Saint Joseph
Poems to the Immaculate Heart of Mary
Fifteenth Poem
Venerable Holy Virgin,
may all the gathered souls
be a precious Rosary of Light
so that, being in Your humble hands,
we may be a constant offering
of prayer and service for humanity.
Dear Heavenly Mother,
as souls, may we be beads of the Rosary of Light
so that, as Your redeemed children,
we may glorify the Celestial Father
for His Infinite Work of Mercy.
May our hearts
love the power of the Holy Cross,
which will protect us and grant us
the profound Peace of the Lord.
We aspire, Most Holy Mother,
that our entire beings may be part of Your Rosary of Light
so that You may count on us as Your praying armies,
untiring servers of the Divine Word of prayer,
so that our families, peoples and nations
may also be part of Your spiritual Work
of the Rosaries of Light.
Dear Heavenly Mother,
may Your maternal blessing be in us
so that we may recognize Christ in the fellow being.
Thus, we will all be able to be part
of the sacred family of prayer,
and Your gifts of Love and Peace
will be poured out upon us,
consecrating us again as Your children,
souls of the Rosaries of Light.
I thank you for responding to My call!
Who blesses you,
Your Mother, the Virgin Mary, Rose of Peace
Take some time in your day to meditate upon who you truly are, to think about how before this life there was a Greater Life, from which the Purpose and the meaning of all existence came.
Meditate upon Creation and the deep Love of God for you, when He thought of each one of His creatures. And how great His Love was for the life that allowed essences in likeness of His Divine Essence to be born so that they could love as He loves, multiply life like He multiplies, and re-create Creation as He re-creates and renews it, with each celestial breath.
Think about it, child, that beyond all the material chaos there is a sublime reality, that Paradise is more than a heaven of eternal peace, it is the beginning and the end of life, from where creatures come and to where they must return with all the gifts achieved in their evolution beyond the dimensions.
Remember that this planet is a school and that difficulties exist to be overcome, thus leading you into going beyond yourself in love each day through a greater Love, that which in some moment of your evolution will reveal the Love of God to you.
Do not look at the world merely with human eyes, eyes that are imprisoned in a condition of ignorance, eyes of who sees life behind veils. The Love of Christ tore the veils that covered your face. So look for this Love. Look for the point in your consciousness, capable of understanding life more broadly, and focus your heart there, above the waves of the tribulations of these times, walking with your Lord through these waters, for they are nothing more than the Wind of God blowing chaos out of the world, to remove that which was rotten and make everything new.
Elevate your consciousness beyond the atrocities, the battles of chaos and evil on the stage of the Earth and be, for this world, a bridge to the Heart of God.
You have My blessing for this.
The Most Chaste Saint Joseph
In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.
We revere the Presence of Jesus, the Sacred and Unfathomable Heart of Jesus.
On the center of His Chest, He shows us His Merciful Heart, as a great custodian of light that beams rays in several directions.
He, with His Arms and Hands open, offers us the center of His Being so that we may enter into Him and He into us.
Behind Him we see a very humble and simple house, of stone and straw, with small windows and a very simple and humble wooden door.
For those who have never seen it, Jesus says: "This is the Cenacle and today I invite you to enter, all of humanity, in the name of the Holy Father, Pope Francis, of the religious leaders, of all the believers in the Sacred Heart of Jesus."
The door of this house opens so that we may enter in consciousness and spirit, in soul and in divinity.
First, Jesus enters so that we can enter; we see His long tunic and His bare feet, His Chest bearing the Holy Chalice.
In that simple house we see very soft and faint lights upon the walls, creating an environment of religiosity and of communion; in that house, there are others who are not the apostles, because they have already had that experience, but rather they are other Masters, the Masters of the Himalayas.
They are present there, waiting for us, so that we may sit on the earthy floor, which is protected by a great carpet with the Last Supper represented at its center.
We take our shoes off and divest ourselves so as to enter this eternal communion.
The Master is seen to be solemn, loving and caring with each of those who are His.
He touches our heads and caresses our faces, and our souls surrender at His Feet.
And through Christ, we feel the Celestial Father, that as a great Light, lights up the ceiling of this room, as well as each one of us and of those present.
The door of the house has been closed, and present there we see Our Most Holy Mother, the Virgin Mary, Who is enveloped by a great pink mantle, and Who is kneeling a little further away, inside the room.
Everybody looks expectantly at each other because, in the heart of the Masters of the Himalayas, the joy of this renovation and communion with Christ can be felt.
Mary, Our Mother, prays in silence for us and for the planet.
We allow ourselves to be carried away by this moment of communion so that it may be our soul that participates in this meeting and thus our whole being participates.
And now, all seated among the Masters, and the great Master Who has just sat down to share in this meeting, we see how His face shines and His eyes are like the sky; He maintains a soft and loving appearance.
All the Masters place their hands in the sign of reception while they wait in silence for the Master to begin to speak His Words, in this supper of renewal and hope.
In the center of this gathering we see our planet. The Master contemplates it with love, as do the rest of the Masters that were invited to participate in this meeting.
Below this planet, which is our home, we see a six-pointed golden star light up, and another similar star above the planet.
The planet is wrapped in that powerful golden Light that descends at the center of this room, directly from the Source, and great dark stains that surround the planet are dissolved, while its aura is enveloped by a green energy of Light that enters the core of our Earth, the oceans and the continents.
I want you to know, says the Master, as He raises His right hand pointing at the sky while He talks to each of us, that this is one of the last spiritual suppers that I will celebrate with you, because the time of the Scriptures will be fulfilled and I will not be here to talk with you; it will be the Holy Spirit that will be able to work through you, when you know how to recognize It and contact It.
This is the hour, companions, in which your talents will come into the Light and into consciousness, for in this way, you will be able to give your life for Me, as I gave it for each one of you, until the end of times.
So recognize, beloveds of Mine, that you are part of a story that has not yet finished being written.
For this reason, today I have brought you here, to the spiritual Cenacle of My Heart, poor, real and humble, so that you may avail yourselves of it.
Outside the house where we found ourselves participating in this important moment with Jesus, there are many, a great many souls present that were not able to enter, but that Our Mother, the Most Holy Virgin, brought there so that they could participate in this moment.
And Jesus says: My dwelling is very humble and simple, but My Heart is very great in order to be able to receive all of you.
On this Holy Thursday, each one of you have the opportunity of participating again in this ministry that I will convey with Love to the world, for all those who are still to awaken and recognize the Word of Christ.
This is the House of My Father, happy are those who are in it in order to recognize their commitment with Creation and with Universal Laws.
Gathered together in this house, I will again wash feet, but now I will wash the feet of the Masters, while you will wash your own feet.
I invite you to go to a place where you may wash your feet, while I wash the feet of the Masters.
To each one of you who My Mother chose to today wash their feet, I gave you a gift and a talent before you were born, so that now and in this time, you may be at the service of My Heart and My redemptive Work.
Timóteo, you have the gift of uniting borders, so that barriers between the peoples and the nations no longer exist. You need to open the paths so that I may enter where My Word is most needed.
Iajodarah, you have the gift of music, of being able to draw from the Universe toward Earth the subtle vibrations and the melodies of God. Your hands can communicate through the instruments you play, with the strength given to you by your devotion to My Sacred Heart.
Valentina, you have the gift of solidarity, of living unconditionally for others, of recognizing the difficulty of the neighbor and of alleviating the suffering of those who are enduring loneliness, abandonment and discrimination.
Ceferino, you have the gift of carrying My Message to the world and of illuminating My altars, so that the Presence of My Spirit is able to be reflected in all that is offered, time after time. You have the mission of reflecting the spirit of the sacred through images.
Camilo, you have the gift of perseverance of the pilgrim, who never tires of walking until finding their Master. You have achieved a meeting with Me and I will prepare you, from this day on, so that you may serve Me in consecration, when I indicate it. Those who perseveres never die. Those who persevere never desist, because their strength is in prayer and in the trust given by God. That is why you are here.
Samaria, you have the gift of communication, of embracing the projects of My Father and of making them a reality, just as I need it. You have the gift of communicating My Word in different parts of the world, through the languages of each people of this Earth. It is not the first time that you do this for Me. This is a continuation of something that has not yet ended, this is why your life must be for Me.
The next six that will now receive the sacrament.
Friar Luciano, you have the gift of unconditional service, of bringing relief where there is the greatest suffering, of bringing love to where there is great agony, of bringing hope to where there is great despair; so that humanity may finally understand that through the giving of self and of service for the neighbor, human beings may learn to truly love one another.
Mother María del Salvador, you have the gift of unity, a unity that brings understanding and comprehension to the neighbor. The gift of unity in order to be able to place oneself in the suffering of the other and of helping to resolve it. A unity that understands, that is patient and persevering, that emanates compassion.
Friar Ariel, you have the gift of constancy, of one who does not allow themselves to be defeated, of one who recognizes the Wounds of the Lord every day, out of love for humanity. The spirit of constancy is an incessant spirit that never changes, that always maintains its purpose through faith.
Mother María Shimani, you have an important gift that I gave you. It is the gift of discernment invaded by the sacred spirit of Wisdom, to always fulfill the perspective of My Purpose in humanity. You also have a special gift that My Holy Mother has given you, which is the love and understanding of those who cannot manage to transform, of those who have difficulties, and this love and understanding transforms them, redeems them and leads them to Truth.
My daughter Amerisa has the gift of beauty and of healing, of learning how to support her neighbor and of giving everybody the opportunity, through the sacrifice of the altars, to express their devotion to My Heart. You are a bridge for each one of them, this is why I have placed you in this mission. You also have the gift of healing, which allows you to feel the suffering of your neighbor in order to bring relief to the Wounds of your Lord in the one who suffers. And I saw that, in these times, through your mother, who now, after her agony, is with Me in Heaven. You have learned the lesson of love that I wanted to teach you, so that one day you may live a much greater love than what I lived for you. You are on the path of this purpose.
My daughter Romina, you already know what you are for Me. But now the time has come for living what you have so long searched for, that of living everything you have sung for Me, of accomplishing what I so want, without fearing anything, for your nation and your people.
The time has come for the consecration of the Body and the Blood of Christ, in which each one of us, in the House of the Cenacle of Our Lord, will have the spiritual and inner Grace of receiving the impulses, the same impulses that Christ left enshrined upon the planet and within humanity, through the sacrifice of His Last Supper, with the Communion.
We see Our Lord, Christ, after having washed the feet of the Masters, and after us having washed the feet of each other, thus fulfilling His requests.
We keep our consciousness and concentration on this place of the humble House of the Cenacle, where Christ invited each one of us to enter.
My Heart feels for this moment, because it is one of the last spiritual Communions I will give to the world on this day, in which My Life is life within you and you are living within Me.
Now that you are clean and ready to receive Me, I infuse this moment, as I infused it in the Apostles, so that at this moment, the spiritual legacy that I left to the world, through the Eucharist and the Blood of Christ, may descend as a Grace and as Light within humanity.
I lift up the bread and offer it to God, in the same way that your souls can be offered to God at this moment. So that this bread may be transubstantiated, I ask the Almighty that by the merits of My sorrowful Passion, He may grant the world the Grace it needs in this time, to learn to live in the absolute Love of God.
Thus, after breaking the bread, I give it to you, because this is My Body that will be given for humankind for the forgiveness of sins.
We praise You, Lord, and we bless You.
We praise You, Lord, and we bless You.
We praise You, Lord, and we bless You.
Again, I lift up the Chalice of the redemption of humanity, so that the wine may be transubstantiated into the Blood of Christ. Thus, I again say to you and I again offer this chalice to you, because it is My Blood, the Blood of the New Covenant that is poured out by your Lord for the remission of faults. Do this in remembrance of Me.
We praise You, Lord, and we bless You.
We praise You, Lord, and we bless You.
We praise You, Lord, and we bless You.
The Body and the Blood of Christ.
Happy are those who avail themselves of this spiritual Sacrament, for their lives will not perish.
Our Father (in Spanish).
Our Father (in English).
May the Peace of Christ descend upon Earth.
On this day, all has been consummated, according to what the Celestial Father needed and, from this that was consummated, all were participants, under the renewal that the Sacrament of the Eucharist brings you, for each one of your souls, until the New Time is concretized.
And the House of the Cenacle disappears from our consciousness, while the Master is here with us, bringing the merits of His Heart to humanity, so that we may reaffirm our commitment in Christ and for Christ.
Our Divine Mother also blesses us, and She is now by Her Son's side.
Now all the priests will assemble on this stage and at the request of Christ, we will intone "Supreme Son," as a consummation of this task.
In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.
Song: "Supreme Son".
Thank you, Lord, for all that You give us!
In this meeting we honor You, Lord.
In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.
Surrender your heart into the Hands of God, O soul so small and fragile!
Let your life be suspended in the Hands of the One who created you so that He may place you on the correct point of your evolution.
Live, being an expression of the love that you receive every day from your Creator Father.
Let your desert be fertile, like the deserts that, through the Grace of God, blossom and express the miracle of life, even in the aridity of the world.
Let your little soul be a source of faith through the persistence of your heart in the face of the challenges and trials of life.
May it not matter to you whether you are last or first.
May it not matter to you whether you are hidden or elevated in the eyes of humankind.
May it matter to you to serve and love more each day, to close your eyes to the illusions of the world and open them to the universal Truth that is revealed to you.
May it matter to you to enter into the depths of your heart and there find not only a Living God full of Graces, but also a Crucified Spouse who calls you to be like Him, every day, with the full surrender of your heart.
May the pain of the world matter to you, the pain of those who suffer and who do not find relief, and may the Grace of God upon you make your little life a fount for those who are thirsty; even though you will often drink, you will feel thirsty and empty.
May your emptiness not be filled by the world and its illusions but rather by God and His mysteries, by the faith that He places in your heart, in times of desert and solitude.
Seek relief in service; seek support in charity, in those who will always be in a worse condition than your little soul which, in spite of being so fragile, was chosen by God as a chalice for His spiritual Gifts.
It is not for you to judge the Will of the Lord, but simply to accept it, just as your Mother Mary did who, being small and simple, made Herself a Chalice and a Tabernacle so that the Living God could come into the world.
Be you, beloved soul, like your Divine Mother, and every day surrender your smallness into the Hands of God, because in your nothingness He will do everything.
You have My blessing for this.
The Most Chaste Saint Joseph
Since the beginning of life, while the Creation was still a feeling in the depths of the Heart of God, your Celestial Father had already manifested the principles of Healing and Redemption, Gifts that come from His Love, for all that was being generated within Him.
The Creator knew, My children, that by sending His children to learn, experience and grow, among the dimensions, He would also need to create the forms, by which they could return to His Heart.
Therefore, upon manifesting life, the dimensions and all forms, for beings to be able to evolve, your Lord also drew upon your paths the return to His Sacred and Infinite Heart. For this reason, He filled the hearts of humanity with occult gifts, and filled the planet, in which they dwell, also with occult sacred spaces; spaces that hold the Gifts of God, the fruits of His Love, those which allow creatures to return to the Heart of the Celestial Father.
Aurora, beloved children, is not only a place of peace. Aurora is a Consciousness of Healing and Redemption in which your hearts can experience, to return to God. Aurora emerged from the Heart of your Creator, even before your lives were manifested.
Contemplating the challenges of the planet and the veils that would be covering the eyes of His children, preventing them from seeing and knowing who they truly are, the Creator manifested the Consciousness of Aurora; a Consciousness that supports you within It, as the womb of a mother supports her children. Aurora gives you all that you need; within its Heart, the veils are torn, so that you can contemplate the truth about yourselves.
Aurora, My children, reveals to you your more impure human condition, so that you may first come to know the wounds that are to be healed, and know where that which must be transformed lies. But then, from the Heart of Aurora, emerges the balm that assists you, that closes that which was open, that heals even the deepest parts of your beings, liberates that which was impure and prepares you so that, through your surrender and service, the Consciousness of Aurora may expand and reach the four corners of this world.
Contemplate, beloved children, the Consciousness of Aurora within you, but also feel that you are inserted within it. In the Heart of Aurora, all life finds Healing and Redemption to discover the truth about itself, and thus return to God.
Open your hearts, so that not only this place may express Aurora, but that your lives and this planet may also be fruits of the Gifts that your Creator deposited within Aurora.
Just as this place is sacred, the whole planet is sacred, dear children, but in order to recognize the mysteries of God upon the planet that receives you, you must first live them within yourselves. In order for the veils to be torn, those which cover the sacred that exists in the world, first the veils that cover your own eyes must be torn.
Allow the hands of Aurora to extend, in front of your faces, and pull the veils that were making you blind, so that you can see, feel, experience and live who you are and, more than that, what the purpose of this life is.
All that I tell you is filled with a profound and inner truth, which is a truth you can come to know through the surrender and relinquishing of your lives.
To live Aurora, you must surrender before God and cry out for His Gifts, for the Gifts that He gave you, through the sacred places that hide in this world and in all Creation.
The Time of God has come, beloved children. A time in which, not only chaos will be fulfilled as it was predicted, but Redemption will also be fulfilled.
With My words, I lead you to live the Scriptures, I lead you to be live the prophecies, because it is through you that everything will be fulfilled.
I carry you in My arms to the desert, because you still do not know who you are. The moment will come when you will have crossed the desert, and I will show you the Truth of God upon the horizon, and you will discover, My children, that not only can you be in My arms, but you can also walk with Me towards the Promised Land.
After the desert, I will show you the New and Eternal Jerusalem, which is in Heaven as on Earth, and as two realities that unite into one, the Promised Land will emerge and everything will be fulfilled. Everyone will know who they are, everything will become clearer, and what weighed in your hearts before, as doubts and fears, will dissipate.
From the lights of Aurora will emerge lights of a new life, and from Heaven the principles of the New Humanity will also descend to Earth. This will be the Kingdom of God, beloved children; an ever present Kingdom, revealed to the children of the Supreme, those who know that they are His companions and fruits of His Love.
May My words resound within you, not just as a promise, but as a truth that leads you to cry out to Aurora, for Healing to take place and Redemption to be fulfilled, so that your eyes may be worthy to see and your hearts may be worthy to feel everything that I have told you today.
I bless you with the power of Aurora and the Grace of the Spirit of God.
I love you and thank you for coming to meet me with your hearts.
Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace
Today My pain for humanity converts into Divine Mercy, and I radiate the Rays of My Heart to the whole world.
On this special day, after the adorers of My Eucharistic Body sincerely offered Me their spiritual union with Me; it was like feeling a balm for the thirst I once had on the Cross, a thirst not understood nor known. That ancient and deep thirst for lost souls was quenched by the adoration of My companions.
That special moment was when your Redeemer, for an instant, found the inner spring of good souls.
For this reason, today I was able to spiritually help South America, the Promised Land, so that its peoples and nations could perceive that they have distanced themselves from the Love of God and that, in the struggles and conflicts, they will not achieve the freedom that souls seek for so much.
But at the most acute moment, do not fight with swords; withdraw into My kind Heart so that you may feel the peace and trust of being upon the path to redemption; in this way, I will always renew you and fill you with My spiritual gifts and virtues.
Thank you all who, with sincerity and love, adored My flagellated Heart, because today I also was inwardly reborn and I can say to you again: "I make all things new."
I thank you for keeping My Words in your hearts!
Who blesses you,
Your Master and Lord, Christ Jesus
Before the Ascension, I made a commitment with each one of you that I would come to completely fulfill everything. That time has now come, and that commitment is being fulfilled.
But there is a part that is yours to do, there are souls and consciousnesses that belong to Me.
Beyond your internal or external situations, that commitment has been made in the Sacred Book of God and, although that may be unreachable for you, place it within your heart, because it is there where this commitment will resound.
Even during My Passion, I also had to assume this commitment with you, a commitment of giving My Life, a commitment of shedding My Blood and of undergoing all the martyrdoms and suffering that did not belong to Me so that you could have an opportunity of redemption and could be placed again upon the path of God.
Today there are many souls and consciousnesses that to do value this commitment and, instead of submerging into My Mercy, they distance themselves into the shadows and into the darkness of their consciousnesses.
But I Am this sun that shines in the desert. I Am this Eden, this oasis that comes to take away your spiritual thirst. Come and drink of My Fount, nourish yourself of My Spirit, and My adversary will withdraw.
I will not be able to intercede for you if you do not allow Me to.
The treasures that I have destined for you are incalculable, and these treasures, which you still do not know, must not be wasted nor thrown into the void.
Thus, this commitment that I made with you is very great, and much more than you can imagine.
Today I come to show the world the wounds of My Hands, My Arms, the wounds of My Feet and of My Legs, and the crown of thorns upon My head that symbolizes the inner pain and martyrdoms, the indifference and omissions, the evil and cruelties that souls of the world still inflict upon Me.
But My Heart does not cease to light up and ignite; it is this Heart that beats for the whole world and for the love that It feels for Its faithful companions.
I once told you, and I tell you again today: I have not come seeking perfect or realized beings, advanced beings or scholarly beings; I have not come seeking the tepid of heart. I want you either cold or hot, but I want that you are truly with Me.
You still cannot understand with your minds the infiniteness and greatness of this commitment with Me, because it goes beyond your material or mental personality.
It is a spiritual commitment that you made with Me, before the sorrowful scene of the Cross where, although many were not present, others were present indeed.
Spiritually, and through My Soul of Light, you made this commitment with Me, the commitment of living your redemption and your conversion.
Thus, throughout the times, I have given you My gifts and My virtues so that, in the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit, you could baptize, bless and give sacraments to those who have a true thirst for My Mercy.
Those Graces, those merits, those deserved gifts that souls today urgently need must not be suspended. It would be an outrage to the Heart of God.
Before that which My Church experiences in these times, where will I place My treasures? Where will I place My aspirations? Who will be worthy of carrying My Truth in their heart?
I only ask you not to feel defeated, not to give up, to do it for the Plan of My Father and not for Me, so that Divine Mercy, a fount that appeases Divine Justice, may not fall upon you and upon the world.
For this reason, companions, do not fail to benefit from My treasures, My Words and My impulses, because in truth I tell you that, in the coming time, you will no longer hear Me, you will no longer meet with Me, because the cycle of the total definition of humanity and the planet will come, in which the Lords of the Judgment and of the Law will only observe what happens in this world.
The door of My Heart is still open for you; use your intelligence and do not be intimidated or disturbed by My adversary.
What is most important at this time is that the Sacraments for souls may be fulfilled, according to how you have done it up to the current times. I need to recover My spiritual Church through My apostles and followers.
You will never be able to stop being anointed, blessed and filled by My Spirit because you will need it, companions, to go through the end of times. Humanity does not know what it will experience and you do not know yourselves.
Do not challenge the universal laws, do not challenge the Lords of the Law; follow the commandments. I do not ask that you do it perfectly, but rather make the effort.
Surrender before My Feet, because you will surrender before God, His Presence and His Power. He has given you everything and will never cease to do so.
Why do you hurt Me? Why do you wound Me? I need your honesty, your faithful love, your immeasurable effort.
God does not deserve what is happening in the world, He does not deserve what is happening in souls or in hearts.
I gave you My torch of Light so that you could represent Me and announce My Return, My second coming to humanity.
Do not continue to hurt My wounds. The Blood of the Lamb of God, now of the Resurrected One, is a precious and unquenchable Blood; it is an eternal spiritual Code that comes to be poured out upon your miseries, upon your imperfections and agonies. It is this Blood that continues to justify you before God so that you may have the Grace of redemption and the Light of conversion.
Take Me down from the Cross where you hung Me. The world continues to whip Me with its actions and I need your love and your compassion in order to be restored.
But I will not free you from what you experience until you allow Me to, and plead for it. Sometimes it is necessary that your consciousnesses see the abyss, so as to know how to humbly and unrestrictedly ask for help.
Let My Heart and the flame of My Love govern you, because the commitment will not dissolve in spite of what you may do.
I will come among the clouds and I will call you to give an account of what you did up until the present time, no matter what it may be.
A good shepherd never loses their sheep. A good shepherd gives their life for their sheep, just as I hope you will trustingly give your life for Me.
You must not be indifferent to what the world is suffering. Every day the suffering becomes greater and deeper. Who will relieve them for Me? Who will take a risk for Me? Who will testify to My Presence and to My Word?
My Church is destroyed and I must erect it again with those who are humble and true, pure of heart, in spite of their imperfections.
My Church cannot be completely destroyed; you are part of My Church; you are part of My Mystical Body and you must recognize this every day, because in the most difficult and hardest times help will come and the hand of salvation will be extended when you are humble and resign before your own defects.
I say it again to you, the commitment will not be able to be dissolved.
The King of the Universe cannot set the Law aside because, just as He came to pronounce it on Earth, He thus must continue to pronounce it in Heaven, because within the Law will be your union with God, no matter what happens.
Today the Throne of God receives the Blood of the Lamb, which was immolated and taken by humankind to the slaughterhouse. This is the Blood that will justify you, that will free you, and will save you from your sins. Avail yourselves of this Grace before the Fount of Light completely closes.
Live a worthy life in the Lord and represent Me as I need.
We will elevate our pleas to Heaven and may the human heart of each one of you feel all that I say, beyond what I have said.
This is the time to be able to justify what has happened through the precious Blood of the Redeemer. Those who are aware of what this means, let them offer themselves to God through My Heart.
We stand up so that, before the Presence of our Lord Jesus Christ, we can offer ourselves at this time of the consecration of the elements and, in this way, we can be anointed by the Light of His Spirit.
Prayer of the Angel of Portugal (repeated three times).
I always give My friends the best that I have, so that they may always submerge in My trust.
When I was gathered with the twelve, as I am gathered today with you, before the immensity and the Light of the whole Universe, in this culminating moment of the life of your Master and Lord, through an infinite Grace and Love still not understood by the whole world, I took the bread and, lifting it up to God, I gave thanks for the sacrifice I would live. I then broke it and gave it to My apostles, saying to them: "Take and all eat of It, for this is My Body that will be given for humankind for the forgiveness of sins."
We praise You Lord, and we bless You (repeated three times).
I then took the Chalice and, elevating it with the same strength and momentum of love, the Chalice was consecrated, just as the wine was consecrated, transubstantiated by the angels of Heaven. And in this moment I gave it to the apostles, saying to them: "Take and drink, for this is the Chalice of My Blood, the Blood of the New Covenant, which will be shed by your Redeemer, for the remission of faults; do this always in remembrance of Me."
We praise You Lord, and we bless You (repeated three times).
United as one heart and one soul, in the Presence of the Most Holy Trinity and of the Second Person of the Most Holy Trinity, of the Divine Son, in His Presence we will pronounce the prayer that He taught us with all the Love of His Heart.
Prayer: Our Father.
And in this way I give you Peace, a Peace that you can never lose, a Peace that you must protect and that must always live in your hearts so that the Peace of My Heart may free you, illuminate you and guide you into achieving the Kingdom of God.
In unity and in love for the Peace of the Universe, in the same way that I said to My apostles: "My Peace I leave you and My Peace I give you", in the name of this Peace, you will greet each other as peacemaking brothers and sisters.
I thank you for having responded to My sacred summons! This has justified you before God.
In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit.
You may give each other the greeting of peace.
Peace be in the heart of all beings on Earth, and so be it.
With joy, My children, I come to place you in the Lap of God so that you may be able to feel the eternal Love of the Father Who, in spite of the time and circumstances of life, does not cease to offer; He surrenders unconditionally for each one of His children so that they may feel and experience Him fully.
It is for this reason that I am here today, as that testimony of the Love of the living God, of that Love that gestated and created you from the beginning, which caused you to be manifested in this Universe as in other places of the Universe, where divine essences were manifested to experience a project of Love rather than a project of redemption.
But with the fall of humankind, from Adam and Eve until the present, God Himself has manifested again, has again surrendered and given of Himself to the world through the incarnation of the Son of God, the Christ. This has made it possible for souls, My children, to be able to return to God and be in His presence through the path of redemption.
It is on this path of Love that I want to have you all the time, for in this way, you will not only get to know the Celestial Father, but you will also discover the marvels and the treasures that there are in the Universe when you learn, through effort, to get out of the superficiality and the indifference that humanity instills in souls at this time.
Thus, My children, rejoice in your hearts, see your moment of redemption take place, for the Love of God has come through His faithful Servant, not only to fill you but also to fulfill you as souls, so that from you, may awaken the talents of God and all the gifts that He gave you from the beginning.
This is the main intention of your Heavenly Mother, Who in spite of the perversion humanity experiences at this time, of conflicts, wars, humanitarian crises, or even the destruction of the Kingdoms of Nature, I need My children to awaken again to their essential purity and to remember that state of inner purity with which God conceived you; because in this way you will be within His Plan of Love and of Light, you will be participants in the marvels of the Universe, in the sources of knowledge and of instruction, which reach the world to awaken the consciousness, to make of hearts, hearts united in Christ and for Christ.
So at this moment, beloved children, the fundamental basis of your material and spiritual life is love; this will allow you to transcend the difficulty of these times; love will teach you to be humble and simple, it will allow you to see the reality and the need in each place and in each brother and sister.
I need you, My children, decided and surrendered to God, to be part of that Source of Love and of Light, so necessary and urgent for these times, a Source that must be mirrored in humanity to be able to heal deep and unforgettable wounds that continue subjugating hearts and the lives of people.
That is why I bring you the Fount of My Love, which is the Source of the Love of God, the Source that will always nourish and guide you, the Source that will remove you from darkness, from illusion, and from any adversity that My enemy wants to impose on you.
An extremely important path for finding this Fount of Love is prayer, something that I have founded in your consciousnesses many years ago. But now, My children, prayer must not only be your daily food, it must be your weapon of defense and of combat against My adversary, not only for your own lives, but also for the lives of your brothers and sisters, of your neighbor.
The prayer that can protect the family as an extremely important nucleus and cell of God, so that the family in this crucial cycle of humanity, through a sincere and true prayer that unites you all, may be supported, strengthened, and keep faith alive in the face of all that the planet and humanity will see; because this is the time of purification, it is the time of the planetary transition, it is the time for submerging in the Love of God to be able to fully live the compassion of the Father and carry this compassion to those most in need of it.
When you step out of the Love of God you begin to suffer, because by stepping out of the Love, My children, you not only set aside the laws, but you also leave the Law of the Hierarchy.
Love will never make you doubt, Love will always strengthen you and will sustain you, Love will give you discernment and wisdom in the difficult moments, even if you have nobody that can guide or orient you. If your hearts are in Love, submerged in living prayer, assistance and a response will come into your lives, suffering will dissipate, because Love will grant you spiritual healing as the principal attribute of the Fount of the Celestial Father.
And in this way, as beings of Love, you may contribute to this planet, to this sick humanity that places no attention on the life of the spirit, rather places its attention on material and worldly things.
But not all of humanity is lost, although the majority may be very distracted. That is why it is necessary to enter into the Fount of the Love of God every day and have as a first rule that deep connection with the Eternal Father, seeking within yourselves the Kingdom of God so that He may lead you, prompt you, and guide you.
It is this so unknown but infinite Love that causes me to return here today, to this sacred land, that reflects to the world the chance to love, to serve, and to surrender for others and for the Kingdoms of Nature.
This seedbed of Light that the Nueva Tierra (New Earth) Community represents is a commitment of all My praying and servant people to protect it and to support it and that it may continue to experience its expansion, not only through a spiritual education, as an example of fraternal life, but also that it may expand and manifest as a little piece of the Kingdom of God that was placed here by My maternal Heart so that it may be protected and preserved by all.
It is time, dear children, to establish and solidify the spiritual bases of the Divine Hierarchy, not only at the Marian Centers like this one, that must be a living Center with the participation of all of My children, but it must also be a place, a common unity in which everybody may participate in what is simple that is life and in what is beautiful that means serving the other first.
Because the Islands of Salvation like this one will be the cradle to receive those most in need, those who will escape from the wars, from the conflicts in the nations, from the catastrophes that will come through the action of nature due to the imbalance that humankind of the surface generates. And the Hierarchy will always be in the Islands of Salvation, in spite of what happens and takes place on the surface, because the presence of the Hierarchy in you is spiritual, internal, deep, and also divine.
If you maintain and sustain this connection with the Divine Hierarchy, protection will never be lacking, help will always come, and when something is necessary, it will manifest, because the Law is perfect in the Universe. The Law of manifestation and of abundance was created with perfection so that nothing will be lacking for each one of the children of God.
I invite you, My children, to commit a little more deeply to this Light-Community that shelters the smallest and most innocent and which must be the future for what is coming ahead. And that future will be built with the collaboration and giving of self of all, in a periodic manner, faithful and transparent.
This will allow the Hierarchy to grant more graces in this place to those who need them; and those most in need will come because they will feel drawn by the Source of this Love, that today My Immaculate Heart pours out over the Marian Centers and over the Light-Communities. A Love that is for sharing and to be experienced by all, a Love that will always make you see the good and dissolve evil in any circumstance.
Today I feel drawn to this place because I know what this community represents for God and what it needs to achieve in the end of these times, not only as part of the Project of God and of the Universal Sacred Family, but also because of the spiritual and non-material treasures that it is to welcome in the coming time for the task it is to perform on the surface with the human race, as well as with the Kingdoms of Nature.
Therefore, everyone is invited to participate, to experience and to find love every day in a group life that is built by all your consciousnesses and that must make you more aware, more service-oriented and available for all that will have to be attended to in humanity.
That is why I am here, not only to reveal these treasures to you which some day will come and present themselves, but also to protect you with My Divine Consciousness, knowing that you will be very important not only to the state of Rio de Janeiro, but also to all of Brazil, in the same way that other places of this country receive the spiritual treasures of God, which is completely unknown to the majority.
So I lead you through the path of instruction toward that revelation so that you may be participants in these treasures, wardens of these treasures and guardians of the sacred divine knowledge.
I am also preparing you for that, My children, but a faithful and greater collaboration of this community will be necessary, because still many more children and young people are waiting to have the chance of coming here and of knowing that Love has not been lost.
It is through this Love that envisages miracles and the wonders of life, this Love that emerges today from My Immaculate Heart, that I will consecrate the new Children of Mary, who will be the first for this new cycle in which they will faithfully commit to Me to actively participate in this community and in this group life, to help and contribute to the education of the children, in support of the young people and in support of the Kingdoms of Nature.
These children who will be consecrated today, like others who were consecrated here and who still have this commitment to Me and cannot forget it, will also support this Marian Center, they will make it alive through the liturgy that can be expressed here and experienced in a simple way. A liturgy of prayer, of adoration, and of contact with God which touches the Heart of the Eternal Father many times, which already happens here.
Thus, My children, this consecration is a consecration moving toward maturity and spiritual responsibility, because it is important that My children understand, especially those who will consecrate themselves in the future, that being My child is not only being in My Heart, it is to live the Plan of God, it is to realize the Plan of the Father, it is to live His Will with responsibility and carry it forward no matter the cost.
That will be a true and sincere response of each one of you, that you are understanding what it means to be a Child of Mary. I need you to be those spheres of Light, permeated by the Love of God, that can be radiated to the world and to those who need it.
At this moment I invite the Children of Mary to stand up, those who will be consecrated today in My Presence.
And listening to the Hymn of your Consecration, My children, I will bless you and fill you with My Love and with My Light, knowing that it is necessary to do something for this planet and for this humanity, it is necessary to live Love and carry Love to those who suffer and to those who need it, from the human being to the lower Kingdoms.
That Love must be multiplied and grow within you, in life actions, daily activity, in all those who are around you.
Love will allow you to be reconciled, will lead you to Peace, will lead you into understanding and wisdom, and in spite of everything maybe being difficult or impossible, if you invoke or call to the Love of God, all will be resolved.
Because all that you may experience in this time is because you need it so, you need to learn something from all that you experience and live; that is also Love, even if it does not seem so.
Suffering is not Love, Love is light, is healing, and is peace; Love is being in the Heart of God.
Because of this Love that conceived you from the beginning and at the origin, and this commitment that you make to Me today, of being wardens of this Light-Community and servers of the Plan, unconditionally and in surrender, I will bless you, My children.
Placing My hands on your hearts and sharing the Grace of God in your lives, in the name of the Father, the Son, and of the Holy Spirit. Amen.
Before you sing the Hymn of Consecration, which is a moment for the renewal of vows for all, I want to say good-bye to this New Earth Community, knowing that it will always be in My Heart and I will be in you, making you feel My presence, giving you strength in each moment that you need it, lifting you from the ground, sheltering you in My arms, having you feel the beat of My Heart.
And covering you with My Mantle, I will submerge you all in My Peace, in which you will be able to see the Light of the Father, His infinite Mercy, and His Compassion; and any situation will be dissolved, because the child that invokes the Mother of God is taken care of, protected, and assisted. The child of God who invokes the Heavenly Mother is within Her Universal Heart.
I thank you and until next time.
My spiritual abundance is shared and is distributed among all those who are true devotees to My Eucharistic Heart.
Thus, this abundance, which is limitless and infinite, reaches souls in the form of rays of light, which bring all the virtues and gifts that the consciousnesses need in order to take steps towards Me.
Spiritual abundance will allow you to access My most intimate treasures held in the temple of the heart and kept for each one of Mine who are willing to, beyond the mind, penetrate what the Source of My Wonders can do for humanity.
All are placed in the line of patience to receive into their hands this Source of spiritual abundance, which comes to the world to attend to the needs of hearts.
Open to the Source of manifestation and you will find all the answers after your lives are fully part of the Divinity of the Father, and in the Divinity of the Father you will have more time to reconsider and to decide which side you will be on when everything occurrs.
I thank you for keeping My Words in your heart!
Who blesses you,
Your Master and Lord, Christ Jesus
I thank you for keeping this prayer in your hearts!
Who blesses you,
Your Master and Lord, Christ Jesus
Those who have nothing, those who want nothing, those who are poor of spirit and pure of heart will be the pillars of the redemptive work of My Mercy.
In those who aspire for nothing, in those who expect nothing, in those who are empty of themselves establish the pillars of the work of My Mercy and through them I can do more than with hundreds of workers in a vineyard.
By your fruits, you will be recognized, because all that you unite to in Heaven will be united on Earth, and all that you disunite with in Heaven will be disunited on Earth.
This is the time to recognize the virtues and gifts that I make flourish within the hearts of the simple. It is also time to recognize My Face in the fellow being, in the one who is alone, in the one who is sick, in the thirsty and in the one in agony, because all you do for the least of Mine, you do it for Me.
This is the moment to relieve the heavy cross of suffering, of indifference and of error that hundreds of souls commit, day by day, before the salvific Love of God.
It is the time that, within each one of you, you confirm your surrender to My Sacred Heart.
I bless you and thank you for keeping My Words in your heart.
Your Master and Lord, Jesus Christ
Offer God all the fruits that this next Marathon of Mercy may yield so that such fruits may be used as an offering of reverence and of love, so that your Master and Lord may give them as a testimony of love and of devotion to the Eternal Father.
Offer the best of yourselves so that your Master may continue to intervene in the spiritual situation of humanity, so that hundreds of records may continue to be dissolved by the descent of the Christic Light.
Do not fail to offer the most of yourselves so that in this offering the Kingdoms of Nature, which are outraged, may also receive a new opportunity of learning and of evolving in other spheres of consciousness.
Offer this Marathon as a lifeline for the most lost, but also offer your prayers for the serious situations unknown to all, situations that only your Master and Lord sees.
Offer each moment as if it were the last so that the triumph and the victory of Christ may continue to be given to the human heart, so that the talents may awaken and all the gifts that dwell in each soul of the Earth may be given to God.
Offer your hearts, because there is still time to cry out for Mercy, before the time of Justice comes.
I thank you for keeping My Words in your heart!
Who blesses you,
Your Master and Lord, Christ Jesus
Association Mary
Founded in December of 2012, at the request of the Virgin Mary, Association Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception, is a religious association without ties to any institutionalized religion. It has a philosophical-spiritual, ecumenical, humanitarian, charitable, cultural character, and it supports all activities that are indicated through the instructions transmitted by Christ Jesus, the Virgin Mary, and Saint Joseph. Read more