My dears:

Today I come as the Fisher of souls so that, recognizing My Face in the world you may be served of My favorite Love to diffuse My savior Message in this world.

I know that many seem to be tired of walking towards the infinite that never ends. I tell you that in love you may carry lovingly the cross that My Kingdom hands to you and that you may be thankful for receiving in My Name the rays of redemption and of conversion.

I ask you that you do not lower the arms but that you open your hearts to receive My Commandments, those which will order for you the life in spirit and in service. Dear companions:

The tasks of the servers for the end of times are blessed with the possibility of the awakening of more hearts to the path of redemption and of forgiveness. Know that it will be through those who are willing to serve Me until the limit that My Redeemer Plan in the world will be fulfilled, and this will be before My Return to the suffered world.

Your essences must be like flowers in My Hands so that My Spirit may be able to present them as an offer of redemption before God. You are with Me whenever you say yes and I will be for longer time whenever you simply open to Me the door of the heart.

Come and walk with Me because I will always protect you and guide you.

I thank all of those who serve Me without delay and who donate to Me the time for the Greater Work.

Under the Love of the Father, be merciful.

Thank you for receiving My words in the heart!

Christ Jesus, the Savior and Lord of the souls.


As a worker in the path of the souls, My Heart conducts and straightens the pathway of those who have separated themselves from My Father.

By means of the Divine Mercy My steps guide each one of the souls towards the purpose of the Father.

My dears:

I love those who in sacrifice surrender themselves to the plans of My Heart because in this way I will be able to deposit My Gifts so that Mercy may be radiated to the world. Rest today in My Arms because in this way I will comfort you again and I will relieve you. Follow My Path in love, peace and unity.

Under the Love of the Father, be blessed.

Thank you for listening to My words with the heart!

Christ Jesus. 


Praised be the children who come to Me! Because theirs is the Kingdom of the Heavens.

Praised be the little souls of the children who pray with Me! Because through them My Heart will liberate and give light to fallen souls.

Praised be the children who come to Me! Because in them I will deposit My New Gifts, those which will give fruit in the Promised Earth through their little hearts.

Dear children and My brothers and sisters:

Today I call you to become like children so that it may awaken in you the humility and the simplicity of loving the God of Love above all things.

Dears, it is time to throw the nets of love and of redemption so that more followers and non-followers of Mine may be able to awaken to the life of Spirit. My Sacred Heart, full of Graces and of Mercy will work through your essences. For this, it is necessary to keep the inner house in order, the temple of the heart of each one of you so that My reconciling Spirit may visit and guide you, step by step.

Dear companions, today I give you My paternal Hug of love so that you may find in Me the relief that you need and thus you may reach the Grace of the conversion that your beloved Father waits for so much from you.

Come to Me and do not get tired to come, open the door of the heart and allow to emanate from you the Source of Love so that it may be radiated to those who most need peace.

We are in times of imminent Graces, inexplicable for humanity, for this the inexhaustible source of My Heart will be able to unite itself to you by means of the prayer that renovates all things. I Am returning to give life to your spirits and to renovate in life your hearts. Just open the way so that the Shepherd may be able to guide you in Love and in Redemption.

Blessed be the meek of heart because they will be like children in the New Promised Earth, the Earth blessed by God Father.

Under the Love and the Good of the Father, be blessed.

Thank you for receiving My words in the heart!

Christ Jesus. 


Leave all that you feel and observe, guarding in the heart all that may be similar to you or all that may be indifferent to you. Pray with Me so that My rays may be able to impregnate each state that the consciousness lives.

Do not disturb your heart with what may happen. Allow the neutrality of My Heart to conquer you so that you may learn in My humility and in inner transparence.

Rejoice whenever something against your thoughts and feelings is said because each stair that you climb will mean a new experience to be lived. In this way you will find the essence of being in the emptiness of yourself and you will not search for a mental explanation for each situation in life.

The souls must carry and bear in their spiritual evolution the weight of the personality or of what the world calls ego. To work for My Father means to die to oneself every day, to die to oneself for what one lives or to die to oneself for what is said to one. For this you must acquire a noble and peaceful spirit so that the issues between the consciousnesses may not become divisions and there may begin to be a lack of love towards the neighbor.

Take the example of My Path with the Apostles and there you will see the Infinite Love that was radiated to all of them. Without love, unity will be impossible realize and consequently the plans of My Father will be restricted by the consciousnesses.

For this participate with the heart of the source of My Mercy and you will be able to see how everything works out whenever there is the value of transforming oneself.

Humanity as a whole still needs much mercy and piety. May your hearts be the channel so that My Source may be able to be poured and in this way My Spirit may be able to heal your deep beings, your unconscious.

Each lesson that presents itself in the life of My Disciples presents itself in order to demonstrate the degree of love reached from the experience of consecration to Me. For this is needed great bravery so that amongst My Followers may be transcended the obstacles of consciousness and the veils that divide the unity between My Flocks.

You will see that between My Heart and the Heart of My Mother reigns the unity between Ourselves and God because there reigns the Love to the same Purpose.

Under the Love of the Father, be united and merciful.

Thank you for guarding My words in the heart!

Christ Jesus, the Instructor. 


Dear brothers and sisters in the Most Holy Mary:

I Am here, over this Center of Prayer and devotion, to share with you My Graces and My Piety, divine merits that have been poured throughout these days through your honest answer to My Heart.

Dear companions, I do not separate Myself from you, not even for a moment, for this, keep the door of the heart open so that My Holy Spirit may visit you in honor and in praise to the one and only God of Love.

Dear and little sheep of Mine: your flock, the favorite to Me, must grow in love, in unity and in faith, so that your lives may be the depository of new gifts and new sheep that may want to find a way out through the instruction that I give to you.

My new cycle over the Earth and humanity is approaching; through prayer and the unity of your consciousnesses with Me in this sacred week, not only did there arise the superior opportunity of the liberation of souls imprisoned by their own suffering, but also, My Mercy and My Greater Grace were poured over those leaders who will need the light of the Father to make decisions about My beloved humanity.

With this I say to you My dear friends that My Heart blessed the new Holy Father, with the aim that he may represent in fidelity My beloved Apostle Peter, the guardian of the Doors of Heaven.

In this way you may feel in your hearts how My Light was poured this time over the world, light that has touched especially all the missionaries that have served Me in the whole world for a long time, those called missionaries of love and charity.

My Heart of Light has embraced with so much compassion the helpless and unprotected in what are called refugee camps, so that through My intercession My Spirit embraced in the Kingdom all of those who may have gone to hell.

My dears, perceive with the heart how is the greatness of your Father who is in the universes. Contemplate the immensity of the source of the Mercy and the Piety that He pours through His Holy Beloved Son.

My brothers and sisters, you have pleased My Heart with the good acts that you have professed by means of the daily exercise of living in My Passion.  As definitive glory My Soul was able to touch again with Its Love the heart of some families and youth that, divided between soul and body, took up again the path of reconciliation and of conversion in this way being able to forgive the faults committed against the God of Love.

For all of this, My Consciousness that was contemplated and adored in all of the Earth, brings with it the gifts of the Holy Spirit that were radiated over those that opened themselves to live the inner state of My Passion, remembering the path of experience and of life that My Heart left as a legacy for all of My followers and non-followers.

My dears, see how infinite is My Mercy; once again, on this day, My Heart absolves you, forgives you and makes you find again the path of redemption.

I wait that in the coming Holy Week of the year of 2014 I may find you so united to Me as you have been today. Dears, because the works of Heaven are accomplished by means of the faithful and obedient servers who are in Christ over the face of the Earth.

Under the Merciful Power of God, be blessed and joyful.

Thank you for accomplishing My requests from the heart!

Your Beloved, Christ Jesus, the Redeemer Shepherd.


Dear brothers and sisters in My Father the Most High:

It has been a while since I have seen as today, a flock so united to My Purpose.

To those who are tired, I give you My Rest.

To those who are overwhelmed, I give you My Eternal Relief.

To those who suffer in the depths of the heart, I give you My Courage, My Faith, My Mercy.

In this way I want to see My New Soldiers of the end of the times, disposed beyond themselves, surrendered beyond their wills, encouraged beyond any inner concern, because whoever trusts in Me, will prevail in this life and beyond life, whoever trusts in Me, will not fear, will have courage, courage that they will receive from the bravery of the Holy Spirit.

When once I said that My Good News was preached in My Name, I wanted to say that always My Words would be in those who were willing to overcome themselves out of love for others.

Dears, I wish that all at the same time could reach the Light of My Kingdom, because this Kingdom of Peace, Love and Glory is for all, but few servers are willing to abandon their old garments, so that, free, they may find Me as the only refuge of the hearts.

For this I ask according to the readiness of My Flocks, because I know that your lives are weak, but they may become strong as My Spirit, in order to receive always My Call.

I am here to bless you and thank you for the perseverance of the heart.

Dears, prayer moves and liberates the hearts, for this your answer has touched the depths of My Being and in this way, has given comfort to the God of Love.  Justice has been lighter for those that would receive it strongly, this means that your seeds of love and prayer have been deposited in My Heart, I was repaired and restored by the love of your spirits.

For this I invite you to follow Me beyond yourselves, because what I want to reveal to you is not from this world, it comes from the Universe to find all My Followers.  Guard the love that I radiate in your hearts.

I love you beyond the existence of each essence.  I conduct you and I give you My Eternal Peace.

Under the Light and the Grace of the Father, be blessed.

Thank you for answering to My Requests with the heart.

Your Lord, Christ Jesus  


Dear ones,

Praised be your hearts because you will be able to be in My Glory when you just follow My Saving Path.

Through My Holy Cross, I redeemed the world and I liberated from hell many essences that were condemned to eternal suffering. Today I no longer carry the heavy cross of your world, but I will return to give Eternal Life to that which seems to be dead in life. I will come to give My Spirit to that which seems to be empty.

With Me, in Me and together with Me, you will never lose the light that I provide to you from the Kingdom of My Father. Who lives in Me, I promise that they will not suffer, not even in the hour of the death, as your humble heart will find the eternal light that you have searched for so much.

For this, My dears, today do not only meditate upon what I gave for you. I ask you that you see My Sacrifice for the world as the victory of redemption over evil. Meditate upon My Passion as a Glory of the Spirit and of the Will of My Father so that, united as one flock, you may find the Doors of Paradise open.

I only ask you to serve Me, to love Me and to love the neighbor as I loved you, even in My last moments. Now My Love is strong, powerful and unfathomable for those who just renounce to themselves so that My Divine Spirit may be able to enter.

Dear ones, may this Holy Friday be honored and confirmed by all of you as the definite return of your lives to My Celestial Life, of your hearts to My Sacred Heart, of your missions to My Sacred Planetary Mission.

May no one lose the devotion of having Me by their side because, in truth, I tell you, that before I come in Spirit to your encounter during this day, I already knew each one of your consciousnesses.

With this be partakers of My Omnipresence in Heaven and on Earth.

Dear ones, I make you walk by My side, remembering My Passion, because today you will relieve the burden that the world places in My Poor Heart. Look at Me! See the resplendence of My Eyes, wise eyes of kindness that in love want to bring you the Light and to the Eternal Love of My Father.

May today emanate from you the consecration and confirmation of your souls to My Heart.

Under the Mercy of the Father, be blessed.

Thank you for responding to My precepts with the heart!

I thank you for listening to Me, My beloved sheep!

Christ Jesus, the Savior and Redeemer


I Am with you when you are only in Me.

I Am with you when you only say yes to Me.

I Am with you when you open the door to Me so that My Sacred Heart may be able to enter.

I Am with you when you allow Me to be in your hearts.

You will be My good companions when you only follow Me in spite of the tiredness, of the pain or of the loneliness that you may feel in your lives.

Dears, do not forget that I Am the inexhaustible Source for your lives. I Am the path that guides you, I Am the light that illuminates you, I Am the truth that is revealed when you only let Me reveal it before your eyes.

Dear companions, the last boat of salvation is passing through the life of all of the souls and My Mercy is the bridge that unites your hearts with the path of the definite salvation. My Eyes are already separating the straw from the wheat, the ripe fruit from the unripe fruit, because as your Shepherd I need instruments that may be able to be conducted by the wisdom of My Hands.

I Am returning, not to be your judge in face of the judgment. I will come because I want to be the mediator between you and God, I want to be the presence of Piety and of Mercy that may indicate to you a renovated and new path towards Paradise.

If you knew My Kingdom of Love you would never descend from it because in My Kingdom there are many dwellings and dwellers who, in eternity and good, serve the God of Love.

Dear friends, may your hope not disappear. May the sincere and humble love reign among you, love that will be radiated by the power and the strength of My Redeeming Love. Prepare yourselves to recognize Me in those where My Glorified Heart will land to radiate peace to the world and good to the souls. Only open the door of the heart so that I may enter.

Under the good and the Love of God, be blessed.

Thank you for guarding My words in the heart!

Christ Jesus


The eyes that open themselves through prayer see with understanding and with wisdom because whoever perseveres by means of My Heart will walk in faith for all of eternity.

My dears,

May united in My Spirit your hearts radiate all the good and the loving that they live. In this way this light will be able to reach the world that urgently needs it to quench the thirst for love and for peace.

I conduct you towards My Kingdom. May no one lose the inner strength to follow Me and to unite themselves to My Redeeming Path.

Dears, I Am by your side to accompany you through this pathway that must be guided by the wisdom of My Heart.

Companions, follow the path traced for your conversion and redemption. Now all of the souls are called to recognize My Blessed Heart. I need true servers that may transmit My Only and True Message through the wise examples of life and by means of the important source that service represents for all of My Servers.

Dears, I prepare you day by day for something greater, something that you still do not know but that you will soon know when you only pray and vigil with Me.

Dears, take a moment so that My Presence may be among you because soon the Shepherd will come to dine at your table and He will call at the door of your heart.

Wait for Me with ardent love and devotion.

Under the Love of the Father, be blessed.

Thank you for receiving My words in the heart!

Christ Jesus, the Redeemer.


Dear Children:

I will not leave any of My ones lonely not even for one moment. Just take care all of the days of your life so that the door is kept open so that I may enter.  May it always be open because My Spirit of Love will want to enter.

My dears, may the emptiness that your hearts may be feeling not be bigger than the immensity of the love that I have for each one of you. Be firm before the tests that the Universe of My Father sends to you because after crossing the abysses of life My Sacred Heart will receive you in Paradise.

For this acquire merit in the life of charity and of love, do not separate yourselves from Me, not even for one moment because it will be in the hardest moments of life that I will confirm your presence inside of My Redeemer Task.

Dears, do not fear for the veils of vanity and pride to vanish from your lives because I will always help you to cross the dark night of the heart.  After a dark night will come the day for those who in joy and gladness may recognize it.  Open day by day the source of your hearts so that My Words may spring like a beautiful flower of love in each essence of love.

I just ask you that you may live day by day through My Messages because in this way your consciousnesses will be corresponding to My Savior Call.

Dear children of My Father:

Enter into My Source of Mercy so that the Water of Life may purify you and prepare you so that you may receive Me through the Holy Communion. I Am with you all of the times that you permit Me to. I thank you for your full trust in My Heart.

Under the Love and the Light of the Father, be blessed.

Thank you for receiving My words in the heart!

Christ Jesus, the Consoler of the hearts.


My dears:

May My Shepherd Heart be present amongst you and may you be in My Heart and you be able to take, as missionaries, My Message of salvation to the world.

May your example of charity awaken the need for serving in those who do not serve. May your example of surrender activate the need for consecration in those who do not consecrate themselves to My Heart. May your example of fraternal love reflect itself in those who still do not love God so that they may learn to love the Creator above all things.

Through this path of constant surrender My Redeemer Spirit accompanies you. Remember My companions, that you are attempting day by day to become detached from yourselves and to leave behind your projects for the realization of My Greater Project. In consequence, My friends, you will encounter all that is difficult for yourselves but My purifying and liberating Fire will penetrate you whenever you open for an instant the door of the heart.

My dears, today together with the Immaculate Heart I confirm to you that My Universal Mother will continue to be your Mother of Consolation, of Relief, of Hope, your Mother of Grace and of Mercy.

If you have come to the desert of your life, I ask you, dear sheep, dear disciples, that you do not lower your arms, that you feel that with each surrender made by you to My Sacred Heart that you are repairing the great outrages that Humanity sends to Me day by day.

For this know that I Am with you, I am at your side carrying the cross of the great transformation so that in the same way as the Cyrene of Jerusalem, you may victoriously take the steps towards your conversion and redemption.

I want that today in love your eyes may glow with light and that your lips, through prayer, may pronounce devout praises to the Celestial Father.

May My Mercy always be able to accompany you, to distance you from sin and in this way you may be able to enter the Eternal Temple of My Heart.

One more time I gather you in the name of Peace and of Good, of Charity and of Service to the whole world.

Many of My followers in this last cycle will confirm the Christic path that My Steps mark for all. Tirelessly I Am with you because I know that these times will need My Omnipresent Spirit of Love.

Under the Love and the Good of the Father, be blessed.

Thank you for considering My words with the Heart!

Your Redeemer, Christ Jesus.


Whenever your hearts are stained from faults, My Heart pours Its Blood to wash you and purify you from every disturbance. Such is the immensity of My Mercy because My Truth makes itself truth and wisdom in those who in humility recognize their mistakes.

My Rays move along through the path of your world to be able to touch with My Light those who have abruptly separated themselves from the Creator. For this wait for My Presence every day and do not lose the hope to convert entirely your lives to My Wise Heart.

I Am with you even in mistakes. Have courage to leave behind whatever ties you to the past. Do not fear how many times you fall before Me, fear ever forgetting to ask Me for Help so that I may be able to accompany you to take the cross that My Father has entrusted to you.

Relieve the heart in My Heart through the power of My Wisdom. May your spirit seek to be united to My Spirit despite the tests because in this way you will allow Me to help your consciousnesses.

Accept My Forgiveness and walk in the faith that awakens through the strength of your devotion.

I Am with you, My sons and daughters.

Under the Mercy of the Father, be blessed.

Thank you for guarding My words in the heart!

Christ Jesus.



Guard your essences in My Heart because there, in this Powerful Heart, evil will not find you. Do not fear the onslaughts that My Sheep may receive because God will always protect you under the intercession of His Celestial Messengers.

Walk through the path of challenges and sacrifice, those which are presenting themselves to your lives, and together with Me drink from the chalice that in this times I Am serving to you for love and mercy.

May nobody despair, but vigil. May the soul vigil with Me because it is not a normal time and many must awake from the dream that the modernities of the world have woven, as for example the competitions.

The best keys to win the battles are love and prayer, an unknown path for those consciousnesses who still must redeem themselves. Unity will mark the next path to be travelled, for this it will be important to answer in an immediate way to the needs that may present themselves.

Be attentive to those who will try to pass off as My Presence because the Earth, your world, in its totality is in redemption. Sustain with your hands the flag of the victory of My Light and even though the wind of the enemy tries to make you fall, do not fear, call My Name that I will quickly answer to your need.

The time that was written is being fulfilled, for this go to the encounter with the world in a careful and prayerful way so that My Followers may be as transparent as water and as invisible as silence.

I Am with you because the definition of the flocks is already coming. In love prepare My Path of return so that I may soon enter your houses.

Wait for Me because I will come in the silence of the night.

Under the Love of the Father, be blessed.

Thank you for interiorizing My words in the heart.

Christ Jesus, the Consoler. 


My Dears:

To all of those who want to consecrate themselves, may they consecrate themselves to My Sacred Heart because this act of humility that comes from the soul will be worth more than a thousand of formal consecrations.

The path of consecration is a path of transcendence and renunciation, of encounter with the Supreme Will to abandon the personal will, it is a path of humility in order to renounce the vanity that the world awakens to.

May no one despair for not being able to be formally consecrated because the greatest consecration is the life of prayer, the inner dialogue with God to find the balsam for the spirit. May those who already walk in consecration elevate their aspirations every day so that I may convert them into My Wills and, consequently, convert them into precious decisions for your lives.

Vigil through this path of consecration. And may your eyes raise themselves in order to recognize that only in the High, where My Eternal Father is, will you find the infinite path of union with God through the consecration of your hearts to Me. The soul that consecrates itself to My Heart finds in the emptiness of itself the new dwelling, the dwelling of the Holy Spirit.

Under the Love of the Father, be merciful and kind.

Thank you for guarding My words in the heart!

Christ Jesus. 


My dear brothers and sisters:

May I in this time be able to awake in you the sublime humility of the heart so that your lives may liberate themselves from the identification with the things of the world and, in this way, you may walk in consecration to My Eternal and Sacred Heart.

Dears, may the path of competition and of the recognitions amongst men and women of this world be distant from My servers. May prayer be the only path that takes them towards the encounter with Me, with My Kingdom of Love. Because the love of My Heart and the love amongst My companions will allow them to defeat the great atavisms of consciousness, as are pride and vanity. May your hearts, before these attitudes of the world, strengthen themselves by the living the spirit of fraternity and redemption.

My Blessed Heart is open so that you may adore it as a temple of prayer and devotion, a temple of the Beloved God that will protect you from the attitudes of your own selves. For this go through the path of peace and may peace be the reason to gather in the Light all of My sheep.

I wait for the awakening of new flocks. So that it may happen and all may be partakers of My Mercy My servers will be as the living bridge of love and charity. In this way the greater number of souls will cross the threshold towards My Heart.

I wait for you always in patience and in love. Love each other compassionately, in this way the world will be a little more relieved.

Under the Grace of the Father, be blessed.

Thank you, children, for guarding My words in the heart!

Christ Jesus.


My dear companions:

Today I take you all towards the depths of My Heart and through this emblem of union with Me I gather you around My Presence so that you may be able to comply with the commandments of My Father.

Dear friends: I know that many of you are about to cross the great threshold of the inner desert in order to thus live the transformation that the Father needs of your lives. He sends Me today for love to you, for love to the whole humanity. My Mercy is today the balsam awaited by your hearts, the one which by means of the Grace poured by Me, will give you strength to walk, love to be able to live and faith to believe in My Powerful Redeemer Word.

Today I am not only with you but also with your brothers and sisters who in this time of infinite mercy are united to My Sacerdotal Spirit.

My dears, I also see in you an intense inner depletion. I ask you to concentrate your faith in My Eternal Faith, your despair in My Comfort, your pain in My Compassion. I love you, I love you so much that I gave the life for you so that your generations would be able to be present in life in this time. Just abandon yourselves in My Arms because My Heart has already received the precious consecration of your souls.

Know, My companions, that the true soldier of Light is formed through the effort in serving and loving God above all things. I adore those who give all for their friends because they will convert themselves into eternal servers of My Kingdom.

While My Spirit circulates throughout the world, pouring Graces and Forgiveness, I ask you that you be brave every day and that you do not lower the banner of peace and redemption.

Dears, I am returning in Omnipresent Spirit in order to let you know the eternal life for your consciousnesses. I encounter in you a luminous path full of blessings.

What else do you want for your lives if from the Cross I completely gave you My Holy Mother?

My friends: entrench your faith in My Immaculate Heart because for you It will be the path of return to My Dwellings.

I thank you for lovingly receiving Me.

Under the Eternal Love of the Father, be blessed.

Thank you for receiving My instructions in the heart!

Christ Jesus, the Redeemer of the world. 


It is a step for the consciousness to recognize that it commits faults towards Me but My Heart will free you from all so that you may not feel guilty.

The path of transcendence of the self starts when you awaken for the life of the spirit because in this way, seeking this union with the Father everyday, the soul approximates itself to the earthly consciousness.

Now that the times change, My Heart observes the great faults in the world but, the surrender and the trust in My Spirit by all those who in consciousness recognize their mistakes, allows for the relief of My Heart, transforms these mistakes in love and restores, through prayer, the consequences of these faults.

My Love for you is infinite and each fault that is recognized by My disciple and is offered to Me means the victory of My Kingdom of Love in the heart of all of the beings. Do not fear to tell Me what it is that ties you to the material life. Confidently await for the aid of My Heart that will always be in the correct moment.

I gather you around My Heart so that you may remember that I will not judge you for whatever makes you stumble day by day in life. I Am the Liberator of the world and I Am the Shepherd of Love who wants to pour over you the infinite lights of His Heart so that in this way you may find light on the path.

If you are in darkness, light My Light calling for the strength of My Redeemer Love. I will always come to your aid so that with braveness you may follow the path of consecration and of transformation. I raise you from the ground so that you may walk again following the footprints of My steps. If My disciple transforms themselves, as a consequence, the world will be transformed and everything will be saved at the right time.

Under the Eternal Light of the Father, be blessed.

Thank you for guarding My Light in your hearts!

Christ Jesus, Your Consoler. 


Dear brothers and sisters,

Praised be the Most Holy Mary and Saint Joseph, Parents of the Sacred Family!

On this day of Glory, may the humble spirit of love of the blessed Most Chaste Saint Joseph resonate within you. In opening the spring of your hearts, may you receive the divine balm of the Grace of the Laborer of God.

My followers, may this day of celestial and universal meeting with the Chaste Heart represent for you a new path of trust in the plans of the Father.

After the past century, the Most Sacred Hearts of the Holy Mary and of Saint Joseph have addressed the world and souls in a special way so that all of humanity may recognize the most important devotion to these wise Christic Hearts, so as to:

  • liberate the serious faults of the world,
  • experience the Most Sacred Hearts in spirit, as faithful mediators before God,
  • be able to save the world from irreversible consequences,
  • establish peace in the world for a longer time.

These Most Sacred Hearts have lovingly offered themselves to be the safe bridge of Light that carries souls to the encounter with the Master Jesus, as well as They have offered themselves to awaken a true devotion to the Sacred Heart of Jesus.

My dear ones, thus you will be able to understand with your hearts that the special celestial coming of the Most Chaste Heart of Saint Joseph will awaken a deeper love for God in you, through the spiritual fatherhood that the beloved Saint Joseph radiates to the children of the Father.

And through the union of the Most Sacred Hearts of the Holy Mary and of Saint Joseph with the venerable and blessed Heart of Jesus, in this new time, humanity will be able to receive the Grace of repairing all the faults that have been generated during the past Twentieth Century.

The power of the love of the Sacred Family is a precious project of life that is in the plans of God and that will be gestated in the next humanity. For this reason, your attitude of love and surrender to the Most Chaste Heart of Saint Joseph will determine the possibility that this holy spiritual father of souls be able to intercede for the world before the Thrones of the Father for a longer time.

Let the example of humility and devotion, as well as of virtue, along with the trust that Saint Joseph had in God, be the reasons for awakening in you that trust and love for the designs of the Father.

In this era, may March 19 of 2013 remain permanently held as a remembrance and blessing for all of you. Let the Holy Father of families accompany you and unite all the families of the world, so that in these times they may be in the eternal Heart of God.

Receive this Divine Grace as if you were being born again before the eyes of the Father so that, united with the infinite Love of the Three Sacred Hearts, you may confirm your surrender in assistance and service to humanity, above all to the God of Love.

Under the spirit of the Love of God, may you be blessed.

Bliss and Joy!

Hail beloved Heart of Saint Joseph!

In Peace,

Christ Jesus


When the spirit of love, truth and devotion is present near to My Heart and are being radiated by My beloved companions, I will already be able to say that a part of the mission of love and redemption will be fulfilled, because it is through My Flocks that the Shepherd can realize the good works so that the heart of His children may achieve eternity.

As I Am among you every day I bring to you from My Kingdom the peace and the benediction that will give you the strength to continue walking among the tribulation and the continuous sin produced by the world.

My dears,

May My Heart be the shield that protects you from all that may want to separate you from My Father and from the path of sanctity, as also from the path of conversion.  Elevating your voices towards the High today, My Eternal Spirit listens to the greatness of the love and of the surrender of the children of God.

May this impetus of consecration and surrender be a balm of peace for those who still are not able to surrender themselves to the magnificence of My Savior Kingdom.  That by encountering you every day in prayer, may My Soul be a part of your spirit so that in honor of My Sacerdotal Consciousness may be dissolved the disharmonies of the world.

Nothing is left behind at the moment of consecrating yourself to My Heart.  My Followers are those that, through the example of surrender will expel in My Sanctified Name the evils of the world.

May no one lose the hope of finding Me in the great tests of life.  Call Jesus because Jesus the Liberator and Redeemer of the people will be present to aid those who may proclaim their trust and faith in the Most High God.

My companions, the times demand that the children of My Father pass through the great celestial fire that will purify you little by little, the Divine Fire of the Holy Spirit that will place you on the level of the humility of the works of My Father.

Be responsible to My call, I will help you.

Under the Love of the Eternal Father, be blessed of soul and of heart.

I bless you all eternally.

Your Savior and Redeemer,

Christ Jesus


My Heart needs to have an important space in your lives, a place that is irreplaceable before the presence of My Merciful Face.

But as I come from My Father and I expect that My followers learn, I await that the they offer the space that I need to enter in the dwelling of each heart.

The time of My Coming is approaching and My servants will have to contend with the accelerated rhythm of the changes and with the time that they will have to dedicate to the presence of My Heart. A disciple without an instructor is like walking the paths without a compass.

That the true guide to your souls and your hearts may be the presence of the Sacred Heart, that knows you, loves you, knows well about each of Its Children.  Do not allow that the urgencies of the time, that disturb your harmony, take the time from you to be more in Me.

Be brave before the final changes foreseen for humanity; keep the memory of My Presence in you lives so that you will be able to have a firm heart to take the steps; a contemplative soul to adore Me; and a peaceful spirit to carry the immensity of My Peace.

I give you My Peace, and with My Peace I redeem you, and I love you deeply.

Under the Love of the Father, be blessed.

Thank you for taking My words to the heart!

Christ Jesus.


Who are we?

Association Mary
Founded in December of 2012, at the request of the Virgin Mary, Association Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception, is a religious association without ties to any institutionalized religion. It has a philosophical-spiritual, ecumenical, humanitarian, charitable, cultural character, and it supports all activities that are indicated through the instructions transmitted by Christ Jesus, the Virgin Mary, and Saint Joseph. Read more
