If you are tired of carrying your own cross and if in some moment the worries of life are greater than your efforts, trust in My Divine Mercy.
If your will sometimes is greater than Mine and your opinions and ideas become mixed together, trust in My Divine Mercy.
If your love is as meager as your weaknesses and make your little heart to suffer, trust in My Divine Mercy.
If the steps that you take towards Me are sometimes converted into tardiness and endless delays, trust in My Divine Mercy.
I Am that Infinite and Pious Love that may help you and tirelessly encourage you to walk, to make you live and be reborn in the darkness, because whoever follows in My Footsteps will never lose the way.
Do as Zacharias who, among the multitude and without knowing Me, sought My merciful glance. You must know that I never forget those who are prepared to live My Path. I am everywhere, I Am the Breath of the Spirit of My Father that wanders around the dwelling places of the good ones.
Follow Me in trust. I Am the Source that will quench your bitter thirst. Open the door of your heart to Me every day and I will say to you what to do in the difficult hours.
Stay with Me because My Mantle will protect you from the intense cold of the night.
Stay with Me by My side because My warmth will burn as a Fire of Love in your heart.
Stay with Me because My Light will embrace the expansion and the course of your paths.
Stay with Me because My Eyes will illuminate the paths of your life.
Stay with Me so that I may embrace you strongly and make you feel that in sacrifice is found love and liberation.
Do not stop being with Me because I wish to accomplish My Project in your little life.
Stay with me in trust and only say yes to Me.
Under the Light of the Father, be blessed.
Thank you for living in My Eternal Heart!
Christ Jesus of Salvation
My Merciful Heart is present even in the smallest oversights because My Silent Heart accompanies the steps of the persevering ones and of those who are adepts to My Christic Energy.
I wish that on this day My Heart be filled with bliss as the Sacred Project of communication of the Divine Message through a television network, organized and thought according to the plans of the Father, the Mercy Mary project, is already giving fruits so that the souls may be able to be nourished with the Divine Message in a correct and loving way.
Dear companions, as it has been already two years since the birth of the Portal of the Voice and Echo of the Most Holy Mary, today is reborn and reemerges the portal of the Voice and Echo of the Divine Messengers that will accompany and will support the new television projects that will be born with the help of all.
For this, for this important day of celebration and Glory, My Meek Heart lovingly summons all of the servers of the Plan, those who may know how to perform a television project that will help spiritually in the plan of planetary rescue.
It has already been said in the teachings of the past that the Spiritual Hierarchy would communicate itself with the greatest possible number of consciousnesses in order for them to be able wake up and to support the Savior Plan. Now that the Plan of collaboration and of help is urgent for all, and that the initial project of Mercy Mary TV has already experienced some strong and enriching experiences of faith and of formation, the Christic Hierarchy summons again to serve all of those who have not yet made their decision so that they may be carriers of collaboration and of service to the Hierarchy.
It is time for this project of communication that, through the Divine Hierarchies, intends to redeem humanity, may be able to grow and to receive the help that it needs. This sacred media, which at the beginning was not understood by many, has always intended and intends to bring peace, love and light into the homes of all the collaborators and of the non-collaborators.
Christ Jesus thanks all the group of work and all of those who in faith have helped to materialize this project and the Marian pilgrimages throughout the world because many treacherous doors have been closed, entire hells have been closed in big cities, the cosmic forgiveness has been achieved by many and Mercy has allowed the reconciliation of all of the beings with God.
In Peace we always are. For the Plan of Love we work. In Christ Jesus we walk.
Thanks to all of My sheep!
Under the Light of the Father, be blessed.
Thank you for working with Me!
Christ Jesus
I wish day and night that you may live in the Eternal Love of My Heart, because My Project for you is perfect and un-transferable. My Merciful Rays protect those who, in humility and transparency, may respond to My Call.
I want to remain for more time in your lives. I profoundly long for living My Spiritual Life through your simple hearts. The time to reveal the truth to the world is being approached and nothing will remain without being known, because the greater universe will show to all its true face, hidden to the eyes of the incredulous, to those who denied My Father.
My Merciful Source comes from the spring of endless love that emerges from the Spiritual Heart of Abba, Your Father; from there proceeds all and from the Source of the Love of God you have been born to the material life. Your spirits are fleeting sparks in the universe, but as human events overtake the life of many, many souls are lost from living in ignorance and in lack of faith.
My Heart that is meek, humble and kind, is willing to return to the world of chaos to establish eternal peace among humans and God. I return first in Divine and Immaterial Spirit, so that soon My Apostles may awaken to the sign of the new time.
I seek those who want to be barefooted from life and those who are encouraged to give Me everything out of love, until it hurts in the bones; when they have come to this extreme of surrender I will comfort them. Know that there are very few who will be emboldened to die to themselves and to be born to the life of the Spirit of My Father.
I encourage all the souls to the new and to the Christic. I build My Inner Castle in the deserts of sand, I cause all things to reappear, I transform the essence, the life and the heart of those who, in honesty and trust, open to Me the door of the heart. I accompany them always in My inner Silence, I listen to them, I calm them and I embrace all in My Sacred and Eternal Heart.
Under the Mercy that comes from God, be blessed.
Thank you for seeking the Essence of My Heart!
Christ Jesus, Your Shepherd
Abandon the past, abandon the ground that your feet are stepping on and submerge now in the restorative ocean of My Divine Mercy.
Allow that in this very moment that I may resolve your life. Surrender to Me in trust all of that which you still have not reached by your own effort. I have the power and the truth that will permit you to know in which moment of life you find yourself. I only need that you remember My presence day and night, and that you may be attentive so as to listen to My silent Voice in the heart of your brothers and sisters.
The time has already come for Me to return to Earth to demonstrate to humanity how much it has been mistaken by not complying with the Project of My Father.
But sometimes the souls are seen trapped in themselves; for this, I say to all of you that I have the secure key that will open the door of liberation in the right moment and in the correct hour.
Construct through your prayer the inseparable unity with My Heart; I need soldiers willing to transmute the evil that the world lives today. I will not leave alone those who call Me; My Merciful Spirit will reveal to you the moment to act through the heart.
Today I bring to you the essence of silence, a silence that is lacking inside and outside the souls. Be representatives of the universal silence so that peace, which is absent from the life of many, may return and reconstruct the home of many families.
The merciful prayer will bring you to discover the silence which I tell you about. See the example of My Silence during the Passion, My Silence during the Last Supper and My Silence during the Resurrection.
The new apostles of Christ will awaken by the strength of silence and of inner prayer; these gifts will allow you to restore the Earth from its eternal suffering.
I contain you. I love you and I bless you.
Under the Love of God, be blessed.
Thank you for seeking the silence of My Heart!
Christ Jesus
The Virgin Mary:
I Am the Most Holy Virgin Mary, Queen and Lady of Perpetual Help, a good mother who follows Her children and never misses the consecration of a soul to God.
The Heavens respond to those who hear the call.
Celebrate and rejoice, God is descending to Earth with His Mercy. The Queen of Heaven opens the doors of the Greater Universe so that the Son of God may descend from the Greater Thrones.
Angels and Archangels celebrate this Communion and meeting. May your hearts celebrate this moment.
Glory in the Heights! Hallelujah to all those who hear the call of the Lord!
I am here in a special way to bless you, awaiting the coming of Jesus from the seventh universe. Let us wait for Him.
Let us pray, dear children, the prayer that I taught humanity in Fatima, sent to the world by the Angel of Peace.
Prayer of the Angel of Peace (in Portuguese).
Dear children, continue to pray the Rosary for peace every day. God is attentive to the voice of your pleas, to the humble prayers of His children and servants. God becomes joyful for those who are reunited in the Heart of the Lord.
Venezuela will have a bit more time of peace, but you must continue to pray so that the whole world may have peace, in all the hearts that suffer.
Jesus is arriving, let us be happy!
Dear children, I am present, waiting with you for the Presence of Jesus.
Sing and open the Heavens.
Song: "Christ Redeemer, Christ of the Light."
Christ Jesus:
The Sacred Hearts honor and praise those that serve through sacrifice for God.
Glorify God at this moment, glorify His Presence, the Source of Unity and of Love for the world, to which all must return after this life, to merge with God and with My Most Sacred Heart.
I Am your shepherd, Who blesses and loves you.
On this afternoon, I have come to the world to testify to a conversion, for the one who lives in Me lives the conversion, the freedom from life and from the past, and a deep reconciliation with God, your Eternal Father.
By the authority that God has given Me, as a part of God and a Cell of His Eternal Presence in all the universes; by the Christification that I have lived in the Passion; by the Blood and the Water poured out upon you out of love and conversion, redemption and the liberation of all faults; and by the precious passage of My Baptism in the River Jordan; My paternal and Christic Spirit blesses this water to consecrate this new soul, that is re-encountering My Sacred Heart after a long time.
Thus, on this afternoon, I institute, in this congregation, Baptism as a spiritual gift to cleanse the faults and the past, and to be born again in My ocean of Life, in My infinite Mercy.
Prayer: Our Father (in Portuguese).
When John the Baptist baptized lives, He was bringing the Holy Spirit to each of those souls. Water, which in this world represents the purity and compassion for all spirits on Earth, is the greatest example of simplicity and chastity for each one of you.
For this reason, may this practice of Baptism be through a state of simplicity, of a deep feeling of the heart, of the love that unites you with God, and thus, God will come to Earth through your essences and hearts.
I teach you, dear companions, to wash your sins through My Mercy and to be reborn in the Greater Light that exists in infinity.
My Message for today is to remind you of Baptism as a gift of healing and of restoration; to be able to again institute My Rays of Mercy and of Pity upon the souls that have been distant from My Heart.
Thus, at this moment, also baptize your lives and spirits, and from My Sacred Heart, receive Peace and absolution so as to begin, on this day, a new path of Light, the path of the apostolate, of service, and of charity out of love and for the redemption of all humanity.
Let the Heavens sing and the beings of Earth rejoice!
The Holy Spirit comes to you.
Dear companions, may the Holy Spirit, at this moment, be a true Gift of peace and of conversion in your lives. May your souls be reborn in My Sacred Heart and, on this new path, may they find hope and faith, gifts of fortitude and of perfect unity with God.
On this afternoon I have also blessed My Body and My Blood so that you may restore the Heart of God and understand, in the face of all these things, that there is something greater for each one of you, which is the Love of My Kingdom, eternity, Paradise.
The soul that is consecrated to Christ prostrates at the foot of My Cross so that I may bless and sanctify it. In this way, that blessing comes for all, mainly for those who open their heart to My eternal Light, My redeeming Light.
My Most Sacred Heart is still present among you to pour out Its Mercy, Its joy and Its goodness upon your souls.
Alejandrino, arise and walk! Follow My footsteps and My paths. Many souls need Me, and so that I may reach all of them, I need My servants, to accomplish My Greater Plan on Earth.
Go in peace.
Argentina! Prepare to receive Me. I will want to see your hearts more open than those I have already seen.
I thank you.
In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.
Mother María Shimani:
Today we had the special visit of our Mother Mary, as the Lady of Perpetual Help.
It was really a surprise for us to have received Her, and Her manifestation was very compelling, together with Her angels, and the visit of an Archangel, awaiting the coming of the Master.
At that moment, we felt and saw that our Mother Mary carried out a planetary work in a matter of minutes. She embraced the whole planet with Her Presence and Her energy. She also drew very much closer to us so that we could be sure that it was really Her Who was present.
She shared that moment of prayer in which She asked us to recite the prayer of the Angel of Peace. At that moment, the Sanctuary of Fatima united with the Marian Center of Figueira as a single Marian channel that gradually expanded throughout the world.
Afterwards, our Master came. The Presence of our Mother Mary was still here, Who shared this moment of consecration.
It was also a surprise for us when the Master asked us to bring a jug of water to carry out the blessing, the Baptism.
In the beginning, we did not understand what He meant with that. But today, He also brought us the moment of His Baptism in the River Jordan. That event He carried until now, to this present moment; and many souls were blessed, mainly those that are not here today. But all of you were also blessed by the Energy of Christ, and our souls were shown clean and purified from sin, from faults, through this act that Christ carried out with His Presence.
He also requested that the brother place himself at the foot of the picture of the Merciful Christ. And during a moment in the Baptism, He said: "Many will want to be baptized."
We asked Him: What shall we do?
Do what I have taught you, what John the Baptist taught, let it be simple and humble, because at the moment of the Baptism, I will be interceding for that soul that receives the baptism, and all of you will only be instruments so that this can happen.
And then our Master and our Mother Mary gave us some guidance about the coming works and tasks we will do in these months.
Through this Message, I have left you a powerful key of conversion, as I also gave you the Orandium of the Passion and of the Transfiguration.
They are important keys for redemption in these times. One who truly and honestly uses them will be transformed and will not recognize themselves from the past, but rather in the eternal present of My Heart.
Let hearts be gladdened on this afternoon and never tire of searching for Me.
My Ears hear all your prayers. I Am your merciful Shepherd and you are My sheep that must go toward My Stable, toward the Temple of My Heart. In that place, nothing will cause you to be afraid and you will not fear anything because you will be in My Love and in My Mercy.
I say goodbye, blessing the sacred elements, which you can bring up here to My Presence.
Communion unifies the Cosmos and the Earth, a perfect unity between souls and God. Those who commune with My Heart are unified with the universe and, at the end of times, will recognize the visible signs that I will bring on My Return.
I thank you.
Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón:
Today we had a genetic experience with Christ, and we will explain what that genetic experience is about that He carried out with each one of us.
When He appeared, He came as the Sacred and Glorified Heart of Jesus. At one moment in the Apparition, He showed that He carried a symbol in His Hands.
At first, we didn't understand what it was He wanted to transmit to us, but He simply asked us to observe so that we could share it with you.
He always opens His Arms when He appears to welcome us, to receive us, radiating a gesture of love and of fellowship for us.
But when He opened His Arms, in the palm of His right Hand there were five drops of Blood, the Blood He had spilled in the Passion. And we were not quite sure how it happened, but when He showed those five drops of Blood, He was converted into a spring of precious Blood and a strong ray of blood-colored light began to pierce our physical being, our soul, our bodies.
After a moment, everything became blank and we only felt His Consciousness present.
In a matter of seconds, Christ took us to the moment of His Passion and to some culminating moments that He lived. For example, He took us to the moment when He was flagellated and spilled His Blood, and He showed us our Mother Mary gathering up that precious Blood.
When He received the crown of thorns was another moment He carried us to, what He felt and what God accomplished through that sacrifice He offered.
And He also showed us the moment of the Cross in a different way from what we have known in the history of humanity, because today, Christ proposed to truly show us what happened when He died on the Cross.
He asked us to become attuned, that we meditate on His Blood, because He told us that He was dealing with various aspects during His Passion. For this reason, He asked that we concentrate specifically on the power of His Blood.
At a certain point, we asked Him why He wanted to transmit this to us at this time. Because the power of His Blood, He said, will prepare the return of the Savior to the Earth.
The practice of concentrating on the Blood of Jesus, in the visualization of that precious Blood, as He calls it, can reveal to our lives and our spirits many powers that He calls divine powers, celestial powers.
After He led us through those moments of His Passion, we saw ourselves as a group, submerged in that story of the Passion of Jesus, to the point where He showed us the different look we had in that time, what we looked like physically, what clothes we wore, and what role each one of us fulfilled in that moment of the Passion of Jesus.
So, in light of all these things, we asked Him why He was doing all this, at that moment, and He did not respond, He was in silence, and then said: I will reveal it in the Message.
What was most important was the experience Christ transmitted to us so that we could understand the power of His Blood, because He needs us to adore and contemplate his Blood in a spiritual way. That is how He requested it of us on this day, because He said that the one who allies themselves with that precious Blood could resolve and heal many irreparable things.
So today we faced a significant spiritual experience for each one of us, which came directly from the Heart of the Master.
Friar Elías reads the Message of Christ Jesus of March 5, 2014.
At that moment, the Master begins to transmit the Devotional to the Powerful Blood of Jesus as part of the Message.
And at the end, He said to us:
Meditate on what I gave you today. They are secret keys of My Transfiguration.
Under the Power of God, be blessed.
Thank you for walking at My side!
Christ Jesus
Mother María Shimani:
While the Friar was reading, I was remembering that both Christ and our Divine Mother told us that for this new cycle in this year, They were going to reveal new celestial mysteries to us, a lot of Christic information that humanity needs to know to be able to face this purification we are beginning to experience, this apocalypse that we have been expecting for so long.
So all these gifts and these Graces from Heaven are coming so that any person on Earth can be saved.
Let us be with this reflection in our heart, and today, before sleeping, let us give many thanks with our consciousness. Gratitude is one of the shortest paths for reaching God.
Thank you, God, for all that You give us!
Thank you all who accompanied us today.
If in truth you knew about the healing power of My Blood, many irreparable situations in the spirit of My Children would be healed by the Christic code of My Transfiguration.
On this day of Glory and infinite Honor in the Heavens, My Father has granted Me to give to you the Devotional to the Powerful Blood of Jesus.
The Blood that was poured by Me during the Passion transformed completely the evil that humanity was living, because My Sacred Blood poured during the Passion meant the total conversion of the great evils of humanity.
The power of My Most Precious Blood is concentrated in the spiritual light that exists among the Christic cells of My Glorified Body, cells that being human were transfigured into Redemption, Mercy and Compassion.
For this, each drop of Precious Blood that My Consciousness lost during the Passion, out of love for you, represented the perfect cellular interchange of the old code of humanity for the new code; in this way, all of the Powers and Celestial Rays of Adonai acted during the course of My Passion to redeem the cellular evil that humanity had generated.
My humble and simple Being was offered out of love to its brothers and sisters to receive as humanity and as consciousnesses, the Universal Genetic Code of God, that which was and is the manifestation of the Science of God in the life of all of humanity.
From this Universal Code of God comes the Christic love and this grants the opportunity of the awakening of Redemption. For this, whoever invokes the power of My Blood will be able to know that they will be united to the important moment in which Jesus was converted in Christ after death and when the Water and the Merciful Blood flowed out from His side.
This devotional to the Powerful Blood of Jesus aspires to spiritually transform the evil and the pain, the suffering and the disease that each soul may be going through. Because the power of My Blood, when it is devoutly invoked expels the intruding demons, the evil thoughts and exorcises from the body that which has been incorporated.
The power of My Blood redeemed the infernos during the three days that I spent there to resuscitate the deported and to rescue the condemned. Imitate the example of My Blessed Mother Mary, who was the first prophetess and disciple that adored the power of My Most Holy Blood.
I come in this era to give opportunity and help to those who may open to Me the door of the heart.
I intend that My Soldiers may be one only mind and one only heart so that in this way they may be able to banish the beast that has succumbed the world.
If you are united to Me in the power of My Blood humanity will receive some more time of Piety and of Mercy.
Union bead
For the Power of the Sacred Blood of Jesus,
may all evil and pain of any origin be expelled.
First decade
For the Power of the Blood of Christ,
may our hearts and souls be healed.
Second decade
For the Power of the Blood of Christ,
may all the impure spirits be liberated.
Third decade
For the Power of the Blood of Christ,
may all the souls receive, now and always,
Healing and Mercy.
Fourth decade
For the Power of the Blood of Christ,
may the Celestial Universes sanctify our lives.
Fifth decade
For the Power of the Blood of Christ,
may the King of the Universe return to Earth
so that the Peace of God
may be present upon the whole planet.
Meditate on that which today I have given to you; these are secret keys of My Transfiguration.
Under the Love of God, be blessed.
Thank you for walking by My side!
Christ Jesus
Brothers and Sisters:
The spiritual life is similar to the flame of a candle; if it is not lit by the fire of merciful prayer and by the sincere dedication that you may render to My Heart, then any wind could extinguish it.
For this, for this eighth Marathon of Mercy, My Paternal Spirit calls Its flocks to reflection about your honest and sincere dedication to the Christic path.
Today I say all of this to you, not to reproach something you have done wrong, but because I need you to start feeling the ray of My Divine Justice, that ray that comes from the Father and that will try to correct all that is not-adjusted.
The final times demand a true definition for the Redeeming Plan of Christ, this will determine the development of the coming events on the planet. While humanity is immersed in the ocean of its lamentations, the modernities – in many of those who are Mine – have managed by the work of the enemy, to substitute Me and change Me so that the souls do not remain with Me in the prayer of the heart. The prayer of the heart is the true essence that will give you the strength for this age of definitions.
Before the Eternal Father makes His Final Judgment in all of the Earth, your hearts should be already prepared to receive My Infinite Mercy. My Heart laments when it sees some of the sheep of the Great Shepherd being distracted and absorbed by other things that do not come from God nor My Sacred Heart.
But there are still some souls that keep the fire of devotion lit and it is these pious and merciful souls of Mine, those that relieve My Heart every day; in this way I pour My Mercy through their humble essences.
I wish for many of those who are Mine to perceive the difference between being near Me or of being far from Me. Only the wise and intelligent of heart will be able to recognize the difference of living a true spiritual life.
Dears, today I say to you all this because seven marathons of intense and strong spiritual impulses have already passed, impulses that I have poured month after month in your lives; for this I ask you for an urgent and true reflection. The Plan of the Most High needs to know with whom it can count on for this last phase in which the boat is sustained by such few servers.
The boat is your beautiful world and you know that you must live in this world, without belonging in the least bit to it, and this is related to the tempting modernities that hypnotize the spirit of My Companions.
But whoever is in Me will know how to differentiate the hour at which they must stop, to unite again to My Heart, in this way I will be able to help them to be disconnected from the atrocities of this world.
It is time to define yourselves. It is time to have consciousness with respect to what you are facing. That the modernities may be only a simple bridge for service, and not an uncontrolled attachment for the soul. The spirit in this time must make an effort through prayer to be able to resurrect every day in God.
May this eighth Marathon be dedicated for the salvation of all the souls that have distanced themselves from My Father.
For Love and Mercy, I will be able to intercede for all.
Under the Love of God, be blessed.
Thank you for resurrecting every day through the strength of My Love!
Christ Jesus Merciful.
Association Mary
Founded in December of 2012, at the request of the Virgin Mary, Association Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception, is a religious association without ties to any institutionalized religion. It has a philosophical-spiritual, ecumenical, humanitarian, charitable, cultural character, and it supports all activities that are indicated through the instructions transmitted by Christ Jesus, the Virgin Mary, and Saint Joseph. Read more