Dear children,
More than 102 years ago, on July 13, 1917, in Fatima, I revealed to the little shepherds the third unknown secret. Now, continuing with this revelation given, and still not totally known by humanity, I come on this day to reveal what you are ready to know.
For this reason, My children, your Heavenly Mother arrives with the impulse that you can know and embrace, with all the strength of your hearts, that which the Universe and its infinite life represents.
The time has come for humanity of the surface to no longer remain only with the vision of its nation, continent or planet. It is time to, by means of prayer and of faith, be able to expand its consciousness so that there are no mental borders, but rather knowledge, reverence and devotion for the unknown; for all that is in the dwellings of the Heavens, and that which cannot be controlled nor manipulated by anyone.
In Fatima, the little shepherds reached these revelations, besides the third secret they received, because the Angel of Peace prepared them for this period in which, through the Most Holy Mother, they would be before the magnitude of God and of all of His Universe. All this was possible due to the spontaneous degree of purity that they lived.
Now, dear children, it is time to take the leap to the knowledge of the Universe and to access the reality that no human technology has attained throughout the history of the Earth. Because, in truth, the infinite knowledge of the Universe is revealed to the humble in heart and to the simple in consciousness. In them there is no ambition of power nor of control, in any sense.
This was, My children, what the little shepherds of Fatima lived, but the moment has come for the Celestial Hierarchy to expand this opportunity to all of those who aspire to postulate themselves as humble servers of God.
This will help, on the Surface of the Earth, for there to be consciousnesses that may be instruments, that may propogate devotion to the Eternal Father and then, thus, there may exist more gratitude and reverence in compensation for all the mistakes that humanity of today makes, separating themselves from the Divine Truth for its own means and ways of life.
Thus, My children, on this day, through the Apparition, I, as your Mother and intercessor, will place you before this Grace, that your hearts may grow in faith and love for the knowledge of the Heights, of the Universe and thus, Christic Love may be present in humanity.
I thank you for responding to My call!
Who blesses you,
Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace
My child,
Imagine for a moment three-quarters of the world in the days of darkness; because, in truth, what the world is provoking attracts more darkness to the Earth.
Many think that the sun will be hidden for three days, but, in truth, if nations do not stop provoking wars and, above all, do not stop promoting them as if it were the latest fad of these times, worse situations will happen, things that nobody would ever expect; I would say, violent results.
Today, an angel of God removes a painful thorn from My Immaculate Heart and even though the prayers for the nations are permanent and that protects South America, on the other hand, My adversary is conquering the power and ostentation of his allies on earth more and more.
If the weapons do not stop being activated, as I once said in Fatima, a third war, even worse, would be unleashed overnight.
That possible darkness that could reign upon the planet and hide its three quarters, would be the effect of chemical, gaseous and warlike weapons; something outlandish.
The effect of the self-destruction of a part of humanity would be so violent that after the ones who provoke the wars activate their weapons, late would they realize that the power got out of their hands, unable to stop the effects and consequences.
Today, through the pain of My Heart, I bring this reality so that by all means, offers and sacrifices, it may be avoided.
Imagine it again, the planet submerged in darkness, caused by the harmful effect of nuclear weapons.
Humanity because of its interests, are playing with its race. And, although the promise of the return of Christ will be fulfilled, the most definitive moment of the race is still waiting to be gone through; and that moment is about to happen.
In the meantime, do not stop praying because, in this way, your Heavenly Mother will continue to work on the spiritual plane against Her adversary in order to remove from the weak minds the idea of the activation of weapons.
Now the time has come, more than ever, to join your guardian angels so that your spiritual life is protected from the invasive repercussion that the war in the Middle East is generating.
That is the reason why your Heavenly Mother wishes to arrive soon at the Northern Hemisphere, not only to intervene in those who provoke the wars, but also to protect the millions of European souls that would witness destruction without limits, as an effect of what their representatives do in the Middle East.
Therefore, sleep and restore the consciousness, but always have a part of your being well awake because, in an unexpected way, everything could be triggered.
Pray even more from the heart so that your Heavenly Mother and all the angels may be able to intercede and avoid irreparable disasters.
While My Heart hurts, I sustain Myself with the loving prayers of those who join Me in this difficult cycle.
I thank you for responding to My call!
Who blesses you,
Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace
Dear children, I do not want you to lose your peace, because peace is valuable in these times.
While I listen to the crying of My children in the Republic of Venezuela, I invite you to renew the Spirit of Charity in the name of the love of My Son and for the establishment of peace in that country.
With eyes of mercy, I invite you to look at the events with maturity and awareness, in cooperation and fraternity, so that souls may have their suffering relieved.
Open the boundaries of your hearts so that the people of God may enter into you and finally feel themselves to be loved and consoled by all.
Through this mystery that I reveal to you today, I am letting you know, dear children, of the potential of your hearts, which is so unknown to humanity, as it is separated from God and His Infinite Love.
With hands of charity, I invite you, dear children, to serve all those unknown to you, especially My children of Venezuela, who in this final cycle are in need of your help and charity, just as other peoples also will need help and charity in this time of purification and transition.
But I do not come to bring you fear; rather, I come to bring you awareness of the need to maintain the equilibrium in humanity.
In your identity, let no country exist, no national tongue, religion, or society.
I invite you to be one in the spirit of peace, because in this way, you will be able to perceive, dear children, where the call of God is so as to pour out charity and goodness for those who most need it.
You, who are a people loved by Me, and have your avocation to the Lady of Aparecida, I invite you in the same way as the Lady of Guadalupe, to unite your consciousnesses in a single humanity, in a profound act of love and of mercy for all those who suffer from the chaos.
To you who are a people loved by Me, and who also face your tests as a society and as a people, I invite you to surpass all the limits, to set aside all criticism in your life, all value judgments, any word that may destroy your fellow being.
I invite you, dear children, to stop blaming others and to have mercy, just as I do for all of humanity. I invite you to feel like My Heart feels, because My Heart was human and now it is a Glorified Heart.
If My Heart is glorified, dear children, your lives can be glorified in God, just like on this day that you offered Me your prayers and songs so that the spirit and the source of peace may be established in those who most need it.
In this new stage, dear children, in which the Sacred Hearts are in pilgrimage through Central America and Mexico, closing uncertain doors and opening opportunities for the souls that most need them, I invite you, dear children of Brazil, to move forward with this mission for Venezuela; unite as a single consciousness of love, because in these times, you must create strong ties of love and of brotherhood, attributes that are completely unknown to My adversary, because where love is, dear children, there is no evil.
I thank you, My children, because you have expanded your consciousness and especially your hearts, in the collaboration and in the cooperation with the Work and the Plans of your Heavenly Mother.
You cannot imagine, dear children, what infinite gratitude My Heart feels because your spirits take a step toward the awareness of Truth.
United with My Immaculate Heart, little by little, through prayer and silence, we establish the Kingdom of God on Earth; a Divine Kingdom that awaits all of you and that is forgotten by the majority of humankind.
I invite you, dear children, to step out of yourselves, just as you try to do every day.
I invite you to continue to make the effort, because your Most Holy Mother will help you and the Most Chaste Saint Joseph will give you the support you so need.
I know that many of your lives are being purified and unimaginable things are emerging from within you.
Do not focus your attention on the imperfection of life, but rather on the perfection you gain through prayer, because in this way, your lives will be illumined and will be sanctified, as long as you believe that all of this is possible.
If Saint Joseph, My faithful husband, was a simple man of Nazareth, your lives being simple, could they not already be great?
Continue to pray with faith and from the heart so that your Mother, untier of knots, can continue to free humanity from sin and to guide the consciousness of the planet toward its true filiation with God, with the Source of Love and of Unity.
In this testimony that I bring you today, dear children, the words of My Son and of Saint Joseph are kept.
With love and mercy, I calm your hearts of all spiritual, mental, or emotional illnesses. I bring the Light of My Kingdom, so that your lives may be vivified in Christ, and by giving that "yes" to the Universe, you keep faith in yourselves and in all your beloved families.
Today I unite the bonds of love with your peers, with your loved ones, with all those who deny Me again and again.
I establish the true and only religion, which is the religion of love and of peace that the Sacred Hearts lived on Earth.
Live our model of life and you will always be in peace. Imitate that which you can imitate and do not be disturbed, dear children, because My Maternal Heart will teach you to experience a simple charity and a humble fraternity with each one of your brothers and sisters.
Today I open My arms over this place and I bring My hands close to each one of you.
Holding in My hands the Holy Rosary of Light, I pray for the redemption of all lives on Earth, and also for the peacemakers, so that they may remain firm during the moment of their purification and do not distance themselves from Me for any reason; because in the transformation, dear children, in the purification of your lives and your consciousnesses, there is self-liberation and the ascension of your spirits to the Kingdom of God.
Believe it is possible, dear children, to take those steps. Today you give Me your supplications, and I give you My Graces, in that infinite communion of your hearts with Mine, making the Plan of God triumph on Earth.
Today I am accompanied by a great angel from Heaven, by the Angel of Peace, who was known to the shepherds in Fatima.
See on the breast of this sacred angel the Flame of the Most Holy Trinity.
See now in your hearts the Flame of the Most Holy Trinity and the Three Persons of God in one, and hold this sacred knowledge for the transition you will experience, of dying to yourselves and of being born to eternal life, just as the angels do all the time, for the sacred service to God in the fulfilling of His Divine and Holy Will.
As I told you in the message transmitted to My daughter Lucía de Jesus, today I do not come to see your imperfections, dear children; I want that Flame of the Most Holy Trinity in you to be deeply ignited in your essences; that is why I invite you to place your left hand over your heart and to feel that Grace that completely fills you.
In the same way, I place My hand on My Immaculate Heart, and with My right hand I offer you My Rose of Light so that you may achieve the original purity that is held on this planet, in its most divine sacred receptacles.
Seek that essential purity above all things, never mind if you fall, dear children, begin every day clinging to the Hand of Our Lord Jesus.
He will pick you up, just as He picked up Mary Magdalene from the ground; because He saw in her eyes, not the sins, but her true love for having surrendered to the King.
Dear children, with this flame that strengthens you and unites you with God, in the sacred presence of the Angel of Peace, I invite you again to pray for the Angel of Venezuela, united to all the angels of the nations in this proposal of attracting the Kingdom of God from the Universe, the peace and the love that many need at this moment.
And now, in My Celestial Omnipresence, I am at the border between Brazil and Venezuela, praying for My children who are escaping from danger and observing how they cross the roads, looking for an opportunity and a hope of light.
I wish that the whole of Brazil would give this humanitarian assistance. For that I give you the thirty days of November, because I want to see you with Me, together with the prayer groups serving for peace, giving food to those who need it, and mainly, transmitting the Mercy of the Heart of Jesus so that those spirits that suffer can become calm.
If you as a nation take that step, dear children, many more nations will also take it.
When you face your purification and planetary transition, you will not be fearful because of the events; because if you believe in the Flame of the Most Holy Trinity that each one of your hearts receives today, you will lose nothing, but rather, dear children, you will gain Heaven with all your works of service and of love.
And in this way, together we will dispel evil, and I will place My Scepter of Light over the nations of the Americas, so that they may constitute the Sacred Work of God, in the sacred fulfilling of His Will.
I will teach you a prayer so that you may unite with the Most Holy Trinity; a very simple prayer that the Archangel Gabriel taught Me when Jesus was born, in the manger in Bethlehem, when the Star of Bethlehem shone all over the local Universe, bringing the attributes of Redemption and of Love to the world.
Let us repeat, phrase by phrase, praying with your Heavenly Mother for the Americas:
Now dear children, let us pray together with the Angel of Portugal so that original purity may emerge in the souls of Venezuela and of all the Americas.
Next: "Prayer of the Angel of Peace" (x5)
In this communion with the Angel of Peace, I am establishing reconciliation in your hearts and in each one of your families, so that upon leaving this place, every day you can remember this divine and sublime moment with the Most Holy Trinity when you face the trials and challenges of the end of times.
Before reacting, dear children, first think about peace and remember this sacred moment with Me. In this way, you will break the chain of evil.
Today the Angel of Peace has come to consecrate the Children of Mary; forty children who unite with Me in this moment to renew their vows to My Immaculate Heart and to the Most Holy Trinity.
Come up here so that I may give you the Gifts of God, and bless you as My little ones, My little children.
May these children that are at My feet today be a spark of Jesus, for all of the children of Venezuela and of the whole world that suffer the consequences of the surface humankind.
May these children, like the shepherds of Fatima, represent the new humanity, the great sowing of love and of goodness, for all of humanity and the planet.
And you, My adult children, also be children in this moment; but do not remember your sufferings from the past, but rather the joy of having been born on this planet, to be reborn and reborn in the Heart of God.
Let this Source of Love that unites us today through the Flame of the Most Holy Trinity, strengthen you in this new mission of living the call of God with Me, of responding to My petitions and to all My solicitations, as long as it is possible for you.
At least I ask the very smallest who are at My feet today to pray a Hail Mary every day, for the children of Venezuela and for the children who suffer illnesses and who are orphans, who have nobody to console them and love them.
If you recited a Hail Mary to My Immaculate Heart, I will be able to be with your younger brothers and sisters, and they also will be consecrated, receiving the Grace of Redemption and of Liberation.
In the same way that I requested it of the shepherds of Fatima, today I ask you, dear children, to remember your original purity so that war may end and peace be established.
Placing My hands over you, while the Angel of Peace pours out the water of the spiritual and divine life over your consciousnesses, we will repeat:
Our Father...
And also under the blessing of the Angel of Mexico, which appears at the feet of the Virgin of Guadalupe, I prepare all the children of Central America and of Mexico so that they once again may receive My motherhood and My love, and accomplish their sacred mission in this end of time.
With gladness, devotion, and rejoicing, together with the Angel of Peace, and the angels of all the nations of the Americas, I bless you and I consecrate you as eternally My children:
In the name of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit. Amen.
Today, for Venezuela and for the Americas, sing the Hymn of the Children of Mary.
Today I withdraw from here with gratitude for all that you have done, for the state of Sao Paulo and for what you are to do so that Love and Unity may triumph, in the name of Christ, your Lord.
I thank you.
Divine dialogue between the Most Holy Mary and the Angel of Portugal
Angel of Portugal: “Sweet Queen of the Stars, Spiritual Ruler of all souls, lost and not lost; consent, Celestial Majesty, to raise each one of Your children into the arms of the Celestial Father.
At least, Adorable and Holy Virgin, shine with Your Divine Love upon each essence so that it may at last find God, the Supreme Lord”.
Most Holy Mary: “Welcoming Angel of Portugal, legionnaire and server of Archangel Saint Raphael, I send You and all of Your blessed armies, in honor of the Archangel Saint Michael to free all the consciousnesses that are chained by My adversary.
With Your Peace, Angel of Portugal, dissipate all illusion of the consciousness, and I ask, servant angel of God, that you pray for all My children, especially for those that believe they are living their spirituality and do not have God because of their great pride.
Angel of Peace, untiringly protect My beloved Portugal, and also have it inwardly know that all these peoples must still settle their errors committed against My indigenous peoples”.
Angel of Portugal: “Yes, My Lady, Most Pious Mother Who consoles the afflicted, Who brings hope and renewal to those who are spiritually hungry.
Yes, Mother, this is My humble reply before Your precious request for mercy. Remember, Holy Celestial Mother, those who blaspheme the Heart of Your Beloved Son; implore, Holy Virgin, for each consciousness of this world, so that nobody lose the peace of the Lord”.
Most Holy Mary: “Servant of My Father, who serves the Higher Universes, valued Angel of Portugal, I will respond to your holy petitions; I will ask My Beloved Son to placate the justice of God and that His Sacred Heart help to dissolve human indifference, the action that commits all the errors of the world.
O Holy Angel of Peace!, help the angels of all the nations, give impulse to each regent angel of each nation, so that it may show itself to the world. Holy Angel of Portugal, Consciousness that adores the Holy Body of My Son in the Eucharist, radiate the codes of light that spring from the untiring Heart of Christ and cause each soul to discover the sweetness of the Love of My Son.
Have it come to known through the perfect communion with His Body and His Blood, have it come to love first and in the life of each being, so that in this way, My children abandon the abyss of their great ignorance.”
Angel of Portugal: “Beloved Mother and Queen of the Jubilation of Christ, we will make known the most pious majesty of Your Son, so that hearts may find Christ and never again separate from Him.
I will send the armies of the Archangel Saint Raphael, so that they may work on healing all souls, and especially the disregarding hearts, that still deny the power of Your Son.
Do not cry, Holy Star of Peace! From your tears springs the appeal for a merciful salvation for each one of Your children. Let me, Mother of the Sun, dry each tear from Your most pure countenance with My linens of light, to offer them to the Beloved Father as petals of the eternal flowers of Your Heart.”
Most Holy Mary: “If souls knew, Beloved Angel of Peace, what My generous Heart feels, they would not fail to be in My arms, just as Jesus was.
I will not cease for one instant to stretch out My arms to the world and to offer My consoling hands, as healing and a remedy for any pain.
It gives Me pleasure, Holy Angel of Portugal, to hear from Your mouth the offering of Your Angelic Consciousness. Thus We will alleviate the Father, experiencing for all the pain of the world. In this way, wronged hearts will be able to find the path of hope.”
Angel of Portugal: “You know, Pious Mother and Queen of Peace, that we are at Your eternal service, for Your name, which is holy, resounds in our hearts like a melody of love and of redemption.
We will hear Your call and will respond immediately; all the guardian angels of Your children will help You so that the men and women of Earth respond to the voice of Your supplications”.
Most Holy Mary: “Then, Angel of Peace, emit this Gift of Grace from Your heart, so that Peace embrace not only Portugal, that it one day may redeem itself, but may the Peace of God, of the Most High, reach all who need it.
I shall invoke Your name, and You, Holy Angel, shall make known to the world the lack of its innocence. Take refuge in the prayer of all My children, and in this way, together with Your legions, You will redeem the Earth, preparing it for the return of Christ.”
Angel of Portugal: Yes, Merciful Mother, we shall comply with Your most sweet petitions; may Your Holy and Immaculate Heart be the refuge for each angel. Together with You, Adorable Mother, we lift up all supplications so that this blind humanity may awaken from its deep sleep.
We thank You and praise You, Universal Mother.
Most Holy Mary: It is thus, Angel of Peace, that on this day I shall make known to the whole world our divine dialogue, so that souls may be moved and feel the truth and the cry of My blessed words. This is why today I reveal them to all My children”.
I thank you for responding to My call!
In union with the Angel of Portugal,
Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace
The triumph of My Sacred Heart will also occur in the memory of this planet.
Happy are they who participate in this journey, so that history may be written in the Books of God and the New Race is able to see it as a shining triumph.
Everything is possible, children of My Father, through the intercession of My Immaculate Heart and of the Chaste Heart of Saint Joseph, which in this Sacred Trilogy with Me, is united so that we may be able to defeat evil and dispel the darkness in hearts, which will be reborn in Me and in My Glory.
When the doors are closed to the enemy, the defeat is established and the Laws reestablish a principle from which humanity had previously distanced itself, because of being blind and deaf.
This Law that I bring you and which has triumphed in My Passion, in My Death, and in My Resurrection, is the Law of Love, of Unity, and of the Light, and today I invite you all to commune of it, so that your souls may be seen by God in full redemption.
On this afternoon, adore My Sacred Heart, which is again discovered to you, so as to feel relief from the offenses of the world and the human indifference. A Heart that reveals itself to you to show you the Love that nurtures life and the Spirit of each being.
Adore My Sacred Heart, which at this moment is exposed before all, for the Glory of God.
Adore My Heart, for those who do not adore It and for those who deny It; for those who have distanced themselves from My Father in corruption and vices, in temptation and in the forgetting of the Plan of God.
Adore My Heart, which is a portal that crosses over into the New Time, the New Time of souls, in their real and true life, in the Universe of God.
Mystify this moment as a testimony and do not forget it.
Adore My Most Holy Heart, which comes to the world to please you and to love you in the spirit and in the perfect union with God, the Almighty.
Who bows down to the ground, adores Me, and who cannot do it, also, because each act is seen by God in the humility of the hearts that serve Him in this time.
While you adore Me, receive My Rays from the Universe, that descend over you in Glory and in Light, in Omnipresence and in Omnipotence, in spiritual radiance and in life, for those who were dead.
Adore My Heart, as My angels adore It in this same moment, before the Portals of Heaven, over a city that cannot forget Me in any moment; so that it may be saved with the help of My new apostles, in this Work of Redemption and of Peace.
The world is being purified and does not adore My Heart. How can it be worthy of My Grace, if it does not seek it? How will the nations rise in the middle of darkness?
If I Am the victory for you, adore My Heart and enter into It, so that all may quickly pass and nothing ever hurt again in any part of your beings.
Stay calm, for My Heart is exposed to an indifferent world and the Legions of Light of all the Universe gather together to adore My Heart, which is the Heart of God, which is alive at this moment in each one of you, in each one of your consciousnesses, if you vivify it through this adoration.
Feel your bindings break free and the weight becoming less and less, and everything can be healed through the presence of My Sacred Heart, which is the burning flame for this world that is in darkness.
Let My Fount be poured out through My Sacred Heart in your essences and your lives.
This is the greatest Sacrament for your faith, for your support, for this end time that is drawing closer to the world.
Whomever wants to recognize that I am here, accept this, because I concretize what is impossible in the middle of the chaos and I open the doors of the Universe, so that all the children of God may enter and be saved.
This is the Communion that I establish today; relive this moment every day of your life and adore My Heart so that the world may receive the Grace that it so needs and so little deserves.
Carry My Sacred Heart engraved in your beings and ignite this Project of My Heart in each act of your life, in each gesture of love, in each work and act of solidarity to a fellow being, because there too I will be present, suffering in the silence of those who go dark for not having light.
I wanted to share this spiritual practice with you, companions, so that you always remember it, and further, you seek it in the difficult moments of the planet and of humanity.
Be like the shepherds of Fatima, who adored the Heart of God through My Sacred Heart, present in the powerful Eucharist that was given to them by the Angel of Peace.
It is thus, companions, that today I give you this same spiritual Eucharist with My Sacred Heart, that Communion with the eternal and the divine.
I want your voices to praise God, because My Father has told Me that you, with no indifference but with simplicity, touched His Heart, His eternal and merciful Heart.
Be as children and seek your childhood, the purity that was cultivated in the birth of your souls, in the reservoir of My Heart.
God be praised for this Grace and blessed are the merciful, for they will not only achieve My Mercy, but they will be towers of light for the times of darkness, stars for the world and humanity in the four corners of the Earth.
Today the angels share this Communion with you, for whomever may want to experience it, in fullness and humility.
Drink of this Source. Drink of this Source and emerge renewed, because the past is already past and today you are in My Eternal Present.
So may it be.
Today, with My Love, I bless all these images and symbols that you have brought to My altar, so that you may always remember that I am with you, not only in gladness, but also in sorrow, in the challenges and the confirmation of your faith before the Almighty.
May these sacred objects serve as a banner and as light in your lives, your homes, and wherever you may carry them, remembering that I blessed them, in the name of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit. Amen.
While I am still present, companions, exposing My Sacred Heart to the whole world, I also want the consecrated and those who pray in the world to adore Me, just as their brothers and sisters did today, to thus concretize the Project of the Creator.
On this afternoon, I will bless the elements that will constitute the renewal of the lives of My new apostles, through the washing of feet; because remember that just as I did for My apostles, today I will bow down to the ground in Spirit and in Divinity, to erase your tracks from the past and all inner suffering, in honor of the Divine Mercy of God.
Whoever communes today will receive an annual expiation, which for My Most Sacred Heart will mean that on this same date and next year, you must repeat it again, so that this expiation may expand to your peers, brothers and sisters, and friends, and thus My Sacred Heart may triumph.
In the name of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit.
Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón:
At the request of Christ Jesus, we will sing "Adonai, Holy Spirit."
We inwardly prepare ourselves for the spiritual blessing.
Let us pray, together with the Master, the prayer of "Sacred Unity", while He consecrates the water for the Sacrament of the Foot-washing and also Communion. Let us pray together, with Him, united with His Sacred Heart.
Sacred Unity of God...(x5)
Thank you for being here with Me today, companions, and may Faith echo in your lives forever.
Let us continue singing to God in fullness and love.
I thank you!
Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón:
Brothers and sisters, the Master is requesting, in this special Marathon here, in Buenos Aires, that we briefly share with you the story of each Apparition.
And today, when the Master had us all enter, in that deep adoration, into His Sacred Heart, we want to share with you that He revealed what He called "the Celestial Church," a space where His Most Holy Body, within a Monstrance of Light, is perpetually adored by the angels, in order to balance the errors and the actions that occur on this planet, in this local Universe.
In that state of consciousness, on that plane, in that celestial place, the Master summoned us all. And for those who had the opportunity, in some simple but real way, of entering His Heart in this adoration, He carried out an amnesty, what He called an "annual expiation," which on our part, if we take care of it, will last until next year, till June 5 of 2017, when He requested that each one, where they may be or how they may be, should again do this communion, to renew this amnesty, this expiation.
That it is not only for us, for Argentina in this case, but also for the planet and for the thousands of consciousnesses that are behind us in this infinite line, waiting for the door to open to them to enter the Heart of God and have a chance of redemption and of rehabilitation.
So that was what we wanted to share with you, because it was a very intense moment, as you could perceive.
He really carried out an act and a work of spiritual communion with each one of us and with the planetary consciousness.
Mother María Shimani de Monserrat:
One of the things we heard from Our Lord is that we are to carry His Heart in everything that we do. And with all of our love, we can imagine His Heart within ours, united to ours, and each day, in each task that we do, we can feel the Heart of Christ together with ours.
It is necessary to prepare ourselves, to train ourselves, so that when things get a little more intense or difficult, we can live with that Heart within ours.
It is an important practice that all of us have to learn, because this too we are going to carry wherever we may go; to our family members, to our acquaintances, to our work, to all our tasks; to carry the Heart of Christ within ours, together with ours, is something that we can all do.
So we invite you to deepen in the Words of Our Lord.
Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón:
And that does not end today, brothers and sisters. It continues tomorrow, because it is three days of blessings.
He found our hearts very open. We hope that each one takes care of that opening of His Heart, in this task of the Marathon of Divine Mercy and that tomorrow we can really give a golden brooch for this task of peace that Christ and the Divine Messengers are doing in Argentina.
Mother María Shimani de Monserrat:
So we will see each other tomorrow morning, in the transmission of 8 am. We wait for you all.
Good work from heart to heart for you all. Good afternoon.
Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón:
Thank you, Lord, for all that You give us!
I Am this Heart that lives for you and in you, when you allow Me to.
I Am this Heart that never fails and that renews all things, time after time, just as My God needs it, for this world and the Universe.
I am this unfathomable Heart that pours Graces on those who need them most and especially on those who have lost themselves on My Path of Redemption.
I Am this loving Heart that assembles you and unites you with the Father, through this meeting and in each daily prayer that is pronounced by your hearts.
Thus, I form the apostles in the deep silence of My Spirit and deliver My designs for each one, so that they can fulfill them as they are planned in the Universe.
Today, I come from a very distant place in this Universe, what you know as the Center of the Universe, which governs this galaxy on a spiritual and immaterial level.
I come to pronounce to the world My Government, which is the Government of God, which governs the worlds, the stars and the celestial spheres, on all planes.
I come with those who today live with me the power of God, the enlightened and resplendent beings who vivify God eternally and in praise.
With this principle, I congregate you all in My Most Sacred Heart and re-ignite in your lives the purpose you came to fulfill in this life and on this planet, something that is indelible in the Consciousness of God; because He thought from the first moment on each one of you, so that you would join Him, through the times and the experiences.
Evil does not know this, because it does not know love and is afraid of love. When love is present among you and among the consciousnesses, everything is invincible because God is there.
Just as I am here with you, in omnipresence and in spirit, so is My Father with you, through My Heart of Light. It is something that you can never forget, in spite of what may happen in your lives and in humanity.
When the great structures of humanity begin to move, no one can suffocate or be disturbed. It will be the moment when your strengths are very firm, so that I can continue pouring out My Graces on those who deserve it in fullness and in truth.
Thus, I Am this trusting Heart that gives Itself to you all the time, that does not look at your sins nor your debts, but rather your filiation with God, something essential that you can never lose, for anything.
When souls open the doors to evil, they commit to involution, and the lives of these souls gradually recede. Just like a bird flies in the heights of the mountains, the soul gradually falls into the abysses.
And so, together with My Mother and Saint Joseph, I come to aid those who must respond to the call and are lost. But you cannot be that for a long time, companions, because many armies will wake up in times of emergency they are already living. Open your eyes and see what happens in the world, day after day.
We feel that, for humanity, chaos is not enough, and it holds on to suffering through its decisions that influence the nations and the people and attract the furious action of the Law of Nature upon humanity.
While the world continues to sacrifice animals, the world will suffer. And those who plead from the heart for My Divine Mercy, as you did today, will avoid many things. But I will not be able to avoid, companions, what humanity must learn.
Make the decision to be My pillars of light on this planet, so that I may deposit My Codes and gather together the self-summoned in the Cenacle of My Heart.
It will be in this way, companions that I will gradually lead you into living Universal Judgement; I will show you how it is happening in this humanity, rapidly.
Inside and outside of beings the Universal Judgment is lived.
But you must not fear the Justice of God, because God is the living and eternal Love. It is the world and the actions of humanity that bring the Justice of God. God will never punish you. He will correct you so that you may be able to truly walk in the light.
Who decides in this last time to live in My Sacred Heart will not perish. But to live in My Heart requires a commitment and a faithfulness to God. An act of consecration that you can live with Me, in different ways. But this consecration cannot be fractured, it cannot be broken for anything. It will be this consecration that will protect you, and you will be united with Me when I am no longer here with you, companions.
Day after day, the world makes decisions that are contrary to the Laws of God and this attracts the unpayable debt that humanity generates. I need you to place your consciousness on the consciousness of the planet, which is the house that God chose for you since the beginning of the Earth, since the origin of the Genesis project.
Humanity has always deviated from the Path of God throughout time. For this reason, the divine intercession of My Mother has been incalculable. Her goodness and love for Her children has made Her persist, in spite of the suffering generated in the Sacred Hearts and the caring Heart of God.
The world does not pay attention to the wounds it causes the Universe, and above all, the Material Universe; to the planet, to the continents, and to the seas; to animal, plant, and mineral life. How could you be present, companions, on this planet if the Younger Kingdoms did not exist, giving you balance and life in order to evolve?
If in other worlds of this Universe life exists, how could the Kingdoms not be here? They are essential for you, so that you may learn to feel God, and to vivify Him through the Creation expressed on this planet.
The transgressions are still very serious, and the equilibrium of this humanity is out of balance.
While I can, companions, I will come to call those who do not hear Me yet and you will have this commitment to Me, of having Me be known to the lost souls in the abysses of the surface of the Earth.
My Mother will protect you in this task.
I do not need you to attract multitudes, but rather true hearts that will want to live Me.
And today I again present My Sacred Heart, so you may see how much love it holds for each one of you and for those who do not hear Me.
My Chest explodes because of not being able to pour out so much love; the love that heals, that cures and vivifies the hearts in God.
At least, companions, daily contemplate a Ray of My Heart, and in this way, you will please Me for those who deny Me.
Denial is not only in the souls that are in this world, but sometimes also in those that are consecrated and who do not believe in what I tell you; but what I am writing here will be fulfilled.
In this lost place in the world, of Uruguay, the sign of My Presence will remain, obvious to all.
When the years go by, you will remember and know everything that I did here, with you. Because in the years that will come and will get here, things will be more difficult in the world, and you must remember My Words like treasures of light, like keys that open the doors to the Heavens, so that you may aid the souls that will fall even further into sin and into temptation.
Today I come to implore the world to have pity and to not forget God, because He is very offended and His tears are already great rivers in the Universe.
Emmanuel implores His children to awaken, become aware and prompt. His Project is in play through the decisions of humankind, of the nations and the continents.
The people of God cannot be lost in the desert, as happened in the past; they must find the promised Land that lives in My Sacred Heart.
Remember, companions, that I Am the Truth and the Truth I bring you so that you may not be deceived in this time.
Remember that I Am the way that never closes and that opens the doors so that all may enter, even when you forget Me many times , without realizing it, and move away from Me.
Remember, companions, that I Am the Life, the Energy and the Principle that motivates you to a renewal and union with the whole Universe, that receives you in its Mercy.
If you, for a moment, from the Universe, could see this planet, you would cry; not because of what you see, but because of the ignorance of the world and because of the blindness of many hearts that do not accept living the Love of God, that do not seek It, and that reject It.
Today, companions, I do not come to evangelize, but rather to transmit the feeling of God, from the depths of His Heart, from the Consciousness of Emmanuel, the Father that listens to you and loves you.
If those whom I have summoned to serve Me in this time do not unite, how will My Project be accomplished? Set aside your ideas and feelings, your divisions and misunderstandings, one with another.
Love, just as I love you all the time.
Do not reject what I tell you and live it with determination and courage, so I can send the angels to help you, in the invisible silence of your holy presence.
I come to place in each one an incalculable treasure, of which you must give an account in the end time, companions. Because for Me to be here, among you, and to have called you, many things had to happen in the Universe.
Give to the Plan what the Plan needs, and cease to hold back things.
Everything that you have is of God and of the Universe.
To the Universe you will return naked, without any possession, nor any property.
In the end, who is awake will understand what I say and what I have repeated for 2000 years.
The last offer I have for the world is My Sacred Heart, but not all have yet entered It, in trust and without fear.
I will not ask you for impossible things; I know your weaknesses and your falls, because I have been at your side, walking on the edge of the abysses so that you not fall.
You do not know evil. You do not play with evil nor become involved with it.
Your union is in the Love of God and in the brotherhood that the Universe offers every day, so that the suns may shine in this last cycle.
And through My Words, I place you on My Chest so that you may feel the constant beating of My Heart, that beats for each one of you.
It was this Heart that suffered for you in the Passion and on the Cross.
It was this human heart of Jesus that came to know the human condition and the ignorance of the world, the denial, the rejection, and the omission of hearts.
But the Love of God was so great in Me, companions, that I was able to overcome everything, because I trusted in the Love of My Father and I did not hold on to the tests He set for Me.
A true Christ of the new time surrenders to the Universe in trust and believes, living their faith.
Be Christs of My Heart and do not fear being so.
The persecution has not ended and the world must be purified; but in the end of times, when you are with Me, you will know Me face to face, just as you knew Me once in the Holy Land, which is what brought you here to serve Me.
Be fishers of My Project and cast the nets in prayer, so that souls may be saved and be removed from the abysses of their consciousness and enter into the great ship of My Heart, to live peace.
Through Me and My Heart, My Father speaks to you and on this sacred ground places His trust in those who were self-summoned to fulfill His Will.
If I come from Heaven, it is also Heaven that embraces you and uplifts you, in consciousness and love, to the Heart of the Father.
The seals of the Apocalypse have opened and we pray so that in the world everything be lighter and souls may find God and My Sacred Heart.
So that the fourteen celestial choirs that I have assembled here may pour out their graces, I ask you to listen to the bell tower fourteen times, in union and praise for each one of the fourteen choirs; in representation of the Archangel Michael, the Archangel Gabriel, and the Archangel Raphael. We listen from the Universe.
At this moment, make your offering to God, the Most High, in the silence of your hearts and in union with the fourteen choirs.
My God, I believe in You...
My wish is that this prayer of the Angel of Peace be repeated at the end of the Mystery for the Nations, seven times, so that the Angel of Peace is also able to intercede for the angels of each nation and of each people.
Remember to respond to the call of Mary, because your Mother also needs you to carry out the great Work of God, in these times.
The fourteen celestial choirs that I have brought here today, to Aurora, for each one of the hearts that participates in this meeting, are the choirs that eternally sing to God, since before you existed as essences.
Think then, companions, for an instant, how the singing, the voice, and the sacred word is perpetual in these angelic consciousnesses, over eons of time.
They are who build the Universes with the voice and who form the melodies and harmonies for all the galaxies.
They are who attract the currents of God to the Universes and feed the spirit of the consciousness through the Love of the Father, of Emmanuel.
In union with them, companions, and with the Sacred Heart of your King, let us sing the Kodoish melody to bring the Grace of God to this planet, in those who open to receive it, in this last hour.
And now, companions, I give you the balm of My Love and of My Compassion for the world, for all the souls consistent with My Merciful Heart and with My Redeeming Work.
In union with the fourteen celestial choirs and with My Divine Spirit of Love and of Truth, let us pray:
Abbun debashmaia...
(Our Father in Aramaic)
And today I will be able to leave here with the joy that you truly prayed to My Merciful Heart, imploring for this people and for all of this region of South America, so that the Sacred Hearts of Mary, of Saint Joseph, and of Jesus may triumph and be victorious.
In the name of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit. Amen.
And now sing to the Archangel Raphael, who is the aurora that rises in the hearts that awaken.
Go in peace.
Dear children,
My Maternal Heart still grieves for the lack of consciousness and love of the sinners of the world.
I ask you that you do not be confused with the false messages that only attempt to deviate the souls from My purpose of Peace.
Listen with attention to My words, and only believe in that which your Heavenly Mother daily dictates to you. My adversary will use the half-truths in order to confuse the praying ones; to bring anguish and inner unrest.
I wish you to solely share with Me the sorrow of My Immaculate Heart, a Heart that continues to be offended by all humans when they outrage the feminine consciousness of humanity.
I ask to all of the mothers of the world, to the praying beings, to the believers and the devotees of the Most Sacred Hearts, to offer Me for nine days a novena to the Powerful Mother of the Perpetual Help, so that your Mother of Heaven may have the Grace of protecting the spirit of maternity in the world, that which is disappearing from the maternal womb of the mothers from the East.
Mothers, if you also unite with Me by means of the Mysteries of the Holy Rosary, the Angel of Peace promises to protect the guardian angels of all of the good souls. In order to prevent the guardian angels of the Middle East from disappearing from the nations, I lovingly come to ask the novena to all of the mothers of the world. If all of the mothers unite with Me, I will be able to establish a longer time of peace in the Americas, that are the next focus of My adversary.
In order to establish the Mercy of God each soul of the Earth must do their part until the end of days. If the prayer requests fall from their hands, such as fall the fruits from a tree, humanity will face a great spiritual trial.
is for this that Heaven is descending to the chaos of the planet, as to avoid more innocent to be condemned and Christianity to disappear from the heart of the beings due to fear, terror or disturbance.
I would like all of My praying children to become conscious of the planetary reality, and each soul to commit to the mission that they have come to realize.
Now, not only My Heart is hurt, but also My pure tunics have been torn by the people who outrage the mothers of the East.
Come to Jesus and implore, do not stop imploring; we already are in the ultimate and definite worldly time.
I thank you for praying to My Maternal Heart.
May peace not disapeare from the womb of humanity.
Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace
See My Heart, highly outraged by the offenses of the world, and revere it; It is the Heart, the preferred wellspring of all. From My Heart emerge the Rays of Pity and the just causes for all beings. Blessed are they who drink from the Fount of My Heart, for they will be resurrected.
While I am here today, I am also in Africa with all, accompanying you, following your steps and guiding you in the silence of My Merciful Heart.
For through your hands and the walking of your feet toward service and charity, I can act in omnipresence and take with Me souls, those who have suffered most for a long time, whom no one remembers in their prayer.
The time of the opportunity has come before the Justice of God descends; therefore, prepare yourselves with courage and bravery. Do not be afraid to banish that which lives within you and no longer belongs to the Plans of the Creator.
While you live your purification, rejoice your hearts, companions, for the time of your surrender is coming and like many souls, you will be at the doorways of redemption to cross the thresholds to My Heart, and definitely, to be merged into My Spirit of Light; then, at that moment, be My apostles, the apostles of the new time.
Today I carry in My Hands the prayers of many of My children to offer them, through My intercession, to your Creator Father Adonai, Who is attentive to the supplications of all when these are true, simple, and respond to the need of the Greater Will.
In this way, companions, Graces are poured out, first upon the most needy hearts and then, after all, upon you, who, in the last row of My army, will receive the part that is your due, which God has thought of since the beginning.
Already some of My companions have received many Graces on the part of My Heart. In the same way, I hope you can respond to My Greater Call, and in the face of the times of crisis and of chaos, you will be willing to serve me irrespective of what takes place within or outside of you, wherever you may be. In any part of the world, I will be present there, in omnipresence, when you invoke Me through My Divine Mercy.
While My Words are being pronounced to the world today, My Light and My Love are erasing, from your hearts, all the consequences of evil as well as the links you have made with it, so that you can be reborn in spirit and, purified by My merciful Love, you may place yourselves in the ranks of My celestial army, because the time of congregating is coming and all the soldiers will unite during the most difficult hour to be able to serve the Creator, in this time of transition.
While some walk toward their purification, do not look around you at the darkness that surrounds you.
Look to the skies, because My Light will come to you and I will wrap you in My Mantle as a good shepherd does with his sheep and soon, companions, you will be residing in the stable of My Heart.
Now, receive My monthly Message in gratitude.
Thereafter, Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón receives the monthly Message of Christ of April 17, 2015.
On this evening, I will consecrate the most precious that I have for everyone, which are My Body and My Blood, perfect reasons for your redemption. Happy are those who commune with Me and accept the path of rehabilitation.
At this moment, companions, under the authority that God has granted to Me, as your Master and Shepherd, we will celebrate the consecration by singing to God.
Let the angels congregate, let the Guardian Angels participate in this opportunity of offertory that can be realized by each of you and, again, My Heart be repaired.
Song: "Adonai, Holy Spirit."
Say with Me the prayer of the Angel of Peace:
Most Holy Trinity,
Father, Son, and Holy Spirit,
I adore Thee profoundly. I offer Thee
the Most Precious Body, Blood, Soul, and Divinity of Jesus Christ
present in all the Tabernacles of the Earth,
in reparation for the outrages,
sacrileges, and indifferences by which He is offended.
And by the infinite merits of the Sacred Heart of Jesus
and the Immaculate Heart of Mary,
I beg the conversion of poor sinners.
While I bid farewell to this Center of Love, elevating your supplications to the Eternal Father, pouring upon sinful souls My Mercy, to honor the God of Love, of Unity and of Justice, I desire on this night for the charcoal to be lit again so as to give the blessing with the incense to the souls present here, whom I have also blessed with predilection.
On this evening, I thank you for sharing the ocean of My Mercy with Me.
In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.
Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón:
We wish to share with everyone that today the Master came as the Glorified Jesus, the One we met in the Face He revealed to us on January 5, 2013, and who today came here , to the Kingdom of Aurora, showing His injured Heart. However, wo that Heart there was an infinite portal, where there was a great ocean, which He was telling us was the ocean of His Love. And after that, He addressed His Words to all those present and transmitted this Message to us. He said that it is an inner revelation that He makes for each one of us.
And at the request of Our Lord, we will listen to a reflection of Mother María Shimani about this Message, since Our Lord considers it important that we properly understand what He wanted to tell us.
Mother María Shimani:
The opportunity that we are receiving as representatives of humanity should be very clear to all of us.
Never before in the history of this civilization has the Divine Hierarchy spoken so directly to us, guiding us step by step to experience this final transition.
Our Lord is explaining to us that, through our meetings with Him, of soul to Soul, of soul to Divinity, we have been receiving, directly from His Consciousness, codes of a very high value, which will protect us from now until this process of transition ends in this world. And that He is giving us a special Grace through the requests He makes to us, which allow us, by obeying in love and with joy, to settle the debts that this humanity has and to allow for some events that would be very difficult for our humanity, to be avoided.
Because, although we all know that this world would deserve to experience some significant adjustments through those movements that the planet could experience, many innocents would suffer something they do not deserve, and the Divinity, with His love, not only thinks of and feels those innocents, but also feels all those who have gravely sinned against humanity, because we must never forget that for Our Lord, the most lost of the sinners is that victory He wants to offer to His Father. For His Heart, His Love, and His Mercy, nothing is lost.
So we, through this that we are experiencing and sharing together, are providing a great opportunity for everyone and for all of humanity, something that for us would be unimaginable.
When the human being learns to do the Will of God, when they let go of their own will and with joy obey the Supreme Will, many unimaginable things can happen; something so simple as having gone to Africa, that fourteen brothers and sisters are travelling around Africa doing works of charity, in total obedience and in total service, united to our prayer and that this event was able to avoid many difficulties for this planet.
It is important that we are able to understand what would happen if, as our brothers and sisters were saying in the program of the Sacred Call, we all met together at three in the afternoon to pray for Mercy.
If all human beings revered God, this planet would be a paradise full of life and of happiness for all. Because that was what our Father thought of for this civilization.
With these insignificant things that we do, when in surrender we love and serve God, all the events foreseen can change.
For this reason, Our Lord reveals to us that, when we are united in God, the Kingdom of the Heavens can descend to Earth.
For this reason, we always try to invite you to unite in prayer for this world, to do it from the heart as Our Lord said, without arrogance, in the simplicity of the heart, and so, to definitely change the destiny of this world.
The Virgin Mary:
I Am the Most Holy Virgin Mary, Queen and Lady of Perpetual Help, a good mother who follows Her children and never misses the consecration of a soul to God.
The Heavens respond to those who hear the call.
Celebrate and rejoice, God is descending to Earth with His Mercy. The Queen of Heaven opens the doors of the Greater Universe so that the Son of God may descend from the Greater Thrones.
Angels and Archangels celebrate this Communion and meeting. May your hearts celebrate this moment.
Glory in the Heights! Hallelujah to all those who hear the call of the Lord!
I am here in a special way to bless you, awaiting the coming of Jesus from the seventh universe. Let us wait for Him.
Let us pray, dear children, the prayer that I taught humanity in Fatima, sent to the world by the Angel of Peace.
Prayer of the Angel of Peace (in Portuguese).
Dear children, continue to pray the Rosary for peace every day. God is attentive to the voice of your pleas, to the humble prayers of His children and servants. God becomes joyful for those who are reunited in the Heart of the Lord.
Venezuela will have a bit more time of peace, but you must continue to pray so that the whole world may have peace, in all the hearts that suffer.
Jesus is arriving, let us be happy!
Dear children, I am present, waiting with you for the Presence of Jesus.
Sing and open the Heavens.
Song: "Christ Redeemer, Christ of the Light."
Christ Jesus:
The Sacred Hearts honor and praise those that serve through sacrifice for God.
Glorify God at this moment, glorify His Presence, the Source of Unity and of Love for the world, to which all must return after this life, to merge with God and with My Most Sacred Heart.
I Am your shepherd, Who blesses and loves you.
On this afternoon, I have come to the world to testify to a conversion, for the one who lives in Me lives the conversion, the freedom from life and from the past, and a deep reconciliation with God, your Eternal Father.
By the authority that God has given Me, as a part of God and a Cell of His Eternal Presence in all the universes; by the Christification that I have lived in the Passion; by the Blood and the Water poured out upon you out of love and conversion, redemption and the liberation of all faults; and by the precious passage of My Baptism in the River Jordan; My paternal and Christic Spirit blesses this water to consecrate this new soul, that is re-encountering My Sacred Heart after a long time.
Thus, on this afternoon, I institute, in this congregation, Baptism as a spiritual gift to cleanse the faults and the past, and to be born again in My ocean of Life, in My infinite Mercy.
Prayer: Our Father (in Portuguese).
When John the Baptist baptized lives, He was bringing the Holy Spirit to each of those souls. Water, which in this world represents the purity and compassion for all spirits on Earth, is the greatest example of simplicity and chastity for each one of you.
For this reason, may this practice of Baptism be through a state of simplicity, of a deep feeling of the heart, of the love that unites you with God, and thus, God will come to Earth through your essences and hearts.
I teach you, dear companions, to wash your sins through My Mercy and to be reborn in the Greater Light that exists in infinity.
My Message for today is to remind you of Baptism as a gift of healing and of restoration; to be able to again institute My Rays of Mercy and of Pity upon the souls that have been distant from My Heart.
Thus, at this moment, also baptize your lives and spirits, and from My Sacred Heart, receive Peace and absolution so as to begin, on this day, a new path of Light, the path of the apostolate, of service, and of charity out of love and for the redemption of all humanity.
Let the Heavens sing and the beings of Earth rejoice!
The Holy Spirit comes to you.
Dear companions, may the Holy Spirit, at this moment, be a true Gift of peace and of conversion in your lives. May your souls be reborn in My Sacred Heart and, on this new path, may they find hope and faith, gifts of fortitude and of perfect unity with God.
On this afternoon I have also blessed My Body and My Blood so that you may restore the Heart of God and understand, in the face of all these things, that there is something greater for each one of you, which is the Love of My Kingdom, eternity, Paradise.
The soul that is consecrated to Christ prostrates at the foot of My Cross so that I may bless and sanctify it. In this way, that blessing comes for all, mainly for those who open their heart to My eternal Light, My redeeming Light.
My Most Sacred Heart is still present among you to pour out Its Mercy, Its joy and Its goodness upon your souls.
Alejandrino, arise and walk! Follow My footsteps and My paths. Many souls need Me, and so that I may reach all of them, I need My servants, to accomplish My Greater Plan on Earth.
Go in peace.
Argentina! Prepare to receive Me. I will want to see your hearts more open than those I have already seen.
I thank you.
In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.
Mother María Shimani:
Today we had the special visit of our Mother Mary, as the Lady of Perpetual Help.
It was really a surprise for us to have received Her, and Her manifestation was very compelling, together with Her angels, and the visit of an Archangel, awaiting the coming of the Master.
At that moment, we felt and saw that our Mother Mary carried out a planetary work in a matter of minutes. She embraced the whole planet with Her Presence and Her energy. She also drew very much closer to us so that we could be sure that it was really Her Who was present.
She shared that moment of prayer in which She asked us to recite the prayer of the Angel of Peace. At that moment, the Sanctuary of Fatima united with the Marian Center of Figueira as a single Marian channel that gradually expanded throughout the world.
Afterwards, our Master came. The Presence of our Mother Mary was still here, Who shared this moment of consecration.
It was also a surprise for us when the Master asked us to bring a jug of water to carry out the blessing, the Baptism.
In the beginning, we did not understand what He meant with that. But today, He also brought us the moment of His Baptism in the River Jordan. That event He carried until now, to this present moment; and many souls were blessed, mainly those that are not here today. But all of you were also blessed by the Energy of Christ, and our souls were shown clean and purified from sin, from faults, through this act that Christ carried out with His Presence.
He also requested that the brother place himself at the foot of the picture of the Merciful Christ. And during a moment in the Baptism, He said: "Many will want to be baptized."
We asked Him: What shall we do?
Do what I have taught you, what John the Baptist taught, let it be simple and humble, because at the moment of the Baptism, I will be interceding for that soul that receives the baptism, and all of you will only be instruments so that this can happen.
And then our Master and our Mother Mary gave us some guidance about the coming works and tasks we will do in these months.
It has been a little more than two thousand years of your time since the Great Star of Bethlehem guided the path of the initiated Magi Kings, those that received the original blessing from the Son of God.
This special encounter in Bethlehem with the Saints and Wise Kings of the Spirit marked a before and an after in the life and in the evolution of humanity. They prepared from the heart the glorious coming of the King of the Stars.
The kings that arrived from different parts of Middle East and the Far East were more than three. I remember that My Beloved Mother Mary, when I was only six years, old told Me that the Holy Kings had been sent by the Spirit of God to anoint, by means of the sacred offerings, the Son of God.
It was in this way that in that time the Kings reopened the path of healing and of spiritual redemption of all the lost humanity. In truth they were the ones that prepared the path for the Messiah together with the mission that John the Baptist fulfilled.
Many of the hearts in that time, many of the souls, were blessed by the loving action of the kings and as good and humble initiated ones, they sustained the Plan that God wanted to implant since the birth of Jesus.
Also, on that night the shepherds of Bethlehem received the visit of the Angel of Peace, the one that announced the Glory and the Salvation through the birth of the Messiah. Mary and Joseph, rejoiced by the Holy Spirit, were taken in the inner levels before the Altars of the Creator. Even though it had been only a few days since My Sacred Mother had given birth, She was crowned and blessed by the Spirit of God.
Today I reveal to you this mystery because in this year that begins My Merciful Heart will come to search for the new apostles. It is already time to open the doors for inner liberation and for the path of peace.
Imitate the sacred example of the Holy Kings of the East because it will be necessary to rescue reverence and the sacred in humanity. I thank all of those that are present for sharing with Me these days of prayer and of peace for humanity. God is happy for your efforts.
Who loves you always and protects you,
Your Holy King, Christ Jesus
Dear children,
Saturdays are considered by the Heavens as days of profound and merciful adoration to the Eucharistic Body of Christ.
For centuries I have been asking for the adoration of the Blessed Sacrament of the Eucharist, due to the great need of balance and spiritual harmony in the entire world My Son has asked Me to repeat and diffuse through the four corners of the Earth this true need of His Sacred Heart.
Jesus expects that He will also be venerated and loved in the adoration to His Mystical and Glorified Body, because the days of Saturday, in the entire world, have been converted into a portal of absolute perdition for the souls of the Earth through the actions of sin, of customs, of popular festivities and of the innocent death of youths and women.
My Son wants at least a part of this humanity to adore Him with heart and soul. Even though this spiritual exercise already exists among many adorers of My Son, Heaven needs this action of the adoration of Jesus in the Blessed Sacrament to be real and sincere.
The Lord only asks you that by means of the adoration you may be healed and thus may be converted the plans that the enemy sows in many souls, which are separated from the Heart of Jesus. For this reason, today My Immaculate Heart invites you to assume this path of reparation and redemption by means of the adoration.
The Lord needs that His Mystical Body be more important for you spirits than the realities that the media diffuse.
In the adoration of the Living Christ in the Eucharist is found the key that will help you to keep mental and emotional balance for this end of time. Christ wishes to remove from suffering many of My children that Saturday after Saturday condemn themselves and that above all lose the inner strengths of their hearts.
By responding to this call, you will receive wisdom and, as the Holy Angel of Peace has said, you will adore for those who do not adore, do not love and nor seek God.
Dear children, in this way you will be able to see that the times are urgent and that your refuge will always be the Beloved Heart of My Son.
I thank you for responding to My call!
May Peace and Good guide you.
Your Mother Mary, Guardian of the Sacred Adoration
Very dear children in Christ,
It makes Me happy to see, on this day, the simple pilgrims ready to follow Me on the path of prayer and peace. Today I want to give thanks for the divine meeting that each one of them will have with Me in their hearts because a pilgrim is the light that surrounds the spaces to bring peace.
A pilgrim is like an incandescent star that radiates the immaculate love of the Celestial Mother. A pilgrim is like a sun, facing the darkness, because their main instrument is the rosary. A pilgrim is like a disciple that lovingly follows the instructions.
All pilgrims have different fires. The fire of each pilgrim is ignited by prayer and this is complemented by other fires. In this way, each pilgrim, as one who prays, manifests a part of the Plan of God. All pilgrims are one Christic spirit that strengthens the path and the steps of their neighbor.
Thus, one who wants to consecrate themselves as a pilgrim will simply need to pray and affirm that they are a disciple of Christ in the world; because a pilgrim is not just someone who lives the Divine Message, but they are also a bridge to selfless service and charity for those most in need.
There are many pilgrims in the world that, in this time, will become inwardly consecrated to My Immaculate Heart, as new apostles of Christ, as apostles of God. In this way, the new soldiers of Mary will be born who are willing to follow the teachings of the new Gospel of Christ, a Gospel that will prepare the coming of My Son Jesus.
Today I want to radiate My maternal and unique Love to all pilgrims because it is through all of them that My Marian Plan will be carried forward when they truly collaborate from the heart so that this Work of salvation and Mercy may be possible.
Dear children, I am in prayer for you, to protect the pilgrims who are willing to follow the path towards My Son Jesus.
My children, on this day of happiness and rejoicing for you in My maternal Heart, I again encourage you to live the ecumenism of Christ. This means to see that all pilgrims are carriers of the Love of My Son, a Love that unites, a Love that brings relief, a Love that heals, a Love that frees, a Love that does not condemn, a transfiguring and redeeming Love.
Dear children, the Mother of Heaven calls you to be in fellowship through prayer for peace in the world and through spiritual union among all beings on Earth. Those willing to be ecumenical will also help events to change and peace to reign between humankind and God.
Beloved children, My infinite Spirit of Love will today help the needy in soul, heart, and body, it will help those who have waited for inner relief for a long time.
Let us pray for the new apostles of My Son to present themselves and for the Marian work to be accomplished throughout the whole world, mainly in the dear families of the Americas.
Fast, adore and commune with My Son. He will always be your one and only faithful sustenance for this time.
Now, after each decade of the Holy Rosary, and at the end of the Prayer of the Angel of Peace, you must repeat with devotion:
"It is all for You, Jesus, for Your unfathomable Mercy. Amen."
I thank you for responding to My Call!
Who blesses you in eternal Love,
Mary, Your Mother and Queen of Peace
My dear children:
Today My maternal Heart returns to your lives to encourage you to go forward in the consecration of your hearts to My Immaculate Heart. Today the Sacred Heart of Jesus gathers you around His loyal Server, the Virgin Mary, so that many children confirm themselves as soldiers of the Light.
My children, today Heaven congregates souls and hearts that should be willing to walk in God for the souls that do not walk in God, to sacrifice themselves for the souls that do not give themselves to the Father and to love the souls that do not love God.
As the Angel of Peace once did, before My coming to Fatima during the last century, the Angels of the Lord prepare today, together with the Guardian Angels, the awaited return of the Lady of Heaven, every month.
My maternal voice announced itself for the first time in Fatima on May 13, 1917. Now My Message returns stronger and more precise in this time because My children must awaken to the call of conversion.
On this day, the angels of the Kingdom of Fatima will descend with the same resplendent consciousnesses of Light that, together with the Immaculate Heart, redeemed all humanity through purity and prayer.
Today I invite you to enter into the Kingdom of Fatima, the Angelical Kingdom that was manifested when My Heart announced itself in Fatima to the world, with the purpose of peace reaching the entire Earth.
Dear children, for this reason, I ask that in your hearts you protect with love all the Marian Centers that were founded by the Virgin Mary, the Queen of Heaven. As in each Marian Center, in the Marian Center of Fatima, the Angelical Kingdom of Fatima will fulfill an important task in the salvation of the essences of humanity.
The Marian Center of Fatima will spiritually rescue souls so that in the culminating moments they may be led towards the Light. The Marian Centers are not only Sanctuaries of devotion, but also celestial points where God, through the Mother of Heaven, sowed Light for the world.
See that through the Kingdom of Fatima you will be able to awaken the purity of the soul and of the heart. See that in the Kingdom of Fatima your paths will be able to be straightened and the wisdom of the angels will be able to lead your steps.
In the Kingdom of Fatima, My Immaculate Heart was able to reunite through prayer all the souls of the world and so that, once more, peace expanded through each corner of the Earth.
Dear children, remembering this day of April 13, My arrival at Fatima on May 13, 1917, I invite you to gestate within your hearts a profound love for the Kingdom of Fatima, in this way allowing for the Guardian Angels to lead you through the safe roads of the spiritual path.
See the greatness of My Marian Work through the Marian Centers and be partakers, together with Me, of the Kingdom of Peace.
I want more of My children to be able to find the path towards God through each of the Marian Centers and you, the pilgrims, should be the guardians of the Portals of Light that My Heart opened in each Center of devotion through prayer.
May the Kingdom of Fatima awaken My Virginal Purity in your essences and may you discover the angelical presence by your side.
I thank all My children for responding to My call!
Who loves and blesses you,
Your Mother Mary, Queen of Peace and Lady of the Holy Rosary
Dear children,
After that 13th of October, 1917, when the Sun of God showed Its True Face, the life of many souls changed for the good of the Divine Plan, the war among the hearts stopped and My Maternal Spirit was able to establish some more time of peace.
My children still need miracles, but today I tell you all that after so many Graces that have been poured by Jesus, from His Sacred Heart, and from My Immaculate Heart, the great Grace for this time is that I, the Blessed Virgin Mary, Queen of Peace, may be here among your hearts calling you in the name of My Son to live conversion and forgiveness in this time of Mercy.
My children, this is why today I invite you to remember and keep in your hearts a Great Miracle of Love that God manifested through My Immaculate Heart in the luminous presence of the Sun. The great seed of Light was sown in the hearts of those who had faith and in the hearts of the unbelievers. The seed of My Maternal Light was sown in the believers and in the atheists. No one remained without receiving, once more, the Grace of God, His Forgiveness and Redemption.
For this reason, dear children, today I am calling you to med- itate through prayer, on these mysteries that made themselves visible once in Fatima before the eyes of all My children.
God called Me to pour His Infinite Grace in a time in which humanity was once again walking towards perdition. But the Merciful Love of the Lady of the Most Holy Rosary intervened to harmonize the events that occurred in the world.
The Angel of Peace brought to humanity the sign of conversion and of penitence. He prepared the path of salvation for all of humanity, and this happened through His spiritual inter- vention upon all souls.
Thus, dear children, after this, the Lady more brilliant than the Sun arrived to propagate to the world the important call for peace and forgiveness.
Today, again, I descend from Heaven to open your hearts to this important cycle in which humanity must consecrate it- self to the Will of God.
I mean, My little ones, that each soul must confirm the degree of its Love to God, as this will permit other Laws of the Creator to act upon the world. By means of the exercise of prayer, hearts will be radiated by My Love, as in Fatima.
I invite you, dear children, to remember the facts of the Apparitions of Fatima because as I have said, your lives will thus enter the inner sanctuary to live in faith and in love.
May the Sun of God, that once illuminated the world through Its Universal Source, illuminate your little hearts. Walk through the pathway of My Son.
Let us pray for peace.
I thank you!
Thank you for responding to My call!
Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception of the Trinity
Dear children,
With immense delight I prepare My coming to each one of your little hearts, in the month of May, in Portugal, and in June, in Argentina. Today I invite you to follow Me in the Plans of Peace and of Reconciliation that God has for each creature.
As the Immaculate Heart, dear children, I bring you closer to My Son daily, because in Him you will strengthen the Gift of Love.
My children, on these days of gathering in Portugal and in Argentina, I invite you as groups of prayer to fill the Heavens with supplications. This will help, My children, so that these nations may receive the Grace of Forgiveness that My children need.
I also want to ask you that in each gathering of the prayer groups you cry out with your prayers and with your hearts for the presence of the Angel of Peace. In this way, little children, your lives will prepare themselves to receive Me during the months of May and June and together we will be able to renovate Divine Mercy in each beloved child.
Dear children, live today the presence of My Universal Peace through the union of each soul with the Angel of Peace, thus your hearts will prepare My arrival with immense joy.
Know, My children, that My Heart comes to you in Portugal and in Argentina for the second time so that as humanity you may renovate the devotion to the Sacred Heart of Jesus.
I want that in the coming months you may live in My Peace as a preparation for the times that will come.
Walk in the life of prayer. My Heart is with you and with the entire world. I embrace you with My Maternal Light and I place you under My Mantle.
In the months that will come may your hearts live in a single heart group of charity and service for souls and for the souls of those that are dispersed throughout the world.
I await you all in prayer, for the Mission of the Peace of God in all My children of this humanity.
Rejoice your lives in order to receive Me.
Who loves you from the Infinite Heart,
Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception of the Trinity
Association Mary
Founded in December of 2012, at the request of the Virgin Mary, Association Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception, is a religious association without ties to any institutionalized religion. It has a philosophical-spiritual, ecumenical, humanitarian, charitable, cultural character, and it supports all activities that are indicated through the instructions transmitted by Christ Jesus, the Virgin Mary, and Saint Joseph. Read more