Dear children,

More than 102 years ago, on July 13, 1917, in Fatima, I revealed to the little shepherds the third unknown secret. Now, continuing with this revelation given, and still not totally known by humanity, I come on this day to reveal what you are ready to know.

For this reason, My children, your Heavenly Mother arrives with the impulse that you can know and embrace, with all the strength of your hearts, that which the Universe and its infinite life represents.

The time has come for humanity of the surface to no longer remain only with the vision of its nation, continent or planet. It is time to, by means of prayer and of faith, be able to expand its consciousness so that there are no mental borders, but rather knowledge, reverence and devotion for the unknown; for all that is in the dwellings of the Heavens, and that which cannot be controlled nor manipulated by anyone.

In Fatima, the little shepherds reached these revelations, besides the third secret they received, because the Angel of Peace prepared them for this period in which, through the Most Holy Mother, they would be before the magnitude of God and of all of His Universe. All this was possible due to the spontaneous degree of purity that they lived.

Now, dear children, it is time to take the leap to the knowledge of the Universe and to access the reality that no human technology has attained throughout the history of the Earth. Because, in truth, the infinite knowledge of the Universe is revealed to the humble in heart and to the simple in consciousness. In them there is no ambition of power nor of control, in any sense.

This was, My children, what the little shepherds of Fatima lived, but the moment has come for the Celestial Hierarchy to expand this opportunity to all of those who aspire to postulate themselves as humble servers of God.

This will help, on the Surface of the Earth, for there to be consciousnesses that may be instruments, that may propogate devotion to the Eternal Father and then, thus, there may exist more gratitude and reverence in compensation for all the mistakes that humanity of today makes, separating themselves from the Divine Truth for its own means and ways of life.

Thus, My children, on this day, through the Apparition, I, as your Mother and intercessor, will place you before this Grace, that your hearts may grow in faith and love for the knowledge of the Heights, of the Universe and thus, Christic Love may be present in humanity.

I thank you for responding to My call!

Who blesses you,

Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace 



My child,

Imagine for a moment three-quarters of the world in the days of darkness; because, in truth, what the world is provoking attracts more darkness to the Earth.

Many think that the sun will be hidden for three days, but, in truth, if nations do not stop provoking wars and, above all, do not stop promoting them as if it were the latest fad of these times, worse situations will happen, things that nobody would ever expect; I would say, violent results.

Today, an angel of God removes a painful thorn from My Immaculate Heart and even though the prayers for the nations are permanent and that protects South America, on the other hand, My adversary is conquering the power and ostentation of his allies on earth more and more.

If the weapons do not stop being activated, as I once said in Fatima, a third war, even worse, would be unleashed overnight.

That possible darkness that could reign upon the planet and hide its three quarters, would be the effect of chemical, gaseous and warlike weapons; something outlandish.

The effect of the self-destruction of a part of humanity would be so violent that after the ones who provoke the wars activate their weapons, late would they realize that the power got out of their hands, unable to stop the effects and consequences.

Today, through the pain of My Heart, I bring this reality so that by all means, offers and sacrifices, it may be avoided.

Imagine it again, the planet submerged in darkness, caused by the harmful effect of nuclear weapons.

Humanity because of its interests, are playing with its race. And, although the promise of the return of Christ will be fulfilled, the most definitive moment of the race is still waiting to be gone through; and that moment is about to happen.

In the meantime, do not stop praying because, in this way, your Heavenly Mother will continue to work on the spiritual plane against Her adversary in order to remove from the weak minds the idea of the activation of weapons.

Now the time has come, more than ever, to join your guardian angels so that your spiritual life is protected from the invasive repercussion that the war in the Middle East is generating.

That is the reason why your Heavenly Mother wishes to arrive soon at the Northern Hemisphere, not only to intervene in those who provoke the wars, but also to protect the millions of European souls that would witness destruction without limits, as an effect of what their representatives do in the Middle East.

Therefore, sleep and restore the consciousness, but always have a part of your being well awake because, in an unexpected way, everything could be triggered.

Pray even more from the heart so that your Heavenly Mother and all the angels may be able to intercede and avoid irreparable disasters.

While My Heart hurts, I sustain Myself with the loving prayers of those who join Me in this difficult cycle.

I thank you for responding to My call!

Who blesses you,

Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace



Divine dialogue between the Most Holy Mary and the Angel of Portugal

Angel of Portugal: “Sweet Queen of the Stars, Spiritual Ruler of all souls, lost and not lost; consent, Celestial Majesty, to raise each one of Your children into the arms of the Celestial Father.

At least, Adorable and Holy Virgin, shine with Your Divine Love upon each essence so that it may at last find God, the Supreme Lord”.

Most Holy Mary: “Welcoming Angel of Portugal, legionnaire and server of Archangel Saint Raphael, I send You and all of Your blessed armies, in honor of the Archangel Saint Michael to free all the consciousnesses that are chained by My adversary.

With Your Peace, Angel of Portugal, dissipate all illusion of the consciousness, and I ask, servant angel of God, that you pray for all My children, especially for those that believe they are living their spirituality and do not have God because of their great pride.

Angel of Peace, untiringly protect My beloved Portugal, and also have it inwardly know that all these peoples must still settle their errors committed against My indigenous peoples”.

Angel of Portugal: “Yes, My Lady, Most Pious Mother Who consoles the afflicted, Who brings hope and renewal to those who are spiritually hungry.

Yes, Mother, this is My humble reply before Your precious request for mercy. Remember, Holy Celestial Mother, those who blaspheme the Heart of Your Beloved Son; implore, Holy Virgin, for each consciousness of this world, so that nobody lose the peace of the Lord”.

Most Holy Mary: “Servant of My Father, who serves the Higher Universes, valued Angel of Portugal, I will respond to your holy petitions; I will ask My Beloved Son to placate the justice of God and that His Sacred Heart help to dissolve human indifference, the action that commits all the errors of the world.

O Holy Angel of Peace!, help the angels of all the nations, give impulse to each regent angel of each nation, so that it may show itself to the world. Holy Angel of Portugal, Consciousness that adores the Holy Body of My Son in the Eucharist, radiate the codes of light that spring from the untiring Heart of Christ and cause each soul to discover the sweetness of the Love of My Son.

Have it come to known through the perfect communion with His Body and His Blood, have it come to love first and in the life of each being, so that in this way, My children abandon the abyss of their great ignorance.”

Angel of Portugal: “Beloved Mother and Queen of the Jubilation of Christ, we will make known the most pious majesty of Your Son, so that hearts may find Christ and never again separate from Him.

I will send the armies of the Archangel Saint Raphael, so that they may work on healing all souls, and especially the disregarding hearts, that still deny the power of Your Son.

Do not cry, Holy Star of Peace! From your tears springs the appeal for a merciful salvation for each one of Your children. Let me, Mother of the Sun, dry each tear from Your most pure countenance with My linens of light, to offer them to the Beloved Father as petals of the eternal flowers of Your Heart.”

Most Holy Mary: “If souls knew, Beloved Angel of Peace, what My generous Heart feels, they would not fail to be in My arms, just as Jesus was.

I will not cease for one instant to stretch out My arms to the world and to offer My consoling hands, as healing and a remedy for any pain.

It gives Me pleasure, Holy Angel of Portugal, to hear from Your mouth the offering of Your Angelic Consciousness. Thus We will alleviate the Father, experiencing for all the pain of the world. In this way, wronged hearts will be able to find the path of hope.”

Angel of Portugal: “You know, Pious Mother and Queen of Peace, that we are at Your eternal service, for Your name, which is holy, resounds in our hearts like a melody of love and of redemption.

We will hear Your call and will respond immediately; all the guardian angels of Your children will help You so that the men and women of Earth respond to the voice of Your supplications”.

Most Holy Mary: “Then, Angel of Peace, emit this Gift of Grace from Your heart, so that Peace embrace not only Portugal, that it one day may redeem itself, but may the Peace of God, of the Most High, reach all who need it.

I shall invoke Your name, and You, Holy Angel, shall make known to the world the lack of its innocence. Take refuge in the prayer of all My children, and in this way, together with Your legions, You will redeem the Earth, preparing it for the return of Christ.”

Angel of Portugal: Yes, Merciful Mother, we shall comply with Your most sweet petitions; may Your Holy and Immaculate Heart be the refuge for each angel. Together with You, Adorable Mother, we lift up all supplications so that this blind humanity may awaken from its deep sleep.

We thank You and praise You, Universal Mother.

Most Holy Mary: It is thus, Angel of Peace, that on this day I shall make known to the whole world our divine dialogue, so that souls may be moved and feel the truth and the cry of My blessed words. This is why today I reveal them to all My children”.

I thank you for responding to My call!

In union with the Angel of Portugal,

Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace


Dear children,

My Maternal Heart still grieves for the lack of consciousness and love of the sinners of the world.

I ask you that you do not be confused with the false messages that only attempt to deviate the souls from My purpose of Peace.

Listen with attention to My words, and only believe in that which your Heavenly Mother daily dictates to you.  My adversary will use the half-truths in order to confuse the praying ones; to bring anguish and inner unrest.

I wish you to solely share with Me the sorrow of My Immaculate Heart, a Heart that continues to be offended by all humans when they outrage the feminine consciousness of humanity.

I ask to all of the mothers of the world, to the praying beings, to the believers and the devotees of the Most Sacred Hearts, to offer Me for nine days a novena to the Powerful Mother of the Perpetual Help, so that your Mother of Heaven may have the Grace of protecting the spirit of maternity in the world, that which is disappearing from the maternal womb of the mothers from the East. 

Mothers, if you also unite with Me by means of the Mysteries of the Holy Rosary, the Angel of Peace promises to protect the guardian angels of all of the good souls.  In order to prevent the guardian angels of the Middle East from disappearing from the nations, I lovingly come to ask the novena to all of the mothers of the world.  If all of the mothers unite with Me, I will be able to establish a longer time of peace in the Americas, that are the next focus of My adversary.

In order to establish the Mercy of God each soul of the Earth must do their part until the end of days.  If the prayer requests fall from their hands, such as fall the fruits from a tree, humanity will face a great spiritual trial. 

is for this that Heaven is descending to the chaos of the planet, as to avoid more innocent to be condemned and Christianity to disappear from the heart of the beings due to fear, terror or disturbance.

I would like all of My praying children to become conscious of the planetary reality, and each soul to commit to the mission that they have come to realize.

Now, not only My Heart is hurt, but also My pure tunics have been torn by the people who outrage the mothers of the East.

Come to Jesus and implore, do not stop imploring; we already are in the ultimate and definite worldly time.

I thank you for praying to My Maternal Heart.

May peace not disapeare from the womb of humanity.

Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace



Dear children,

Saturdays are considered by the Heavens as days of profound and merciful adoration to the Eucharistic Body of Christ. 

For centuries I have been asking for the adoration of the Blessed Sacrament of the Eucharist, due to the great need of balance and spiritual harmony in the entire world   My Son has asked Me to repeat and diffuse through the four corners of the Earth this true need of His Sacred Heart.

Jesus expects that He will also be venerated and loved in the adoration to His Mystical and Glorified Body, because the days of Saturday, in the entire world, have been converted into a portal of absolute perdition for the souls of the Earth through the actions of sin, of customs, of popular festivities and of the innocent death of youths and women.

My Son wants at least a part of this humanity to adore Him with heart and soul.  Even though this spiritual exercise already exists among many adorers of My Son, Heaven needs this action of the adoration of Jesus in the Blessed Sacrament to be real and sincere.

The Lord only asks you that by means of the adoration you may be healed and thus may be converted the plans that the enemy sows in many souls, which are separated from the Heart of Jesus. For this reason, today My Immaculate Heart invites you to assume this path of reparation and redemption by means of the adoration.  

The Lord needs that His Mystical Body be more important for you spirits than the realities that the media diffuse.

In the adoration of the Living Christ in the Eucharist is found the key that will help you to keep mental and emotional balance for this end of time.  Christ wishes to remove from suffering many of My children that Saturday after Saturday condemn themselves and that above all lose the inner strengths of their hearts.

By responding to this call, you will receive wisdom and, as the Holy Angel of Peace has said, you will adore for those who do not adore, do not love and nor seek God.

Dear children, in this way you will be able to see that the times are urgent and that your refuge will always be the Beloved Heart of My Son.

I thank you for responding to My call!

May Peace and Good guide you.

Your Mother Mary, Guardian of the Sacred Adoration  


Message for the Apparition of Mary, Queen of Peace, transmitted in the Marian Center of Figueira, Minas Gerais, Brazil, to the visionary Friar Elías

Very dear children in Christ,

It makes Me happy to see, on this day, the simple pilgrims ready to follow Me on the path of prayer and peace. Today I want to give thanks for the divine meeting that each one of them will have with Me in their hearts because a pilgrim is the light that surrounds the spaces to bring peace.

A pilgrim is like an incandescent star that radiates the immaculate love of the Celestial Mother. A pilgrim is like a sun, facing the darkness, because their main instrument is the rosary. A pilgrim is like a disciple that lovingly follows the instructions.

All pilgrims have different fires. The fire of each pilgrim is ignited by prayer and this is complemented by other fires. In this way, each pilgrim, as one who prays, manifests a part of the Plan of God. All pilgrims are one Christic spirit that strengthens the path and the steps of their neighbor.

Thus, one who wants to consecrate themselves as a pilgrim will simply need to pray and affirm that they are a disciple of Christ in the world; because a pilgrim is not just someone who lives the Divine Message, but they are also a bridge to selfless service and charity for those most in need.

There are many pilgrims in the world that, in this time, will become inwardly consecrated to My Immaculate Heart, as new apostles of Christ, as apostles of God. In this way, the new soldiers of Mary will be born who are willing to follow the teachings of the new Gospel of Christ, a Gospel that will prepare the coming of My Son Jesus.

Today I want to radiate My maternal and unique Love to all pilgrims because it is through all of them that My Marian Plan will be carried forward when they truly collaborate from the heart so that this Work of salvation and Mercy may be possible.

Dear children, I am in prayer for you, to protect the pilgrims who are willing to follow the path towards My Son Jesus.

My children, on this day of happiness and rejoicing for you in My maternal Heart, I again encourage you to live the ecumenism of Christ. This means to see that all pilgrims are carriers of the Love of My Son, a Love that unites, a Love that brings relief, a Love that heals, a Love that frees, a Love that does not condemn, a transfiguring and redeeming Love.

Dear children, the Mother of Heaven calls you to be in fellowship through prayer for peace in the world and through spiritual union among all beings on Earth. Those willing to be ecumenical will also help events to change and peace to reign between humankind and God.

Beloved children, My infinite Spirit of Love will today help the needy in soul, heart, and body, it will help those who have waited for inner relief for a long time.

Let us pray for the new apostles of My Son to present themselves and for the Marian work to be accomplished throughout the whole world, mainly in the dear families of the Americas.

Fast, adore and commune with My Son. He will always be your one and only faithful sustenance for this time.

Now, after each decade of the Holy Rosary, and at the end of the Prayer of the Angel of Peace, you must repeat with devotion:

"It is all for You, Jesus, for Your unfathomable Mercy. Amen."

I thank you for responding to My Call!

Who blesses you in eternal Love,

Mary, Your Mother and Queen of Peace

Message for the Apparition of April 13, 2013, in the city of Lavras, Minas Gerais, Brazil, transmitted by the Mother of God to the visionary Friar Elías

My dear children:

Today My maternal Heart returns to your lives to encourage you to go forward in the consecration of your hearts to My Immaculate Heart. Today the Sacred Heart of Jesus gathers you around His loyal Server, the Virgin Mary, so that many children confirm themselves as soldiers of the Light.

My children, today Heaven congregates souls and hearts that should be willing to walk in God for the souls that do not walk in God, to sacrifice themselves for the souls that do not give themselves to the Father and to love the souls that do not love God.

As the Angel of Peace once did, before My coming to Fatima during the last century, the Angels of the Lord prepare today, together with the Guardian Angels, the awaited return of the Lady of Heaven, every month.

My maternal voice announced itself for the first time in Fatima on May 13, 1917. Now My Message returns stronger and more precise in this time because My children must awaken to the call of conversion.

On this day, the angels of the Kingdom of Fatima will descend with the same resplendent consciousnesses of Light that, together with the Immaculate Heart, redeemed all humanity through purity and prayer.

Today I invite you to enter into the Kingdom of Fatima, the Angelical Kingdom that was manifested when My Heart announced itself in Fatima to the world, with the purpose of peace reaching the entire Earth.

Dear children, for this reason, I ask that in your hearts you protect with love all the Marian Centers that were founded by the Virgin Mary, the Queen of Heaven. As in each Marian Center, in the Marian Center of Fatima, the Angelical Kingdom of Fatima will fulfill an important task in the salvation of the essences of humanity.

The Marian Center of Fatima will spiritually rescue souls so that in the culminating moments they may be led towards the Light. The Marian Centers are not only Sanctuaries of devotion, but also celestial points where God, through the Mother of Heaven, sowed Light for the world.

See that through the Kingdom of Fatima you will be able to awaken the purity of the soul and of the heart. See that in the Kingdom of Fatima your paths will be able to be straightened and the wisdom of the angels will be able to lead your steps.

In the Kingdom of Fatima, My Immaculate Heart was able to reunite through prayer all the souls of the world and so that, once more, peace expanded through each corner of the Earth.

Dear children, remembering this day of April 13, My arrival at Fatima on May 13, 1917, I invite you to gestate within your hearts a profound love for the Kingdom of Fatima,  in this way allowing for the Guardian Angels to lead you through the safe roads of the spiritual path.

See the greatness of My Marian Work through the Marian Centers and be partakers, together with Me, of the Kingdom of Peace.

I want more of My children to be able to find the path towards God through each of the Marian Centers and you, the pilgrims, should be the guardians of the Portals of Light that My Heart opened in each Center of devotion through prayer.

May the Kingdom of Fatima awaken My Virginal Purity in your essences and may you discover the angelical presence by your side.

I thank all My children for responding to My call!

Who loves and blesses you,

Your Mother Mary, Queen of Peace and Lady of the Holy Rosary


Dear children,

After that 13th of October, 1917, when the Sun of God showed Its True Face, the life of many souls changed for the good of the Divine Plan, the war among the hearts stopped and My Maternal Spirit was able to establish some more time of peace.

My children still need miracles, but today I tell you all that after so many Graces that have been poured by Jesus, from His Sacred Heart, and from My Immaculate Heart, the great Grace for this time is that I, the Blessed Virgin Mary, Queen of Peace, may be here among your hearts calling you in the name of My Son to live conversion and forgiveness in this time of Mercy.

My children, this is why today I invite you to remember and keep in your hearts a Great Miracle of Love that God manifested through My Immaculate Heart in the luminous presence of the Sun. The great seed of Light was sown in the hearts of those who had faith and in the hearts of the unbelievers. The seed of My Maternal Light was sown in the believers and in the atheists. No one remained without receiving, once more, the Grace of God, His Forgiveness and Redemption.

For this reason, dear children, today I am calling you to med- itate through prayer, on these mysteries that made themselves visible once in Fatima before the eyes of all My children.

God called Me to pour His Infinite Grace in a time in which humanity was once again walking towards perdition. But the Merciful Love of the Lady of the Most Holy Rosary intervened to harmonize the events that occurred in the world.

The Angel of Peace brought to humanity the sign of conversion and of penitence. He prepared the path of salvation for all of humanity, and this happened through His spiritual inter- vention upon all souls.

Thus, dear children, after this, the Lady more brilliant than the Sun arrived to propagate to the world the important call for peace and forgiveness.

Today, again, I descend from Heaven to open your hearts to this important cycle in which humanity must consecrate it- self to the Will of God.

I mean, My little ones, that each soul must confirm the degree of its Love to God, as this will permit other Laws of the Creator to act upon the world. By means of the exercise of prayer, hearts will be radiated by My Love, as in Fatima.

I invite you, dear children, to remember the facts of the Apparitions of Fatima because as I have said, your lives will thus enter the inner sanctuary to live in faith and in love.

May the Sun of God, that once illuminated the world through Its Universal Source, illuminate your little hearts. Walk through the pathway of My Son.

Let us pray for peace.

I thank you!

Thank you for responding to My call!

Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception of the Trinity


Dear children,

With immense delight I prepare My coming to each one of your little hearts, in the month of May, in Portugal, and in June, in Argentina. Today I invite you to follow Me in the Plans of Peace and of Reconciliation that God has for each creature.

As the Immaculate Heart, dear children, I bring you closer to My Son daily, because in Him you will strengthen the Gift of Love.

My children, on these days of gathering in Portugal and in Argentina, I invite you as groups of prayer to fill the Heavens with supplications. This will help, My children, so that these nations may receive the Grace of Forgiveness that My children need.

I also want to ask you that in each gathering of the prayer groups you cry out with your prayers and with your hearts for the presence of the Angel of Peace. In this way, little children, your lives will prepare themselves to receive Me during the months of May and June and together we will be able to renovate Divine Mercy in each beloved child.

Dear children, live today the presence of My Universal Peace through the union of each soul with the Angel of Peace, thus your hearts will prepare My arrival with immense joy.

Know, My children, that My Heart comes to you in Portugal and in Argentina for the second time so that as humanity you may renovate the devotion to the Sacred Heart of Jesus.

I want that in the coming months you may live in My Peace as a preparation for the times that will come.

Walk in the life of prayer. My Heart is with you and with the entire world. I embrace you with My Maternal Light and I place you under My Mantle.

In the months that will come may your hearts live in a single heart group of charity and service for souls and for the souls of those that are dispersed throughout the world.

I await you all in prayer, for the Mission of the Peace of God in all My children of this humanity.

Rejoice your lives in order to receive Me.

Who loves you from the Infinite Heart,

Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception of the Trinity

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Association Mary
Founded in December of 2012, at the request of the Virgin Mary, Association Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception, is a religious association without ties to any institutionalized religion. It has a philosophical-spiritual, ecumenical, humanitarian, charitable, cultural character, and it supports all activities that are indicated through the instructions transmitted by Christ Jesus, the Virgin Mary, and Saint Joseph. Read more
