Friday, March 14 of 2014

Weekly Messages

I wish day and night that you may live in the Eternal Love of My Heart, because My Project for you is perfect and un-transferable.  My Merciful Rays protect those who, in humility and transparency, may respond to My Call.

I want to remain for more time in your lives.  I profoundly long for living My Spiritual Life through your simple hearts.  The time to reveal the truth to the world is being approached and nothing will  remain without being known, because the greater universe will show to all its true face, hidden to the eyes of the incredulous, to those who denied My Father.

My Merciful Source comes from the spring of endless love that emerges from the Spiritual Heart of Abba, Your Father; from there proceeds all and from the Source of the Love of God you have been born to the material life.  Your spirits are fleeting sparks in the universe, but as human events overtake the life of many, many souls are lost from living in ignorance and in lack of faith.

My Heart that is meek, humble and kind, is willing to return to the world of chaos to establish eternal peace among humans and God.  I return first in Divine and Immaterial Spirit, so that soon My Apostles may awaken to the sign of the new time.

I seek those who want to be barefooted from life and those who are encouraged to give Me everything out of love, until it hurts in the bones; when they have come to this extreme of surrender I will comfort them.  Know that there are very few who will be emboldened to die to themselves and to be born to the life of the Spirit of My Father.

I encourage all the souls to the new and to the Christic.  I build My Inner Castle in the deserts of sand, I cause all things to reappear, I transform the essence, the life and the heart of those who, in honesty and trust, open to Me the door of the heart.  I accompany them always in My inner Silence, I listen to them, I calm them and I embrace all in My Sacred and Eternal Heart.

Under the Mercy that comes from God, be blessed.

Thank you for seeking the Essence of My Heart!

Christ Jesus, Your Shepherd