In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.
From the Heart of Fatima, today I send blessings to My children of the world and as Mother, today I come to look for your inner universe so that it may be recognized, contemplated and loved.
I wish for you to seek within yourselves, My children, that which truly exists and that goes beyond material life, the superficial life or the human life.
The Universe is attentive to the awakening of the consciousness of each human being because with this movement many more situations will be able to be regenerated and healed in this race.
The awakening of your inner universe is important for this cycle because it is where you will find the answer to your questionings or doubts, it is where you will find the Wisdom of God, it is where you will find peace.
If you come out of this inner universe, My children, you will not be able to understand the coming circumstances in humanity around you.
The signs of the Universe will come directly towards the deep levels of the consciousness.
Humanity has demonstrated that in the superficiality of life, God cannot be found.
I teach you, by means of the path of prayer, to enter into communion with your inner universe and with your whole existence, even though you may not know it.
I invite you to enter into this state of consciousness, day by day, so that you can penetrate this Mystery of God even more, a mystery that keeps important revelations for the souls of this time.
If you are in this cycle, present in humanity, it is for a spiritual and inner reason.
This is why I invite you, My children, to understand, beyond the senses, the Word of the Hierarchy.
You are before a crucial time in which everything must be defined, but this definition can be loving or painful. The human being has the opportunity to choose it.
I come, as Mother, to look for this inner wealth that there is within each one of My children.
I come with the intention that you look within yourself, beyond the imperfections and miseries, beyond the obstacles or the difficulties of the day-to-day.
God has left a spiritual treasure in each creature and the time has come for this treasure to awaken and be conscious for each of My children.
Thus My children will be able to be in communion with the Universe, they will be able to understand, even if they do not know, the Laws that will act in the end of these times and the events that will develop at the end of this cycle.
I only hope that, through the virtues of the soul, you can access this inner knowledge; thus, your most ancient registers will be transmuted and will be liberated, and it will not be necessary to remain in the vicious chain of errors.
I invite you to let the inner Sun of love dawn within you, because by means of this Gift you will overcome everything, you will transform everything .
I need, My children, that you disconnect from what is known and connect with the unknown, that you may cross this portal that today the Universe opens for you so that you may not only be in filiation with the High and the Superior, but that within you new things can be gestated.
As Mother of the Universe and Mother of the Confraternity, I give you the impulse to a new change, to a new state of consciousness, to a new perception of life, different from what you have understood and experienced until now.
The great Creator Fathers of the Spiritual, Mental, and Material Universes wait to give new impulses, to humanity and to the planet, and to be able to reflect all these impulses for the Universes of which you are a part of, all the time.
This will allow, My children, for humanity to be worthy of new revelations and, although it is within a path of inner and material transition, the Guidance and the Knowledge of God will never be lacking for humanity; but not everyone is prepared to receive these impulses, but the majority will be able to benefit from them, because God continues to be merciful.
The Laws that try to awaken in souls will change the events, it is necessary to learn to perceive them, even if they are not known. For this reason your union with the High will always be indispensable.
Renew this union every day so that, in your hearts, the Will of God may be mirrored.
As Mother of the Universe I bring you all of the Knowledge of the Cosmos because it is time for you to learn to perceive reality from another place.
The Universe is a constant dynamism, it is a constant flow of knowledge and information.
The Universe is like a power source that renews and regenerates everything.
The Universe never stops, since it was created it has never stopped.
The spiritual stagnation is not part of the dynamism of the Universe, for this reason constant and permanent change leads to the awakening of consciousness and to the understanding of new realities, you must only do what is correct to be able to live it.
What I bring you today is not a mystery, it is something that any being in this Universe can live, can experience, can vivify in theirselves.
God is still open to receive His children and their intentions, to listen to their hearts and their prayers.
In this time, there will not be the path of retrogression, you must only rest your gaze on the horizon of God and move ahead.
The times that will come and their experiences have never been lived by humanity; everything you feel, think or perceive in this cycle will be something new, although it is not good and in everything there is a learning and an inner lesson for souls.
It is time to recognize the time of purification and to not want to distance from it, because there will not be how to escape from it.
There are souls in this time that are purifying more than others, but all will live their purification, to some degree and in some sense.
You must not fear to discover in you what still must be redeemed.
Thank God, every day, for having knowledge of His reality, because the planet must still be redeemed as Consciousness, humanity must still find the path toward the Purpose.
I need you to understand everything I tell you in a single sense, which is the sense of the ascension.
What is superficial will be superficial. It will remain in the superficial, but at some moment this will change when the Laws of the Universe descend to conceive new Principles in souls and in consciousnesses.
It is time to perceive that something is changing.
It is time to perceive that everything does not remain equal.
The Spiritual Universe presents itself to announce this to you.
By opening your eyes to Infinity, you will discover the Truth and will recognize its purpose.
Because there is a Star in the Universe to which you belong, and it holds your history since the beginning until the end, and this Star waits for the synthesis of your lives.
And these Stars will ignite even more when you take your steps toward the path of the spirit, which is in constant sacrifice and effort; there the wonderful experiences of love and of redemption of the hearts will be registered.
In the Firmament of God will be written the result of His Creation and everything will begin from scratch because the souls will have learned to overcome duality in themselves and will have learned to win by means of the Love of the Redeemer.
Each time I come from the Universe, I descend from Heavens and come to meet you, My children, something new is registered in the Universe of God and also in this Material Universe.
You must openly perceive what this means and for this you must be in the correct vibration and in the correct channel in order to be able to understand and feel it.
The Universe is still a mystery for humanity, but the one who first loves the Universe will understand and know it.
The mind of the human being will never be able to understand the Universe, it is the heart that God has given to humanity that understands and perceives everything; for this reason, My Immaculate Heart is the door to your understanding and your wisdom.
In My Heart is the path for those who want to learn to transcend themselves.
My Heart is the refuge for your lives and it is the offering to God, in constant offering and surrender.
The one who passes by My Heart changes their life, forever, because My Heart is part of God and of this great Universe that waits to definitely show itself to humanity.
In the name of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit. Amen.
Thank you, Divine Mother, for everything you give us.
Thank you, Lord, for all that you give us.
Association Mary
Founded in December of 2012, at the request of the Virgin Mary, Association Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception, is a religious association without ties to any institutionalized religion. It has a philosophical-spiritual, ecumenical, humanitarian, charitable, cultural character, and it supports all activities that are indicated through the instructions transmitted by Christ Jesus, the Virgin Mary, and Saint Joseph. Read more