Tuesday, August 25 of 2015


I Am the Celestial Messenger, the Living Mirror of Creation that brings to the world the perfect principles of God for the human consciousness.

My Heart is a Great Mirror of healing and of redemption for humanity. In My Consciousness, I hold the Divine Thought for all worlds, for all universes.

My Maternal Heart encompasses not only your small hearts, but many others that beat beyond this infinity.

I Am the Mother of all creatures and of all races, because in the beginning, My Maternal Womb was one with God, and today I express Myself to the world as a ray of planetary Light, which enters the consciousness of the planet to bring redemption and salvation to souls.

In the same way that one day, incarnated in this world, I brought the perfect principles of God to all of humanity, manifested in My Son. Today, in Spirit and in Divinity, I continue to bring the perfection of God to all.

These principles that I bring in My Arms are unique and are poured out upon you and upon all those who listen to Me so you may expand them over this race, so you may carry them as a source of pure water for those who thirst for the Life of the Spirit.

Everything I bring to you, My children, is to transform you into living witnesses of the Presence of God in the world, and through all the codes which I place in your essences and all the truths I reveal to your consciousness, you may serve as a source of awakening for the whole human race.

For the time will come when the ignorant will despair for not knowing the Truth, and those who have a drop of this Truth in their heart will be the carriers of the greatest treasure, both in Heaven and on Earth.

When Justice descends upon the world, many will not understand the happenings they will experience, and those who are awake must be like living principles of peace, so that souls may not be lost through a lack of understanding and fear.

Today I bring you the attributes of the Mirrors of the Universe, for I am revealing that all of them are synthesized in My Heart.

I Am the Great Celestial Mirror, The One which draws perfection and purity from God and radiates them to all the planets.

You are standing before a divine mystery which you must not try to understand; just feel Me in your hearts, and in this way, My children, discover that a Mirror of Light exists within yourselves and that it is knowledgeable about all these mysteries.

I want to activate the inner mirrors of creatures, but for this, you must be pure of heart, and that purity can be achieved through the persevering prayer of your hearts.

Prayer is the beginning of all true transformation. It is for this reason that, over the centuries, I have always invited you to a life of prayer, for it is this universal attribute, this simple practice, when done with the heart, that opens the door to transformation and to the knowledge of all universal truths.

After having come so often to the world, after having asked for prayer from all nations of this planet, I will begin to reveal these mysteries to those who responded to My call to prayer, which in reality, My children, are mysteries only to the consciousness of humanity, which has only opened itself to knowing the illusions of material life and remains completely unaware of the true reality that awaits them, which longs for them to be able to awaken from the sleep in which they live.

I know that many still do not fully respond to My call, and today I am speaking with the intention of giving you the impulse to respond. Through the merits achieved by a few, I can reveal this knowledge to the world, and in this way, give an impulse to everyone, give you the impulse to live these mysteries and that they cease to be mysteries in your lives. For in truth I tell you, My beloved ones, that it is very simple to follow the steps of God, as long as this simplicity lives within your beings.

From the moment you say 'yes' to Me and are ready to set aside the illusions of this life, not leaving behind what you have built, your families and your homes, but only holding the Life of the Spirit as your priority; experiencing all that this world has to offer with the absolute certainty that everything is transitory and that the truth is to be found after this life or when the Kingdom of God manifests in the world.

Many of you will not experience the New Humanity, but I call on you to be builders of this new world, to plant the seeds of the celestial impulses that I bring to you; to teach your children to love the project of God, to pray with the heart and to be born with the knowledge of celestial truths, so as to dispel the doubt and the ignorance of the heart of the new human being.

If you teach the little ones to pray, you will already be building the new world. Dispel hatred, competition, and the search for material achievements from the heart of your children. Show them, through example, that the true search must always be the fulfillment of the Divine Plans. And in this way, My children, you will be collaborating with My Plans of Peace.

Do not allow hatred to expand throughout the world and suffering to overtake this planet, because today you face an infinite fountain of peace and of redemption. You are facing the Door of Salvation for this race. But this fountain, My beloved ones, cannot be poured out only upon this sacred ground; it depends on you and on those who listen to Me, that this fountain may reach those who are thirsty, those who dwell in darkness and do not recognize the presence of the Light in the world.

It is only through example that you will be able to convert humanity. If you become peacemakers, you will be able to bring peace to those who only experience conflicts in material life. But you must do so sincerely, with the truth of the heart and with the permanent striving of your souls, because the enemy will always encourage you to compete, to argue with one another, to always seek advantages rather than give what is best for others. Yet I am teaching you that you must love your neighbor as yourself, and beyond that, you must always offer the best to others, that you must learn to serve wholeheartedly, to attract the Principle of Fraternity into the world. And for that, you must overcome all tendencies that have already permeated your cells and atoms.

But if I bring you this petition, it is because this can be manifested in humanity, because My Eyes can see you as transparent and know of the potentials that exist within you, many times unknown to you.

My Heart has the power to dispel evil from your lives, but I need you to say 'yes' to Me. If you make a commitment to Me, I will untie the knots that bind you to the darkness. I need you to accept the healing, to accept living the redemption I bring you.

Thus today I call the children of Mary here who are to be consecrated under the spirit of Love I bring to the World. Today I ask you, My beloved ones, to be joyful and rejoice in the Holy Spirit, because My Immaculate Heart will dissolve the links with evil and will restore the original purity that humanity has already lost, so you may again resume the mission you once left behind.

As from this evening, may you commit to the good, to light and to the path of prayer. May this consecration renew the consecration of all the children of Mary. Do not consecrate yourselves to My Immaculate Heart just to have My protection for your bodies, because the true protection I bring you is for the soul and for the essence. And beyond this protection, I invite you to face the world and yourselves, to make a commitment to the Creator, a commitment that will lead you to no longer respond to the initiatives of the enemy.

You must be persevering, because God will send many tests for your paths; but all of this  will come so that you may achieve the healing of the past and thus balance all that you once did not do well.

If you continue to persevere in the union with My Immaculate Heart and never take this shirt off your body because of fear or shame, I will never allow the Faith I place in your spirits to be dispelled by the events of life. Trust in My Heart and sing, proclaiming your consecration to Me, and let all be reconsecrated in My Divine Spirit.

Pay attention to My daily Words. Let no impulse be lost, because together with Saint Joseph, we are building the long-awaited New Humanity.

But besides achieving a mental understanding of what we tell you, we ask for a true effort to live that which you already know you must live; little by little, we will prompt you so that you may achieve what you thought you never would.

I bless you and I consecrate you, I commit your souls to My Immaculate Heart, and in this way, dissolve all the commitments of the past that have distanced you from the path of light.

As humanity, may you unite with God. Be an example for those who are lost, a source of peace for the afflicted, fraternal for the egotists, love for the helpless of heart. Be truthful for those who lie and deceive others every day. Never stop speaking the truth to your brothers and sisters; do not hide your paths, the ones that lead to the Light. Show the world that you are following the footprints of Our Lord.  And through your example, announce that it is possible to achieve the merits for the transformation in Christ.

I love you and every day I thank you for trying to follow the footsteps of My Immaculate Heart.

I bless you in the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

I bless this scapular and this medal, for the souls that do not know they are consecrated to My Heart. Someday, in the Kingdom of the Heavens, they will discover the commitment to Me, they will find Me in My Kingdom of Peace and will accept redemption, through the merits they have generated, not in this life, but in many others. I want you to one day look again at this moment and know that the Mother of God touched these sacred elements so as to announce to the World your consecration to My Maternal Spirit. 

There are many mysteries that you still cannot understand with the mind, but that you will understand with the heart when the time is right.

All these sacred objects must become a source of conversion for the world. With them, you will announce My Presence and the Presence of all the Divine Messengers.

Just as I bless them, I bless all those who carry them on their bodies, protecting the essence, the spirit and the heart. More than announcing My Word through them, you will announce it through living it, and this will be the example which will demonstrate that these sacred objects are truly sacred.

I bless these holy images, this place and all the souls that listen to Me.

I thank you.


Song: "Children of Mary"