Listen to the Throne of God, feel His Divine Presence. Your anchorage is liberated, your past is erased by the powerful Fount of the Will of God and of Divine Grace.

Listen to the Voice of God within you. Proclaim His greatness and His victory on the surface of this planet and beyond this universe.

Feel the bliss of God. Participate in the communion with His Spirit so that your wounds may close, so that your hearts may open and receive from Heaven the divine Mercy, not only for you, My children, but also your brothers and sisters, your fellow being, the one who suffers silently, the one who is not here today before the Presence of God and of His powerful Throne, by means of your Heavenly Mother.

Today I want to build within you a new temple. It is not a new church, it is a temple in which God can find repose and consolation by the heart of the human beings who receive Him and welcome Him into their inner universes.

By means of these Universal Laws that act here today, the doors of Light and of the whole Cosmos erase even the deepest past of Germany so that the hearts no longer feel the weight of suffering, but rather the victory of Light and of Love that enters the world from the Universe of God by means of My Maternal and Immaculate Heart, which brings you the Light of Grace and of Redemption, that which also comes from My beloved Son.


Therefore, feel your spirits liberated. Feel your souls touched by the Light of redemption, contemplated by the Face of God that shows His Glory and His infinite Mercy for the whole world.

Receive, then, My children, by means of the service of His faithful Servant, the merits that Christ attained within this planet, merits that are still mysteries and that someday will be revealed to the world so that the whole world may consciously know who is the King of kings and whence He came from to be able to help humanity from its great perdition.

Therefore, the time of His Second Return is drawing near and your hearts must be ready because He will come without warning, without hour and without time. But a culminating moment will come in which the definition of the consciousness of humanity will be at stake.

But the love and the light of all prayers that come from the heart of My children and that, day by day, fill the Heavens, will be the true and only testimony of the intervention of Mercy for those who still have not awakened in time, nor will feel God in their hearts.

But I come as the mediator, interceding Mother, as the Universal Mother, the Mother who brings the Love of God to the world so that this Love, as a great, infinite and immutable wellspring, may bathe each soul of the world for them to have the Grace of finding God within.

The spiritual column of faith that will sustain each child of Mine will not only be your prayer, but also your goodness, your charity, your service and your mercy and, especially, your union with God, the Creator of Heaven and of Earth, of everything visible and everything invisible, of everything nonmaterial and of everything material, because the Father is in everything.

Therefore, He sends His Messenger. He sends again His own Son, the one who died on the Cross for you and for all of humanity. He sends His faithful Servant, Saint Joseph, so that the hearts may learn to humiliate themselves and surrender, so that the human arrogance and blindness that is profoundly spiritual, and that which many do not perceive, does not keep taking My children out of the path, because I Am your Mother, I Am your eternal Mother, the Mother who cries for Her children in silence and in prayer, a Mother that wishes to be heard as many mothers that are here today in the world and that are not heard by their children.

God has given you a faithful Mother, a Mother that accepted you, that received you with all of Her Love at the foot of the Cross and that had, in Her hands, the Blood of Christ and the flagellated Body of the Lord.

All these attributes, My children, kept in the spirit of the Ark of the Holy Covenant, come today to Germany and to Europe so that hearts may trust that God has not forgotten you, that God has always heard you, that God, through His Messengers, arrives here, in this city, in this people, in this nation, to renew it, to heal it, to rekindle the Love that comes from the Source, a Love that once ended, in a Love that was flagellated and wounded by humans and by wars.

But Love never dies. Love is eternal and invincible. It is this immutable and infinite Love that God brings to you today to renew your souls and your essences, to renew your people and your culture by means of the other sister nations, not only of Europe, but also of the world which, as different peoples and cultures, languages and experiences, unite under a single purpose of pleasing God through the prayer of the heart. Such a perfect and simple instrument, which I have taught you by means of each Apparition that took place in humanity, throughout the decades, and the last times I taught you how to pray, just as the Archangel Gabriel taught me how to.

My children, prayer will always make you triumph and grow. Prayer will make you perceive your state of ignorance and indifference, because prayer will transform you and fill you, because prayer is a gift of the Love of God, of a Love that never yields and that never ends.

It is this Love, My children, that today, in Frankfurt and in Germany, embraces all of your people, fulfilling in this pilgrimage, within Germany, the second Motive of God, because the first one was in Munich, the second is here on this day and the third Motive of God will be in Berlin, where the merciful Light of My Son, under the adherence of all of His collaborators and servers, will triumph.

Therefore, today I will also bless you with My Grace, not only bringing the Light of My Grace to Frankfurt, but also to all hearts, especially to those who will be consecrated as My children through the vow of not only living God within themselves by means of a prayerful life, but also in the important of the service of expressing love for their neighbor, for each heart of Germany that must still be healed of its wounds from the past, through a Love that renews everything and heals everything, through this Love that I bring to you today from Heaven, from the Heart of this Universe.

Let those who will be consecrated come here.

Listening to the hymn of your consecration, My children, you will receive My blessing of Mother, just as God wishes at this moment, because it is God, the One who renews all things, the One that brings Light to the world by means of the hearts that open to live their intimate encounter with Him, in the fullness of His Spirit and of His Grace; Spirit of God that brings Peace and Redemption to souls.

Today I leave you the commitment, My children, of uniting to the Prayer for Peace for Germany, Switzerland and Austria, because the Work of your Heavenly Mother and of the Sacred Heart of Jesus will continue.

Today we are here again, with you, My children, but we will be here again, at the request of the Celestial Father, because My wish, as a consoling and interceding Mother, is that all of Germany may receive the Grace of God, in each city that we pass, so that its entire culture and people may be renewed by the transfiguring Love that comes from the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit.

I bless you and give to you, in the name of Love, a rose from this altar, which is blessed by Heaven so that the souls may always remember the beauty of the Father, the infinite appreciation of His Love and of your Heavenly Mother.

Gladden your hearts and sing the hymn of your consecration to please God and the entire Universe.

In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit.

I thank you for having responded to My call!

I thank Frankfurt for having received Me.

I thank you from My heart.

May God always bless you.


See you soon.


Modification history


Every day, child, seek to go deeper into the Passion and the Life of your Lord.

In this way, you will know what the essence of surrender, of service, and of sacrifice is; you will know that life is too short not to imitate His steps; you will know that the Graces that were granted to you are still abound in your life, and that you have everything to thank God for, in each minute of your existence.

Contemplate the Passion of your Lord, every day, so that you may understand where He aspires to lead you to and what is the purpose that God has for you.

Everything you receive is so that you give of yourself more and more, in the accomplishment of a Greater Plan. And if you feel that what you do is little, know child, that it is not your sense of serving that measures your service and sacrifice; it is the love with which you do all that which you are called to do that, before God, measures the steps of your heart and consciousness.

If you are called to pray, pray with all of your being, and do it with love.

If you are called to serve, regardles of what it is, do it with all of your heart.

Be excellent in your actions, fill each one of your actions with the Spirit of God, and even though nobody sees you or recognizes your work, know that it is for God that you do it, and not for you or for humankind.

To serve is to do what is necessary, where it is necessary and as it is necessary; but above all, to do it with love.

Every day, child, contemplate the Passion of your Lord, and be ashamed of being tired, disconsolate or distressed. Be ashamed of wanting more from others, and place your heart in the correct place, in the giving of self.

For the one who completely surrenders to the Father, what supply they need will always come.

If you lack anything, it is because you keep for yourself that which you seek in others. Give the love that is in your heart and you will see how the Love of God will eternally flow in your chest.

Your Father and Friend,

The Most Chaste Saint Joseph

Marathon of Divine Mercy

In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

On this day, I want you to contemplate My Universe, beyond everything, and that through My Universe you may find the Truth, this Truth that comes from God and that will elevate you: the Truth of Transparency and of Wisdom; a Divine Truth that will unite you, that will strengthen you as consciousnesses and as a group.

I come from a very far away place of the Universe to bring and deposit My Peace in you, not only as Soul, but also as Planetary Consciousness, as a Race and as a Civilization.

Because it is a culminating moment that you face, in this time and in this cycle, in which you must place, above everything, My Consoling and Merciful Love. Just as I taught the apostles in the past, today I teach you, My companions.

You must keep being My peacemakers, My bearers of peace, My servers of good and of light who listen to the Word from the Heights, and who make it resound within you so that My Divine Impulses may transform you, elevate and conduct you toward the Purpose of God.

I know it is for everyone a moment of overcoming and of tests, of extreme trust and of an infinite fortitude that is attained through the prayer of the heart, a prayer that will always lead you toward My Doorway, so that through My Universe you may find My Wisdom, My Understanding and My Peace; attributes that I come to deposit in a world that is ill and wounded, that has completely lost the sense of spiritual life.

Therefore, in this age, in this cycle, at this time, I come to meet you and to meet your brothers and sisters, to remind you all of the commitment with Me, to make you see reality, a reality that arises from the Heart of God as an infinite fount that pervades all spaces, all universes, all galaxies and all stars.

You are part of a macrocosm, you must not stay only in what is superficial and material, or in what is mental or intellectual. You must go beyond the thresholds of consciousness to be able to attain Christic Light, that which gives the impulse to all spirits in the moment of the great awakening, not only under the gift of love and of wisdom, but also through the gift of humility and of resignation.

This will allow for balancing the world, and all errors committed by all peoples and all nations, which time and again distance themselves from the Purpose of God, establishing principles and ways of life that are not evolutionary nor transparent, that do not bring spiritual nor mental health.

Therefore, God will find, in spaces like this, where His own life manifests through the Kingdoms and the creatures, by means of the elements, all that He thought and created with attention out of love for you so that you could experience and recognize the happiness of God, to have creatures on this planet and in others that love Him, recognize Him, venerate Him and accept Him as their Celestial Father.

Therefore, I come today from an infinite horizon called “Universe of the Consciousness of God”, in which all of His Founts of Light and His Cosmic Founts are present to interrelate with this material universe and also with the mental universe, in which the angels are present and also have participated in this Divine Purpose for eons of time, since a time that is not known, nor identified by the human being of the surface.

What I bring to you from the Universe is something more than abstract, it is something more than nonmaterial, it is something more than spiritual. Through My Heart, I bring to you this principle that life originated from, and an existence which brought to everyone the meaning and reason for living here, and learning here together with their brothers and sisters of the path, and with humanity.

To find this meaning and this path, God mirrors Himself and reflects. time and again, in the Creation by means of Nature: by means of the oceans, the mountains, each Younger Kingdom, which brings to the Earth a spiritual principle and a principle of elevation which, up until now, humanity has not known, and only in this time is it awakening to know this wisdom which expresses itself and is kept in the Kingdoms of Nature.

For this reason, God sends His Messengers, the Sacred Hearts, on pilgrimage throughout the world, so that all races and all peoples can awaken and recognize God in all that was created, and can be in communion with Him without hurting Him nor damaging Him, nor offending Him, nor mistreating Him through the Kingdoms of Nature.

God manifests His Attributes in the Younger Kingdoms. God also mirrors His Will also through the Younger Kingdoms, which brings into their group essence the Universe of God, which is this Universe of Love and of Wisdom, which allows us to maintain an inner contact with the Source and with all of Its Gifts.

With this, I want to tell you, companions, that your intellectual and spiritual mission must go beyond appearances, human aspects or resistance. You must apply in your lives the Law of Love that I taught you by means of My Sacrifice, not only in public life, but also on the Cross and by means of each drop of Blood shed for the liberation and redemption of the world and its creatures.

Now is the time for all evil to be reversed and transmuted into Light, into the powerful Light that comes from the spiritual and cosmic Universe so that the consciousnesses of the Earth, human beings, may have a pitying opportunity of awakening and of again finding the meaning of being here, beyond the material or the intellectual.

Today I place you before one of the Wills of God, not yet revealed to the world, but which today becomes present through the Son, the Son Beloved by the Father, the Father that loves all of His children.

Place this message in your heart and try to discover its meaning and its essence so that, beyond everything, you can perceive the reality of all that I want to tell you at this moment.

After all the prayers that are lovingly offered today by you, making the Christic Love of My Heart expand for all souls and the planet, I come closer to make you bearers of My Peace and of My Love, so that you may feel Me close by, and so that you may listen to My Heart.

Today, I leave you My blessing and My Peace, My renewal and My trust, so that all this can touch the souls in the world and its essences.

I give you My Peace and under My Light, I bless you universally.

In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.


When a nation cries out, listen to its clamor and pray for peace.

Sometimes, children, it is not only the souls of a nation that cry out for help, for liberation and for peace. Each nation has a spiritual life, a divine principle which was given to it, to guide its expression and the mission of its people.

The spirit of the nation is the consciousness that includes all life inhabited there, on different levels. It is the spiritual space that holds the purpose of God for all different peoples that inhabit the Earth. It is a living state of consciousness which keeps, protects and supports the evolution of nations.

The spirit of a nation assists its growth and influences the inner steps of the people who live there. Yet, in the same way, it is also influenced by the life of beings and by all that happens in that nation.

When peoples experience conflicts and, little by little, beings destroy their own essences by means of hatred and of the fear generated in wars, the spirit of this nation also gradually dies and distances from its purpose.

When a people chooses the path of darkness through its customs, habits and ways of living, the spirit of that nation is also influenced. For this reason, when the Creator can intervene in the planet through the prayers of His children, His Eyes also lie on the spirits of nations. When a people cries out through the souls who ask for help, the spirit of that nation cries out even louder.

The spirits of nations are parts of the spirit of the planet, they are bodies of that spiritual consciousness of the Earth, and all this is part of the science of Divine Creation. All this is part of the Plan of God for the evolution of His children.

In the beginning, when the Father created lands and seas, He also created the spirits of those lands and the spirit of seas. Everything within the Divine Creation is life. Therefore, children, learn to listen with your inner ears to the clamor that arises from the depths of nations, and unite to that request of peace and of redemption of the planet.

Your Father and Friend,

The Most Chaste Saint Joseph


In all things, look for the inner and spiritual presence of your Most Holy Mother.

Wherever you may go, let your heart lean more toward the mysteries of the spirit than toward material things.

Seek the essence of the Purpose of God in the mission that He entrusted to you and always, child, go deeper into the spiritual meaning of all things.

Seek the Will of God in silence. Find His guidance in inner stillness so that your consciousness may move beyond appearances and find what is true, and so that the example of your pure heart speaks to the world about how to face the things of God, without confusing them with the things of humankind.

My blessing is upon you, as it is upon the world, because a new time is spiritually beginning for all of humanity.

Each day that goes by, the contact with higher life becomes more inner, deeper, because it is there, where superficiality does not exist, where your heart will be safe to find God.

Your Father and Friend,

The Most Chaste Saint Joseph


Today, child, Not only prepare your heart to be before your Lord, Master and King. Prepare yourself to be truly His companion; prepare yourself to assume a deeper degree of commitment to Him; prepare yourself not to be a Cyrenian, but to carry your own cross, in the name of humanity.

Prepare yourself to no longer be Mary at the Feet of the Lord or purely Martha, serving Him tirelessly. Prepare yourself to take your own steps upon the Calvary of these times and renew the sacrifice of the Lord with the offer of your own life.

Prepare yourself to be another, new, to finally allow to be born within you this love that humanity hopes to feel and receive, but needs to learn to give.

Prepare yourself to be humiliated and silenced. Prepare yourself to be judged and not fear. Prepare yourself to be flagellated and to renew yourself. Prepare yourself to walk with the cross of this time and understand with love those who you find on your path. Prepare yourself to love unconditionally and forgive the unforgivable. Prepare yourself to live a Love that does not fit within you. Prepare yourself to renew the Love of God.

Then, let the Thought of God be expressed within you. Renounce your wills and plans. Renounce your wishes and aspirations, and listen deep within your heart to the Voice of God, which will guide you to this new human.  

Pray, and prayer will be your greatest strength, mainly so that you can overcome, in yourself, the temptations that come from your mind and emotions, from the old human that will shout within you in order not to lose their reign.

Pray, serve and love your brothers and sisters. There you will find your safety, your protection and, above all, there you will find the Purpose of God for you. 

You have My blessing for this.

Your Father and Friend,

The Most Chaste Saint Joseph


Spiritual persistence is an extension of love. When a being loves something in a true, sincere and evolutionary way, they are able to persist in order to reach their goal. Love renews them in the face of adversities and makes them stronger when facing the tests that the path brings them to, for different reasons.

When you experience something with love, you are able to persist, to conquer your own inertia, your own resistances and, in the same way, conquer the resistances and harassments imposed by the world.

To fulfill the Purpose of God and carry the cross He offers, it is necessary to develop spiritual persistence, which is the fruit of love of the Divine Purpose.

Prayer, adoration to the Eucharistic Body of Christ, and silence in contemplation of the living God in one's own essence are keys that lead you to true love, which is the Love of God and thus, you renew yourselves everyday on your path.

Those three things will dissolve the chaos and conflicts which will naturally emerge in your inner worlds, over and over again, because this is the test of this planetary moment.

Those three keys will always be your sustenance and the priniples that will lead you to the fulfillment of all things, because through them you will find not only love and persistence, but also wisdom and courage to understand your neighbor and help them, since one of the greatest harassments of this time will be to destroy the bonds of love and fraternity between human beings, because unity, children, is what will make you manifest the Plan of God on Earth.

Therefore, today, I only tell you that, whenever you lack persistence, strength, love, fraternity and ability to overcome the challenges to unite with your brothers and sisters, stop for a moment and pray, contemplate the Eucharistic Heart of the Lord or be silent before the Universe, before your own essence, to receive the peace and the wisdom of your Father and, thus, you will be able to overcome the end of times.

Your Father and Friend

The Most Chaste St. Joseph

Marathon of Divine Mercy

Sacred geometry is the most ancient symbol of this humanity. In truth, it first emerged from the Source, in order to manifest the creation and originate the principles and attributes of evolutionary life.

The spiritual, sacred and immaculate geometry has always been present on Earth, despite the eras and its different ages.

The first humanities knew these sacred symbols, experienced the sacred geometries, not only for the uplifting of consciousness, but also for the evolution of human genetics.

The whole configuration of the human being as a natural and spiritual being is formed by a sacred and perfect geometry, the main and original idea of the Creator Fathers.

The first designs of this geometry were emanated by the Main Source of God, which to this day, emanates Love, Unity and Wisdom.

Sacred geometry is not only a part of the mentalists and philosophers, it is something that was captured by the different prophets, by the ancient people of Israel, even by Moses himself.

These sacred principles bring to the world, through geometry, the knowledge of the Purpose of God, and this is a way to unite bridges and dimensions between consciousnesses.

The time has come for humanity to be healed and regenerated through sacred geometry, through the only and perfect geometry that comes from the Spiritual Hierarchy and no other.

What comes form the Source is incalculable, what it emanates is indelible.

Since the beginning of the Earth and before the first humanity, the sacred geometry was what constituted the formation of this local Universe, so that later, life, evolution and, finally, the awakening would exist.

In sacred geometry is the root of your origins, the knowledge of your constellations, the reason for your having come to Earth to live a school of forgiveness and redemption.

The moment of the time of synthesis came, in which the East profoundly knew the sacred geometry and revered it; it is still part of it at the present time, despite the inadequate use that many peoples have made of it.

Yet this sacred geometry, about which I speak to you today, companions, is found in the essence of the Holy Chalice, inside of the Ark of the Holy Covenant, where all the attributes, all purposes and elevated thoughts of God, expressed before the origin of Creation, are safeguarded and protected by the holy angels.

This is the purpose of the Ark of the Holy Covenant and the emanation of its sacred geometry, which, after the end of times and on the New Earth, with the New Humanity, must return to the planet in order to constitute a new race, free from suffering, pain, agony and evil.

In the sacred geometry, something valuable and inextinguishable is found. It is as if you were before the most perfect manifestation of God, represented through the symbols and geometries that bring a sublime energy to human consciousness.

In Sacred Centers, like this one, are kept sacred geometries, fundamental principles of the Source of Creation, which in silence accompany humanity from the beginning. But, it is the hour and the time for this sacred knowledge to emerge from human consciousness, for everyone who is committed to follow the Purpose of God, and above all, committed to find within, their inner universe.

May I continue?

I can’t hear…

Everyone answers: Yes!

Sacred geometry is most sacred in the Universe. It was God Himself, our Celestial Father, who created it and He delivered it as something immaculate and sacred in the hands of the archangels, so that they could recreate and shape His Divine Will in the spiritual plane, the mental universe and, at last, in this material universe.

The sacred geometries are patterns of conduct that are needed by the human being for this cycle, so that it can transit and cross the end of times, keeping alive within the Christic light, the sacred flame of the essence, or however you want to understand it, the awakening.

Today I have brought in My Hands one of the Scrolls of God, one of the most ancient treasures of this Universe, of the Immaterial Source of Creation, of the Universe of the Resplendent, where the origin of the purpose of this humanity is written.

God thought, in His Silence, the possibility of the existence of creatures so similar to Him, that could live Love as He does, that could overcome it in Love, through experiences of union, light and forgiveness.

Therefore, He created a sacred geometry, which synthesizes the existence of this world and of the local universe.

In this geometry, of which I speak to you today, is the possibility that the whole of humanity rediscovers its path, the path to the Source of Creation that was lost from the moment that duality, or as you are willing to understand it, as adversity, emerged.

But in this sacred geometry, that is also inside of the Ark of the Holy Covenant, is found a replica of this very elevated thought of God, that emerged from His eternal Heart from the moment that He felt the will and need that His children could know and recognize Him, as the Father of Wisdom, the Father of Love, the Lord of the Truth.

But it was before My birth in Israel, that the most ancient peoples of the desert knew the sacred geometry of God.

During the forty years in the desert, the people of Israel, by being protected and sheltered by the Eternal Father, in that long walk, seeking the Promised Land, had known and experienced the essence of that sacred geometry by means of the manna which satiated and fed them; it was the physical contact that they had with the essence of that Purpose of God that brought forth life on Earth and the emergence of the first humanity.

It was in this way that before the appearance of Christ on Earth, through His incarnation in Bethlehem, the ancient people of Israel could make part of the Divine Purpose, that their genetics and natural constitution allowed; some time after, My human essence would receive from this people what most sacred thing they reached at the level of Spirit and Higher Mental.

When I was on Earth, I was the sacred geometry of God manifested as man and consciousness. I was the archetype itself and divine principle materialized on Earth, through the most pure womb of My Mother in the sacred intervention of the Holy Spirit.

All was thought, contemplated and meditated upon so that the world, throughout times and generations, would never forget the main sacred geometry of God, which is Love, that within human consciousness allows evolution, ascension and the expansion of charity.

In the Universe of God, there are many scrolls such as this one. Such profound and unknown revelations to the human mind that will help all human beings to resume the lost path to their true purpose, to the true reason that brought them here for a spiritual goal, for an uplifted end, for a sacred principle.

Your souls do recognize this legacy because they are part of this manifestation, of this experience, which started in the origin of this Universe.

While Aurora contemplates this scene of the Son, bringing to the world the sacred geometry of God, a great celestial vault in the inner planes is manifested in all of your spirits, in order that they capture the sacred symbols of God, which the people of Israel once knew and which will allow on Earth, to resume again, the reverence to reach the ascension of body, mind and spirit.

Through what I taught to the apostles, by means of the Sacraments, the sacred geometry is also found diversified in different principles and forms, to the point that these sacred geometries are material, through Baptism, Anointment,  Confession, Washing of the Feet and,  most importantly, through Communion.

Because it was at the Last Supper, where the most important sacred geometry of God descended through Me, in the materialization of the Body and Blood of Christ, sacred geometry allowed Me to reach the Cross, in order to expand and give all the symbols that redeemed humanity at that time.

Today the heavenly angels prepare the doors of the Universe, because the impulses of the sacred geometry of God will return to humanity so that souls can experience a different way of life and learn, in simplicity, to overcome fear, error and pain that these human genetics have generated throughout times by having been distanced from the Purpose of God, from the sacred geometry of the Father.

The Archangel Metatron is the guardian and keeper of the sacred geometry of God. He is in charge, within this material and local Universe, of sending this impulses at the end of times, in order that souls reach a profound connection with the Creator Father, by means of the intervention of Archangel Metatron.

It is the fire of this archangel, through His main sacred geometry, that will allow the transmutation of human consciousness and the liberation of the human spirit from sin, error, perversion and perdition.

God taught in the beginning of this world, the first and most important sacred geometry, which is the Word of prayer. It is the bridge and base to build a new life that souls, in a short time, will not recognize in themselves because of the voltage that prayer provides to human consciousness through elevation and transformation.

Those who live in the school of sacred geometry of prayer will know other sacred geometries of the Father and the spiritual plane will no longer be far from you; you will be able to recognize it within yourself when making contact with these divine principles that come from the Source.

Until today, this is what I can say, because the sacred geometry has a high voltage of spiritual and material energy that transmutes human consciousness; and you must learn to live and administer the impulses that come from heaven, because knowledge itself is an impulse that will remain within you, to lead you to take a great step in some moment of your lives.

This is the reason why I stop today, because souls have a certain capacity to endure, but trust in what I am doing, just as I trust in what you do, day to day, and in everything that you have offered Me today for the triumph of My Sacred Heart in humanity.

It is this fidelity, constancy and faith that comes from within you that allows this knowledge to come closer, so that humanity comes out of the superficial, the petty, the indifferent; so that you may be instruments of these sacred geometries in each moment of life, just as in each act of prayer, so that you may be mirrors of God.

I thank those who listen carefully, because this emits a response from the Universe that, at last, the day of your awakening will come in order to be in communion in an intimate and true way with the Main Source of God, so that you are in contact with God, even though you are on Earth learning to overcome suffering and learning to live Love.

Sacred geometry will always uplift you.

Friar Elías de Sagrado Corazón de Jesús:

The Master has kept the scroll…

And now, to synthesize this impulse in consecrated life manifested in different ways, because it is something that souls live, and where the sacred geometry is also found.

And today I will consecrate two new helpers because they have manifested this constancy in seeking this Purpose of God, and thus, I keep gathering My flock so that you recognize your filiation with Me and, above all, this intimate marriage with My Heart.

I wish to have here the elements of consecration for the helpers.

And the sacred geometry of God will be mirrored as well in these elements, which will become sacred, so that it may be present in My Spouses that have offered to serve Me through this service of giving themselves to the altars of God.

All sacred geometries are aspects of the Love of God, they are the closest experience of the Source of Creation.

I invite you to stand in reverence to the sacred geometries of God, for yourselves, your families, your acquaintances, the whole humanity that must recover the attributes of God through these last impulses that I bring from the Universe to the humble of heart.

Let us celebrate this event before the doors of heaven. May the whole humanity be worthy of this Grace, because what is true comes only from the immaterial and from the experience of Love in the material life.

Let us listen to the Kodoish melody so that the angels, at My request and call, be gathered here to bring to Earth the essence of the sacred geometry of God, a fertile treasure that is kept in the Sacred Centers of the Hierarchy. Father, in each element that You created is found the essence of the sacred geometry.

Today we raise and offer each one of these elements so that human consciousness may be transmuted and souls reach forgiveness and redemption. Amen.

Friar Elías de Sagrado Corazón de Jesús: Friar Melquisedec, Friar Juan de la Cruz, both brothers, you may come.

From the element water, that God created, is born the sacred geometry of life, from which every being on Earth is fed and lives, because this element unites it and elevates it to the Kingdom of God.

Let us softly start singing the melodic Kodoish in order to receive the angelic impulses and accompany this ceremony.

Song: the melodic Kodoish.


Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón de Jesús: Pardon, He told me that I forgot a step…

Father, this is My Body that as a sacred geometry, is offered today to the world for the remission of the errors and redemption of consciousnesses. Amen.

Father, this is the Chalice of My Blood that is lovingly offered today for the uplifting of human consciousness, purification of life on Earth and healing of the hearts. Amen.

And through the sacred geometry of prayer, Eternal Father, bless all these elements and especially Your Children, so that all of them have inner strength to go forward and reach the celestial victory. Amen.

Prayer: Our Father in Aramaic.

Father, bless these hearts so that they may always be participants of Your Grace and Mercy and act in this world as shining stars of Your Heart, bringing peace to the whole Earth.

I bless you, in the name of the Father, the Son and of the Holy Spirit. Amen.

I give thanks to you for being brave enough to listen and not lose the courage to make Love triumph on this planet. Carry on working and living in the Divine Mercy.

I bless you, in the name of the Father, the Son and of the Holy Spirit.

In fraternity, for Me, for My Father and for the Holy Spirit, give each other a peace salutation.

I thank you!


Today, My descent to the world contemplates a Venezuela outraged by extreme marginalization, wounded by the infidelity of its laws, imprisoned by the captivity generated by a few, violated by an obsessive oppression.

Oh, My dear and joyful Venezuela! May impunity no longer awaken battles, may the power that some believe they have not block your sincere spirituality.

My dear Venezuela, the justice you seek is not on the Earth; the hope you expect, you will not see in the heart of any representative.

Liberate yourself, Venezuela, from your constant pain; forgive all the evil that has been done to you; reconcile, within you, everything that was hurt and transgressed.

My dear Venezuela, do not lose the aspiration of fulfilling yourself as a people in freedom. No longer fight with weapons, for evil defeats itself.

Pray, Venezuela, pray without delay and without rest because you will see, with your own eyes, the idols 

who have been erected, fall.

Pray, Venezuela, so that you may always be within the Kingdom of God. Your escape and your freedom will not be in war nor in conflicts. Your rebirth and your liberation, you will find in the power of your faith.

Venezuela, I know that you hope for a quick end to this captivity; only choose God as your Governor; only seek the greater good above all adversity, and thus you will triumph.

Venezuela, your joy will reflect again on the face of your people and the indelible love of your population will make them return to the purpose of their creation.

Venezuela, it is the time of your profound awakening.

I thank you for keeping My Words in your heart!

Who blesses you,

Your Master, Christ Jesus


Learn today to calm your mind and your heart through prayer, singing and silence which, together with the exercise of breathing with awarenesses, lead you to the state of peace in which you must be.

Learn to be meek before the times that present themselves so that thus, your mind can unite to the heart and together may attract wisdom and divine discernment.

May you be able to stand before all trials in calm and in peace, inside and outside of yourself, and even when hearing, with your inner ears, the trumpets of Divine Justice, may your heart know how to perceive that a Grace is approaching and that the New Time is closer to being a reality.

Always place your heart in the Grace and in the Purpose of God so that you may always find faith and hope in everything. These are not easy times that are approaching the Earth, but there must not be hopelessness in your heart because of this.

Fill your inner world with faith, consolidate in your heart the strength of knowing yourself as part of a Greater Will. And do not be afraid. Let your spirit learn to seek peace and send this peace to your most human bodies.

For this, child, you must create a bond with your higher self, and this is done with intention and with sincere prayer, which will allow you to enter into an elevated state.

Now prepare your consciousness for what is to come, and this is not just externally. Prepare your inner world, your heart and your mind, because that moment is unknown and it will also awaken unknown reactions in you which can destabilize you if you do not learn to be in peace now.

Pray and strengthen your heart.

Pray and unite with your spirit.

Pray and find the path to the Heart of God, this way you will be ready to endure all things.

Your Father and Friend,

The Most Chaste Saint Joseph


Contemplate life around you and give thanks. Thanks because in everything you have the opportunity to love and therefore, to fulfill the Purpose of God within you.

On Earth, child, the Purpose of the human being is unique: to renew the Love of God and to allow the Creator to recreate and to renew His Creation through His Love. You did not come to Earth to experience the things of the world, your mission is not to do this or that thing, to have this or that service, to enter this or that path. Your mission is to love, and everything in your life comes to give you this possibility, to live love.

It is love itself that will show you the path of return to the Heart of God. It is love itself that will reveal to you all the sciences and wisdom. It is love itself that will lead you to be a worthy child of God.

Love is your mission in this world, and you can find the possibility to love in everything. Therefore, each new day thank God for being where you are and for fulfilling His Plan where you are meant to be. And just love, love all the challenges, love all imperfections, love all difficulties, love what you do not understand, because in being loved it will be revealed to you.

The secret of this life is the constant effort to experience love amongst beings, with the Kingdoms of Nature and, above all, with the Heart of God.

Therefore, go, child, and through gratitude open the doors of your chest so that you may learn to love more each day.

Your Father and Friend,

The most Chaste Saint Joseph




Come, My child, and be a part of the Confraternity of My Heart, be a part of the cenacle of the New Christs.

Come, My child, with all your successes and errors, with all your anxieties and joys and be a part of the Confraternity of My Heart.

Be a part of the Confraternity of the Universe and of the Earth. Integrate completely with the spirit of My Sacred Brotherhood and, in this way, you will know your origin and your purpose, the purpose that God put into place from the beginning in the essence of your being.

Come and be a part of the Confraternity of My Heart.

With Me build peace on the surface of the Earth.

With your own hands, raise the banner of the peace-bringers of the end of times, and in all things, give your life for me, because what I come to seek from your life is something interior, it is part of the spiritual richness that God the Father has placed in your soul.

Strengthen yourself in this sacred union with Me and there will no longer be boundaries or divisions in your consciousness.

Learn to die to yourself so that you may know how to rise to the life of the spirit every day.

Continue rowing My boat, which will take you to the port of the Kingdom of God.

Move forward.

I thank you for keeping My Words in your heart!

Who blesses you,

Your Master, Christ Jesus


Dear children,

Each prayer that you offer to Me is like a flower that you place at the Feet of the Celestial Mother. This flower is the plea of the human heart which, with effort and dedication, lets itself be modified by Christic Love.

Remember that each time that you may offer Me a sincere prayer, I will receive in the Kingdom of God the perfect testimony of your love for My Heart.

With all these requests, and through the intercession of My Son, I am able to attend to souls and to the world, I can reach where there is a greater need of love and of redemption.

Through your offerings of prayer, your aspirations are concretized because they will be filled with the love of the angels from Heaven, and inner or outer obstacles will not interfere on the path of your steps towards the Purpose of God.

Thus, through your prayer, I can place you before the planetary reality and before complex situations that only prayer, as the bridge to God, can solve, because true prayer is the one born from the heart.

I thank you for responding to My call!

Who blesses you,

Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace


While on one hand, the greater part of humanity is submerged in suffering and pain, on the other hand, there are souls that clamor to the Heavens, and this request, which comes from the heart, is what allows the maintenance of the spiritual and mental balance of humanity.

Although there are painful events, the requests of the praying souls allow the attraction of the divine, angelic and cosmic intervention towards Earth and, in that way, souls are benefitted.

I come today to thank the wonderful work that each praying soul, each group of prayer and each country is offering to My Heart through the Prayer for Peace in the Nations.

In recent times, the hearts that sustain this work of prayer have managed to establish in themselves a spiritual affiliation with Me; this also allows the defeat of many evil plans and also strengthens souls in the fulfillment of the Purpose of God.

For this reason, My children, I send and pour out My blessings upon each child of Mine who each day strives to relieve My heart of all that it sees in the world, as well as strives to open the door so that I can intercede for all.

I thank you for responding to My call!

Who blesses you,

Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace


Dear children,

My Heart already contemplates this new year, full of challenges and of projects for our God.

A year in which faith must be further strengthened, and the knowledge and the formation of the disciples of Christ must now be taking place so that the Work may also strengthen and mature; that it may mature in the consciousness of all so that the spirit of commitment and responsibility may definitely awaken to what it means to carry forward the purpose of the Heights.

We are on the way to that goal, My children, that is why perseverance, constancy and discipline will bring about a rhythm in all things, as part of a universal rhythm.

On the other hand, children, also in this new year the time has come to unconditionally take a step in unity; a unity among brothers and sisters that is capable of representing the fraternity of Christ, a unity without traces of division that is apparent or stimulated by some human or personal impulse.

The time has come to work for this unity, and the key that will open that door will be the Truth, the Truth that you are able to reflect, the Truth that you can be and feel.

This will build and support the pillars of a Work that is not based on what is individual or petty, a Work that only lives and beats through the heart of the Hierarchy.

I thank you for responding to My call!

Who blesses you,

Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace


Aurora is a power plant of purifying fire; its high temperatures transform what is coarse into what is precious and the dense into the sublime.

Only those who are united in heart with Aurora cross its threshold of purification and of transmutation.

Aurora is that fire that does not allow any code of evil to remain because its voltage of non-material and cosmic energy is stronger than all the Suns of the Universe. Everything it touches, it transforms and realigns so that it may have a function within the vast Purpose.

Aurora is the fire that repels evil and exorcizes it according to the present need.

Thus, Aurora is a power plant of hot energy that transubstantiates what is corrupt within the consciousness in order to be able to purify it, and this it determines through its powerful light.

Aurora is capable of changing a life experience so that it may achieve the purpose.

Aurora is capable of breaking the chains and dissolving the shackles of perdition. Its powerful energy will always bring changes where they still do not exist and it can also bring healing where there is sickness.

I thank you for keeping My Words in your heart!

Who blesses you,

Your Master, Christ Jesus


Let the Purpose of God descend upon you like a powerful current that leads you to the fulfillment of the Laws in an harmonious way and without resistance.

The Purpose of God is alive and permeates the atmosphere of life, traversing and enveloping this world constantly. To find it, it is enough that your heart searches for it and tunes into it, aspiring to fulfill the Will of God above all things.

When you have this live and true aspiration inside you, it acts like a magnet that attracts the Purpose of God and makes it descend upon you, attracting to your mind the intuition and necessary ideas for its fulfillment, and opens a path in your life for the expression of the Laws and their manifestation.

It creates in your consciousness a suitable condition for the Purpose of God to manifest itself, loving and searching for the the Divine Will. In this way, it develops the power of faith and knows that, above all, you must be firm in the Will of the Creator for your life and all of Creation.

Love the Divine Thought, child, even if you do not know it. Know and be certain in your inner world that God has created you with a unique purpose, and this is the Purpose the Father has for your life.

Besides what God Wills for you, there is the union of His Will for all His creatures. That is the Plan of God. This Plan is formed through the expression and perfect manifestation of the Divine Thought for each being.

All creatures are part of the Plan of God, as unique parts of a celestial "puzzle." Therefore, take care in your daily life, so that all your brothers and sisters have the opportunity to become triumphs of God, and pray for this Greater Plan to be fulfilled.

By example, service, gratitude and, above all, with love and respect for your fellow human beings you will see manifesting in your life this and all the things that I tell you.

Your Father and Friend,

The Most Chaste Saint Joseph


Listen, in the silence of your heart, to the answer of the Lord and try to feel the immensity of His Love for His companions.

Listen, inside of you, His Sacred Word echoing beyond forms and movements.

Learn, humbly, to listen to your Lord and to see Him reflected in your brothers and sisters. Enter into your heart, with conscience, through prayer and through the path of faith.

Listen to the answer inside of you and feel, beyond all, how love will open you the doors to great opportunities. Empty and let yourself be guided.

Listen to the voice of your soul in each moment and feel as it follows the steps towards the Purpose of the Lord.

Be in peace and listen to the answer beyond the word, the feelings or the forms.

Listen, within the most intimate of your being, all that your inner world wants to tell you and, opening your inner senses, receive the awaited answer. But, first learn to listen and not to have to justify yourself evermore.

Listen and you will know all, and in this wisdom you will guide yourself by the impulse of My Love towards the purpose.


I thank you for keeping My Words in the heart!

Who blesses you.

Your Master Jesus Christ


With the heart willing to be in God, close your eyes, child, and learn to thank the Father for life; thank, because the Creator chose you among so many beings in His Creation, to be on Earth learning to love as He loves.

Learn to thank God because, throughout your life,  He has led you by your hand, that you might err enough to be humble and to grow, but he removed you from the errors at the right point of your salvation so that you would not lose your way.

Learn to thank God because patiently He observes you entangled in small things of the human life and distracted from the superior Purpose, for which you came to the world. With eyes of compassion, the Creator follows your steps and waits, because He knows that at some moment you lost sight and you will turn to the highest, and finally find the Heart of the Father.

Learn to thank God because He created a perfect project and placed this hidden perfection inside of you. The Lord is so perfect that, in order for you to open this door inside of you and find this divine treasure, you must be simple, humble and, above all, thank God for life and for the constant gifts He hands you.

Learn, My child, to thank the Father every day, even if you do not have a reason for this. Be thankful and already you will see how many reasons your heart has to thank the Father.

Place your heart in Truth and in the Infinite, in the Love of God for you, and today just give thanks, because, among so many beings in the world, you listen to God in the echo of His Messengers who teach you to love and awaken to what it really is to be a human being.

Thank the Father and give thanks to the Heavens. Offer your heart as a shelter for gratitude and so you will take sure steps of love, because by thanking everything, you will find the possibility of love in all things.

Your Father and Friend,

The most Chaste Saint Joseph


Hearts suffer because, prisoners of themselves, they cannot manage to get away from their wills, aspirations, accomplishments and goals, even if these are internal and spiritual. They suffer because, within themselves, they build a perfect plan, a perfect humanity and a perfect planet, but cannot find, in their own self, the way to perfection, which can only be achieved in the Unity with God.

Hearts suffer because they want to know, to live and to be things that are not real. And since life does not fit their illusions, they suffer and perish, without perceiving that the root of their suffering is within their own self.

The Plan of God, child, is perfect, but many times incomprehensible, because the Divine Mind is not like the human mind; likeness between God and men is to be found in the essence and in the heart, not in human thought.

The Creator sketched a unique path for each being, a path that is perfect, because in its trajectory there are the perfect obstacles and tests to break structures and resistances, to make the consciousnesses mature and be confirmed, to make spirits consolidate their union with the Father and to be empty of themselves.

In order for you to find plenitude, you must follow God's ways with joy, accept, with peace, the service He gives you, the tests He puts in your way through the difficulties in life. Do not be in the world any longer looking for your mission and trying to discover the Purpose of God for you, because it is already written in the Words of His Messengers which are given to you every day, it is enough for you to be able to see this.

Your mission in the world is to live Love and transformation, cross the thresholds between the old and the new man, bare, with gratitude, the transition of times and express, with humility, the new life.

The mission of God for you is not built with skills but with virtues; it is not expressed with titles but with humility; it is not shown in recognition but in the silence of the unity that is built between your heart and the Heart of the Father.

Pray and meditate on what I tell you, because the years and the cycles go by and you are searching for your mission, when in reality, you are the mission. Your life must be the expression of God's Will wherever you are.

Go and be a seed of the new in the silence of your spirit, in the truth of your service, in the humility of your life, in the sincerity of your prayers.

You have My blessing for that.

Your Father and Friend,

The Most Chaste Saint Joseph


Who are we?

Association Mary
Founded in December of 2012, at the request of the Virgin Mary, Association Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception, is a religious association without ties to any institutionalized religion. It has a philosophical-spiritual, ecumenical, humanitarian, charitable, cultural character, and it supports all activities that are indicated through the instructions transmitted by Christ Jesus, the Virgin Mary, and Saint Joseph. Read more
