I Am this primordial Sun of the Spiritual Universe that illuminates the dark times so that the human consciousness may have the unique opportunity to reconsider and change.
I am this Spiritual Sun that can never be obscured by any darkness or tempest, because this Sun that speaks to you leads you and guides you toward the Purpose that God has for these times.
I am this Sun that brings you the light of renewal and an intimate communion with the Most High so that your essences may become Christified and you may achieve the same degrees of love that I once achieved for each one of you.
I am this Sun that brings you the principle of healing of the spiritual consciousness, the Grace of completely erasing from your beings all that oppresses the consciousness and that does not allow you to take the steps of love and sacrifice toward Me.
Today you are before the Spiritual Sun of God, so that in this time you may be a witnesses that divine assistance is still available for all, until I have to return and make you participants in the new time, in a time of renewal and redemption.
I thank you for keeping My Words in your hearts!
Who blesses you,
Your Master and Lord, Christ Jesus
Today, My descent to the world contemplates a Venezuela outraged by extreme marginalization, wounded by the infidelity of its laws, imprisoned by the captivity generated by a few, violated by an obsessive oppression.
Oh, My dear and joyful Venezuela! May impunity no longer awaken battles, may the power that some believe they have not block your sincere spirituality.
My dear Venezuela, the justice you seek is not on the Earth; the hope you expect, you will not see in the heart of any representative.
Liberate yourself, Venezuela, from your constant pain; forgive all the evil that has been done to you; reconcile, within you, everything that was hurt and transgressed.
My dear Venezuela, do not lose the aspiration of fulfilling yourself as a people in freedom. No longer fight with weapons, for evil defeats itself.
Pray, Venezuela, pray without delay and without rest because you will see, with your own eyes, the idols
who have been erected, fall.
Pray, Venezuela, so that you may always be within the Kingdom of God. Your escape and your freedom will not be in war nor in conflicts. Your rebirth and your liberation, you will find in the power of your faith.
Venezuela, I know that you hope for a quick end to this captivity; only choose God as your Governor; only seek the greater good above all adversity, and thus you will triumph.
Venezuela, your joy will reflect again on the face of your people and the indelible love of your population will make them return to the purpose of their creation.
Venezuela, it is the time of your profound awakening.
I thank you for keeping My Words in your heart!
Who blesses you,
Your Master, Christ Jesus
Come, My child, and be a part of the Confraternity of My Heart, be a part of the cenacle of the New Christs.
Come, My child, with all your successes and errors, with all your anxieties and joys and be a part of the Confraternity of My Heart.
Be a part of the Confraternity of the Universe and of the Earth. Integrate completely with the spirit of My Sacred Brotherhood and, in this way, you will know your origin and your purpose, the purpose that God put into place from the beginning in the essence of your being.
Come and be a part of the Confraternity of My Heart.
With Me build peace on the surface of the Earth.
With your own hands, raise the banner of the peace-bringers of the end of times, and in all things, give your life for me, because what I come to seek from your life is something interior, it is part of the spiritual richness that God the Father has placed in your soul.
Strengthen yourself in this sacred union with Me and there will no longer be boundaries or divisions in your consciousness.
Learn to die to yourself so that you may know how to rise to the life of the spirit every day.
Continue rowing My boat, which will take you to the port of the Kingdom of God.
Move forward.
I thank you for keeping My Words in your heart!
Who blesses you,
Your Master, Christ Jesus
Aurora is a power plant of purifying fire; its high temperatures transform what is coarse into what is precious and the dense into the sublime.
Only those who are united in heart with Aurora cross its threshold of purification and of transmutation.
Aurora is that fire that does not allow any code of evil to remain because its voltage of non-material and cosmic energy is stronger than all the Suns of the Universe. Everything it touches, it transforms and realigns so that it may have a function within the vast Purpose.
Aurora is the fire that repels evil and exorcizes it according to the present need.
Thus, Aurora is a power plant of hot energy that transubstantiates what is corrupt within the consciousness in order to be able to purify it, and this it determines through its powerful light.
Aurora is capable of changing a life experience so that it may achieve the purpose.
Aurora is capable of breaking the chains and dissolving the shackles of perdition. Its powerful energy will always bring changes where they still do not exist and it can also bring healing where there is sickness.
I thank you for keeping My Words in your heart!
Who blesses you,
Your Master, Christ Jesus
Listen, in the silence of your heart, to the answer of the Lord and try to feel the immensity of His Love for His companions.
Listen, inside of you, His Sacred Word echoing beyond forms and movements.
Learn, humbly, to listen to your Lord and to see Him reflected in your brothers and sisters. Enter into your heart, with conscience, through prayer and through the path of faith.
Listen to the answer inside of you and feel, beyond all, how love will open you the doors to great opportunities. Empty and let yourself be guided.
Listen to the voice of your soul in each moment and feel as it follows the steps towards the Purpose of the Lord.
Be in peace and listen to the answer beyond the word, the feelings or the forms.
Listen, within the most intimate of your being, all that your inner world wants to tell you and, opening your inner senses, receive the awaited answer. But, first learn to listen and not to have to justify yourself evermore.
Listen and you will know all, and in this wisdom you will guide yourself by the impulse of My Love towards the purpose.
I thank you for keeping My Words in the heart!
Who blesses you.
Your Master Jesus Christ
First Message
From the Great Star of the Universe, I greet you and send My Message of peace to the world.
Today My Words emanate from the heart of Andromeda, a place from where the Universes of this Universe are governed, and many more Universes that are ruled by the Law of the Hierarchy, and are under the care of the great universal Consciousnesses.
I have come to Argentina to correct it in its purpose, to again lead it towards the path of the light.
This is why I extend My Hand to the People of God, so that they may hold on to Me tightly and follow Me on the pathway of the true faith and of the new hope.
From Andromeda, I emit My Voice to the world and especially to Argentina, knowing that it is a people that needs to straighten its paths to be able to accomplish the Purpose of God, to be able to vivify it, to be able to fulfill it, in these critical times, in which everything is at stake.
What I ask you today is nothing new, companions, just only remember your commitment so that you can remember your origin, knowing that this material life does not end here and that after this life there is much more to learn.
The Universes offer themselves so that you can learn in its sacred Schools, where everything is written and where everything is accomplished.
Therefore, I invite you on these days to drink of My Mercy so that you can drink of the Source of Knowledge, a knowledge that reveals the Truth to you, a knowledge that will give you the peace and the wisdom that you need for these critical times.
But My coming to Argentina will not avoid many other things more that happen in these days and in these times.
Freedom is still in the hands of humankind.
Freedom is what can lead you to God or what can condemn you without you perceiving it.
For this reason, the choice is in each human heart, the choice of living in God or not being in God, of submerging in the Love of God or moving away from the Love of God.
Nobody will be forced to live a spirituality that they have not yet understood, nor felt inside.
But what I can promise to Argentina is just My Love and My Mercy. Streams that will lead you to find the Divine Purpose, to find the answer that you are looking for so much, for a long time.
Thus, I am gradually forming My new soldiers, the soldiers of the last times. I am gradually building the inner Christ in the dwellings of all beings, the inner Christ who will live the end of times, the one who will give testimony, in My Name, that I am here among you and with you.
For this reason, today My Voice is emitted from Andromeda, a place where the Universal Government dwells and complies the Divine Laws of this Material Universe; a place where great decisions are taken for the evolution and the awakening of the consciousnesses, for the infinite expression of more degrees of love, of a greater Love than the one I could conceive when I was on Earth among you, a long time ago.
At that moment, I had left you a key that would help you to transcend all times and all generations, all experiences and all learnings.
It is the love for life what will rebuild Argentina, beyond the mistakes and faults.
Love is what will heal, it is what will fill.
Love will concede you peace and thus you will live in justice.
It will be worthless to oppose one another, because even though inequalities exist, which are seen by all, what matters for God, companions, is the destiny of your nation and its people, as a Promised Land, that will no longer have injustices nor inequalities, which will be permeated by the Presence of God, in the perfect living of His Beloved Son, in the heart of humanity.
Do not fight for what is material, although it is unjust.
Build in you what is true and what comes from God, what will really make you free, someday, to reach the Kingdom of God, which is inside of you.
Living in the Kingdom of God you will be in communion with the High and it will be no longer a religion nor a doctrine, because your religion, companions, regardless of any other, will be love.
It is love that will lead you to live service and fraternity towards your brothers and sisters.
It is love that will allow you to build brotherhood and thus be able to live the new life that will repopulate Earth in the coming times.
But while you live your internal and external transition, do not fight, do not oppose to one another any longer. Seek this justice in the Gift of the Mercy of God and everything will pass.
Thus God will make justice, as the Great Divine Consciousness that He is, and His children will finally represent Him on Earth, as He so much has expected since the beginning.
Be capable of living My Words beyond the senses.
Be capable of risking to do a little bit more than you do or than what you have achieved in your lives, because everything will start again in love, and from love will begin. The rest will become dust and to dust will return.
In your spirits is the Sacred Reliquary of My Heart.
In your souls, the presence of My Soul can be, so that you may be in communion with the Divine Justice and in a perfect balance.
Therefore, from Andromeda, a Voice of equality is emitted and the Great Star of this Universe calls you to the elevation of the consciousness, to step out of forms and battles, to achieve the true meaning of your existence and of your mission on Earth as individuals, as a people and as a country.
Close the doors to chaos. Open the doors to My Divine Mercy because thus My Presence will triumph in you and My Energy will triumph in your nation.
The time has come to perceive reality and not deceits.
The time has come, companions of Argentina, of climbing one more step to approach God and to feel His Love that fills and fills you, time and again.
Be a people that deserves Divine Justice and not human justice. Thus you will learn to be in balance and in harmony with the Universe.
Andromeda emits its voice, from the Universe to your planet, so that you can listen to it and count on its great Government that is celestial and complies with the superior commands that the Eternal Father dictates.
Join this chain of prayer for peace and prevent chaos to submerge you.
Be intelligent and activate the prayer of the heart so that your own inner Mirrors may dissolve all reigning darkness.
For this reason, Andromeda comes to bless you and consecrate you so that each human heart and each soul may listen to the Voice of the Universe and receive, from Andromeda, the spirit of peace.
May your offering for this Marathon be true as you have demonstrated on these last days.
Because the Universe is contemplating all your efforts, however small they may seem. All efforts add to the descent of Divine Mercy that allow to love the enemies and forgive the unjust ones.
Encourage yourselves to surpass Me in love and you will find the Truth.
Encourage yourselves to be My testimonials and you will be free, as you expect so much.
The Kingdom of God is inside of you and it must remain there throughout the times, for the Sacred Will to be fulfilled.
I thank you for having said “yes” to Me for this meeting, because this means much to Me, as a Divine and Universal Consciousness.
Here exists very valuable souls and very important spirits for the Creation. This is why you are in Argentina and not in another place.
Everything in the Creation has a divine meaning and a superior Purpose to be manifested.
Be part of this universal current that comes from Andromeda and recognize, in these times, your mission with humanity.
May in this Marathon of springtime, the love of your hearts flourish.
May your hands, arms and feet give the fruits of service and walk to meet those who are most in need, so that Mercy may reach all, without distinction.
May the Light of the Spirit of Andromeda bless you in the name of the Sacred Brotherhood.
In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.
Walk barefoot, thinking that you will succeed and that you will be able to free yourself from the past, aspiring all the time to be able to achieve within yourself the manifestation of the Sacred Kingdom of God.
Walk barefoot, imitating me with determination and great courage, with the hope of seeing the Sacred Will of God carried out on all planes and in all consciousnesses adhered to the Plan of the Creator.
Walk barefoot, trusting in the future of something better, even though humanity and the planet are intensely purified, affirming within yourself the victory of Love and the concretization of the Divine Design.
Walk barefoot, stripped of your errors and the lack of successes, free of the chains that might have kept your feet imprisoned.
Maintain the vision on the Purpose, opening all the time the door of your heart so that the Light of the Kingdom of God can be established.
Walk barefoot, trusting in the unknown, in that which is to come and in that which renews, freeing yourself from planetary captivity and the condition that ties human beings to the past.
Discover, within yourself, the eternal present and in this way, unite with the Greater Universe, allowing that, at each new step, you may carry out that which the Universe awaits to be realized.
Keep your faith in the Highest, for from the Highest will come the help for each new challenge.
I thank you for keeping My Words in your heart!
Who blesses you,
Your Master, Christ Jesus
Keep your faith as elevated and sublime as Heaven.
Let faith within you guide the steps of your consciousness, and may it always show you the way to return to the Heart of God.
Faith is multipliable, good and given.
Faith builds and unites the consciousnesses under the latent Purpose of God.
May this faith purify your consciousness so that it is permeated by the Grace of God.
In faith, there are no barriers, differences or obstacles.
Let faith show you the inner truth of God. Surrender yourself to it and let the holy spirit of faith liberate life and transform even what is most profound, because faith is healing and also redeeming.
Sacred faith promotes the descent of peace, and it spreads goodness wherever one goes.
In faith, there are no doubts or suppositions.
Faith is clarity and understanding; it generates the perfect union with the Will of God.
It dissolves fears and banishes that which is negative.
In faith there is truth.
I thank you for keeping My Words in the hearts!
Who blesses you,
Your Master, Christ Jesus
Like the rainbow that descends to Earth, thus are the Seven Rays that emerge from My Heart for love of souls.
Each one of My Rays emanates an order and a principle and, in this way, all the Rays united together reflect the great Purpose of God.
This is why the Rays of My Heart are like the rainbow that descends from Heaven to Earth to unite humankind with God, to attract to this planet the Designs of the Most High Father.
My Heart emanates the Seven Rays to the world so that hearts may receive the divine impulses that will bring them into experiencing a great change of consciousness, a change that will be reflected in the life of those who receives the impulses of the Rays of the Lord within themselves.
By means of each Ray, all souls can find their origin and the reason for their existence, and rich spiritual experience will unfold when souls unite with the essence of the Rays.
A profound transformation may be achieved through the luminous impulse of the Rays of My Heart.
I thank you for keeping My Words in your hearts!
Who blesses you,
Your Master, Christ Jesus
Association Mary
Founded in December of 2012, at the request of the Virgin Mary, Association Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception, is a religious association without ties to any institutionalized religion. It has a philosophical-spiritual, ecumenical, humanitarian, charitable, cultural character, and it supports all activities that are indicated through the instructions transmitted by Christ Jesus, the Virgin Mary, and Saint Joseph. Read more