In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

God decided on an inexplicable purpose for humanity. In His Heart that purpose is written and it must be fulfilled even if with a few.

I am not talking about something material or something mental, I am talking about something that comes from the Spirit of God, from the emanation of His Source.

That is why I came to Earth, incarnated and I was among you, I taught you to seek the Kingdom of God and, above all, to love it.

But before giving myself, I already knew, from the Garden of Gethsemane, that this moment could come, it was a probability.

For this reason, I gave My Being for you and for each one of your brothers and sisters, just as today I give My Spirit for each of you and for each of your brothers and sisters.

My Heart is silent in the face of certain events, not only those that refer to the entire planet, but also to all groups of souls, especially those groups of souls who have an undeniable commitment to Me.

I'm still counting the time, even if it does not seem like it, to return to the world.

The wounds that open in the consciousness of the planet are becoming deeper and humanity is not aware of this.

As the transition of the Earth happens, souls are being led to live their last definition, to live situations that they had not foreseen.

And why would God allow it, if He is perfect and He loves you since He created you, since your origins?

God extends His Hand to each of His children, just as He has done throughout the times and the different humanities. He extends His pitying Hand so that you can take it, so that your consciousnesses become instruments in His Hands, and thus, He can rewrite this story, a story of humanity, of the present that leads more and more to suffering, to despair, to the lack of credibility in God.

But if the world learned to praise and acknowledge Him, even in difficult and inexplicable moments, an answer would come to you, the answer you have been waiting for for so long.

Now see God, your Eternal Father, still extending His Hands towards you, not only with kindness, but also with Mercy, sustaining this moment so that the Law of Justice does not descend upon humanity because He does not want you to suffer, nor does He want you to lose the path He promised you.

Therefore, His aspiration is very great and it is not understood. It is not an aspiration dictated with words or with instructions, they are the internal aspirations of God, those that you must love in order to know them, to be able to know one day why you are here.

You should ask yourselves what is the reason you are on My Christic Path and not on another path; what was the reason that brought you to Me to live this moment, a moment that you do not yet know and that could change at any moment.

Would you be capable of following me, despite everything?

Many times you will not feel filled by what you are living or suffering. Did I go back with what God had entrusted to Me?

The children of the Father never retrogress, they advance because despite each moment, they find their way out when they are united to the Source by heart and spirit.

God hoped, within this twenty-first Century, that everything would be different, that souls would no longer learn from suffering, but from the joy of living and serving, of only loving life as it is, although imperfect.

Now do you understand how everything could change and be different?

Sometimes you may not deserve what you live, but if God offers it to you, would you reject it?

Who would be able to love more than I loved, even being imperfect, because what has value here is the spirit, the inner dwelling of each being. That is where the warrior is forged, that is where the apostle is born, there lies the fortitude to always say yes and not retrogress, whatever the cost, whatever it means, because at the end of all, the Heart of God will triumph.

We know that these are not times of joy, but of suffering. But what would each of you do to change it, knowing that you have the opportunity to do so in your hands and no longer complain?

You must not only learn to praise everything you have, but also to be grateful for it, to give thanks for it day by day from the heart, with the depth that your spirits can give you.

Today I am here in Divinity, but also present as Soul, so that My Divinity and My Soul strengthen the hearts, those who have offered themselves to live the calvary of this world.

The cross that you can carry by yourself does not compare to the cross of other brothers and sisters around the world, who carry heavier crosses than the ones you have and which is a cross sustained in faith and trust in God.

But you were graced by the Source. My own Most Holy Mother interceded, many years ago, for this to happen, so that you would not lack the joy of living in the spirit and the opportunity to sacrifice yourselves for Me.

What price does that have for your lives? Have you ever asked yourselves, companions?

I do not come to make comparisons, but to bring you awareness of the situation that the entire humanity and the planet are experiencing today. Not even the Kingdoms of Nature receive what you have received through Our Words and spiritual impulses, in these last twelve years.

What else are you waiting for to be My apostles, those that I need in the end of times?

Look into your inner situation and do not just recognize the imperfections or errors. You have the ability to see beyond what you see, what you feel, or what you perceive. For that, you should always give thanks because it will always be Grace that will fill you and strengthen you for this moment and for the times to come.

I do not need your lives fulfilled and perfectly aligned with Me. I need My apostles to perceive this planetary moment and to be ready to serve Me wherever it is necessary and under any situation, because there are many more souls in darkness than in light. You know this and you can already see it.

What can My Heart feel after the great offer that was made from the Garden of Gethsemane until the death on the Cross?

God revealed to Me that this current situation could happen. And even so, I did not hesitate, because I knew that your brothers and sisters and you had to be here, at this time, on the sacred grounds where the Hierarchy is.

But this is not just for you, but for all humanity. For those who do not live from light and only live from darkness, who are tormented, persecuted and disturbed all the time.

The task of planetary transmutation increased in a way never seen before.

Few are the columns on the surface of the Earth that sustain this movement. Will you enter that service, without emitting a word?

Silence forges the warrior of light, strengthens the guardian and expresses the healer. It attracts to oneself the light from the mirrors and in this way one is ready for a new summoning, for a new call.

Your covenant with Me has already been made. Now is the time to live what you came to live, just as your brothers and sisters must live what is written.

I would like to tell you about the wonders of the Kingdom of God and all its dimensions and planes. Some of you have been blessed to be able to know some of this, to enrich your spirits in knowledge and gratitude. But most do not know it yet, because it is subject to a world-system from which one cannot leave by their own power.

But the heart that prays and the heart that opens finds the way out, it does not fear defeat, it promises with its effort the triumph of God and the fulfillment of His Plan, it is not mediocre or petty; its donation is the key to transformation and surrender, to Communion with Me.

My Words cannot remain only on paper. Today, more than I have ever asked of you, from my heart, may your lives be transformed into My Word so that I can place your testimonies in the Hands of God and He may grant the world, in this present moment, an extraordinary opportunity for healing, unknown by science and by humanity.

The tabernacle of My Heart is open for you to visit and adore, for you to deposit your efforts and your daily work so that you may live in unity among you, the one which I have so long-awaited, a unity without appearances, without conditions, without rules, without selfishness, without pessimism.

You are the base of that great mirror of My Heart that needs to reflect on Earth the principles of the new life, of the New Humanity.

The signs of the Apocalypse are being presented. Be attentive and do not be distracted, because there the Hierarchy will speak and the events of the planet will show the moment in which all human consciousness is found.

You should not fear those signs. You must penetrate their mystery to be able to understand and accept them.

The books of the Lords of the Law are open, ready to begin to dictate the new time, the last destiny.

I know that you are already My sheep and I am your Shepherd.

Today I gather you here to speak to you of the Truth that you must hear beyond what you know and understand.

It is time for inner growth, it is time to prepare the Return of your Master and Lord, in the most difficult and culminating moment of humanity; where the signs of suffering and agony in the world will show that it is the long-awaited hour, a moment that will cease to be a promise to become a reality.

I am the Lord and you are My disciples who must follow one path, without oscillations, the path towards My Spirit.

In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.


In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

Look at yourself for a moment, before your existence, and remember what you originally were, from where you arose and for what you were created.

Look at yourself for a moment, before your existence, and within you let the remembrance of the Purpose of God awaken, that which was destined for your consciousness, for your evolution.

Now, contemplate this existence in the great center of Andromeda, where the first evolutionary life was manifested, before the origin of the Earth, before the emergence of the Solar System.

You will thus understand that life in the universe has existed since primordial times, when the Angelic and Archangelic Hierarchy gave an impulse to the manifestation of Creation.

With this, I want you to know that you must look towards what you truly are, and not towards what you appear to be. You must find your immaterial life, which vibrates in the spaces of the universe, that which is part of a cosmic symphony and complements a part of the great and infinite Brotherhood.

Today, your existence and your origin are at the feet of Andromeda, before the government of the universe that conducts and guides all consciousnesses, just as it gives an impulse to the expression of all virtues and all gifts, that which the Spiritual Hierarchy calls lineages.

Humanity came to incarnate on this planet to fulfill this task and this mission of expressing the lineages through virtues and gifts, because in this way evolution would be completed.

Andromeda is this great powerhouse of the universe that gives impulse to life and to the awakening of consciousness. This is why today your existence is there so that, just like the Hierarchy, you may find within you the school that you must  go through in these times, which is the school of awakening.

Living this school, you will overcome illusion, and will know how to purify your indifference. You will no longer be part of the world ignorance, of what blinds humanity and of what blocks the mind, but rather, through the recognition of your immaterial life, you will be like a mirror, you will be like a guardian, you will be a governor, you will be like a contemplative, you will be like a healer, and thus you will find the path that the universe has destined for your being.

Why does God need, within this Creation, that you live His gifts or His virtues through the lineages?

Because it is the path that will help you in your redemption, in your purification and transcendence.

Because it is the path to find your origin again, to remember your existence;to know that you come from the Divine Spirit and that to the Divine Spirit you must return, completing this experience of the Creation that has to be re-created, that has to find its definitive path for the fulfillment of the Plan.

I know that a great part of humanity is asleep, it is ignorant and also indifferent.

But just like you, I came to Earth with a Greater Purpose and an inextinguishable, divine and cosmic Will; and with only twelve consciousnesses, I carried forward the task of redemption, bringing the opportunity of uniting the times, of uniting the consciousnesses, of awakening the talents and expressing the inner life in a humanity that was lost, blind and deaf.

Now you must be this bridge, at this time. Learn to recognize your errors, but do not submerge in them. Learn to correct your lives and not become confused. Learn to discern, so as to not go crazy.

Purification is a part of the process of evolution, it is steps of the infinite stairway of the universe, which will impel you to again find your origin and your existence.

Days ago, Sirius sent you a message and brought to the world the awakening of consciousness. 

Today Sirius impels a great transformation, a constant aspiration of finding the truth and of participating in it, to abandon the illusion of the surface of the Earth so that each sun may shine by itself, knowing how to unite to the currents of the universe through the lineages. Knowing that human power and authority do not belong to you. Knowing that it is time to serve by expanding the consciousness in order to find a safe path, that path that directs you towards the center of the universe, the great star of Andromeda that impels the awakening.

You must not fear to find your obstacles, your limitations, your errors in this world and in other parts of the universe.

Through purification, you must transcend duality and the corrupt states of the mind and consciousness in order to turn towards that which is immaterial, to that which is real and sublime. You are not lacking any help at this moment.

It would be a great relief for the Hierarchy if all of humanity were aware of this so that once and forever it might learn to step out of the very chaos it generates, of the very duality in which it participates, of the indifference it fosters.

This is the time to find your true being, to learn to live true life.

As the situation of humanity is unleashed, greater will be the efforts to live the lineages through the impulses of the virtues and the gifts. Greater will be the determination of reaching these spheres and of attracting to the Earth the Christic Life.

The more of you who live your awakening, the greater your opportunities will be; but understand that, just like you, many of your brothers and sisters will face the reality that will lead them, either way, to experience change, and to detach from what is material and superfluous, from all that does not lead to the life of the spirit and to experience that which is immaterial. But just by placing oneself in the aspiration of finding it, help will come, and, little by little, everything will be converted.

You must learn, more each day, to sympathize with your fellow beings, because if fraternity does not exist and is not consciously lived, the lineages will not awaken.

It is not possible to flaunt cosmic life without first living a life of solidarity, of cooperation, of brotherhood.

This humanity has received many treasures throughout the times and generations.

Now it is time to give value to the Word of the Hierarchy so that it not only passes you by, but it may also enter your consciousness in order to become a part of your being.

Through this awakening, humanity will be sustained. A great part of the ignorant humanity will also be sustained, and this sustenance, this inner and spiritual support will be what will allow the consciousnesses to participate in My Return. Overnight, you will see the Truth that the universe will show you. A Truth that no one will be able to interfere with nor impede.

My priesthood guards each one of your gifts and virtues so that your inner life may have more strength than external life, which is concrete and material. Because it is in that which is internal where the force of overcoming and transcendence lies. The building of a New Humanity lies there.

Today, before your existence, interiorize these words so that Andromeda may always send you the impulse of the great awakening.

In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

Marathon of Divine Mercy

In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

On this day, I want you to contemplate My Universe, beyond everything, and that through My Universe you may find the Truth, this Truth that comes from God and that will elevate you: the Truth of Transparency and of Wisdom; a Divine Truth that will unite you, that will strengthen you as consciousnesses and as a group.

I come from a very far away place of the Universe to bring and deposit My Peace in you, not only as Soul, but also as Planetary Consciousness, as a Race and as a Civilization.

Because it is a culminating moment that you face, in this time and in this cycle, in which you must place, above everything, My Consoling and Merciful Love. Just as I taught the apostles in the past, today I teach you, My companions.

You must keep being My peacemakers, My bearers of peace, My servers of good and of light who listen to the Word from the Heights, and who make it resound within you so that My Divine Impulses may transform you, elevate and conduct you toward the Purpose of God.

I know it is for everyone a moment of overcoming and of tests, of extreme trust and of an infinite fortitude that is attained through the prayer of the heart, a prayer that will always lead you toward My Doorway, so that through My Universe you may find My Wisdom, My Understanding and My Peace; attributes that I come to deposit in a world that is ill and wounded, that has completely lost the sense of spiritual life.

Therefore, in this age, in this cycle, at this time, I come to meet you and to meet your brothers and sisters, to remind you all of the commitment with Me, to make you see reality, a reality that arises from the Heart of God as an infinite fount that pervades all spaces, all universes, all galaxies and all stars.

You are part of a macrocosm, you must not stay only in what is superficial and material, or in what is mental or intellectual. You must go beyond the thresholds of consciousness to be able to attain Christic Light, that which gives the impulse to all spirits in the moment of the great awakening, not only under the gift of love and of wisdom, but also through the gift of humility and of resignation.

This will allow for balancing the world, and all errors committed by all peoples and all nations, which time and again distance themselves from the Purpose of God, establishing principles and ways of life that are not evolutionary nor transparent, that do not bring spiritual nor mental health.

Therefore, God will find, in spaces like this, where His own life manifests through the Kingdoms and the creatures, by means of the elements, all that He thought and created with attention out of love for you so that you could experience and recognize the happiness of God, to have creatures on this planet and in others that love Him, recognize Him, venerate Him and accept Him as their Celestial Father.

Therefore, I come today from an infinite horizon called “Universe of the Consciousness of God”, in which all of His Founts of Light and His Cosmic Founts are present to interrelate with this material universe and also with the mental universe, in which the angels are present and also have participated in this Divine Purpose for eons of time, since a time that is not known, nor identified by the human being of the surface.

What I bring to you from the Universe is something more than abstract, it is something more than nonmaterial, it is something more than spiritual. Through My Heart, I bring to you this principle that life originated from, and an existence which brought to everyone the meaning and reason for living here, and learning here together with their brothers and sisters of the path, and with humanity.

To find this meaning and this path, God mirrors Himself and reflects. time and again, in the Creation by means of Nature: by means of the oceans, the mountains, each Younger Kingdom, which brings to the Earth a spiritual principle and a principle of elevation which, up until now, humanity has not known, and only in this time is it awakening to know this wisdom which expresses itself and is kept in the Kingdoms of Nature.

For this reason, God sends His Messengers, the Sacred Hearts, on pilgrimage throughout the world, so that all races and all peoples can awaken and recognize God in all that was created, and can be in communion with Him without hurting Him nor damaging Him, nor offending Him, nor mistreating Him through the Kingdoms of Nature.

God manifests His Attributes in the Younger Kingdoms. God also mirrors His Will also through the Younger Kingdoms, which brings into their group essence the Universe of God, which is this Universe of Love and of Wisdom, which allows us to maintain an inner contact with the Source and with all of Its Gifts.

With this, I want to tell you, companions, that your intellectual and spiritual mission must go beyond appearances, human aspects or resistance. You must apply in your lives the Law of Love that I taught you by means of My Sacrifice, not only in public life, but also on the Cross and by means of each drop of Blood shed for the liberation and redemption of the world and its creatures.

Now is the time for all evil to be reversed and transmuted into Light, into the powerful Light that comes from the spiritual and cosmic Universe so that the consciousnesses of the Earth, human beings, may have a pitying opportunity of awakening and of again finding the meaning of being here, beyond the material or the intellectual.

Today I place you before one of the Wills of God, not yet revealed to the world, but which today becomes present through the Son, the Son Beloved by the Father, the Father that loves all of His children.

Place this message in your heart and try to discover its meaning and its essence so that, beyond everything, you can perceive the reality of all that I want to tell you at this moment.

After all the prayers that are lovingly offered today by you, making the Christic Love of My Heart expand for all souls and the planet, I come closer to make you bearers of My Peace and of My Love, so that you may feel Me close by, and so that you may listen to My Heart.

Today, I leave you My blessing and My Peace, My renewal and My trust, so that all this can touch the souls in the world and its essences.

I give you My Peace and under My Light, I bless you universally.

In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

Marathon of Divine Mercy

Sacred geometry is the most ancient symbol of this humanity. In truth, it first emerged from the Source, in order to manifest the creation and originate the principles and attributes of evolutionary life.

The spiritual, sacred and immaculate geometry has always been present on Earth, despite the eras and its different ages.

The first humanities knew these sacred symbols, experienced the sacred geometries, not only for the uplifting of consciousness, but also for the evolution of human genetics.

The whole configuration of the human being as a natural and spiritual being is formed by a sacred and perfect geometry, the main and original idea of the Creator Fathers.

The first designs of this geometry were emanated by the Main Source of God, which to this day, emanates Love, Unity and Wisdom.

Sacred geometry is not only a part of the mentalists and philosophers, it is something that was captured by the different prophets, by the ancient people of Israel, even by Moses himself.

These sacred principles bring to the world, through geometry, the knowledge of the Purpose of God, and this is a way to unite bridges and dimensions between consciousnesses.

The time has come for humanity to be healed and regenerated through sacred geometry, through the only and perfect geometry that comes from the Spiritual Hierarchy and no other.

What comes form the Source is incalculable, what it emanates is indelible.

Since the beginning of the Earth and before the first humanity, the sacred geometry was what constituted the formation of this local Universe, so that later, life, evolution and, finally, the awakening would exist.

In sacred geometry is the root of your origins, the knowledge of your constellations, the reason for your having come to Earth to live a school of forgiveness and redemption.

The moment of the time of synthesis came, in which the East profoundly knew the sacred geometry and revered it; it is still part of it at the present time, despite the inadequate use that many peoples have made of it.

Yet this sacred geometry, about which I speak to you today, companions, is found in the essence of the Holy Chalice, inside of the Ark of the Holy Covenant, where all the attributes, all purposes and elevated thoughts of God, expressed before the origin of Creation, are safeguarded and protected by the holy angels.

This is the purpose of the Ark of the Holy Covenant and the emanation of its sacred geometry, which, after the end of times and on the New Earth, with the New Humanity, must return to the planet in order to constitute a new race, free from suffering, pain, agony and evil.

In the sacred geometry, something valuable and inextinguishable is found. It is as if you were before the most perfect manifestation of God, represented through the symbols and geometries that bring a sublime energy to human consciousness.

In Sacred Centers, like this one, are kept sacred geometries, fundamental principles of the Source of Creation, which in silence accompany humanity from the beginning. But, it is the hour and the time for this sacred knowledge to emerge from human consciousness, for everyone who is committed to follow the Purpose of God, and above all, committed to find within, their inner universe.

May I continue?

I can’t hear…

Everyone answers: Yes!

Sacred geometry is most sacred in the Universe. It was God Himself, our Celestial Father, who created it and He delivered it as something immaculate and sacred in the hands of the archangels, so that they could recreate and shape His Divine Will in the spiritual plane, the mental universe and, at last, in this material universe.

The sacred geometries are patterns of conduct that are needed by the human being for this cycle, so that it can transit and cross the end of times, keeping alive within the Christic light, the sacred flame of the essence, or however you want to understand it, the awakening.

Today I have brought in My Hands one of the Scrolls of God, one of the most ancient treasures of this Universe, of the Immaterial Source of Creation, of the Universe of the Resplendent, where the origin of the purpose of this humanity is written.

God thought, in His Silence, the possibility of the existence of creatures so similar to Him, that could live Love as He does, that could overcome it in Love, through experiences of union, light and forgiveness.

Therefore, He created a sacred geometry, which synthesizes the existence of this world and of the local universe.

In this geometry, of which I speak to you today, is the possibility that the whole of humanity rediscovers its path, the path to the Source of Creation that was lost from the moment that duality, or as you are willing to understand it, as adversity, emerged.

But in this sacred geometry, that is also inside of the Ark of the Holy Covenant, is found a replica of this very elevated thought of God, that emerged from His eternal Heart from the moment that He felt the will and need that His children could know and recognize Him, as the Father of Wisdom, the Father of Love, the Lord of the Truth.

But it was before My birth in Israel, that the most ancient peoples of the desert knew the sacred geometry of God.

During the forty years in the desert, the people of Israel, by being protected and sheltered by the Eternal Father, in that long walk, seeking the Promised Land, had known and experienced the essence of that sacred geometry by means of the manna which satiated and fed them; it was the physical contact that they had with the essence of that Purpose of God that brought forth life on Earth and the emergence of the first humanity.

It was in this way that before the appearance of Christ on Earth, through His incarnation in Bethlehem, the ancient people of Israel could make part of the Divine Purpose, that their genetics and natural constitution allowed; some time after, My human essence would receive from this people what most sacred thing they reached at the level of Spirit and Higher Mental.

When I was on Earth, I was the sacred geometry of God manifested as man and consciousness. I was the archetype itself and divine principle materialized on Earth, through the most pure womb of My Mother in the sacred intervention of the Holy Spirit.

All was thought, contemplated and meditated upon so that the world, throughout times and generations, would never forget the main sacred geometry of God, which is Love, that within human consciousness allows evolution, ascension and the expansion of charity.

In the Universe of God, there are many scrolls such as this one. Such profound and unknown revelations to the human mind that will help all human beings to resume the lost path to their true purpose, to the true reason that brought them here for a spiritual goal, for an uplifted end, for a sacred principle.

Your souls do recognize this legacy because they are part of this manifestation, of this experience, which started in the origin of this Universe.

While Aurora contemplates this scene of the Son, bringing to the world the sacred geometry of God, a great celestial vault in the inner planes is manifested in all of your spirits, in order that they capture the sacred symbols of God, which the people of Israel once knew and which will allow on Earth, to resume again, the reverence to reach the ascension of body, mind and spirit.

Through what I taught to the apostles, by means of the Sacraments, the sacred geometry is also found diversified in different principles and forms, to the point that these sacred geometries are material, through Baptism, Anointment,  Confession, Washing of the Feet and,  most importantly, through Communion.

Because it was at the Last Supper, where the most important sacred geometry of God descended through Me, in the materialization of the Body and Blood of Christ, sacred geometry allowed Me to reach the Cross, in order to expand and give all the symbols that redeemed humanity at that time.

Today the heavenly angels prepare the doors of the Universe, because the impulses of the sacred geometry of God will return to humanity so that souls can experience a different way of life and learn, in simplicity, to overcome fear, error and pain that these human genetics have generated throughout times by having been distanced from the Purpose of God, from the sacred geometry of the Father.

The Archangel Metatron is the guardian and keeper of the sacred geometry of God. He is in charge, within this material and local Universe, of sending this impulses at the end of times, in order that souls reach a profound connection with the Creator Father, by means of the intervention of Archangel Metatron.

It is the fire of this archangel, through His main sacred geometry, that will allow the transmutation of human consciousness and the liberation of the human spirit from sin, error, perversion and perdition.

God taught in the beginning of this world, the first and most important sacred geometry, which is the Word of prayer. It is the bridge and base to build a new life that souls, in a short time, will not recognize in themselves because of the voltage that prayer provides to human consciousness through elevation and transformation.

Those who live in the school of sacred geometry of prayer will know other sacred geometries of the Father and the spiritual plane will no longer be far from you; you will be able to recognize it within yourself when making contact with these divine principles that come from the Source.

Until today, this is what I can say, because the sacred geometry has a high voltage of spiritual and material energy that transmutes human consciousness; and you must learn to live and administer the impulses that come from heaven, because knowledge itself is an impulse that will remain within you, to lead you to take a great step in some moment of your lives.

This is the reason why I stop today, because souls have a certain capacity to endure, but trust in what I am doing, just as I trust in what you do, day to day, and in everything that you have offered Me today for the triumph of My Sacred Heart in humanity.

It is this fidelity, constancy and faith that comes from within you that allows this knowledge to come closer, so that humanity comes out of the superficial, the petty, the indifferent; so that you may be instruments of these sacred geometries in each moment of life, just as in each act of prayer, so that you may be mirrors of God.

I thank those who listen carefully, because this emits a response from the Universe that, at last, the day of your awakening will come in order to be in communion in an intimate and true way with the Main Source of God, so that you are in contact with God, even though you are on Earth learning to overcome suffering and learning to live Love.

Sacred geometry will always uplift you.

Friar Elías de Sagrado Corazón de Jesús:

The Master has kept the scroll…

And now, to synthesize this impulse in consecrated life manifested in different ways, because it is something that souls live, and where the sacred geometry is also found.

And today I will consecrate two new helpers because they have manifested this constancy in seeking this Purpose of God, and thus, I keep gathering My flock so that you recognize your filiation with Me and, above all, this intimate marriage with My Heart.

I wish to have here the elements of consecration for the helpers.

And the sacred geometry of God will be mirrored as well in these elements, which will become sacred, so that it may be present in My Spouses that have offered to serve Me through this service of giving themselves to the altars of God.

All sacred geometries are aspects of the Love of God, they are the closest experience of the Source of Creation.

I invite you to stand in reverence to the sacred geometries of God, for yourselves, your families, your acquaintances, the whole humanity that must recover the attributes of God through these last impulses that I bring from the Universe to the humble of heart.

Let us celebrate this event before the doors of heaven. May the whole humanity be worthy of this Grace, because what is true comes only from the immaterial and from the experience of Love in the material life.

Let us listen to the Kodoish melody so that the angels, at My request and call, be gathered here to bring to Earth the essence of the sacred geometry of God, a fertile treasure that is kept in the Sacred Centers of the Hierarchy. Father, in each element that You created is found the essence of the sacred geometry.

Today we raise and offer each one of these elements so that human consciousness may be transmuted and souls reach forgiveness and redemption. Amen.

Friar Elías de Sagrado Corazón de Jesús: Friar Melquisedec, Friar Juan de la Cruz, both brothers, you may come.

From the element water, that God created, is born the sacred geometry of life, from which every being on Earth is fed and lives, because this element unites it and elevates it to the Kingdom of God.

Let us softly start singing the melodic Kodoish in order to receive the angelic impulses and accompany this ceremony.

Song: the melodic Kodoish.


Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón de Jesús: Pardon, He told me that I forgot a step…

Father, this is My Body that as a sacred geometry, is offered today to the world for the remission of the errors and redemption of consciousnesses. Amen.

Father, this is the Chalice of My Blood that is lovingly offered today for the uplifting of human consciousness, purification of life on Earth and healing of the hearts. Amen.

And through the sacred geometry of prayer, Eternal Father, bless all these elements and especially Your Children, so that all of them have inner strength to go forward and reach the celestial victory. Amen.

Prayer: Our Father in Aramaic.

Father, bless these hearts so that they may always be participants of Your Grace and Mercy and act in this world as shining stars of Your Heart, bringing peace to the whole Earth.

I bless you, in the name of the Father, the Son and of the Holy Spirit. Amen.

I give thanks to you for being brave enough to listen and not lose the courage to make Love triumph on this planet. Carry on working and living in the Divine Mercy.

I bless you, in the name of the Father, the Son and of the Holy Spirit.

In fraternity, for Me, for My Father and for the Holy Spirit, give each other a peace salutation.

I thank you!

Marathon of Divine Mercy
Apparition of Christ Jesus, transmitted on September 4, 2018, in the Marian Center of Aurora, Paysandú, Uruguay, to the visionary Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón de Jesús

In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

When the twilight is about to disappear and the night arrives, this will be the most culminating moment for humanity and the planet.

Everything will have been unleashed within and outside of the beings, and upon the surface of the Earth, there will be nothing more to learn nor anything to teach.

Everyone will know the truth.

Everyone will be able to see it and participate in it, because the end of times will have been consummated and the New Earth will cease to be a promise, because the old Earth will have been purified.

But before this promise is fulfilled, which God eagerly awaits, the Earth will have yet to go through its transition. Duality will also experience its definition and fate will be changed.

After the most difficult parts have taken place, the Aurora will come, causing its Light and its Consciousness to shine forth. The Son will come and then His Mother will come, and with Them, all the angels and archangels, and the great laborers of the Plan.

The trumpets will have already been played and Truth will resound in the hearts of the righteous.

The unrighteous will be set apart and sent on to their new destiny. The chaff will have been separated from the wheat, the wolves from the sheep, the pure from the impure, the turbid from the clear, the darkness from the light.

And no one will be able to complain, no one will be able to justify themselves, because they will have received everything from Heaven and from the Universe.

The Words of the Hierarchy will no longer slip by like the wind or the breeze that can caress your faces.

The Word will be fulfilled and no one will be able to omit it.

No consciousness, no nation, no government, no one will be opposed, for opposition and duality will no longer exist, there will be no past nor will there be future.

The eternal present will descend to the Earth and the planet will enter into its new dimension, the dimension from which it was separated due to learning and experiences.

It will enter into the real dimension, into Real Time, where only the eternal exists, the visible and the invisible.

Thus, the consciousnesses that will stay and remain will no longer be far from the Truth, because the Truth will be part of them for having persisted in their tests and in their learning processes, for having believed in Christ, in His Word, for living obedience and a strict adherence to His call.

When I am no longer here among you, know that everything will be unleashed.

The walls of the resistances will no longer be personal fortresses, there will be no divisions or barriers, obstacles nor challenges, because everything will fall by its own weight.

Truth will prevail in the clean and humble hearts. The lies will be seen in the hearts that became soiled through their evil words.

The true faces will be seen. Some, full of gladness and the joy of Heaven, others full of fright, encountering Truth and repenting too late.

This is why you must always be careful with what you decide about your lives and your paths.

The Plan of God is not something transitory nor is it something that can be used to one's own advantage.

If the Son of God descended to Earth, it was because of the highest Will.

If the Son of God came to meet you, it was because of the highest Will.

Do you understand?

You cannot discard the Plan of God because it is not convenient for you or you do not feel it. Assume the responsibility of your purification and soon you will be free of yourselves.

You cannot distort the story that is being written in your hearts and lives.

You cannot turn aside the pencil of God for your faults. Reconsider and you will grow.

Do not make small what is truly grand and comes from Heaven.

Do not be like the world, which insults the Plan of God, day after day, without being aware of it.

Because when the laws strike the world, all will learn, and those at the center of the Purpose will not suffer, because the Law will not be a punishment, the actions of humankind will be their own condemnation.

You must recognize within yourselves what the Kingdom of God has given you, and do not contaminate it with your way of life.

Thus, invoke, implore and appeal for a pure heart so that your minds may be pure, so that your actions may be pure, so that your paths may be full of light rather than of suffering, the suffering that you can cause and experience for yourselves.

God aspires that all be able to live in His Joy and that nobody else condemn themselves in this humanity.

Seek to be what God really needs and everything will transform.

You cannot cease to be part of My New Gospel.

You must be part of what is descending from the Universe.

This is why, in these last days, I have brought you so many keys and so much knowledge, because it is time to live the spiritual maturity that the Father of the Universe needs to be able to continue to fulfill His Plan and His Will.

You cannot consider the Plan of God and your mission as something transitory, as if nothing mattered anymore.

Repentance will come to show some the place that they have put themselves in and from where they cannot manage to get out on their own. My Mercy does not reach there, neither does My Grace nor My Light. I cannot transgress your free choice nor your will.

I taught My apostles to be true, but also simple; to be honest and transparent in Truth, because that will always protect them.

But now is the time to place your consciousness upon the decisions in life and how that influences your evolution and mainly, your spiritual life.

Everything that has been given in these last times must be testified to on the day of the Final Judgment and after this life for all.

The treasures of Heaven will never be lost.

The treasures of Heaven must be testified to by each disciple of Mine, even though they are no longer with Me.

The signature of your commitment is your salvation and to remember this every day is also your salvation.

You must learn to perceive the reality beyond yourselves and never allow yourselves to harm the Plan.

You cannot let time go by as if nothing will happen. You know, better than I, that the planet is suffering and is very wounded.

This is why it is in the most culminating moment of the tribulation that I will return, and nobody will be able to escape this event, no matter how much they have denied Me, no matter how much they said I am not here.

The true Hierarchy does not have the children of God waste time. Be aware of this and reconsider.

I express this especially to those who have distanced themselves and were confused by My enemy. I pray for their repentance and their humiliation.

Human pride can be as large as a sea and drown you without you perceiving it.

The blindness of the unjust will be removed when they allow the Heart of the Master to touch them with His Light.

The lepers of spirit will be healed when they open from the heart to the divine healing and the reality of the Universe.

All of you have a place in My Heart, which you already know.

All of you have a commitment with Me and that is unforgettable, because the time has come for assuming the reality and not setting it aside on your paths as if it did not exist.

Learn from My Sacrifice and you will survive.

Be capable of truly and warmly loving.

Be true ambassadors of peace for these critical times, for in this way you will gladden My Heart which has many anxieties and a great many sorrows, caused by those who have not understood Me through this medium.

Now the Light will come for those that want to live it and want to participate in it.

That Light that I will propagate will protect you and you will love each step of your purification for Me.

Re-live your commitment that you once signed in the Cosmos and enter into the true dimension of the Brotherhood.

The locks of the Sacred Books have already been opened to begin to pronounce the great revelation of all times and of all eras.

Universal Life will become present in the hearts that cry out for it, for in this way the Plan will be vivified.

Do not waste time in what is transitory.

Accept carrying the planet upon your backs, for it cries out for relief.

Have the Star of loyalty and Confraternity stamped upon your chests. Re-ignite that inner Sun that must never die or go out.

Let what you truly are shine and you will be able to step out of superficial things.

Because what is small-minded will cease to be small-minded, pride will be purified, and arrogance will die so that the light of the spirit may emerge, which will always fill you and lead you toward peace.

I thank you for cooperating.

I thank you for listening and for bringing relief to the Heart of God.

May the Purpose be accomplished in you and may it always be remembered so that in the moments of greatest tribulation you do not doubt in following My Path, in this way, you will free yourselves of the confusion and the appearances that are around you.

Embrace this cross that I offer to you and, in this way, the seed of a New Humanity will be sown.

I do not ask the impossible of you. I only ask that after so many experiences in Heaven and on Earth, you learn to live Truth and, in simplicity, that which will cause you to find the great Ocean of My Love, of My infinite and expansive Love.

Re-experience all these impulses that I have given to you these days, because I know that you cannot manage to remember them.

You must pay attention to what I say to you because My Words will not be repeated.

Be good students, dedicated and disciplined, in this way you will defeat inertia.

In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

The Sacred Call
Apparition of Christ Jesus during the Sacred Call, in the Marian Center of Figueira, Minas Gerais, Brazil, to the visionary Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón de Jesús

Let My Love enter your heart so that all things may be transformed by Me because My ardent desire is for the Purpose of God to be concretized in your life and the ways of evil to not be fulfilled.

Sometimes souls do not understand what I ask and what I need. But in truth I tell you, you could love what I desire from My immaterial Universe.

Let My Love enter your home and your life. What are you waiting for? I still have much to do in this world and your life is a path for that.

I do not need your skills or your opportunities. I only need you to let Me enter so that I may remove everything and build in your heart the temple of My Church, which vibrates in the higher dimensions and is filled with angels of God, praising and worshipping the One.

Do not wait any longer to take the step. Surrender. And if you have already surrendered, surrender even more, because I need it.

What I do is not understood nor is it very valued by the world. What you give Me is valued by Me and all that you surrender to Me is written in the Sacred Book of God because it will be part of the testimonial that will save you when the Universal Judgement approaches the planet and its humanity.

The world does not know that I am still suffering through what I see in humankind and by all that happens in the world. Just as I consecrate souls, worshippers, and devotees, I also need your heart to consecrate itself to Me, so that a spark of My design, which is the design of the Father, may be deposited in you and what you came here to fulfill may be fulfilled as it is foreseen. I do not need you to justify yourself before My Presence because I know everything.

It is time to do something for others and above all for the planet, which agonizes as time goes by on the hands of your clock. As the seconds go by, there are souls that are in need of My help and I avail Myself of the apostles to carry My Work forward, which is filled with the Love of God and with the Mercy of His Heart.

Look at Me and feel My Heart, My living Heart! Look at the arteries of My Heart and the Blood of Love that constantly springs from it, in order to justify before the Universe the errors of humankind and to concede Divine Mercy to the souls most in need.

But you, after being at my side so many times and having received everything, it is time that you take the step in the trust of God and that you say from within yourself: Lord, here I am!

I do not need great things from your life, only that you worship Me, that you accept Me, and that you live Me as the complement of your life, as the living flame of love, that will never extinguish and that will bring to the world the healing that it seeks and needs so much.

Today I expose before the world the human Heart of the living Christ, that Teraphim of God, that Heart that surrendered all for you, up to Its last drop. How much Blood of Love I have to pour over My children and how few accept it!

I will always tell you the truth because remember that the truth will make you free and thus you will attain peace.

May humility steer your lives for these critical times, in which many, many souls will be confused by other masters.

Seek the essence of My Heart and your lives will be full.

Seek, My child, the flame of My Spirit and you will never lack peace, because what I verbally promise you, I fulfill.

If once I told My Apostles that I would come back a second time, here I am, even if you do not see Me, preparing My return.

I need that the grove that I have sown here give its fruits and does not delay. The world still needs to nourish itself spiritually through your offer and your lives so that the Plan may be fulfilled. And this will begin through remembering love, the love that will free you, the love that will heal you, the love that will transfigure you so that you are finally others, as I expect it.

But you will not lose your defects, rather you will work with Me to transform them one by one and in their own time. I know that it is painful to detach from yourself. I give you the example in the Garden of Gethsemane when in the greatest agony and in the greatest suffering, I had to bear everything for you so that you would have an opportunity in this end time.

I want you to understand what I tell you. These words and the ones that will come are now the last ones, and when the last word is pronounced by your Master and Lord, everything will pass and the world will not be able to say that it was not warned.

I pray in the garden of God, every day, just as I have prayed in the Garden of Gethsemane for My enemies, for those who betrayed Me, for those who would turn their backs on Me up until these present times.

I need, My children, that My current Church, expanded throughout the Earth, be renewed and rebuilt from its essence.

I need that, in love, you are one brotherhood, so that this can happen and that divisions do not exist, doubts or confrontations, because when that happens, My Love will not be there.

Gather, with your hands, the fruits that I have given you through each apparition, by means of each meeting, as well as through each Sacrament.

Learn to live the Will of God just as it is and do not modify it.

The world already modifies many Laws and that is why it suffers and agonizes. But you, who have been blessed from beginning to end, must give the example, come out of yourselves and give all for your friends, as well as for your enemies. This is the most important key that I give you today, through this message.

That is why I expose My living and human Heart, which has been glorified and transubstantiated through the spear on the Cross, so that it may be considered and worshipped by humankind as the justification before God, in spite of your mistakes and of your tests.

Those governing will not transform the world, but rather the faith in your hearts will transform the Earth.

Just as at the Sea of Galilee I called the twelve, today I call you again and all those who listen in the world, so that the Word of God may be considered and appreciated as the last source of expiation before the heavens are closed to the world and its Messengers withdraw.

I pray for that moment, I also pray for that time that will come. The world does not know what God is thinking, that is why it falls on its own will, again and again. But I teach you through My Love to make you free one day, knowing that I do not look at your imperfections, but rather at your virtues, your sincere virtues, which will make the world transform, as the world needs in this time.

Enter into Communion with My living Heart, human and throbbing, and everything, everything will be recovered.

The project of humanity in Genesis was altered, and what is lived today is the result of the first mistakes of Adam and Eve. But I came to the world unconditionally and as a poor man, to teach you about Love and Truth. I allowed Myself to be nailed to the Cross, be whipped, humiliated, and martyred. God allowed His Face to be completely spat upon and His Blood to be shed, drop by drop.

Who will be conscious of this mystery? Who will love this mystery so that the mystery is unveiled?

Everything begins and ends in love because it will be love that will cause you to rise in spirit and in life. Woe to those who do not avail themselves of this love! Woe to those who turned their backs on Me for other loves!

If I am here it is because I persevere in your lives and you will persevere in Me, in spite of what happens. Someday all will be understood, everything that has taken place here will be understood. The Door of Heaven will close, so that the souls of the Earth may live their last time.

I am not being dramatic. I am being sincere because Heaven and Earth will pass, but My Words will remain in the humble and resigned hearts before the Heavenly Father.

But before I rise to Heaven for the last time and have finished My task with you, after the next pilgrimages, I will send My Angels with the arrows of the love of God, so that they may be buried in the open hearts. And thus the essences, in this last hour and in this end time, unite to the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit.

Today, the Holy Spirit is present through My Mouth, through the Word and My Lips speaking the fire of God, which transforms what is corrupt into the uncorrupt; that which is low, into the sublime; error and misery, into mercy.

Blessed be those who keep My Words, for they will need them in the coming time.

Blessed be those who listen to My Word, because they will remember My Words in the most difficult moments of humanity and in these critical times, in which everything is in play.

When you see that the world is about to collapse, it will be the moment in which I will be returning physically. And the scriptures of the Apocalypse will be fulfilled. The Bible will be renewed because the Master and Lord of the Universe will rewrite a New Testament for humanity and the Universe. And the Angels will be witnesses of the legacy of Love and of the Grace that was deposited in the heart of those who listened to the Word of the Lord.

While the last trumpet sounds at the Center of the local Universe, the angelic laws are mobilized with their legions of Light and their hosts, to silently prepare the defeat of the fallen angel and of his kin.

The Scepter of God will be placed on Earth and will be recognized and seen as if it were hundreds of suns. And Divine Justice will be fulfilled.

The hour has come to take that step so that all this is fulfilled. It depends on humanity for all this to happen.

Receive these Graces as the last ones. The hour of the witnesses is approaching. The deserts are full of prisoners and they die for believing in the name of the Lord. More witnesses will appear before the nations of the world and will be recognized by the great love in their hearts. They will indicate the next path to the Earth and, in their silent offering, they will prepare the return of their Master and Redeemer.

On this glorious Sunday of the Holy Spirit, before the presence of the flame of Love of the Holy Spirit of the Father, the Almighty and Sublime Creator of the Universe, before His celestial and universal Powers, angelic and blessed, before the saints and the servers, I recreate in this moment the legacy of Love of the Sacrifice of the Lamb of God, through the Eucharist.

Lamb of God Who takes away the sin of the world,
have mercy on us!
Lamb of God Who takes away the sin of the world,
have mercy on us!
Lamb of God Who takes away the sin of the world,
Give us Peace!

I took the bread and I said to My Apostles and to all those who were present, in the blessing of the Most High and the Source of His Divine Mercy, and I remind you again that this is My Body, which was given for men for the forgiveness of sins and which grants you eternal life.

In this Communion and in the same way, under the effusion of the Holy Spirit, I took the Chalice, gave thanks to God, the Almighty, for the Chalice He had offered Me, for the salvation and the redemption of humanity until the end of times.

And today I tell you again to all take and drink from it, for this is My Blood, which was poured and today is poured by the martyrs and the saints of the last days, for the forgiveness of sins.

May the memory of the Lamb of God be impregnated in the cells of those who commune of the Body and of the Blood of Christ.

I am the One who has given Himself for all the men and women of the Earth, so that the Sacred and Divine Will may be fulfilled.

And as I taught you, repeat now the Lord's Prayer in Aramaic.

Abbun debashmaia.....

Today you proclaim the resurrection of the Lord in redeemed hearts, under the intervention of the Holy Spirit.

In My Peace, I leave you and My Peace I give you, so that this Peace, which is inextinguishable and unalterable, be multiplied in the four corners of the Earth and above all, in the hearts that are in need of the Love of God.

May peace share love and brotherhood; may peace share the good and fraternity; may peace heal hearts and all their wounds; may peace establish the Kingdom of God on this planet.

Now you will give each other, in My Name, a greeting of peace and of forgiveness, in the name of humanity.

I Thank you.

Marathon of Divine Mercy

On this afternoon, My purpose is to seek the triumph of your heart, so that the Purpose of God may be accomplished in your lives and on the planet.

For this reason, I have been consequent with you up to the end times and I come to seek that which you can truly give Me, all of what can be gifted to the universe with love and humility.

But today, I leave to all an open path. From the beginning, My Father gave you the freedom to choose and this is respected by all of Creation.

My Heart seeks to transform hearts, to awaken new apostles to the path of the end of times.

But of all this immensity of souls that exist on the Earth, only a small number will reach the goal. But for this to happen, companions, many other souls must help. In this way, My Plan is slowly accomplished in all hearts and to each one I gradually give what they truly need.

To many of you, I gave many things that you did not deserve, for the ocean of My infinite Mercy allowed this. And today I stand before you as the Sacred Heart of Jesus, so that you may remember that in My Heart is the true Universal Monstrance, the great lamp for this world, which lights up the darkness and the shadows, and rescues hearts that have fallen.

This is why I need disciples and beginners, so that My Purpose, the Purpose of Adonai, can be accomplished. And these disciples of Mine, whom I summon, must go through many tests and experiences until they achieve the true spirit of transcendence.

But I know that for many of you it is hard to live this spirit, it is something that humanity does not know, or truly lives. Through the experience of faith, I come to ignite that spirit, so that your lives may be the example and the school for other souls. There are many flocks, in this cycle, that are lost and others that no longer want to listen to Me; and others do not want to enter the Tabernacle of My Heart.

And what will I be able to do in light of these things? Have you asked yourselves this?

But I do not come to bring you severity, but rather the Love that transforms all things, that is the great fire of this universe that achieved Resurrection in the Son of God, through the Passion and the Death of the Cross.

God gave you a cross to carry; measuring the degree of your debts, this cross is heavier or lighter. But I teach you how to carry it. Many times I positioned Myself close to you to help you. And although you may not have perceived it, companions, My Mercy lifted you from the ground again and again, to walk by means of the strength of the heart toward the Purpose. You cannot lose that vision, of seeing the Creator Plan in every consciousness.

Thus, I come here again, to this Sacred Center, to remind you that you can walk freely and have experiences in this humanity, although it is not My Purpose. I show you the inner path, and the difficulties to be transcended are found on your inner paths.

Yesterday I came with the Father and the Holy Spirit. Today I come with the Monstrance of My Heart, so that you know where to look in times of tribulation.

But humanity does not believe that the world will be purified. There is no other way to go. To enter into My Kingdom, you must be clean and pure, and no small stain should remain on your souls in order to enter the Kingdom of God.

This is why I come to destroy your arrogance, so that love and truth may reign. And this love and this truth, which you still do not know deeply, are the spirit that will allow you to experience fraternity and brotherhood, and to step out of this superficial world that becomes involved in terrestrial matters.

I bring you the Spirit of another dimension, the spiritual and divine dimension. These sacred lights participate in your lives. Precious codes are poured out again and again upon humanity in the sacred hope that somebody will awaken to the essence of love, the love that will heal you and free you from yourselves.

I gave you the Sacraments so that you could live Me. The Sacraments go beyond a material act or beyond a spiritual plane. One of My Faces descends to transform you through the Sacraments: the Face of My Glorification that makes it possible to transform your putrefied things so that, expelling the evil from your hearts, the Source of Divine Purity may be born, which is what I bring you through My Priestly Presence.

Many times I gave you to drink from this Source in spite of your sins and debts, for I need a part of this humanity to be consecrated to God; that it may be freed from itself and from any idea, any personal purpose that tries to deviate My projects.

For who is with Me, is with Me. But who changes My plans is against Me, against the Law. And the Law is just and wise for any heart of the Earth or star of this universe. We are all are governed by the same Law and nobody escapes it, for if you are now experiencing what you are experiencing, it is within the Law of Adonai, of His Divine Thought and the essence of His Love, His Spiritual Love.

Learn and grown. Do not resist any longer. A greater universe awaits you so that you may find peace and be freed from arrogance, for My paths are crystalline and My footprints mark the steps of humility. You are all invited to follow in My footsteps. I accept all offers, in the degrees of love you can express to Me.

But for some, I have firm and determining decisions, which are part of the Will of Adonai. And when this does not happen, companions, it is as if you were despising My merciful Love, as many despise My Presence in this world because of not knowing true Love, which comes from the universe.

Your project is a project of love, it is not a personal project for anybody. In this human project of God, there is a beginning and an end and the end was deviated by the action of humanity, from the Genesis and throughout the times.

I came to the world to correct that error. I gave you My Word, I gifted you with My Love and I gave you My life, pouring out My Blood and My Water for all of you. Was it worth it? Have you asked yourselves this?

See how important this event in the past was, companions, which has allowed the Spirit of My Divinity to visit you in these times so you may awaken to an awareness of the Love of God.

To enter My ship, there is only one way to row. There are no two ways to row. But some of you have shown Me thus.

I invite you to follow Me in trust. I will carry you to a good port. And although now and in these times many will not be able to follow Me, as was foreseen, I will never cease to love you.

My understanding surpasses all these tests and reveres wounded hearts, filling with peace those who cry from seeing the ills of the world. I will comfort you. The suffering is part of purification. There are many who are not willing to experience it like I did, for they do not love sacrifice. They love their tenure within My project. And that must be corrected, for I invite you to be disciples, not governors.

I Am your King, the Father of all the essences in the world. I Am your sidereal Governor and you are My disciples, just as the twelve have always been; that Law will always be fulfilled.

I do not ask you to govern through My plans. I ask you to love through My Heart. Thus, all will be consummated.

We will listen to the "Pater Noster."

By the power of the Blood that is constantly shed from My Heart and the Water that sanctifies and justifies souls, I bless all these elements that will become sacred in the Eyes of God, and will be the sacramental offering of souls at the Thrones of God so that His Plan may triumph on Earth.

Hallelujah, hallelujah, hallelujah!

In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

I expect to see you mature and living your paths, mature of heart.

Go in peace.

Who are we?

Association Mary
Founded in December of 2012, at the request of the Virgin Mary, Association Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception, is a religious association without ties to any institutionalized religion. It has a philosophical-spiritual, ecumenical, humanitarian, charitable, cultural character, and it supports all activities that are indicated through the instructions transmitted by Christ Jesus, the Virgin Mary, and Saint Joseph. Read more
