Place your heart, child, in the Crucified Heart of Christ, where you will understand the essence of emptiness, surrender, divestment, humility, the true meaning of having nothing nor wanting anything for the self, the true meaning of surrendering your life for others.
Place your heart in the Crucified Heart of Christ and you will understand the meaning of fullness, a fullness that does not come from this world and does not become filled with anything that belongs to it, the fullness of being in God beyond all and any circumstances.
The time and the hour has come for your being to learn to be in God and live the essence of His Project of Love, because everything has already been given to you for this: all the instructions have been given to you, all the Graces have been given to you, all the gifts have been given to you so that now, child, you may know how to divest your heart of yourself, of the world and its promises, and enter into the essence of the Purpose of life.
Do not go through the world without fulfilling your primary mission, which is to fill your heart, your spirit and your consciousness in the likeness of Christ, with His Christic path. And that means to live like Christ in His surrender, in His Love, in His submission, and in His emptiness.
Do not seek something else for yourself other than the Purpose of your Lord, and embrace everything which leads you into the fulfillment of that Purpose.
Love this cycle of the planet with your heart, because you came to the world for this. Do not fear testifying to an empty heart, do not fear testifying to a perfect Love. And to reach this emptiness and this Love, you must first live the divestment, the purification and an absolute surrender of everything you still hold on to with your hands.
Thus, simply walk in faith, and on this walk, where only the silence of the Creator will accompany you, let your steps also be silent, but full of the certainty of the triumph of Christ through your heart.
The world is in agony, child, and its suffering has no limits. The anguish of souls makes no sense and is unexplainable, has no measure. And to repair and balance this, the Creator calls upon His companions to live His Words and His Law, to live His Purpose and His Love.
Will you say yes?
You have My blessing for this.
Your father and friend,
The Most Chaste Saint Joseph
Pacify your heart, because today is a day of glory rather than of pain, a day of triumphs and of multiplication of the Love of God.
Today the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit receive the fruits of an existence of a giving of self, of surrender, of unconditional love.
Today a part of the Heart of God renews and surpasses itself, because a son of His allowed Him to renew Himself through his constant humility, renunciation, and love.
Today, child, contemplate a more brilliant sky in the Universe, because a light returned to its origin, from where it will continue to give impulses to the human Project, because his surrender is eternal.
He, who having fulfilled his mission, offered a little more for love of his friends and companions, also surrendered his life for them, because the time has come for you to walk by yourselves, supported by your own feet and sustaining others.
Today the Universe rejoices because he, who had renounced his evolution to multiply the Love of God on Earth, returned bringing in the crystals of the center of his chest, the legacy of his experience on this so beloved planet. He did not only bring with himself a learning experience, but a celestial gift to God, because he learned, with all the levels of his consciousness, to love the Father above all things and to obey Him beyond his own will, even renouncing to continue in the world when his disciples and companions were ready to take a new step.
For you, child, a new cycle and a new time have come; a time to mature the Graces you bear within yourself, because a unique legacy was left for humanity over a long period of time, and you are a living part of this legacy of love.
Therefore, today, raise your eyes to the Heights and instead of grief, offer God gratitude. Place your offering at the Feet of the Creator and reconfirm yourself in the adherence to His Plan, because it is now that it starts.
After having received everything and of having sublime teachings placed within you, go and turn what dwells in you into life. The world so needs it.
You have My blessing for this.
Your Father and Friend,
The Most Chaste Saint Joseph
Dear child,
Every day, strengthen in your interior the certainty of the existence of a superior life and of a purpose that transcends matter and the superficialities impregnated in it.
In these times, many will strengthen illusions, the disproportioned pleasures and the absolute usufruct. The big companies that dominate the ordinary mind of humanity with their influences inspired by the forces of chaos – in the same way that the false governments of this world – will encourage humanity to seek pleasure above life itself.
When the change of the planetary cycle becomes visible even to the blind of heart, Light will call Its children to Itself, and darkness will also want to strengthen its reign. You, as a child of Light, must be a beacon which illuminates the path of the lost ones and indicates them the goal.
Do not let yourself be carried out by the despair of humanity or even by the anxiety of “gratifying yourself while there is time”, because this will be the motto of the dark ones in the end of all.
Seek to be lucid amongst all and, much as those who you love follow other paths, remain yourself firmly in the purpose of reaching God.
Child, never think it is not worthy to keep spiritual principles and try to find God in a world that has drifted away so much from Him. Much as the world around you seems to be ending, the principle of all, the seed that will impregnate the New Earth will be inside of you and, while you still remain steady despite yourself, it will never die.
God is alive in the interior of all His Creatures, but He only acts by means of those who believe in this truth and remain in it, even if they seem to be the only ones with this certainty.
The things I tell you, child, you may find today in the world around you or tomorrow beside you. For this reason, assimilate what I tell you and consolidate inside of you the absolute conviction of the triumph of God on Earth.
Much as this war may not be visible to your eyes in this moment because of your spiritual immaturity, just trust and grow. Mature your spirit with foundations sanctified by the impulses of the Divine Messengers and you will be, yourself, the Living Principle of a perfect Creation in this world.
Like you, there will be others; and from you all will raise the New Humanity. For this reason, be brave and persevere. Do not stop working, we are counting on you in this army of love, peace and renovation for the Earth.
Your Father and Friend, The Most Chaste Saint Joseph
When the Will of God is expressed to the Universe, all stars and all evolutive consciousnesses are united to this Divine Purpose. It is the Laws of Obedience and Unity, which reign among the confederate worlds, which allow the dissolution of all obstacles that are created against this Superior Will.
In order for the Will of God to manifest on Earth as It is in the Universe, those consciousnesses who respond to the Plan and love it above all things, including more than themselves, must unite to that Purpose, under the spirit of love and of fraternity. This is because the triumph of God is a Law. However, the creatures that inhabit this world, as well as all others, need to adhere to this Divine Purpose and show their adherence, not only with their verb, but also with their actions and their conscious effort to live their own transformation.
A new cycle precipitates upon the world: that is the Will of God that will manifest. The Lord has already given the ultimatum on the Plan of the Earth and asks for clear definitions of the spirits incarnated in it.
Internally, beings recognize the need of an imminent and complete change; however, recognizing this need is not enough, because concrete manifestations of evolving spirits are needed, examples that can serve as a guide for those who will awaken at the last second, before they completely lose their evolution.
The cycle that will begin in this month of December aims to give a last great impulse to the incarnated consciousnesses, to the souls lost in the planetary abysses, as well as to the Kingdoms of Nature.
The Creator will make descend His Solar Power as a sign, which He will give to the consciousnesses of all the creatures of the planet, that He is delivering the best in the universe as ruler and guide for all, so that you also be impelled to surrender everything.
This universal movement will generate resistances in its concretion inside and outside beings, but if a few affirm their commitment and adherence to the fulfillment of the Plan and of their immediate self-purification, so that It can be a reality, that will be the permission that the Creator needs to act fully in the whole planetary consciousness.
Now, more than ever, you will need to develop the spirit of Faith and put into practice fraternity and unity among beings, something you have been learning lately.
Darkness will resist, but from persistence love will be born, the beginning of the Creator’s triumph in the human heart.
Rather than counting on your own inner strengths, strengthen yourselves to unity among the spirits congregated to fulfill this mission. Remember what I tell you, because unity is paramount throughout the universe in order to fulfill a Purpose from God. Where there is unity, there will be the Divine Spirit.
I leave you My Peace and My paternal blessing for the times that have come into the world.
Your actions of today, of now, will dictate the next second steps of your lives. It is time to awaken to the present and write with the heart your own history, the history of humanity and, consequently, the history of this universe.
Your Companion and Instructor of always,
The Most Chaste Saint Joseph
May Peace be a reality in the world, a path to life, a divine reward in the hearts of the just.
May Peace be the flag raised in the Earth’s sky, announcing the Victory and the Glory of the Kingdom of God.
May Peace be the cure for the past, the balsam that restores the wounds of a time of chaos and of fear.
May the Peace achieved by men be established also in the Kingdoms of Nature, permeate the planet and radiate to the four points of the universe.
May Peace, triumph of God in the human heart, be the beginning of the Thousand years of preparation and union with Christ, so that, after the final battle, the Kingdom of God return to govern the interior of all creatures, regardless of where they came from.
May Peace in the heart of those who remained faithful to God be the reason of redemption and reconciliation with Him, for those who have never met Him.
Peace will be the engine that will propel men to salvation.
Peace is what keeps you standing in a world of pain and tribulation.
Do not lose Peace, source of love and life.
Do not lose Peace, the basis for the maturing of faith.
Do not lose Peace, unbreakable fortress of the meek.
Be peacemakers of Christ, so that you may establish His Kingdom in this final time.
Peace to all, Peace in everyone eternally.
Your beloved Companion, Peacemaker in Christ, the Most Chaste Saint Joseph
Association Mary
Founded in December of 2012, at the request of the Virgin Mary, Association Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception, is a religious association without ties to any institutionalized religion. It has a philosophical-spiritual, ecumenical, humanitarian, charitable, cultural character, and it supports all activities that are indicated through the instructions transmitted by Christ Jesus, the Virgin Mary, and Saint Joseph. Read more