I recognize your efforts in spite of the deserts, but inner deserts exist so that every day you can make an effort for Me and thus fully experience the Gift of the Fear of God.
In this exercise of constant overcoming and transcendence is to be found the great opportunity for taking steps and raising one's consciousness.
Take each stage as a moment for overcoming the limitations and resistances of your own being. Make each stage the spiritual triumph I need because, beyond the circumstances, your Master and Lord will guide you upon the path of humility and the giving of self.
Dare from break free from the concepts of your mind and let the soul rule in these times so that you do not become discouraged, so that you may be My instrument wherever I need you.
This is the time to rebuild the human consciousness. This is the cycle to say "yes" to the Great Master.
A perfect Plan waits for you.
I thank you for keeping My Words in your hearts!
Who blesses you,
Your Master and Lord, Christ Jesus
In the inner life, deserts and defeats are experienced, but there are also triumphs and victories experienced when souls trustingly manage to surrender completely to God, beyond their limitations or impossibilities.
Beyond all of this, God loves you and understands you, because to die inwardly to the mortal aspect is difficult; it is a daily challenge.
But if you trust and persevere, you will transform. Everything is foreseen, and in that foresight, everything will take place according to that which was thought of by the Universe.
You must be the very redeeming triumph and victory for God.
Your lives should achieve the example of selfless humility and profound surrender, having as a foundation the Grace of permanently serving and the Spiritual Anointment that My Presence can give you at this time.
Therefore, walk toward Me and I will guide you. Open your heart so that your fears and doubts may be dissolved.
If today you are here with Me, it is for a reason, because otherwise you would be somewhere else and under another energy.
The Universe delivers infinite opportunities to all, which must be loved, valued and taken into consideration by each one of you. While this happens, nothing will be separate within you, and you will know how to correspond as the Eternal Father needs.
I thank you for keeping My Words in your hearts!
Who blesses you,
Your Master and Lord, Christ Jesus
It is through effort and persistence that the warrior of the heart is built, who is capable of further overcoming their own difficulties and miseries, every day, and, above all, continuing onward out of love for God and His Plan.
In this way, the new apostles emerge, the apostles of service and of a constant willingness to build all that which the Hierarchy needs and aspires for, for the different phases of the Plan.
It is in this effort and persistence that God relieves the oppressed heart of the server and has them feel, as many times as necessary, that they are fulfilling His Will rather than their own.
To reach this moment, only effort and persistence bring to awareness the possibility to always participate in the new, in the impulses that come from the Universe Itself, and that bring to consciousness an expression of humility and of service to others.
In all of this, I contemplate My apostles, because your errors are errors, but the triumphs are victories that you can give Me with your constant transformation.
I thank you for keeping My Words in your hearts!
Who blesses you,
Your Master and Lord, Christ Jesus
Dear companions,
The mission accomplished up to today, in Argentina, meant for the Eternal Father an important spiritual and inner step that the hearts gave, in the continuous search of faith and love for God.
Today, the Most Chaste Heart of Saint Joseph closed a special and unique phase in the work of love and redemption of the Divine Messengers; and Saint Joseph himself opened a new cycle that will start appearing like a sun for all the servers of Christ.
Now, as more than two thousand years ago, today Saint Joseph fulfilled a new phase, which had the purpose of transmitting palpable instruction for souls, which prepared fertile ground for each heart to be able to cross the end of times.
In this sense, the instruction of the Most Chaste Heart of Saint Joseph opened a door, in this twenty-first century, for the entire humanity to never forget learning to be humble and austere in the life on the surface of the Earth.
Argentina was the scene chosen, by the Heavenly Father Himself, for the month so that in August it might be filled with the graces and the blessings of the Sacred Hearts.
Afterwards, the moment will come in which your Master and Lord will also withdraw and at last elevate our Most Holy Mother, once more, to the glory of God.
So when this happens, the last times will be unleashed and all that is in Heaven, as well as what in upon Earth, will be shown, and it will be in this hour that the soldiers of Christ must sustain, without hesitation, the torch of the triumph of Light.
I thank you for keeping My Words in your heart!
Who blesses you,
Your Master and Lord, Christ Jesus.
Elevate yourself through My Eucharistic Presence and, in this way, you will overcome and transcend all the obstacles of your own human consciousness.
For this reason, stay united with Me from the heart so that, in spite of the opposing movements, you may learn to surrender and be humble as did many sages and masters.
Quiet down completely while you traverse some spiritual tempest because, above all things, you must believe in and live the triumph that My Project achieved in your life, and in the life of your brothers and sisters.
Thus, keep faith in the Heights. Do not stop invoking that which is superior, non-material and grand that comes from the Universe.
Day by day, unite with universal Life and you will know, by yourself, how to rise up from the ground. But remember that who lives in My Love and practices it, will manage to be redeemed someday.
Dare to say "yes" to the Universe and do it for those who retreated and did not manage to faithfully follow My steps.
I am always here with you, as long as you call Me.
Who blesses you,
Your Master and Lord, Christ Jesus
Each new year, in which the victory and the triumph of the Passion of Your Master and Lord are celebrated, the forces contrary to evolution that are governing the planet are frightened by the approach of the Cosmic Light of Christ.
It is during these decisive days that the hells of the Earth feel oppressed and blocked by the descent of the Divine Light through Christ.
Various contrary actions and movements are carried forward by My adversary, as the hour of his judgment is approaching, and nevermore will he deceitfully escape again.
Thus the Higher Universes are moved by the impulses that emanate from the Source and a kind of universal defeat is established through the merits attained by the Love of Christ.
Everything contrary that happens will be a reflection of this imminent defeat that the Archangel Michael will carry forward to close the uncertain spaces.
While you remain in prayer and in vigil, you will be protected and sheltered from all danger.
For this reason, I come to ask the prayerful beings that for the first time, during this coming Sacred Week of 2019, you transmit through the channel “Praying for Peace”, the “Spiritual Trilogy of Prayer, Devotion and Contemplation”, in order to support and protect everything that Your Master will carry forward during the eight days of the Sacred Week.
I thank you for accompanying Me!
Who blesses you,
Your Master and Lord, Christ Jesus
Association Mary
Founded in December of 2012, at the request of the Virgin Mary, Association Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception, is a religious association without ties to any institutionalized religion. It has a philosophical-spiritual, ecumenical, humanitarian, charitable, cultural character, and it supports all activities that are indicated through the instructions transmitted by Christ Jesus, the Virgin Mary, and Saint Joseph. Read more