Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón de Jesús transmits the Words of the Virgin Mary:

Evil will not win the battle. I, together with My Son, will triumph in all souls that open to receive this call.

Today I am with souls that will consecrate themselves to Me. After a long time, you return to My paths, to the path of the Light, to the path of the Celestial Kingdom, to meet with God through the door of My Immaculate Heart.

Thus, on this day, I have come here not only to be glorified in My children, but so that My children glorify God in that perfect communion with His Spirit.

Today I come to bring you something new, dear children, what I call hope, a renewing hope, a hope that brings peace, which brings meekness and inner balance to hearts.

Confirm that in your lives, the triumph of My Heart is close; in this way, your paths will be freed of the chains of evil and the doors to redemption will open so you may be led to the Heart of God.

Today, I have you all in My Aurora so you may experience inner healing, and may radiate that healing to your fellow beings, healing for the whole planet, for all the continents and the Kingdoms.

Dear children, be forerunners of this inner healing, and as you go transforming, day after day, open your hearts, your spirits and consciousnesses, so that this Greater Healing completely and definitely heals you.

Today I bring you the Gift of Healing, for it is what you most need at this moment.

Healing brings you peace, peace brings you joy, and joy brings you the conviction of being worthy children of God.

There is nothing out of place, dear children. Your hearts pray to My Heart and My Heart prays for you, interceding through all the sources of Grace.

I bring you that Greater Source called Creator, the Creator Who has loved you from the beginning, Who contemplates you, Who motives you to continue onward.

Dear children, by experiencing this inner healing, you will be able to take on the end of times and without perceiving it, you will be in the front lines of My armies, serving for this beginning of peace for the world.

I want you to hear Me, dear children, with the hearing of your hearts and souls. That is where I place the Grace of God and His Gifts, all His Mercy, so you may transform your lives and make them an instrument of My Peace.

In this acute hour of the planet, many sick souls spiritually wane; others, like you, awaken to the Greater Consciousness of the universe and come closer every day to the Plan of God, to learn to love it, feel it and respect it in this final stage of the planet.

Through your hearts, all My Work is extended through the world, and through your spirits, My bases of peace are established in humanity.

I bring you this infinite healing of the universe, dear children, so that your spirits may be rehabilitated.

I bring you this consciousness so that each day, you come further out of ignorance, and with your hearts awakened and your souls fervently ignited, you can walk on the paths of Christ as the new apostles of His Sacred Heart.

From this Aurora of Love will come defined apostles, through the impulse of My Spirit of Peace and all that the Heavenly Hierarchy has done in these days.

Thus, dear children, I bring you the opportunity of taking up your final task, your principal mission in these end times.

As you go joining the Plan of God and with all your heart ask to know what it is that you have to do in this time, My celestial angels will teach you the paths of Light, and you will discover the treasures of Heaven, will discover your task, your personal and group mission.

Up until now, dear children, because of all the Light-Network is doing in this time, following the foundations of what I established many years ago, I can say that My Work is being accomplished.

It is still necessary, dear children, that you take yet another step forward, each in their time and with their inner rhythm.

I call you to this truth, to this reality and this service, because I know that your hearts can do it.

Just as you have given Me everything, each according to their degree and consciousness, I bring you all the Graces of Heaven, not only to heal your lives, but to heal the planetary life, which is suffering the consequences of the chaos and of My adversary.

The battle has not yet ended. There will be much to be done, dear children, much to take on in this era, much to be realized in this humanity and for this planet.

The field of service will expand in your lives and you will be able to embrace the Purpose of God when your hearts take the steps that today I ask you to take, because I know you will be able to do it. Count on My maternal and spiritual support in these times.

I am finally living in your hearts, roses of light. The talents are blossoming in your spirits and it is something My Son will come searching for in a short time.

I guide you with My hand toward that Greater Purpose, that is not only circumscribed to this planet, but rather to all this local universe, of which we are also a part since we were here, on this planet with you, sharing the Word of God and His Wisdom; knowing the Love of the Kingdom of God which dwells in each of you, dear children, so that all the Works of God, and especially His Divine Will, is accomplished.

Today I extend My arms to you, dear children, I caress your faces, I embrace your souls, I console your hearts so you can continue forward on this path, a path of redemption and freedom from the self.

I bring you, dear children, the opportunity to know the mysteries of God, and if you are united with Me in prayer all the time, I assure you, beloved children, that you will know what to do and where to be when the world is purified in its most acute stage of the end of times.

Dear children, opening My arms to you, extending My hands to you, I again gift you My Immaculate Heart, for in It you will find the strength to continue onward, a consolation when you cross your deserts, when you see the abysses of the consciousness that I was able to profoundly know in the Passion of My Son, a Passion He lived for you to free you from evil and allow the Plan of God to triumph.

You, dear children, remember you are a part of My Annunciation, and also the Visitation of My cousin Isabel. They are part of that mystery, of the future generations that would commit to honor Me and follow Me in this co-redemptive Work together with My Son.

This is being fulfilled in this cycle and your hearts are participants in this truth. Just as I entered the house of Isabel to reveal to everybody present that the triumph of My Heart was close, thus I enter this house of Aurora, the Aurora of My Heart, to allow the Designs of God to triumph in your lives.

I ask, I beg, I implore, dear children, that you not lose time. Time is precious in this last era. The clock of the universe marks the next events in humanity, and you, who are more aware and awake, must follow them, must accompany the world events, so that in this way, the Celestial Work is accomplished not only in you, but also in your brothers and sisters.


Sister Lucía de Jesús transmits the Words of the Virgin Mary:

I know that, on this evening, assembled in My Spirit of Peace, you are experiencing an intense inner transformation, because the Creator placed you before truths that for a long time you have ignored, and for the human consciousness, are truths that are not easy to understand.

Children, I do not ask you to understand or that you accept all things, because I know the limitation of the human mind. But I ask that you trust in the Universal Knowledge which, through My children, those I sent you to teach you, I am bringing to the world.

It is part of the healing of humanity that it not only be healed in spirit, but also in consciousness; because the human consciousness must experience not only an inner rehabilitation, but must return to the origin, recognize the Source, Universal Life, recognize the Elders, Those Who have accompanied us since the beginning, and Who in silence observe the creatures of God, observe the triumph of the Creator in each human consciousness.

Children, many are ignorant about Celestial and Universal Truth, a Truth of which you are a part and which in these times you must begin to unveil.

In these days, when I assembled you here so that you could experience a deep awakening, I aspire that this information may bear fruit within each of you, so that in the living of wisdom, you are able to inspire others to seek Universal Life and that, little by little, My children, humanity may gradually emerge from the ignorance in which it finds itself, and that the time of the universe, on entering the time of this world, not find you so lost, so distracted and so far from reality.

I know that for many it is difficult to unite My Consciousness with Universal Life, because humanity, My children, did not seek to reveal the mysteries of the Universe very much, because this would lead them into being different, would demand a transformation from all of you, which many do not want to experience. Human values were far removed from divine values. Humanity did not want to lose its own power, to recognize that a Universal Power should guide it.

Humanity, children, did not want to give up its own will to live in Higher Will. But now, the time has come for you to open your heart, that you open your arms, your consciousness, to recognize that Greater Will, recognize the smallness of human aspirations and what a great purpose awaits your surrender.

I do not ask, children, that you abandon your lives, your families or your homes.

I only ask that you recognize the truth and that you take an inner step in consciousness; that you transform this old human pattern of competing, of anger, of a lack of fellowship, so that little by little, the attributes of My Immaculate Heart may become a reality in the planetary consciousness. 

I will indeed ask some of you to give me your all, because it is in the Will of the Lord that you live an absolute surrender and that you be a part of the New Christs, those children who will not only renounce the things of the world, but will also surrender their own life, their own individuality, to unite perfectly with the Consciousness of God, just as My Son did.

In this way, you will feel and express an absolute love, not well known to human hearts, and which at the same time, is held in the inner essence of all of you.

A great mystery, My children, is this humanity, this perfect Creation of God which, in spite of holding within itself all the Divine Attributes, and this love which even the universe does not know, is so far from the truth.

Because you must learn, children, to know your inner self, to unveil the true potential and to experience it as the greatest aspiration of your lives, so that in this world, the Divine Plan of the Creator, the true archetype of humanity may manifest.

It is for this that I consecrate Children of Mary, who are consciousnesses that receive a Special Grace when they say 'yes' to Me.

If your consecration is true, little by little, children, you will hear My Holy Voice in you, which leads you to new principles, to new patterns of life. The old human being will no longer have a space within your beings. Do not try to hold on to something that must pass, which was a lesson that humanity should have transcended.

Those roses that I see today in your hearts must blossom. May they produce new shoots, new flowers, so that they may be multiplied and distributed to the essences of those who do not know Me.

Allow your consciousnesses, My children, to live this lesson; set aside the old and fling yourselves into the living of the new that I teach you each day. Your example will be able to awaken New Christs, new Children of Mary, new children of God, just as His Firstborn Son was.


Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón de Jesús transmits the Words of the Virgin Mary:

The Grace of the consecration is the opportunity to be inwardly strengthened to take on the task that each soul came to fulfill in this world. This Grace gives an impulse to consciousnesses so they may carry out the Work of God, just as each one must fulfill it according to what was thought of by God in His Heart and Consciousness.

On this evening, in which Aurora shines in a special way, I want those who will be consecrated to come up here, and who will bring Me the flower of their hearts, gifting it to the world for this humanity, so the Plan of God may be accomplished.

Come here, and I will bless you.


Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón de Jesús:

While the Children of Mary come up, let us pray the Hail Mary in Latin, at the request of the Virgin Mary.

Prayer: Hail Mary (in Latin)


A Child of Mary represents a flower that is born in My garden, which I water every day with My prayer and My Graces so the soul is able to make the precious Gifts of God blossom, is able to discover the Mercy of the Most High, just as I discovered it for you.

It was that Divine Mercy of God which made Me, dear children, take on each of you, take on this planet and this humanity until the New Humanity finally emerge.

Dear children, I extend My arms to you, offering My hands of Light to your hearts, pouring out the Rays of the Grace of God over you; I constitute you and I bless you as worthy children of God, in this new sacred task of having My Immaculate Heart triumph.

I love you and bless you, by the authority granted Me by the Father for this humanity, in the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.


Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón de Jesús:

To those Children of Mary who are being consecrated, let us pray a Universal Mother, thanking Our Lady.

Prayer: Universal Mother.


Remember, dear children, that I Am your Little Mother, the Star of Light on your paths that will always carry you into the Peace and the Mercy of My Son, the Redeemer.

To you, especially, I will wait for you at the Annual Meeting of the Children of Mary next year. There we will meet to strengthen the Plan of God in each being.

I thank you for responding to My call!

I rise up to Heaven, to the place where you will always have a dwelling, listening to your voices in this hymn of consecration.

Go in peace and be the peace of the end of times. Hallelujah!

In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.


The task started with praying the invocation of the Universal Mother and soon the "Hail Mary" was sung.


Thank you all for responding to My call in faith. Today I radiate to you the Light of My Immaculate Heart.

My dear, dear children, many prayers are many victories for the Lord, and above all for Me, in this task that belongs to Me at the end of time. You have been with Me for many days, and there are still more to go to complete a cycle, which you will understand in this last phase of the world.

I want to give My Graces to all hearts, so that they may triumph with Me at the end of this time. The victory over evil is close, but you must be firm in order to correspond to My Heart, which has been calling you for a while.

My echo resounded in you at several moments. Some awakened to Me at different times, but now we are one and the Creator calls you to fight against suffering; for this reason I am taking you to Nepal. But today, I ask that the other missionaries come with Me to Kenya, Sudan and Egypt, places where My Immaculate Light must permeate the suffering hearts.

You have received many Graces, and now it is up to you to pour them out upon these hearts that I want to reach. The Light must dispel darkness and My Heart must triumph not only on the ground in Brazil, but also in Africa. There, I have many followers of My Immaculate Heart, each one with their own understanding.

Now, you, who are grown, must open your hands to donate yourselves to others as I am asking you. This will be the key to the transformation of your hearts, so that you may find refuge in Me and may correspond to the call of God.

Remember to awaken faith in your hearts for everything that seems unreal, for everything that cannot be seen but will soon be seen. For this reason I call you to share My Graces, so that you may enter My flock, which in these times I am gathering for the last time before My definitive departure from this world, and whom I will receive in My arms next to My heart, so that they may all know where to go and which path to follow.

I want all of you to find peace so that you may walk, so that you may discover the call that I am making within each heart. You cannot waste time, you know it is the last hour; that is why I repeat it today to you. See My angels who erase the books that are full, dissolving what is written to start again within your souls.

This is a special Grace that you are all receiving, both those who are here and those who are not. For this reason, many will come seeking mysteries, but will lose sight of the faith that I am delivering from My Heart. Many Sources of Light will be opened in several parts of the world for all the missionaries who hear My call.

Now I consecrate as My Missionaries of Peace, those who are prepared and also those who are not yet ready. I want you to find the Eternal Light in Me, so you may discover the mystery that I am giving you today as the Mother of Peace, the Bird of Mercy.

Today I open My Arms to you so that you may place your intentions and so that you may remember that I will always answer according to the Will of the Lord. Now is the time to dedicate your life to charity and thus, with Me, we will ease the evil in the world, which is spreading from side to side.

Let us pray for those who will go on a mission, and pray for those who will stay. They will all be in My Grace.


"Luminous Bird" was prayed.


Today I ask you to study all of My Calls soon, since my arrival in Uruguay until now, here, in Brazil, so that you may understand the science that I am gifting to your hearts. There is still a lot to say, yet time is short, which is already drawing to a close. Now let us answer the prayers of the faithful.

May the Light of My Heart penetrate you healing the illnesses which are deep.

Find My Peace and you shall see the Light. Let us keep walking.

Until the next call!

Thank you for responding to My call. Let us remain vigilant in prayer for all hearts. I am the Mother of Graces, the Bird of the Sun.

Keep your hearts in Peace and quiet all conflicts so that My Peace may reign within you. It is moment to free and forgive, it is moment to transcend yourselves towards My Kingdom. There I wait for you in prayer.

Silence and Peace for all the hearts who cry out to Me.

I am the Mother who welcomes all. Come to Me. I will guide you, let us remain together in prayer.


The song "La Patrona" is sung.


Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón de Jesús:

We want to explain something that happened when the Mother said that the angels erased what was written. At that moment, a group of angels appeared behind Her, each one on a different level. They had some Books open and were erasing with their hands what was written.

At that moment, She appeared dressed in a sky blue Mantle and taking a very shiny rose on each Foot, and She was offering an orandium for us, so that we could pray with Her. Today She seemed happier.


Mother María Shimani de Montserrat:

The angels erasing things from some books means that God is forgiving some debts and that He is erasing them from these Books, from our karmas, some situations.

These are Divine Graces that we can only receive in these times. Thus, these things happen when we take the right steps.

Thank you Mother of God, for all that you give us.

Who are we?

Association Mary
Founded in December of 2012, at the request of the Virgin Mary, Association Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception, is a religious association without ties to any institutionalized religion. It has a philosophical-spiritual, ecumenical, humanitarian, charitable, cultural character, and it supports all activities that are indicated through the instructions transmitted by Christ Jesus, the Virgin Mary, and Saint Joseph. Read more
