Forty days with Jesus along the Lent path
"Bid farewell to your inner desert with the certainty that you have made the last decision of your life.
Now, open yourself to new horizons, so that you may recognize the higher realities of Creation.
Reflect upon each step that you have taken in these forty days, in which you learned, by yourself, to realize the different states of your consciousness.
Trust, because despite everything, you have been called to live the same experience as your Master; you have had the Grace of understanding life through an examination of your own conscience.
Now it is time to serve untiringly and do your best until the end, so that this planet may have the joy of attaining total redemption of all its committed faults.
Walk, disciple of Christ!, remembering the Voice of the Master!"
Christ Jesus
In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit.
From Heaven, I come to this ocean, I come to this sea, just as I did more than two thousand years ago, as a fisher of hearts. I come to invite you to again come aboard My Boat so that, in faith and hope, we may cross the oceans of consciousness, in which God lives, in which His Creation is latent, in which His Peace dwells.
A short time ago, I called you to step upon these oceans with your feet. Some have done this spiritually, but I still await those who have not done so, for those who have not dared to overcome the limitations of their minds and their consciousnesses in order to enter the mystery of Higher Life, of infinity, of the universe.
Today I come as this fisher of hearts, as That One who was at the banks of the Sea of Galilee to call upon the first apostles.
Today I come here, to meet My companions so that they may hear My voice and feel My Heart, so that they may receive My Love and My Peace, because we must cross the oceans of the end of these times.
From the great oceans of the planetary consciousness, the urgent needs of humanity and of the Kingdoms of Nature emerge, because the planet is on the verge of living its great birth.
The movement of the Earth is continuous. The changes bring events to an earlier moment. Everything becomes premature and the majority of souls are still not ready.
Just as I invite you to cross these oceans with your feet, have faith, because, in this way, your feet will not fail, and you will walk, like Peter, upon the waters, without being conscious of yourselves, but rather being conscious of the Truth of God.
My Father has delivered a Message for all of you and for the whole world.
My Merciful Heart, in spite of the suffering I see in the world, feels joy and bliss because Our Celestial Father has communicated with His children once again, just as He did many times with the ancient people of Israel.
Its descendants and its tribes must still prevail throughout the times, although this human civilization has sufficiently learned to self-destroy and wound itself.
Who will come aboard My spiritual Boat to cross these oceans and help your Master to launch the nets of salvation and planetary rescue into this universe of needs, of demands and emergencies?
When I formed the first apostles, more than two thousand years ago, I not only formed consciousnesses in surrender and in willingness to serve the Project of My Father, but I also founded the first missionary consciousnesses in humanity through service, charity and the Word.
These three pillars: service, charity and the Word. will be that which will heal humanity when the majority of My companions, especially those who still do not accept Me, understand that fidelity will always keep them in the Light and in the Truth because My enemy still keeps weaving his adversities and evil plans throughout the world.
Souls become stuck in his nets of capital sins, of ambition, of power, of lies.
Do not surrender to these projects of evil nor allow your brothers and sisters to be dragged or pushed towards the abysses of illusion.
As I told you at the beginning, these are times of emergency, these are times in which each one must serve Me wholeheartedly so that I can work and fulfill the aspirations of the Father.
My instruments in the world, that is, the souls that serve Me, must be these very nets that I can launch over the oceans of the emergencies of this world so that, not only may souls awaken, but they may also again find the truth they have lost, the inner truth.
Meanwhile, I wait for you here, in My Boat, on this ocean of the world, in which I am today, and I will be very attentive and open to receive your true and not fleeting offers.
I know it is not easy for the majority to surrender their lives for My Plan, and, above all, for My Will. I have seen that many made the effort, and few have managed to do it, and this should not be a reason for guilt or disturbance. I only ask you to give Me what in truth each one of you can give Me, because, in this way, I will not only be able to launch the nets of salvation, but I will also weave a net of Light, of Power and of Peace through the brave and available hearts.
You already know that the world agonizes at each moment that passes, at each day that goes by and is fulfilled, and the material necessities, and also the spiritual ones, grow.
Many souls have still not understood the Message that I delivered to you more than two thousand years ago through the Gospel. I invite you to study the parables again, because, in such simple and essential Teachings, you will understand everything I tell you.
During this Marathon of Divine Mercy, I invite you to pray for the expansion of human consciousness so that, beyond the material limits and the spiritual prisons that many souls in the world live, all hearts may receive the Grace of the expansion of consciousness so that they can transcend and overcome themselves, to the point of attaining higher degrees of love and service.
The great key of this time for the service of souls is missionary life, because, in missionary life, you will not only step out of yourselves, but you will also surpass yourselves by means of absolute self-giving and unconditional surrender, and, even more, companions, you will know, just as I know, the pain of the world, the indifference of souls, the cruelty of many hearts, the deprivation of many people, social and global injustice.
But I do not ask you to serve as missionaries of peace and fraternity only to see these things, I impel you to the missionary service so that you may heal the spiritual deprivation of this humanity. The more souls serve, the less will be the effects of the planetary purification, the less will be the consequences of the climate and even of global warming.
Today, I do not send this Message through a religious message, but rather I send this Message through My Divine Consciousness, which is the emanation of the Consciousness of the Truth of God, because I also know that many of My apostles, of My companions, have felt ashamed in the face of what they have seen in My Church upon the surface of the Earth.
I do not ask you to believe in them, I only ask you to believe in Me, because I will never fail you, and I am fulfilling My Word, that I am returning to the world, more each day, with greater power and consciousness, with greater determination and spiritual strength.
From My Heart the Government of the Heavenly Father will emanate so as to again raise this sick and wounded, destroyed and self-annihilated humanity.
I will take the false scepter of power from the hands of those who govern, and, with your own eyes, you will see that no stone will be left upon stone.
If you see, in these times, that the planet expresses its rebellion, its agony and its pain, do not fear, this is the sign of the final time of the Armageddon, because, somehow, humanity must be purified of all it has done throughout the times. Everyone will receive what corresponds to them by Law, nothing will be out of place, although many put everything out of place and believe they will come out unaffected by the events of the planet.
I will remove the monarchy from this world, a corrupt and indivisible monarchy for those who believe they live it, because this human project is unique and will be fulfilled with those who, by faith, service and hope will repopulate the Earth with new attributes of evolution and love.
Because the Return of your Master will not only place in order the whole chaotic planetary situations of the peoples, nations and even of nature; the Return of your Master and Lord will be very similar to two thousand years ago, when I was able to be closer to Mine, to instruct them, to strengthen them, to ignite the flame of Christic fire in the human heart. This is what I most expect and this is what I most aspire to experience during My Return.
It will not only be a universal and planetary order, it will be the moment when I will invite you to physically board My Boat, so that you may know Who God is, because I will tell you so.
I only wish to have in My Arms those who have so much asked Me for this, in these times. I only wish to place My Hand upon the anguished, disturbed and desolated hearts, upon the hearts that lack peace, that have lost faith, that no longer believes in anything nor in anyone.
My Love will transform the wounded hearts and re-establish union with the universe, of all those who lost it due to the injustice and shame of the men of this world, and even of My Church, because I will cause My Spiritual Church to spring up from the hearts of men and women of the Earth, of the children, of the youth and even of the elderly, and it will no longer be necessary for them to live bodily disease due to spiritual disease.
Hold on tightly to My Mantle and, in this way, I will not only protect you, but I will also sustain you with My Presence, which is the Presence of the Father, to go through, with courage and bravery, the end of these times.
From these oceans, I bless, renew and reconsecrate you to My Heart of Love so that the one thousand years of peace may be fulfilled.
In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.
On a March 19th like today, 11 years ago, in a humble field in Aurora, Uruguay, those who first offered themselves to live the consecration lay down, on the damp ground of the sacred field, to say 'yes' for many more souls.
Souls were drawn, like butterflies, to the Great Sun of the Consciousness of Christ to live the experience of piety, prayer and service.
Thus was founded the Grace Mercy Order, which in those times, began to rise like a sun on the horizon. It was the birth of the New Aurora.
That moment has remained engraved on the Heart of your Master up until the present. Those who understood the essence of that meeting of consecrated souls are still present, accompanying the Redemptive Work of Christ, beyond their defects, deserts or tests.
Those I called and who responded to Me from their hearts are those who are here today, still following in the Footsteps of the Messiah. This remembrance is what, for an instant, erases from My memory those who were unfaithful to Me and abandoned Me.
I avail Myself of that special moment on March 19, because it was something that was never repeated and represented all the possibilities of what is occurring at this current time.
That day remains in My memory, one of a first and austere consecration, a moment that allowed Me to speak, up until today, for the whole world.
This is what motivates Me and prompts Me to return to the world to call you, again and again, to follow Me.
I thank you for holding My Words in the Heart!
Who blesses you,
Your Master and Lord, Christ Jesus
These are now My last Words within the great cycle of daily messages.
I only hope that just souls avail themselves of all these impulses so that, upon going through the tribulations of these times, they may always know how to find the way out toward the spiritual Light of the Divine Father.
The Hierarchy has said a lot during these last few years.
You were placed before true and sacred Knowledge of the Brotherhood, but you were also placed before the opportunity for your inner beings to be completely within the service of love and redemption of humanity.
In each one of My Words lies the help that each one needs to transform and continue to transform every day.
Thus, I invite you to value the sacred Instruction and take it into practice so that you do not run the risk of only having heard it and nothing more.
Consciously live the impulse of love that the Hierarchy brings you, the opportunity to convert all the beliefs of your consciousnesses, and the Grace of becoming free of the ties that imprison you. This is the reason for so much instruction.
Be what the whole Universe expects and testify that, through the work of the Holy Spirit, everything will be accomplished and concretized as has been foreseen. Just make the correct effort.
I thank you for keeping My Words in your hearts!
Who blesses you,
Your Master and Lord, Christ Jesus
It is when a soul works for Me from the heart and without obligation that it achieves extremely high degrees of love through their service.
It is in this way that the soul, through the service that it is selflessly giving, is freed from the errors and the faults that for some reason it may have committed.
Serving souls are the first that achieve spiritual happiness, and they not only cease to feel the lack of love in another, but are fully filled by the Love of God.
Thus, when you feel that you are not well or that you inwardly lack something, place yourself in service with all the strength of your heart; in this way, your being will expand in proportion to the love that you have given in each new service.
On the other hand, the soul that is most needy or always complains, this is because they have yet to give of themselves and surrender so as to feel free of themselves.
The key of these times is the giving of self.
I thank you for keeping My Words in your hearts!
Who blesses you,
Your Master and Lord, Christ Jesus
Fiery Bases of a Community and Group Life - Part IV
The Community represents a flower in the Heart of the Master and within this flower lies the active and serving lives of the souls that reflect devotion and the spontaneous love of serving God.
Thus, around My Heart, there are other flowers that represent other Communities thoughout the world, which, through a work of altruistic service, serve the souls most in need.
By the presence of each one of the flowers within My Heart, I return to the world to again build, in these times, the new People of Israel, so that this people, who will be integrated by a diversity of souls from different nations, may be able to form one of the most important Aspirations of God.
For this reason, your Redeemer carries upon His Heart the Twelve Communities, which are the twelve flowers that represent the twelve new tribes or peoples that, spread throughout the Earth and by means of their cultures, will form the new family of Israel after the transition of the Earth. And, thus, they will bring continuity and value to that which the Celestial Father thought from since the beginning.
All of this is an ardent Aspiration of the Heart of Christ, and, for this reason, your Lord returns to the world to carry forward this task of preparation of the inner worlds that have been called to participate and build, in the physical plane, this ardent Aspiration of God.
This is the time for souls to know that a Community is not just a material rhythm. The Community of God has an inner rhythm, and this rhythm leads it to live its learnings and lessons according to that which the Universe expects.
The Community can attract its own light or move its own light away, according to the consciousness of all its members. This will allow the Community to either become a symbol that represents the sacredness of God, or not.
I thank you for keeping My Words in your hearts!
Who blesses you,
Your Master and Lord, Christ Jesus
Fiery Bases of a Community and Group Life - Part III
All who arrive to the life of the Community are, in essence, attracted by the Spiritual Hierarchy itself. This means that these souls have an inner commitment with the Divine Plan of Creation.
But this commitment is not egalitarian, which is to say, each commitment of the self-summoned represents a cycle in which the consciousness is invited to live within the school that represents it along its evolutionary path.
The commitment of the potential members of a Community is based upon their ardent faith and upon their consciousness, which will gradually mature as the conditions of this experience may become more favorable and as this group experience may integrate all the possible elements, so that the consciousness that has just arrived may be able to go through its inner, spiritual and physical transition.
In this sense, the Hierarchy represents the impulses of the Community through their material and physical counterparts. That is to say, everything that is in matter must also evolve and achieve an ever-greater degree of correspondence.
For this reason, each self-summoned is placed, according to what they feel, in the task that resonates with them through affinity and attunement so that, in this way, they may begin to live the school of maturity that is being offered to them.
However, attention: the tasks or the responsibilities in a Community are not static, nor can they be appropriated by its members.
The spirit of altruistic and unconditional service allows its members to perceive that the cycle of the tasks can change or be modified.
The purpose is to expand the material sphere into something purely spiritual and, thus, to be able to understand, from the heart, that everything has its timing and cycle.
Community tasks forge or awaken the constant effort of the disciple, but the task also forges or awakens the opportunity for inner transcendence.
It is important to perceive that, within a Community, the task is not the epicenter of spiritual life, but rather it is one of the pieces that make the Law of Rhythm and Order function even in the material sphere.
Therefore, within the school of the Community, each sector represents the phase or the moment that each person needs to live, without losing the sense of balance or inner and physical harmony.
I thank you for keeping My Words in your hearts!
Who blesses you,
Your Master and Lord, Jesus Christ
Fiery Bases of a Community and Group Life - Part II
The spirit of a Community is the light that illuminates its life forever, following the principles proposed by the Hierarchy and allowing these principles to expand according to the need of the times and the cycles.
In order for the spirit of the Community to be immortal, its members must have achieved transcendence from that which is terrestrial and vulnerable.
The bases of the community, detailed in the previous message, represent this fundamental and unalterable support so that the design or the purpose of that community may be accomplished, knowing that the presence of the Law of the Hierarchy is important. In this Law, the members of the community will know how to be guided at all times, and, in turn, this Law will help them to base their lives upon that which is evolutionary and moral.
In this sense, the center of the Community is its spirit, which welcomes all those who arrive and allows them to be participants in all the impulses incarnated in the experience of group life and in the constant path of service.
Through the Law of the Hierarchy, the Community will never be helpless, it will not feel loneliness nor spiritual abandonment. On the contrary, the Law of the Hierarchy will provide its members with that which its members and supporters need to learn in order to grow inwardly, in their level of self-giving, of service and of surrender.
In simple words, the spirit of the Community avoids living based upon appearances, avoids the presence of irresponsibility, and, above all, it establishes love, which nourishes the consciousnesses so that they may confidently dare to take the inner steps that they need to take.
In the Community, awareness is lived and practiced, and that awareness allows it to reach other more expansive levels of understanding, of what the communities purpose signifies and the active participation, from all its members.
Thus, the spirit of the Community is not personalized nor is it concentrated in one person. All are possible instruments, and all can also be mirrors of the sacred impulses of the Hierarchy.
I thank you for keeping My Words in your hearts!
Who blesses you,
Your Master and Lord, Christ Jesus
In the same way that the interior of the Earth holds the most precious treasures of humanity, the Sacred Chambers of the planet hold the crosses that humanity carried in other times, and how those spiritual crosses still continue to be redeemed in the current humanity.
The weight of the errors committed leads current humanity to have to strive more to generate the balance necessary to learn and to know how to go through the end of times.
The more consciousnesses give of themselves with awareness to spiritual service for humanity, the greater will be the harmony that will be established through everybody's offering in order to compensate for the grave errors of past humanity and of future humanity.
This is the time for perceiving the planetary need and make it a part of yourselves so that the greatest possible number of souls may be benefited and helped by Divine Mercy, a Law and a Science of spiritual justification that will redeem all that is impossible.
In this way, we will be in time to relieve the heavy cross of the current humanity so that the new Christs may emerge, the Christs of Love and Light.
I thank you for keeping My Words in your hearts!
Who blesses you,
Your Master and Lord, Christ Jesus
Draw close to Me, to feel My Grace and the renewing faith that I can give to your soul.
With ardent aspiration, may you overcome yourself more in love and service each day. In this way, you will be in constant renewal and your heart will feel the wholeness of living the correct path.
Rest in Me while you need to and, in this time, open to perceive and recognize the lack of love that exists in people.
Through generosity, manage to open the door of the Pity of God so that more and more souls may feel that being in communion could also help renew everyone who needs it.
At all times, show Me your spirit of apostolate and guide souls into reconnecting with God so that they may approach consecration, especially at the moment of sacrifice and of offering themselves as victims of My Heart.
I thank you for keeping My Words in your hearts!
Who blesses you,
Your Master and Lord, Christ Jesus
It is through effort and persistence that the warrior of the heart is built, who is capable of further overcoming their own difficulties and miseries, every day, and, above all, continuing onward out of love for God and His Plan.
In this way, the new apostles emerge, the apostles of service and of a constant willingness to build all that which the Hierarchy needs and aspires for, for the different phases of the Plan.
It is in this effort and persistence that God relieves the oppressed heart of the server and has them feel, as many times as necessary, that they are fulfilling His Will rather than their own.
To reach this moment, only effort and persistence bring to awareness the possibility to always participate in the new, in the impulses that come from the Universe Itself, and that bring to consciousness an expression of humility and of service to others.
In all of this, I contemplate My apostles, because your errors are errors, but the triumphs are victories that you can give Me with your constant transformation.
I thank you for keeping My Words in your hearts!
Who blesses you,
Your Master and Lord, Christ Jesus
To the one who surrenders their life to Me with trust, I assure that they will never be sorry for having surrendered it to Me.
The one who surrenders their personal will to Me will never be sorry for having surrendered it to Me for, in this way, I will be able to perform wonders and spiritual miracles in their life.
To the one who surrenders their whole being to Me, as well as their miseries and defects, I assure them that they will never repent, for I will place them where they always should have been so that, together with Me, they may serve in the armies of service and of prayer.
The one who surrenders their opinions or their beliefs to Me will never repent, because in a short time they will not know themselves, and their problems will no longer be obstacles nor limitations in their life. Thus, I hope that the rest of humanity may someday do the same, that it may surrender all of its being to Me, so that I Myself can transform and redeem it in the same way that I redeemed and transformed the apostles.
But, even more, the one who surrenders blindly to Me, without thinking and without establishing conditions, will know spiritual liberation, and in their moments of tests, I will help them to overcome themselves a little more each day, without fear of the consequences or results.
I am waiting for many, a great many more souls to surrender to Me with trust and, in this way, I will transform them.
I thank you for keeping My Words in your hearts!
Who blesses you,
Your Master and Lord, Christ Jesus
Today I return to one of the places upon the Earth where My Consciousness rests in order to be able to meditate and make new decisions, as I did on the Mount of Olives.
This place, where this Monastery consecrated to My Heart is located, is one of the most precious inner treasures of your Master and Lord, because through the Monastery, present in the Colombian Andes, it is possible to reflect toward the surface the greatest spiritual relics that the Andes hold, since before the existence of the human being.
Although it does not seem so, the mountainous chain of the Andes is a great inner sanctuary, where life from other stars can be expressed and, as a result, help humanity.
If this Monastery did not exist in this place where it is found today, the Americas would not be able to be contained within the great seismic movements.
Through the existence of a humble Monastery, dedicated to contemplation and to service, not only the region is benefited, but also the country and the neighboring countries around it, because everything begins with consciousness, and from consciousness is born the possibility of expressing the Will of God.
I thank you for keeping My Words in your Hearts!
Who blesses you,
Your Master and Lord, Christ Jesus
There is no greater spiritual strength than the Faith of My Heart, because in My Faith I sustain you, guide you and protect you from all evil or adversity.
The Faith of My Heart within you is capable of dissipating any situation that opposes the Will of the Father, because the Faith of My Heart within you was that which allowed Me to reach the top of Mount Calvary and survive, by means of the humble power that Faith gave Me.
Let the Faith of My Heart be the portal that leads you to God and, in this way, with confidence, you will be able to take steps in the School of Love and Service.
May the Faith of My Heart, in you, illuminate the spaces, consciousnesses and places where you go, so that Christic Love may fill the hearts that suffer and have lost their faith.
May the Faith of My Heart within you show you the powerful strength that devotion has and, in praise of God, may your greatest depths be healed so that humanity may also be healed of all that it is experiencing.
Through the power of the Faith of My Heart, I bless you and I give you Peace.
I thank you for keeping My Words in your heart!
Who blesses you,
Your Master and Lord, Christ Jesus
I have finally arrived in the Amazon, and as from now on, I will prepare the spiritual foundations so that after the Marathon of Divine Mercy a permanent base of work and of assistance may be established in the city of Manaus, not only humanitarian, but also in service to the Kingdoms of Nature.
The time has come, after so much suffering, for the Minor Kingdoms to feel the love and protection of human beings. Thus, a space of preservation, of care and of restoration for the Minor Kingdoms must be created in Manaus so that they may have a place of peace and of healing, to then continue on with their evolution.
Hundreds of plant and animal species need the care and service of human beings, which will be a fundamental task for this Work, founded on the principles of love and of kinship.
The assistance to the Kingdoms and to the native peoples, given by the Grace Mercy Order, will be one of relief and of sheltering in the face of a process of inequality, abandonment and exploitation.
Two sectors of work will be established in Manaus: one through humanitarian service and another through the service of the Grace Mercy Order to the Kingdoms of Nature.
I thank you for holding My aspirations in your hearts!
Who blesses you,
Your Master and Lord, Christ Jesus
The cross of humanity, that is spiritual and which I can share with you, will never be too heavy, but in some instances you will feel it.
That cross represents the planetary situation and the souls that need to be alleviated of their debts through an extraordinary Grace.
That cross that I share is only carried by those who are aware and mature in their commitment, and who are capable of giving, beyond themselves, a little more than what they truly could during this time.
In this way, they are capable of carrying with Me the cross of these times, which will free humanity from all errors committed.
The cross I share signifies to assume and bear an inner spiritual and psychic weight that perhaps you have never born before, and that which is compensating for the grave errors that humanity makes today, and those which have become unpayable.
Thus, this is the cycle for truly confirming within yourselves the inner breadth of this commitment which will place you on the path of sacrifice and of absolute surrender, in the name of your Master and Lord.
Many do not accept sharing this cross with Me, but I fully avail Myself of those who, through prayer and selfless service, surrender to please Me and bring Me relief from what I see in the world.
Let the cross be, for you, the victory toward a new and decisive spiritual step.
I thank you for keeping My Words in your hearts!
Who blesses you,
Your Master and Lord, Christ Jesus
True consecration is inner and profound, and this consecration is reflected when the soul expresses its virtues through service, charity, the good and unconditionality.
Consecration is the inner portal that opens for the soul and for the essence so that, upon crossing through, the deepest nuclei of the being finds itself before God in order to begin to accomplish and live His Will, no matter what it may take.
This is why My adversary casts all of its fury when souls take steps and decidedly, without anything or anybody who can stop them, continue upon the path of consecration, because after this step comes the path of transcendence in order to someday reach the path of perfection.
This path of transcendence is that of true disengagement and detachment from oneself, to the point of facing the inner battle of overcoming, in the name of love and truth, the aspects of indifference, omission, and capital sins.
Each time a soul walking on the path of consecration finds itself facing the opportunity of taking a new spiritual step and of renewing, new struggles will come for transcending and dying to more things that the soul, in its egoic aspect, believes about itself.
All of this is for achieving and living the absolute and powerful Christic Love that will give you liberty forever.
Consecration is the opportunity of tearing the old veils of consciousness and is the permanent grace of being able to be at the service of God.
I thank you for keeping My words in your heart!
Who blesses you,
Your Master and Lord, Christ Jesus
I give you My Peace for you to experience it, also during the crucial moments.
I give you My Peace for you to be able to feel it, even in moments of difficulty or of desert.
My Peace can be experienced by those willing to find it in the conviction of serving, in the effort of giving oneself, and in the opportunity of sacrificing for others.
My Peace can permeate and fill the hearts that intend to be in this chain of love, which is given impulse by the Universe.
Through My Peace, you will also achieve wisdom and, in spite of the circumstances or of the trials, you will be able to clearly know which direction and which way to follow within My Plan of redemption and of forgiveness.
My Peace will lead you to find the Truth and to recognize It within yourselves. This will help you to grow in consciousness and thus your souls will govern your lives and paths.
I thank you for keeping My Words in your heart!
Who blesses you,
Your Master and Lord, Christ Jesus
When I arrive in the world, I observe and contemplate every need and situation of the planet.
I teach you to contemplate, along with Me, all the needs so that, by means of love, they may be supplied; be supplied by a love which is capable to witness, for yourselves, the unmistakable Presence of God.
Therefore, I offer you, at this moment, the opportunity to love and perceive such a reality so in need, which must be solved through service.
This is the time to offer yourselves as My Children and the apostles of love so that the Will of the Father, that embraces everything, may be fulfilled.
I thank you for keeping My Words in your heart.
Who blesses you,
Your Master and Lord, Christ Jesus
From My Heart emerges the Blood of redemption and of life, because in My Heart the Wound still exists, that which had was once opened on the Cross. A Wound which at that moment nobody knew. Only My Mother and the Holy Women, as well as John, the Apostle; they knew about the emergence of this material and spiritual Wound.
That Wound was the last and great spiritual, mental and moral surrender of your Lord.
In truth, more than the Wounds of the hands and of the feet, it was the Wound that up until these times justifies the errors of humanity and it is the Wound that allows Me to still be here, among you, to announce and proclaim the Kingdom of God within each being and in the entire Universal Creation.
This is the Wound that testified to the Love of God for humankind, although they were mistaken or were in the greatest and most absolute darkness.
This is the Wound that is still to be alleviated, which is caused by the ignorance of those who do not experience God and by the indifference of those who turn their backs on Him and leave, abandoning the Love of the Redeemer.
This is the Wound of Your Master that is still to be healed for a long while. And what will close it someday will be the love of those who are blessed and have no preconceptions of the Universal and Divine Work of Your Lord.
This Wound will be healed through those who help and surrender to a silent transmutation.
This Wound will be healed through all those who blindly trust in Me, beyond what happens to them, what they go through or purify, because if I still carry the Wound of the pain and the ignorance of the world in My Heart, be means of those who are Mine, it will be possible for that sorrowful Wound to be alleviated, as it is in each moment of adoration, of prayer and of communion with Me.
Because when everything happens and when My Wound is healed, you will only find refuge in My Heart, in My Divine Life and in My Presence.
Never cease to be generous with others, loving towards those who are in pain and suffering.
Never cease to serve and to surrender to Me, because the day will come in which, in the Glory of the Father, you will be seated at My table and I will crown each one for their efforts and inner merits.
I thank you for keeping My Words in your heart!
Who blesses you,
Your Master and Lord, Christ Jesus
Association Mary
Founded in December of 2012, at the request of the Virgin Mary, Association Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception, is a religious association without ties to any institutionalized religion. It has a philosophical-spiritual, ecumenical, humanitarian, charitable, cultural character, and it supports all activities that are indicated through the instructions transmitted by Christ Jesus, the Virgin Mary, and Saint Joseph. Read more