I feel immense and inexplicable joy for you, for being able to return to one of My favorite homes and Service Nucleus for humanity.
After a long walk, your Master and Lord comes to the heart of each one of those present so that, in adoration and in silence, He may rest together with His disciples and praying pilgrims.
This is a special moment because, as from today on, the Light-Nuclei will prepare, after many years, to someday change into Centers of humanitarian shelter and support in the current time of transition.
Here in the Light-Nuclei exists the main archetype of the attributes of the Light-Communities; they are the arms and the hands stretched out to the world that can welcome, receive and bring relief to those who suffer. All this is a treasure of the Spiritual Hierarchy, because the Light-Nuclei are spaces dedicated to helping souls to take the first steps in fraternity, in the good and, above all, in love.
If the Light-Nuclei did not exist as basic support and pillars of the Work of the Hierarchy, today it would not be possible to carry humanitarian and fraternal service to the world, because the Light-Nuclei are not only spaces for reconnecting with the sense of the inner world, but they also represent the experience and the synthesis of the Light-Communities.
In short, the Nuclei are fruits of the sacred tree, of a tree that, by means of souls and servers, must continue to sow forgiveness and redemption in the most spiritually needy hearts.
I am forever grateful for the eternal and loving service of the souls of this and all Light-Nuclei. I am grateful to those who in faith still hold up the torch of their Lord on the surface of the Earth.
I thank you for keeping My Words in your heart!
Who blesses you,
Your Master and Lord, Christ Jesus
The story of a pilgrim of peace from Aurora
His devotion had always touched My Heart because his fidelity was prayer itself, that which expressed his pilgrim heart.
His reverence, while sounding the bells, called upon all souls to awaken and, often without anybody knowing it, his love for the Most Holy Virgin made the most lost souls become saved.
Prayer was his spiritual nourishment and allowed him to fly to the high spheres of consciousness where he received the Love of the Eternal Father to share it with his brothers and sisters along the journey.
He arrived as a silent pilgrim. His love for Aurora was so strong that it allowed him to remain near and wait for the doors to open for him.
But in truth, his humbleness, resignation and service led him to consecrate his soul, mind and body to his Master and Lord.
Aurora not only had a brother and companion of Christ, Aurora had a pilgrim of peace who walked side by side with many throughout years and, in his life of simplicity, of joy and of renewal, he helped express the Light of the Kingdom of Aurora.
Today, not only did a devoted brother and pilgrim leave to Heaven; today rose to the Kingdom of Heavens the guardian of the bells of Aurora, an unerasable memory that will continue sounding within the hearts and memory of those who, someday, heard the sound of the bell of Aurora.
With joy, rejoice and be grateful, the Order founded by your Master today receives, on the Altars of Heaven, the first saint, man and pilgrim who witnessed, in his own life, that it is possible to experience Christ and be part of Christ for all of eternity.
Today, Heaven receives the triumph of a life of simplicity, of selflessness and of service, which will give an impulse to all those who stayed to fulfill and carry out the same aspiration.
Hail, Aurora! Today a star of redemption was lit in your sublime firmament, and peace reached everybody.
I thank you for keeping My Words in the heart!
Who blesses you,
Your Master and Lord, Jesus Christ
Awaken within yourself the mandala of light and of love and allow it, through prayer, to manifest its perfect and harmonious shape.
Let your inner mandala manifest in its perfect design, expressed by the light of the soul, the note that characterizes it and the representation of its spiritual relationship with the Universe.
Finally, let your inner mandala contribute, to today's humanity, all the love, devotion and reverence that it needs so that it may again unite to God and thus enter into inner contact with the Higher Laws.
Let the light and love of your inner mandala be built by the fervent and sincere prayer of your soul, just as by the untiring giving of your being, at the service of the Greater Plan.
Let your inner mandala reveal to you the gift and talent of being able to serve God within the Universe of the vast purpose so that thus, you may join with the inner mandalas of your brothers and sisters to form the great mandala of brotherhood and goodness; attributes which, in solidarity and in fraternity, you will be able to give for the descent of the Greater Mandala of God, which will allow you to enter into His Kingdom and Eternity.
I thank you for keeping My Words in the heart!
Who blesses you,
Your Master and Lord, Christ Jesus
Prayer of the Sacrificed Soul
Who blesses you,
Your Master and Lord, Christ Jesus
I thank you for keeping this prayer in your hearts!
Who blesses you,
Your Master and Lord, Christ Jesus
I thank you for keeping this prayer in your hearts!
Who blesses you,
Your Master and Lord, Christ Jesus
While very important decisions are made, after the last 8th of August, unexpected situations are defined within this planetary consciousness, and the nations of the world, little by little, are placed before the Universal Judgement.
This means that, depending on what the consciousnesses choose in the coming time, is how the end of the times will be shown, and nobody will be able to stop the results coming from this election.
Thus, souls must pray so that the events do not surprise them overnight and so that everything you may see and witness not be too intense for you.
With your prayers, place the nations within My Mercy, even though some nations may have closed their doors to God through their ignorance and indifference.
May everything and everyone enter into My Mercy so that, on some level of consciousness, something may receive the chance and the grace that it so needs.
I only ask that you be strong in prayer and peaceful in service; in this way, you will also help other brothers and sisters during the time of the great and definitive events.
I thank you for keeping My Words in your heart!
Who blesses you,
Your Master and Lord, Christ Jesus
That which a soul receives when it is sick and is visited has much more value than hundreds of medicines because, if during the visit there is love and effort to help the sick one in some way, that represents an opportunity and a Grace that the consciousness will never forget for the rest of its life.
Therefore, every time you visit a sick person, remember you are visiting Me, and that I will be waiting for your affection, love and sympathy, in order to heal the heart that suffers.
Each exercise of service, whatever it may be, represents the possibility for the servers to enlarge their degrees of love and, getting out of themselves, to take steps that otherwise they would not be able to.
For this reason, I am present in each one of the situations of life so that human beings may learn to serve and to take forward the works of Mercy that help to balance their omissions or their indifferences.
Every opportunity of service is a Grace of being able to find more strength and determination in the moment of surrendering to God.
I thank you for keeping My Words in your heart!
Who blesses you,
Your Master and Lord, Christ Jesus
My child,
I know that for you, to live My Will means to surrender and transcend many things because of love.
I know that for you, to live My Will means to dissolve personal will so that the purpose of your life may be accomplished.
I know that for you, to live My Will means to give of oneself, to serve and to surrender, beyond inner incapabilities.
I know that for you, to live My Will means to always say "yes" and to be available in any situation or circumstance, even when sometimes you have nothing left to give.
I know that for you, to live My Will means to sometimes have no remedy for inner situations and to just trust in that which is great and has no boundaries.
I know that for you, to live My Will means to love unconditionally, to be without conditions, and to go beyond your concepts and fears.
I know that for you, to live My Will means to always be in faith, beyond there being dark days, and to trust that through the strength given by love, you will manage to achieve the top of the mountain to be able to see the sun.
I know that for you, to live My Will means to die every day a little more to yourself, to your aspirations and expectations.
I know that to live My Will means to be under the ray of the demand, of the determination, and of the Higher Will to survive all assaults in these times, so that the spirit may achieve the purpose that it came to incarnate in this world.
I know that to live My Will means there is no end.
I thank you for keeping My Words in your heart!
Who blesses you,
Your Master and Lord, Christ Jesus
Nothing will stop My Purpose from being accomplished in Argentina, because if it is the Will of God, it will be done.
When you face some difficulty or delay for Me, be grateful and do not be tired of doing so, because I assure you that you will be very close to me.
It is in the difficult times when I count on My friends and companions the most, because comfortable and rested servers do not please Me.
My wish is that My companions do not cease to burn in their love and service for Me, because this attitude will represent a lot more than walking by My side for years.
My Heart fills with hope and reasons to return to the world when My companions give their all and are not lukewarm nor want to resolve everything quickly.
I am glad when I see how My companions, day after day, make a true effort to accomplish the impossible for Me.
When someone, out of those who are Mine, is thinking too much of themselves or does not have the correct attitude to serve, and only complains all the time, let them reflect if they are truly serving Me and if they are too comfortable in their situation and in their wellbeing.
I called you, one by one, so that you could unconditionally be My warriors of love, capable of going behind Me into the most impenetrable hells of the Earth to help Me redeem and save those who urgently need My Mercy.
Never forget that I called you to this path of sacrifice, full of blessings, of gifts, full of the Love of My Heart, which the majority of humanity does not have.
I thank you for being more aware each day of what you are experiencing and of the time in which you are living!
Who blesses you and thanks you for assuming, one by one, My Words of instruction,
Your Master and Lord, Christ Jesus
In the most imperfect souls, I renew all things, in all times, because for Me there is no impediment within imperfection.
As the great Potter of your lives, I mold your souls and consciousnesses so that, from such apparent imperfection, a new being may be born, a new design of God.
This is how all is transformed, as well as how your hearts may be transformed.
On this path of taking imperfection along with yourselves, you may realize that, in some moment, you will be liberated from the chains that you might be carrying on your hands and feet. Chains of old ways of conduct which do not create the experience of love.
For this reason, the transformation of your imperfection will be gradual and will keep changing over time, as long as you keep your hearts and minds open to transformation.
Feel truly accompanied and protected in this time, in which you will learn to discover and to know yourselves so that the spiritual beauty each one holds may finally be at the service of love and for others.
Continue allowing Me to be your Potter, and may I make a new pot from the old clay.
I thank you for keeping My Words in your heart!
Who blesses you,
Your Master and Lord, Christ Jesus
The treasures of Argentina that are not unveiled, which are not physical but spiritual, are held and widespread from El Calafate through San Carlos de Bariloche, Villa La Angostura, Mendoza to the precious summits of Jujuy.
Argentina is the spiritual cradle of the inner Brotherhood of the Hierarchy, and a great confraternity silently works in these spaces in order to support humanity.
Argentina is the region of the planet with the most contact-beings present on the surface of the Earth and which, in most cases, were members of the inner Brotherhood of the Hierarchy. The majority of those contact-beings will place themselves at the service of the spiritual Hierarchy in this acute cycle of humanity.
These suns and stars on Earth will be known by their fruits rather than their abilities and skills, because only Christic Love will awaken them, and no other movement will manage to do so.
They are consciousnesses that will come from unimaginable experiences of life and that, within themselves, hold an ardent devotion to the Hierarchy.
They will not flaunt absolutely anything about themselves and will not receive recognition nor any prominence. Their silent, anonymous and unconditional service will identify them.
In this way, Argentina will count on souls strengthened and safeguarded in prayer, which will offer their lives and their hearts at the service of the Greater Plan.
These sacred spaces, present at different points of the Andes mountain range, will be their reference and their spirituality in the most acute moments of the Earth, and these will help them to maintain their faith in the Love of Christ.
Those contact-beings will be similar or equal to the Fathers of the desert, who gave their lives to support humanity.
But they will not be isolated from society; rather, their example of love, of goodness and of service will give impulse to the occurrences and will keep hearts open so that all may survive in this final time.
I thank you for keeping My Words in your heart!
Who blesses you,
Your Master and Lord, Christ Jesus
My Sacred Heart holds a special place for Argentina as well as for all of its people, which in this time of redemption must, through constant prayer and service, gain the impulse of Christic Light.
In each heart of Argentina a potential exists of being able to prepare and announce My Second Return to humanity.
For this reason, in this next month of August, you must have the bases prepared that your Master and Lord, through each heart of Argentina, will use to be able to come at the most acute moment of humanity.
Your Master and Lord has a special place in His Heart for Argentina, because it is a people that were greatly hurt and assaulted during the repressions of the last decades.
Because of the devotion and the faith of My servers of Argentina, in the month of August, I will also be able to intercede for the disappeared, and on the spiritual planes, carry to My Kingdom the most innocent souls which remained imprisoned in the hands of their political oppressors.
I will go again to Argentina to celebrate the victory of My Sacred Heart, in the essence of light of My companions.
I thank you for keeping My words in your heart!
Who blesses you,
Your Master and Lord, Christ Jesus
I occupy a space in your life and in your heart that no being of the Earth can occupy; this does not mean that there are not souls who truly love other souls.
But the space that belongs to Me, in the spiritual life of each being, is very special for Me, just as the space that I always hold for you is eternal and special.
In this time, when unconditional surrender and sacrifice are worked with daily, I want you to know and confirm that, in spite of my being in silence, you will always have an important place in My Heart.
In this way, I will be able to give your soul and your consciousness that which they need inwardly, so that every day you live the path of service and of the apostolate. Because on this path you will find an expansion of the heart and a universality of life; on it you will be able to learn to grow inwardly, feeling the importance of the necessity to love unconditionally, every day, so that in the world the Will of God may be done, just as this Will must be done in you.
Venture to have the experience of entering into My Heart and of discovering new spiritual treasures.
I thank you for keeping My Words in your heart!
Who blesses you,
Your Master and Lord, Christ Jesus
There are aspects and states of consciousness in the human being that only love, mercy and patience can transform, because these human aspects have very relevant past histories, which interfere in the awakening toward service and absolute surrender.
When at a certain point you become aware of some of these aspects, it will not help to enter into conflict, guilt or battle. You must make use of the noble wisdom of the heart and, through the love of the spirit, transcend these moments in peace.
You must know that in the same way that surrender and service allows these aspects to be progressively redeemed, the same thing happens when the human aspects are removed from their ancient place to be dissolved by the light and the love of Divine Wisdom.
At times, you will manage to shift above these human aspects that cause you to commit failed acts. In other moments, you will fall into the prisons of these aspects, but you must not allow yourselves to be defeated nor intimidated.
The aspects are like raw wood in the human consciousness which, in the hands of the carpenter, is polished of all excess and shaped so that it may finally be turned into something beautiful.
Through My Mercy, these aspects lose force of action and independence because the Mercy of My Heart transmutes them and redeems them until the human being achieves the living of the spiritual model that God expects from each one of His children.
I thank you for keeping My Words in your heart!
Who blesses you,
Your Master and Lord, Christ Jesus
I make you apostles of the end of times so that you can testify within yourselves of the fruits of the Divine Word.
I make you apostles of the end of times so that you may represent your Redeemer in this critical and acute cycle of the planet.
I make you My apostles so that you may live My Will and so that you may manifest it beyond your capabilities and fears. Because by living My Will, you will achieve the spiritual freedom that you need to be able to continue taking steps toward the fulfilling of Divine Purpose.
I make you My apostles of the end of times so that you may live in charity and in service, so that in this practice of surrender, you can be able to experience Christic Love and are able to manifest it on Earth.
I make you My apostles of the end of times so that each day more, you may risk living in the emptiness of self and with the absolute trust that everything will be accomplished according to what was designated by My Father.
I make you My apostles of the end of times so that you may inwardly prepare for My Second Return.
I thank you for keeping My Words in your heart!
Who blesses you,
Your Master and Lord, Christ Jesus
You will achieve Christic fraternity by illuminating each space of your consciousness through the surrender and the service you are able to give Me, time after time.
Therefore, step by step, illuminate yourself, going through and overcoming the obstacles of consciousness, not through a battle, but rather through the love you are able to profess and live in your heart. Because without love, it is like being without a direction or guide.
Let love impel you and be able to carry out the Works of your Redeemer. In this way, you will illuminate your consciousness and you will be able to take on the different stages of the Plan, according to His Will and the needs that are presented.
Let the illumination of your consciousness emerge through your unconditional, permanent and good love. In this way, when faced with your own obstacles, you will not find barriers, but rather opportunities to mature your consciousness in the sacred commitment of serving God and His Plan.
I thank you for keeping My Words in your heart!
Who blesses you,
Your Master and Lord, Christ Jesus
Throughout the times, I gather around Me the apostles of the final times.
I summon them all, beyond their inner preparation, so that they can live the experience of universal love and maximum redemption.
For this reason, time and again, I not only bless them and absolve them so that they can walk by My side, but I also renew them and consecrate them as My Apostles of the final times.
It is in this sense that your Master and Lord comes to prepare you for love and unconditional service.
I call you "My Own" because I know that you can be consistent with Me in this time.
For this reason, I bring from the Universe all the impulses that you need so that you may learn to evolve and to live what I so expect from each one.
Companions, this is now the time for the apostolate, for the absolute dedication to the Higher Laws so that, finally, the world can transform.
I leave you My need; that you always live through Me, rather than through what happens.
I thank you for keeping My Words in your heart!
Who blesses you,
Your Master and Lord, Christ Jesus
Be My disciples in unity so that unity may always reign and this unity may take you to the love of the heart, because in the love of the heart you will find the way out and the answer before the circumstances of life.
Be My disciples in unity so that unity may take you to absolute understanding and this unity may awaken goodwill in the hearts of My followers.
Be My Disciples in unity because while you live this Law you will not be subjected to the laws of the world.
The sacred unity awakens you to the knowledge of what is true and comes from God, that which no man can achieve, but onlt through divine intervention.
Be My disciples in unity because you will always find service in the life of each one, you will find the possibility to alleviate, through unity, any internal situation.
Be My disciples in unity and there will be no confrontation or contradictions. In you will exist the divine breath of unity that will lead you to live My Project.
I thank you for keeping My Words in your heart!
Who blesses you,
Your Master and Lord, Jesus Christ
Through My Love and My Truth I can heal hearts, I can remove from souls that which should be transformed, purified and elevated.
Through My Love I carry you into the original and spiritual state of your beings.
Through My Love I can declare reality to you without there being any blame, fear or oppression.
Through My Love, I lead you on the path of good, so that you may be generous soul, filled with My Mercy, and beings completely surrendered and given to others.
Through My Love I build within you that which I so much aspire for and desire, as long as you allow Me to work within you.
Through My Love I teach you to truly love, I teach you to alleviate, with simple words, the oppressed heart of a brother or sister.
Through My Love I cause you to strengthen your trust in the High, I teach you to be witnesses to My Word and defenders of My Message.
Through My Love I call you to the apostolate, to the living of a service that enriches the spirit.
Through My Love I give you My Peace.
I thank you for keeping My Words in your heart!
Who blesses you,
Your Master, Christ Jesus
Association Mary
Founded in December of 2012, at the request of the Virgin Mary, Association Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception, is a religious association without ties to any institutionalized religion. It has a philosophical-spiritual, ecumenical, humanitarian, charitable, cultural character, and it supports all activities that are indicated through the instructions transmitted by Christ Jesus, the Virgin Mary, and Saint Joseph. Read more