Dear daughters of the Good:

I thank you for the prompt and fast inner preparation to receive Me; this loving attitude for the final times has great repercussions at the feet of the Altar of the Lord.

Day by day I have been accompanying your service.  From the moment in which you opened the door to a beggar and gave him food and drink, when you fed and nourished the soul of a sad mother, there I was; when you welcomed the coming of the Universal Mother to Rio de Janeiro, for these moments I was also accompanying and supporting you with My Heart.

In the doubts and in the continuous strength I Am.  My wisdom and Paternal Love comes to your beings to say to you that your charity and faithfulness to Christ has been secure.  When your eyes shed tears of joy, of reconciliation among the brothers and sisters as well as tears of pain, I was always among you.

The souls bring in their hearts gifts, gifts that are converted in spiritual tasks, impulses of the good souls to donate themselves to the God of Love.  I come to your simple house because in the beggar, in the pregnant mother and in the crazy person, you have opened the door to Me.

I want to say to you that your constancy in serving, loving and surrendering has touched My Heart and has permitted that, in a time of chaos, I come today from Heaven in Glory to share My Holy Joy.

Now your house will receive the mantle of the consecrated life; I want to say to you that Sisters from the Order Grace Mercy will share the service and will expand it all throughout the city, creating a net of Christic fraternity.  My divine aspiration is that you, My daughters of the Good and the consecrated sisters, bring My Merciful Heart through service as My other consecrated daughters in Venezuela will also do.

The Divine Order of the Spiritual Hierarchy, the Grace Mercy Order, is proposing to all to enter a new cycle of service and work for the Plan, answering in this way the great need of healing and spiritual comfort for many souls.  This call to the new cycle that will be conducted by My Sacred Heart, will receive blessings and special help, and in the difficulties I promise to be near all of you.

Under the Mercy of God, the one that has descended over all of Rio de Janeiro, we will meet again soon here in this house.

Thank you daughters of Christ of the Good for having welcomed Me, the Lord blesses you always.

Christ Jesus Merciful


At the crossing of the old and of the new times many events will happen on the planet.  For this moment your hearts must be strengthened and in this way, prepared for the final moment.

For this I let you know My Divine Mercy.  It will be available for those who may want to drink from My Source.  I call you to gather the strengths from the heart.  This infinite Light will never be extinguished because whoever is in Me will be able to sustain themselves always.  Go ahead walking steadfastly.  It is time to serve God.

Under the Love of the Father, be blessed.

Thank you for living in My Heart!

Christ Jesus


When a soul has a true thirst for Me it recognizes that it has come to the time of change and it will never fear to transform that which falls of its own weight, which is no longer useful for it.

This soul dares to seek the liberation of itself, listening with attention to the voice of its peers because among so many words and sayings may be present the Instructing Voice of the Heart.

If the soul fully decides to traverse the path of sanctity Heaven will provide to it as many tests as necessary so that it may be confirmed.

If the soul seeks consecration through service there will come to its life so much charity to be done and so much love to be donated that it will not have time for itself.

If the soul does not seek any path and decides to walk in the world by itself and without instruction it will quickly lose the sense of life and it will separate the sacred spirit from the dwelling of the heart.

For the souls that are born from the Source and come to this world to live forgiveness and redemption, they must never lack instruction. It would be like getting lost among the material things without having orientation nor discernment.

But the soul that sustains itself through the merciful prayer will always receive the Grace of understanding, of accepting and of comprehending all things. God foresees the path for each one of His Children, for this He will always show His ones what they must learn and that which soon must grow up.

In this school of the Earth there are masters and disciples and both have pending lessons to be learned because the awakening to the absolute and only love has a single path. For this today I tell you to, more than ever, be attentive to the signs of self-correction in your lives because it will be an opportunity for all of the souls to mature in consciousness and to transcend the barriers that are imposed by the egoism of this world.

Through the Chaplet of the Divine Mercy all will be solved as soon as the soul gives a true and humble yes.  In this cycle the times will speak to the world by means of inner and external signs. Be attentive!

Under the Light of the Father, be blessed.

Thank you for living My Message through the heart!

Christ Jesus


I contemplate the tired hearts and the hearts that rest in the other hearts.

In My Work there are the ones who sacrifice and the ones who try to live sacrifice.

In My Work there is the server and the one who is serving for a greater reason.

But all pass through the school of surrender and of sacrifice, in this way I relate Myself to My friends. To some I give My Will and to others I give My Aspirations for something good and better.

But all have the same place in My Heart because there are not two paths to get to Me, but only one, a path of renunciation and sacrifice that will permit you to achieve the state of humility.

For this those who are with Me are those  that do greater part of the work, for those who are comfortable and for those who are blind without being able to encounter the life of spirit. Thus I always make use of the same ones. My Heart ennobles Itself and rejoices Itself when a disciple does an extraordinary, loving and abnegated service. In this way I am seeing the mature fruit of the merciful seeds that I have sown in each being.

The one who gives all for Me and for the fulfillment of My Plan will receive the gifts of My Love. I will also give to you My Sacrifice, that which I lived on the Cross for all. I will also give you a similar cross so that you may know how to carry it in your back for those who abruptly are lost without leaving footprints of the presence of their most little spirits.

For this, all that you may receive in My Name will give you strength to love the power of the surrender and the sacrifice offered out of love and for the redemption of humanity. In this way you will see the fruit and the merits of your work in the salvation of those who were dead in life, separated from My Light and who by your Graces will reach Eternity and Mercy.

Guard in your hearts the hope of finding in the Kingdom of the Heavens the true treasure for your spirits because there you will rest between My Arms as good redeemed sheep.

Under the Light of the Father, be blessed of soul and of heart.

Thank you for meditating on My Words with the heart!

Christ Jesus.  


The one who donates to Me and surrenders to Me all their strength to serve My Lord, this one will be called disciple and blessed because in him or her I will be able to build a firm inner dwelling that is willing to give itself more each day.

Afterwards I will teach you little by little to love surrender and whenever this surrender matures in your consciousness I will give to you to drink from sacrifice, I will give to you to drink from My Chalice, the same that I drank from in honor to God and to all of My Companions in the past.

Thus I will be able to form the new apostles of the new time, those who will provide the example of My Word of Life by means of love and charity, because they will not be false nor liars; they will imitate My Christian Path through the devotion to My Sacred Heart.

In them I will deposit the power of My Glory so that they may prepare My silent Path of return to the world.

Now I need for all of those who profess My Name to forgive themselves for the mistakes of yesterday and that they no longer judge themselves. The New Kingdom of My Father will descend through Me as an only one, a unique unity between the souls and God.

For this beware of the wolves that will try to remove the wool from My Sheep, beware of all of those who will use My Precious name in vain. May no one confront another, but emanate the spirit of pacification because I will truly confirm if the talents that I have left to My Disciples have blossomed in the heart of those who work with Me.

The New Celestial Church is descending to renovate those who have ceased to believe in My Presence due to the petty actions of humans. The church that I founded is the Church of the Heart, of the Inner Temple, of the Absolute and Divine Truth that God radiates through His Firstborn Son.

Many have lost the reconnection with Me, for this I make use in this time of simple servers, not of those who received false praise, but of those who were redeemed by My Love.

May each one accomplish their part and be permitted to see how My Consciousness is present in all of the children of My Father because I Am Brother of all.

Under the Love of the Father, be blessed.

Thank you for meditating on My words with the heart!

Christ Jesus. 


Whenever your eyes get too tired to see the infinite path of transformation, turn your gaze towards My Sacred Heart and confirm, in My Name, your continuity in My Christic Pathway.

Guard each moment that you live with Me as a treasure that you will accumulate in Heaven and you will pour as a blessing upon the hearts that most need of Redemption.

Each little sacrifice that is realized in life has greater proportions in Heavens because each time that a soul donates itself, the Infinite Grace touches a wounded heart to be able to heal it.

See how big is the Love of God for the world that, in each service realized with the love of the heart, all of those who must receive a celestial opportunity of conversion will receive wonders.

It is necessary to have courage to continue. Times change and the heart must mature through the surrender for that which it does for love and honor to God.

I Am as a bridge, uniting your heart with the Heart of God. Continue walking, follow My footprints of Light.

Under the Love of the Father, be blessed.

Thank you for guarding My words in the heart!

Christ Jesus, the Redeemer. 


The souls that serve Me more and venerate more My Sacred Heart will be those which, in the service to the world, will feel the most the sudden change of the times from the universe towards the Earth.

The souls which pray with Me more were the ones chosen to endure the ardent time of changes because the prayer of all of them will aid the need of those who do not pray and who have easily forgotten Me.

In all of these abnegated instruments I will raise again My Temple of redemption and no one will remain without the opportunity of recognizing that, without My Father, nothing will be able to be done.

For this I return to the world in Glory to pour My Rays of love upon those who have for many years distanced themselves from the light of My Merciful Heart. I come to awaken those who are sleeping under the rain of illusions and I will show you the truth that the universe has shown Me from the origin of My Holy Resurrection.

No one will have any doubt that the Messiah will return to the Earth, fulfilling His original Promise made one time in the past.

For this to the ones who are in Me the most and who intend to follow My Steps, I ask: Persevere! Persevere! Persevere! And let My renovating Rays liberate from the past your essences so that the task of the apostles of the end of the times may be able to be accomplished in Glory to My Name.

If you unite yourselves day by day through Me I will show you the path because at this time and in this cycle I will not allow for any soul to be elevated without first getting to know My Redeeming Love.

Under the Love of the Father, be blessed of heart.

Thank you for guarding My words in the heart!

Who blesses you and redeems you,

Christ Jesus.


The eyes that open themselves through prayer see with understanding and with wisdom because whoever perseveres by means of My Heart will walk in faith for all of eternity.

My dears,

May united in My Spirit your hearts radiate all the good and the loving that they live. In this way this light will be able to reach the world that urgently needs it to quench the thirst for love and for peace.

I conduct you towards My Kingdom. May no one lose the inner strength to follow Me and to unite themselves to My Redeeming Path.

Dears, I Am by your side to accompany you through this pathway that must be guided by the wisdom of My Heart.

Companions, follow the path traced for your conversion and redemption. Now all of the souls are called to recognize My Blessed Heart. I need true servers that may transmit My Only and True Message through the wise examples of life and by means of the important source that service represents for all of My Servers.

Dears, I prepare you day by day for something greater, something that you still do not know but that you will soon know when you only pray and vigil with Me.

Dears, take a moment so that My Presence may be among you because soon the Shepherd will come to dine at your table and He will call at the door of your heart.

Wait for Me with ardent love and devotion.

Under the Love of the Father, be blessed.

Thank you for receiving My words in the heart!

Christ Jesus, the Redeemer.


Your prayers are like the flowers in My garden of redemption. Your gestures of love are like the wisdom that allows the understanding of things. Your charity and service is like the door of Heaven, the one which opens itself to give salvation to all.

Today rest in My arms and trust that every purification will elevate you soon in the same way as the flight of the birds but, what will elevate itself will be your spirit, that which will receive the gifts of the Holy Spirit to consecrate itself to the Will of My Father.

I distribute among you My Gifts and My Graces so that they, with reverence, may be presented before the Throne of My Father. Do not forget to carry the cross that the learning of life has given you because to carry your cross and follow me will mean the rescue of other consciousnessess, of the consciousnessess that lose themselves from the lack of their faith and of their love.

A short time ago I was among you to reveal to you the mysteries of My Lord and now you have known a part of My Kingdom. Returning over the clouds I ignite with My Light are the hearts that need the fire of redemption. Some disciples are prepared, but still are missing the ones who have distanced themselves, who have yet to say yes. 

Guard the present and the grace of My Words because there will come a day that They will not resound anymore and they will only have to be listened to with the inner ear of the heart. You have received so much that now each soul must give its testimonial of life for these definite times. Looking at the Great Law of My Father, trust in it and open yourselves to be able to lose a little bit more of yourselves and to enter thus into the awaited Kingdom of Paradise.

Under the Grace of God, be blessed.

Thank you for guarding My words in the heart!

Infinite Peace for all,

Christ Jesus, your beloved Instructor. 

Daily Message received in the city of Palermo, Sicily, Italy, transmitted by the Glorified Christ Jesus to the visionary Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón de Jesús

There are aspects and states of consciousness in the human being that only love, mercy and patience can transform, because these human aspects have very relevant past histories, which interfere in the awakening toward service and absolute surrender.

When at a certain point you become aware of some of these aspects, it will not help to enter into conflict, guilt or battle. You must make use of the noble wisdom of the heart and, through the love of the spirit, transcend these moments in peace.

You must know that in the same way that surrender and service allows these aspects to be progressively redeemed, the same thing happens when the human aspects are removed from their ancient place to be dissolved by the light and the love of Divine Wisdom.

At times, you will manage to shift above these human aspects that cause you to commit failed acts. In other moments, you will fall into the prisons of these aspects, but you must not allow yourselves to be defeated nor intimidated.

The aspects are like raw wood in the human consciousness which, in the hands of the carpenter, is polished of all excess and shaped so that it may finally be turned into something beautiful.

Through My Mercy, these aspects lose force of action and independence because the Mercy of My Heart transmutes them and redeems them until the human being achieves the living of the spiritual model that God expects from each one of His children.

I thank you for keeping My Words in your heart!

Who blesses you,

Your Master and Lord, Christ Jesus


Who are we?

Association Mary
Founded in December of 2012, at the request of the Virgin Mary, Association Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception, is a religious association without ties to any institutionalized religion. It has a philosophical-spiritual, ecumenical, humanitarian, charitable, cultural character, and it supports all activities that are indicated through the instructions transmitted by Christ Jesus, the Virgin Mary, and Saint Joseph. Read more
