Sacred Oceans – Part II

In the deep waters of the oceans, all marine life creates the conditions so that in the seabed, through the living beings, a balance that is vital for the sustenance of the planet and the purification of waters may be established.

On the spiritual and nonmaterial levels it happens in the same way, as the Mirrors and Intra-oceanic Precincts play a vital role in the physical-spiritual sustenance of humanity.

These Intra-oceanic Precincts are connected to all physical life present at the bottom of the oceans, and certain sea species, such as dolphins, whales, turtles and other beings of the Animal Kingdom,  represent, on the inner level, the guardians of these intra-oceanic spaces.

The same happens with the marine corals and with the so-called plankton, plant species of very high spiritual vibration that act not only physically, generating balance, but also on the spiritual level, generating harmony among the different oceans. 

In this sense, each species, element or Kingdom present within the depths of the oceans, is part of a great ecosystem of spiritual life, whose presence is irreplaceable on this type of planet, as is the Earth.

If today, within the oceans, there are imbalances among the species, this is part of a degeneration that the first human beings caused in the origins of the Earth; because within the scale of evolution, all manifested Kingdoms were correctly designed to live in harmony and not in conflict.

However, in spite of the maladjustments that exist among the Kingdoms of Nature within the oceans and the imbalances caused by the contamination and the exploitation of the seas, the Intra-oceanic Precincts, guided by the Spiritual Hierarchy, collaborates to the essential awakening of the balance and harmony lost after many experiences.

These Intra-oceanic Precincts, which are not physical but spiritual, have inhabited certain regions of the planet for a long time, and as poles of the Spiritual Hierarchy and Mirrors that capture the impulses of the Universe, they generate an atmosphere of greater protection and safeguard for all that has to evolve within consciousness, as well as in all manifested life.

The Intra-oceanic Precincts are like great magnets that attract toward themselves, from the universe, the cosmic currents that nourish and repair spiritual life so that a greater balance may be established.

The counterpart of these Intra-oceanic places  is made manifest through the whales and the dolphins, sea species that have the physical and mental ability of retransmitting very potent impulses of peace and harmony, which are emitted by the Intra-oceanic Precincts, and through these species, these impulses of light travel miles until they can reach the other side of the world.

Sea life and intra-oceanic life constitute one of the great discoveries that the human being will have to awaken within themselves so that, becoming aware of what the Creation of God truly represents, they begin to love it and respect it, so that the cycle of evolution of the species may never be altered again and, in this way, the evolution of the planet may never be altered again.

Everything will start from the consciousness and the maturity that human beings may be able to awaken in relation to the Kingdoms.

I thank you for responding to My call!

Who blesses you,

Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace

Apparition of Saint Joseph in the Marian Center of Figueira, Minas Gerais, Brazil, to the visionary Sister Lucía de Jesus

The winds blow to cleanse the hearts of humankind, for they need this.

The winds are blowing to purify the Earth with the Divine Breath that comes from the Spirit of God.

Let them blow, let them cleanse, let them take with them that which no longer corresponds to you.

Let the wind blow and bring you the truth, so that it may be placed in your hearts.

The elements revere God, they become His instruments and let the Father act through them to reach the human heart.

Feel the wind that blows and let these elements be an example for you of how to be an instrument of God.

Be like this wind that blows, that comes from the Father and reaches the world.

Let the Heart of God lead you to where you are most needed.

Let Him carry your prayers to the four corners of this world.

Give to this wind, which blows today, your difficulties and imperfections, your limitations, your errors and your past.

I know that you came here with the hope of something new, with the hope of finding a path, of receiving a Grace.

I know that many came here without knowing why, impelled by the heart, without the understanding of the mind.

Now that you have come, children, let the wind blow and purify you.

Surrender your aspirations and your fears, your uncertainties and your doubts.

Ask the Father for this wind to blow and cross borders, to not have any limits, to reach the hearts most in need, for they are many, unknown and lonely in the four corners of this world.

With this wind, receive the Grace of God, the Presence of His Holy Spirit, which is preparing to come to Earth on the day of Pentecost.

May this Spirit prepare you for something greater.

Know, children, that your lives are precious to God; that there is a perfect thought that comes from the Heart of the Father for each one of you.

And today it is this thought that I call on you to manifest.

I come to invite you to make, out of your lives, lives in the service of God.

May your prayers be for a fellow being, for the Kingdoms, for the establishment of  peace in the new humanity.

Let the Divine Breath purify you of your anxieties, vanities and curiosity.

May Its simple Presence reveal to you that which you should know.

The Holy Spirit does not manifest as a concept in the mind. Its Presence is inexplicable; it can only be lived and experienced. Its Gifts become visible in a way that the mind does not know how to understand or explain. 

The Spirit of God is only within humankind, because that was how it was in the beginning and must be at the end. For this reason, this Holy Spirit approaches the Earth and today knocks on the door of your hearts.

That which is a mystery to you, let it be life.

Do not think of the Spirit of God; live in the Spirit of God. This is done by opening the heart, surrendering your own spirit, your mind, body and feelings, so that you may become something new, so that you may change into that which you should have been from the beginning, children.

Today the Spirit of God fills this place. 

Feel the invisible Presence of God and allow it to make Sacred that which was lost within and outside of yourselves.

There is no way to explain the Spirit of God, His Holy Spirit, immaculate, perfect, part of a One God, who calls you today to awaken.

Today the Presence of God manifests like a breath, so that tomorrow it may descend as a fire and ignite you in a flame of awakening that will make new those who open their hearts.

Believe in this Grace, in this Divine Presence.

Today God grants you something special, a unique opportunity, because you need it.

You have already been distracted for a long time in the illusions of this world.

Your Spirits are thirsty to fulfill their own mission, and this mission, children, is not your being heroes in a world of chaos; it is your making a difference in a world that is being lost, it is your being a light on the table when the house of this Earth is dark.

Your greatest mission is to be true, transparent, to love your neighbor as yourself, and God above all things.

And it is by respecting and living these Laws that all mysteries will be revealed to you. Respecting and living this Law, you will be worthy of knowing the other laws, which walk behind the First Law, which is Love.

Love is the doorway to the higher worlds, to the dimensions that are unknown to you, because they are hidden before your ignorance, but that will not always be so, because the time, the moment, and the hour to awaken has already come.

Knowing the human condition, the Spirit of God makes itself present and blows within the hearts that know how to say "yes", to thus help them in this awakening, in the living of love that you came to manifest in the world.

Throughout the centuries and in all human evolution, the Spirit of God was present among humankind to awaken them and remind them that it was time to live something new.

The Spirit of God manifests when the cycles must change, when humanity needs an impulse to be reborn. And that time has come.

Thus, open your hearts and feel the Spirit of God, which awakens within you that which you should have manifested from the beginning, because you received from the Father the Gift to do so.

What the Holy Spirit does with Its Presence is to touch within you that which is dormant so that it may awaken. 

You live in this world expressing something that you are not and you keep unknown that which is real. 

Thus, The Spirit of God comes to the world, blows away the dust that covers the truth within you so that you may see it. 

The Spirit of God will blow day and night, preparing the fire that comes from His Heart and that ignites souls in a definitive way.

Give honor and glory to the Spirit of God and to  His Presence.

Let your hearts be glad before Him and do not fear to be new, to be other, to be true; do not fear to ask for forgiveness to free the past and forgive yourselves, so as to not hold within yourselves your own errors.

Do not fear to express Love and to risk saying "I love You" to the Father, just as to all creatures.

Love the God who is present in all things and, even though you do not know Love and it does not seem real to you when you say "I love You," say it anyway, because little by little, that truth will awaken in your hearts.

I call you children because I love you in the same way that a father loves his child.

I am not the Supreme Father, Who is in the Heavens, but I love you in His name, just as He loves you, because He taught Me. 

Let this Love awaken in your hearts and love your neighbors as your children, love the children of war and those who suffer in illusions, love the lost youths and those who are helpless on the streets of this world.

As if they were your children, love those who today ignore you, who hate you.

As if they were your children, love those with whom you have no affinities, and instead of constantly judging them, understand them and love them as a father and a mother love their children and understand their paths and their choices, always being an example to them, but surrendering when you cannot transform them.

You, children, will not transform all the things of this world on your own.

Your mission is not to force people to be different, but rather to give an example, to understand and love above all things.

You will not participate in the errors of others; you will always be there, showing them a different example, and when you make a mistake, be glad for seeing the example of your neighbor, which shows you a path that you could not see.

In My Presence, may the Spirit of God awaken within you the Gift of humility, so that it may open the path to you for learning about Love.

With these simple words, in this Great Presence, I bless you and I tell you that I will always be here, because I love you like a Father who loves his children.

In the Presence of the Reliquary of My Chaste Heart, I draw from it a memory that I lived on the spiritual planes, because God granted Me that Grace, and in that instant, through the Authority of My Son, Who was the Son of God, I was consecrated Father and Priest so as to give souls the Grace that He had given Me.

Together with Him, I lifted up that Cup, as He taught Me, just as I do today, blessing it together with God, so that it may transform into His Blood.

I also lifted up that bread together with My Son, the Son of God, just as I do today, blessing it before the Father, Who contemplates all the Priests, all those chosen by Him to bring Heaven to Earth, and this bread converted into His Body.

Also today, I bless this water as a symbol of the maximum mercy that sprang from the side of Christ when He was on the Cross.

Drink of the blood and of the water, so that mercy may be made flesh within you and so that you may be merciful.

That memory, which I radiate today from the Reliquary of My Heart, enters these elements and transforms them, because that is the Will of God for this moment.

Be glad and let your spirits rejoice in the Spirit of God.

Give Him your sorrows, your illnesses, and difficulties on all levels, so that He may heal you and teach you to live in peace, to multiply peace and carry it to the world.

Contemplate this humble Reliquary not to adore it, but simply to find in it a Bridge to God, to place at His Feet your human imperfections and find that seed of the new human that dwells in your hearts.

For this, I have consecrated this Reliquary together with God, so that He may help you to achieve those things that are impossible for you, just as I achieved them when it was impossible for Me to transcend the human condition.

With that Grace, I bless you again and I thank you.

I will eternally thank you because, amidst a blind humanity, your hearts are awakening, your eyes are opening and the Spirit of God will be able to live within each one of you.

Thank the Father, together with Me, for all that He gives you.

I leave you My Peace and My Grace, a Grace that God granted to My Heart.

In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

I thank you.

So that I may rise to Heaven, sing the song of the Reliquary of My Heart and let It radiate, radiate its Gifts together with the Gifts that come from the Spirit of the Father, which comes to the world  this morning.

Remember the children in the wars; remember the mothers that lose their children; remember the men and women that yield to the manifestation of chaos and terror.

Cry out for mercy, no matter the errors that humanity makes. What is most important in this time is that you repent and that there always exist those who cry out, in His Name, for a new opportunity.

May the Gifts of the Reliquary of My Heart pierce your hearts and, through you, who are part of humanity, may they reach this whole planet.

I thank you and will always thank you.


Feel My Love in the breeze that caresses your face.

Feel My Love in the blowing of the wind.

Feel My Love in the sound of the waves and in the harmony of their movement.

Feel My love expressed in the Kingdoms, in each part of Nature.

Because I am the Mother of nature, the Mother that regenerates the life of the spirit and of matter.

I am the Mother who gestates and conceives what is new for each being.

Therefore, feel me in each part of this Creation, because I am always present there.

Be a part of this communion with all that is created, with all that the Father created with so much Love so that His children could glorify Him and recognize Him in each aspect of Creation.

Union with Creation, between creatures and God, can be inalterable.

This sacred filiation with the Highest allows souls to find meaning in all that exists and why it exists in this way.

I would like all My children to enter into this same consciousness of union with Nature, so as to restore the deepest wounds of the Earth.

I thank you for responding to My call!

Who blesses you,

Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace


Enter in communion with the kingdoms of nature and learn to love the essence of the Creation.  Observe the kingdoms and learn how to live permanently under the sublime Laws of God, in perfect harmony with the Creator.

In His Divine Plan, the Creator granted an attribute for each expression of His Divine Face, for the kingdoms of the planet to manifest.

Commune with the peace, with the harmony, with the beauty of the waters; commune with the healing and with the liberation of the minerals.

Commune with the elevation of the trees and with the constant spirit of self-giving of the Plant Kingdom which, in its humility, always delivers the best to God, no matter how it will be treated, cared for or loved by others. The Plant Kingdom knows of the Divine Law of self-giving to God and to His Higher Plan. Contemplate this kingdom and through it discover the secret of the emptiness of self. 

Contemplate the Animal Kingdom and learn from its love for life; learn to defend the Laws of God, to take care of your neighbor and to be always faithful to the One you fully love.  Learn from the plenitude of the Animal Kingdom and, with the same naturalness of heart, be a guardian of Life and of the Perfection of God.

Contemplate in your inner world the angels and devas, who in the invisible create and recreate the beauty of this manifested world.  Learn from them to manifest beauty in silence, to work in secret and to deliver the best, without the need for anyone to know of your existence.  Live the sublime attribute of humility that the angels and devas express in the world.

Contemplate the elements and how they complement one another; then discover how to share what the other needs in order to express themselves.  Be like the wind, which permits the existence of fire, and gives to its neighbor all possibilities for being that which is perfect and which is latent in their interior.

And, learning from the Kingdoms of Nature, express that which is most sublime that the human being has: its possibility of learning that which is most beautiful in all Existence, and of living it, within itself, in the essence of love for the Creation.

I love you and wait for you to have simple hearts and meek spirits, always willing to observe the Creation and to learn; always willing to love and to give from yourselves that which is missing in the other, for them to achieve perfection.

Your beloved Father and Instructor,

Saint Joseph, Apprentice and Servant of the Kingdoms of Creation

Who are we?

Association Mary
Founded in December of 2012, at the request of the Virgin Mary, Association Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception, is a religious association without ties to any institutionalized religion. It has a philosophical-spiritual, ecumenical, humanitarian, charitable, cultural character, and it supports all activities that are indicated through the instructions transmitted by Christ Jesus, the Virgin Mary, and Saint Joseph. Read more
