Stay in My arms today, child of Mine, because My mantle of light will make you invisible to the eyes of My adversary.  Stay between My hands, because My Maternal Love will make you stronger than the sorrow of the world.

Do not let the great door of purification be opened because God, Who is in the Heavens, has already counted the seconds and the minutes where each child of Mine will have to face the last battle.

Stay with Me and pray by My side.

Although the storm is greater than the very fortresses that I have constructed with My Love, the ground will not tremble because the foundations that I build are unmovable.  Stay today between My arms and do not fear anything; the cycle of surrender and of humiliation shall be lived by each child of Mine, because in order for the next time of peace to be born, all of My children will have to live their purification.

Let today, child of Mine, Your Heavenly Mother wash your body and your impurities with the divine water of My Grace; lie down and surrender yourself into My arms so that I may purify you and convert you in the model that God has asked of Me; in the model of the great redemption.

Rest today, child, between My arms and do not look that much the constant falls;  I come to raise you from the ground, and bring you to the eternal lap of the Heart of My Son.  His Mercy is as great as His Justice; for this come with confidence towards Me and do not give up before the great time.

For My children I fulfill the Works of God, for this I protect you like a lioness protects her cubs, nothing will be able to frighten you.

Open space, child of Mine, so that the impurities of the old will be banished.  In the same way that My Heart prays and implores for each one of you, My hands of a Mother undo in time the knots of egoism and of foolishness that live in each of you.  Prayer is the source of every solution, it will always rekindle the heart that is dim and without inner light.

The red dragon draws its armies closer before facing the Lady Dressed of the Sun.  In turn, the stars of My Crown are launched to the Earth in order to demarcate the spaces where the dragon will neither be able to step nor find anyone of you.

When the Lady Dressed of the Sun has thrown Her last star of salvation to the Earth, the great door will open, the great cycle will be untied and it will not have an end.

The armies of light will have to be already formed so that, through the divine word of prayer the islands of salvation, which were marked by the stars, will be manifested.

And the great sign will arrive, thus all shall be more fused than united since the dragon will not enter this space of the consciousness because it will ignore it.  This time, child of Mine, has not yet arrived, but it will not take long for this to happen.

The seals of the Apocalypses are being opened and the angels will wait for the answer of the creatures of God. The purification is the preamble of a time that is different for all; a time that humanity ignores.

May your purification be, in this immediate time, the preparation and the liberation of all of the debts, because unity and prayer will be the instruments that will defeat My adversary.

I thank you for answering to My call!

Read the messages everyday.

Who trains you in the armies of the celestial light,

Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace


Dear children,

May in times of Apocalypse, you only live in the faith of the heart.

For this, children, may your souls confirm to the Celestial Father the absolute feeling of trust and love, that each one of you has for the Creator.

Today I pour over your spirits the Creative power of the Love of God, something that humanity forgets to search and to practice with the heart.

In these times, the Living Love of God will be what will help you to bear the cycle of internal changes, which will come for all without exception.

My children, seek the Love of God through the Love that Christ tirelessly offers you every day.  For this, My hands touch your hearts today to ignite them in the Light of the Love of the Creator, in the love that trusts, in the patient love, in the renewing love.

Take in your hands the rosary and pray with love, because that will liberate you from all evil and you will not fall in the ambush of the enemy’s trap.

With your hearts in faith you will bear every test and disturbance and when the time to face your purification comes, the power of your prayers will have made you meek and peacemakers in the Heart of Christ.

Allow, My beloved children, your debts to be alleviated and forgiven.

Always trust in the Mercy of God and do not waste time in the superficial problems.

Despite the serious situations that humanity lives, I bring you the definitive opportunity of being able to reach the inner sanctification.

Everything indicates that something must happen in these times.  The Universal laws that spring from the Heart of your Celestial Father are combining so that the harmony that is lacking in this world may be able to manifest.

Only through determination you will open the right door so that the whole of humanity do not miss the opportunity of receiving the Mercy of My Son.

I always shelter you with My Love.

Your Mother prays for you, so that someday you may be what you came to be: worthy in the Lord and in His Unfathomable Love.

Pray for those that, influenced all the time by the modernities, are imprisoned in the technologies and lose the inner thread of light that unites them with the Love of God.

Be what My Son expects: be apostles of love and of redemption.

I thank you for answering to My call!

Who calls you to love with the heart and with the soul,

Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace


Dear children,

If your hearts study in the school of humility, one day they will be pure and, living the purity of the heart, you will transform your faults and you will be able to live in the Mercy of God.

For this, My children, work ardently in this time to achieve the purity of heart.

My rays are poured over you so that, touched by My Light, you may always live in the Redeeming Love of My Son.

Through your steps taken on the path of transformation, your Celestial Mother finds the open path to liberate the souls from the constant perdition.

Open the arms and receive the Light of My Immaculate Heart in the center of your souls.

You are in time to change attitudes and customes that are part of the old humanity.

With your transformation and immediate redemption, you will say “yes” and give the true testimony to the Celestial Father, who will be pleased to see His small creatures willing to redeem themselves.

Your Master of Love offers you the opportunity to correct your ways and follow Him despite the consequences.  You, My children, by living in His absolute trust, will acquire a spirit of faith that will be unbreakable in the moment of the great planetary battle that humanity will live.

The current time indicates the time of conversion to give way to the definitive consecration of your hearts and lives.

Children of Mine, go through the cycle of your purification, renouncing everything that bothers you and opening the eyes to the horizon of mercy which comes to redeem all evils.

My path is opened in your paths, for this, do not miss the hour of your redemption.

I Am your Mother and I hold you in My arms so that you may always feel Peace.

The world still does not understand the gravity of the times.  I, in the name of My Son, bring to your consciousnesses that the time to change and heal the past has come.

I thank you for answering to My urgent call!

Who heals you,

Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace


Dear children,

As it is urgent that you live redemption and peace, it is also urgent that many places in the world, such as this one(1), live their cycle of purification so that, through the Grace of God, the souls may rediscover the path of the heart of My Son, the one they have lost because of superficial things.

Throughout time, I bring you from the universe, the consciousness of the Higher Life.  Thus, your Celestial Mother helps you to direct your little lives towards the Lord.

Time indicates a change, not only in consciousness, but also in the attitude of each child of God.  The world can no longer live the same life and be the same way as if nothing happened around.

For this, children, work all the time for your purification, thus you will confirm to the Celestial Father that this project created by the Most Pure Source of Love may live its time of transformation.

In prayer is found the impulse to transcend inner obstacles and deceits that the enemy spreads.  But now I am stepping on the head of the serpent to prevent it from injecting its harmful poison in the hearts that in this cycle decided to help Me to fulfill My plans of Peace.

Through your permanent donation, the doors of Grace will open for all and the most unprotected ones shall receive their fair share.

Live through the Light of My Son and dissipate from your inner beings any darkness or test that may want to make you succumb.  The victory that My Son reached through you is not finished yet.  The indicated hour is pointing to the moment of redemption of the souls and of the liberation of the hells that live upon your world.

The celestial universe opens the doors to guide you and indicates you the path of truth and constant inner transformation.  My Heart will always bless you and, even though the soldiers may fall by themselves, My hands will elevate them towards the Mercy of God.

Do not forget that you, My dears, participate in an infinite purpose that God leads through the Sacred Hearts.  For this greater reason, collaborate all the time with building between you, a spirit of peace and without rivalries.

Do not let enter through the small door, any influence of evil.  My rays protect your daily steps of consecration and service.  Some day you will comprehend all I have said to you.

I thank you for answering to My call!

Who blesses and redeems you in the name of Christ,

Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace


(1)  The Virgin Mary refers to the place where the mesage was being transmitted at.


Dear Children,

May peace exists for ever in your hearts and may it be the peace of My Immaculate Heart that which may encourage you to live all the time the inner transformation that will be the mirror of a great external transformation.

For this, children, with gaze of kindness and maternal love, I am introducing you in this last stage of the redeeming path, which My Son offers you for this time.  By living the cycle of your purification, you will find inside yourselves all of which must already die so that on the day of tomorrow, My dears, you may participate in the Kingdom of God.

With your purification and service, the world will transform itself and it will no longer be necessary that the souls suffer the price for their own decisions.

In the spirit of permanent prayer you will find the master key which will allow you to transcend the end of the times and the inner time in each being.

Risk yourselves to surrender to your Celestial Mother that which attaches you the most to this material life.  Entrust to God your families because, due to your untiringly service, the Plan of the Most High is being repositioned in a higher celestial sphere.

Be for this cycle that which you have never been.  Be apostles of My Son, those who do not separate themselves from the purpose and neither deviate from the path of the inner evangelization that Christ is performing through their lives.  While the world faces the result of its decisions, your Celestial Mother comes to help you to redirect the inner dwelling of millions of hearts towards the true universal principle: towards Christ.

Unite yourselves more and more to My Immaculate Heart and do not allow, children of Mine, that the misleading ideas of the enemy enter your minds and dwellings.  So that this may not happen, affirm in your lives that you will live this time to answer to the designs of My Son Jesus.  In this way you will be true soldiers with whom My Son will count on to carry forward the purpose of guiding this outraged humanity towards the supreme school of rehabilitation.

Open the doors of the heart in order that the words of the Celestial Messengers may arrive deeper and deeper and thus, the Kingdom of God may be established in each interior.

Entrust to My care your dear ones, share the mercy that you receive every day and together, with Me, let us rebuild this decaying humanity.

Despite the consequences, through your faithfulness, you will make My Immaculate Heart triumph.

I thank you for answering to My call!

Who summons you to the praying army of light,

Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace


Dear children of Mine, that in your time of purification may only exist the reason to serve God and His Universal Plan, above yourselves.

Today I invite you, little of Mine, to see the sprouts from the seeds of Christic light that with so much love and effort were placed into the tabernacle of your hearts.

Do not fail to look upon the greatness and the transformation that My Son has realized in you.  With spirit of faith and determination live the cycle of your purification, offering to the Eternal Father all of your sorrows and discomforts, for those souls that are here on the Earth and that not even deign to look at God neither remember Him as something primordial for this time.

For this I say to you, children of Mine, have compassion for those hearts, that subjected to luxury and modernity, lose the path that leads to believe in God.  God the Father entrusts you certain tests in order that, by delivering them to His Heart of living Love, the world may be relieved again.

To those hearts who do not hear the Celestial Mother, it will only be left to live and suffer the result of their own choices in life.

Children, the path is one and only, there are not two anymore, it is with Christ or it is without His Higher Will.  May you be bearers of Grace for this cycle, may you represent the new redeeming apostolate of My Son and give testimony of His next and second coming to the world.

With your little spirits in the highest of Heaven, may you receive today, children, the consolation and the peace to live your purification as an offer of constant sacrifice and reparation.  Do not get tired before the expected time, Heaven waits for your maturity and redemption in order that the Kingdom of God may at least be established in the souls transformed by Christ.

In peace you will find the inner strength in order to face the end of a time destroyed and deteriorated by the consciousness of humanity.

You, My dears, by becoming apostles of My Son and professing your constant faith, will achieve the Grace of always having Me by your side, even in the moments of greatest tribulation.

I thank you for answering to My call.

Who protects you,

Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace


Surrender to Me and you will survive in this time.

I have washed you with My Water to purify you. I dried you with My Mantle to protect you.

I healed you. I healed your wounds with My Blood and all were witnesses of My wise Return to the heart.

Fill yourself with My Light. Be nurtured by My Spirit and withdraw from evil, which only wishes to harm you.

Do not open even one door to the enemy, but rather wait for Me with open arms when I come to visit you.

Be supported by My Trust; you already know that I will not deceive you. Allow My Divine Fire to burn your structures so that now the new redeemed being may be born.

What are you waiting for to surrender to My Light and be a particle of My Christic Energy?

Before you enter My Kingdom, you must empty yourself a whole lot more than you imagine. But have faith and hope, My Hands will never let go of you. I will accompany you until the end, when you truly give Me the space to do so.

I leave My Heart as an offering of life. I would like all to hear Me, as you once heard Me.

It is now time to prepare the dwelling place. It is already time to unify with rather than distance yourself from Me.

My Father has given you everything and I too will give this to you. Thus, trust in what happens within you. Do not feel alone or abandoned, because the shepherd never abandons Hisprecious sheep.

Come and remain in My Lap, in this way you will be worthy of being called a Child of God. While I wait for you to take the step toward My Heart and be a part of Me, I will not cease to tell you that you must return to Me.

I am here for you and nothing else, just as I am for each soul and essence that My Kind Father has conceived.

I Am the Guardian of your life and your destiny.

I Am the perfect Threshold to cross and walk with faith toward the unknown.

I want to make something of you that is unknown to you. I wish for you to let Me work and continue, for My plans for your existence are deeper and truer than you may imagine.

Confess to Me and do not miss the chance for renewal through My Presence in your heart.

Will you accept Me in the way that I Am?

Who will dare to erase their identity to be a part of Me?

Who will wait, in joy and in glory, for My Return?

Now, I come and visit you in Spirit, but I will come in Glory so that you may remember Who I Am.

I only wish to have instruments purified by My Mercy in My Hands. I only wait for your final 'yes'.

Now listen to what I will tell you directly to your heart: "Child, small prayerful soldier without a sword, rest in the Arms of your Commander so that, in the dawn that will come, you see the flame of Love emerge in your inner universe, the glorious flame of the resurrection of humanity."

Under the glory that permeates and consecrates you, be blessed.

Thank you for visiting My Sacred Heart, in prayer.

The Glorified Christ Jesus

Weekly Message of the Glorified Christ Jesus transmitted at the Marian Center of Figueira, Minas Gerais, Brazil, to the visionary Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón

Let My Blood circulate within your heart. The powers that I manifest and give you are unknown to you.

Let My Blood circulate through your veins, so that your codes of the past may be renewed by My codes of light and redemption. Let My Blood remove all your cells from their place.

Let My Blood purify your feelings and transmute your wounds, for I have the power to reverse all evils. If My Blood does not yet live within you, seek the reason why you do not have Me within you.

Let My Blood free every part of your being; and may your body, even while it is still impure, reach purity and consecration through Me, because what I offer you is not part of your will nor of your desire.

I come from a cell of Higher Life that illuminates even the smallest particles of those who seek Christification through the giving of self. Therefore, let My Water emerge from within you, so that every corner of your being may be bathed by My Water of Life and Liberation.

Let My Spirit dwell within you and cause that which is now old, to die. I have the authority to renew you and, at the same time, to embrace you with My warmth and My peace during the hard cold nights that will come.

Let Me act through you and, in a short time, you will not recognize yourself, for I will perform wonders in your life.

Leave your miseries and tears on the palm of My hands so that, in the name of My Father, I may convert your evils into blessings, your sorrows into liberations, your unhappiness into joy, your doubts into affirmation and truth.

Therefore, I wish My Spirit to have a dwelling within imperfect souls; I seek them and they hide from Me out of fear or distrust. If this happens to you today, it is because you do not know the power of My healing Love.

Let Me be in you, day and night, in your mistakes as well as in your virtues. I contemplate the world and keep it every day within My Heart, in spite of the wounds that many cause Me.

Let Me be unity and life, Mercy and consecration; if you only allow, in a short time, you will be My apostle.

Allow Me to be, allow Me to act, allow Me to live in you, just allow Me to be in you forever because the only way out is through Me.

Under the Love of God, be blessed and united.

Thank you for just allowing Me to be!

The Glorified Christ Jesus


As a bird that flies over the world I come in search of those who have not awakened for My last Call.

Many have heard the resounding of My voice throughout the centuries but few were those who could truly understand the essence of what they were living.

For the first time in the history of humanity the Woman Dressed of the Sun comes to reveal Her true Face so that the beings of this Earth may be able to get out from the ignorance in which they find themselves in life.  For this I prepared you for such a long time so that you may be able to be the hands that will remove the veils of human unconsciousness.  But for this My children, it is necessary that unconsciousness itself be healed and that your hearts have already defined themselves in this time of purification.

I need firm hearts that are aware of the essence of these times and that do not have their attention on what they live here on Earth, but on what they will live in the universe, from that which they have achieved in this world.

My children, all will be purified in this time.  There will not be a soul upon the surface of the Earth that will not live its moment of purification.  For this I ask you today that you affirm yourselves in the Power of prayer and in the love of the unknown because in this way, when the time comes to purify and to balance all the debts that you have before God, you will do it upon a strong foundation that will sustain you in the correct path and that will show you that you are living what was foreseen for you and that will soon pass.

My beloveds, if you affirm yourselves in prayer you will be able to purify yourselves in a more harmonious way because in spite of all inner suffering, you will count on My aid that in some way will lead you and shelter you always.  But if on the contrary, you do not build this praying foundation, you may be very confused in this moment, allowing the enemy to tell to your heart lies that will have a tone of plain truths, diverting your souls that for so long persevered in fidelity on this path.

I want you to grow up My beloveds, definitively.  The times of today are no longer the same as yesterday.  Do not wish to keep within and outside you the same planetary scenery because this will not be possible.

The one who may get attached to the images of the past will suffer the abrupt transformation that the world lives.  But the one who may let themselves be transformed and may allow the internal structures to be demolished will never suffer because they will be transformed together with the world and, in spite of living internally the chaos that is lived externally, they will also see in themselves emerging a new life when this life is stabilized in the world.

I do not want you to be scared with what you live, but know that many will not be able to support the internal and external transformations and purifications.  But for all the merits that you have generated, your evolution will still be able to be saved, even if it may be in the level of the spirit.

My beloveds, My words resound with the tone of these times because you must be mature to understand what truly happens in the world.  Have childish eyes no longer before the reality that waits for you to mature, but rather with firm feet.  On this boat of salvation, row, row without faltering. 

I Am the Mother of Figueira, the fig tree which gives the sap of Life so that its fruit may not wilt.  In Me are united Earth and Heaven, Spirit and matter, the new and the old human.

Understand that if My presence were not among you, the self-summoned would not be able to answer to their commitment.

I Am the voice of the Divine Truth.  That one who listens to Me with attention will find in Me each step to be taken.  In My words is found the path for the materialization of the Plans of God.  Do not be deaf in face of the Divine Word.  Follow the echo of the Celestial Messenger.

I love you and I conduct you to the Heart of Christ, the Universal King.

Mary, Lady of the Sacred Figueira


Dear children,

I come from Heaven as a Star of Confraternity, of Light and of Prayer.  Today I come to the world in order that through an act of repentance and of forgiveness it may be a repository of the Kingdom of My Peace.

I have come holding between My sacred hands the knots that are tying your lives.   Only through your faith and determination to achieve sanctity in this planetary life will I be able to help you to untie the knots that drown you and that do not allow you to breathe My celestial air. 

By means of My Maternal Grace and by the divine authority that My Son has given Me, I come to untie the knot in order thus to liberate humanity.  For it to be possible, your prayers and sincere offers to My Immaculate Heart will allow the doors to the redemption of the hearts to be open.

Again and again I have descended in Glory upon this blessed hill, that which has been converted into the point of light for this region.

But I need you, I need your hearts to be bright stars of love and of peace for the world.  In this way you will be able to dissolve the knots that are held in your little and simple consciousnesses.

Only by means of the power of the Holy Rosary will you manage to live the path of purification and of sanctity.  Your souls must convert themselves into living mirrors of the Will of God.  In this way, by means of My intercession your steps and footprints will be more luminous, they will be the footprints of the apostles of My Son. 

Today I untie especially the great knot of incomprehension and of bad feeling.  The knot that the enemy has patiently dedicated itself to create in the minds of those who do not dedicate time to the prayer of the heart. 

Now, as mature souls by means of My sacred instruction, the moment has come to you, after seven years of Graces, for you to meditate about the steps that you have taken with Me.

Beyond all that this world goes through and suffers, I bring you the Grace of being able to recognize My Maternal Love, the Love of God, the Love of Mother and the Understanding of all the problems and spiritual conflicts that many of my children live today.

For this, beloved children, see in your horizons the Saving Light that comes to aid you and that passes through here for the last time.  See the splendor of the Divine Love that wants to liberate and purify you so that you may be true humble servers of Christ.

To whoever supplicates to Me with heart and with soul, with faith and with spirit, I promise to help to untie the knots by means of the following charismatic prayer:

Charismatic Prayer to Our Lady Untier of Knots

Lady of Celestial Power,
untie from our consciousness
all the knots that oppress us
and close our paths.

Lady Untier of Knots!
Cut and liberate the ties of our lives,
may Your Light of Divine Wisdom
banish and dissipate the abysses of this world.
May Your celestial mantle of protection and shelter
guard us eternally
under the power of Your Love and of Your Guidance.

Sacred Mother who unties all knots,
may our lives, together with Your Angels and Archangels,
be untied by the imposition of
Your sacred hands.

Pray for us
 for all days that will come
so that, united to Your Maternal Consciousness
we may see, coming in Glory, the day of our redemption,
the day of the Return of Christ,
Our Savior.


       I thank you for answering to My call!

Peace and Blessing.

Mary, the Lady Untier of Knots


Prayer: Immaculate Lady of Peace

Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón de Jesús transmits the Words of the Virgin Mary:

I want you to repent for all that you have not done well up until today. You are in the Kingdom of My Peace, and this is the last chance to pour out My Grace over you.

I have come to purify and cleanse your hearts of all stain; and just as I do with you, I also do it with all of this sleeping humanity.

Today I have come so you may seek a reflection of the heart, a deep meditation of the soul and spirit in light of the Graces and the opportunities received.

It is My duty that you may mature and that each day you love the Plan of God more as it manifests.

You have no knowledge of what is happening in the universe; all you have to do is unite with the Thought of God to be within the Law. Thus, day and night, I bring you into My arms so you may feel My full and deep Heart, a Heart that accompanies you every day of your life, which accepts errors, lack of understanding and difficulties so as to be able to free and heal you.

I come to bring you a Light that is unknown to you. I come to bring you the Present of God, which is His deep and true Love for you. I am passing through here, in these times, as I have passed through other places in the world.

You are in time to be able to grow and take on the tasks that I entrust to you; loving them without judging them, experiencing them in sacrifice and in surrender for all those who do not do it well.

I come to meet with you to ask something special of you: release all misunderstandings from your hearts. Evil is sowing poison in many hearts, and many adhere to that poison, believing that things are all well. Thus, I bring you the Law so you may know it, so you may live and practice it.

I know your hearts are immature and impure and have many faults before God. But throughout the times I have been with you, I have come to remove your faults and give you My Graces, which many have not considered very well, because it is something non-material and spiritual which will be projected in the near future for all.

For this reason, you must understand My Heart, beyond My requests and petitions. I come to ask you for simple but true things. I come as the Immaculate Heart to free this humanity, because through your offerings, the world will become calmer. All who have listened to Me, throughout the centuries in different places of the world, never ceased to receive My Love and My Will. Remember that I am the Spokesperson of the Divine Message and only need to pass on to you what God plans for these times; in this way, you will understand the Message with your heart rather than with the mind.

I come to bring you the strength of renewal and of peace.

Look back a little, in what shape were your lives and your hearts; what is it that you could not achieve on your own?

I bring you a greater knowledge, which is My favored Love for all of you. You must also want My favored Love so lives may change and transform.

At this moment, I come to bring you some truths that your hearts and souls must recognize. Thus, I gather you in My Sacred Cenacle so you may receive My divine perspective, My divine and pure thought for humanity.

Today, I need you to unite with all these things and define yourselves by living the Plan of God as it presents itself. In this way, you will not create problems for the universe, but rather will bring relief to this very sick humanity.

I come as your Mediator to transmit My Peace to you. Have you perceived that your hearts have been resurrected in spirit and that you have found what you lost a long time ago?

Dear children, today I invite you to be aware in your heart. My Son will be deeply grateful for your opportunity to reflect. All are imperfect in the eyes of the universe. And I, through My Grace and My pure Love, come to rescue the precious virtues in you, which will serve for fulfilling the Plan of God in these times.

Stop looking at the miseries of others. Look at yourselves and find the purity that dwells within you. I need you to be true transmitters of My Peace, verbs of the Divine Verb, emanations of this Sacred Holy Spirit that many times has filled you to overflowing with the Grace of God.

Dear children, the world is very difficult. Do not become lost in simple things, in insignificant things. Many serious situations are happening, day after day, in this world. Imagine that if you were not within My Grace, you would be part of the great cycle of the total purification of the Earth.

I come to prevent many things in this part of the world, as I wished to in the United States. Times are critical for everybody's spiritual world. Who is not redeemed through prayer will not be able to take the steps toward the Return of Christ, and you have been notified just like in Rwanda. Thus, I bring you a conscious Message, a call to reflection and the reconciliation of everybody.

The new Work of God will be built through good spirits. The Americas must be the morning star for the final cycle, must be the great antenna that acquires the Mercy of God. Thus, I come to seek simple but true channels.

Amongst all these impurities of the world, My arms and My hands have been extended to you to rescue you, so that you may be part of My Marian army of Peace. Thus, dear children, open your hearts every day, seek to open your hearts more each day. In this way, I will be grateful and will be able to dedicate My universal time to great situations in the world.

God has allowed Me, in this last century, to say things to all of humanity; one at a time, so that souls are able to grow and seriously listen. I need an honest sincerity from you, a profound adherence to My Marian Spirit that goes beyond emotions and feelings.

I come to discover warrior spirits in you that are able to help those who fall day after day. The only important thing in this time, dear children, is the salvation of this humanity and the Kingdoms before the great cause of the Law comes.

I come to prepare you in heart and soul, in devotion and prayer, so that you may be firm and safe, and be helpful to those who will have need of aid.

On this night of Graces and of reconciliation, I again ask, dear children, that you meditate on what you have not done well with your thoughts, with what you feel in your hearts and with what you allow to enter your souls.

I ask, in this last opportunity Heaven has given Me for you, that you be mirrors of prayer and of peace. Reflect joy and relief to the world. In this way, many who cannot do it alone, will achieve the healing they long for.

From Heaven, I guide you; from the Celestial Thrones, I assemble you. With Love and Purity, I call your attention, because it is time to truly grow and unite in your heart and soul with the Greater Purpose, which must descend to this material world, where non-material Laws must be energy and life for all. Laws that will transform you overnight into redeemed and rescued beings, and you will not be able to recognize yourselves.

Before the return of My Son Jesus, I come to announce the time of your purification. You will not be able to say, dear children, that I did not tell you; from the Mother of God you have heard the Sacred Words of Heaven that radiate and bless you with each Word pronounced by Me.

And this final request which I make from My Heart, in light of all the Graces received and the opportunities for redemption given to you, I come especially on this night to bless all the Children of Mary with the rain of My Graces and My Love; strengthening you in faith and in love so you may be seekers of the Supreme Wisdom of the great Thought of God, which will allow you to be united with His Will. Thus, I will descend over you a little more, in a spirit of Purity and Redemption, to bless you and thank you.

Come with Me.


Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón de Jesús:

With all our heart and soul, we will sing "Hail, Hail, Hail Mary," waiting for the blessing of Our Lady.


Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón de Jesús transmits the Words of the Virgin Mary:

My dear children, know that I deeply love you and need your consciousnesses to grow through the preferred love of the Law of God, which you will know when you follow My simple steps in prayer and in each offering that you make each day.


Sister Lucía de Jesús transmits the Words of the Virgin Mary:

Today I want you to know that throughout the centuries, under My Mantle I gathered those who committed to Me in the beginning. And today, in your hearts I want a question to echo, because if you do not allow yourselves to transform, My children, if I cannot count on those who committed to Me in the beginning, who will I count on in this world?

Today I want your hearts to be glad, but also that you confirm yourselves so that My Mantle, which today is over each of you, is able to definitely eliminate the cunning of the adversary in your lives.

My children, many times I have already told you that those who say 'yes' to Me will achieve peace and unity. But those who open the door to the enemy and do not allow My Heart to draw close, will not be able to give Me the permission for My Love to act in their lives.

Today, the Children of Mary multiplied in the world. These hearts are igniting to demonstrate to humanity that, in spite of all that is taking place on the planet, a Greater Light will shine.

I want you to be formed through prayer, through adoration and perseverance in the transformation of your lives. You are wearing a part of My Mantle so you may testify to My Presence in the world. And those who today are not wearing this shirt, do not be distressed in your hearts; the time will soon come in which all will be able to do so. My Heart acts little by little for the response of spirits and also for the material causes of this world.

My beloveds, today I leave My Maternal Light, My source of perseverance, upon you. Be renewed in My Presence and do not tire of being with Me. Let My Heart not be something normal in your lives, because I need your hearts and your consciousnesses, I need each one to discover, at this moment, that this Voice speaking to you is more than the Voice of the Virgin Mary. Before you is the Presence of God, and although you do not understand what you are experiencing in this moment, strive to respond to the universe for so many Graces and so many blessings you have received. Day after day, struggle to not lose the spirit of unity. Let the enemy not be able to enter into this house, which today I definitely consecrate through each one of you.

Those who say 'yes' to Me will never be touched by darkness, because you definitely belong to the Heart of the Servant of God, to Her Immaculate Spirit which descends to the world to show humanity that these are no longer ordinary times and that it must awaken to the Greater Universe.


Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón de Jesús transmits the Words of the Virgin Mary:

Thus, dear children, on this night bear My Graces and My reflections so your hearts are able to grow in the Spirit of God.

I thank you for responding to My call and may the holy blessing of the Archangel Michael be within you, now and forever.

In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

Sing now the "Spirit of God", so He may fill your lives and fill you with His Love and His Peace.

Tomorrow, on the Hill, a universal ray of My Heart will trace a new time.

I thank you.

I count on the response of each of you. I count on the response of all those present, all those who hear My Voice and who in their homes say 'yes' to Me: Yes, Mary, I am with You!

Monthly Message of the Virgin Mary, Queen of Peace, transmitted in the Marian Center of Aurora, Paysandu, Uruguay, to the visionary Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón de Jesús

Thank you, My child, for fasting; in this way, weaknesses and temptations fade away from the depths of the consciousness.

Dare to give Me that which you can truly give Me; because it is only through you that I will be able to carry out My Works of Peace in the world.

I Am the Sun of the starry night. I Am the Star that brings rejoicing and serenity for whomever seeks them. I Am the Path that opens to find the peace of the heart in this time.

Unite with My precepts and you will know My will, which I wish to concretize in your life.

Today, I bring you to the Portal of Peace so you may enter into My Kingdom and find the Peace that is not in you. Thus, join the universe of wonders and allow Me, through My Love, to bless you.

With this water with which today I bless everybody, I decree by this element the Purifying and Eternal Love of God, so the particles of the enemy may be dispelled and hearts find healing.

Over the water I pour the codes of Redemption and the Glory of My Son Jesus, so that those who have been sad and lonely may be able to again find unity with the Celestial Father.

Today I come so that, through this water, your debts be washed away and the Love of Christ the Redeemer enter into you.

With this same water, I will wash away your offenses, imperfections and fears; through it, I will leave the sign of Baptism and Renewal, by means of the Powerful Essence of the Holy Spirit.

Like the water with which Jesus was baptized, today I baptize you for the redemption of all, so that you may feel My caresses of Motherliness and of Peace.

Let the healing of the spirit be the goal for all; in this way, the doors of Paradise will be open for those who simply said 'yes' to Me from the start.

Over this water, I leave the universal Love of the Cosmos, the visible sign of purification and holiness for the newly redeemed.

Receive this water as the symbol of forgiveness and reconciliation with God the Father, so this Sacrament of Spiritual Baptism allows you to commune with the Gifts of God and His Adorable Son.

As your Mother, over this water I pour the spirit of liberation and of transfiguration, so that good spirits may rise up and find the peace of the heart.

I redeem you. I purify you. I absolve you.

In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

Thank you for responding to My call!

Your Mother, the Virgin Mary, Queen of Peace


Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón de Jesús:

As Mary transmitted this Message, She was consecrating this water.

So, let's receive this blessing with great love and much gratitude; in this way, as She said, we will feel ourselves washed by this water of life.

After Mother Zorobable does this blessing, there will be two brothers at the exit who will be breaking this bread with their hands, so those who feel like it, are able to commune and carry the Body of Christ in their hearts.

While the Mother does the blessing, let's sing.

Monthly Messages

As souls who serve lift the banner of persistence, of wisdom, of humility and of bravery of the heart, so that you may continue marching towards My Kingdom, towards the Redemption of this world.

O souls summoned by God!  To learn in this world about Love and Unity, I ask you to not lower your arms, to not tire of walking, because the trajectory of your lives will still be long.

Some will leave soon, leaving for the Earth the legacy of their learning.  Others will proceed in this world to learn a little more of everything that this planet may offer you.

I have gathered under My mantle those of My children that with bravery have surrendered all to Me and walk with faith towards the manifestation of the Great Plan of God.  And today I push them to take a step in their consciousnesses, an inner step, more than that of a physical step.

May each one of you seek, within My presence, the strength to transform that which until today you have not been able to, because I bring to your lives the possibility of an intense and permanent transformation.

I want you to manifest in these fields the Kingdom of Universal Healing for the souls in search of Redemption, and that all may be healers of this world together with those who, in the planes of the spirit, work tirelessly for God.

I see many hearts that are distressed from not being able to discover the path to take the steps in their lives.  Today I say to you My little ones, that you are upon one of the most sacred areas of this world, one which makes your consciousnesses live in a permanent state of purification.  But gladden yourselves, because this purification will allow that in a future time you may serve God with perfection.

In your lives begins to emerge all that humanity as a whole must transform.  Because of this at times it becomes so difficult to walk towards the New Human.  Make use then of all the impulses that God has given you and is giving you until now so that you are not taken by the waves of imperfection that exist inside each one of you and that, once in a while, come to the surface.

My beloveds, it gladdens My Heart to see such a great family, such determined hearts that have accepted to accomplish the Greater Will.

I want you to be able to trust more in each other and that, together you may establish in these fields the Kingdom of Our Lord, of Our Heavenly Father.

Risk yourselves to live the true fraternity, to love with the heart each day a little more.  Let the virtues that you guard under seven keys emerge.  Live something new every day, renew the adventure of being surrendered to God.  Overcome the barriers of life, face the difficulties and do not hide from them.  Go towards what seems hard to you and overcome the fear of taking a new step in your consciousnesses.

Love the kingdoms of nature and discover in them a source for the transformation of your souls.  If you want to take a great step, allow yourselves to know more deeply the kingdoms that surround you.  Share your lives with them and ask the Father to open your heart, so that you may finally understand in what way you must act with these beloved kingdoms, these expressions of the Divine Love that are so reviled in this world.

My beloveds, within My words I give you many keys, take them and open the doors of your hearts.

I thank you for being at My side and for being faithful companions of the Messengers of God.

Mary, your Mother and Universal Queen

Special weekly Message of Christ Jesus, transmitted in the Marian Center of Figueira, Minas Gerais, Brazil, to the visionary Friar Elías

Be humble before those who, through error or fear, abandon My precious and preferred path.

Pour out the infinite Graces that I have placed in your heart upon those who have lost them through ignorance. Take a risk to the point of giving your life for your friends. There will never be something similar or different that can destroy the love that with so much effort has been built among brothers and sisters.

Happy are they who fully believe in My Truth and profess it because I promise to compensate them on the day of their celestial glory.

Look now at My wounded spiritual Side, which is a sign of the anxieties and the deserts caused by souls into which, from the beginning, I have poured out My infinite Mercy.

All want to drink of the Source, but few dare to seek it through pain, the desert and the void.

Pay attention! I have shown you the path of the desert, and in truth, I tell you that you have not even crossed the first part of the great aridity of the heart.

Sometimes, I have you spiritually experience the thirst that humanity caused Me during the Passion, on the Cross; but I know that when this unbearable and unsustainable thirst worsens, many have the impulse to abandon Me at that time.

I know that after everything you will understand the mystery that I come to reveal to you, the mystery of suffering out of love and of enduring the bitterness that would punish the world. For this reason, day and night, I avail Myself of your inner-selves, to place within states of emptiness and transmutation, necessary to avoid the sovereign Law over humanity.

When you still believe that you will never see Me, I will visit you. When you still believe that you will never feel Me, I will cause Myself to be deeply felt; but My Law is to test the degree of your love and the unalterable faithfulness of your souls.

Woe to those who have not truly invoked Me! They will soon lose all that was foreseen to be received within their dwellings.

But so great and mysterious is the power of My Divine Mercy that I come to warn you, that if you have thought of abandoning Me, you still are in time to return to the path of My Heart, to the blessed House of Adonai.

Today I open your eyes to take away the dust of blindness. Today I touch your hearts so that, now and forever, you will be able to believe that I Am Who speaks to you: Jesus of Nazareth.

Blessed are the simple, for they will always find the suitable answer.

Let your feet not tire of following Me; let every inner desert be a reason for purification and the concrete affirmation of the Plan of My Father.

Under the Love of God, be blessed and intelligent.

Thank you for persisting through My Heart!

The Merciful Christ Jesus




Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón de Jesús transmits the Words of the Virgin Mary:

I Am the Queen of Peace and I want everybody to live in the peace that My Heart pronounces. We are in a difficult time, but peace is possible.

My Heart shines because of being in Argentina today. I have seen that My children responded to My call with more devotion.

You do not know, dear children, the repercussion this had in Heaven; for while you worked with Me today, I remained praying for you so souls could be touched by My Celestial Light.

In this way, dear children, see how simple it is to be an apostle of Christ; pronouncing a true word at the right time and proclaiming faith from your hearts for all, opening doors for those who have them closed.

My Immaculate Heart draws close to your lives today, as it once drew close in Fatima, Lourdes and Medjugorje. I Am the same one yesterday as today, I Am the Mother of eternity and the eternal present. I know each of your lives, your inner worlds and your intentions.

For this reason, on this night, I gather you together in My Cenacle of Prayer, the same way I did with the apostles, after the victorious departure of My Son to Heaven.

In this same way, My Son sends Me, during this era, so that I can group the flocks and take them to the stable of His Heart, in which all will live an eternal and perpetual Communion; in spite of the fact, dear children, that you are facing a time of purification, My Heart wants to strongly support you, hold you in My arms so you can feel the warmth and the Love of My Heart.

Today I announce Myself in Argentina as the Queen of Peace, just as I announced Myself in Venezuela, a short time ago. Understand, through this mystery of My Heart, dear children, how God sends Me on pilgrimage among the nations and the peoples, opening new doors of Light for all, reconciling hearts and healing lives.

Your true healing of the heart, dear children, is to be found in praying the Holy Rosary. But these times merit praying in an operative way.

Heaven needs to draw close to your consciousnesses so the Holy Spirit of God can act, can gather you as souls in the service of the Creator and aid sick humanity.

Many spirits that are on the Earth are extensively lost because of their actions and deceits; but My Celestial and Maternal Light is seen on the divine horizon and the Star of Peace draws closer to your hearts to remind you of your commitment to Christ.

My Heart does not come to evangelize your lives, but rather to open your hearts to the Greater Source.

Dear children, many of you have forgotten God. Life has taken away the time to pray with God from you and, in this way, you have forgotten about the Commandments, which were so important, dictated to Moses.

In these times, dear children, Christ sends Me to give you New Commandments, Commandments that you will find in the Attributes of the Universal Mother.

Be charitable with others. Be generous with those that most need it. Love those who have never loved and support a true faith in your hearts.

Heaven wants to pour a special Grace over you, but each of your souls has a time to be able to receive it.

Dear children, it is necessary that you create a condition with prayer, so that this Grace, which comes from God through My Heart, is able to be poured out in your lives and your families. I need you to consecrate yourselves to My Heart every day.

Know, dear children, that a good Mother always protects Her children; She prepares them to sleep at night and puts them into the arms of the Creator so that no evil may attack them; evils that are expanding in this world through the bad actions and grudges of human beings, the disturbances many hearts experience, the absence of peace that many live.

Dear children, accept My Universe of Peace, enter into My Ocean of Peace. My Son has granted Me this opportunity for all of you from the beginning, at the foot of the Cross; when He gave Me, as Your Mother, to all the children that are on the Earth. But there must be an inner permission, beloved children, so God may concretize His Plans in your lives.

Difficult times will come, but also times of Graces will come. I call on you to live in that special Grace, and that will begin, dear children, when you place your faith in God and alleviate His offended Heart through prayer, conversion and peace. I invite you to practice these simple things. I have been repeating it throughout the centuries, but very few hearts hear My call.

If you loved the Law of the Lord, there would be no suffering in your lives.

I was a Great Woman on Earth. I was a prophetess of Christ, and carried the Gospel to everyone, through teachings and love.

I know what it is to be a human being. I need you close to Me, so you are able to perceive My celestial energy. I gather you all together in the depths of My Heart. Pay attention, dear children, to the signs that will come. A Greater Grace always awaits you.


Sister Lucía de Jesús transmits the Words of the Virgin Mary:

As I promised, on this night, I bring celestial healing to your lives, and this healing I speak of, My children, is the healing of the soul, the healing of the spirit, which will be able to manifest in your lives only if you say 'yes' and if you open the doors of the heart to live something new, something unknown to your consciousnesses.

My children, at this time, I invite you to find Me with the gaze of the heart. You can visualize My blue Mantle, My pink robe, My white veil which falls over the shoulders, My bare feet which come to teach you the divestment of everything. You can contemplate My Crown of Stars, which represents the Love I have for each of your hearts. Each of your beings, My children, is one of the Stars of My Crown, which I ignite permanently through the Love of My Immaculate Heart.

See now, My children, how the hosts of Light bring to this Earth the Light of My Kingdom, and this Light permeates each of your hearts, enters into your lives and goes beyond your souls; because My Law is not of this world and I can reach all hearts that are connected with your beings, I can reach your families, those beings near and dear, because if one of you says 'yes' to Me, it is as if all of humanity receives that healing.

My children, I invite you to truly open your heart, to allow My Voice to resound within you, and as pure and simple children, you wake up to this call which for some time I have been making.

My children, each of your souls has a universal commitment to Me; thus, today you face My Heart, but it is up to each of you to decide if you will take on this commitment and become an apostle of My Peace or if you will continue in life ignoring the Light that calls you.

My children, these are times of definition for the world, and I want nothing more of your hearts than that you experience the Peace of My Kingdom, that you are able to live a life of fraternity, of unity with others, that you are able to be an example for the souls of the world that did not have the chance of being in My Presence.

My children, in this time it is necessary that there be a great change in humanity, a change in human actions, in feelings and in thoughts, a change in the relationship with the Kingdoms of Nature which have such need of your help.

Today, once again, I reveal that My Maternal Presence is in everything and that My Heart expands in the Kingdoms of Nature. Thus, when you care for these Kingdoms, you are communing of My Presence and of the Purity of My Immaculate Heart.

On this night, My Celestial Light enters into your lives. Thus, I ask that inwardly, you place at My feet all those situations that need light, that need redemption and healing, because if you trust in My Presence, I will always be able to help you, will be able to heal and guide you. In the silence of your hearts, cry out for My help, for I will lift the plea you give Me today to the Lord that, through the purity of His Servant, will grant Her the intercession for all of humanity.

My children, today I call you to a consecration of your life, so that many more are able to be consecrated to the Divine, surrendering their hearts to a Higher Life, opening to the unknown and bringing a Greater Life to the world.


Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón de Jesús transmits the Words of the Virgin Mary:

The healing begins with the faith in God and as from there, dear children, the doors to redemption open.

The Mother of Heaven loves all of Her children, the good Mother of Heaven has no preference for anyone, She loves all hearts the same, for all emerged from the Greater Source. You are sparks of the Spirit of God, flames of devotion which can be ignited in these times to help humanity to conversion and forgiveness.

For this reason, My Son sends Me to the cities to wake up those who sleep and, as a good Mother, remind you of the commitment to Christ, the perfect union of your beings with His Merciful Spirit.

Today, I will give you a simple example, in a new consecration of three precious souls, who on their paths, found Me and recognized Me as the Faithful Feminine Energy, the powerful manifestation of God in this world and in others, in the universes and in the stars, for My Heart comes from the Greater Source.

I Am the emanation of the Love of God for the Earth. I Am the incandescent Star for souls that are in darkness. I revive in spirit all those beings who are fallen, I lift them up with My hands and help them to walk toward Christ for a greater coming together.

Bless their hearts every day; it is possible to receive a Greater Grace, to find forgiveness and peace, which many have forgotten to experience because of the realities of these end times.

But My Merciful and Compassionate Heart also received the Precious Blood of Jesus. I adored the mystery of My Son on the Cross, and Am the first disseminator of His celestial powers, through His Body and His Blood, in the sacred mystery of Communion.

I invite you, on this night of the Cenacle, to enter into My Immaculate Heart so I may bless you and into your lives you may carry the Christic seed of Peace, which must sprout in the end of this time so that you may serve God and those that most have need of God.

You are possible apostles of Love. You are the new evangelizers through prayer. Live the devotion of My Heart. Open the doors of your homes so I may enter; I only need to be with you to be able to fulfill what I came to do in this time: to be the Mother of all, of all creatures, of all souls and of all hearts.

For this response you have given to My Heart, during this night of prayer, I deeply and eternally thank you.

Now, come close so I may bless you, placing My hands on your heads and, in this way, I am able to intercede for all My children before Christ, your Lord.


Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón de Jesús:

The Mother is waiting for you to come. Please stand up and come here.

Song: "Immaculate Heart of Mary."


Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón de Jesús transmits the Words of the Virgin Mary:

Dear children, on this night, I bless these sacred images, as I have already done so many times for My children. They are a symbol of the favored union between hearts and God, of those who trust in the mystery of My Divine Motherhood.

But I have come from Heaven on this night to bless these three precious creatures who have heard My Voice, just like all those present.

Today, over you I pour My Maternal and Immaculate Love, My Grace is projected like Light over your beings; opening My arms and reaching out My hands, I consecrate you and bless you, asking the Most High and Almighty God to intercede with Christ for all these precious souls that have found a path to My Son in this end time.

Thus, I ask the Archangels and Angels of Heaven to accompany these precious spirits, so they may assemble as a single flock and accomplish the promise of My Son, ardently and with devotion preparing for His Return to the Earth.

As the Most High Mother, I deeply aspire that you be able to recognize My Son when He returns, for He will show Himself to all those who want to hear the Return of the Master in their heart.

I thank you, now and always, blessing you with the Archangel Raphael and His Rays of healing and of transfiguration, which are born from the Fount of God for all the dimensions, the planes and existences, which the Almighty created.

Thus, I bless you under the Power God has given Me as Universal Mother, as Mother of the World, as Queen of Peace and of all hearts, so all beings may stand up from where they have fallen and walk toward Christ in trust and in peace.

My Motherhood protects you, My Light will guide your paths, My Heart will beat in your hearts as long as we are united in the prayer of the heart.

Be glad! This day is special, the Grace of Heaven is close to you and My Heart regards you with Love.

I thank you!


Song: "Revelations in Aurora."


Friar Elias del Sagrado Corazón de Jesús:

To close this meeting with our Most Holy Mother, we want to briefly reveal what happened during today's Apparition.


Sister Lucía de Jesús:

Today, as we all were able to hear, Our Divine Mother came as the Queen of Peace, as She described to everybody, with a white veil, light blue Mantle and a rose robe.

And a little before our Divine Mother came, while we were praying, the Angels and Archangels were already approaching this place and were beginning to carry out an intense task with us and with all this city.

They were freeing us from energies that were in us and in the world, which are generated by human actions, which as we all know, are not always the best. So, this is why praying fervently is important, of preparing this path with all our heart, because today, as we prayed intensely, our Divine Mother was able to deepen the task She was doing in this place.

When She was already present, behind Her we could see several doors that reached Heaven. It was as if we could see Paradise behind Her, a place full of Light where angels walked.

And from that place, an intense light was descending, which at the moment when She was speaking of healing, gradually became a green light. And that light entered into each of our beings, cleaning our hearts of all that we have difficulty with in our lives.

When She asked us to surrender those situations we needed to transform, it was as if your souls became very clear. And although you did not say anything, She could see all your beings as if you were transparent. And those who had a small opening of the heart received the intercession of our Mother.

She lifted up our offerings, which went through that portal from whence She came, and they were going to a place we could not see, but which She told us was at the Feet of the Creator.


Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón de Jesús:

We had the same vision with Sister Lucía. We just want to add that during a moment of the Apparition, several planets and constellations manifested which surrounded the aura of our Mother.

When our Mother asked for an intercession with the Father, the Archangel Raphael approached and worked directly with our essences and souls, with that which Our Mother calls divine; that inner point which each of us has, which connects us with God. For example, when we pray, that divine nucleus which is our inner God, is activated through prayer and we enter into perfect communion with the universe.

Our Mother emphasized this a great deal to us, and needs us to be able to consciously recover it. She was lovingly offering to help us, not only to heal our inner life, but so that we could unite with God more each day.

At the moment of the blessing, She descended a little more, approached us a little more. She lovingly called all of you for the blessing and, as She said, placed Her hands on our heads and we felt Her Motherly Love, Her protection, Her peace, Her profound harmony and hope. We felt God through Her hands, through the energy She poured out like Light; and symbolically, She embraced us all, holding us tightly to Her Heart so that, on this night and as from this moment, we could trust in Her, because She is our Mediator. She comes to recover that precious thing in us which we have lost, as She told us: joy, hope, fraternity, and mainly the prayer that will, according to our Mother, help us survive in these difficult times.

So, She universally invited us, on this night, to unite with the Universe of God through prayer, reconciliation and the union each of us is able to generate daily through striving, collaborating for this planet, for this humanity, which our Mother sees is spiritually sick and has need of healing, preparing to receive Her Son. And it is not the first time that our Mother tells us Her Son is returning.

On this night, She truly placed each one of us in Her arms, and like a loving Mother, contemplated our problems and difficulties. But on this night, She did not see our problems or difficulties; She contemplated our essences, the love we hold in our heart, and which She said we needed to pour out in this time to avoid some events and to be able to be healed in God.


Sister Lucía de Jesús:

While the Friar was telling the story, I remembered something.

When our Divine Mother began to make a movement, in which the Light descended from the Celestial Kingdom, and we could see that the Archangel Raphael was approaching with an intense green Light, and we felt the energy of healing reaching this place, our Divine Mother was telling us:

"I will be able to heal your souls, your hearts and your lives, but will you be ready to maintain what I will give you?"

We would like all of us to hold this question in our hearts, because in the same way that it is simple to receive this healing, it is also very simple to lose it through the actions in our lives. Because little by little, we go forgetting God, and if we don't hold on to this moment through our persistence and our prayer, this moment goes, getting lost in our lives.

So, our Divine Mother left us with a commitment, which is something simple: that we remember that energy She leaves within us and that, through our devotion and our faith, we become able to make it grow and multiply beyond ourselves, so that it may reach our brothers and sisters, so that others, through us, are able to receive what we received today.

Message for the Vigil of Prayer, received in the Marian Center of Aurora, Paysandu, Uruguay, transmitted by the Most Holy Virgin Mary, Mother of Jesus, to the visionary Sister Lucía

On this day, go on pilgrimage on the long path of your consciousnesses, an inner path on which you will find some obstacles to be surmounted, some tests to be experienced, and some memories to be forgiven and forgotten.

Seek to walk through the inner world with profound peace and joy, and even though the encounter with some situations may cause you pain, try and move beyond them with the joy of the day.

Allow yourselves, My children, to be guided by the Star of Bethlehem to the most simple and pure place of your inner world; a place that for many is unknown, but that exists and is now ready to receive the Son of God.

Today, the Lord offers you a possibility for freeing and healing ancient sorrows, fears, blame, old errors and suffering. Today, the Lord makes known to many of His children that they must transform in this time. Because to experience an effective and resounding transformation, you need to know all that is to be changed in yourselves. However, trust in the Grace that is granted you, of being guided by the Faithful Servant of God, and do not be shocked by what you may see about yourselves.

Those who allow themselves to take a step on this day will find themselves faced with a past to be redeemed and all that they have hidden from themselves for so long.

My children, make of this day a day of Glory, and of this purification, the harbinger of the glorious coming of My Son Jesus. Because for Him you will be building an empty and pure space, where He will be able to freely dwell, and will be able to reign with the totality of His perfect Consciousness.

The greatness of this day will manifest in the consciousnesses of the world, according to the openness of each one to what is being offered to them. The depth with which God will work in your consciousnesses will occur according to the openness of your hearts. Thus, be willing to experience something new, unknown, which will revolutionize your inner world.

My children, make of the pilgrimage on this day a moment similar to that experienced by Joseph and Mary on the night of the Birth of Jesus.

Much was gradually revealed to Joseph and Mary as the Birth of the Messiah drew closer. They offered Themselves to know and heal the evil that lived in the humanity of that period. As the Birth of Christ drew closer through the pilgrimage of Joseph and Mary, the energies of lust, greed, vanity and pride, which were expressed in that period with great intensity in human beings, were gradually changed and transmuted.

Mary's birth pains became more intense than that which was normally felt. They experienced the desolation and the affliction of not being able to give Christ a safe place in which to be born, and this experience of purification culminated when they understood the Will of God and gave life to Jesus in a stable, experiencing the purest humility and joy, and thus discovered that everything was to be healed through humility, purity and faith in the Will of God and in His divine guidance.

Today, for the hearts of the world, it will not be different. If you allow it, the Lord will have you live a great experience, which will culminate in the discovery of an emptiness of self and surrender to a divine humility.

My beloveds, gladden your little hearts today, and walk with Me, for I will be your Star of Bethlehem, and through prayer, I will lead you to the birth of Christ in your essences.

I thank you for allowing Me to guide your lives.

I love you always.

Your Mother, Mary of Nazareth, Star of Bethlehem


Do not fear, soul of Mine, to be polished as strongly as an old piece of wood in the hands of the Carpenter.  The greater the polishing, the greater the liberation, and consequently, dear soul, you will be liberated from the game of arrogance and vanity.  A good, well-treated piece of wood will last throughout the times.

Allow Me to mold you according to the perfect designs of My Plans.  Do not fear, dear soul, to be polished so deeply that the impurities of the unconsciousness may be released from you.  Surrender yourself entirely in My working Hands and you will soon see, soul of Mine, how it was necessary for you to detach from yourself for so long.

In new works, God pours His Spirit.  In purified hearts, God pours His Infinite Grace.  Dear soul, drink of the Water that I offer you from My Side so that, living in sacrifice, you may find the way of holiness and goodness.

Allow Me to show you the Will of My Father, soul of Mine.  Abandon yourself in My Heart.

Under the Light of God, be blessed.

Thank you for humbling yourself before My Heart!

Christ Jesus


If you lose the peace of your heart, you will soon know that you are lacking in love; for this do not permit that the hardships, the tests and the unachievable challenges that I send you with so much love, may take away your infinite patience. Now, in another degree of maturity of consciousness, all that God gives His children has the goal of liberating, each time more, the evil and the sin of humanity.

For this, in truth, those who are with Me until the end are always very few; the quantity of disciples who are encouraged to be burned by the Divine Fire of purification is the minimum.

Now, in a time of emergencies, the universe is served by the virtues and the faults of those who are Mine, so that in time they may revert all the causes that oppress the total consciousness of humanity.

In the path of suffering there exists transformation and the partial purification of that which many carry on their shoulders. But who in truth will risk to live it out of love?

While the clock of the world sets the moment of purification for all, I will support My disciples, those who are encouraged to carry a cross similar to Mine. Know that I will not leave you alone, because I know what it means for you to live the consecration in a time of chaos.

Under the Light of God, be blessed.

Thank you for persevering through My Heart!

Christ Jesus


In the face of the movements and the tests of life, My Mercy is present to help you purify your fears and the limitations that imprison you from the actions of the past.

Today I am here to remind you that, in spite of all, you must be united to the greatness of My Heart; in this way you will walk safely, taking the steps towards the Lord.

I come in this time to purify you, and to consecrate you to My Sacred Heart; between these two processes, purification and consecration, you will be able to see all of that which the time has come to be retired from your lives, because in this way I will enter in you.

Remain in Peace.

Under the Good of the Father, be blessed.

Thank you for seeking the Love of My Heart!

Christ Jesus


In the most difficult moments is when My Merciful Heart is radiated towards the consciousness that suffer, because in the hour of My Mercy the source of life and of reparation washes deeply the spiritual wounds of the fragile and lonely hearts.

But when in truth you feel lonely My Wisdom invades your little spirits and comforts the soul that needs forces to be able to continue on My Path. In the plans of the Father, His Works are accomplished according to the availability and the surrender of the servers but these superior works are fulfilled, or they are held up without obstacles when the soul truly needs inner rest.

Those who in truth serve Me and who surrender all to Me are few. For this in them I confirm My Will so that My savior Project is fulfilled.

Guard today the Healing Face of My Being. Know that the Sacred Heart of Jesus also helps and accompanies Its disciples when they are sick or sad. My Light comes to the world to ignite again the commitment. May nothing disturb you, no matter how great it may seem. Trust in the moment of purification and of redemption that your souls and bodies are living.

Be one with Me. In this way I will help you to sustain yourselves in spite of the battles of the enemy. Know that My Light will always triumph on the Earth and in Heaven.

Under the Grace of the Father, be blessed.

Thank you for living My Message with soul and heart!

Christ Jesus


Who are we?

Association Mary
Founded in December of 2012, at the request of the Virgin Mary, Association Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception, is a religious association without ties to any institutionalized religion. It has a philosophical-spiritual, ecumenical, humanitarian, charitable, cultural character, and it supports all activities that are indicated through the instructions transmitted by Christ Jesus, the Virgin Mary, and Saint Joseph. Read more
