While the good souls pray the Hail Mary during all this day, at this Marian Center that was founded by My Immaculate Heart, the angels of God congregate the lost souls, calling them to live redemption and the immediate rehabilitation of life.
Your Celestial Mother crosses the universes as a beam of light, which is poured over the world, to liberate it once again from the constant oppression caused by My adversary.
For this, dear children, the endless caudal of your prayers spiritually reconstructs many situations, those which are found in the culmination point of their own collapse. When souls pray with the light of the heart, your Eternal Father asks His angels to descend to the world to help it.
If there were always a true answer, that flows out from the love of souls for the Plan of the Creator, there would be a door of light, which would be opened through Christ to relieve suffering and sorrow.
In these times of crisis, the instrument of your prayer, united to the perpetual prayer of your Celestial Mother, will awaken in the world a greater hope and, above all, the victory of My Son will happen once again in humanity, but this time it will be through His Infinite Mercy.
When all of you gather monthly to pray the thousand "Hail Marys", My Heart feels the comfort promised by all Its children, and thus the thorns that surround My Immaculate Heart are removed and, at My feet, the angels place the prayers as precious flowers on the altars of the Creator.
My children, today I invite you to believe, above all, in the incalculable power of the prayer of the heart; something that My adversary does not know and fears, because prayer makes all who pray with the heart invisible and, thus, they are separated from the danger of My enemy.
For this reason, dear children, may your voices do not get tired of repeating and pronouncing the glorification that your Celestial Mother received directly from Her Beloved Lord of the Universe. Be spokespeople for prayer so that in this way, your lives, living the purification cycle, may only seek to elevate themselves as the angels do by living the eternal communion with God.
Your Mother of the Divine Word, the Lady of the Sacred Word, teaches you to love prayer and to practice it in this school of renewal that you live with Me today.
While the world puts its attention on other paths, which are not the paths of the Lord, Your Mother and Rose of Peace tries to re-educate you, so that in times of crisis you may be formed as sacred armies of Her Immaculate and Divine Heart.
My maternal gratitude extends today to all the praying beings who month by month during the thousand "Hail Marys", open the doors of Heaven so that I may descend to the world and pray always at your side; although you may not be able to see Me, My Omnipresent Spirit will embrace you, just as the Eternal Father embraces you with much love.
I thank you for answering to My call!
Who consecrates you though the immaculate spirit of prayer,
Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace
Children of Mine,
May in times without peace only exist love. Your Celestial Mother reunites you on the favorite lap of the Heart of Her Son so that you may be able to recover the absolute trust in the Plans of the Creator.
I wish today that your souls continue confirming themselves to the Celestial Father, because the Eternal God of the Divine Mercy will rely on your yes so that you may be able to live the transformation of life and of spirit.
With your hearts elevated to the Kingdom of the Celestial Father, you will allow My plans of peace to be promptly fulfilled, because in this way your essences will be as flowers at the altars of Heaven.
Dear children, today I come again in search of the apostles of My Son, I come to fetch those who, consecrating their lives to My Immaculate Heart, have said yes to the Divine Plan of the Creator.
For this, children, do not get tired of transiting every day among the tests and sorrows of life, offer your efforts and charities to God so that His outraged Heart may be glorified for the times to come.
Walk in confidence towards My arms, in this way I shall support you in the falls as well as in the tests. For this, receive My Maternal Love as a balsam and as a healing for your lives.
God expects that, with your sacrifice and surrender, the whole humanity may be elevated to another spiritual and interior state. I need, My children, that you follow My steps of Mother, as I shall always divert you from the abysses and from the circumstances that My adversary generates to all souls.
Today I dedicate the attention to the most needed and unprotected of spirit. Your Celestial Mother gathers you all the time in the Essence of the Kingdom of God so that you may recover in your lives the gifts that have vanished or have been lost from your interior because of suffering.
Dear Children of Mine, the times of definition are knocking at your doors. I come from Heaven to extend My saving hand to you. From this Marian Center of devotion and faith there must emerge the disciples of My Son so that by loving His Redeeming Word they may profess the conversion that they achieved and they may declare to the world the Merciful Love of My Son Jesus.
At your side, children, I pray for you so that someday your total consciousness may awaken to the Divine Light that is being announced from the universe to the humanity in transition.
Remain in My Arms and trust My Son Jesus, He will never fail you, His Mercy is great and compassionate.
I thank you for answering to My Call!
Who congregates you in the Love of Christ,
Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace
Today I leave here happy and thankful.
In the history of humanity, will be written each detail of the days on which the Queen of Heaven extended Her reign over the world, and by means of Her infinite Love, conquered the hearts of Her children one by one; awakened them to their true celestial origin and guided them to the fulfillment of the Plans of God for each one of His creatures.
On the 31st of December of all the years of this world, the Love of God will descend once more over the world and over the consciousnesses of the creatures. It will awaken the codes deposited by the Mother of Heaven, those which remained latent in the depth of many beings.
My children, in all these years that I have been among your little souls, the light of the Universe expanded itself, not only in your lives, but over all souls of the world, delivering to each one of them, the opportunity of being once participants of the Plans of the Lord and being able to become aware of their mission and the mission which this planet must accomplish before the whole universe.
My beloved, now that My Heart begins to retire to the depth of your beings, I want the world to understand the true motive of My Presence here on this Earth, which is not only to deliver a time of greater peace to humanity. The peace that the world will live will be the result of the conversion and awakening of souls.
I have not come to the world only to teach you how to pray, but prayer is the basic principle that opened the doors of the inner universe of your beings, so that in this time you could express the truth of your consciousnesses.
All this time, as in all centuries that My Presence permeated the world, I have been preparing the hearts and making them faithful to God, so that in the final times they would not have fear of understanding a superior truth, which is far beyond from what humanity comprehends as superior life.
I want those who feel ready, to take a new step in consciousness and allow the true awakening to be a reality for their lives.
Time has come to forget the past and release all the roots that bonds you with the mistakes made by your own selves and by others, so that you may untie the knots that do not allow you to get out from this purely material reality, reality which is so far from what you truly are and from what you must truly manifest.
Each 31st day of December will open a new cycle to humanity, through the impulses that My Immaculate Heart will send you.
You will discover year after year what really happened with your lives and with the planetary life while I was here in this world.
You will discover who I really Am and the greatness of the moments in which I gathered you around My universal mantle of light.
You will discover that in My words there were truths that you could have never comprehended, until you opened the heart and the consciousness to do so.
You will discover that you believed to already know what I dealt with in the world, because some already had a little bit more of knowledge about the superior life, but that only the living of the superior principles and of everything learned would allow you to be true knowers of My words and the words of the Divine Messengers.
You will discover that I Am more than the presence of the Virgin Mary of Nazareth and that, despite having been the same, you will comprehend that God was in Me, as in His Son, and with a different mission, He expressed Himself in His Servant.
You will discover that this world is sacred to the eyes of God and that the whole universe awaits the life thought by the Creator, that today is so distant from the human reality, to be manifested here.
You will discover that the seeds have grown and borne fruits, and then you will comprehend what you are, where you come from, what you must manifest and to where you will return when the time comes.
I love you and ask you that despite of yourselves you persist and put all the love in the fulfillment of what I tell you, because God speaks in the Word of His Servant and reveals His Will to the world.
Completely surrender yourselves to the Divine Will and allow the Mother of the World to gestate the Trinity in your consciousnesses.
I bless you.
Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception of the Trinity
May My eyes be the living sun that illuminates your paths. Through My presence in your lives, there will never be darkness that confuses you or lack of faith that separates you from God.
My beloveds, may the rays that come from the sun of the world be the same that come from the Heart of God, by means of His Servant.
Feel these rays of the sun of this world which represent My Fire and the Fire of the Heart of My Son, which come to the world in order to liberate it from all evil.
I come among the clouds surrounded by Celestial Light in order to announce a new time of great changes, a time which you must enter consciously.
I arrive in this city in order to show you that not even the greatest beauty built by the hands of humans can be compared to the Celestial greatness.
All of what you can see around you, built by human hands, are illusions that imprison the heart to matter and to material desires, while all that comes from the Divine Creation liberates the soul and makes it come out of itself in order to merge itself with the Source of Creation.
My beloveds, My presence arrives to this city, as a last hope in order for this nation to awaken definitively to its mission.
I know that many think that there are greater illusions in the world, greater wealth, greater perdition, but I say to you My dears, that this nation represents for God one of the pillars of His redeeming project and must comply with its primary mission in this time. For this, here, in this nation, I create one of My main houses of the world so that it may radiate conversion and awakening for all.
I hope to find here a strong group of prayer able to balance, through faith, all the lack of union with God that exists. But for this dear children, I need souls that are truly committed to the Divine Purpose and that do not hesitate to abandon all illusions and mundane desires in order to dedicate their lives to the fulfillment of the Plan of God.
Today I want to leave you an impulse for the total consecration of your lives to God, in this way you will be able to balance the faults of this world.
In this time that will come only a true and full consecration will be able to balance the evils of the world. It will be necessary that besides prayer, there is a consecration of the souls that surrender themselves completely to God and renounce all of what this world can offer them in order to live a life that goes against all of the human currents, those which purify and renew them. Thus, little by little, this humanity must become sacred.
My beloveds, My voice echoes in this world with softness and purity, with love and with forgiveness, but there will be the time of Justice and those who did not reconcile themselves with God will have to live the consequences of their union with evil.
I warn you in this time, in order that there may be no doubts in your hearts. As your Mother it is up to Me to tell you the truth. For this, give thanks to God for My words and be consistent with what your hearts dictate.
I love you and I will guide you every time you want to follow My steps.
May this nation be consecrated and this city be redeemed by prayer and consecration of the hearts that are faithful to their Creator.
I bless you today and forever.
Mary, Mother and Universal Queen
Dear children,
May Peace reign today and may each being reach the union with God for these times.
I Am the Mother and Lady of the Andes, I Am the Condor that flies over the world calling Her children to redemption. I come to this world to save it with the hope that Christ, your Lord, will find the souls strengthened and decided to live the Plan of God.
For this My little children, open your eyes and look at the Star-Sun that enlightens you, look at the mountains that surround you and invite you to elevate yourselves to find the path of the inner union with God.
You, who are My disciples of the new time, have the mission of helping to transcend the human conditions, so that this planet and all its minor kingdoms becomes sacred and blessed; but there is still much to forgive inside and outside of you.
Dear children, I invite you to proceed without tiring, without discouragement, only looking towards the top of the mountains in order to find Me in flight, guiding your lives and your steps.
For this last cycle of transition, you will find yourselves in many tests. With joy and united to the strength of the Heart of Christ, do not fear to unmask your old habits and, thus, to make them sacred through the constancy in the prayer of the heart.
Now you are at the moment of never retreating and complying with this blessed project which should incarnate in life and in the essence of all My servers. While this is about to happen, I ask that you live through the spirit, through the good courage and that you risk to banish your own self.
Now, as disciples, among you there should be no preferences; the path of My Heart indicates to you the time for your rapid purification so that in this way the Light of Christ may dwell in you.
The Lord sends Me glorious and resplendent as the Condor of Light, so that humanity may comprehend that it is no longer the moment to stop nor delay in this life. It is time to walk, to overcome barriers and obstacles inside and outside of your little beings; that will be only achieved through a loving act of repentance, that which will lead you to do penance for all those who not even think in God the Father. Thus My little ones, you may be adults and may be mature to face this last time of changes and of massive transformations.
When My Immaculate Spirit appeared for the first time upon the soil of Aurora, many did not understand the meaning of My message, and the ones who accepted Me the priests, when at the time I called them to accompany Me on this planetary mission of peace and of permanent pilgrimage. And this responsibility was granted to the more immature and inexperienced in the path of the spirit, but it was only the faith that they incarnated and the devoted love to My Heart that permitted that My work towards other nations and continents.
Only by the love and fidelity of the prayer groups of the Network of Light I have been able to fulfill the designs that God had given Me.
Remember children that I Am the Mother who must give you the essence of the Most Holy Trinity for this cycle, so that all of you will be conceived and contemplated once again by the Merciful Heart of God. This is the work of the Mother of the Divine Conception of the Trinity: that all the souls of the world may revive the union with the Love of the Father, with the Faith of the Son and with the Wisdom of the Holy Spirit.
I still hope that My Holy Church in Uruguay and in the world may take the first step, in order for all the good Christians to recognize My presence.
Dear children, as your Mother, I bring you to this day, the 13th of December, these reflections; I wish every day that you may be able to grow and thus separate from the illusion with which the enemy fills you and which confuses you.
May in this time of changes, your aspiration to be with Me be permanent.
My Light will always illuminate you!
Who blesses you, heals you and loves you,
Your Mother Mary, Lady of the Andes
The celestial mysteries are so infinite and the Graces so great that you receive in this time, that the Portals of Heaven open where there is a heart willing to surrender everything out of love for God and His most great Will.
My children, when the soul cries out, the universe sends a response.
I am here to give you My final blessing for these times. I am here because your spirits call Me, and from the inner planes of this world, the blessed, who work for the Creator for the salvation of humanity, asked for My help.
My children, on this last day of the Monthly Message, I want to tell you that there are many operators of the Lord, saints and the blessed, who made themselves available to remain in this world to help all of you. These consciousnesses, greatly sacrificing, also lived on this planet with a human heart, just like what you carry at the center of your beings, but they achieved a degree of perfect love, charity and surrender, and today, they leave you their example so that you may follow in their footsteps.
My beloveds, seek to understand My Words with the heart, and those that do understand Me, I tell you that the time has come for taking an evolutionary leap and finally live what for the universe has taught you for so long.
How to do this?
My dears, within your hands, take all the instructions the Divine Messengers have left in this world, and read between the lines of each paragraph, in this way, you will see how you did not pay attention and how much you still have to understand about this life on Earth.
My beloved children, in these pages I want to leave you infinite possibilities for awakening, but for this, you must find the beginning of each impulse that I leave for each of you.
My children, while studying My Words, you will see your own spiritual growth, you will see how I was leading you toward a life that goes beyond the intellect and material life.
My Heart united all souls, from those that only fed the mind to those who only depend on the heart and on faith. I want those who studied much, learned and discovered universal mysteries, to be able to learn to merge all they learned with faith and the heart full of the Spirit of God; and those who only depend on faith in their hearts, to be able to be assisted in gradually discovering the many mysteries that are held in infinity and within this world. These are times of spiritual synthesis, times for all to contribute, on the great table of human communion, the best they hold in their beings.
My dears, I want you to know that the doors of My Marian Centers must always be open for those that left and need to return, for those who need to leave so as to learn what they have chosen, and for those who have never come here and who are being called by the Light of the Divine Spirit of the Creator.
I want to see you strong and unafraid, but meek and peaceful. I want to find you decisive, more understanding, to know how to provide what is lacking in the one beside you at this time. I want you to be the perfect complement to each other so that together you may form this great construct that the Divine Messengers are accomplishing.
This is the time for a great step in consciousness. For those who take the risk, all help will be given. I want you to know that even those that were not capable of crossing this threshold on their own, if they reach out their hands, they will be lifted up to a degree that, through Grace, can be achieved.
My dears, in spite of everything, never cease to trust in the Plans of God, because they will be able to be accomplished, even with just one soul that says 'yes' to the Creator and lives His perfect archetype with love.
I want to thank you for still today being together with My Heart and for trusting in My Presence, beyond all doubts that the world generates in your minds.
I love you, and will continue with you until the end of days.
Mary, Mother and Queen of Peace
The Children of Mary are the expression of My Love for humanity; they are the ones who must be a living testimony of My Presence in the world, souls that committed themselves to Me a long time ago, to be part of this Marian army.
The formal consecration of a Child of Mary does not mean the expression of a preference. It is an impulse that God sends to the monads of some of His children and, in this way, also gives an impulse to all of humanity.
All are potential Children of Mary, but some have the commitment to express this consecration in a formal manner because they will be the reference for many in the end of this time. This is a form of consecration requested by God for these souls that are called to activate the Marian Spirit.
To be a Child of Mary is not a material commitment; it is a purely spiritual commitment that souls have to My Marian task. Upon them, I will build the foundations of the temple that I will erect throughout all of humanity.
These are souls that were willing to face great tests, which they will experience in the end of times, and yet, they ardently persevere in their love for My Heart. They are called slowly, because each soul has its moment of confirmation, and only God knows when that moment has come.
Let those who are not called to specifically fulfill this task not be distressed, because if that does not happen, it means that it is not yet time, or that another part of the Plan of God is theirs to fulfill; a part that only their soul will be able to accomplish, and which will be a fundamental piece in this great work of God.
My children, do not wish to guide the Plans of the Lord, which are hidden and mysterious. Simply surrender your souls and your lives into His Arms and allow Him to place you in the correct and necessary place for this time. Later you will know what is yours to do if, with trust, you do what I tell you.
I love you all and I thank you for having faith in My Heart.
Your beloved Mother, the Virgin Mary
Get up from where you have fallen and take My sacred hands because I will set you free from pain and error.
Submerge your spirit in the Fountain of purity and of renovation so that the stones, that you have stumbled upon, may be removed from your path.
Dear child of God, I call you to reconciliation. Unite your inner ties to my Immaculate Heart and walk in silence to the Kingdom of the Redeemer.
Observe attentively the descent of My Graces, I am the Mother Star, I am the one who enlightens the spaces and universes of all consciousnesses. I am the Queen of Peace; I am the one that for love of the world helps Her little children.
Dear son, dear daughter, God the Father has encouraged you to grown from your heart, He has given you the hope to live the rebirth in Christ, given you peace to calm your concerns, given you Mercy to wash from the past, in the Fountain, your face and your hands.
Every soldier who serves the Most Holy Mother will face in prayer the great cruelties and human wars that erase love from the hearts of humans.
My soldiers are like the pearls of My eternal prayer, my soldiers are the instruments in which My Light is poured to dissolve evil from the world.
Be still in My maternal Heart and offer to God your small sacrifices. Confess your errors before God, but no longer blame yourself, for the infinite Ocean of the Mercy of Christ strikes at the margin of your life to announce the path that will lead you to redemption.
To work for God is to be in constant emptiness of oneself. To work for the love of God is to live in permanent humility. To serve God is to divest oneself, in a matter of seconds, of what might have happened.
However everything is perfect to God. He loves those who strive, He loves profoundly those who rest and loves those who at this time submerge into the darkness and into the modern aspects of the world.
Nevertheless, the prayer of the Holy Rosary intercedes before God. The Holy Rosary wholly repairs a consciousness that is wounded in the spirit. The Holy Rosary unites and strengthens the love for the Plan of God. The Holy Rosary liberates, purifies, orders, harmonizes and cultivates the hope of living sanctity. Sanctity, for human souls is a challenge that few dare to live, for sanctity first removes the veils from the consciousness and then impels hearts to live inner consecration.
And in all this path of constant purification of souls, is the regency and observation of Heaven; that the Most High God and Jesus Christ follow, step by step, the advances or delays of the children.
Heaven waits for the birth of new and humble saints, like the ones there were in the past, so that through simplicity and surrender, they offer themselves to transform the chaos of the world and the great scale of perdition in which the precious souls live.
Thus, as it was in other times, the lesser ones in the world will achieve greater things and the Celestial Universe will closely accompany the challenge that the new apostles will live. In the end, all the good and faithful servers will congregate in Heaven to share the Glory and Grace of God for having been converted into example of service and surrender to God.
The Queen of Heaven will always help Her children, for your Divine Mother will wait for many more to decide to serve humanity in this time, so that, in this way, the Mercy and Forgiveness of God may descend, instead of Justice descending.
However, the path to follow will be infinite. My servers will cross bridges almost broken, prairies and deserts of the world that have lost the original brightness of Creation; and everything will be accomplished through effort and love to change the consciousness of those who still sleep into the dream of the world.
Your Mother comes, Apparition after Apparition, to awaken all Her children to the supreme Truth, the consciousness that it is urgent to pray for the whole world to leave the superficiality in which it lives.
If new disciples of Mary appeared, My Immaculate Heart will triumph in America and in the whole world.
The time that you live today is a time of great changes, I only ask you to awaken to what many of my children do not want to see, which is the need to purify oneself and to consecrate oneself to the supreme Will of the Father.
I will always guide you as long as you pray the Holy Rosary for the salvation of humanity.
And whole
I bless you and thank the groups of Campinas for allowing that the Mercy of God be poured out.
Mary, Queen and Star of Peace
Within My Heart the hope of a New Aurora shines and, like a green emerald, from My chest emerges a sign that was sent by the Lord, as a response to the request for the healing of souls.
My children, those who on this day should open their hearts will receive special Graces because today the doors of Heaven are particularly open. Today a new cycle is born in the universe, in which you will be able to be renewed in the forgiveness and in the redemption of God.
It is time to definitely let go of the old vestments that no longer fit your body and, without shame, see yourselves naked before God, because when we allow ourselves to be true in the Eyes of the Creator, He can approach us and place upon us His own Mantle to cover our bodies.
My children, these are no longer times for fearing the unknown, for fearing to face that which will come; nor is it time to be indifferent to the revelations that the Lord sends you.
Open your hearts and your spirits so that, in this way, My Heart may receive a permission from humanity so that, from My own lips, revelations may emerge that up until today have been hidden and must be unveiled for the whole world.
My children, the only way the world will come out of the ignorance it is plunged in is to find in other hearts an example of faith and persistence. If each one, with the Will of spirit, decided to be an example for a neighbor, much could change, because My Word can only be emitted if there are hearts willing to hear it, and, even further, lovingly willing to follow it and practicing it in their lives.
If today My Heart celebrates six years of Apparitions with your small beings, know that, in the world, among you, are beings that live My Message, and make it possible for My Heart to renew the commitment with all of humanity.
If just a few hearts, which today live My requests and My instructions, made it possible for Me to be by their side during six years, imagine now how much I could do and where I could reach if other hearts lit up to this purpose of living Peace!
There is still much lacking so that the true Plan of God may be concretized in this world, and My journey on Earth must also be long, but the completeness of this Marian mission depends on the response of human beings.
For this reason, today, on the anniversary of My Apparitions, I ask that you really be renewed with Me and allow yourselves to take a new step toward God.
Do not wait for the example of a neighbor, but rather, through faith, ignite your hearts and each of you be a torch that comes to illuminate the paths of those who are in darkness and do not even know in which direction they should take their first steps.
Come to Me, for I always await you.
I thank you for responding to My call.
Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception of the Trinity and Queen of the New Aurora
My dear children,
Today My Heart wishes to make a special prayer request from you for the world. I come accompanied by the celestial hosts of the Kingdom of God so that through the intervention of your hearts, My angels are able to come to the aid of the nations of the world.
I want to ask you to especially pray for India, for Egypt and for Kenya, which on this day are in need of much help to defeat the threats of the enemy.
I ask you to pray a lot so that My Marian missionaries are able to accomplish the Mission of reaching India, because the reason for their presence is not only to provide service and the giving of self, but also of carrying My Heart in their hands, so that it may be given to those most in need.
My dear ones, My Immaculate Heart needs to reach those nations to consecrate them to My Heart and to protect them from all the evil that is expanding.
Sometimes, the ignorance of those who live in the darkness does not allow them to see the true spiritual needs and, in this way, the enemy takes advantage of the ignorance of My children to close the doors of the nations with seven keys.
If you pray with love, with devotion and make a true offering to God for bringing relief to the world, the Light will be able to reach the hearts that today are in darkness, and will be able to remove the blindfolds from the eyes of My children, so they may perceive a greater reality and recognize My Immaculate Presence in My soldiers.
Today I also ask you to pray for all the children that live in Kenya, all the little souls who violently balance their debts with God, so that through the merciful prayer of your hearts, this unfathomable Source of Mercy may be poured out over all those little children and also over the ones about to be born.
My dear ones, the times are speeding up, the final moment of this purification the world is now experiencing is drawing closer, and it is urgent that your hearts begin to pray.
Trust in the Voice that guides you, because My eyes contemplate the needs of the entire world, not only of those who hear Me. Those who today are listening to My Voice must respond quickly to My call, so that this call expands throughout the world and reaches those most forgotten hearts. This is achieved, My children, most of all through true prayer.
On this Friday of restoration and of preparation for the Saturday of Mercy, unite with the Most Chaste and Most Sacred Heart of Saint Joseph, so that He may help you and teach you to be intercessors in the light of God, so as to benefit the whole world.
The nations farthest away from My Heart are in need of much help and much collaborating prayer. Thus, together with Saint Joseph, place all of Asia in your hearts and lift up a merciful request for aid to the Heart of God; ask Him to send His hosts of Light, to pour out His Pity and His Mercy over these children who are so greatly in need.
Pray, pray much, so that the Plans of God may become a reality and this world may become a luminous world, consecrated to the Heart of the Creator and responsive to His Celestial Will.
I thank you, My dear ones, for following My Marian Mission for peace on Earth.
Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception of the Trinity
Dear children,
Once again I will be among you in the primordial Center of prayer of Brazil. I will be among you in the Center of prayer of Figueira.
Dear children, today, with the special devotion that My Heart radiates, I will transmit to you an instruction from Mother to child, from the universe to the disciple.
My children, God prodigiously manifests Himself in three ways for souls, for His creatures. God can manifest Himself through the spirit of His creatures and transmit His Wisdom; God can manifest Himself through the minds of His creatures to transmit His Ideas on the Plan of Love for the universe; and God can manifest Himself through the soul of His creatures to transmit His Love to all the spaces of Creation.
God is an Essence of pure, wise, and divine Love; from Him comes all the powers of Creation and manifested life. God is owed honor, glory, and praise because He achieves His greatest expression through the love and unity among creatures.
Today, dear children, I want to teach you in this time to experience a lesson of humility, because God expects your consciousnesses to mature. This lesson of humility consists in your recognizing that God has the majesty and the power to manifest Himself to His creatures in different ways, in order that souls may know Him and feel Him as the Source of Love for life on Earth.
When God recognized the offering of His faithful Servant, the Virgin Mary, there was never any intention of appropriating it, in this mystery of surrender and sacrifice. The Love of God rested in My maternal consciousness, a pure and true Love that entered My Heart to have it become immaculate.
See, My dear ones, how God acts and reveals Himself to His children with Love and Faith, because God expects humanity to attain peace through the knowledge of Divine Truth.
When a heart gives itself to the universe, God is able to manifest Himself in that creature, and then His Will is etched in that consciousness that, through faith and devotion, must accomplish it.
My little ones, I want you to see and recognize that God is Humility and Wisdom. God will never magnify His power because, if He did, it would not be God. God awakens peace for life, as a source for the spirit; faith as an essence for inner growth; unity as a principle of fraternity; and love as spiritual support for souls.
Everything is simple, dear children, who are in God will not fear to be divested of themselves to be able to be healed from the spirit. God is the Source of Love that presents itself so that all may experience this through It.
When the soul does not listen, God is unable to approach. Universal Love needs to be impregnated as light in the cells of all souls so that, in the end, you may imitate My path of surrender and trust. Because in this way, as souls, you will help in the love for God, so He may continue to manifest Himself among creatures, the Kingdoms and the world.
God is renewal, is the Spirit of life and hope. God is the concretization of inner missions for creatures. God is the Love present in the essence of all His children. God must be sought from the heart, because God is constant prayer and a refuge for the hearts that are experiencing the desert and inner thirst. God resurrects the life of the spirit in those who have lost it. God heals through His kindness and humility, because God is the Sanctified Spirit in the Celestial Universe.
God is the only Greater Good for all, because the Father of Heaven is your beginning and your end in this life. He is eternity, eternal Love.
Dear children, hold in your hearts the aspiration of the Father for being more present in them.
Thank you for responding to the Call of God!
Who thanks and blesses you, in the Light of God,
Mary, Mother and Queen of Peace and the Love of God
Uruguay Marian Mission will be the name of the task of the present groups of prayer that will collaborate in the creation of the nineteen new Marian groups that will represent the department of Uruguay.
Under this emblem: Walking through Mary, also the pilgrims of other nations will be able to collaborate with love so that this work of the end of time may be carried out.
Dear children, when My maternal Heart asks you for this mission, it is because God observes that your hearts will be able to help all of Uruguay, to reach yet another time of peace.
My children, you will be precursor apostles of My Immaculate Heart for this sacred and immaculate mission, handed to you by the Queen of Heaven, to be able to rapidly expand throughout Brazil, Argentina, Paraguay and, afterward, throughout all the Americas.
Dear children, it will be through you that God will be able to make many of His children pray again so that the whole world reconciles with Him and returns to the Kingdom of Heaven.
My children, My Heart of Mother will accompany the paths that your feet will walk upon. Therefore, do not fear about where to start, it is time for your pure hearts to be able to reflect the true love they keep for God and for His Son Jesus, thus you will learn to love the Will of God for yourselves.
I invite you, dear children, to unite in spirit to this Marian Project. The new Light-Network of Uruguay has reached the moment of awakening, as it has awakened other neighboring nations. The spiritual purpose is that, at the end, when the groups pray much for their own countries, God looks at them, contemplates them and gives them the forgiveness they need to enter into Paradise.
Dear children, I am with you, because soon you will see the fruits of conversion within your hearts and within the hearts of all your brothers and sisters. Enter the Kingdom of My Heart in trust, because, thus, I will guide you and mark the steps for you to find My Son, Jesus.
Now, I need in these times of missionaries that you not only experience prayer but also experience service to reach the redemption of the heart.
Dear children, I need you, day by day, and I count on you so that through this mission, which will start in the month of June of this year, you can bring me closer Me to many of My children who have separated themselves from My maternity.
If you respond to this call, Uruguay will be in other planes of the Creator, try to be in My Peace and in My Love because, in this way, I will comfort you.
I thank you for awakening to this call!
Who blesses and loves you,
Mary, Mother and Queen of Peace
I am the Blessed Virgin Mary, I am the one Who speaks to you, I am the one Who communicates with you, I am the one Who guides you, I am the one Who loves you, I am the one Who adores you, I am the one Who pacifies you and I am the one Who tempers your hearts.
Dear children, a year ago I was with you in Aurora, Uruguay, and today, after so many events, My Immaculate Heart is with all humanity.
My children, My call is special because My Heart asks you to reignite the flame of devotion in your hearts.
Dear children, it is time for you to awake from the dream, so that you may perceive that you are in a different time.
Now, the only thing the flocks of My Son need to do is to follow in the footsteps of the Lady Clothed with the Sun, because She has already launched towards the Earth the twelve stars of salvation for the world.
They who have eyes to see, let them see, they who have a humble heart to feel, let them feel. It is time to give one's own life to God, to entirely surrender oneself to the Plans of the Most High, and this begins from the feelings and projects in life.
Dear children, through the power of prayer you will perceive that you, like so many other children of Mine, are in the last spiritual ship that is conducted by the Morning Star, Star that for the second time, announces the coming of the Son of God.
Dear children, with your hearts open and your hands in prayer, you will support the greater step that the world must take. Thus, with love, watch over all that you have built with faith during this time, walk with confidence, and be renewed every day with the sublime life of prayer.
My children, the Mother of Heaven accompanies you, blesses you and prays for you. I pray so that the world may now perceive where it is. I pray to the Holy Spirit so that wisdom may awaken in the hearts of My children. I pray crying out to My Son for an opportunity. I pray for those who day after day are diverted from the path of redemption by the action of sin.
Dear children, you must pray with Me without commitments or delays, because prayer is the nourishment for your lives, prayer must give life to your spirits.
My children, who will give everything of themselves so that the world may be saved?
My call wants to reverberate within your hearts, but the call still gets lost in some of you.
Pray to God and love Him. He is greatly offended by human wills at this time. Alleviate the burdens that the world generates for Him, live God in love and truth.
Dear children, pray so that the Father may give you His loving Mercy. If you want the world to change, you must pray for peace, because peace must first occur in your hearts, so that afterwards there may be peace in the whole world. The time that humanity is going through will demand a greater sacrifice of your lives, so that thus the Plans of the Father may be accomplished.
I embrace each one of your hearts, but everything can change when you simply prepare the way for the new through prayer.
Be examples of holiness and faith, be humble and simple, for it will be necessary that many of My children convert to the One and Only God through the prayer of the heart and charity.
Beloved children, I only want you to be in My Peace longer and that from that point, you may live in peace so that others may also live it.
Children, your lives are already growing after all that has been granted to you by the Lady of Heaven during the last years.
Now, the new shepherds, the shepherds of prayer, the shepherds of faith, the shepherds of Mercy, the shepherds who are trained by the Church of My Son Jesus must reorder the life and path of souls.
Pray so that the shepherds of My Son may be guided by the Holy Spirit. Support them, for in their hands lies the path of many souls to Paradise.
Let us unite, in love and prayer, with the shepherds of Christ the Redeemer.
I thank you, dear children, for receiving Me with devotion on this blessed day of Grace!
I bless you, praised be Jesus!
Thank you for listening to My last call for this time.
Mary, Lady of the blessed and most holy Rosary of Peace
My children,
The key to conversion is the true sacrifice you can live within your hearts; sacrifice made with love, with the effort driven by the soul and manifested in life.
Dear children, in Heaven, we measure the degree of faithfulness by the degree of sincerity. Each action must be true. Even if your hearts do not feel the joy of sacrifice, if it is carried out with sincerity and love, it is accepted in the Heavens as a source of conversion for souls.
I see a soul that accompanies Me when I see a heart willing to abandon itself before Christ.
In the joy of the brave hearts, My children, I find a refuge of peace. In the steps taken from the heart, I find the impulse to be before God, day by day, to intervene for the world. I only seek to find, within your hearts, a breath to give to the souls that permanently suffer. Each time that you are able to overcome the difficulties of life, a small light is generated and driven to My Heart.
I do not come seeking perfection, but rather the constant effort, the sincere will, nourished by the love for the Plans of God.
Dear children, many have told you about the time in which you live; now, My Words must become life, action, and peace in each of your beings. They must be true laborers of Mercy. And this is achieved with the will of the heart.
I see many of My children with lowered arms before the battle even begins. I see many of My soldiers dropping the shield of persistence, allowing the enemy to strike them.
Resist, My children, resist. Nourish the heart and the spirit with the peace of My Presence and reignite the joy of living in self-giving to the Most Holy God.
My Heart comes to take each one of My children by the hands, to tell you, as a Mother and Companion, that here I am, whenever you want to see Me.
I am your Mother. I am the one who brings the Spirit of God engraved on the chest to give it to humanity. I am the one who constantly prays for your awakening and definitive conversion. I am the one who sustains those who have already said yes so that they can rise after each fall. I am the one who is always here, together with your hearts, so that I can help you grow and mature under the guidance of God the Father and towards His Son.
Do not be afraid to listen to Me, nor to respond to My call. I only ask you to not lose the love and joy that I once deposited within your hearts. Do not distance yourselves from God.
I come to guide and lead you always.
Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception of the Trinity
Children, today I keep you all in My Heart, and this means a victory of My Immaculate Heart in your hearts. My arms are open to gather within My heart the praying servers of My Son Jesus because the moment to share the life of prayer and fraternity among all the souls of the world is arriving.
Dear children, with joy, I invite you once again to the prayer of the heart. Prayer must be your constant work of love; a prayer that resounds in your hearts, that builds the goodness and peace among the groups, families and nations; a prayer that helps the souls that day by day despair due to not finding the correct path towards light and peace.
Children, as Queen of Peace, I call you to be permanently in the Kingdom of My Peace. This Kingdom, of victory and glory in the Heavens, is near your lives and homes. This Kingdom that My heart wishes so much that you are able to gestate through examples of goodness and charity, of love and brotherhood.
Children, you know that My Heart of Mother watches over all the children in the world and that the world is in a spiritual crisis due to the lack of love in the hearts of the human beings towards the Kingdoms created by My Father. They ask humanity for help and assistance; day by day souls suffer and are discouraged. This is the evil of the enemy that can take the attention of My children away from prayer.
Therefore, dear children, I still appear here, as in Medjugorje and in Salta, to sustain, with My maternal spirit, the inner chaos of humanity.
As a Mother who consoles the afflicted and in despair, I ask you that, week by week, as you have done on Tuesdays, My little ones, you embrace with love the life of prayer and, in groups, pray for the concretion of the Plans of God on Earth, pray for peace and for the conversion of all who need the Love of God.
I constantly gather the prayers of My children throughout the whole world, day by day. When you pray with Me My spirit of love is among you, within your homes, feeling the hearts and needs of each child.
Open the doors to Me! because I want to reign within your hearts, in your families, marriages and friendships. I am the Sun that descends upon the universe to heal you and finally take you to the Arms of My Son.
I share, at the time of emergency, the need of all My children; but you must continue praying for the world to reach a time of more peace, to avoid wars and persecutions.
Children, the prophetic book of yesterday is already open and all can change through your loving interest for the life of prayer of the heart.
I guide you, support you, I encourage you towards the transformation of your lives. I want you to reach, while you are on Earth, the real Kingdom of Paradise. For this to happen, you must say yes to My Immaculate Heart and to the Most Sacred Heart of Jesus.
God contemplates the good works of those who with love give their lives for the salvation of the world, through prayer and charity.
I am with you and thank all the groups for trusting, once again, in My urgent call for the total salvation of the world.
Who loves you, mercifully,
Mary, Queen of Peace
Dear children,
With the Rays of the Mercy of God upon the world, I invite you to feel the Love of God in yourselves, because humanity, in the end of this time must heal and redeem itself so that the Divine Plan may be fulfilled on Earth.
Today I need you to have total trust in God, absolute trust because He knows you well, He knows you since your birth and He also knows the steps that you have taken in your lives. The Lord is inviting you to live in Redemption, a fundamental principle for the end of these times.
Dear children, today I am here among you to show you the Love of God and to tell you that many souls need your devotion and fervor in this time.
My dear ones, today I am calling you to become conscious of the time that will come. Know that My Son needs apostles and disciples strong in prayer. I want you to understand how important the salvation of souls is. Know that you, together with My Son, have this task in this world, in this humanity.
Little children of My Father, that on this day your hearts be in the Heights and that Jesus may prevail in your essences so that you may find the faith that will strengthen you and permit you to take the secure steps towards the Lord.
For this, My children, you have the key of prayer and this prayer of the heart must expand itself through the world, as well as the love of your hearts.
As the Queen of Peace, I invite you to enter into My Kingdom every day because it is necessary that souls convert themselves and that they may reach eternity. And within you there is a precious potential of reconversion through your love of God.
Dear children, I am pouring My Light upon the world again.
I ask you to pilgrimage with Me praying with the heart, during all the hours of this day, because not only will you be accompanying Me in My Maternal Task, but also your hearts will be united to God opening the Doors of Heaven to the Earth through your loving response to My requests.
Dear children, may the Fire of the Holy Spirit be ignited in you so that, united to the Redeemer, you may praise God eternally while your hearts are upon the Earth.
My dear ones, I thank you on this day for responding to this important call for the Redemption of humanity.
I thank you!
My Spirit is in your hearts whenever you allow Me.
Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception of the Trinity
Dear children,
If you try to live in the essence of My Peace you will find the Kingdom of God upon the Earth, and the conflicts among the hearts will be dissolved, conflicts that are born from the consciousness itself.
In this time, above all, be united as brothers and sisters through prayer and let yourselves be conducted by the power that it has when pronounced with love.
Dear children, withdrawn within My Heart on this day, seek the presence of My Son, practice the teachings of Jesus through daily prayer, service and fraternity.
It is no longer the moment for any heart, for any child of the Father, to stop fulfilling their daily task of prayer because, without realizing, you would be distancing yourselves from the purpose and you would begin to live under human principles, even those souls that have consecrated themselves.
Prayer is the salt of your lives, it is the seasoning that provides humility and wisdom in these times. My children, while you walk upon this world you will open a little door towards Heaven through the daily prayer in order to find peace and meekness.
Be merciful at all times even if your thoughts and feelings say something different.
Unite to the Heart of My Son so that all the sheep that have separated from Him may find the path again. You are part of the Plan of God, a Plan that is being accomplished with effort in this part of the Americas through the announcement of My Immaculate Face.
As the Mother of Relief, I give you My Blessing and I invite you to remember the path of humility for your hearts so that in this way upon this world there may be more peace and harmony.
I thank you!
Thank you for praying the Rosary every day!
Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception of the Trinity
My little ones,
Keep in your hearts the whole path of love and conversion that, through the Faithful Servant of God, you have lived. For this maternal reason today I invite you to remember that it has already been eleven months of encounters and of daily messages for the world.
Today I am calling you to be the living example of My Mater- nal Message through charity and giving.
Dear children, I call you to form part of My Marian army of peace and to propagate My words by means of your prayer. You are in time to live in the Mercy of My Son, you are in time to forgive with the heart.
My children, today I also call all those who hear My urgent call for Peace and for Goodness so that you may propagate My words of support and help to all the hearts in the world.
Your goal, as is Mine, must be to alleviate the tired heart, the wounded heart and the fallen heart. To ignite, through prayer, the Flame of the Holy Spirit and to trust, in the name of My Son, in all the wisdom that you will receive to grow as consciousnesses and as hearts.
My children, today there is reason to celebrate from the heart the past eleven months in which My Maternal Love, My Hope, My Grace and My Mercy have been poured from the greatest depths of My Maternal Heart for all My beloved children.
Continue united to My Spirit of Peace and through the permanent prayer of the Rosary, be united every day to Jesus, the King of Love.
That your hearts, during these last eleven months, may have been able to be a part of My Great and Divine Son Jesus. That from now on, your lives may be surrendered to the Plan of God, as a reparation of all offenses that He receives from this world.
Be merciful and love your brothers and sisters because they are also My children.
For all this time of Mercy, I thank you for responding to My call!
Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception of the Trinity
Dear children,
After that 13th of October, 1917, when the Sun of God showed Its True Face, the life of many souls changed for the good of the Divine Plan, the war among the hearts stopped and My Maternal Spirit was able to establish some more time of peace.
My children still need miracles, but today I tell you all that after so many Graces that have been poured by Jesus, from His Sacred Heart, and from My Immaculate Heart, the great Grace for this time is that I, the Blessed Virgin Mary, Queen of Peace, may be here among your hearts calling you in the name of My Son to live conversion and forgiveness in this time of Mercy.
My children, this is why today I invite you to remember and keep in your hearts a Great Miracle of Love that God manifested through My Immaculate Heart in the luminous presence of the Sun. The great seed of Light was sown in the hearts of those who had faith and in the hearts of the unbelievers. The seed of My Maternal Light was sown in the believers and in the atheists. No one remained without receiving, once more, the Grace of God, His Forgiveness and Redemption.
For this reason, dear children, today I am calling you to med- itate through prayer, on these mysteries that made themselves visible once in Fatima before the eyes of all My children.
God called Me to pour His Infinite Grace in a time in which humanity was once again walking towards perdition. But the Merciful Love of the Lady of the Most Holy Rosary intervened to harmonize the events that occurred in the world.
The Angel of Peace brought to humanity the sign of conversion and of penitence. He prepared the path of salvation for all of humanity, and this happened through His spiritual inter- vention upon all souls.
Thus, dear children, after this, the Lady more brilliant than the Sun arrived to propagate to the world the important call for peace and forgiveness.
Today, again, I descend from Heaven to open your hearts to this important cycle in which humanity must consecrate it- self to the Will of God.
I mean, My little ones, that each soul must confirm the degree of its Love to God, as this will permit other Laws of the Creator to act upon the world. By means of the exercise of prayer, hearts will be radiated by My Love, as in Fatima.
I invite you, dear children, to remember the facts of the Apparitions of Fatima because as I have said, your lives will thus enter the inner sanctuary to live in faith and in love.
May the Sun of God, that once illuminated the world through Its Universal Source, illuminate your little hearts. Walk through the pathway of My Son.
Let us pray for peace.
I thank you!
Thank you for responding to My call!
Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception of the Trinity
As the Mother of the Christians and of the non-Christians (*), in name of the Light of My Son, I try day by day to remove many souls from the immense inner desert in which they live, for lack of faith and love in the heart.
In these times, dear children, may your hearts be active precursors of My call for peace and for the salvation of the creatures.
Dear children, as the Mother and Door of Heaven, today I ask you to search for God within your inner beings, for the Love of the Father, for the Immaculate Spirit of Peace, because this Spirit will allow you to grow and It will strengthen you for the decisions in life, in the mind and in the spirit of each one.
Today I am calling you to prepare with consciousness your dwellings so that in a short time Jesus, the King of the Universe, the Master of masters, may find rest in pure and crystalline dwellings where His Absolute and Unfathomable Mercy may be poured.
Dear children, the world is going through great tests in the faith and in the life of many hearts. For this reason I ask you to place the millions of children that I have under My protection in the true exercise of your prayers so that they enter into the definitive Law of Forgiveness and Mercy.
As I have told you, dear children, this is a last cycle for the confirmation of the hearts before the Plans of God. Humanity can live in the new Plan of God, a Plan that will lead you to remain in the true state of peace and reconciliation.
My children, it is very important to keep the fire of the prayer of the heart ignited, prayer that unites you to the Sacred Divine Spirit of My Son. But for this to happen, dear children, your lips must only pronounce words of love and peace, words that may spring from the heart, words that may relieve the great suffering that many solitary souls are living.
Dear children, today again I supplicate you and I speak to you with immense Love from My Immaculate Heart, because as you all know, these are already the last announcements that God sends Me to transmit to all hearts.
Before the new time that will come, My children, may your hearts, your thoughts and your feelings be merciful so that God may reign within you, so that the Love of My Son may reign forever.
Keep gratitude in you so that it radiates humility and Mercy.
Thank you for responding to My call.
I thank you!
Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception of the Trinity
(*) Tr: “Mother of Christians and non-Christians” refers to and expands upon the meaning of the well-known title of the Virgin which in English has been called “Mary, Help of Christians.”
Association Mary
Founded in December of 2012, at the request of the Virgin Mary, Association Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception, is a religious association without ties to any institutionalized religion. It has a philosophical-spiritual, ecumenical, humanitarian, charitable, cultural character, and it supports all activities that are indicated through the instructions transmitted by Christ Jesus, the Virgin Mary, and Saint Joseph. Read more