Daily Message of Mary, Rose of Peace, transmitted in the Marian Center of Figueira, Minas Gerais, Brazil, to the visionary Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón

Dear children,

On this day it is a joy to see souls in consecration that aspire to live the Plan of God; souls that, in spite of all the circumstances, persist over time, given impulse by faith and love for Christ, My beloved Son.

Within consecrated souls lies the refuge of My Son, where He can find consolation and joy when each being offers, even the smallest part of themselves, so that He may reign through them.

Today, I wash your hands, dear children, so that they may be blessed.

Today, I wash your faces, so that your eyes may open to the Divine every day.

I wash your feet so that they may be purified and you may open to take new steps along your paths.

I wash your wounds so that they may close and no soul loses the joy of again finding God.

Today, may each part of your being be washed by the water that comes from the Source, which nurtures the life of the spirit and of the consciousness.

May the consecrated souls receive the impulse of the Gifts of the Holy Spirit so that all may be renewed, and at the next dawn, they may be awakened by hope and deep faith.

May the souls that are being consecrated renew their vows to the Plan of God, because if your faith has brought them to this part of the path, it is because you are walking with Me toward a definite re-encounter with love and peace.

I thank you for responding to My Divine call!

Who vivifies you in Christ,

Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace


I am over My children to protect them and to bring them Peace, because the battles of these times are the announcement of My coming Kingdom and the establishment of the Plan of God in this world.

I am the Mother of all times and all eras, because in the Beginning your essences emerged from My Creator Womb. The children of God were born of Me, through the divine fertilization of the Holy Spirit, just as His Firstborn expressed the Mirror of Universal Creation when, on Earth, He was gestated in My Being.

I am the Mother of All Times, because I gestated you in the beginning and I will gestate you at the end, so that you may be reborn in Me as a new humanity.

Although you are in life, you are spiritually within Me, and I protect you so that at the correct moment you may be reborn. I make of your hearts the Mirror of My maternal Womb and I gestated in them the new being.

You may think that you will be reborn on your own, and that the Love of Christ will emerge from your essences as a divine miracle, but it is I, My Children, as the Mother of All Times, Who is gestating It in you.

The Divine Womb is mirrored in all creatures and in them gestates new life and the new being. Everything new that emerges in you, just as in all of Creation, has its beginning in Me, because I am the Mother of All Times.

Feel within your own being the reflection of life that I gestate within Myself and mirror through you. Recognize the mystery of the Unity of the Mother with Her children and glorify God through of the power of this Unity.

Allow My Universal Womb to gestate in you a new humankind, a new being, worthy of being called Child, just as His Firstborn was called this in all of the universe, as in all Creation.

Just as I gestated the Son of Man in My Womb, today I gestate the Son of the New Humankind, the New Child, who must express the victory of the Creator and the renewal of the evolution for all the universes, moving beyond the expressions of Love and of surrender which until today have been experienced in this world and in all others.

Feel that My Creator Womb renews you and causes all the old matter that is decomposing as dust in the human consciousness to perish, because it no longer builds the Plan of God and His Will. Make way for what I conceive in you, in your hearts and consciousnesses, so that even your minds also open and recognize the New Universal Science that transcends human understanding.

Let the radiation of this Creator Mirror in your essences expand throughout all of your being, and expels the old from you. Step out of the cocoon of ignorance and of human blindness so that the renewal of Creation may give you wings to reach God, and that your flight inspires others to be reborn and to fly.

I am the Mother of All Times, and you are My Children. I love you as much as the Firstborn Son of God, because each one of you represents just as great an opportunity for Life as He represented, as He was, is and will always be.

Make way for the New that I gestate in you and this will start opening the heart and the consciousness, to live what you do not understand and to say “yes” to what you do not know and have never lived.

The old patterns must stay behind, together with the old humanity, because the Creator aspires that the New Jerusalem shortly descend upon the world, and in order for this to happen, His children must renew themselves also.

The Creator will not make a new archetype of life, based upon Divine Laws and Unfathomable Graces, descend upon the Earth if humanity does not renew itself and is reborn to become worthy of inhabiting this Earth. The New Jerusalem will only manifest in all of its purity when humankind is pure and worthy of inhabiting it.

The Son of Man will not return to the world to be crucified a second time. His companions must carry the cross of these times and live the transformation in Christ before He returns, because He will come to consummate the Plan of His Father and demonstrate to His Own that they can be as much Children of God as He is.

He will found the New Jerusalem with His companions, and will give the meek and pure of heart the governance of the Earth, because the new governors will not be those who know how to subdue and subjugate, but rather those who know how to surrender to God, respect their brothers and sisters, and humble themselves before them, recognizing the Creator present in all His creatures.

It will be the child of the New Humankind who will inhabit the Promised Land, and all that is old and decomposed today will be renewed in the Containers of Creation as something new, so that all may be recreated.

I am the Mother of All Times and all things, and today I announce the Grace that awaits you when you are reborn. Contemplate within your own being the Mirror of the new universal gestation and be caretakers of what is born in you.

Just as I took My Son into My arms when He expressed the glory of God in the fragility of a child, one day, beloved children, I want take into My arms what today is being conceived within you and to contemplate the triumph of God in human life, having the certainty in My Heart that every battle and all pain were worth it to see this moment arrive.

Who gestates you in Her Creator Womb,

Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace and Mother of All Times

Daily Message of Mary, Rose of Peace, transmitted in the city of São Paulo, Brazil, to the visionary Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón

May the flame of the Holy Spirit illuminate your paths so that they may be filled by Its Gifts of Wisdom and Love, because by receiving these celestial attributes, the souls that are disciples of Christ will acquire greater wisdom, discernment and love for accomplishing their tasks.

May the flame of the Holy Spirit give you the impulse every day to live the transcendence from forms and liberation from obstacles, for by receiving the Holy Spirit within yourselves, the consciousness is able to further understand the Plan of God.

May the flame of the Holy Spirit enter the very depths of the spirit of each being so that inner truth may be revealed, and, in this way, the doors may open to forgiveness so that everyone may go through them.

Allow this sacred Flame of the Holy Spirit to envelope you and make of each soul a precious instrument in the Hands of God.

“Come Holy Spirit and transform all that was created
for the Glory of God.

I thank you for responding to My call!

Who gives you the impulse,

Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace


The Heart of Mary: A Portal towards God

Dear children,

Little by little, I teach you to be permanently in contact with God. Because of this, in this time, My Heart will act as the Portal towards God for each one of you.

I need you to take a step towards spiritual maturity and that you not waste time seeking human happiness far from God.

I offer you a single path; every day and for some time longer I bring you the possibility of reencountering the Celestial Father.

I hope that your eyes open and especially that your inner ears may hear with attention and concentration the Mysteries of God that I am revealing to you in this time.

Dear children, the portal of My Heart will guide you to the House of the Father, and in the House of the Father you will be one in essence, in spirit, and in life.

It is time, dear children, that you penetrate the revelations of these times and that as from this cycle you be able to understand and live the divine treasure that is being given to you.

No consciousness on this planet, in this or any other time, has come to know and to penetrate the mystery about the Aspects of God.

In this sense, dear children, the arrival and the descent of the Aspects of the Father over certain areas of the planet are due first to planetary need, and in second place, to the inner union of the different Faces of Christ.

Never before in the history of humanity, after the Ascension of Jesus, has the world known the cosmic Faces of Christ, that is to say, the spiritual and divine aspects of the Redeemer.

Because of this, dear children, this union of the divine Aspects of Christ is part of the stage previous to His second and last coming.

The human consciousness of today, which is submerged in the appearances of illusion and is distanced from the soul, will experience the upcoming events as something renewing and at the same time as a cycle of deep spiritual and inner definition.

This spiritual union or fusion of the aspects or of the divine Faces of Christ, after the revelations made by My own Son as the Sacred Heart, the Merciful Christ, and the Glorified Christ, mark a before and an after in human science in this acute stage of the Earth, something that does not have a mental explanation.

After the three important revelations about the Faces of Christ, My Son comes to unite them in this time so that an important universal impulse may be given, and at that conjuncture, the spiritual union of the divine Aspects of Christ may definitely open the doors of the spiritual, mental, and material Universes so that the One Consciousness, called God, this time may manifest through the Aspects of the Son and of the Holy Spirit.

Thus, in this unique event that will prepare the Apocalypse of humanity, hundreds of souls will be unexpectedly touched, and overnight they will consecrate themselves to the Plan of God in a way never seen before.

This is why this spiritual impulse, which Christ is giving on levels higher than the seventh dimension of consciousness, brings as a result the transfiguration of the corrupted human state into an incorrupt state, free from debts and regressions.

The spiritual and autonomous arrival of the Aspects of God to the Marian Centers in first place promises to help that part of the human consciousness that is in extreme and serious danger of becoming compromised with forces of the planetary chaos.

In this cycle, the union and the adherence of each soul with the sublime Aspects of God will allow certain evolutionary principles, heretofore lost, to be reestablish.

It is time to cross the Portal of My Maternal Heart to be able to come to know the divine Mysteries in depth.

I thank you for responding to My call.

Who blesses you on this day,

Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace


I come to offer to the world the healing of its heart, the liberation of its prisons, the redemption of consciousness.

As its Mother, I come to offer to the world the true freedom of life and the awakening to more profound Laws that will make of each being a disciple of Christ.

I come to offer to the world the path of true light, the perfect alliance with the Love of the Father, and the favorite union with My Beloved Son.

I come to offer to humanity the way out from its captivity, the meaning of living on this planet, the opportunity to internally grow following the examples and the teachings of Christ.

I come to offer to souls everything that they still have not been able to achieve in their spiritual journey, the possibility of being in perpetual communion with the Divine and Supreme Source.

I come to offer to humanity the patterns it has never incarnated, the values of a christic life, the pathway to be able to meet with the Redeemer.

I offer all of this to souls once and again; few have been able to swim in these mysteries and to penetrate the ocean of the Mercy of God.

I come to make of your consciousnesses new and renewed beings at the service of the Plan of God.

I thank you for responding to My call.

Who unifies you,

Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace


I bring a message of peace to the world, in order that souls of the Earth not forget God.

Because of this, from time to time I come to help humanity grow in consciousness and to awaken the Mercy of God in creatures.

Through My children I accomplish My work, and I give a sacred mission to each soul so that throughout their life they may manifest, fulfill, and accomplish it through daily effort and dedication.

In this way, I form new instruments so that My Son and His Father may count on the souls that are conscious of service to the greater Purpose.

Each stage of the Divine Plan that is fulfilled on this planet with the help of everyone permits the doors to Grace to be kept open.

Through the service that each instrument of God carries out, I help souls so that they may know how to purify, transcend, and redeem themselves through the tests and the confirmations that the Universe sends them.

Thus, each step that is taken for the concretion of that Divine Plan in humanity will benefit not only the planet, but also the souls that at some moment on the path will awaken from the dream of this world. Each soul of the Earth is in charge of a part of the Plan of God.

Thus, it is time for humanity to be aware of this.

I thank you for responding to My call.

Who blesses you in the Love of God,

Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace


In the field of instruction, certain divine principles are poured out that help souls to take their steps towards God to be able to enter into His Kingdom and to be in communion with Him.

In this sense, true instruction is free of personal benefits, as from any accomplishment, and it is full of humility, and above all, of love for whoever receives it.

When the spiritual instruction is genuine, the foundations cause the simple virtues in souls to blossom, and consciousnesses may live it and follow their long path of transformation.

That is why the real and wise instructors are very few in the world of today, and God avails Himself of them to give impulse to and to fulfill His Universal Work in the greatest number of souls possible; thus the Divine Plan makes itself more visible to all.

Instruction is the light for hearts, and it is the boat that leads to a good harbor for whoever follows and lives the teaching, because behind all instruction, whatever it is, love is present, and in love everything becomes or turns into something achievable.

I thank you for opening your hearts to instruction.

Who unifies you,

Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace

Daily Message of Mary, Rose of Peace, transmitted in the Marian Center of Figueira, Minas Gerais, Brazil to the visionary Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón

Dear children,

Each time I descend from Heaven, it is to bring you something that, day by day, will strengthen your hearts.

In the same way, each time I rise to Heaven, it is to take something from your hearts with Me, a warm offering of prayer and of love.

In this way, an inner communion is established, capable of helping in many issues on the planet that are in need of redress and, at the same time, of liberation.

In your offering, there is the possibility of renewing the planet; in your giving of self, there can be incalculable opportunities for all.

Dear children, with great joy give your souls and lives into the Hands of God, because the Father will always place you on the correct path and in the right place, within the spiritual development of His Plan of Love.

I would like the attribute of the giving of self, which on this day must be expressed with inner strength, be able to make this humanity, every day, a more fraternal and charitable civilization with all that surrounds consciousnesses.

Dear children, the key of the giving of self was what allowed My beloved Son to carry on with the Work of planetary redemption.

Think, then, about what I am telling you today.

I thank you for responding to My call!

In inner and maternal union,

Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace


My dear children,

May peace reign in times of hostility, and may unity build the bridges between consciousnesses and God, so that all prodigies and Graces may descend on souls.

Dear children, may peace reign in the times of hostility, so that the whole planet may be purified in a greater harmony, and may become liberated from the chains that humankind of the surface has imposed on it by means of the degradation and of the mistreatment of the Kingdoms of Nature.

Dear children, may peace reign in the times of hostility, so that every being on the surface of the Earth may recognize and accept the time of their redemption, so that each essence may commune again with the Celestial Father.

Dear children, may peace reign in the times of hostility, so that all may recognize themselves as worthy children of God; may souls serve the Plan of God out of love, and in the giving of self and surrender may all hearts be able to take the step towards a definitive union with Creation.

May peace reign in the times of hostility, so that all may be rebuilt!

I thank you for responding to My call.

Who supports you,

Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace


Dear children,

Today ends a stage that was lived in love and in unity, after all that has taken place in Oklahoma.

Now, with your hearts even more open, accompany your Beloved Lord and your Heavenly Mother in this final part of the mission of peace in the United States.

It is so that the angels will follow each moment and will be able to fill souls with a warm maternal love, which will be radiated by My Heart.

For this, children, I ask you to acquire inner strength through faith and fraternity, thus, hearts will be ignited in redemption and mercy.

On this day, the arrival of the Divine Messengers in Florida must witness that it is possible to perform the Plans of the Creator, because it is His Will.

I thank you for responding to My call.

Who protects you,

Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace


I come as a sun to the world so as to make the light of My Heart shine within all essences. My only purpose is to have My children from the Earth recognize God within themselves so that, awakening to this knowledge, humanity may embrace the Will of God.

Thus, consciousnesses may find the spiritual meaning of living in this time, and, above all, of inwardly serving Creation.

By awakened consciousnesses, your Mother forms the new soldiers who, submerged in prayer, come into contact with what they truly are and with what they have come to fulfill. This is why to love the Will of God demands of the disciples to take a great step, which will always place them on the other side of the experience, so that the learning may finally be completed.

Thus, the path of surrender makes it possible for the consciousness, in its most expanded willingness, to fulfill in all senses the Designs of God. And, in drawing to life and to matter each phase of the Plan, humanity will be greatly benefitted, even by the smallest sacrifices.

I would like My children to penetrate the mystery of Divine Will, through prayer and service, into this wide field of consciousness. Because, in this way, the Plan will be more focused, able to count upon the hands of all its servers, of those hearts that in this time are willing to concretize the Divine Work.

I thank you for responding to My call.

Who contemplates you with love,

Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace


My very dear children,

Finally, your Most Holy Mother and Queen of Heaven has, with Her Divine Consciousness, entered the United States, thanks to the support and contribution of all.

During the coming weeks, we will begin the long-awaited mission.

In this way, through the union of hearts, the Ideas of God will slowly be set forth and thus My children will be more conscious and consistent with the Divine Plan.

On this day, your Heavenly Mother prepares the field of consciousness to mercifully allow for the codes of redemption and rehabilitation to descend.

The city of San Francisco was chosen by the Divine Messengers to be the spiritual region that will receive all the necessary help so that the entire country may benefit from that which will happen here.

Thus, your Heavenly Mother precedes the coming of Christ as a preparation for the spiritual consciousness of the nation.

Because of this, dear children, all that will happen here in the United States, from the beginning up until the end, will be important, as well as all the support that manifests, which will contribute to the psychic balance of this nation as well as others, no matter how distant it may seem.

From the moment in which your hearts implored Mine, I heard you, and, with the power of love and mercy, I opened the doors so that this could take place in the face of the spiritual need of millions of souls.

Now that the Celestial Divinity looks with eyes of mercy upon all His children of the United States, a door of atonement has opened to bring a sacred and final opportunity from the Universe, the opportunity of truly loving God.

For all that has happened and for what will happen with the help of My children, I thank you for responding to My call.

Who blesses you,

Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace


Dear children,

Sacred inner silence will lead you to find humility because those who live in silence do not keep anything for themselves nor yearn for anything.

Within the key of silence lies the conversion of the heart because before the universe of silence, souls find within themselves all the aspects that they must redeem, and they are transformed from the experience of the sacred silence.

In essence, silence leads you to be in contact with the Source, and from there, receive spiritual impulses so that every day the consciousness is consecrated to the Divine Plan.

Sacred silence is an elevated aspect of Creation that places every soul before the true inner meaning of its life and its entire existence because in silence the consciousness begins to lose the fear of recognizing its own human condition.

At the same time, silence provides what the soul needs because sacred silence is chaste, neutral, and impartial. In this sense, the key of silence is what leads the consciousness to discover within itself the true virtues of itself and of the soul; thus, silence removes the being from external influences, from all temptations that make this humanity a noisy race.

Silence, which acts little by little in the interior of the one who lives it, is a subtle echo that penetrates the innermost core of the soul, making it worthy to live and serve the Creator out of love.

Silence is a portal to a deep liberation and at the same time, it attracts maturity to the consciousness of the human being. From the moment when sacred silence acts, many human habits begin to disappear, to such an extent that the consciousness itself no longer wants certain things, but only to be closer to God within.

Silence is the master key in times of battle and the transition of the Earth.

It is time for you to consciously practice it, and in this way, you will be able to verify it.

I thank you for responding to My call.

For the inner silence of humanity and the whole planet,

Who greets you,

Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace

Daily message of Mary, Rose of Peace, transmitted in the city of Mexico, Mexico to the visionary Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón

I offer you My Heart so that you may have it with you and see in It the Divine Fire of Love for every soul that contemplates It.

I offer you My Soul as a tabernacle so that you may find God and, in His Divine Grace, be in His Peace.

I offer you My hope so that in your heart there is strength, a path that will lead you to meet God.

I offer you My humility so that you may adopt it and, at every moment, see the Will of God.

I offer you My prayer so that you may imitate it and trust that nothing and no one can detain the Plan of God, because all is under His divine care and thus His Kingdom will finally be established.

I offer you all that is in the Heavens so that you may always long for it and know that for every effort you have made, nothing will lack for you, because whoever is in God will lack nothing.

I offer you My Love as a refuge so that in the extreme hours you may be reborn with the impetus of the Holy Spirit and thus accomplish the sacred mission.

I offer you what I am eternally.

I thank you for responding to My call!

Who contemplates you with Love,

Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace



Beloved children, with celestial joy and bliss, I return to the world to see My Plan of love triumph in the hearts of humankind.

I know that terror, fear, and pain take over the hearts of many of My children who are subjected to wars and to conflicts, within and outside of themselves.

I know that many are struggling to establish Peace within themselves, and fear not being able to keep themselves in balance, so great is the chaos they live every day.

I know that humankind still separates all things and that their pride does not allow them to unite that which God inspired to be a path that would lead to His Heart, and not to the establishment of human will, such as are religions.

But I come to the world so that you may live what seems impossible to you, because, in truth, beloved children, everything I ask of you is within everyone’s reach, but you ignore the truth about yourselves and are still asleep to the life of the spirit, which is more than just dedicating some prayers to Me every day.

It is for this reason that I am here and that I travel through each nation of the Americas that must manifest the Plan of God in these times. I come to strengthen praying hearts so that they may be the pillars that will sustain the world when it cannot sustain itself on its own.

I come, beloved children, in order for you to discover that the joy and bliss of the spirit are not to be found in the things of the Earth and for you to learn to discern, in the events that will come, where the will of God is and where it is not, so that in this way you may know how to let yourselves be guided by this will, and not outside of it. In this way, you will be able to see the old world structures collapse without losing hope, spiritual joy, and faith, because you will know that these ashes will fertilize the soil of a new world and will strengthen hearts so that an unshakeable race sustained by love and by unity with God may arise on Earth, and no longer by the pleasures and by the material power that this world offers you, and for which you struggle day and night, even knowing that they will perish as dust at the end of all things.

I come to consecrate the Americas, children, so that you may learn again how to understand life and its values. I come so that you may recover the sacred that exists in your families. May you understand that a group of souls gathered together by God must fulfill a mission of expressing love and the capacity to understand others and uniting with them, beyond their shortcomings, miseries, and imperfections.

Family life creates conditions for you to awaken the true love, for example, of a mother for her child; that love which transcends the barriers of egotism and of the human condition and that you must learn to extend to the whole of humanity.

But if you degrade family life and bring to your homes the indifference and the sparse love that is experienced in this world, you are missing the opportunity that God has given you of awakening a pure and true love. Because of this, My children, it is so important that you know how to love and respect your families and that you also know how to extend this bond of love to all souls in this world.

Gradually, with My love and My celestial motherhood, I lead you to the universal family, which is what must be manifested on an Earth consecrated by God.

My children, may My presence among you not be the only thing that brings the impulse to transform and consecrate this world, but may each one, according to their perseverance and their faith, also be an engine that transforms and purifies the Earth, so that the Plan of God may be fulfilled.

Today I leave you My love and My peace, so that you may have the faith and the courage to transform your lives, and with them, the life of this world.

I bless you,

Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace


Dear children:

I feel that you are worthy children of God when you pray with the heart to My Son, just as you did today. This represents evidence to the Father that all is not yet lost.

It is for this reason that every day I teach you to pray to God and to talk to Him so that when these moments of prayer and of sharing the spiritual task come up, you move forward, taking meaningful steps.

I am at your side to give you the impulse to live the Plan of God and so that you fulfill it from the heart, and for all of humanity.

When every day you unite with this Purpose, you will allow Divine Grace to reach many consciousnesses, a Grace that they would not deserve.

It is in this way, dear children, that the grave destiny of humanity is modified a little, each time that a consciousness takes a new step and undertakes living the prayer of the heart.

And it is in this Marathon of Divine Mercy, and especially in Central America, that this sacred opportunity is given to all.

With a spirit of faith and full of gratitude, continue working on this goal, so that holy atonement may reach beyond Central America and more sleeping hearts are touched.

I thank you for bringing healthy joy to the world.

In reverence and love, 

Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace

Daily Message of Mary, Rose of Peace, transmitted in the city of Campinas, State of São Paulo, Brazil, to the visionary Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón

Dear children,

Original Purity is what humankind from the surface cannot lose, and it is that Divine Purity that My adversary tries to decimate every day, making it disappear from the consciousness of many.

That Original Purity allows the Plan of God to be reformulated in humanity time and again. It is what makes it possible for consciousnesses to evolve, as established by the divine Law of Creation.

Dear children, this Original Purity is what is being attacked first by My adversary in the souls of Venezuela. This Purity is trying to be dissipated through the conflicts, the absence of love and the confrontations among the people of this country.

In this hour, your Heavenly mother works untiringly to be able to reverse this situation; your Mother of Love fights against Her eternal rival. Everything is allowed.

It is for this reason, My children, that on this day I bring you an awareness of the true need for cooperating and helping those most in need.

Essential Purity must not disappear from the planet nor from humanity. Work every day to protect this divine energy; at least, children, do it for those who do not protect it and who experience the fear of these times.

Dear children, I give you inner freedom so that, as collaborators of the Plan, you can be attentive and awake to the great service for the planet and for this needy humanity.

I thank you for responding to My call!

Who blesses you,

Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace


My beloved children from Brazil and from the whole world:

Today My arms open and My Mantle expands over the Americas, announcing that the triumph of My Heart is near.

Today I thank you and, with joy in My Gaze, I ask you to keep working with Me for the awakening of souls and for the redemption of hearts.

My children, since the beginning, the Creator entrusted each soul of the Earth to Me, as the most precious thing He had as a project and creation. From Heaven He pointed Me this world and asked Me, with love, that I took care and supported each of His children; that I did not look at their faults with sorrow, but rather with compassion and hope; that My Faith in His creatures were that which would eternally support their opportunities of taking steps and of rehabilitating them in the path that leads to God. And so I did it, children, since the beginning of this world.

When I came to Earth as the Mother of Jesus and the wife of the Most Chaste Saint Joseph, it was to consummate My surrender and maternity. It was to materialize, along with My Son and the Most Chaste Joseph, the deep Love of God for humankind. It was for all to come to know and recognize the maternity of your beloved Celestial Mother, because in this way, beloved children, you would be able to find the path that brings you to My Heart, you would be able to feel that My Mantle is near and always open to welcome you.

Not all recognized My Divine Maternity, but it does not mean that I am not the Mother of those who deny Me and of those who do not know Me. I am the Mother of all. I am the Mother of those who proclaim Me and the Mother of those who ignore Me. I am the Mother of those who love Me and know Me and the Mother of those who are indifferent with Me.

Children, I do not love more or any less those who respond to My Call or those who do not help Me to manifest this Plan. The love of My Heart comes from God, comes from the Source. It is a love that descends from the Truth and that recognizes the Truth in the hearts; that is why it loves you all equally.

I do not see, My children, the indifference of humankind, because I know your essences. My great sorrow is that you do not recognize the Truth and believe that you are your imperfections and indifferences, without ever knowing your own essence.

I come to the world to lead you to the Truth and Love, which is My Most Holy Son. Because of that, My dear ones, I beg for all nations, for each Kingdom of Nature, and for each heart, because all of this is part of the Infinite Love of My Son and must return to Him. The Heart of Christ, the Heart of God and My Immaculate Heart will be incomplete if you do not recognize yourselves as part of them and do not live in them.

It is for this reason, children, for the expression and manifestation of unity, that I aspire to get to each nation, so that each nation comes to Me and find Me.

I want to consecrate this world so that it may come to know the Will of God and follow It. I want to consecrate your lives so that you may return to the sacred, to the truth and to love, and so that the illusions will no longer confuse you and  cause you to lose yourselves.

Children, I want to give you My infinite and immutable Peace for you to multiply It because I know that not all will listen to My Call in time. But if you listen to Me in the moment of greatest tribulation, when souls clamor for help they will find in you, My children, the bridge to My Heart, My Living Source of Peace and Forgiveness.

Help Me in this time to multiply Peace, living it in your homes and in your day-to-day. Pray with Me, accompany Me in My journey through each nation, praying for the neighbor as you pray for yourselves. Children, if you do it so, My Heart will triumph.

Go to the aid of those who need – as My children of Venezuela need today. Pray for them and ask for Peace. Be this great army of light, this universal family that helps one another, that grows up with one another, that supports and strengthens each other in the joy of always serving and praying.

I love you and, because of that, I teach you to live unity among you. May this unity, children, transcend borders, just as My Love transcends the dimensions and reaches the Earth, transcends individuals and reaches each one of your essences.

I thank you for helping Me today and always to make My Love and My Peace triumph in this world. Imitate My example, My children, and love each other without limits.

I bless you. 

Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace


To My beloved and hurting Venezuela

My beloved and suffering children of Venezuela,

With the voice of My Immaculate Heart, in the highest and most elevated Heaven, your Heavenly Mother implores for Mercy and Pity for all the leaders of that nation.

The universe implores for Mercy and consolation on seeing so much suffering, hunger and pain in all My children of Venezuela.

The door to Grace and happiness was closed in Venezuela and the angels pray at all the borders of this beloved country, to support the crisis generated by the surface human being.

Do not forget that I appeared in Beatnik and there, at one time, all Venezuelans could find me and I asked all your people for real order and true social justice.

Venezuela is one of the first nations of America that is going through the most severe cycle of the tribulation, in which everything is in play.

I request that sister nations welcome all My children of Venezuela into their cities, towns, homes and farms who are escaping from the national hell placed there by My eternal rival.

Know, My children of Venezuela, that I am praying to My Son for those who are still present there, who are thousands of souls, so that He does not impose His Sovereign Justice in this loved country that always welcomed Me.

It is time, My children, for all the Servers of the Plan of God on Earth to provide refuge, living space, food, and most especially all your love, to calm this continuous and very hard suffering.

With My Eyes full of tears, I do not cease to see the crying of those who cry out for Mercy and Pity.

Venezuela is the representation of human chaos, placed through a lack of love and equality.

Dear children, with profound love, embrace all those who are refugees on the border with Brazil. Help them and do not demand anything from them. Those souls, at all times, know only despair and horror.

I ask the Venezuelans who still survive in their country, that you come together more often to pray for everything happening to you and beyond yourselves. I ask that you consecrate an altar to My Heart in your homes and that, at the foot of this, implore without ceasing together with your Heavenly Mother.

If there were a great stream of charity between Brazil, Argentina, Chile, Uruguay, Colombia and Paraguay, many things could be avoided.

I am inviting you, from now on, to be a spiritual family that comes together to transcend the end of times.

Pray, pray for all those who suffer from the chaos, May the Grace that many of you receive today be multiplied and poured out upon all.

To My children of Venezuela, I say that I share the pain and suffering that each one is experiencing through bad human actions.

May the Mercy of God illumine you and may Holy Peace finally be established.

I thank you for responding to My call!

Who prays without ceasing,

Your Mother, the Virgin Mary, Rose of Peace

Daily Message of the Virgin Mary, Rose of Peace, transmitted in the city of São Paulo, Brazil, to the visionary Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón de Jesús

Dear children,

I place My Crown of Light over the nations so that the spiritual and Christic life may awaken in time in consciousnesses, so that souls may recognize the moment has come to aspire to be in the Kingdom of God and in His Eternal Will.

Thus, on this day, My children, I remind you of the higher commitment with the Divinity and with the plans of your Eternal Father, which must be accomplished in this last phase of the planet.

I come to show My children that it will be necessary to collaborate so that peace may be established in matter and in every consciousness that has need of the intercession of Divine Mercy.

I hope that My beloved children have an awareness of the inner unity which must be experienced at this time, not only with the Plan of God, but also with everything that is living around you, with Creation and with nature.

This feeling of unity will allow you to be well positioned in the mission that you must carry forward with all of humanity that is awaking.

Today I place you all in My Lap so you may feel My Divine Peace.

I thank you for responding to My call!

Who unifies you,

Your Mother, the Virgin Mary, Rose of Peace



Who are we?

Association Mary
Founded in December of 2012, at the request of the Virgin Mary, Association Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception, is a religious association without ties to any institutionalized religion. It has a philosophical-spiritual, ecumenical, humanitarian, charitable, cultural character, and it supports all activities that are indicated through the instructions transmitted by Christ Jesus, the Virgin Mary, and Saint Joseph. Read more
