Dear favorite children,

How much joy feels My Maternal Heart, how much gladness and gratitude My Holy spirit receives by seeing you reunited in this house of Mine, a house of prayer for the spiritual world of My consecrated children.

United in My universal oratory, the Lord is able to intercede for the seriously mistaken souls that neither listen to their hearts nor listen to God.

Dear children, through your daily offer, as the Queen of Peace, I can help the world, mainly the most little ones in the East, those which day by day despair for the lack of paternity and care.

Today I come from Heaven to ask you to adopt a child in your prayers, to pray for a child of the East as if they were your child or your brother or sister.  So if each one of you adopts a little child in your prayers, you will help Your Heavenly Mother to be able to intercede and to carry all children in Her arms of peace and maternity.

What makes this world to darken is the lack of love and charity, for this, children, I come to teach you and remind you the Plan of God, which is forgotten and replaced by the modernities of the world.

From My Maternal Spirit I come to gestate in your beings a new gift, the gift of peace and meekness, something that humanity does not live completely.  With you hearts peaceful and meek many calamities may be avoided and it will not be necessary to learn through sorrow.

Children, with the spiritual adoption of a child of the Middle East in your daily prayers, you will allow the guardian angels to intercede for the loneliness and outrage that My most little children suffer.

I wish you will please My Heart with this act of love, in this way you will also make My Immaculate Heart triumph!

I thank you, My children, for cooperating with My call for Peace!

Who loves you and reunites you always,

Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace

Daily Message of Mary, Rose of Peace, transmitted during the journey from the Marian Center of the Holy Spirit, Cordoba, Argentina to Salto, Uruguay, to the visionary Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón

Dear children,

Every day I come from Heaven to call the apostles of Light, the unconditional servers of My beloved Son, for the urgency of having servant souls requires going beyond the knowledge and training received.

Thus, every day, through the prayer of the heart that I have taught you, I come to awaken the gifts that still sleep within your souls, souls suffocated by the pressure of the times, by modernities, by sin, because of forgetting God.

My co-redemptive Plan of salvation, in this apocalyptic time, is directed at the immediate rescue of essences under the control of the adversary.

For this to be possible, in the face of the emergency experienced by humanity, My Heart comes to call the apostles of Light, so that through service, prayer and the missions of charity, you may help the most unprotected and ignorant of heart, who are in need of relief, healing and Mercy.

Dear children, the time for showing your gifts and placing them at the service of the Plan has now come. There is much to do and humanity does not want to hear or see out of shame, since the planetary reality that is overwhelming it, obliges it to forcibly change.

But meek and prayerful hearts in these times can be the example of a consecrated and happy life in the Arms of the Celestial Father.

It is time to take care of the planet; it is time that the warriors of Christ awaken to the call and come out of their homes to serve; Pity and Mercy will fill all needs.

I thank you for responding to My call!

One Who educates you in service to Love,

Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace

Daily Message of Mary, Rose of Peace, transmitted in the Light-Community of the Brotherhood, Capilla del Monte, Cordoba, Argentina, to the visionary Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón

My children,

Today I have come to speak to you about a spiritual and prayerful community consecrated to My Immaculate Heart. 

On this holy day, I wish you to understand, dear children, that at this moment and in this place blessed by God, you are forming part of His Aspiration that here, through the offering of service, giving of self and charity you have carried out, you may be able to establish the Kingdom of God in your hearts, to then radiate it to your fellow beings. 

You know, My children, that there are many spiritual communities, both Christian and Eastern, in the world, but in these times only a few obediently manage to follow the Will of God through the sincere and non-profitable service of their members.

Imagine those communities also created for a Higher Purpose, but that do not live prayer, nor form oratories, bridges of elevation and of contact with the Celestial Universe. 

Dear children, I am your Mother, and I hope that all My children, regardless of whether they accept Me or not, may be able to hear the call to prayer, to supplication, to a true union with God. 

My Light-Communities must work every day for that sacred Purpose, and each member who tries to live a consecration to the Plan of God is responsible, before My presence and before the Presence of My Son, for this fiery aspiration to be fulfilled. 

Children, I ask that every day you renew your vows made to the Celestial Hierarchy; this will motivate other consciousnesses to also awaken and abandon this material life subject to property, to power and to unlimited competition. 

I come from Heaven to ask you to imitate the Community of Nazareth, which was formed by Saint Joseph, by the little Child Jesus and by your Heavenly Mother. 

Each Community in this time must represent that inner Temple, so that the angels may find spaces of companionship and of guidance for all the souls offered to the Plan.

It is for this reason that My Immaculate Heart suffers for the souls that have a true aspiration to live for God and who are deceived, disregarded by the ones who guide those flocks.

The results of those situations, in the loss of souls, are irreparable. This is why, since the beginning, I instituted spaces of prayer and of communion with Christ so that nothing would stray from the path, since My adversary always wants to impose obstacles as a way of hindering the life of those who take small steps. 

Humanity should already be one single community, and even if this seems impossible to happen, that is the original Will of your Heavenly Father, according to what is expressed in Genesis. 

Dear children, I leave you with this reflection so that as from now you may recognize where you are and by whom you are being guided, in the name of Grace and of Mercy, an opportunity that the majority does not have because they are not obedient or simple.

The project is one of humility, of beauty and of fraternity. All are invited to be an example and constant testimony of the Sacred Family. 

I thank you for responding to My call!

Who blesses you, 

Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace


Dear children,

In times of crises, may consolation and reconciliation reign.  May your hearts continue to strive every day to find the peace of the heart.

I am your Mother and I am in every place and moment, contemplating from My Most Pure Heart, each step that you take towards the redemption of life and consciousness.

Dear children, today your hearts are discovering the power that an act of humility has and how it opens the doors so that the souls may reform their lives and thus, the greater purpose may be fulfilled.

You will get to know, on the path of purification, many inner aspects of yourselves.  Some will be conscious and others, you will get to know little by little, because for the Plan of your Celestial Father it is essential that humanity lives redemption of everything through love.  An act of reconciliation is an act that marks the redemption and the conciliation with the Laws of the Heights.

Children, in this way your Heavenly Mother follows your steps through this path towards the holiness which some of you are beginning to traverse.   Remember today the arrival of the Most Chaste Saint Joseph and the pathway that His Heart has opened to the world in the hope that something may truly change.

Read His words and thus you will see the blessed work of the Heavenly Messengers.  In truth, those are the last ones for that humanity that may wish to be spiritually saved.  The humility poured by Saint Joseph will be the master key to cross the end of the times.

I thank you for answering to My call!

In union with the chaste work of Saint Joseph Worker of God,

Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace



The angels from Heaven are gathering on this day around the cenacle of this sacred house to bring you the word of live.

For this, My Son came on theses days to prepare you to live a new path towards redemption and peace.

In this way the Lord has invited you to relive the mystery of the holy sacraments so that everyone may remember that through this sacerdotal ministry of Christ, new doors to Heaven and to Paradise have been opened for everyone to enter in the Heart of God and the reconcile their lives forever.

I have come as your Heavenly Mother, following these events during the last days.  I have seen that many of your hearts have found the path to the truth again and thus, have discovered a meaning for live and for the spirit.

As your Mother I wish your salvation all the time, for this in the last years I have tried to make you pray and love this living exercise in your souls.  In this way, children, the paths that were closed have been opened and now you are ready to live such necessary moment of your purification.

But I will be among you, as I am every day, to guide you until the end, until you find the path to enter in the Heart of God.

Children, now that you have accepted this call with joy and love, try to remain in the Arms of your Celestial Father as long as possible, so He will never cease to look at you with kindness and mercy.

It will be in this way that you will not lose yourselves; that is why I ask you day and night to be in My arms, so that you may soon abandon the prison of a live materialized in error and in lie that this world offers today.

Accepting and living My sacred summoning, the Plan of God will be poured in life and spirit over your hearts and you will be permeated by the powerful Light of redemption.

Dear children, It makes Me joyful to see you reunited in communion.  For this I wish you to walk every day by My side and to participate of this celestial life that is a reality and omnipresence in the Kingdom of the Heavens.

When your hearts pray with love, you will always be uniting to the Divine Principle of the Creator, which is the Love in all that has been manifested.

I thank you for answering to My call!

Who unites you to the Principle of the Love of God,

Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace


My children,

Today I present a request of immediate assistance and help from all those who pray and the servers of the whole world, for My Marian Center of Aurora in Paysandú, Uruguay.

On the verge of a great planetary transformation, the Marian Center suffered from one of the more than a thousand climactic effects of the end of times, effects that will be generated through the great mental and emotional imbalance of current humanity.

For the first time, the Marian Center of Aurora faced the effect of the union of times; this means a shock of light between the old current time and the eternal Real Time of the universe. This event, unexpected for the laws of the Earth, activated a principle that, from now on, will be experienced by all of humanity.

Children, I would like to announce to you that, on the verge of one of the most important meetings of prayer of the last fifty years in the spiritual life of humanity, My consciousness of Mother is praying, protecting and safeguarding all the brothers and sisters present at the Marian Center of Aurora.

Today I am especially calling upon everyone to participate in a study of the Redemption House Association about the next steps that will be taken in the face of the event taking place in the region of Aurora.

This situation is a wake-up call for all participants in the Work of the Divine Messengers, to remind you of the importance of manifesting the auditorium of Mercy, which, in the Plans of God, is destined to carry out meetings for the spiritual healing of humanity.

It is for this reason that the Marian Center of Aurora, starting in the next hours, will begin to rearrange the task that had been foreseen for the days of August.

Thus, I ask, in the name of My Son, that the doors of the Marian Center be opened to receive the necessary humanitarian help, which will allow the adjustment of the program foreseen in the organization of the next prayer meeting of August.

Children, I have come from Heaven to ask for the special collaboration of all My children so that this important meeting, which Heaven hopes to move forward with on the grounds of Aurora, may take place.

In this way, the humanitarian help of the servers and the spontaneous donations of all for this meeting will make it possible for it to occur as had been foreseen.

The Marian Center, My children, has a large heart for receiving you, but up until today, it does not have the essential spaces to harmoniously accomplish the task of the Divine Messengers.

In the face of these planetary times, that will take place in humanity, certain sacred spaces at the Marian Centers must be preserved and safeguarded so they do not become the object of a contrary plan of My adversary.

Dear children, today the Father calls all of you towards inner neutrality, but also to be aware, just as you have demonstrated to the Divine Messengers in these last months.

I wish to announce to you that today, July 31 of 2015, at 8 p.m. Uruguayan time, a special update will be transmitted about the current reality of the Marian Center of Aurora and about the next steps which all are invited to participate in.

So that the next Marathon of Divine Mercy may be possible, the House of Adoration and its surroundings will be reorganized, as well as the other spaces of Redemption House, to be able to receive the number of pilgrims that is arriving at Aurora.

For this reason, in the face of a reality that will take days to be resolved, the Marian Center must receive the collaboration of everyone to be able to move forward with the task. From the Heart of My Son, I will be grateful for the prompt response of all My children of the world for this emergency situation.

Heaven foresees, as from the first days of August, carrying out a task of redemption and reconciliation for all those present. For this, certain spaces, which must be reconfigured by your own hands, will need the help, donations and the service of all My children.

In this anniversary and celebratory year, Aurora cannot be left without blessings and Graces for everyone.

Be prepared for the prompting and for the command of your heart, united with your Heavenly Mother of the universe, in the necessary and urgent Peace for the end of times.

I thank you for responding to this special call!

Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace

Daily Message of Mary, Rose of Peace, transmitted at the Marian Center of Aurora, Paysandu, Uruguay to the visionary Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón

In the first days of August, the Light of My Immaculate Heart will in spirit assemble the sIn the first days of August, the Light of My Immaculate Heart will in spirit assemble the souls in the world that are in need of the spiritual and redeeming healing of the Aurora of My Heart.

It will be in those days of August that My maternal Spirit will want to lead you into experiencing the faith and absolute trust in the co-redemptive Project that your Heavenly Mother carries out at the Marian Centers, which in just a few more years, will be Mirror Centers of My Heart that will refract the attributes of salvation of the Universal Mother to the world.

For this reason, children, after all that you will receive in Aurora and from what each one participates in, I will expect you to leave My greater Marian Center in the certainty of My Love, and your faith renewed by your commitment to the Plan of Salvation, which each soul will be called to live and share.

The Plan of God, foreseen for the coming times, would show a greater result if consciousnesses responded at the proper time. Thus, My children, through My Graces, you are put in a place that perhaps you did not deserve, but through My intercession, I lead you to know the Will of the Creator.

Now that the times are urgent, in order to be able to sincerely follow the proposal that you are being called to participate in, your Heavenly Mother again will gather you together in the sanctuary of Her Most Pure Heart so that during the days of August, you may be true testimonies of a manifested redemption, while at the same time, be witnesses of this Work of Grace that you all share with My Immaculate Heart.

Children, I will await all of you in love and devotion. If your hearts are united with Mine, everything will be possible.

I thank you for responding to My call!

Who nurtures you with the Word of Life of Christ,

Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace

Daily Message of Mary, Rose of Peace, transmitted in the Marian Center of Aurora, Paysandú, Uruguay, to the visionary Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón

As Lady and Mother of the entire universe, I deign to descend to your beloved planet in order to awaken you to the purpose of the greater Task. 

Closing the doors to evil, the hearts reconsider and are placed before their spiritual and inner task, for the time has come, and humanity urgently needs solid pillars to carry forward the Plan of the Divinity.

That current of Light cannot be interrupted or cut off by anyone. The prayer of the heart will keep you united to this Divine Principle and thus you will achieve the expected steps in the consciousness.

Children, you knew that the time of the Armageddon would come. Now, on your paths and in your families, you find beings hypnotized by the modern illusion of this world, and no one manages to perceive the absence of the spirit of peace.

You knew that these times would come; this is why you were led to understand the Will of God, and now it is necessary and indispensable that you are able to live it fully.

Children, you knew that these times would come. The Father expects you to be sacred vessels into which the Rays of Mercy can be poured and become part of the life of each soul.

Dear children, you knew that these times would come. While the hardest things are taking place in this last humanity, your Eternal Father takes care of the emergencies, because if He did not take care of them, you would have no perception of things or of your realities, and thus you would lose the meaning of the inner mission.

Now, the time indicates transparency in the work; you have been called to participate in the Work of your Heavenly Mother. The need grows and it must be filled.

The Universe counts on the consciousness of everyone. My Son hopes to be able to pour out His Gifts of Mercy over all. With attention, seek this Legacy.    

I thank you for responding to My call!

Who elevates you to the essence of the Purpose,

Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace


Many Graces from My Heart have been poured out into your lives during these last times.

You have been worthy of My Love and of My Grace because the joy of My Spirit has filled you with gifts, sowing the seeds of My Son in all essences. Now the fruits must be offered at the Feet of the Creator so that His highest Work may be fulfilled in the redeemed hearts.

You have seen the manifested Purpose in Heaven, and were participants in the Celestial Plan of God; thus you were guided towards the goal so that many souls could awaken to the path of redemption.

The Father has given you everything and will never cease to give you what you need so that you can fulfill the work of His Will.

You have been set free and many of internal situations were liberated from the eternal captivity. You have known peace and felt it; you took the Message of Heaven to those who listened to nothing; you helped to open closed hearts, and recovered the faith in those who had lost it.

Through the work of your Heavenly Mother, you were led to understand the reason for the call, were consistent with the Universe, and it never left you defenseless, not even in the most important moments of your lives. You have learned how to cross the abysses and overcome the tests through the Love of Christ; you have known the truth and became participants in it at the end of times.

You have received the greatest treasures that the Universe held and were called to be guardians of this legacy. The Word of the Divinity has always guided you and has never allowed any door to close in spite of circumstances.

The simplest ones have achieved the goal and followed the path of spirit and of simplicity. Others were lost because they wanted to search for their own answer to everything that was happening; but at the end of the last day, My Son will call you to witness the judgment of the whole world.

For this reason, all are prepared and no one will be able to say that Grace did not touch their heart. The Plan must be accomplished, the hour indicates a sincere decision; the Universe will always await you. The apostles must wake up and work.

I thank you for responding to My call!

Who unites you with the Purpose of God,

Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace


The task God entrusts to you is to be fulfilled through love and trust. In this way, gratitude for the Plan of the Most High can be lived and expressed.

Each entrusted task receives a spiritual impulse that is capable of helping to bring internal relief so that they may accomplish the Purpose.

In these times, the tasks are profound because they encompass not only the state of consciousness but also some need that is to be resolved in this humanity.

In this way, the flocks and the peoples of God gradually take form through the tasks that must be accomplished with a maturity of spirit as well as an absolute trust in the Plan of God.

Now that the armies are being convoked, the schools of inner instruction are being formed to be able to spiritually respond to the need for the education of all souls.

It will be in this way that Christ will count on a certain number of armies to concretize the mission of His Return.

For this, there is one premise to be accomplished: constant effort.

I thank you for responding to My call!

Who contains you and loves you,

Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace



Dear children,

I thank you for your sacrifices and effort, because it is through this surrender that your Heavenly Mother can help the planet, mainly the serious situation of humanity.

Facing now the first part of the end of a time, My Luminous Heart comes to guide you and move you away from the paths that My adversary creates to deceive the good souls.

Through the act of renunciation is found the liberation of the inferior self and thus, the consciousness sees itself totally free of doing wrong and of deviating from the Will of God.

It is by means of sacrifices that your Most Holy Mother can repair many things, like the causes that produce the perdition of the hearts and souls of this world.  For this I come to remind you of the act of your sacrifice and penitence as a key for the liberation of oneself and for the deep healing of the world.

It will be through prayer that the fundamental foundations of the new Christianity will be manifested.  And will be these foundations that will create the interior condition in the souls to reach redemption and specially the preparation for the second coming of Christ to the world.

Dear children, day and night I pray for you, to encourage you, despite the consequences, to be founders of these new foundations that will be formed through the love and the interior donation of everyone to the Plan of God.

You cannot imagine, My children, all that your Heavenly Mother can do to help the souls and the Plan of Evolution in all of the humanity.  For this your sincerity before God will allow you to walk towards this Purpose and thus I will also be able to count on your immediate help.

I thank you for answering My call!

Who congregates you to the apostolate of Christ,

Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace


Dear children,
At the doors of an end of cycle and at the begging of another, of greater purification and definition, I ask you to not be afraid and to clench My mantle with your hands, so that together in Christ we may be able to cross the great storm of this worldly and spiritual transition.

May your eyes look at Me all the time.  May your hearts feel Me all the time.  May your minds be united to the Mind of God so that no one might lose their path towards the Glorious Heart of Christ.  May your tests, challenges and confirmations be an opportunity to belong to the Plan of God.  Children, there is no longer any consciousness nor soul over the Earth that is not living their own transition.  But My Heart is the key and the antidote to prevent and to relieve any purification.

Now that you are more mature and conscious of the word of the Divine Hierarchy, do not allow yourselves to stay motionless in the middle of the path, as if there were nothing else to be done.  Leave the torpor that My adversary produces all the time and, as decided apostles, assume the task that has been entrusted to you.

Children, unite yourselves, unite yourselves very much!  Beyond your ideas and preferences, do not lose the course of the Divine Purpose.  You are guided by My Immaculate Spirit so that someday your lives might be the reflection of a purity that was worked upon by effort and charity.  Do not distract yourselves with the superficial and common things, the spirit of your concentration and prayer should already transcend the difficulties.

If you call yourselves My soldiers, then be so with truth and act in the way that the Universe needs.  I still see many children with their feet over two boats, waiting for the Universe to decide for the life of each one of them, but this will not happen any longer!  Open your eyes from the sleep that absorbs you and see the reality of this humanity, the one that hurts and damages itself, the one that loses all the values of a true and healthy family, the one that subjects many souls to styles and tendencies of a demonic life.  Cut the network of evil with your swords of light and may prayer be the principle to create the great divine protection.

Hop on the horses of light and tame your preferences, be ready at any hour or moment to respond to the commands of the Universal Mother. The worlds is only now crossing the first door to the transition, and it will be stronger if the world keeps on outraging the Law of God, as if nothing else mattered.

Rule with serenity and harmony, search for the Essence of My Son in order for your ideas to be guided by the wisdom of His Heart.  Adore Him and build the foundations for the New Humanity!  Do not separate yourselves!  Be loving and you will not feel alone during the battle of the Woman Dressed of the Sun against the beast.  Elevate your thoughts to God and live Mercy as the only and last exit, thus you will be saved.

I thank you for answering to My call!

In the sovereign power that rules you,

Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace


Dear children,

The path of total consecration to God is what your Heavenly Mother aspires for you all.

According to this aspiration and in these times, many souls will go through the test that will confirm the chosen path, and I will be there to help you to make the right internal decision without feeling guilty, but only the love of God.

Children, the saint of the last days will be present to help you on the culminating time of the transition of the Earth when the red moon defines the awakening of a new cycle, liberating from the sin and from the errors.

For this reason the challenges and the tests will be the tone that will mark the beginning of this new cycle, free from sorrow and from human suffering.  That is why on this day I bring you the divine consciousness of the universal consecration, a mission that will be for many of My children, the ones that will push the heavy boat of this world so that you may definitely navigate in the sea of Grace and Mercy.

Your structures will move and all the dark control will stop governing so that once and for all everyone may be in Jesus, and Jesus may be forever in you.

Children, grant permission so that My Son governs your lives; in that way no other governor or aspect of your own non-purified lives will be able have determination in the spiritual lives of your souls.

For this, be meek and let My Son conquer you little by little so that He, in His Infinite Glory, may have the instruments to developed the last part of the Plan of God.

Look at your sins as instruction and opportunity for transformation and interior change; in that way when My Son has taken over the kingdom of your lives all the receptive souls will be sanctified.

I thank you for answering to My call!

Who leads you to love the consecration,

Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace


Dear Children,

Today, when the Universe of God touches the Earth and pours Its Mercy over the whole planet, your Mother of the Most Holy Rosary, from America united to the heart of the Kingdom of Fatima will proclaim the word of life, the one that Her beloved Son Jesus requested Her to pronounce on this sacred day.

For this reason today your Celestial Mother will be united to all of the essences of this world, those that on this 13th of May declare to God and to Jesus Christ that the world accepts and recognizes the Mother of God as the Mother of all and as the Queen of Peace.

In this way the Angelic Universe will be radiating from Fatima, heart of the essential purity, a sea of Graces mainly over the hearts and souls that have remained imprisoned in the illusion and in the claws of the adversary.

Today, from the heart of the Kingdom of Fatima, it will be declared Peace for the world and this will come especially to the hearts that may commune on this day and may pray at least a mystery of the Holy Rosary.

Thus, dear children, the Church of Christ, the one that lives in eternity within the simple hearts, will be awakened again.  And the Holy Father will receive an inner aid with which He will be able to keep the spiritual world balanced for some more time.

For this, children, the Queen of the Holy Rosary will descend today in South America in spirit of peace and renovation so that all of the souls of the world may collect the last fruits that the Mother of Heaven will deliver in the hands of the simple and the truthful.

Today from Fatima, the priests of the whole world and all of the favorite children of Our Lady, the ones consecrated to the sacerdotal life, will deliver to the people of God a key that will open the door to liberation of all sins committed against the Immaculate Heart of Mary.  From this door, the most sinful souls will be able to direct themselves through the path of inner and spiritual rehabilitation.

Twelve Celestial Angels of the Universe will be celebrating along with Our Lady this communion of reparation and of atonement of the whole world, an event that will happen at the same time in all of the tabernacles of the Earth.

But if there is a greater spirit of faith and of devotion to Our Lady of the Most Holy Rosary, the Mother of God, Saint Michael Archangel and Saint Gabriel Archangel will promise to the good souls, aid during the hour of death and mainly the spiritual conversion of the family.  This will be so if today you pray the Rosary with heart, without asking anything in return, only that the Plan of God be fulfilled in the ungrateful souls.

From the Kingdom of Fatima, the angelic spheres will shine and entrust to all of the guardian angels of the world to celebrate along with Our Lady the universal communion for Peace.

For this, today, your Heavenly Mother comes to ask to all of Her Children to commune of the Body and of the Blood of Christ.  This atonement that will be granted by the Virgin Mary will last until the 14th of May of 2015, moment in which will be closed the last door of conversion.

Dear children, today I invite you to adore Jesus and that all may feel united to the Sanctuary of Fatima, Portugal, so that this sacred task of your Mother may be fulfilled as it is planned.

I thank the groups of prayer of the Americas, of the United States and Europe for being already answering to My call!

The Work will be fulfilled because these are the last missions of the Most Holy Virgin before the return of Christ.

Who thanks and blesses you always,

Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace

Daily Messages

May the doors of the Kingdom of the Heavens be opened and the sublime and celestial spheres descent in Glory to the kingdom of this world to transform and awaken all of the creatures of this blessed Earth.

My beloveds, may you all rejoice and be glad because I am descending in an extraordinary way to the world in order to pour, once again, a river of Graces upon humanity.

While the world sleeps, may those who are awake love sacrifice and the absolute surrender.

While the world let extinguish its own inner flame and faith fades from the consciousness of humanity, may those who are by My side be unshakable, and may not be any doubts from others that may take away from them the faith that I placed in their hearts.

While anguish and fear take over the hearts of those who do not fulfill the designs of the Creator, may My soldiers rejoice and, even in face of the great planetary tribulation, may they be strong, firm and confident in the fulfillment of the Celestial Plans.

While the world fears the collapse of a material system, may the disciples of Christ only wait entrusted to His return and observe each event as the true sign that this return is approaching.

While the world worries about the time that passes and the death that comes, may those who accompany Me open their consciousnesses in order to transcend the times and to enter into the infinite time, in which there is only eternity, the unity with God and with all of His creation.

My beloveds, I come to invite you today to transcend the laws of this world and all of its tendencies.  I invite you to withdraw the heart from the earthly and material loves, that embrace only what this world offers you, so that in this way you may get to know a sublime love, that knows all in depth, that lives and loves to fulfill the Plans of God and to manifest His Creation, such as He thought in His Most Sacred Spirit.

My dear ones, these are times to leave the common living and fight with the heart in order to persevere in a path that, in a short time and in an absolute way, will go against all the tendencies and the energies of this world.

You must be strengthened by the power of the word of the Divine Messengers and never let yourselves be shaken by the internal processes that others will live or by the purification of the planet itself.

Open the eyes to a reality that the majority of humanity is not able to see, and know that behind all the tests of this world there is a Great Purpose that tries to strengthen you and confirm your spirits in the adhesion to the Most Sacred Spirit of God Almighty.

May the faith in your hearts never dissipate itself.  May the hope in the return of My Son only strengthen and grow as an imperishable truth within His disciples and apostles.

Many will only believe in His return by seeing Him cross the Sky and put His Feet on the ground of this Earth, such as it was in His resurrection.  However, blessed will be those who know that He lives, such as they knew that He was the Messiah, and know that He will return, such as they knew that He would defeat death.  These are the ones who will perpetuate His Presence in the world.

Raise today to the Heavens the endless gratitude of your spirits, for being directly guided by God and by those who are the echo of His Voice and the spiritual manifestation of His Will for the entire Universe.

My beloved children, I leave you my blessing and My most precious Graces so that, with love and bravery, you may transit through the tests that will come.

May My beloved daughter that today renew herself in My Heart, be strengthened by the power of My Love.

Unite and love each other always.  Live the principles of the Kingdom of God.

I love you and I hope to find you with faith and inner peace.

Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace


Dear children,

Your Mother of Kibeho is already working in the whole of the Congo through the missionaries of peace. For such a just and honorable cause, the Celestial Father is granting extraordinary Graces, which will then be deposited in the heart of all of My children of the Congo.

With joy and also in prayer, your Heavenly Mother is entering the spaces of sorrow and poverty so that, through the victorious prayer of all, the souls most lost may find the path back to the Heart of the Celestial Father.

In this time when humanity faces the acute crises of the end of times, you will find relief mainly through prayer, through faith, and through absolute trust in God.

The Congo is a land wounded by destruction, by mining takeovers, and outrages to the kingdoms of nature, the ones that always pay the price for the bad decisions made by humankind. As humanity does not see the destruction of Creation as something serious, Mother Nature herself is groaning so that at least a space may exist for relief and reparation. Thus, children, volcanoes explode and the nations move through earthquakes and catastrophes.

And where is the spirit of love of humanity?

For this reason, children, the Universe is causing Its Law to descend and there will not be anyone in this entire world who will not receive the effect of what they generated for years.

Children, live in My Grace and trust in it; it is a fountain of wonders and of miracles for souls.

In this era I need your cooperation and humanitarian help so that even with so few servers, dedicated and available, the Plan and the Planet may be saved. My Grace is not known; It is invincible and divine for all of those who search for It with heart and with love.

Keep on praying for My missionaries of peace; the time shortens and the emergency grows in the whole of humanity.

I thank you for responding to My call!

Who gathers you and unites you to love,

Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace

Daily Message received of Mary, Rose of Peace, transmitted in the Marian Center of Aurora, Paysandú, Uruguay, to the visionary Friar Elias del Sagrado Corazón

My children:

Negligence has led the whole of humanity to have actions and attitudes contrary to the Plan of the Creator, because behind every inner state, known or unknown to you, lies a motive that is not in accordance with the purpose of the Greater Plan.

That is why, children, your Heavenly Mother, Mother of the Justice of God, comes to the world to banish these states that lead to the path of error and stagnation of the spirit in each being.

Be attentive to everything, be open to listen to the unrecognizable and simple to receive the instruction of Heaven and Earth; you, My children, will be able to perceive the different degrees of the human condition and its decadence throughout the ages.

But in order for that pattern of behavior, which was conceived as something normal, to change, constancy and diligence in discovering oneself will be the keys that will open the door to be able to liberate all human conditions.

To be part of the new sacred family of humanity, even if these inner and hidden states act and manifest themselves, without the possibility of keeping them neutral; prayer, instruction and perseverance over yourselves will help you to find the path to empty the self, despite the great desert you face in these times.

The hour of your purification will mark the moment of being able to cleanse and heal all these things that like negligence, until today, lead humanity on the uncertain path of an illusion "renewing and desired by many."

The mantle of humility will protect you from everything and know, My children, that at the moment of perceiving everything, I will be in Heaven encouraging you to liberate yourselves and to rest in the arms of My sacred withdrawal.

When you begin the path of your purification, it will be the time to be able to redeem all the deeds and all the actions that are no longer part of a sanctified life in the Lord.

Your immediate union and your love for your neighbor, in spite of your differences, will make you free and joyful to receive the Grace of the Kingdom of God. But while your search for all that is wrong remains visible before the inner eyes of the brave, do not be discouraged children, this school you live in promises insertion into the spiritual path of the heart, into the christic path of My beloved Son.

I thank you for responding to My call!

Who instructs you, in consciousness and love,

Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace



Dear children,

On the eve of the great moment that My Son lived on the Cross, today I invite you to prepare your hearts on the path of perseverance and faith, attributes that were lived by Jesus moments before His surrender on the Cross, before everything was consummated.

Thus, My children, entering the school of faith and perseverance, you will find the path of constancy and fortitude so that, before the tests, you may be confirmed in the Plan of the Celestial Father and He, through Mercy, may be able to carry out His Works throughout the world through your spirits.

In this time of preparation, your Master is already in Jerusalem, working intensely for the redemption of souls, which in these times do not even receive the opportunity of experiencing the love of the heart.

May this Sacred Week lead you into understanding the mystery of the Love of God through the sacrifice of Christ, for, in this way, you will be holders of the essence of Life that created the bases for transcending the Passion of the Lord.

Children, on this day, we walk together in the Will of the Lord, which renews us and encourages us to live the surrender of life and of the heart. Stay always upon My lap; I have prepared a space of inner fortitude that is capable of leading you into living the Gifts of the Creator.

Dear children, from Heaven, I will accompany you during this Sacred Week; thus, you will perceive how important it is for these times to remember the Passion of Christ as a primary key to be able to transcend the end of times.

I thank you for responding to My call!

Who blesses you with the Water of Life,

Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace


May My Peace be established in the world, and may this Peace reign in the hearts of all humankind and in the essences of all Kingdoms of Nature.

My children, I invite you to a deep process of inner peace to thus defeat all adversities of these times.  Only Peace held within creatures will allow them to live the times of great tribulation in the world. 

Know, My beloveds, that you must learn to overcome your own inner conflicts through peace; to learn to let the reign of My Peace be greater than any tribulation that the purifications and assaults of these times may cause you.

I want you to know that the plans contrary to the Plans of God will always seek to destabilize My soldiers and defeat them through tension, conflict and the weariness of their hearts.

This is a time in which learning stages will still take place, in which you may fall and stand back up again and again.  Therefore, do not tire of overcoming your own tribulations to establish peace within yourselves, thus allowing it to reach the hearts of other beings of this world; because in the time that is to come, this peace must already be established within each one of you so that in this way you may experience a greater trial, which is to establish My Peace in the moments of planetary chaos.

My beloveds, do not allow confrontations to draw you out of My refuge of Peace, because the absolute power of My Love and the compelling force of My Holy Peace are greater than any confrontation that you may experience in this world.

As Rose of Peace and as Mother of Jesus, I want to teach you to be peacemakers in the face of any situation in your lives.

Remember, My children, the example that I set for you when I saw My Son being flagellated and crucified, for even knowing that assaulting the Son of God was the greatest injustice that was being committed in this universe, My Heart never lost Its peace, for It never lost Its trust in the Creator of all things who called us by name to fulfill His Plan, and who will always guarantee that each event in our lives will bring us the exact learning experience that we must have.

For these times and for the times that will come, remember that My Peace must reign within each one of My children and that, through them, this Peace must be expanded throughout the world.

Today you are under My Mantle.  I will protect you and will welcome you always; I will safeguard you from evil and will heal your spirits and your hearts when you are weary of this battle in order to establish the Reign of the Lord throughout the world.

My beloveds, do not give up, but rather proceed with confidence.  Understand the Calvary, which many are experiencing, as the only path for the re-establishment of Mercy among beings.  But for this, you must travel this path without losing sight of the Will of God and of His great Plan of Love, which must be reflected in your essences as pure love.

I love you and I bless you.

I give you My Peace; take it to the whole world.

Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace, Queen of Peace and of the world


The Almighty God proclaims the power of His Word through My Immaculate Heart.  This Sovereign Power shelters you in the favorite bosom of His Most Pure Heart.

Children, through the magnitude of the Divine and Creator Word forms are constructed and thus, the divine and superior life is expressed by means of the existence of the creatures of this vast universe.

It is through the souls that Adonai accomplishes His Magnanimous and Infinite Work because, in every spiritual science, the life of all souls and essences is the main reason for the existence of the Plan of the Creator.

It is through the divine intervention of the creator and celestial angels that the Divine Thought is manifested throughout the dwellings of all the Heavens.  From there comes the fundamental essence and the major principle that allow the accomplishing of the projects thought by God.

And the souls of the Earth, how do they participate in the origin of this principle?

It is enough, children, that you simply recognize yourselves every day as worthy children of God and that you fulfill the commands that come directly from the Creator Mind towards your hearts.

You, My children, are a very important and a remarkable part of the indispensable attainment of this project.  Since the beginning of this humanity, God thought about concreting His most intimate wishes through the manifestation of the soul of creatures. 

Your soul is the direct bridge that will unite you to the infinite dwellings where are expressed the life of the spirit and the sublime experience with the law of Love and Unity.

From your roots and your origins emerges the principle of The Whole and from this Whole is born the will to perform tasks that never end.  Because in the Heart of the Celestial Father, you are in first place of His Most Pure Purpose and, without you, souls in redemption and rehabilitation, the coming of the New Humanity and of the new soul will not be able to awaken.

You, My beloved, are at the exact moment of a transition that has not started yet.  Embrace in your interior the Grace of belonging to the Plan of God and, being aware of the divine laws which rule you every day, be thankful.  In this way you will be worthy and deserving of waiting for My Beloved Son in some corner of your consciousnesses and souls.

Through My Divinized Spirit, I let you know about the existence and the reality that gathers you and expects to find you prepared to testify that now you are faithful children of the Creator. 

Opening the doors of the Infinite Heavens, last opportunities will be poured out as Graces into the hearts of the righteous and of the sages.  Be like Moses, who was faithful to the requests of the Lord, and who, in spite of his walk in the desert for 40 years, never lost faith and hope.

Despite everything, Moses did not feel abandoned and he built in his inner self the prefect union which led him to find the Plan of God above every difficulty.   The unbreakable faith of Moses maintained the peoples of God united in the origin and in the principle of their lineage and of their purpose.

It was this faith, which Jesus once lived for all, and the hope, that permitted to accomplish, in spite of all evils, the primary objective: the future emerging of a New Humanity.

In this way, My silent and calm Heart learned that in the absolute faith there are no barriers to concretize what God requests even though it may seem impossible.

Now, children, you are before a spiritual science that invites you, by means of prayer, to awaken to all that exists in the dwelling of God.  If the world opened to recognize its true identity with the Universe, the whole race would already be at the school for the New Christs.

I thank you for opening to discover your own and true call from God.  The Universe shelters you always!

Who gathers you at the Cenacle of the Angels of Light,

Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace  



Who are we?

Association Mary
Founded in December of 2012, at the request of the Virgin Mary, Association Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception, is a religious association without ties to any institutionalized religion. It has a philosophical-spiritual, ecumenical, humanitarian, charitable, cultural character, and it supports all activities that are indicated through the instructions transmitted by Christ Jesus, the Virgin Mary, and Saint Joseph. Read more
