I come on this day, dear children, to remind you that your Celestial Mother is still praying for the juste cause of the peregrination to Central America and Mexico.
It is so that your Eternal Father sends His Loyal Servant to declare to humanity that the moment has come to take a great step towards group life and fraternity.
It will be with these two great virtues that the consciousnesses will perceive that they should come out of themselves to be able to be as a whole with their fellow beings.
I need you, My dear children, to adopt at this time this inner and outer attitude so that, in this way, the Plan of God reaches higher planes of consciousness and will be a reality for everyone.
I invite you to fraternize, to cooperate, to donate to the Work of the Celestial Father for you to be able to create the necessary foundations for the new humanity, because living on this way of equality and balance you will learn to pay off your debts and, at the same time, you will be led by the angels to find the real need to be able to supply it.
Embrace this announcement of your Celestial Mother because this way you, praying people, will see that the Plan of God will be fulfilled in all the planetary sphere for the lost humanity to receive a Grace and an opportunity.
Think about what I am telling you.
I thank you for responding to My call.
Who blesses you,
Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace
I am still present, dear children of São Paulo, amidst your prayers and in your hearts, to now give you impulse in the collaboration with My Marian work and for peace in the world.
In these moments, your Heavenly Mother accompanies the meeting of prayer of Mercy and hopes that the flame of faith of your hearts motivates you to an awakening of the consciousness and to live peace.
While My Son sends Me to announce My designs to you, on the other hand, Your Heavenly Mother prays with all the fervor of Her Immaculate Heart in hopes that some consciousness completes the works needed so as to carry out the mission to Central America.
It is on this day that I bring you the spirit of responsibility before the Plan of God, so that you can live it and assume it as a priority in this time when everything is permitted.
I wish to see in your hearts the strength of this enduring inner confirmation, because it will be in this way that your Mother will have room and space to be able to develop Her work in humanity and in the world.
On this day of Mercy, may your lives join My call, because it is now time to concretize it and the whole planet needs it.
I am with you and I pray for you so that you may awaken to God, to the Greater Love.
I thank you for responding to My call.
Who blesses you,
Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace
May the Divine Peace be established in times of chaos.
May this Peace attract meekness to all hearts.
May love triumph in times of battle and may this love recuperate and redeem all that seems lost.
May souls glorify the Father and may His Holy Spirit liberate them from all evil.
May consciousnesses strengthen themselves during the transition of Earth so that they can see the opening of the doors of the glorious return of Christ.
May everything be determined at this hour of definition so that the Plan of God will manifest itself in the consciousness of humanity.
May nobody lose hope or inner strengths, may you rise the flag of the announcement of the redemptive coming of Christ.
May the divine and supreme Heavens open themselves above your heads for the holy angels to pour out the Mercy of God.
May the impure be purified.
May the purified become more pure and, in the essence of the original purity, may all live inner peace.
May the legions of Light formed by all human beings of good will follow the realization of the Divine Plan and may all the navigating servers row and row for the boat of victory to arrive at the port of the Great and Supreme Liberator.
May nobody fear the final time, may everything take place according to the divine Thought.
May the hearts not lose peace.
I thank you for responding to My call.
In vigil.
Your Mother, Rose of Peace
Dear children,
On this day I come to announce to you a special request from the Celestial Father.
With My Heart bloodstained, I come to tell you, My little ones, that the pilgrimage to Central America and Mexico will be postponed for two important reasons: first, children of Mine, for the lack of resources, which up to this date have not been completed.
It is not My intention as a Mother that My children in mission go on a pilgrimage through these nations without the manifestation being completed.
You know, dear children, that the Celestial Father expects all of His children in the world to deeply yearn to help in the plans of peace of your Heavenly Mother.
The second cause, dear children, is that it is not in the consciousness of everyone the feeling of what the Celestial Hierarchy is realizing with the purpose of avoiding harmful catastrophes in humanity and in the world.
The Plan of the Universal Father is to save all of His children, regardless of their mistakes and faults committed.
It is in this way that as a Kind and Merciful Mother I will wait during all the month of October until I will be able to see with My own celestial eyes that your help for the materialization of My work is sincere and real.
Therefore, your Heavenly Mother will carry out a new attempt, the third at this time, to be able to reach Central America and Mexico during all the month of November.
I would like to feel from your hearts not only your beautiful prayers, but also your donations to My work of salvation.
We are in an unusual and definitive time when awakening, redemption and salvation are at stake between chaos and the Kingdom of Light. The triumph of My Heart will occur through the awareness of everyone.
With this purpose, I invite all of My children to renew the Campaign for Peace through the diffusion of the image of Our Lady of Guadalupe, so that in the month of October all of My children may daily offer a mystery of the Holy Rosary, which must be prayed at the feet of My holy image.
I would like to be in every home shining as the Mother of all the people and all the nations.
It is in this way that, in October, Your Heavenly Mother will go on a pilgrimage through Brazil, ardently expecting the Marian mission to Central America and Mexico to be fulfilled during the month of November.
All those who pray and are charitable will have the month of October to collaborate so that this important work of peace may reach Central America and Mexico.
I ask all of My Children from Central America and Mexico to strengthen themselves because I will be with them, I will keep this promise. Pray everyday to the Guadalupana and thus prepare yourselves to receive Me; I also invite you to be part of the Campaign for Peace.
As it was in My divine plans to visit some regions of Brazil again, this pilgrimage of the month of October will be dedicated precisely to help materializing the mission to Central America and Mexico.
It is in this way that the Celestial Messengers will visit:
As a consequence, the State of Sao Paulo will be very blessed and impelled to collaborate with the Campaign for Peace, with love and fraternity to all their brothers and sisters of Central America.
Brazil and Argentina are in position to help Me in this Mission of Peace for the month of November.
I thank you for loving the Will of the Father and accepting it; I expect your adherence of heart!
Who loves you,
Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace
I am the Doorway of Peace.
I am the divine and powerful current that draws the principles of Creation to the world.
I am that most pure ray that comes from God and awakens redemption in hearts.
I come at this time to announce the Coming of My Son.
I come to prepare the paths by which souls will find Christ.
Thus, this cycle is decisive for all; it is the moment to meet the Eternal Father to accomplish His Sacred Will.
It is the time to feel the future and the hope shaped within all beings.
As your Mother, I lead and guide you toward My Work of Peace, which not only embraces nations and continents, but also, throughout the ages, It has taught humanity to live the Plan of the Creator.
I leave everyone the Spirit of My Peace and an absolute trust in the Designs of the One.
I embrace each one of you, so that you may feel My maternal warmth and thus be vivified in the Lord.
May everything become peaceful in this hour, and may those who walk embrace their cross and carry it, for it will not be heavy; it will be the cross of the liberation of the world and they will be in likeness to My Son to the Glory of God.
I thank you for responding to My call!
Who blesses you,
Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace and of the Greater Love
The return of the Guadalupan to Central America and Mexico
At the feet of the Tepeyac, Your Heavenly Mother prepares Her task with all the souls and hearts that will receive from Me the essence of love and redemption.
It is the return of the Guadalupan…
Through the help and collaboration of all, your Mother of Heaven will descend to the Mexican lands and to Central America, where the history of My presence and of the liberation of the indigenous peoples and of all the slaves was recorded.
It is the return of the Guadalupan…
At this moment, dear children, accompany Your Holy Mother in this pilgrimage, so that, for the second time in the history of humanity, I may stamp My Holy Liberating and Redeeming Face of Guadalupe on the precious souls of My children of Central America and Mexico.
It is the return of the Guadalupan…
Because of this, with rejoicing and joy, you, My children of Central America and of the world, will open the doors of your hearts and of your nations so that Your Mother of Guadalupe may enter and carry out the sacred mission of preparing the consciousnesses for the return of My Beloved Son.
It is the return of the Guadalupan…
With the voice and the chant of the holy angels, the Governess of the Americas, the Holy Mother of God, rejoices because She will be able to meet Her children of Central America again, to pour on them Her Graces and to deliver to them the blessed Spirit of My Peace.
It is the return of the Guadalupan…
I will go to Central America to heal old wounds, past histories of pain and suffering; at last I will be able to make My dear children be born again; I will be able to remove them from the illusion of the world and I will open for them the eyes of the soul and the consciousness, so that all can see and feel Me.
It is the return of the Guadalupan…
Opening your hearts to receive Me, listen to the voice of the Mother of the Americas, a voice that summons you to the consecration of your peoples and of your nations, so that peace may reign and thus the error and the outrages to the little hearts may end.
It is the return of the Guadalupan…
During the month of October, I will place My crown of twelve stars over Central America and Mexico and I will pour My twelve universal attributes, so that souls may receive the codes of rehabilitation and conversion.
It will be during the month of October that Your Heavenly Mother will cease the spiritual and material war and, together with the Face of the Lady of the Most Holy Rosary of Fatima, we will enter in prayer so that those lost and the imprisoned may attain liberation.
It is the return of the Guadalupan…
You will see the flags of all nations of the Americas wave.
They will be put at the feet of Your Heavenly Mother, as the symbol of the surrender of the peoples before My Immaculate Heart and as the union between cultures through the Love of God.
It is the return of the Guadalupan…
Happy are those who recognize Me as the Holy Woman of Nazareth, thus I will bring to all the awareness of the importance of the triumph of the Plan of God for these times and of the awakening of hearts to My last call.
You will see My Work fulfilled no matter what, because My Immacultate Spirit will give inner strength for the servers to comply with My petitions.
It is the return of the Guadalupan…
Each culture will ask for forgiveness from one another, each nation will reconcile with each nation, if the hearts open in time to glimpse the Love of God, which will be filling them, because in Central America the door will be closed and souls will not get lost anymore, as they will have awareness not to do it and to convert themselves.
It is the return of the Guadalupan…
On this day, may all embrace the mission of Your Heavenly Mother and may hearts not forget to cooperate, to collaborate and to lovingly donate so that the Plan of Peace may be fulfilled. Thus, I teach the Church how to use its goods in the name of the Greater Plan and not in its own name, because souls wait for spiritual help.
May all be balanced. May all be just for the good and for the future of the New Humanity.
It is the return of the Guadalupan…
I thank you for accompanying and supporting Me in the Mission to Central America!
Who blesses you from the heart of the Tepeyac, Your Guadalupan,
Mary, Rose of Peace
Today My Voice is heard, just like the Voice of My Son, on all four corners of the Earth. They are the Voices that originate from the divine Verb and that reveal certain truths that, according to humankind, bring divisive consequences within and outside of the Holy Church.
As in Guadalupe, Lourdes, Fatima, Medjugorje, and at Aurora during My first apparition, at that moment no one could recognize who I was.
The spirit of sobriety of the Church has caused it to protect the faith of followers. But in truth, very few were able, over time and without confirmatory miracles from Heaven, to believe from the first.
This kind of faith is in very few, because it is a faith that does not reject, but neither does it accept or complain; that faith that is in very few only comes with wisdom and without repudiation, because in truth, no member of this humanity knows the Plan of God.
It is thus, dear children, that God manifests His Purpose in a way that not all accept, because that purpose leads to transformation and to change.
I am not saying, My children, that the church change or not in the face of the true presence of the Mother of God. I have appeared throughout time where the Father has asked Me to, always to deliver a message of peace and of warning that the majority does not receive with fervor.
It has already been written that the Woman of the Apocalypse would come and we are at that moment; this causes certain actions and thoughts to be modified, because all has to be in favor of the Plan of God and not in favor of the plan of humankind.
When an announcement comes from Heaven, somewhere in the world, and this is continuous and sure, the first step of humankind is to omit this call and refute it to all souls. This closes the heart of followers and causes them lose the Grace of being directly assisted by Heaven.
None of the apparitions of your Heavenly Mother is accepted before time; in this way, in order to preserve and protect the trust of hearts, the Father has asked Me in other eras to make miracles, and in this cycle, the greatest miracle is that I am among you, preaching and opening the consciousness to the truth that many of My children want to hide and thus reject.
Each soul is free and will be so until the end of their days, but the Graces that I pour out in each place are unique and are not repeated.
Each place where I appear receives what it needs, according to the Purpose that the Father presents for each cycle of humanity.
My Face is being presented outside the Church so that My children see that the message is that there are hearts in need of help and the Church does not respond to them with due love.
I want to form the true union with God in souls, and this union has no barriers; that is why I am teaching all to pray, to adore, to contemplate, and to forgive; Grace is for all who search for it and love Christ with all their heart.
Do not be blind and do not close, with your human strength, the door of salvation that I am opening for all souls; all souls deserve the salvation of My Son and I will go on until the end, until I fulfill what the Father has asked of Me.
Do not offend Me anymore; unite out of love and follow Me. Remember, priest sons, that I have already called you once and you did not want to listen to Me; no one on this planet has the responsibility for what I ask; it is I, your Mother, who comes to remove you from the eternal dream and from convenience.
I thank you for accompanying My work from your heart.
Who reconciles you,
Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace
When a spiritual and divine door opens in consciousnesses that had been asleep, other doors open through the universal impulse that the first door delivers.
At that moment the principle of purification begins to manifest, and consciousnesses are led to know the process that they will have to face in its entirety.
Thus, everything that is a part of the debts is drawn towards the consciousness of those who at last have decided to tread the path of the spirit so that, in this way, everything may be liberated.
In this sense, when the consciousnesses that already serve in a continuous manner undergo this experience, they are led to face the process of their purification in a universal way.
When the scales of life and debts is out of balance, it means that consciousnesses will go through an intense experience, which will lead them into defining themselves within the Plan of Love and of Light.
At this time, the Hierarchy offers humanity the opportunity of balancing its paths and of following the only path of the evolution of consciousness.
This will cause all to be exposed within a consciousness. We must therefore pray and become more peaceful.
I thank you for responding to My call!
Who unifies you,
Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace
Dear children,
On this day, in which from Aurora, you live the renewal and the beginning of a new cycle, I would like to invite you to accompany this new path which many of you were encouraged to walk, the path of the awakening of consciousness and the act of living the Plan of God.
After so many years of instruction, in this meeting, here in Aurora, My maternal eyes, for the first time, observe the steps which some consciousnesses are being encouraged to take for the sake of this humanity and the evolution of this planet.
My eyes see the New Christs emerge from their inner beings, which will not be known, but will be contemplated by the Creation which has guided them since the beginning.
Today, I retreat from Aurora and from this house to rise to Heaven and announce to My Son that part of this inner project is now fulfilled.
I will continue praying, just as in all times, so that My children, determined to love the Plan of God, may have the inner strength of all the angels and archangels of Heaven.
In this time of inner definition and battle, may My beloved children count on the intercession of all the angels of the universe, who will come out of love to help you, whenever you need it.
Seeing the concretion and realization of this Work of Redemption within the hearts is an infinite joy; because from now on the Celestial Father observes from His Kingdom that His smallest and most imperfect creatures open their hearts to finally experience His Divine Purpose, His Holy Will.
Thus you will learn, dear children, to be that to which you so aspire, to be servers of My Son, to be faithful witnesses that it is possible to feel and experience the Love of God and of the whole universe.
The Grace of God has filled you in these days, as spiritual healings have occurred in the consciousnesses in need.
Today, a new spiritual brotherhood is formed among the spirits gathered by Christ for this important mission of being suns that illuminate the end of times, being stars that reveal to the world the message of peace and redemption.
Today, your Mother accompanies you from the sacred Heaven of Aurora and announces that the doors towards Peace remain open here so that, when you return to this House of God, you may re-encounter the essence that has saved you and has formed you as soldiers of the Plan.
Now, go with joy and take the same experience of love and brotherhood which you experienced here, from the first days of August. Transmit the essence of Love and Truth to the vast majority of My children who are asleep in this world.
Do not tire of being My arms and hands on this planet, so that I can work through your small hearts. Do not tire of being My feet, so that I continue sowing Light in this humanity in need.
Lastly, My beloved children, I leave you My gratitude for opening your consciousnesses to the transformation and transfiguration of your lives, because in this pace you can keep the flame of your hearts ignited so that you may be in the plenitude of God all the time.
I have filled your consciousnesses with new Graces, just as My Son has asked of Me. I have left within your essences a greater commitment, which will impel you to experience something divine in your lives.
I poured over Aurora the last part of the Purpose that God asked Me to deposit in this place, and now, all those who are present are participants of this living part of the Plan which little by little begins to materialize.
It will remain as a mission, in this spiritual work, the prompt manifestation of the Auditorium of Mercy which, for the reality of these times, will be the same as the one found here. This auditorium will remind everyone that it will be the house of the Sacred Family.
I hope to see the walls of it raised this year. The foundations of this simple auditorium will be founded by Me and I hope you will accompany Me.
From this Heaven of Aurora, I allow the light of your hearts to shine so that the Father can see that humanity is not lost.
I leave you all My Peace and My Love of a Mother.
I thank you for responding to My call!
Who blesses you,
Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace
I am that voice that announces itself to the world to bring a message of hope and of redemption.
I am the Mother who brings in Her Heart the Celestial Kingdom so that all may come to know it.
I can work in the whole world only if you are children of My Consciousness, because My Plan is simply fulfilled through each one of you.
I would like your hearts to know the power of My motherhood, the love I have for each child of Mine from this planet.
It is this love that causes Me to return every day to the world to remind it again and again that it has not yet changed.
For this reason, counting on souls like yours, I will be able to fulfill the Plan for this wounded world.
May the proclamation of the Kingdom of God spring from your lips so that at last, hearts find again the path they had lost, the path to peace.
I thank you for responding to My call!
Who congregates you,
Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace
Dear children,
On this day, I invite you to contemplate the Plan of God and its Purpose in every action of life, in every service, in the fulfillment of His Divine Will.
Today I invite you to love this Plan unconditionally and not to reject it, as does the majority of Humanity.
Dear children, in this way, by loving the Purpose above all, you will always be on the correct path and in the right direction, and you will never stop attending to the needs that present themselves in your life.
To love the Plan of God unconditionally so that it is fulfilled means to renounce, without understanding, and accepting with all the inner openness of your hearts.
Millions of souls seek, through different paths, to know their purpose in this life, and this leads them to get lost on paths foreign to their capabilities.
I would like you, My children, to understand that there are still consciousnesses that, having received the call in their lives, decided on their own to separate from the Divine Purpose of the Father.
I ask all of you, aware of the path of prayer that you are following in these times, to only seek to lovingly fulfill what is being asked of you, without any criticism or judgement.
The Higher Good is very great and you still do not know it because humanity is always submerged in the laws of matter.
So that your hearts may be consistent with the Plan of God, I invite you to adopt it and live it so that this experience may multiply in you the absolute confidence that everything that you are living is part of a wise and infinite Higher Will.
Today I leave you this instruction, dear children, because there is no more time to lose, only faith will suffice and by faith walk forward.
I thank you for responding to My call!
Who makes you aware of the Superior Life,
Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace
My beloved children,
While the world agonizes and My adversary tries to write a different future for the Earth through the wounds set in the hearts and spirits of the children and youth who live in wars, My maternal Spirit of love tries to lead you to balance and to the reparation of the human heart.
Children, the deep wounds that are being spiritually stamped in the children and youths of today causes hatred and resentment, the eagerness to start new wars and revenge to grow in the hearts of My little ones, and extinguishes from within them the gift of the fear of God, the possibility of loving, finding peace, expressing harmony, beauty, fraternity, purity, and compassion.
The youths and the children who suffer today due to wars, and who even actively participate in them — forced or led by the resentment in their hearts – are souls that have come to the world to render a service, to express a divine attribute, and to take to the Universe a learning of love and unity.
For this Plan of the Creator to not be lost or modified by the hands of the adversary, I call on you to balance, to generate unity, peace, harmony, and fraternity. I call on you to spread love, and the possibility of experiencing on Earth a healthy life that is full of God. I call on all the youth of the planet to collaborate in the redemption, not only of their own beings, but also to be guardians of the future of all humanity; guardians of the divine project whose manifestation will be their responsibility in the coming time.
My Children, the Youth Festival for Peace is not only a meeting of amusement for the youth, like many festivals that take place throughout the world. The Youth Festival for Peace is the seed of a new life that I am planting in the consciousness of those who must carry forward the Plans of the Most High; of those who must transcend themselves and all mundane influences and superficialities to express a divine archetype, based on love, unity, and fraternity.
Today I call all the youth of the world to unite in heart and in spirit with the Youth Festival for Peace, where they will express themselves through art, singing, creativity, spirit, and will speak the language of the heart through the prayer that is found in all these things.
The art that they will express there will not only be an individual or group manifestation of harmony and beauty; it will be an offering on behalf of all the youth and children of the world who can no longer express themselves freely through arts, and who have not been able to find within themselves the way to express the joy of their souls with colors, harmony, and beauty, because many times, My children, this joy is absent.
May singing be a singing that heals, radiates, renews and inspires new hearts.
May the photographic arts lead them to the sacred, to communion with life, the expression of divine beauty, which in daily life they are not able to observe.
May the words written among verses and poems express the gratitude of the soul for serving God, and may they always be a source of awakening for other spirits.
May each moment of interaction and fraternity be an offering for all the lack of love that permeates the world today and for the inability that the adversary has caused in many of My children to experience unity with their neighbors, even within their own families.
Beloved children, today I will ask everyone to support, to help, and participate in the Youth Festival for Peace, seeing it not only as a moment of peace for My dear young people, but also, children, as a planetary service that is based on the example and the living of divine principles that express themselves in the simplicity of the young heart.
May all the youths and children of the world receive the radiation of this divine seed that will be planted in the human consciousness through this Festival, and thus the Plan of the Creator may find hope and renewal in the human heart, in the heart of the youngest ones.
I love you, and today I bless you, at the same time that I bless My beloved daughter, who also represents the youth that is consecrated to My Heart, the future of the planet, and its entry into the real time of the universe.
I leave you My holy peace.
Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace
Dear children,
The souls of the world are the greatest gift of God to this creation. They are the project that must be accomplished in the planetary consciousness through love and unity.
From the beginning God has given all of His children the most beautiful part of His Holy Heart, and in the Plans of the Father it was not foreseen that anybody would get lost from the path of Light.
But this happened, and it wounded the Heart of the Father when He saw His children lost and controlled by the forces of evil.
So the Father, in His deep and infinite Mercy, asked His second aspect of the Most Holy Trinity, His Beloved Son, to incarnate in humanity in order to prevent it from destroying itself overnight.
So it was that God chose a humble feminine consciousness to incarnate His feminine aspect and give birth to the Holy Spirit of salvation through the birth of Christ.
All was prepared so that humanity should become rescuable; the Son of God incarnated, grew up, preached, taught, and they crucified Him without perceiving that He was God Himself who was offering Himself to all the Universe as proof of His absolute Love.
This event caused the planet to receive a new opportunity and to direct souls onto the pathway of Christic Love.
In this way, what was established in the world was not only the triumph of the Love of Christ, but also the possibility that all lost souls could regain their filiation with the Most High.
That is why the task of protecting the filiation of each soul and of each heart was entrusted to Holy Mary, the Mother of the Savior.
Up to these times, the Divinity keeps on waiting for new Christs to awaken, precious souls that will live their redemption in order to give the Universe the example that it is possible to convert in the name of love.
When souls lose the sense of true love, they grow apart from their truth. For this reason, the Mother of Heaven comes in this time to recover in all hearts the mission that many have forgotten.
I thank you for responding to My call!
In union and love,
Your Mother, Mary Rose of Peace
Write your true story of love and purity in the depths of your heart and keep each experience as an unforgettable richness.
Through prayer, allow every space of your being to be illuminated and build, through constancy, the path towards the infinite Heart of Jesus.
Do not lose the strength of your spirit because of what is happening around you, but seek all the time that your transformation may be the example and model of holiness for others.
Find, in every dialogue with God, the reason to continue and let the Breath of His Divine Spirit transfigure every aspect of your being. For this to happen, the doors of the heart must be open and thus everything will be wonderfully transformed.
For the Lord, there is no wound that cannot be healed. For God, there is no obstacle that cannot be transcended. There is no separation that can disunite hearts if there is true love first.
Therefore, find in each new experience an opportunity to grow and let resistance fade from the consciousness.
Grow in humility, in holiness and in service.
Use every moment of life to fulfill the Plans of the Creator.
Perform every service as if it were your last. Love your neighbor as if it were the last time. Do not fail to express what you truly are and say no to pride and human indifference.
Love with the Love of Jesus and expand the light of your spirit.
Let the angels guide you on your paths to the sacred Temple of the Heart of Jesus; there you will find the purpose of your life and that of all humanity.
I thank you for responding to My call!
Who unites you to the Heart of the Father,
Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace
Feel within your hands the warmth of My Immaculate Heart, which transmits and radiates the Gifts of the Holy Spirit.
Feel within your hands the pulsation of My Heart, and contemplate it in devotion.
Feel within your hands the Light of My Immaculate Heart, a Light that is poured out over the world for each soul on Earth.
Feel within your hands the fire of My Heart, and observe how much it still shines in offering to the Celestial Father for each of His children.
Feel within your hands the Love of My Immaculate Heart, and pour it out with gratitude over your brothers and sisters of the path.
Feel within your hands the humility of My Immaculate Heart, and adore the poverty with which it has saved the world during the incarnation of the Son of God.
Feel within your hands the pain of My Heart, from which, for each word of prayer, a thorn is removed.
Feel within your hands the roses of My Immaculate Heart, which open to emanate the subtle scents of Creation.
Feel within your hands the purity of My Heart, which ignites and reflects like a universal mirror of redemption.
Feel within your hands the kindness of My Immaculate Heart, a kindness that intercedes for you all the time so that you finally wake up.
Feel the rejoicing of My Immaculate Heart, so that you may open and discover that the Plan of God is perfect.
Upon your chest, embrace the splendor of the Love of My Immaculate Heart, for in this way, I will help you to overcome the fears and manifest the apostleship of the New Christs.
In your soul feel the Grace of My Heart, so that it may transform and purify all your past, and in this way, you become a teraphim on the altars of the Creator.
Carry My Light to the world and unite with My Heart, which today is between your hands to offer you conversion.
I thank you for responding to My call!
In spiritual maternity,
Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace
I will be with you every day of your life and after this terrestrial life, because that is the maternal commitment of My pure Heart with each creature of this planet.
I will be with you in the victory of love and in the triumph of transformation, because each consciousness is called to take a step.
I will be with you in meekness and in silence, because each being must know the deepest part of themselves in order to be consecrated to the Plan of God.
I will be with you in loneliness, in errors and in sadness, because each stage of life that the soul goes through is for giving a little more of itself, until it serves completely.
I will be with you in each step of the spirit, because today, consciousnesses today are carried by the currents of the universe into living intense experiences that each day draw them closer to the path of Christic Love.
I will be with you at each decisive moment, because in this cycle, prayer will place each soul in the necessary place to be able to accomplish the Plan.
I will be with you in each gesture of love, because the world has forgotten to love with Divine Love and to bring the Universe of God to the planet.
I will be with you at each stage in life, because the apostles of Christ must wake up and live the mission entrusted to them.
In every human or spiritual experience, My Son will be with you, because souls must learn to conquer the Divine Kingdom in order to abandon the human condition.
The Three Sacred Hearts will be with all those who dare to say 'yes'.
I thank you for responding to My call!
Who blesses you,
Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace
My beloved children,
Contemplating the world, I see the numbness of nations and hearts before all the suffering and pain that many are living in these times.
The human consciousness has not yet learned to leave aside their own needs and comfort in in favor of the evolution of the whole planet and, more than that, children, in favor of the salvation and redemption of all of humanity that is marking out its path into the abysm.
Even those who are listening to Me and who try to respond to My Call, for not living everyday situations of extreme chaos that others live, cannot definitely awake and offer their lives to the universe in order to be true instruments of God.
Children, in spite of what I have been telling you for more than eight years, few are the ones who truly understand My Call. I am preparing you to be sustainers of the planet. I am training you to leave, in your hands, the evolution of the Earth. The time will soon come when I will not be able to intercede for you, I will only follow you and silently cry out to God for you to stand firm and not forget the time when I was at your side.
In theses times, I am trying to unite the hearts of the same nation, through the prayer with the visionaries, so that, thus united, you create a fortress that may sustain theses nations and open the path for the return of My Son.
I am trying to unite the Americas, so that, together, you may build the foundations of a new race that starts from the principle of unity that will awake in your hearts.
And now, children, I want to reach Europe, to unite all of My soldiers and create an epicenter of light that prevents the expansion of chaos and evil in the world. Through My children in Europe, I will try to extirpate the seeds and fruits of evil that try to impregnate in the consciousness of the planet.
I want you today to understand the importance of responding to My call and building the spirit of unity among the different groups of prayers and among the nations of this world.
Live, My children, as one only praying army and help Me to reach Europe with the same endeavor that you would have to help Me reaching your own cities. This spirit of unity and fraternity is what will sow the principles of a new life in the human consciousness.
I count on you, My children, for the materialization of the Plans of God. I count on your conscious prayers, a symbol that you understand the urgency of the times.
I thank you always for responding to My Call.
In the eternal hope of consecrating the world to My Immaculate Heart, I bless you.
Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace and Universal Mother
My dear children:
Each new vigil of prayer is not the same as the previous one; therefore may your hearts ignite themselves so that the Love of God will be able awaken and Grace will be poured out wherever it is most necessary.
At each new vigil of prayer souls are called to remain more attentive and prompt for the requests of Your Heavenly Mother because at each new vigil of prayer planetary processes and even cosmic ones are unveiled and healed by the Light of My Heart.
When a praying soul offers its word to God through the vigil of prayer, it is confirming once more that the Plan of the Father and of all His Creation can be fulfilled and the soul that emits this confirmation is self-summoning itself for whatever may be necessary.
It is this awakening that the Uruguayans must live at this time, without half words and with an adhesion ready to serve the Hierarchy in whatever may be necessary.
In the vigil of prayer that you have shared with Me for four years, children, a very potent epicenter of divine Light has been built, the one that activates itself and descends as a flow upon a planetary or human situation in need of a source of liberation or healing.
All the divine possibilities can present themselves through each new vigil of prayer; everything will depend on the attitude of the praying being or of the disciple of Mary before the monthly call for prayer that is taking place. Therefore, at this time the Divine Hierarchy needs that the non-believing humanity may recognize the transmuting effect and power of prayer.
If to this effect of prayer one adds, for example, fasting, the results of a group work of prayer reverberate not only in these consciousnesses, but also in the Laws of Nature modifying the foreseen events.
Today, My children, I tell you all of this due to the urgency that you feel and understand in what you are participating vigil after vigil of prayer and what is the real spiritual result that this work of prayer reaches through the unconditional support of each one of you and of all the Heavenly Hierarchy.
Dear children, the vigils of prayer for peace in the nations will continue, not only to establish the universal positive chain of peace in the world, but also so that your inner beings and humanity, through prayer, will gradually be able to transform the aspects of the ego that corrode the consciousness and its full awakening.
All those who were born in this Project of God, as you know, bring the essence of the so-called “original sin,” a fault committed in the beginning by Adam and Eve for not having fulfilled the Law of obedience.
It has been since this moment that all of humanity throughout the ages has carried this event in its cells; in this way all the souls incarnated here have had and have to learn to overcome and redeem the human condition, which is the ongoing struggle against the own human ego that leads to perdition.
By means of the vigils of prayer, the very potent Marian channel tries to correct and to redeem the mistakes committed from the beginning of Adam to the near future.
This bridge towards liberation and redemption of the mistakes has been made by Christ through the Divine Mercy, He was the one who, for you, conquered evil and made the Love of God triumph. It is for this reason that in each vigil of prayer, not only the nations are worked on spiritually, but humanity, that has lost the Christic codes and continues committing mistakes is helped through the impulse of the vigil of prayer.
This field of praying energy that is created in each new meeting influences positively in the action of the Universal Laws and in the present process of the purification of all consciousnesses. So each of My children must have the consciousness sufficiently awaken to know that not only they will be seated on the chair praying, but that they will be representing eight thousand million people of the whole world who are not aware of these processes.
I hope to see My soldiers in each vigil, willing and perceptive so that through prayer you may capture the inner impulses of the Mirrors, and the planet can be transformed and thus may not lose itself. This will depend on the attitude of each disciple because Grace will come to this consciousness in addition.
I thank you for responding to My call!
Who keeps vigil for all,
Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace
Dear children,
To consecrate America to My Immaculate Heart I need the effort and the definitive awakening of all My soldiers.
Not all nations are willing, spiritually, to receive Me, because the spirit of illusion and numbness involves the creatures in pleasures and false spiritual searches that do not exist for the benefit of the evolution of the planet, but only for the material well-being of individuals.
Today, My Beloved Ones, the Creator calls you to a spiritual life that transcends material well-being and often does not include it because He is trying to awaken you to the present planetary situation in which imbalance has become a law and peace an exception in the hearts of a few.
Today, children, the Creator calls you to the permanent sacrifice and effort, because not all of those who committed themselves to His Plans in the beginning are responding to His Call.
There are many nations that depend on the balance generated by others in order to not disappear, because of the consciousness of these nations, as a whole, decided to remain in darkness.
My beloved ones, understand that what I come to offer you is not suffering, because this is the result of human imbalance and the actions of the forces of chaos. What I offer you is sacrifice, an act of doing not only your own part but also a little more, on behalf of those who did not answer.
Suffering is the result of illusion, it is something used by those forces that want to leave you asleep and tied to yourselves and to your own pains. Sacrifice is full of God, because the soul is willing to consciously serve to generate the correct balance, including to relieve the pain from those who suffer.
Children, I come to ask you once more that you pray with Me and that you listen to My Call. I come to ask you to pray for America and that you do it for all who are in perdition and deceit.
At this moment, those who are willing to really walk at My side are carrying a burden that often exceeds the sacrifice that corresponds to them experience. And it is not the Will of God, children, that the imbalance is also present among His own, because not everyone is responding correctly.
It is necessary that among the soldiers of the Creator there is an equitable and balanced surrender, so that the weight of the human imbalance not to be sustained by a few.
My beloved ones, meditate on what I say and search in your life for the correct balance. If you still have not surrendered to what to do or if you still have not responded to My Call as you should, review your life and be willing to start again.
For the balance in humanity and in the servers of God, I ask you for these things.
Today I bless My little son who, to respond to My call, tries to surpass himself every day.
Today, I will not only ask you to pray for My visionaries. I will also ask you to work together with them for the institution of a new world full of peace. I will ask you to fight together with them for the consecration of America to My Immaculate Heart and, for this, take your rosaries and pray, pray and do not forget to respond to My call.
I blessed you,
Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace and Mother of America
Dear children:
Everyone has a place in the Heart of God, especially those who cannot follow Him in obedience and loyalty; this is how God expresses His Mercy over the miseries of humankind, and the heart that opens itself to receive the Mercy of God is fulfilled with His Divine Goodness.
Do not deal with what is not good for others, use your time to manifest the Plan of God, because at the right time everyone will see what they did not do when, in reality and by sacrificing themselves, they could have done.
Dear children, the spiritual reason of this path is the surrender, because in the surrender to God and to His Will the paths that the hearts must tread, the most consciously possible, are traced.
At this hour of humanity everything is being defined, the attitudes and actions that before seemed insignificant will now become clear in order to be transformed according to the Designs of the Father.
The total surrender to God demands a larger effort, therefore in the burning tension the soul is able to take its steps, always and whenever it searches for the sacred unity with the Divine Will.
I thank you for responding to My call!
In eternal prayer,
Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace
Association Mary
Founded in December of 2012, at the request of the Virgin Mary, Association Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception, is a religious association without ties to any institutionalized religion. It has a philosophical-spiritual, ecumenical, humanitarian, charitable, cultural character, and it supports all activities that are indicated through the instructions transmitted by Christ Jesus, the Virgin Mary, and Saint Joseph. Read more