My children,
Bless Christ in your prayers because next month you will be, as humanity, preparing the advent of Easter. Celebrate with joy the mystery of the Passion that My Son offered for Love of the world. May this coming Easter, dear children, be a gathering of prayer between your hearts and your lives so that in this way you may accompany the Shepherd of the sheep towards the Merciful Face of the Father.
May this Easter prepare your hearts in prayer so that the world, once more, may receive the Grace of Forgiveness. Dear children, the Easter in the coming month must lead you to the reflection and the meditation about the mysteries of surrender that Christ made for humanity. Each passage of the life of Jesus prepares you for the time that will come, strengthening in your hearts the union with My Son.
You must prepare your dwellings, My children, so that Christ may share His Good News in the Last Supper, that which all are invited to witness.
Dear children, this path towards Easter will allow you to re- member how important is the confession of each of you with My Son, so that in this way you may arrive to His table with purity and love.
Beloved children, the path of Easter prepares you as souls to live in Christ day by day. Because of this, My little ones, Easter allows you to grow as hearts and as souls before the Mercy of the Redeemer. Allow yourselves, little children, to be conducted towards the experience of Easter in this year of the end of times, so that your hearts may thus renew the vows that many of your souls have made before Christ. All of My children must know that the mystery of the Easter of Christ is a real reason to reconcile with the Celestial Father.
Dear children, as humanity needs a great Source of Mercy, I ask you to pray with the heart and that you live each one of the mysteries that My Son lived out of love for you.
Be true springs of gratitude because My Heart wants to take you, in this Easter, to the Divine Heart of My Son.
Thank you for responding to My call.
Peace in your lives.
Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception of the Trinity
A humble heart, donated to the Divine Purpose of the Lord is a heart that is in the great flock of souls of Christ, since it is a heart that does not decide by itself because it is permeated by a Divine Will. This is the same Will that filled the depths of My Heart when I was on the Earth.
My dear ones, to follow the Purpose, you must love the Divine Will beyond the human will. The human will, not merged with God, has provoked in humanity miseries, wars, separation, loss of precious souls and loss of hearts.
Therefore, My little ones, I come from Heaven in order to make known the Kingdom of My Peace that is radiated by an Infinite Will. So that the heart may be redeemed, it is necessary to love the transformation of the soul that the Infinite Will is sending to each life.
The first step of the pilgrim soul is to renounce itself; this will liberate it from belonging to the will that made people lose Light in the world. Love the unknown Will so that the Doors of the Heavens may show the next path to follow in the pathway of life. For this, My dear ones, remember that everything is achieved through prayer that is done with love and for love of the souls that need the Light of God.
Today I invite you to remember the moment in which My Son, Christ, lived the Will of the Lord, accepting to drink the chalice of sacrifice, that the Lord of the Heights gave to Him.
What allowed the Purpose of God to be fulfilled in the Master? It was the complete trust in the Love that Our Lord has for every creature. Therefore, little ones, convert your hearts in Faith so that the paths may be invaded by the Unfathomable Mercy of God.
God loves you. God guides you. God shows you the exit. In the Immaculate Love,
Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception of the Trinity
Dear children,
Bring today My Luminous and Miraculous Face into your lives. Stay under the Source of My Maternal Love so that the Divine Word may become flesh and life in you, as It became Life in Christ.
To live from this Original Source of Purity, My little ones, you must faithfully practice humility and peace. If there is no peace, there is no humility in the hearts. For this reason today I invite you to exercise the gift of humility for love of all My other children that offend God with their arrogance and forget Him.
Exercise humility to be able to swim in My ocean of peace, and thus the world will be able to be saved even more, and some more hearts may be converted and redeemed. For this purpose,
My dear children, remember the humility of Our Lord Christ, when He surrendered Himself out of love for you and, in com- plete trust, He accepted to live the martyrdom of the Passion for the liberation of the world.
Behold, My little ones, that the Savior of hearts is returning and will first touch the doors of the hearts. For this anticipated moment, you must be prepared in prayer and in vigil. The hours of the eternal sleep are now ending; it is necessary, children, to be awake for that which will come from the Heights.
But first it is time to exercise humility with the heart. You will be truly humble when you accept to surrender yourself out of love for others, when you do not fear being judged, and when you are able to live from the Divine Faith of the Lord despite the indifferences of the other hearts that still do not live in God. All that you may do, you will do for love and for the salvation of another brother or sister; thus you will begin to follow the path of humility.
You must aspire to not know who you are in order to open yourself in donation and surrender to others, without wanting anything for yourself. Through this pathway you will be seeing, little by little, the spark of the Will of the Lord.
Carry My Merciful Love in your hearts today, and remember, My little ones, that we are now at the time of the last preparation. With this aim and for this mission, I appear daily to you.
I await from the Heavens to find you in prayer each day, before dawn. Let us keep vigil with love and for the love of Christ.
May each child give with consciousness that which the Lord can receive as an offering from the heart. Give yourself truly with effort and love.
Let us pray.
In the Peace of the Kingdom of the Heavens,
Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception of the Trinity
Association Mary
Founded in December of 2012, at the request of the Virgin Mary, Association Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception, is a religious association without ties to any institutionalized religion. It has a philosophical-spiritual, ecumenical, humanitarian, charitable, cultural character, and it supports all activities that are indicated through the instructions transmitted by Christ Jesus, the Virgin Mary, and Saint Joseph. Read more