In both, the message of yesterday and the message of today, Saint Joseph makes an analogy between the Passion of Christ and the Armageddon, which He called as Planetary Passion. Today, He showed us the resemblance between the performance of the Cyrenian in the Passion of Christ and the Kingdoms of Nature in the Planetary Passion, explaining to us that the different phenomena of nature which will happen in the world are not a punishment or a way to prolong the human suffering, they will be the vehicle that will give us the possibility of surrendering all for love to God.

Saint Joseph was telling us that, at the same time that nature will spiritually sustain the human consciousness, it will also create the conditions for us to get where we must get in our learning, thanks to the different climatic movements that we will live. He was telling us that for us to be able to follow the transition of the planet with the correct view.

He is trying to lead humanity to be before this Planetary Passion with the same intention and understanding of Christ during His Passion, in other words, not feeling itself punished or martyrized, but offering each step with the cross for the triumph of God in the world, overcoming the pain thanks to love.

The Kingdoms of Nature will also live the Planetary Passion, the so-called Armageddon. They will share the cross of the world with the human beings, as the Cyrenian sustained the cross of Christ and walked with Him until the Golgotha.

The Kingdoms of Nature will learn with the human experience and this lesson will remain marked within the individual and group consciousness of each species. This means that when  the moment comes for the individualization of consciousness for the Lower Kingdoms, which have shared the evolution of the Earth during the end of times, this individual consciousness will carry within itself the codes of surrender, giving of self, sacrifice and forgiveness, experienced in these times.

The Kingdoms of Nature, as well as the Cyrenian, will not be able to avoid the apex of the crucifixion: they will sustain the human consciousness and they will create the conditions so that it lives its learning. Besides that, they will conduct the humankind through the Calvary of the Armageddon and, much as, for many, it may seem that nature is the responsible for the human suffering, those who know the truth will know that nature is the vehicle for the achievement of the human learning, it is the Cyrenian who allows that humanity lives its learning and reaches the apex of the cross, in the absolute and total surrender for love to God and to the achievement of His Plan.

At the time of Christ, many thought that the Cyrenian extended the suffering of Jesus, not letting Him die on the path and conducting Him to a greater moment of pain and anguish, that was the crucifixion. Others know that the Cyrenian was the one who, as the angels, allowed Jesus to arrive to Golgotha with the cross, and there pour out until the last drop of His Blood, out of love to humanity and to all the creation, giving the example, to all that was created, of how the Love of God acts.

In the time of the Armageddon, of the Planetary Passion, the Kingdoms of Nature will lead you to surrender all for love. Those who embrace with gratitude the cross of the world and open themselves to the magnanimous expression of Love and of Forgiveness will understand the movement of nature and will thank Mother Earth for conducting them to the victory of the Most High God.

May the Teaching strengthen your hearts and dissipate your fears.

I bless you.

The Most Chaste Saint Joseph, this one Who prepares and instructs you for the times that will come


The strength of those who will keep others standing in the times to come will be profound prayer, the one which leads the heart to be in the presence of God and remain there. It will be like being in a world without being involved by all that happens around, seeing only the truth and the real purpose of all things.

Those who build within themselves the union with God the Father and allow Him to be the One who thinks and feels in their beings will be as the apostle John, capable of accompanying the transition, as John accompanied the Passion of Christ.

John learned to contemplate the truth and, by the absolute trust in Jesus, that he had reached, he would see – in each one of His steps with the cross – the manifestation of His words and of His teachings. As well John would see what Jesus had said in the Last Supper being fulfilled, he also remembered that Jesus would reappear. He also remembered the hidden instructions that Jesus had given to His own and that revealed the true meaning of the sacrifice made for love. John knew that He would see the portals of the Divine Mercy open themselves before his eyes.

Today I want to call you to construct with God and with Christ the same union of John with Jesus and that, thus, you be able to see in the coming events the fulfillment of the instructions given in the last years.

May you know to contemplate not the suffering and the pain, but rather the purpose of all that you will live. Participate of this planetary birth labor not with the attention in the contractions and pains of the planet, but rather in the New Humankind, which will emerge inside of each being who accepts redemption to renovate the Project of God on Earth.

Dear companions, the passages of the life of Jesus lasted throughout the centuries because they repeat themselves in the lives of all those who follow God. Study the Gospel of Christ and find there the keys for you to cross over the times you live and reach the manifestation of the resurgence of Humankind, the resurgence of Christ, inside of each being.

I love you and I leave you My peace.

The Most Chaste Saint Joseph


The Silence of Mary

During the Passion of My Son, silence was the key that opened the door to Grace.

Silence made Your Mother invisible because God and all His manifestations are present in the silence. Your Mother not only had a sorrowful Heart, but She also lived as a silent Heart; this allowed the deep doors to be closed to evil.

The enemy does not know what silence is because he lives through conflict and disorder. Silence penetrates the consciousness as a spirit of serenity and harmony. It is this inner and mysterious silence that carried forward all the Redemptive Work of My Son during His Passion. Silence bore all martyrdoms because His Divine Consciousness was united with God and His Great Purpose.

Evil is overcome through silence and becomes disoriented because it cannot find any doorway into conflict. This silence was what prepared Jesus during the forty days before He began His public life. Silence designs in the spirit a state capable of transcending the most resistant conflicts in the consciousness. To reach this state of silence, neither arrogant nor introspective, means a task of detaching from forms and ways that can interfere with the awakening of each soul.

Silence is more than remaining quiet or not speaking words; the true silence of the universe is achieved through inner connection with prayer, which is the first step to gradually dissolving the human roots that generate disorder in material life.

At this moment, the planet is very far from true silence. This is why Your Mother teaches you that silence is an act of prayer capable of traversing to levels of consciousness where peace reigns. Silence is also healing; it is a powerful spring that in these times will help to safeguard the spiritual path of the consciousnesses that accept penetrating that state of union with the Creator.

Silence brings light, brings wisdom, brings serenity, and renews the spirit so that it may have the impulse to continue in Divine work. The complete silence of a part of humanity could reverse all the causes that take advantage of noise and disorder to generate world conflict.

Silence is like a remedy against verbiage that causes debts and constant faults. Silence liberates without a struggle.

Thank you for responding to My call!

Who carries you into inner silence,

Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace


Dearest children of Mine,

In this month of the Holy Rosary I want to renew you in the faith and in the sacred devotion to My Immaculate Heart.  I wish that every day, even if only for fifteen minutes of your day, you venerate My Immaculate Heart; Its Light; Its Glory; and Its Grace towards all of the children of the Earth.

I promise those who will venerate My chaste and pure Virginal Heart during the whole month of October, to pour a special Grace that will bear fruit and glory in the next life.  I promise those who will venerate My Sacred Heart, to give them fervor and a spirit of consolation and of Grace during the ultimate times of the Earth.

I wish, dear children, you would diffuse the devotion to My Immaculate Heart.  And if this veneration takes place before the praying of the Holy Rosary, I promise to comfort the soul that will ask Me for that, because I have the permission and the authority to do it as the Mother of God.   This promise shall be fulfilled because it has been preciously conceded when Christ gave Me to all as the Mother of the new humanity.

To those hearts that will diffuse the silent power of My Immaculate Heart I promise them the total and absolute protection of the banners, from My adversary.  If this holy image of My Immaculate Heart were to be placed on the door of each home, I promise the existence of an unbreakable faith, capable of moving away every desire of evildoing and hatred.

But if the holy image of My Immaculate Heart is venerated by the families of the world before praying the Holy Rosary, I promise the most potent divine protection during the three days of darkness.

Whoever in the name of Jesus Christ will ask Me all, for the sake of the merits of His Passion I promise, during this month, to concede impossible Graces, and unthinkable transformations to all those who will venerate Me and who will give Me their love.

I wish that in this month of the rosary, peace may be the keynote for the souls of the world because I will especially fulfill My works requested by Christ through those who will piously implore Me from the Heart for a special Grace.

This month the most pure Mercy of My Immaculate Heart will be pouring Itself as an ocean of renewal and hope for all.  I will not abandon any child, because My gaze will be on all those who will truly seek Me with sincerity.

Whoever during their life will proceed to venerate My Immaculate Heart, offended by the impure actions of the world, I promise to liberate them from every stain at the time of their death, and especially to elevate them to the Kingdom of God, as the angels elevated Me in My Assumption.

I promise each of those who will consecrate themselves for life to My Immaculate Heart, the Grace of joy and of the eternal peace for all of the times that will come.  I promise in the time of their judgment to be the advocate and intercessor, because My Graces will erase all of the grievances committed due to ignorance from their consciousnesses.  In this moment My Immaculate Heart shall triumph in their existence.

I thank you for venerating My Immaculate Heart.

Who consecrates you to God,

Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace


Before Mary appeared, Father Pio manifested himself before us.  He brought in his hands a crown of flowers and some other loose flowers.  He was praying the Rosary as he waited for Our Lady and when the portals started to open, he placed the flowers that he had in his hands on the path of Mary, and the crown of flowers, on the place where She would put Her Feet.  When Mary appeared, Father Pio stood on his knees and touched with his head the feet of the Mother, remaining like that during all the time She was present.  In the end of the Apparition, he took leave and left with Mary.

       I Am the Mother of the lost and of the unsheltered.

I Am the Mother of the repentant, of the redeemed, of the rescued.

Come to Me the sinners, and I will sanctify you.

Come to the Me the incredulous, and I will give you absolute faith.

Come to Me the fearless, because I will build over them a fortress, and I will congregate them in My army of peace, which will overcome evil through prayer and through the love of the Creator of all things.

Come to Me the imperfect though brave ones, for you will let yourselves be molded in My Holy Hands, and you will permit that I may conduct you in My arms to the Heart of the universe, to the King of kings, to Christ the Redeemer.

Dear children, I do not call to My presence the perfect ones, because This One is already found in the Kingdom of the Heavens, at the right hand of God.  I call to My side those that will allow themselves to be transformed and purified by the fire of prayer and by My most sacred presence in this world.

Today I bring before you Saint Father Pio of Pietrelcina, so that your hearts may find in him an example to be followed.  This beloved saint of Mine, My children, was capable of trusting Christ, Saint Joseph, and My Immaculate Heart, above all things.  He was willing to understand the mysteries of Heaven and to live in himself the sorrows of the Passion of My Son, notwithstanding all the evil that there was in the world was against the mission that he was receiving.

As I did to Father Pio, I invite each one of you to surrender to the Mysteries of the Kingdom of God, to not remain in the illusion of the days of this world, solely enclosed in the common living.

I invite you to transcend the human understanding and to comprehend the celestial miracles because you will experience them in yourselves.

But know, My dears, that those who are willing to follow Me must be also willing to face the world and themselves.  They will have to overcome the fear that dwells in their cells: the fear of not being accepted by others; the fear of not being loved by the beings of this world; the fear of not being understood; the fear of being persecuted.

Today I tell you that the Grace that I offer you is purely interior.  However, the one who may live it fully will not hesitate in denying the glory of the world and embracing sacrifice and renounce for all of the Glory that they will live in the Heavens.

My beloveds, Christ is the Path, the Truth and the Life, and He has set an example to all of how to reach the Kingdom of the Heavens: by loving without being loved; by giving without receiving anything in return; by suffering for those who persecute them; by pouring over the unjust and sinners the Mercy that was imprinted in His own blood.

And those who followed His example demonstrated again to the world that it is possible to live the transformation in Christ and to merge with Him, and even to live within themselves the mysteries of His Passion.

Come to Me the sinners and I will sanctify you.

Come to Me those who with courage will abandon the world and above all, themselves, because I will show you the Kingdom of God.

Come to Me those who do not fear renouncing and that will learn to love sacrifice, because I will show you the face of God.

This, My beloveds, is My only promise: sacrifice, surrender and prayer in order to learn to love and to forgive, in order to live redemption.

Who will extend the hands to accept what I am giving to you?  Who will come to Me everyday?

Who will let themselves be guided to the Heart of Christ, beyond the purification of this world?

I wait for you, love you and guide you always

Your Mother, Mary, Rose of Peace

Daily message of Mary, Rose of Peace, transmitted in the Marian Center of Aurora Paysandu, Uruguay, to the visionary Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón

My dear children,

Praised be Jesus Christ in your beings and in all souls of the world!

Today I wish to draw your attention to an important point that speaks to you about the spirit of peacemaking and meekness, virtues that are completely unknown to My adversary and through which not a small bit of evil can be sown in the soul that lives these holy virtues.

Therefore, children, your peace and meekness will make you more humble and at the same time more free of yourselves, so that you can serve under the fire of service and plenitude.

The lack of peace and meekness in the souls of the world distances them far from the spirit of premeditation that leads them to sacred wisdom. 

Today, for the love of God and your brothers and sisters, observe how your perpetual work with meekness is found.

Imitate My Son. A few days ago you experienced, from the heart, the profound spirit of His Passion. Thus, today you can understand that without peace and meekness, the humility that is necessary and urgent for these times does not exist. 

As your Celestial Mother, I come to help you grow in the Love of God and, from this Divine Love, you may take steps in the emptiness of self and the divestment of the old patterns of a precarious and disoriented humanity.

My children, it will not be necessary for you to martyr yourselves with your thoughts and uncertainties for not being humble and grateful. Accept the hand that is extended towards you from the Kingdom of Heaven and thus, live the new attributes that will reform the entire third dimension Earth.

Even though many of My children do not realize that they are so separated from the essence of humble love and meekness, My adversary makes them believe that they already live it and, in truth, it is all an illusion.

Therefore, pray and ask God to remove from your hearts all arrogance and pride, crawling serpents that will lead you through the abysses of the world, far from the paradise of Our Lord.

The first step will be truly taken when you recognize your lack of peace and meekness. With the help of your Guardian Angel, you can renew your steps and you will be called to enter, with determination, into My school of the new disciples of Christ.

In this way, remember, beloved children, that the moment of your purification will help in the recovery of innocence which the denying humanity lost for having separated itself from the Mercy of God. 

I thank you for responding to my call!

Who helps you to find the essence of true Love,

Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace



On this great day in which the world remembers the crucifixion of My Son, I wish that no soul may be martyrized by the hands of their own brothers and sisters, because this has led to the lost of the inner innocence of the beings.

Dear children, in order to be able to detain this wave of scourge, outrage and martyrdoms of siblings against siblings, today I invite you to consciously relive the sacrifice of Our Lord as an act that must never be repeated again in this civilization.

And as this keeps on happening in other ways that are concealed from the eyes of many, I come to beg you to detain yourselves and to no longer injure.  Nor subject the life that is being generated in the wombs of the mothers because there, a chosen soul must be born to the light that calls it.

Children, pray, pray a lot and offer your actions and daily exercises to God as a precious prayer, thus you will help to spiritually rebuild all that which has been destroyed by the hands of the ungrateful humans.

Children, your Heavenly Mother accompanies the whole world, which faces, more than a passion, a consequence that in some cases seems irreversible.   For this, with maternal love I invite you to live today the crucifixion of Jesus as a part and essence of your lives because, your little souls, by achieving this inner union, will allow that the codes of Heaven be poured over the planetary sphere under the intervention of the celestial angels.

Dear children, although your own cross seems heavy and unbearable to carry, remember that My Beloved Son carried on His back the greatest sin and the greatest denial that you can imagine.  For this, in absolute and immediate surrender, enter the Calvary and accompany the Celestial Messengers in this transition that has not finished yet.

Children of Mine, it will be through the unconditional acceptance of your own cross that all of the crosses of the ungrateful will be relieved and thus one day they will resurrect to the spiritual conversion.

Many remember the Friday of the crucifixion, but few are able to penetrate this sacred mystery of love that My Son lived.

You, more conscious about the Passion of Christ, help to renew this moment with your faith and with the same enthusiasm as always, accompany the Lord wherever.  In this way the whole humanity will revere this day as something sacred and will not consider it to be a common day as it has done so far.

This is so due to lack of consciousness and of love for what My Son offered for all.

For this, year after year you are called to live and to review the Passion of the Lord.  Only through Him you will find the inner strength necessary to overcome the end of times for which very few are prepared.

I thank you for answering to my call.

Who accompanies you in the beginning of this inner Calvary,

Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace


Dear children of Mine,

Anywhere on Earth where a soul celebrates today, together with My Son, the Last Supper, it will receive the Grace of transformation of its being.  In this way it will avoid, in the times that are to come, to deviate itself from the path that My Son has offered you since the beginning.

For this, on this day, be witnesses of the great universal event in which you are called to participate and, in this way, to say “yes” to the Celestial Father.

It is important, children, to understand that, when every year the memory of the Last Supper of Jesus with His Apostles is celebrated, new doors of redemption, of mercy and of spiritual rehabilitation open to all those who wish from the soul and from the heart to cross them.  Behind them you will find the pathway of reintegration into the path of Christification.

For this, dear children, once a year, when the Sacred Supper of the Lord is celebrated, the Universe donates Itself entirely and all the universal laws stop so that the Mercy reached by My Son may be able to be poured over all that is very impure and that seems irreversible.

Wake up to this moment in which, all of you, as worthy Children of God, will be depositaries of the same gifts that allowed the redeeming mission of the Son of God to be fulfilled.

Today I open My arms and your Celeste Mother receives you in Her Immaculate Heart, inviting you to renew yourselves and to confirm the mission that the Eternal Father entrusted you by the means of the vivification of the Passion of My Son.

In this time you are led to understand the mysteries of the Universe through the voice of the Celeste Messengers.  For this, with spirit of joy, raise your supplications to God and receive on this day of the Secret Supper the keys that the Lord will give you so that, when the time comes, you may open the doors that will lead you to the Paradise of God.

While you are this world, much must be done in the name of the Lord so that at least one more soul may receive the opportunity to wake up to the Infinite Universe that waits for it.  This, My children, will be possible through your consecration and constant search to remain fused within this Gran Infinite which is the essence of Love of Adonai.

I thank you for answering to My Call!

Who reunites you on this day around the Sacred Table of Jesus,

Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace


Dear children,

Today, an inner opportunity begins in your lives to walk a new path, which is possible through the sacrifice of Love My Son made for all of you.

At the beginning of this Sacred Week, I call on you to enter deeply into the essence of each of the Stations of the Cross. In this way, during this week, you will be able to penetrate the infinite mystery which allowed My Son to concretize the salvation of humanity.

But as Your Mother of Sorrows, I still see the martyrdom that many of My children experience in this time, martyrdoms that occur because of the ideas of My adversary and which lead many souls to mortal sin that are imprisoned in the hellish abyss of this cycle.

But I, as Your Mother from Heaven, bring you the Light of My Grace so you may believe that, in spite of everything, it is possible to defeat fear and achieve a victory of Love, beyond enemies.

I wish for this Sacred Passion of Jesus to be offered to the Creator for all the wounded hearts, mainly for those that do not even find an inner consolation.

In light of the seriousness of things that happen in humanity, your tests are small considering the immensity of sins and the assaults committed by humankind of the Earth.

For this reason, My children, let your hearts dare to reach the celestial spheres through the contemplation of the Passion of the Lord; thus, you will understand the greatness of the Mercy of God in these times.

Dear children, Your Heavenly Mother calls you to prepare through prayer. In this way, an invincible shield of Light will emerge in your hands and that shield of prayer will protect you from the deceits of My enemy.

On this day, in which your souls are called to walk at the side of Jesus, receive from My Heart the necessary fortitude to be able to transcend the end of this cycle.

Your constant purification will cease and no more suffering will need to be experienced. But for that, the premise will be enough that souls accept transformation through the Fount of Mercy which is being offered to all. Thus, you will allow My Project of Peace in the world to triumph.

I thank you for responding to My call!

Who carries you to the Calvary of the Lord,

Your Mother, the Virgin Mary, Rose of Peace


Dear children,

On the eve of the great moment that My Son lived on the Cross, today I invite you to prepare your hearts on the path of perseverance and faith, attributes that were lived by Jesus moments before His surrender on the Cross, before everything was consummated.

Thus, My children, entering the school of faith and perseverance, you will find the path of constancy and fortitude so that, before the tests, you may be confirmed in the Plan of the Celestial Father and He, through Mercy, may be able to carry out His Works throughout the world through your spirits.

In this time of preparation, your Master is already in Jerusalem, working intensely for the redemption of souls, which in these times do not even receive the opportunity of experiencing the love of the heart.

May this Sacred Week lead you into understanding the mystery of the Love of God through the sacrifice of Christ, for, in this way, you will be holders of the essence of Life that created the bases for transcending the Passion of the Lord.

Children, on this day, we walk together in the Will of the Lord, which renews us and encourages us to live the surrender of life and of the heart. Stay always upon My lap; I have prepared a space of inner fortitude that is capable of leading you into living the Gifts of the Creator.

Dear children, from Heaven, I will accompany you during this Sacred Week; thus, you will perceive how important it is for these times to remember the Passion of Christ as a primary key to be able to transcend the end of times.

I thank you for responding to My call!

Who blesses you with the Water of Life,

Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace


Dear children,
In the beginning of this Sacred Week, in which together we will remember the greatest sacrifice of love of Our Lord, I invite you to internally relive the Passion of Christ as a tribute of love and of absolute sacrifice for humanity and for the planet.

In this way, children of Mine, you will extract from this experience of love the strength to receive the gifts that will transform your lives in soldiers of His Sacred Heart.

On this day in which together we begin the Sacred Week of Our Lord, offer to God this Passion of Jesus for the world, and mainly, for those who continue to hurt the Blessed Heart of My Son.

For this, children, renew yourselves during this week that will arrive and may you this year be able to awake the virtues of which My Son expects to help Himself in order to fulfill the project of His second coming to the world.

In this time humanity faces its own Passion and, in many cases, they are grave situations that affect societies and peoples submerged in the desperation that My adversary transmits.

But remember, dear children, that My Beloved Jesus overcame fear and temptation during His inner confirmation on the night of the last supper and, after that, in the Garden of Gethsemane, when He finally drank from the chalice of sacrifice that Adonai offered to Him.  In that moment humanity was redeemed.

For this, let us glorify the Lord and let us accompany Him well awake through this Calvary that He will begin to live for you.

Wake up to the life of the divine codes that Christ reached by means of His sacred surrender on the cross.  Do not waste time because the hour of your purification will manifest the great moment of accepting or not the path of the new Christs, of the new Apostles of My Son.

I ask you, children of Mine, that you have a meek heart, full of universal and divine love, so that in this way My Son may find a refuge where He may be able to rest.

Whoever l enters the Passion of Jesus during these days will spiritually assist the imprisoned souls, the ones that are in the same conditions of those that Jesus redeemed more than two thousand years ago, in receiving the Grace of the Mercy of Christ.

This Sacred Week will be definitive for many, and the brave ones will count on the assistance that they need in order to proceed.

Dear children, those who will be present in the Kingdom of Aurora, rejoice, because I send to you new priests so that the Passion of My Son may be relived even in your cells.

I thank you for answering to My call!

Who prepares you to live the Passion of Our Lord,

Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace


Visions on the Passion of Our Lord

So I saw Our Lord on Mount Calvary, living the Crucifixion on the Cross.

This happened during the prayer of the Devotional of the Five Sacred Wounds of Jesus and after the Chaplet of Divine Mercy at three in the afternoon.

At that moment, I saw they were stretching out his right Arm, in such a way that a dislocation occurred in Jesus.

During all of that pain, which expanded over Mount Calvary, they nailed a large iron nail into His Wrist, which wounded the Arm one side to the other and caused it to bleed.

At that moment, another man appeared who, placing himself close to His Head, while Jesus was being nailed on the Cross through His right Hand, started to press the Head of Our Lord onto the wood of the Cross in such a way that the Crown of Thorns was embedded into the scalp and caused Him to bleed much more.

He then was hit various times over the Head, done with a club.

On one part of the Mount, I saw the Virgin lying prostrate on the ground and placing Her hands on Her Head in a sign of pleading.

Later on, I began to make the Sign of the Cross for all that I was seeing, and a new vision appeared.

As we prayed the second Sacred Wound, I saw that, on the left Hand of Our Lord, they began to strike His Fingers, to the point of causing each of them to bleed, and with a tool they had, pulled out His Fingernails, one by one, leaving raw flesh on His Fingers.

That indescribable sensation was radiated by Our Lord, and in spite of all that suffering and pain, at a certain moment I saw that the Mental Consciousness of Jesus rose above that whole situation, and while the Master experienced this martyrdom, He was pleading with the Father in the following way: "Eli, Eli, forgive them, forgive them!"

The Master then said to me: "Son, I show you all of My Passion so you will write the book of the Passion of Jesus."

Then the Lord transmitted to us:

I have not yet made known to you the difficult times to come, which will be unknown to all. For this reason, I ask that you defend My Congregation from yourself, in the same way in which I will expect each consecrated one to defend My Work from themselves, to thus again divert the temptation of My enemy to create his own tools that will scourge My Heart.

Let nobody step away from the test I have sent them to experience. The lambs must escape the ferocious hands of the wolves. But many still need to learn to revere all they have received by the power of My Glory.

Let nobody forget their signature made with Me, but I know that many still will desist from following something that does not satisfy human emotions.

When some presented Me with the letter of resignation, I only remembered Judas kissing my cheek and betraying Me on the dark night of the Garden of Gethsemane. The very difficulties of souls are born as a result of resistance and control.

What I have for each disciple I have not yet revealed nor given.

Today, I come forward to announce My last leave-taking in this infinite game of the salvation of souls and redemption of evils, in the face of the horrors that cause My Eyes to constantly weep.

The heart that does not love its defects and imperfections is a heart that closes itself to the truth; in the same way, when the sun is hidden by clouds, everything becomes shadowed, for the simple reason of not controlling oneself.

I have given you the greatest pearls of My necklace of Light, but few have pleased Me and even less have made the Mercy I poured out shine forth. Going out into the world means to condemn oneself, become divided like two rivers, which will end up in the throat of the great abyss. I am being faithful to those who responded to Me.

If you truly loved My Sacrifice and My Passion, you would not take from Me the time for the pursuit of great planetary Works. To work on the emptiness of self and your humbling in light of My Sacred Heart, I humbly ask that you go over My Passion during this evening and that all souls hear My last Words, which are for humanity.

For I will return in a way very few have perceived. I first gave you My Heart so you could live it and love it, then I gave you the Voice of the Merciful Source through My Words, and lastly, I called you to an inner consecration; and now some want to abandon Me and leave Me nailed on this cross of evil and the indifference of the world.

To those who persist, continue onward for those who turned their backs on Me and have stopped living in My Merciful Heart.

To those who are demented, do not despair, but rather trust in the Spirit of My Infinite Compassion, and to those who feel tired, remember the moment of the Last Supper and the greater sacrifice I had to carry out so the world and its sacred project not be lost.

I know My Words will not be enough, but in truth, I tell you to have enough remembrance and a greater heart, so that through your follies, you do not lose the spring of My Graces. This Order must fulfill My Purpose, even if only three reach the summit of the Mount of the Cross.

With eyes of mercy, look at My humble declaration. You can no longer be ingenuous and egotistical; the Plan of My Father needs you so that, among the tribulations, you learn to pull out the roots of evil during the night of greater darkness.

It will be at that moment that I Myself, with My own Merciful Eyes, will see those that, having gone through a renunciation, humiliation and sacrifice, will glorify My Holy Name and make it flesh in their own flesh. At that instant, I will be Your Intercessor and will free you through the power of My Glory.

Ease the weight My Hands carry, the cross is ever more heavy and the world as well.

Who will risk defending My Will rather than their own?

Who will be worthy of praising My Name and of fulfilling My Promises, giving their life for the rest?

Who will wait patiently for the Return of their Master, even when everything is about to end?

Happy are those who seek Me in spite of their own adversities, because I promise you, I will not be the executioner or the judge, but rather will be the Door that will take you after this life to the Celestial Kingdom.

Under the Pity of the Creator, be consistent with My Precepts.

Your King, Christ Jesus, the Aching Heart 

Weekly Message received in the city of Punta del Este, Maldonado, Uruguay, transmitted by the Glorified Christ Jesus to the visionary Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón de Jesús

While the world of today largely forgets to look to God and recognize Him, I come in this time to announce My last Call to you, that which shall congregate you out of love for a spiritual and higher task with Me.

However, the souls of today are different from the souls of yesterday; there is a need instilled in the hearts to seek the good and to satisfy their lives.

I come to give to you everything that you do not know of the universe. In the name of the Love of God, I come to awaken the last apostles who shall await My arrival in the cold night.

I know you all very well, I know about your certainties and difficulties; but I need, all the time, the pulsating heart of each being; that heart and that soul which shall allow me to work in critical times.

Your efforts of love must be greater. The moment shall come when you will love that which you have never loved and forgive that which you have never forgiven.

Now, in this time of changes and tests, I deliver to you the great key of meekness, something that I experienced for you during the Passion.

I feel comforted by this world when souls love My Sacred Passion, a mystery that I began to reveal to you precisely, so that both the faithful and the atheist may find the Light of Christ in times of tribulation.

Therefore, seek to penetrate the mystery of My sacrifice and My surrender, because through My Heart you will learn to bear the attacks of the enemy, like many beings that lived and worked in My holy Name.

Woe to those who will turn their backs on Me in this time; their own ignorance and vanity shall make them sink like a boat in the open sea.

Pray for all those who shall not recognize in time that I have returned first in Soul and in Divinity.

Happy are the responsive and the persevering, they shall never lose the opportunity of knowing me deeply and in a spirit of peace.

Be workers in plenitude. Be living bearers and witnesses of My sacred Message, for the hour indicates the moment of experiencing My redeeming Love.

I Am that Being Who was born out of the work and grace of the Holy Spirit. You are those who were also born from the Source of Love.

Remember the principles of your origins and serve God in complete peace.

I shall never fail you. Call out upon My Name, seek My Word to quench the inner thirst. Always be merciful.

Under the Glory that comes from God, be blessed.

Thank you for seeking the Light of My Glorified Heart!

Peace upon the Earth.

Christ Jesus

Weekly Message of the Glorified Christ Jesus, transmitted in the city of Asunción, Paraguay, to the visionary Friar Elias del Sagrado Corazón

May your feet walk towards Me, for the journey will still be long and deep, and many will be called by My Heart to imitate My sacred Passion.

On a Friday like this, I was on the Cross, giving Myself entirely to the world, saving many lost souls, igniting many hearts, and resurrecting many who had died. 

The tombs opened in Jerusalem and many bore testimony to My Resurrection, for My Divine Spirit, which is not of this world, awakened all those who should live in God.

Sacred cosmic crosses expanded upon the world and re-established the Plan of God, even though I was on the Cross.

I did many things for you and all humanity. 

Those who opened their hearts to My Call were partakers of My precious Blood, received My codes and My Water sprang and expanded throughout the world as a great spiritual fountain of salvation.

All those who were fallen at that time were raised by Me, they were resurrected in the Spirit of God, found the path of their evolution and awakening. And now in these final times, I remind you again of My sacred Passion on the Cross, because this will be the key that will protect you, that will keep you free from yourselves, and all corrupt codes will be transformed into a source of Life and Grace.  I have the power to transform you.

I ask those who listen to Me and follow Me to no longer close their hearts.  I am trying to enter more and more into your lives. 

There is no more time, My companions.  The time of tribulation is approaching humanity. Darkness will emerge from the surface of the planet and many will have to be prepared before My Return.

I need you to define yourselves as My apostles and to risk giving more, each day more until it hurts your bones.  That will be the confirmation for Me, that I will be able to fulfill My Divine Plan within you and that My words have not been in vain in these times, because they will have been heard by open hearts.

I need you to be awake and available, to help Me sustain the sword of My Mercy, for many are still tied to this material world, especially those who believe that they live the spiritual life.

My Truth is revealed to you tonight, but many should have been present here. The apostles reach the end of the path and, if it is necessary, they give their lives for others.

I come to give you the true testimony of life, the essence of My merciful and deep Love. My Christic cells must find a place to rest so that everything can be fulfilled as it is foreseen.

Today My Voice echoes on the four corners of the Earth. The angels of the Father send impulses of Light to all monads, to those who want to awaken to spiritual life.

Dear companions, these are no longer times of living in average terms, define yourselves deeply for My Plan. You have always been free from the beginning of your birth. Tonight I need many to fulfill the vows that I come to present to you and to respect the path that many have decided to follow, to follow the great Master of Love, the Redeeming Master, the Master of Peace.

Be consistent with Me. Tonight I present to you all the sources of My Mercy so that you may be strong until the end. Do not allow yourselves to fall further. Rise from where you have fallen, you already have the instruments to do so. My Father will take care of all this and He will ask you what you have done with what He gave you.

Therefore, as His faithful Messenger, I come to announce to you this last Call.

I ask that all prayer groups unite with the proposal of the Divine Plan. I ask you that there be no more indifference, comments, or vain ideas; you will be weakening the Plan of God.

Therefore, I need you transparent and true, that will be the sign that will allow Me to transform you.

The times are not like those of yesterday. The world is developing wrongly, and many do not perceive this severity. Behind all this, there are many who suffer, who endure pain, are forgotten and nobody remembers them. But I shall never leave them alone. My Heart visits all those who invoke Me, visits all the homes of the world that open the right door of the heart so that I can enter and work.

In these end times, the Divine Messengers have tried to reveal to you what is the way to go, the way of the Will of God, of the sacred Purpose, and the true mission for all.

It is no longer time to waste time. It is time to work, to rebuild, to safeguard humanity. It is time to work with Me in fullness and truth, without fear and dread; risking everything for this blue planet that needs you so much, that cries out for you, and that few listen to it.

This is My Message to you. It is a time of reparation. All are called to salvation, but few perceive what this means. For this reason, I still come to meet you so that your consciousnesses awaken to the essence of My Will.

Humanity is still very immature and very few will have to row this great boat, this great and heavy boat that represents your sacred world.

Who will assist it? Who will risk themselves? Who will give more for love of God and His original Plan? Who will respond? Who will open the door? Who will close it? Who will wait for the one who has been forgotten, for the one who has never been seen, or for the one who has never been looked at with compassion? Who will stop in order to recognize Me in the streets of this world as the great Dying One who awaits the relief of the Heart?

I call you to the synthesis of life. You must rescue something from all this, from these meetings with Me, which are unique and determining, for there is little time left for Me to be no longer among you until My Father sends Me in Glory, and for those who have trusted in Me to find Me seated at their table to commune with the new communion, the covenant with God the Father, in the New Humanity.

If you do not feel worthy, you will not be able to fulfill My Plans. Work for your spiritual dignity through purity and humility. Be sincere with Me and I will forgive you.

Cry out to My Heart when you cannot endure being alone; when by yourselves you cannot stand up from the ground and keep walking towards Me.

Look into My Eyes, see My compassion, glimpse My Divine Mercy and you will be filled with My Spirit of Love. You must allow it, even when you cannot, you must allow it and I will act.

On this night of union with the infinity, I transmit My Words to you, with some silence rests, for My sacred Words must reverberate within your hearts so that they remain within your essence and become fruits, gifts of life, to be able to work in God.

Help Me, through prayer, to save this world and so many souls that are lost at every second that passes from your clock. While I am here, blessing you, have you thought about how many become lost and stop seeing God?

I need you to be the roots of My tree so that other creatures can sprout within My Heart and be the sap of life for eternity.

Pray to My Father:

Most Holy Heart of Christ, 
convert our hearts into sacred flames
 of Your Divine Mercy,
so that Your Face may unite with the great human heart.
May the coming descent of Your Celestial Glory
redeem all consciousnesses,
 in honor and glory to the Celestial Father.

It is the Body of Christ that gives you eternal Life. Joyful are those who are invited to eat My Body. For they shall be redeemed.

Eternal Father, 
I offer you the Body and the Blood,
Soul and Divinity,
of Your Dearly Beloved Son, Our Lord Jesus Christ,
in atonement for our sins and those of the whole world.
Blood and Water
that flowed out from the Heart of Jesus
as a Fountain of Mercy for us,
I trust in You.

Blessed be those who drink the precious Blood of Christ from My sacred Chalice, for the good and restoration of all souls in the world.

Under the spirit of peace and sacred fraternity, blessed be all those who drink of My Blood until the end of days.

Under the spirit of peace, I bless and absolve you in the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

Through the Holy Eucharistic Body of Christ, I give you peace;  go in peace.

In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

Thank you, Lord, for all that You give us!

In this meeting, we honor You, Jesus.


Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón de Jesús transmits the Words of the Virgin Mary:

The world experiences its own damnation and does not realize it. Thus, I come to rescue it, to warn and to aid it.

As I have done in other times, dear children, I call on you to pay attention in these end times. You must measure each step taken in these times, each inner attitude and each expression. This will define, in you, the next paths; but if you remain united with Me through prayer, nothing will happen to you; you will only be able to learn and grow, as God has foreseen in each of your lives.

The world suffers, throughout the length and breadth of this planet, and I come to aid it, day after day, through My prayer. If you are persevering with Me in the Marian task, I could continue to pour out My Graces over those who did not deserve them.

From you I need full hearts ready to serve Me, so that all may cross the threshold of this great transition. I place Myself before this great threshold so you may gather within My Immaculate Heart, which is being hurt and wounded by the world, which offers Itself for you every day of Its life as the full Spirit of God manifested, as the Love of God among you, and so that your paths may be paths that take you to meet the Lord Jesus. In this way, dear children, you will build the new bridges that many are cracking and breaking through the action of their personal will.

I come here, dear children, so that you may enter into communion with the spiritual world, which is greatly forgotten, in which many do not place their heart and cannot receive the Graces they so need. The bridge to reach this great spiritual world will be perseverance and constancy in prayer. In this way, you will be able to incarnate the attributes of the Holy Spirit in yourselves; those which are waiting to be alive in you so the fire can illumine you, can heal and change you.

Dear children, I make the Holy Spirit of God available to you, the One that must be sought in these times because many forget it, changing it for other things, for material and worldly things. Thus, I emit My last echo, so the ears of the heart can hear it, and in this way, be able to ardently prepare with the fire of prayer and devotion, which will keep you firm and safe on the path of peace, on the path of redemption.

My children, in you I come to seek that which you have never wanted to give God. Yes, I come to seek your miseries, and as Universal Mother, I am ready to transform your miseries into Light and Love. Thus, I come down to these worlds to be able to convert souls and have them remember they must be in God before the great cycle of the transmutation of the planet. Thus, through union with My Son Jesus, I prepare you, I unite you with His Sacred Heart, and do not let you separate even for a moment from Him; but you must allow it so that all may be healed and redeemed.

Dear children, on this night I repeat all these things because your hearts have not properly heard them, and you must be My apostles, apostles of My Son, apostles of the Redeemer, who represent in this very defining era, the living flame of the Heart of Christ, a Heart that is redeemed and purified, that is transformed and gives itself fully to God.

I come, dear children, to bring you the opportunity you never received in your lives, that you return to God the Father, the Almighty; that you be like Me as I was in other times, in a simple, humble and true way, living God in your heart and in your soul, seeking His Infinity and His Cosmos to be in His Greater Universe.

Dear children, humanity is fallen and ill. Many are assaulting the Heart of My Son; day after day, they deeply wound Him with their actions and thoughts. Thus, I come to this part of the Americas to be able to re-establish devotion to His Sacred Heart; and that devotion will be achieved, dear children, when you give your true 'yes' to God, which will allow you to change this very sick world.

I come to warn you, I come to invite you board this ship of salvation; for this is the last time I come through this world in Immaculate Spirit and in a Spirit of Purity, trying to elevate your cells and atoms toward a greater illumination, toward a quick transformation of each particle of your small bodies. Every day you must seek to vibrate in God, to aspire to merge into that universal life that is so forgotten by this humanity.

This is so strong, dear children, that many forget to look at the sky and identify their own star. Like the Great Star of the Universe, I come to ignite your suns, a fire God needs in these times, in the mission of being able to banish evil from this world.

Dear children, the mission for all of you and those who listen to Me is great. This is My last call, and you will hold it in your memories up to the end of your days.


Sister Lucía de Jesús transmits the Words of the Virgin Mary:

I humbly invite you to observe the example of those who come to My meeting for the first time, because they overcame their fear of discovering that which for such a long time they knew existed, because they finally trusted in the love given to their hearts.

My children, in these definitive times, I invite you to humility, an adventure of the spirit, so you can leap like children into the discovery of Universal Love. To those who want to follow Christ, I invite you to go deeper into My Words, for transmitted over the last few years, they hold the Divine Purpose for this humanity.

Many did not hear what was said to them, others did not know the true value and found that the Words of the Queen of Heaven were very simple and always the same. But today, My children, I tell you that an infinite treasure is held in each of those Words, and one who truly knows how to hear them will, step by step, find out how to reach the Kingdom of God and bring this Kingdom to the world.

Today I call you, My children, to a permanent renewal of your spirits, so that you not see time go by right before your eyes and the world transform into a new world without you being able to accompany it.

My children, live your transformation together with the transformation of this planet so you may, right before your eyes as well as within your hearts, see the new redeemed race being born.

My dears, many times I speak to you of things you do not understand, but all I ask is that you open your heart, that you hold My Words in the depths of your beings, because there, they will labor, and little by little, they will build this perfect dwelling place, this whole stronghold in each of you; and without your perceiving it, you will live the Plan of God, because in reality, My children, He will be living within each of you.

All opportunities are being given to you. Simply open your arms and receive each one of the gifts that descend from the Heavens. The one who really wants to take this step, toward infinity and toward the unknown, will do so; because, My dears, today I tell you that the doors of the universe will open before your eyes and your little hearts, that worlds unknown to you can be revealed to humanity coming from the 'yes' of your hearts. For as representatives of this world, you can choose to not only belong to it and give a true 'yes' to God, but God will reveal other universes, other celestial realities to you that exist in this world and in many others.

My children, open your eyes, because this planetary moment needs to find you awake. Today, before this universal door, lift up your offerings to God, because this path will lead you to the Feet of the Creator, Who will listen to your pleas and also the pleas of all of humanity, which are held in your hearts.

But do not forget, My dears, that in light of this opportunity of being before the portal of Heaven, you must be intercessors for all of humanity, for the Kingdoms of Nature, for those who suffer in hell and in purgatory and wait for your prayers.

This is a unique moment in which souls can be aided, in which those who did not generate merits for their salvation can indeed be saved by the true power of your prayers.

I listen to the cry of your hearts on this night, and in each of you I leave My maternal response, so that you no longer suffer because of the events of your lives and of this world, but rather that you learn through the tests you experience, and that you mature, because truly I tell you that all you experience is just the beginning of the purification of this planet.

There is much yet to come, but at that moment, you will then be sufficiently prepared to experience it. For this reason, do not fear, simply strengthen yourselves through prayer, through fellowship, and above all, through a unity among your hearts.

Never allow the unity I built in your souls, My children, to be dissolved. Through My Mantle, I always unite you and protect you, so that nothing can separate what was united by the Love of God; so that, as a single army of Peace, you are able to draw this Peace to the world and definitely dissolve all the evil that wishes to extinguish the essence of My children.


Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón de Jesús transmits the Words of the Virgin Mary:

In the Passion of Christ, you will find the living testimony for your conversion and the encouragement to continue forward in the face of tests; because there is nothing more important in your lives, dear children. At this moment, dear children, you must seek to be in God all the time; that will be the sign of your salvation for Heaven.

On this night of Graces and blessings, in which all the universes assemble, I have especially come to bless My dear children, those who through perseverance, took their steps and are being witnesses for others, witnesses to conversion, love and forgiveness.

I also come to bless this sacred hermitage, which will represent the Light of Christ the Redeemer in these times.

The hermitage is the Heart of My living Son, where all will be able to enter to feel Him and recognize Him. When this hermitage beats in the Light of Christ, it will be through the action of your works. I am referring, dear children, to your prayers, which will be able to reach Heaven so as to be received, as I have done many times with you and with many people.

Thus, with joy, singing and in praise, let us go in procession to the hermitage so that I may bless it. Let your candles be the sign of the light of your spirits.


Song: "Hail, Hail, Hail Mary."


My dear children, in glory to God and His firstborn Son, I bless this hermitage, which will represent the Sacred Heart of the living Christ for all, the bridge that will unite you with the Celestial Universe, the Source of Graces and of Redemption.

Those who humbly enter this place, will be touched by the breath of the Spirit of Christ and must fully trust that their life will change, and all their loved ones will be touched by that Christic flame on this night of consecration in which Heaven and Earth commune and all souls assemble around the Great Heart of God to receive His Gifts and His Virtues.

Let us honor the Creator for this great opportunity and as good hearts, let us send a message of peace and of union to the whole world that will circulate through this Earth and unify all spirits within the Great Purpose of God.

Let us cry out to God in the Highest! Let the celestial choirs sing, let hearts be joyful, be redeemed and unite with the only Source of God which is eternal Love, eternal Unity, and eternal Wisdom for all that was created.

Unite your hearts and minds with the Divine Thought of God; and on this night, capture the true signs of His Will which will allow you to be reborn and re-emerge as brave servers, as apostles of the new time, as servants of the Creator that will struggle until the end of days for the redemption of this world, for the salvation of this beauty which represents this planet and all that are part of it, in this great local universe, in communion with infinity, with universal life and with the spirit of peace.

So may it be! So may it be! So may it be!

Let us repeat the following prayer:

O Sacred Center of the Light of Christ!
Be radiated over the world,
convert all souls,
so that in the time to come
we recognize, now and always,
Your Glorious Coming to this humanity.
In victory for You, King of Kings,
Supreme Love,
we implore You, we beg You and we beseech You:
return soon to this world!
so that everything may be healed,
so that souls may be freed,
and your Infinite Mercy be proclaimed
over the centuries to come.

In this union with Infinity, I thank you for responding to My call. Today, My Love is especially given to all the pilgrims who, with hope and rejoicing, came to receive a part of My Universal Heaven.

I bless you all, those who are being consecrated and also those who will be consecrated to My Heart, for all are children of the same Father and come from the same Source, the Source of Love.

Thank you all. Go in peace, in Christ. Do not forget to lift up your hearts to God, He will listen to you.

In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

Weekly message of the Glorified Christ Jesus, transmitted in the Light-Nucleus Sagrado Ceu, Belo Horizonte, Minas Gerais, Brazil, to the visionary Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón

While part of the world is in a never-ending war that unleashes the wrath and evil of humanity, My Divine Mercy approaches every day at three o'clock in the afternoon to restore and heal the vices of humanity.

My Divine Mercy is mainly poured into hearts that every day revive My Holy Passion. Thus, through them, all the gifts and merits achieved by My Sacred Heart are deposited as cells of light in simple and pure hearts.

In order to attain My forgiveness it will be enough to recognize oneself as a worthy child of God, and, despite the fact that sin is great and irreparable, I have the celestial authority to absolve you from all faults. Thus your lives will become crystalline and limpid when you seek to live My Mercy, beyond professing it and confirming it in your lives.

Heaven unites in harmony and prayer, every day, at three o'clock in the afternoon in order to help balance the spiritual and material disorder of this world. Therefore, only through My Unfathomable Mercy will the most hardened and sinful souls be able to find their lifeline, and the same will be true for those who serve Me but face the game of temptations of this world.

If in truth you decide to seek the spring of My Divine and Unfathomable Mercy, you will be able to lessen on the world the weight of its own law, and many souls will stop being condemned to the fire of hell, so as to be recognized as rescued souls.

In this last hour of the transition of the Earth, seek the straight path to My Divine Mercy because, in these times of greater confusion, you will be left only with holding on to My Path of redemption and salvation.

I give you all that I have, I give you the possibility to re-dimension your lives through the transmuting and purifying fire of My Divine Mercy.

The time indicates a quick and decisive decision. The time has come to place yourself at the feet of the Greater Source so that you can be washed, freed from stains and redirected toward the eternal Kingdom of God.

Today I especially pray for those who will incur a spiritual union with Me in the new times. This will determine the possibility of fulfilling My redemptive Project before My return to the world.

Pray for those who persevere on the path of transformation, but also pray for those who courageously abandoned Me, forgetting about Me. I place all of them in My Sacred Heart and I hope to see them, someday, in My Celestial Glory.

I determine, in this age, that you follow only one path.

Under the supreme Grace of God, be consecrated to My Heart.

The Glorified Christ Jesus

Special Message of Christ Jesus in the Marian Center of Aurora, transmitted to the visionary Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón de Jesús, on the occasion of the Grace Mercy Order Annual Meeting

My Heart is the Living Eucharist for the souls of the world. My Heart dispels the shadows that live within humankind.

Through a union with the power of this Sacrament, consciousnesses are redeemed and sanctify their walking toward God. Blessed is the sincere heart that communes with this Eucharistic Sacrament, for it will have eternal life when every day it only seeks the path of perfection.

I send My celestial angels so they may pour out the Christic codes all over the world that were gained by Me during the Passion; in this way, My Grace avoids the power of the Laws falling upon the just, because even on Earth dwell souls prized by My Father.

Thus, through My Eucharistic Body and Heart, I will establish devotion to the Sacred Heart of Jesus in the world. In this way, those consciousnesses that every day of their lives, have sincerely sought Me, overcoming and transcending the limits of matter, on the day of Divine Justice, these souls will not be the cause of My Justice, but rather, will be mediators for the salvation of other souls that in these times will be prisoners of evil.

Happy are all those who have sought the path of Adoration. The temples of the heart will be prepared to move forward with universal works of peace in the misery and the chaos, because I, through the outpouring of the Holy Spirit, will carry out My last magnificent works on the consciousness of humanity; in this way, many will know Who in truth has been the Son of God.

So, before the great universal moment, My Spiritual Source will prepare the flocks. When the time of the great celestial revelation arrives in the whole of humanity, those who will follow the course of My Paths will be as lances of flame, that will pierce the evil, and just by their presence, will release all darkness. But nobody will know who will do it; I will place a veil over this whole mystery; only the love and humility in the simple will demonstrate the power of this great creator mystery.

And even though impure spirits are released like fierce wolves in the current world, the worshipers, who are part of My Mystical body, will defend the power of My Glory and My Return.

The angels of Heaven will be the shining stars that will guide the path of the watchmen and guardians of the Gospel of Christ; thus, the time will come in which My Spiritual Church will be only one.

It will not be necessary that any person or being on the Earth reign in My Name, because when I return, I will reveal the power of the Kingdom of Emmanuel to those who heard My Words with the ears of the heart and the soul.

So the just must be compassionate with the unjust. The time will come to execute works of mercy and charity, which will free the innocent from becoming involved with the confrontations many will experience. Those who will have become worshipers of My Divine Mercy will be victorious.

The Kingdom that approaches will change the spiritual misery and the unjust destitution of the corrupt imbalance that humanity experiences. For My Celestial Light, with the power of Divine Fire, will wear away all the acts and the ways of being that led to the damnation of millions of essences in humanity.

In this time, nothing will remain hidden; life between brothers and sisters will become as mirrors that will reflect the truth that has always been hidden. Thus, I ask the brave for a quick resolution in their surrender; in this way, you will quickly be freed from the corrosive code of human passions, and the immaculate spirit of each being will establish the Divine Kingdom in all things.

The true step to consecration is to be found in the path of the permanent faith of the heart, which will give you the confidence and total fulfillment to live an unknown universe. The most simple will survive the disasters that will come as a purification and fire over a rebellious humanity; in this way, after everything has been purified, like the grain that is crushed in the granary, I will come to re-establish My Greater Kingdom, which perpetually beats in the heart of this Celestial Universe.

Now, My petitions are offered to all those who want to hear what the world has generated. The coming time indicates the path of overcoming the self and this will be more real when the steadfastness to live My Kingdom is the true purpose of servers. In every step and overcoming, I will be interceding and radiating My Celestial Peace.

I will return with the purpose of recovering the lost and confused paths of all those who once remained behind through the actions and attitudes of others, of those who believed they were doing everything correctly; but now they must pay the same price of what was broken, ground and wounded in the spirit of those who were deceived.

My Kingdom is of Truth. Through My Love, I teach you to be a supreme light for the world, thereby releasing the corrupt codes held in the cells of human inheritance. Thus, I gather you together to live a path of transparency and of immediate service to the Plan of the Celestial Father. I need the righteousness of servers, who in themselves will forge the fruits and the potentials that resist giving of themselves through an act of extreme appropriation. But little by little, like a Good Mother, I wake up the divine talents that will serve as an aid and be of help for the current cycle of humanity.

Today I speak to you with this righteousness, because all the beings who have already responded to My Commands are ready to listen with a maturity of consciousness.

Be watchful with Me and you will find the answer in all that may be necessary to clarify. Today, the Wisdom of My Heart pours out infinite Mercy over you. Remember that My Love for you is immediate and unmistakable.

I embrace those who once gave Me their 'yes' and carried My Words to the center of their heart, which will now be the path of liberation from the self.

Love one another Christically.

Unite cosmically.

Work fraternally, and thus you will please Me.

I thank you for accompanying Me in the Eucharist, together with the greater angels.

Peace to all, the Peace of God.

Under the Love of God, be blessed.

The Merciful Christ Jesus


Special weekly Message of Christ Jesus, transmitted in the Marian Center of Figueira, Minas Gerais, Brazil, to the visionary Friar Elías

Be humble before those who, through error or fear, abandon My precious and preferred path.

Pour out the infinite Graces that I have placed in your heart upon those who have lost them through ignorance. Take a risk to the point of giving your life for your friends. There will never be something similar or different that can destroy the love that with so much effort has been built among brothers and sisters.

Happy are they who fully believe in My Truth and profess it because I promise to compensate them on the day of their celestial glory.

Look now at My wounded spiritual Side, which is a sign of the anxieties and the deserts caused by souls into which, from the beginning, I have poured out My infinite Mercy.

All want to drink of the Source, but few dare to seek it through pain, the desert and the void.

Pay attention! I have shown you the path of the desert, and in truth, I tell you that you have not even crossed the first part of the great aridity of the heart.

Sometimes, I have you spiritually experience the thirst that humanity caused Me during the Passion, on the Cross; but I know that when this unbearable and unsustainable thirst worsens, many have the impulse to abandon Me at that time.

I know that after everything you will understand the mystery that I come to reveal to you, the mystery of suffering out of love and of enduring the bitterness that would punish the world. For this reason, day and night, I avail Myself of your inner-selves, to place within states of emptiness and transmutation, necessary to avoid the sovereign Law over humanity.

When you still believe that you will never see Me, I will visit you. When you still believe that you will never feel Me, I will cause Myself to be deeply felt; but My Law is to test the degree of your love and the unalterable faithfulness of your souls.

Woe to those who have not truly invoked Me! They will soon lose all that was foreseen to be received within their dwellings.

But so great and mysterious is the power of My Divine Mercy that I come to warn you, that if you have thought of abandoning Me, you still are in time to return to the path of My Heart, to the blessed House of Adonai.

Today I open your eyes to take away the dust of blindness. Today I touch your hearts so that, now and forever, you will be able to believe that I Am Who speaks to you: Jesus of Nazareth.

Blessed are the simple, for they will always find the suitable answer.

Let your feet not tire of following Me; let every inner desert be a reason for purification and the concrete affirmation of the Plan of My Father.

Under the Love of God, be blessed and intelligent.

Thank you for persisting through My Heart!

The Merciful Christ Jesus




Feel in My Silence the saying of everything, the truth that emerges to the life that was death.

Today I am together with the twelve, those who were with Me in the past. I brought them so that you may recognize and appreciate them as redeemed, the humanity that has redeemed and will keep redeeming.

While I walk by your side in these days, I bring good news to all, hope for the hearts and souls, and mercy to share and spread.

I thank this afternoon for those who make an effort and who in weariness work for My Father, without time and without deterring. Know that this will be rewarded in the Kingdom of Heavens. God does not separate from His prodigious children, but supports and accompanies them in the silence of the heart.

Today I would like to share with you an important deed: before the Last Supper in that time, many good souls joined Me in prayer.

In different parts of the East, around Galilee, Judea and Jerusalem they joined My inner Passion and opened the doors so that the Mercy of God would accompany them.

In that time, everything that was happening was important, from solitude to joy. I was living each step in the Passion, a new sign that God was manifesting, for My Consciousness and My Heart, when I instituted the Supper as an important ceremony.

I wanted, in that time, everyone to be able to live My Passion in a true way, therefore I opened the doors so that the Divine Laws would descend and everyone could recognize that the Son of God was present on Earth.

The Laws were fulfilled in that time so difficult, but My Mercy was diffused throughout the whole world in the same way that I did with Faustina Kowalska, bringing again to humanity something important and mysterious, which is the Mercy of My Passion, the Water and Blood that redeem and wash, that purify and transmute the sins.

Therefore, live in this Greater Source, the Source that springs out from My tireless Heart and is available for those who search for and are encouraged to serve from it and to be nurtured by the Spirit of My Heart, by My Divinity and My Greater Consciousness.

In these days I come to reactivate your hearts. I come to remind you of the commitments that you have with the Sacraments, because each ritual of the Sacraments is important for your spirits, gestates new things to the soul, to the consciousness and to the life, and everything becomes lighter, more serene and more peaceful.      

What I bring you in these times is the Sacrament of Reconciliation, which you will live through the other Sacraments. It is not by chance that I instituted the Eucharist so that My Universal Spirit would be present in bread and wine, and in each new communion which the soul lives with Me, may renew and open itself to the Greater.

Know that your whole being communes with Me; each part of your beings and each particle, the cells and blood of your beings, the water that circulates in your bodies are nurtured by My Spirit at the moment of the Communion. 

I invite you to know this mystery, to open your eyes for the reality that you live for the Communion, because are kept there many keys for everyone, mainly for those who live in My trust.

In the Last Supper, at that time, I instituted something important for the planet which is the descent of God through My Body and Blood, the Gifts of the Holy Spirit in bread and wine, the Transfiguration and Resurrection that I lived for all. Laws that are unknown by this Earth, but many who were simple lived and practiced them with humility.

Imitate those beings that lived holiness. Follow the steps that they followed in a simple way, because God needs from your hearts a pure and whole dwell, available to receive the Will of the Lord.

I come again to open your eyes to something greater and something divine.

I gather you in this afternoon again, so that you reinforce your commitment with Me and drink with peace of My Blood and My Water, spiritual gifts to the whole humanity poured out spiritually in this time for the hearts that thirst for the Light of God and need to heal their consciousnesses so that they may be redeemed, blessed and be good servers of the Firstborn Son.

From today on you will remember something important during three consecutive days, which is the birth of My Consciousness in humanity and everything that I did for you in that time.

In each moment that you share with Me, each deed and each passage that I will deliver you, live it as something true and important. Thus your consciousnesses will be nurtured through My Christic Spirit and you will receive the Divine Fire of transformation.

And after a time you will not recognize yourselves, because I will have you completely transformed and you will not notice it because you will be transfigured by My Light and My Love.

Be encouraged, risk yourselves that I may overcome you through Love and Mercy.

In little time you will not recognize yourselves, because you will have drunk from My Fountain in a sincere and true way by means of the Communion and constant prayer, keys that will help to change humanity, keys that will open new doors for the coming time.

But, for that to be fulfilled, companions, it is necessary to risk a little more  and fear nothing, because you count on My trust and My inner support, when you only say "yes" to Me.

Today the apostles come to bless you all, through the pastoral exercise, of the blessing of the great Spirit of God that each one of those consciousnesses cultivated within their hearts.

Today I show you all these things so that you may believe that it is possible to live in holiness. And it will not be necessary to consecrate just to Me, but to live a life of charity, service, of prayer, which may be testimonies to your brothers and sisters, which may be incandescent flames of light for the other brothers and sisters, wherever you walk through or wherever you go.

When you reach this point of consecration and surrender, many will recognize My presence in you, because I remain being the Great Shepherd of Humility, the Star of the Universe for the whole planet, who prepares the advent and return of the transformed and renewed Christ, who everyone will see and be surprised at.

For the first time, dear companions, I will answer to seven intentions of this basket. But know that all of them are important to My Heart. I deeply know them, but I know the meaning and value that the answers have to you in this life, answers which come from My Most Sacred Heart, light for darkness, wisdom for confusion, lightness for gloom, love for the one who is bad, hurt, whipped or tired.

I love and correct you because your are flocks with the potential of awakening. Everything that I say comes from Love, from the Spirit of My Father. 

"Juan, I wait for you, when you simply accept to enter in My Kingdom."

"Be calm, your family will be saved. Unite yourself day by day to Me. The reconciliation will be established, because My Spirit will be part of your home and I will comfort your consciousness."

"Franco, your angel is called Joel. My Path is being prepared so that you may enter it as a new apostle of love. Be encouraged to follow Me, I await you."

"May your aspiration be to love the planet every day, because it will be home for those who are coming soon."

"Humility is found in the key of service, in endless charity, in saying "yes" every day to every need that presents itself, thus the spirit is forged to transformation."

"Yes, they already know it, they are now in Heaven with Me, your steps have allowed it. Today they salute you."

"I would like you to be a daughter of My Divine Mercy, thus you may consecrate to My Sacred Heart and everything will be fulfilled in your spirit."

Yesterday, I liberated many souls that were condemned, but I need instruments willing to help Me, transmutation pillars that serve Me and constantly donate themselves. If that would be possible in the greater part of humanity, humanity would be saved.

Today I am going to give you a blessing through the sacred oil, the same oil that anointed My wounded Body, that restored and healed it and prepared it for the Resurrection.

The oil unites you to the soul, and you are anointed by the Divine Spirit of God, with the Primordial Source of His Love and His Unity.

Each time that you are anointed, your spiritual scars and wounds are dissolved by My Merciful Love.

The sacred oil has the power of reparation, opens the doors to the principles of the healing of the ill body and soul and opens the doors to the Greater Spirit of God, simply with a sign of the Cross. Thus all will be done.

I bless all these elements that today will be part of the new communion of you with Me, preparing you for the Holy Thursday, where I will invite you to sit at My table and to confirm yourselves as the apostles of Love, as the servers of Mercy.

I bless you always with My Spirit of Love.

In the name of the Father, the Son and of the Holy Spirit. Amen.

I thank you for being with Me today. 


Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón de Jesús transmits the Words of the Virgin Mary:

I Am the Lady of Fatima. On this day, I prepare for the advent of the anniversary of one of the most important events in the history of your humanity, which is the second redemption of humanity after the Coming of My Son.

Thus, prepare your hearts for the path of light which I will weave toward Europe; opening doors and hearts, healing souls and lives that want to be in My arms, experiencing the consecration of the heart the next 13th of March.

Today, I pour out My Immaculate Heart over the world and I expect each of your lives to crown Me as the Queen of the Earth, through the prayer of the Holy Rosary, the prayer of the heart, the prayer that will always carry you into peace.

In this time, proclaim My Word of Life.

Each day I invite you to live the Commandments of the Lord; in this way, you will generate the New Humanity for which God is waiting.

Today, I open to take your hearts into My Heart, and to prepare this next Holy Week, as the great fertilizer for your lives, in which the Lord will place new seeds so the plants and the flowers are able to grow and are able to offer their gifts to God in such a definitive and sensitive time.

Today, I call on you to gather strength through your hearts so you can unite with My immaculate path.

I come to prepare humanity for something important. For this reason, I always ask to return to Aurora; this is the cradle of a new project of God, in which something will be fully experienced by all, when you open to the Call of the Father and live without fear the transformation of life and consciousness.

Day and night, I offer you My Immaculate Heart. Here you have it; It is in My hands for you, a Heart that lived in this humanity and which understood the human condition of all beings.

Through My Heart, I bring you the Spirit of God. It must reign in your homes and families so it may be the new Light of the world after My Son, a Heart that prepares your hearts for what will come in a short time.

Thus, it is now, dear children, that the time has come to live in the school of prayer, in the school of healing and of redemption.

My Immaculate Heart will also go to Fatima next month. My Virginal and non-material Spirit will encircle this whole place. Those who want to truly see Me, attune your prayers with the heart, for you will surely find Me there and will feel the trust for being able to continue walking.

For I Am your Teacher and Pilgrim, She Who accompanies the flocks of Christ, Who does not tire of going through this world throughout the ages to light up the paths of those in darkness.

I come to revive those which My Son has requested of Me. I come to open the eyes of those who are blind and those who have hardened their hearts because of life experiences.

I have the key for your consecration, as well as your sanctity. Each knows what they can give the Father.

In this time, live My advent Message. My Son sends Me to truly and consciously prepare you. I come to prepare your hearts for the New Earth.

Who will risk following My path?

Who dares to fully live My call?

I am forming the new lines of the soldiers of Light, I am assembling those who have fallen and those who have not fallen; I am calling all of you to live the Transfiguration of My Son.

Dear children, I come to announce that God has granted Me a time of forgiveness for the coming month of May, in which the Kingdom of Fatima will shine forth once again in the world, and its Gardens of Light will be seen on the surface. Hold tight to My Sacred Mantle, I will not separate you from the Kingdom of My Son, rather I will take you toward the Kingdom of the Father, where Unity, Love and Forgiveness reside.

Thus, I name Myself the New Aurora, the Light of the Universe that is coming to you. I Am the Maternal Supra-consciousness, the Star that comes from the Universe directly to the Earth. God has granted Me being the Star in your lives.

I invite you to copy My path of simplicity and humility; in this way, you will begin to live in God.


Sister Lucía de Jesús transmits the Words of the Virgin Mary:

My children,

As the Morning Star, I come to announce the Sun of a new time, which purifies your lives, which renews your small souls. This Sun that is coming, My dears, is the Most Sacred Heart of My Son, which will light up the abysses and from the depths of those abysses, will rescue up to the last of the souls that must manifest, in this time, as the image and likeness of His Most Sacred Heart.

I come to announce, My children, a New Aurora in your lives, an Aurora that will be born through the Presence of My Son in this Kingdom. I want you to prepare your hearts with love, with profound gratitude, so your souls are able to live in these coming days, with fullness and hope, the Presence of My Son in the world.

Through My Immaculate Heart, today I illumine your consciousnesses so you are able to discover the mysteries that are held in the Passion of My Son, mysteries that up until today, humanity has not yet uncovered.

My children, in your little hearts, I want you to discover the true victory that exists in the Sacrifice of My Son, and that your precious lives may be renewed, in this time, through small sacrifices, small surrenders you are able to experience to bring relief to the Heart of God.

Today, in the Passion of Christ, I want you to discover the joy of salvation, the joy of the redemption and, in spite of all suffering, the joy and hope which never disappeared from the depths of the Heart of My Son.

My children, the Heart of Christ could find the strength to stand up after each fall through the hope of the rebirth of this world, and from this Sacred Heart, you must learn the power of renewal in each instant of your life.

For this reason, today I tell you that you not place your hearts in the tests you are experiencing, but rather, you feed hope, the joy of being able to be reborn each day. Live the Passion of My Son, offering your small lives to renew the sacrifice of Christ, and thus, as He did so long ago, the offering of your hearts is able to generate merits for the world, My children, so that humanity may have a new opportunity for redemption and this world may not disappear from the universe.

Today, I want you to feed the faith and devotion in your lives, and that the power of prayer be more powerful than any evil, that the valor of your souls is able to defeat the fear that many times intimidates the souls of the world.

My children, through your hearts, I want you to be the example to the world that My Son is already returning to this Earth, because He has already returned to each of your lives, because His Sacred Heart beats in your essences and renews your lives and your souls through His Sacred Sacrifice, through His Infinite Love.


Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón de Jesús transmits the Words of the Virgin Mary:

On this evening, dear children, see again the example of the consecration of My Immaculate Heart through these children I have called, who serve a large part of the Plan of God.

But My Son once said, in a Message, that in His ancient Sepulcher there were precious violets that restored Him, flowers of Love in His Sepulcher that helped to raise Him and to fulfill the Plan of God on Earth.

Today, I want to call on one of those violets to be consecrated, as daughter, to My Immaculate Heart, and as from this moment, adorn the Altars of My Maternal Kingdom.


Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón de Jesús:

At the request of Our Lady, we are going to listen to the song: "Consecration", so She may bless these brothers and sisters and all these sacred objects.


Song: "Consecration".


Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón de Jesús transmits the Words of the Virgin Mary:

Dear children, carry the Peace of My Heart in your hearts wherever you may go. Just that is enough for this time.

Remember I will be at the side of those who dare to live the Passion of Christ, comforting them and consoling them, encouraging them to continue onward, because Something Greater awaits them: the Spirit of God, their Eternal Father.

I thank you!

God willing, we will see each other soon in Portugal!


Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón de Jesús:

In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.


Mother María Shimani de Montserrat:

The truth is that we don't know how you experienced it, those who are behind the screen; but we here have experienced a great moment, in which Out Lady definitely entered into our consciousness.

Today, in a unique way, here in this space where we are, all the brothers and sisters from the Marian Center of Aurora who participated, were able to feel ourselves to be of one mind and one heart; and Our Lady came to involve all these consciousnesses in a single one.

We hope that those on the other side of the screen were able to feel, as we did, the Love of the Queen of Heaven and of Earth.


Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón de Jesús:

We would like to share in words what Our Lady transmitted today, but sometimes we find ourselves very limited by our terrestrial language. But the Love that flows from the Heart of Mary allows everything to be confirmed and felt in our being.

During the Apparition, Our Lady came as Our Lady of Fatima, as you heard. A very compelling and definite manifestation.

She brought Her Immaculate Heart pouring out blood, offering us the sacrifices She lived for us, offering us healing and redemption; but Her gentleness and serenity were with us all the time.

Mary's Words comforted our heart and our soul, moment by moment. We could perceive that behind Mary was the Presence of God, and in Her we also perceived God.

Also, in some moments, She showed us some passages of Her life in Galilee and Her accompaniment during the Passion of Jesus.

We could perceive that Our Lady was activating recordings of Light in our consciousnesses; Christic keys for our beings, which recognized them at the instant She activated them. In this way, we were communing, through Mary, with the whole life Jesus had all over the Earth.

When Mary referred to Fatima, we felt Her to be at home, Fatima and Aurora were one. And those Kingdoms She expressed today in such a particular way, those Gardens of Light came here and left something in our hearts: energies, angelic presences and also codes of Light that specifically entered our spirits.

Mary was slowly involving us with the Kingdom of Fatima and was showing us, in the future, Her task already concretized in Europe, and all the conversions and redemptions She would carry out on going through Europe.

The most special moment was when She called the brothers and sisters for the consecration, and when She directly spoke about the violets that had been in the Sepulcher of Jesus. That was not a metaphor, it was a fact that Mary was revealing to us through a scene She showed us.

At the moment when Jesus was placed in the Sepulcher, a group of women who were accompanying Mary, anointed the Body of Our Lord with oils. There was a very specific woman who carried a bunch of flowers in her hands, in her arms, and she went placing each of the flowers around the Sepulcher.

Those flowers were not only emitting a very particular and special aroma, we could feel and perceive a sweet, soft aroma that went enveloping the Body of Our Lord and all the Sepulcher.

And this, according to Our Lady, went restoring the Body of Our Lord, which was wounded, through the faith of that woman, through the faith with which she had trusted Jesus. She knew inwardly that He was the Messiah, the Redeemer; although He was dead in the Sepulcher, she trusted in the Spirit of Jesus, and that act of faith raised Him; it was one of the attributes that helped in the restoration of Jesus.

That is how it was explained to us by our Mother today. And today Our Lady was explicit in saying that when She calls Her children to be consecrated, She doesn't call on them to be consecrated physically; She calls on each of our souls. She wants to try and have us remember our commitment to Her Immaculate Heart. She wants to consecrate those who are healthy and those who are sick, those who are lucid and those who are crazy.

Today She named Herself as the Mother of humanity for those who are believers and non-believers. She knows well who we are; She deeply knows us, even though we may not trust in Her, or that sometimes, we may have turned our face from Her when we saw Her at some moment. She wants to rescue us and is determined to conquer our hearts.


Sister Lucía de Jesús:

After so many things, all I want to add is that during the prayer, before Our Lady appeared, it seems that the angels heard us and quickly came, during the first prayers we began to recite.

And today, in a special way, they were working on us with great joy, pouring flowers out over this room. And when Our Lady began to approach, we could see the path on which She came from the horizon; and we began to see another path that came from the back of this room, on which some saints were coming who were joyfully singing. In the first row of these saints, we could recognize the Holy Padre Pio, who was bringing a crown of flowers. The other saints, who came behind him, were singing and pouring out flowers over the path. They stopped by the altar and stood waiting for the arrival of Our Lady. They said they came to crown Holy Mary of Aurora.


Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón de Jesús:

These are a lot of emotions to open our hearts.

Well, we wanted to finish by sharing with the brothers and sisters that our Mother, yesterday and today, very firmly announced the Holy Week, the Sacred Week.

We want to share that this Sacred Week is an invitation of Our Lord Christ Jesus, a Sacred Week that will also be offered in other Marian Centers and will be an experience of prayer, of peace and of healing for everybody.

And we leave everybody with some questions:

Why is it that Jesus Christ returns during the Sacred Week?

What is it that the Sacred Hearts want to rescue in these times and which we are able to experience in a true and simple way?

After this great impulse of Mary's, let us place these questions in our heart so that, during this week, they can be answered by Our Own Lord.

Thank You, Divine Mother, for all that You give us!


Who are we?

Association Mary
Founded in December of 2012, at the request of the Virgin Mary, Association Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception, is a religious association without ties to any institutionalized religion. It has a philosophical-spiritual, ecumenical, humanitarian, charitable, cultural character, and it supports all activities that are indicated through the instructions transmitted by Christ Jesus, the Virgin Mary, and Saint Joseph. Read more
