Forty days with Jesus along the Lent path
"May silence, during this Lent, allow you not only to reflect and meditate on your present inner situation, but also to appreciate without guilt, through silence, the reality that is within you and around you.
But, first of all, observe the events with eyes of compassion and not with eyes of criticism; because, just as My hour arrived during the Agony in the Garden of Gethsemane, so too will your hour arrive and it will be the moment to make a decision that will have repercussions on your whole life.
This Lent is not only the gateway to the contemplation of My Sorrowful Passion, but it is also the announcement that time is ending and it is necessary to have an evolutionary and fraternal attitude, an attitude capable of doing something for those who suffer, no matter what it costs. It is the opportunity to love again."
Jesus Christ
In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.
If you are desperate or distressed, come to Me and follow Me.
If you cannot find clarity about what you should decide, and if you are confused, come to Me and follow Me.
Now, it does not matter how you feel or how you are, come to Me and follow Me.
I know the very depths of your being and I know the Will of my Father for you. For this reason, come to Me and follow Me.
Your cross is not the same as the cross of your brothers and sisters. For this reason, come to Me and follow Me.
I have My Crown of thorns to offer you; come to Me and follow Me.
I come to give you My whole Being, what are you waiting for? Come to Me and follow Me.
If your feet have stumbled over many stones in these recent times, do not worry, get up, come to Me and follow Me.
Because what is written for your life is not the same as what is written for your fellow being. If you truly want to know and have knowledge of it, come to Me and follow Me.
If you decide to come to Me, you will be able to enter My Heart and have a new life. You will know how to cross your deserts, how to go through your tests and your uncertainties; but keep in mind that My Love is above all things. For this reason, come to Me and follow Me, because I need decided soldiers, tempered by humility and bathed by My Grace so that they may serve the Plan of My Father and accomplish It.
My celestial promises will be accomplished in the next life. For this reason, come to Me and follow Me.
I contemplate a wounded and hurt world submerged in suffering and in chaos. Come to Me and follow Me so that the new Christs may awaken. While this does not happen, I will continue to come to the world because My Heart can be in you and you can be in My Heart. Come to Me and follow Me, for there is still much to do and to work on.
The deepest wounds of the planet must be healed and your life must be the balm for these wounds. Come to Me and be transformed into what I so wait for. In the silence of My Heart, I will cause you to be ready to live these times and these challenges.
I offer Myself in eternal communion for those who suffer and endure and for those who every day lose their inner light and allow the flame of their faith to go out.
I Am that Higher Power that allows you to carry the cross of these times and to not say 'no' to My Will, because what is written is very important.
I bring you the new life. Thus, come to Me and follow Me. While this does not happen, I will wait so as to be able to take the next steps in the redemption of this humanity and this planet.
Open your inner senses and let My Light bring you Truth; for purification is eternal; it is an impulse towards ascension and transcendence until the very core of your spirits someday achieves union with the Father, just as the Son achieved union with the Father up to the Cross.
Was it really necessary that God Himself experienced all that agony, that whole Passion and Death, through His Son in this humanity? It is a mystery not yet unveiled, but you have the Grace of already not being so far from the unveiling of this mystery.
The master key of all this is to surrender to the Love of God for His creatures, for their salvation. This is what must move your inner universe so that you come to Me and follow Me; for in these times, I need to establish the pillars of the New Humanity and the New Earth, through the conversion of your hearts and consciousnesses.
My pillars are not energies, My pillars are you.
In the same way that clay has to be transformed into something beautiful, so must your lives, as a precious crystal, be polished, time and again. When your lives are polished, they are transformed, and they will feel the positive friction of My Christic energy.
But do not be afraid if your cells fear the transformation or the uncertainty of not being able to take steps. In truth, I tell you: "Who comes to Me and follows Me will be in My Heart, and I will be in them until the end of times; because the Spirit of Wisdom, the Holy Spirit, will guide you, just as I guide My apostles and many more throughout the ages."
Your inner strength must be in the conviction of accomplishing My Plan, My Plan of rescue and salvation.
You already know how the state of the world is and how the main cell of the family has been destroyed, not only by the pandemic but also by the lack of love.
Today, My Heart sustains and contemplates those who have died alone through this current illness.
The pleas of the good and of those who are consistent with My merciful prayer, no matter what the cost, have permitted this Grace of salvation and of relief.
Thus, I tell you that your vision cannot only be upon that which is material; your vision must be beyond that which is spiritual, beyond that which is truly profound and eternal; where love triumphs above all evil and adversity.
There are many souls throughout the world that, in this time, cry out for help. There are many sinning souls, souls that are ignorant and even cold because their hearts have hardened.
For this reason, My pillars, the pillars of Christ, the apostles of the end of times must be clear about this moment and this conjuncture, which is not the same as other times.
I need you to understand that to be My companion is not only to be at My side or to only follow Me. To be My companion is to everyday risk being more a part of Me, of My Mystical Body, of My spiritual and divine Government.
Just like more than two thousand years ago, humanity is at a similar conjuncture, but more delicate, more serious. This is the most important hour, when the prayer of the heart will work mysteriously in the inner worlds. Thus, your beings, your families and your homes must be rooms and spaces of prayer in the current planetary field of battle.
In this way, you will ignite the light in this sea of worldwide darkness and the sincere prayer will be a small spark of the light of the Love of God that, in trust and faith, will be placed where it is most needed, where nobody can see it.
I need your lives to be the very testimony of a prayer carried out and concretized so that you may aspire to someday be the living sacrament itself, redeemed and converted by My Codes of Light and Mercy. In this way, the world will no longer suffer, because with very few there will be a struggle in these hells of the world, of persecution, of war and of hunger.
The hour of My Return is already registered. It is an hour that is approaching as time goes by. When I return, and you, where will you be? You, how will you be?
The signs of My arrival are within because it is there where I am present, just like with those who experience the Eucharist or Adoration with faith; In this way, they will be ready to receive Me, in spite of how they will be or where they will be.
Today, I want to anoint the world with the luminous Sign of the Cross so that, in light of this current planetary Calvary, you may see the Cross of Redemption of your Lord Jesus Christ illuminated, the Cross of Emmanuel, that comes to free you from the chains of evil forever.
May your hearts not become cold. May your charity not dissipate. May your faith of being in Me be strengthened so that, someday, the saints of the end times, the saints of the last days, may be present in this humanity, and on the eve of My arrival, may this anointing take shape on the forehead of each of My children, of My companions, of My prayerful ones, of My servers.
Let all that which should no longer be within you, no longer be, and may I have the space to be able to live within the greater depths of everyone.
Do not be afraid of losing the power that you believe you have, or the control that you believe you exercise. I come to make of your lives something new so that the human race can be saved and thus, the thousand years of peace may be accomplished.
May this Marathon hold the keynote and the absolute trust that you can follow Me and be in Me, so that all errors and sins may be justified, and fervent souls may amend the assaults experienced by My Sacred Heart; for this time I have brought some of My apostles. They could be nowhere else but here, to wait for Me, again, as they waited for Me in the Cenacle during the days of My Resurrection.
The reappearance of Christ is being fulfilled.
Happy are those who believe without having seen. Happy are those who believe and are humble. Happy are those who are a part of My Word and drink of My Water of Life because I give, to each one of you, a part of the wood of My spiritual Cross so that we may share this moment and offer ourselves as victims of the Love of God.
I again anoint you, forgive you, and heal you under the powerful union of the Most Holy Trinity and all that which is beyond God, that which the world still does not know and which is a part of the Revelation of the end of times.
In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.
In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.
If you untie the knots you have on Earth, in Heaven the knots will also be untied.
Thus, a Law is fulfilled, the Law of Impermanence, of that which is neither fixed nor static.
Untying the knots of consciousness means liberation in this time, an opportunity that you are giving the universe so that it can regenerate and recreate.
When you untie the knots on the Earth, the universe is in charge of untying the knots in Heaven and everything reaches a liberation that is unknown, that can neither be measured with thought nor with the intellect.
It is a liberation that comes from the heart that trusts in the universe and in the possibilities offered by the universal Laws and the material Rays.
When the knots in Heaven are untied, the doors are opened to other perspectives, the doors are opened to other learnings and schools that you were never able to live before for different reasons and motives.
At this time, it is very necessary to untie the knots of consciousness, not only those that are on Earth, but also those that are in Heaven, because you will allow the angelic consciousness to intervene and intercede for you. There is no way to generate that movement, there is neither an attitude nor a thought.
Untying the knots on Earth and in Heaven is a possibility that you offer to your soul and, consequently, to your spirit and that which is beyond. Thus, an endless story begins to close.
The doors of the past, of mistakes, are closed, and the consciousness that unties the knots here, on Earth, receives a Grace, receives an opportunity that cannot be measured by movement nor thought, it can only be felt with the heart, with the opportunity to love and recognize Divine Mercy.
If every human being on this planet learned to untie the knots that he possesses here on Earth, imagine, for a moment, how many things would happen! How many opportunities would be offered! What benefit the consciousness of the planet, that lives in a constant suffering, would receive!
As the end of time approaches, greater are the events within the human beings. Not only will they be able to recognize the dwellings that God has given them so that one day they would turn them into sacred temples of elevation and surrender, but also that the same human beings will recognize and know everything they have done in other times.
Is there no meaning in knowing the Truth?
This does not mean retrogressing, nor does it mean staying in the past. It means consciously amending that which has never been amended, that which has never been forgiven or reconciled within, neither with existence nor with the universe.
There are many consciences that need to untie these knots, in these times, to be able to take their steps, the safe steps toward My Heart and toward My Consciousness, the steps that I expect you will take, day by day, with determination, free from mediocrity, from neglect, from what is small, from what is poor; because God, since your origins, has given you everything, and you still do not know it.
You need to amend that which has happened so that you reach reality and learn, like your brothers and sisters, to get out of the illusion of the world, learn to immerse yourselves in Our Higher Life.
If you were not here, next to Me, you could not live that which you live today nor that which you learn today. The schools that I offer are unique, they are unrepeatable, they are non-transferable, because I know what each soul and each spirit need in order to evolve.
Everything that I give you and everything that My Father has given you throughout time and, above all, since your origins, since the Source, cannot be offered with a small amount. Your self-giving must be ample, infinite and immeasurable, just as I did for you until the last minute, in the final second of My expiration.
And even at that moment, I did not stop, I showed you through the Resurrection how to achieve the reemergence of the spirit, from the ashes of the past, to be driven by the fire of the Divine Source and thus be able to heal everything, thus be able to redeem everything, thus being able to enter the Kingdom of My Peace.
Your structures must be removed from their places, My treasures cannot be deposited in internal universes that are empty and poor.
True poverty of spirit is achieved with a given heart, the donation of life, with selflessness. That is what I need from you, it is what I need from every human heart.
Each one knows what to give me, what to present to me, what to offer me.
These are not times to measure what one should give or how far one can go. If you say you live in My Heart, can you not do everything?
The alliance with Me must not be built on tepid principles. The alliance with Me must be strengthened in Christification and in permanently giving thanks for the opportunity that presents itself within your lives, day by day; the opportunity that the universe gives you in each new step.
Because everyone must be an important piece of this great puzzle of the Plan, the pieces can be replaced, the pieces can change places according to the need and the Will of My Father. But My precious pieces cannot be lost as if nothing ever happened.
You have very close examples of pieces that I have lost because they are in the hands of My enemy. Have you ever felt what that means for Me? And how must I look at the Father so that He intercedes for them?
Nobody has the capacity to understand what their stay on this planet means, in this school that I have instituted through the Cross, so that you live redemption.
God Himself incarnated among you and gave you His Word, gave you His testimony and His Good News, offered you miracles, conversions and the liberation of souls. He became a Body through bread and gave His Blood through wine.
He is constantly renewed in the priestly office, in the opportunity that My apostles have to relive My Passion and to love it, to love it more deeply every day, and without superficiality.
You must feel the Passion of your Master and Lord, offered in each new Eucharist, in each new Communion, because if the world does not cling to this, how will it survive? How will it remain in the Peace of the Lord in the face of so many conflicts and diseases?
Now, you must not only avail yourselves of My Body and My Blood, you must be part of My Mystical Body. What are you waiting for?
Thus, among few companions in the world, I will strengthen My Mystical Body that will be nourished by My Eucharistic Body, by My Body of Light, so that the whole world does not stop seeing the Light, despite the darkness.
Within the inner worlds is where the Plan is carried out, it is where the great operations of your Master and Lord are carried out with each one of the souls of the surface of the Earth.
Priesthood is always exposed to being attacked and destroyed, because the priesthood power that I offer you is unbreakable, and the gates of hell fear that.
For this reason, even the last drop of My Being was poured out on the Cross, and even more, the Water and Blood of My Side gave life, healing and renewal for all.
Although My Wounds healed in the Resurrection, I need the signs of My Passion to be alive in priests and in believers, in those who profess faith, despite difficult times.
In the signs of My Wounds, you will find your liberation, in the power of My Blood you will find your redemption and justification before the Father of all your mistakes and sins committed since Adam and Eve.
Now, you must be this mystery that is revealed, transformed and redeemed, you must be the expression of this love, you must want to reach the higher spheres that I offer you at this planetary moment, because there is still much to be done.
Your rest will be in the priestly service, in the life that each one can give to My Sacraments. Because now that souls cannot receive It in person, My priests must be that sacramental sign that should be engraved in the inner worlds so that suffering and agonizing souls may be strengthened.
Aspire to achieve perfection in priestly service, because the world needs it, humanity needs it, and in this way My Return will be prepared.
May souls discover their true virtues, may they see with loving eyes what God has given them and may they not only immerse themselves in their impurities and imperfections because that is the place where My enemy wants them. If you say you are intelligent, why are you there?
May the strength of your love be not in the mind, but in the heart, in the deep feeling of loving, as I love you, of serving, as I serve you, of uniting, as I unite you with the Source of My Eternal Father.
In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.
Song: Mercy, Christ Jesus.
Our Father, in Aramaic (repeated three times).
May the Holy Spirit reside in your minds and hearts, in the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.
Today I come down from Heaven to be in this meeting in order to tell the world that in this cycle everything is allowed. My Father has thus decided it. Humanity needs to grow within in order to be able to express what it came to do in this world.
I need you to be here with Me, in vigil, because in this vigil you will always find peace and you will have the wisdom for knowing how to make good decisions.
The planet is like a fragile crystal that is at the point of breaking, just like all that is within it.
But you, through merciful prayer and through your faith, have learned to strengthen yourselves, and that strength must not be lukewarm, but rather it must be firm, based on what you believe and live, based on what you practice and offer as a service to the world, as well as to your brothers and sisters.
For this reason, everything is allowed so that humanity may learn what it has not yet learned. This does not mean that you continue to suffer, because you are still governed by a basic law, which is free will. In that choice that humanity makes lies condemnation, damnation and darkness.
But today I invite you to position yourselves above this law and unite with My Divine Knowledge, with My Word, so that, through love and truth, you may learn to decide wisely and with discernment, without having to be touched by the action of this law.
I know that not all of you will manage to do so, because you are still in the moment of overcoming duality. Until I return, that will not happen, and hearts will have to experience what they need to experience in order to be formed as true servers, as long as you decide to follow the path that I offer not only you but also to the whole world, to all peoples and all religions, because I am not only the Christ of the Christians, I am the Master and Lord of all souls.
In souls there is no religion, no doctrine; there is faith, trust and unity in the Eternal Father; it is there where I am. And thus I seek to always be in your hearts and lives so that you may reflect the gifts that I have been giving you for some quite time.
My treasures, that are inner, deep and non-material, will never be lost. When souls do not live the talents that I give them, I gather the gifts and the virtues from the hearts that do not fulfill My Purpose, and that does not mean that I abandon them.
In solitude and silence, I stop to observe you, up to the point where you learn to take steps, just as I taught you from the Garden of Gethsemane up to the Cross.
In each instant of your lives, redemption can be experienced.
At each step of your lives, there lies the opportunity for freedom, when you are under the Law of Love and Truth.
This world suffers and it is in pain and sorrow, not only in consciousness, but also in soul, because the planet is part of everything, and you are part of that great consciousness of the planet, which is ill and needs healing.
In maintaining your faith and your trust in Me, the bridges will always exist through which I will be able to descend in order to help you and assist you, even though you do not feel Me, do not perceive Me, even though I am in silence.
For this reason, this is a definitive moment, in which the planet is facing an unpredictable event, facing an uncertain destiny, without knowing how it will continue during the times to come.
But you, who have grown in the love of My Words and My Wisdom, must not focus your minds upon what will happen, but rather on what is happening. In that will be the lesson that you need in order to grow, learn, and once again be able to overcome the obstacles and the tests in the infinite trust that My Heart offers you.
Perhaps what I tell you today, companions, you may have heard at other moments, through other Words that I have already spoken. But know that, in everything I tell you today, there is the answer that each being needs, according to their school and their moment of purification.
Do not believe that I do not see what is happening to you, what you feel inwardly, what is happening in your minds, what your souls are living, what your spirits aspire toward in order to find the truth.
This is why the Hierarchy, in one attunement and vibration, unites at this moment, under My consensus and authority, to bring to the whole world the last impulses it needs so that humanity may awaken their consciousness even more and perceive that it is not under the Law and that it must return to it.
In this way, the times and the moments of uncertainty, of suffering, of pandemics and of insecurity will end. Because, in this way, you will be open to receive Me at that great moment of My Return, which is not far away, each day it is closer, and you must keep this in mind because I will not alert the world, nor will I alert you. I will arrive in the most needful and urgent moment, even though everything may appear calm.
In that moment, I will be able to return to correct this world, as it has never been corrected.
And thus, the judgment of Love will come, and all will become aware of it; it will not matter whether you believe or do not believe, that you know or do not know anything. All will be equal in the Gaze of the Father.
I will never bring you a punishment, through Love, I will bring you the Truth that will set you free, forever.
And you will be what I need, what I have so waited for, what I have so longed for over the last more than 2000 years, because if I am here today, it is because My Father asked it of Me and He showed it to Me clearly in the Garden of Gethsemane, before delivering Me to the Cross.
I still have Chalices full of Mercy so that souls may drink of them.
The love that I have placed in each of the Chalices is so much that they overflow with the power of the Light of My Blood.
These Chalices, while not drunk nor considered by souls, pour out the Codes of My Passion and of My pain for the world.
This is the sacrifice that I want you to be able to live with Me; something that goes beyond you and your consciousnesses, your knowledge or your intentions.
The Chalices of sacrifice will be what will save the world and grant a spiritual and special reprieve for a large part of humanity, through the consecrated, priestly and missionary lives.
Thus, the more difficult the moment is, the harder the tests are, and the more painful it is for you to know the truth as it is.
This is the time and the great opportunity of giving all for all, as I did for you without thinking for a second of retreating or desisting. Because I knew, companions, what would come after. There was no human pain, feeling or thought that got in the way of Me carrying out My task for the world, just as today I carry out this task for you and with you.
My last Words are being written in the Book of God, and you must be a part of that story, which is being written through My Work.
In this Marathon of Divine Mercy, let us cry out for divine discernment, for universal wisdom, so that everyone may make good decisions in this crucial time in which prayer and service will be the shield that will protect you and the impulse that will unconditionally carry you by My side.
Today I do not come to see your errors, your traumas or your deserts, because I already know them.
I come to give value and power to each Code of Light, of Love and of the Word that I have placed in your hearts, because I believe that you will practice them and take responsibility for that, knowing that I have need of mirrors on Earth, of servers and missionaries on the surface, to heal the pain through the Love that I gave you and which you will always be able to give, without fear.
Dare to love, more than I love you.
Dare to surrender, more than I surrendered.
No one has yet surpassed Me in Love, and I hope that will be accomplished someday.
Today, from the world, I take the suffering that it experiences so that it may be healed and liberated, transmuted and sublimated, and so that, in this Marathon, My disciples, friends and companions may renew their inner vows with Me.
In this month of June, the month of the Sacred Heart of Jesus, may souls remember that in My Heart there is a place for each one, a place that waits to be occupied by you.
I thank you for praying with Me, for praying for the world, so that the Project of Your Redeemer may be accomplished in humanity. Amen.
In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.
Worldwide Communication to all the Followers of the Redeeming Work of Christ on Earth
Responding to:
In the Name of God, I declare the temporary suspension of the great and last event called "Sacred Week" so as to avoid humanitarian complications and, above all, complications of the order of the law of the Earth for those who prepare this event with so much love.
Therefore, in absolute obedience and resignation to the Divine Father, I invite you to follow this decision in trust and adherence, a decision that is part of a preventive and planetary measure that includes this Work and all its participants.
It is also to avoid disobedience and judicial and health outcomes that could compromise the continuity of the Community of Figueira.
So that the last events of the Sacred Hearts may be carried forward, I invite you to place your minds and hearts in God and humbly fulfill that which the nations and international health organizations dictate.
This decision is a divine strategy that will try to tear out the root that globally generated this paranoid global situation worldwide.
For this reason, the event of the Sacred Week will be postponed until the month of August, when the Spiritual Hierarchy will have a clearer vision of the possibilities.
I know that many of those who keep faith in My Messages have already scheduled their trips to this Sacred Meeting; I want each one of them to know that the Sacred Week will be postponed and it will be carried out in the month of August when a greater global diffusion of it will have been achieved.
I only ask you to trust and to understand that, above any humanitarian situation, the Hierarchy is protecting you and teaching you to comply with the Law of God.
All the meetings of the month of April will be retransmittions, except the vigils of prayer, which are very import events of planetary intervention, as well as the novena of preparation for the Sacred Week.
During the month of April of 2020, the meetings of the Sacred Week of 2019 will be transmitted. In this way, and from wherever you are, you will be invited to relive the passion of Your Master and Lord.
All these preventive measures will also protect you from being kept isolated for some reason and from not being able to return to your nations of origin. Before this happens, I invite you to withdraw and pray because the long days of darkness are coming for the whole world.
I bless you all and tell you to prepare for the month of August when we will together live the last Sacred Week.
I thank you for adhering to My Plan of love.
Who blesses you,
Your Master and Lord, Christ Jesus
While a chalice is elevated for consecration, the Divine Codes are placed within it so that its content may be transubstantiated and changed into the Blood of Jesus.
Each time a chalice is offered upon the altar for the consecration and the sorrowful Passion of your Lord is remembered, Graces descend and, in this moment of profound celebration and intimate communion with the aspects of Christ, the souls have the Grace to receive an absolute forgiveness and the opportunity to be renewed through the revelation, in this case, of the most precious Blood of Christ.
Each time a chalice is offered and is elevated in remembrance of the Passion of Jesus, the priestly life of the planet is renewed and all that is corrupt becomes incorrupt through the Grace that the Blood of Jesus brings.
Each time you are present among a new eucharistic celebration, you must remember that the value, power and strength of the Blood of Christ and of all Its merits allow an atonement to be granted to whom needs it and repents from the heart.
I thank you for celebrating with your heart the Sacred Mysteries of Christ!
Who blesses you,
Your Master and Lord, Christ Jesus
So that the religious orders of the world and, especially, those consecrated in this time are able to overcome and transcend the definitive times in themselves, I come to ask the Grace Mercy Order for the reparation of the Eucharistic Heart of Jesus on Saturdays; so that My adversary does not continue to push My disciples with its tail to make them fall into the abysses, and so that the Heart of your Sweetest Redeemer may be consoled by all those who, in the religious and priestly life, lost the Gifts of God through the influences of the tests of these times.
I at least hope that the consecrated life in the world will continue to be a bridge that leads souls toward God rather than to a pigpen of squalor and adversities.
My wish is that, through the divine merits of My Sorrowful and Extreme Passion, your religious order, on Saturday at three in the afternoon, will offer a group prayer to Divine Mercy, irrespective of the place or moment when you meet.
If you respond to this request of your Lord for an unspecified time, the Saving Grace of the Father will descend over hundreds of clergy in the world, and the great temptations and disobedience of these times will be dissolved, for I will place My Hands over the one who pleads in My Name and they will no longer be an instrument of spiritual distortion, but rather a balm of love for My Heart.
I come to ask that, on the Saturdays of reparation, you have a collective adoration with all the members of your Order, which will also calm the indignation of God because of so many deviations that many clergy experience in this cycle.
If that request is done and nobody fails to fulfill it, I promise you, through the fruits of My unfathomable Mercy, to rescue the male and female clergy who fell into temptation and are lost.
I thank you for holding My Words in your heart!
Who blesses you,
Your Master and Lord, Christ Jesus
Even though it may seem difficult or impossible, the victory of My Heart is happening within the consciousness of Italy.
For this reason, the last events demonstrate to the Hierarchy that it is the moment when great definitions are presented to the world, to reveal to it that the time of transition has come, for all of humanity.
In these moments, in which everything seems to be more difficult and the nations most committed with the darkness of these times are spiritually worked by the Divine Consciousness, it is when your lower consciousness, your mind, your heart and your soul must remain in balance by means of silence and prayer. In this way, I make you participants of events very similar to those I experienced before being given to the Cross.
Thus, consciously, by means of the pilgrimages, you are learning to transcend and transmute these great and ancient spiritual forces which, in the last 500 years, have subjugated and enslaved humanity, sowing terrible and dark codes within many consciousnesses.
Remember the main work is being accomplished, even though it seems nothing is happening.
Since the last 8th of August, you have stopped serving only your Light-Communities in order to serve the planet and, in consequence, all nations that are in an extremely high grade of perdition.
I thank you for keeping My Words in your heart!
Who blesses you,
Your Master and Lord, Christ Jesus
Through My Wounds of Light, I come to pour out upon Italy the Grace and Divine Mercy that this religious nation needs, so that someday it may reconsider, be redeemed, and finally change.
Through the Light of My Wounds, I come to pour out the spiritual and divine events that your Redeemer lived during the Passion, so that those events may remind all the religious persons and the believers of the importance of reflecting and of living a life of holiness, of service, and of love for those who suffer most.
Through the Light of My Wounds, I come to pour out the help and inner healing that the foreigners and immigrants need, so they may feel relief and love within their hearts, knowing that the lack of love of the Italians is generated by indifference.
Thus, through the Light of My Wounds, I come to give Italy everything I was, and everything that I am, in the hope that the change of consciousness may come quickly, before everything becomes defined.
I thank you for keeping My Words in your hearts!
Who blesses you,
Your Master and Lord, Christ Jesus
In the time of My Mercy, I make the merits of the Passion descend so that souls may have an opportunity of awakening and of redemption.
Therefore, the time of My Mercy is important for your Master and Lord because at this moment the Redeemer and souls have the opportunity of reviving, not only the sacrifice of the Lamb of God, but also the most potent powers achieved through the Passion, Death and Resurrection of your Lord.
I come in this hour to concede to Italy the extraordinary and expiatory Grace of being able to reconcile with God and with His entire Plan of Love and of Forgiveness, for I know that souls need much Mercy in order to reconsider and change, just as God needs it from all the Italian people.
If at least a group of Italian consciousnesses made the change that Heaven is begging for, Italy, as a nation, would be forgiven of very many errors, and this country would reach a high degree of conversion and of redemption.
I thank you for keeping My Words in your heart!
Who blesses you,
Your Master and Lord, Christ Jesus
Dear companions,
Everything is now prepared for the glorious descent of your Master and Lord.
Everything was prepared with love by the hands and hearts of My followers.
The victorious door of merits and the legacy of the Passion and of the Resurrection of your Lord will open again.
All the spiritual Universe is awaiting the great moment in which the Shepherd and King of kings will return to celebrate the redeeming Communion with His friends.
While the doors of the Universe are opening, as time goes by, the pressure and oppression of the hells are becoming unbearable, since the powerful Codes of Christ are descending over the consciousness of the planet and of humanity.
Thus, the seven angels of the trumpets are positioning themselves in the proper places, while the Arc of the Holy Covenant, that carries the Holy Chalice with it, is placed near the dimension of the Earth.
All that is contrary will become paralyzed during the eight days, when the Son of God descends in spirit to Earth, and the end will begin within humanity.
I thank you for truly accompanying me during this Sacred Week!
Who blesses you,
Your Master and Lord, Christ Jesus
While the days go by, the moment of My Passion, Death and Resurrection is approaching as a spiritual and valuable legacy for the souls.
For this reason, I approach Mine, so that they may consciously remember the inner meaning of this great surrender of Love that their Master lived.
Therefore, companions, we are already on the eve of the return of the Son of God to the world during the Sacred Week; not only to announce the Word of Life, but also so that you unite with Me and in reverence, be in spiritual tuning with My Heart.
For this reason, children, I gather you around Me, so that the attributes and gifts that will repopulate the Earth, with the direct codes from the Source, may awaken within you.
Therefore, by raising your faith in Me, I will be able to guide you through the path of peace and redemption.
I thank you for keeping My Words in the heart!
Who blesses you,
Your Master and Lord, Jesus Christ
Each new year, in which the victory and the triumph of the Passion of Your Master and Lord are celebrated, the forces contrary to evolution that are governing the planet are frightened by the approach of the Cosmic Light of Christ.
It is during these decisive days that the hells of the Earth feel oppressed and blocked by the descent of the Divine Light through Christ.
Various contrary actions and movements are carried forward by My adversary, as the hour of his judgment is approaching, and nevermore will he deceitfully escape again.
Thus the Higher Universes are moved by the impulses that emanate from the Source and a kind of universal defeat is established through the merits attained by the Love of Christ.
Everything contrary that happens will be a reflection of this imminent defeat that the Archangel Michael will carry forward to close the uncertain spaces.
While you remain in prayer and in vigil, you will be protected and sheltered from all danger.
For this reason, I come to ask the prayerful beings that for the first time, during this coming Sacred Week of 2019, you transmit through the channel “Praying for Peace”, the “Spiritual Trilogy of Prayer, Devotion and Contemplation”, in order to support and protect everything that Your Master will carry forward during the eight days of the Sacred Week.
I thank you for accompanying Me!
Who blesses you,
Your Master and Lord, Christ Jesus
My spiritual and divine body is wounded by the indifference and the debts of the world.
This spiritual body, in which dwells the living God, is being assaulted by humankind and its actions, and for now, nothing can stop it.
It is through the merits of My Passion and the prayers of the simple that this spiritual Body receives relief and restoration, because the offenses that emanate from today's humanity are truly terrible.
It is through the spilled Blood of the Lamb and the faith of the believers in Christ that the weight of this spiritual debt will be able to be alleviated, and at least a part of humanity will be able to breathe for a short period of peace before everything is unleashed.
In My spiritual Body is the Celestial Church of God and in It, the Mystical Body, which is your people in redemption.
In this union of the Father with His children is to be found the door to reverse the great debts of humanity.
We are now in the time of redemption and that Grace is being granted to all.
I thank you for keeping My words in your heart!
Who blesses you,
Your Master and Lord, Christ Jesus
I surrender, time after time, so that souls may learn someday to love Me, to revere Me and to recognize Me.
If I had not surrendered in the Passion and on the Cross for you, you would never have had the possibility of living a life dedicated to union with Me and to the professing of faith.
For this reason, I continue to surrender to the world in different ways, and although the majority does not recognize Me, Your Master and Lord continues to surrender because someday all will awaken and become aware that the Son of God was Who surrendered out of real love for each one of you.
Meanwhile, in the meekness of My Heart, I wait for those who will be consistent with Me, so that they may learn to serve the Divine and the Supreme.
I wait for those who at some moment will become aware of what it means to be in Me, and the opportunity represented in living through the mystery of My Love.
Someday all will recognize Me, no matter the religion or the faith, because the Love that I pour out is for all.
I thank you for keeping My Words in your heart!
Who blesses you,
Your Master and Lord, Christ Jesus
Brothers and sisters,
Come to My Temple of Light. The bells are already ringing. The time of the offering is approaching. Prepare your oil lamps, because the Higher Priest will come. Put on the consecration garments. May the daughters of the Highest cover their heads with the veil of consecration.
It is time to enter the Temple and for the lower priests to sing the hymns of the final consummation.
Prepare yourselves, the bells of the Great Temple are now calling, and their sound resonates within all inner worlds, in all souls, in all hearts.
The Lord of the Universe is descending under the power of the Glory of God. Meanwhile, may your hearts feel the sacred suspense of the Great Moment, in which the doors of Heaven will open to conduct souls toward the Kingdom of the Lord.
But within the memory of those of Mine, will remain the remembrance of the Passion of the Lord. Thus, the believers and devotees will prostrate, head on the floor, when they hear from the sky the roar of light of the arrival of the Lord.
Everything will renew itself again. Everything will have the grace of being able to do penitence.
The bells are ringing. The Sacred Week is approaching, and you are invited to commune with this important meeting.
I thank you for keeping My Words in your heart!
Who blesses you,
Your Master and Lord, Jesus Christ
The Chalice is now in My Hands and, from now on, I prepare the Altar to celebrate again the Passion, the Death and the Resurrection of your Master and Lord.
The angles also prepare the scene where the story of the life of your Lord will be presented.
Everything is prepared inwardly so that the souls, that will arrive during the Sacred Week, may feel the impulses of the Light of My Heart.
Everything will change, everything will shift when souls again experience and feel the spiritual covenant with their Master and Lord.
Now everything is prepared, even in the smallest detail, so that the flow of Divine Mercy may be found fluid within the hearts that will open in order to recognize the sacred sacrifice of your Lord.
Everything is prepared with love and devotion so that the union between Heaven and Earth may be established, beyond everything that happens in the world.
This is the time for more revelations. This is the cycle of confirmations of the hearts for the Plan of God.
The Sacred Week is arriving. The Master, Lord and Redeemer is coming.
Open yourselves from now on and participate in the sacred meeting.
I thank you for keeping My Words in your heart!
Who blesses you,
Your Master and Lord, Christ Jesus
Without you having expected it, today I have come according to the expresed Will of My Father, to tell you that I will be returning to give you My daily spiritual impulses beginning today, March 20, 2019; numerically special for the Universe of God.
All of the Spiritual Hierarchy is attentive to the great spiritual and inner needs of humanity.
But in this cycle, in which My Word must be put into practice, I will impel you and guide you with new and precise instructions so that your inner worlds and your souls may feel guided.
For this reason, the Father has asked Me, by the infinite merits of My Passion, to offer My Divine Consciousness to those who will continue working daily for their transformation and redemption.
Thus, as from today on and for an undetermined period, I will be returning with all the Glory of God to accompany humanity in this critical and decisive time in which it is going through.
And I will specially come, at the request of My Mother, for those who deserve and cry out for the merits of My Divine Mercy.
I will come in this cycle to continue to reveal the Truth to you and, above all, to avoid the substitution of faith and Christian teachings with worldwide and religious idolatry and fanaticism.
During the next Sacred Week, I will sow the last seeds.
I thank you for keeping My impulses in your heart!
Who blesses you,
Your Master and Lord, Christ Jesus
There is no greater concern than My Love, for My Love dissolves all worry into light. Nothing opposed to love can be greater.
Therefore, when there is concern, it is something understandable, it is the point of friction that souls find when they have to take a big step for something unknown and higher than their small possibilities.
Concern places the consciousness within a constant tension.
Concern is also dissolved by means of the trust the soul may express for the Higher Will.
These days souls worry so much because they lose the leading thread which brought them here, to this life, to fulfill the Purpose.
Yet worry also occurs when the soul fears the result of its destiny or the destiny of a fellow being.
All these feelings, which are fed by the lower consciousness of humanity, are defeated by means of a trustful love, a faith capable of going beyond every difficulty and every obstacle.
I, as a Man and incarnated Consciousness, went through concern and the fear of facing the Passion. But faith in God and trust in My Father lead Me to give all and to sustain Myself in an unbreakable purpose.
I thank you for keeping My Words in your heart!
Who blesses you,
Your Master, Christ Jesus
The light of the first Christs starts to dawn within the inner universe, because they are congregated for prayer and their voices proclaim the Blessings from Heaven.
The New Christs start to emerge because they have made a heartfelt commitment to witness the Love of the Redeemer and to retransmit it to the whole planetary consciousness.
These New Christs do not want anything for themselves, they only aspire to fulfill daily prayer for the Master of Love to guide their small steps.
The New Christs begin to manifest themselves and they are surprising because they will be the people you least imagine. They are witnesses and adorers of the Passion of the Lord, they are able to give all for love, under any circumstance.
The Christs of the New Time start from zero every time it is necessary until, by themselves, and by all means that the Hierarchy has given them, they are able to express the steps of the Plan, and they are also the ones who remain neutral not to get mixed up with anything from the world.
The New Christs only say "yes" and by this "yes" they live, in addition to everything they can give for the Creation to be renewed.
I thank you for keeping My Words in your heart!
Who blesses you,
Your Master, Jesus Christ
Association Mary
Founded in December of 2012, at the request of the Virgin Mary, Association Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception, is a religious association without ties to any institutionalized religion. It has a philosophical-spiritual, ecumenical, humanitarian, charitable, cultural character, and it supports all activities that are indicated through the instructions transmitted by Christ Jesus, the Virgin Mary, and Saint Joseph. Read more