It is extremely important to experience the Sacrament of Communion with My Son every day because it strengthens the life of the spirit and the living of the path of redemption.
Communion with Christ builds new goals and makes the path of the spiritual life more light-filled and peaceful.
To experience Communion with My beloved Son means and represents the living of His sorrowful Passion and the renewal of the sacrifice of the Lamb of God.
This Lamb brings eternal life with it and draws souls closer to the experience of rehabilitation.
The Lamb of God grants Divine Mercy and atonement of the faults committed throughout life.
Thus, Communion with Christ renews the spirit of faith and unconditional service to the Plan of God.
The Sacrament of Communion offers freedom from the human condition and the deepening of surrender to Divine Will.
I thank you for responding to My call!
Who blesses you,
Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace
After the victory of Jesus on the Cross, the doors of Divine Mercy remained open in order that all sinners and the non-repentant could receive the expiation necessary for the redemption of their lives.
So it was that the victory of Christ on the Cross represented a before and after for planetary and human life; because that great sacrifice lived by Christ more than two thousand years ago represented the opening of a cycle in which souls could practice forgiveness and reconciliation.
That is how the Master of Love, with His Divine Passion, generated an opportunity that could never have existed in any other time or cycle of the planet. And that was possible because in His Sorrowful Passion, Love prevailed and won over all human error.
I thank you for responding to My call!
Who blesses you,
Your Mother, the Virgin Mary, Rose of Peace
The Holy Saturday, your Heavenly Mother was in retreat, to accompany Her Most Beloved Son in His inner and physical restoration.
While the angels worked and worshiped the Glorified Body of the Lord, the holy women fervently prayed, waiting for the Master and Lord to resurrect among the dead.
Thus, the Most Beloved Son, as well as the Most Beloved Lady in profound retreat, were waiting for the moment of awakening.
While the angels were preparing the Most Holy Body and the Divine Consciousness for His Resurrection, the Master of Love arduously worked in the invisible worlds to redeem and rehabilitate all those imprisoned, since the beginning of Adam up to the moment of His Death on the Cross.
In this way, everything was done with great reverence and care, while the Most Holy Body was rapidly recovering from all the Passion.
The Spiritual Consciousness of Jesus was triumphing beyond the material plane, and thus, waiting for the Sunday of Resurrection.
I thank you for responding to My call!
Who blesses you,
Your Mother, the Virgin Mary, Rose of Peace
Prayer: "Celestial Father".
When you see your Master showing the Wounds of His Hands, of His Feet, and of His Side, awakening the Light of God in them, it is a sign that a new mystery is being revealed for the world.
When you see His angels surrounding the Holy Lord, contemplating His divine Sacrifice for all of humanity, it is a sign that something important is about to happen.
When you see behind your Lord, at the heights of the Universe, the presence of the Celestial Father and the Holy Spirit, it is a sign that something important is about to happen.
And this important thing is that which brought the mystery of My Cross, more than two thousand years ago, in which the precious Blood was poured upon the world and the divine Water was shed from the main Wound of your Lord.
Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón:
Can the consecrated who are present here come closer, please?
The Lord is calling you to re-experience the mystery of His Cross because it is important that your hearts understand that the victory of Christ was not only something human but was also profoundly universal.
And you, who today prepared this sepulcher for Me, know that, from it, I will resurrect humanity, which has been lost from the path of God, because of darkness.
From this sepulcher, the New Christs will be born, and thus consciousnesses will resurrect, so that they can experience the call of God, fulfilling in this way His Divine Will in these times of crisis.
I want now that each of the new holy women, who help me in Divine Mercy, ignite a candle for their Lord and I will thus be able to bring continuity to the universal revelation which I bring you today.
Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón:
Sol, Janisa, Aylén, and Nadia will come up here and will be beside the sepulcher, at the request of Our Lord.
I call the sheep by their names, so they may spiritually nurture from the subtlest vibrations of their Lord.
At that time, I committed to the holy women, to inwardly reveal to them the mysteries of My Passion and the universal victories of the Cross.
Then, allow My Light to penetrate the depth of your cells so that the Christic cells may be awakened, which will renew you and make you worthy children of God.
Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón:
Let us sing "We Adore" a few times.
Now, those who can, place your hands in a sign of radiation.
At this moment, Our Lord is showing His five principal Wounds: those of His Hands, of His Feet, and the one on His Side. And the five Wounds shine brighter than the sun, while the angels surround Him.
A greater angel is descending, who gives Our Lord a scroll, which He is now reading.
He says:
This is the revelation about My Divinity; whence I come and where I went, after My Ascension. All of this is possible because of the exposure of My Five principal Wounds.
Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón:
Now, the angels are praying:
We can now place our hands together in a sign of prayer, those who can, if not, place your left hand on your heart.
This revelation was written by the angels of the Universe, guided by Saint Gabriel the Archangel.
Three days after My Ascension, when I rose to the House of My Father, at the request of the One, through the intercession of the Archangel Gabriel, His celestial hosts gathered in the Universe, to leave portrayed in this material Universe and all its ethers the revelation on My Divinity and origin, about which today I will tell only a part, because the second part will be known when I return to the world and you see Me coming among the clouds, with the power of the Glory of God and all His angelic armies.
I come from an unknown Source, called the "Primordial Source" by material beings. I was born and emerged as the second aspect of the Holy Trinity. And My Spirit, by the Work and Grace of God, descended to a sun more radiant than this one, which shines upon you every day, from dawn to dusk.
This Sun is the center of many universes, of many constellations, planets, and stars. There, for the first time, the Divinity of the Son of God rested.
Through the hands of the archangels, in a sacred solar Source, more radiant than ruby gold, My Consciousness was prepared like a sublime sphere of light, which would penetrate dimensions and universes, until incarnating on Earth and being born in the sacred manger of Bethlehem.
But before reaching the world, the dark ones already knew Who I was. Their plans shook and their kingdoms were defeated, because it was Mercy itself, which in Its Holy Divinity, was being born and emerging from the Heart of the Universe.
Subtle consciousnesses, as well as all heavenly creatures, witnessed the emergence of the Divinity of Christ, which for the first time was materializing in this material Universe, to awaken higher Love in all consciousnesses.
Concentrate. Do not allow the enemy to abound in your minds. Who contemplates My five Wounds while listening to My Words will not lose concentration because they will be within the correct purpose and vibration for receiving what they have to receive and thus, not cause everything to be lost that I bring today for this humanity in darkness.
I am sincere with your hearts, so that you may grow in the truth and not miss the opportunities that I bring you today, with the goal and mission of relieving your own cross through My Christic Divinity, unknown to the world and to all of My Church.
This is how I teach you that Jesus ceased to be a man after having experienced the Cross and having risen, bringing atonement to the world. His Body, Mind, and Soul became divine to give continuity to the Plan of universal salvation.
It was this Essence that arose from that sacred Sun, which crossed universes and planes of consciousness, until arriving on this planet, to bring again the Source of God, which the entire race in that past time had lost.
For this Divinity to be here, God had to sacrifice His second Person. And in a universal humiliation, He had to become small, humble, and simple, among the most simple.
Now do you understand, companions, with Whom you are talking and Who you are listening to, even though it seems the same every day?
My Divinity comes to change the point of your consciousnesses, to liberate you from the daily deception, and so that, in this way, you enter into the true source of your hearts, where I aspire to be all the time.
Today, it is this Essence, this Solar Divinity, that shows Itself to the world a second time, after having incarnated in Bethlehem, to bring Light to the world and Redemption to humanity.
Today, not everyone can see this Divinity, but you can connect with It through your essences, in which the true secrets of the history of your evolution and your awakening are kept. I want to avail myself of those Christic essences, which in these times are tormented by their personality; are flagellated by their thoughts; are crucified by their actions.
Now and always, let your true solar essence be born. This was what I came to kindle two thousand years ago, in all My apostles and the holy women, with the help of My beloved Mother, Who, at the foot of the Cross, committed to being the guardian of the faith of all those essences, until the end of days.
Let your true inner Self be born. It is waiting to be the dwelling place of the Heart of Christ.
Do not waste time. Do not become confused. No longer judge. Be one in Me, and I will be able to be One with you, in sublime brotherhood, until the end of time.
God cries at this time, in His profound Silence, by seeing so many lost solar essences, that seek love in the outer; that satisfy their needs in the superficiality of things; that do not find meaning, nor a way out, nor any healing, for their consciousnesses.
What are you waiting for, My soldiers?
This is My Christic Divinity, which was among you for thirty-three years and returned to the House of His Father to finish concretizing the Works of the Most Holy Trinity, after the triumph of My Heart on the Cross.
Today I bring you this Communion with My Divinity because a time will come when you will only be able to be in perpetual communion with My eternal Divinity. That will be the refuge, not only for your souls but also for your consciousnesses and your bodies. That divine refuge that I offer to you today is a source of reparation and prodigies in the consciousnesses that surrender and divest themselves, so that the Supreme King may dwell in them.
Contemplate My Five Wounds. Avail yourselves of the Spring of My Heart, so that everything may resurrect, as it was at the beginning of this Creation.
Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón:
For the Blessed Wound that we marked
in the Side of Our Lord Jesus,
from where sprang the Unfathomable Source of Mercy
for the whole world,
Adonai, Eternal Father,
reconcile us with Your Glorious Kingdom.
Accept in silence the sufferings that I impart to you today, and do it for Me, for the salvation of humanity and the Kingdoms of Nature.
Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón:
The crosses.
Today, My Cross is multiplied in many consciousnesses of the planet, which decide to alleviate My agonizing Heart, so that, in this way, the whole planet may be restored; so that the planet may be restored in this acute hour of the Earth. The Cross represents an inner liberation from all the atavisms of human beings, of all those who accept to live this surrender, for the emergence of a New Humanity.
Today also leave, resting upon My Breast, your spiritual cross, so that it may be relieved by the Love of you Lord.
How many crosses the world experiences! How many sufferings innocent souls experience! How many wars are generated! How many conflicts are carried out! How much love is lacking in hardened hearts, which do not accept My Divine Mercy!
Why have I asked you to place the crosses on this symbolic sepulcher? Because these crosses, which your Lord also carries, must be lovingly distributed among His disciples and followers.
Today, this is My invitation to you: step out of yourselves, so that I may be in you, sharing the crosses of humanity.
How many races and peoples experience their cross! How many cultures and tribes are decimated! How many children are exploited! How many little ones are still aborted! How many parents are lonely, without having a child in their arms, while many are removed from the wombs of their mothers! How many who are ill are in agony on this Good Friday!
Thus, I say to My son Michael that I am with him, carrying his cross until My Love wins.
How many are dying in the streets of this world! How many elders are hurt! How much the Mineral Kingdom suffers, in its most perpetual silence! How many precious stones are removed from the mountains that are exploited! How many plants are cut down and nobody perceives it! How many animals are outraged, both on land and in the oceans! How many of them are eaten, and there is no compassion for the suffering of these fellow beings! How many devas are removed from the great forests of the world! How much evil has been done to Creation, after so much Love was expressed by the Father! And not even after His Son incarnated and died on the Cross, have the evils in the world ended.
Do you understand now why so many solar essences are lost?
The time has come for a great fraternity, for unity among hearts, cultures, and peoples. The simple will re-erect the new humanity after so many catastrophes have been experienced.
I give you the essence of My Mercy, to ease these heavy crosses of the world.
I leave you this reflection so that you may pray for it and so that the doors to My Divine Mercy may open for humanity even more.
So be it.
While I rise to the Universe, for the sake of My sorrowful Passion, offer your voices to God, invoking Adonai, His Holy Spirit, and His Mercy.
In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.
Sing with all the strength of your hearts and souls, so that the Earth may be repopulated with new Christic codes.
So be it.
Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón:
Thank you, Lord, for all that You give us!
In this meeting, we honor You, Lord.
Close your eyes and feel the love of My Glorified Heart for the souls of the world, and especially, for all the lost souls.
Today, opening My Arms and stretching out My Hands, I show you in my chest My Eucharistic Heart, and below it, the Holy Chalice of the Lord, sacred elements, which through the Shepherd, together with His sheep, comes to renew the mystery of the Paschal Supper.
Today, in a world in darkness, in wars, and in destruction, your beloved King comes to renew the Paschal Supper so that your hearts and souls, through this sacrament, only feel love; a love that penetrates into the depths of the consciousness, reaching even the cells and the atoms of those who allow this. This is the real mystery of the Holy Eucharist, converted into the Body and the Blood of your Lord.
I ask you to close your eyes, to feel the words of the Love of God, which come to heal your wounds; which come to liberate the ties; which come to renew you once again, for the world needs it.
Today, companions, priests, mothers and friends, I invite you to share this Paschal Supper with Me, in order to practice and be able to generate the reconciliation of all souls with God, with His Divine Source of Grace.
Today I am not here with the twelve apostles, as I was in the past. Today I come to fulfill My Promise and I come here, to this sacred enclosure, to be among the multitudes, so that all may be participants in the renewal of this Paschal Supper, granted by the work and grace of the Holy Spirit. It is this Holy Spirit of God that has caused your Master and Lord to draw closer, so that He could contemplate your faith rather than your sins; so that He could re-ignite the flame of love in all the hearts that so accept it.
This Eucharistic Heart that shines here today comes to radiate peace to the world. This is the greatest symbol of unity between humanity and God, between Heaven and Earth, between angels and souls. Happy forever will be those who come here, to celebrate the renewal of this Paschal Supper with Me.
This Communion that I will offer you today will blossom from the core of My Spirit. For this reason, companions, do not miss the opportunity and the Grace of being able to drink of this mystery of Love that blossoms from My Eucharistic Heart, today exposed from the Celestial Universe for the whole planet, for all races and for all peoples of the world.
Today, on the inner planes, I call all the tribes of Israel, from East to West, from North to the South. I call you all, all the sheep, to come and participate in this Supper, in this spiritual Communion with the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit. Amen.
Many things that are told about the last Supper are true, but very few know what truly happened in that time, when I gathered together My apostles so that they could adore My Eucharistic Heart, in the presence of the Father, the first Person of the Most Holy Trinity.
It is for that very thing that I bring you here today and expose before your inner eyes, because it is your hearts that must drink of the Source of this mystery. There is no sin, no sorrow or anguish that can prevail while I am present here, renewing this Paschal Supper in each of your hearts and especially in your souls, which today I come to heal from many inner illnesses.
Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón:
Our Lord is kneeling.
You will ask, why do I do this? Is God not stronger than all of humankind? Holy be His Humility and Mercy that He comes to give His little Son, so that souls may be saved before the door of Mercy closes in the world.
Today, in this Paschal Supper with Me, you will be witnesses of this spiritual legacy that I give your spirits today; which will be revealed as a feeling, as a truth, as a talent and a gift in the end of these times.
Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón:
Now Our Lord is raising His Eyes on High. Stretching out His Arms and His Hands upward, He still exposes His Eucharistic Heart with more force and power. He is invoking the Celestial Universes.
"Adonai, do not look at the injustice of humanity; do not look at the errors, the indifference and the assaults, the sacrilege and the pride of humans.
Adonai, open the door of Your Heart so that all souls may enter into Your Source of Love.
Today I offer Myself, My Father, by the sorrowful passion experienced, by the sacrifice of the Cross, for each of those present who represent many more souls in the world.
Adonai, may each of them be able to be a witness of the Love that I give them; a Love that comes from Your Holy Heart, from Your Glory, and the power of Your Grace.
Today, My Father, I offer the sublime compassion of My Heart, which was alive and beating in the moments of My greatest agony.
I come to renew this, Your Sacred Paschal Supper, in every church of the Earth and in all the Christians of the world. May the angels descend from Your Glory to offer the Sacrament of Reconciliation and the confirmation of souls to the Plan of Redemption.
God speaks with the simplest of heart. Imitate My simple Heart and you will always be bearers of peace.
Let us now renew the Sacrament of the altar, so that souls may drink of the Source and none is left behind. May all have the opportunity of becoming Christified in some moment of their lives.
I want the New Christs to be born, favored servants of My Heart. I want the gifts to awaken and the talents to show themselves to honor and glorify the Creator. If this happens, a large part of humanity will be saved, and many will not have to suffer the chaos of these times.
With this renewal of the Paschal Supper, companions, your Master and Lord, Servant of the Most High, comes to renew the last Supper to remind you of the mystery I lived in those times and with the primordial purpose of drawing away the forces of chaos from this planet, with the sacred intercession of the Archangel Saint Michael.
Pay attention during this ceremony, because Heaven and Earth may pass; My Words will remain in humble hearts, in those that accept being washed by the Water of Life.
Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón:
The Mothers can come up, please.
Those who feel they need it can sit.
We are preparing in this moment to commune with the Celestial Universe and be able to re-experience the last Supper of Our Lord.
I will bring here, companions, what I lived with My apostles in the past so that you can re-experience the codes of My Passion, deeply permeated with the essence of Love and of Divine Compassion.
Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón:
We place the palms of our hands up, in sign of reception, while Our Lord prepares this Supper.
May the Lord sanctify these elements through the hands of all His angels, so that matter can transform into a divine instrument of God. So be it.
The water, which is again blessed, receives more force and power for transubstantiating all the particles of material life.
In that time, your Lord asked His apostles to place several jars of water on the table, so that after having washed their feet, before sitting at the table to commune of the Paschal Lamb, their hands would have been purified, as well as their souls.
While souls serve Me, so that My Grace may be possible in all, enter into inner prayer to be able to feel the Master even further, in this Sacred Supper.
While your Master and Lord was with the apostles, and with many more gathered together on the plane of spirit, to celebrate this paschal mystery, in which Mercy would defeat death and all the sins of the world, the holy women, favored servants of the Most Holy Mary, were also in communion, in adoration, and in prayer, waiting for the Passion of their Celestial Husband, so as to be able to accompany Him in this task of emanation of Universal Love to the whole planet, through the sacrifice of their Lord.
Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón:
The Mothers can walk up here in line.
May this light be a witness of My return to the world. May love never be extinguished. May trust be eternal, so that hearts may hear their Lord and find in everything the Love that always wins, without ceasing to contemplate the needs of souls; because hearts are fragile and have need of a refuge so they may be able to experience their healing in this time of redemption.
It is necessary to build a new Earth, full of pure hearts that are able to vivify their Lord, and thus praise Him forever; because in all things is the Love that seeks to be ignited in souls when hearts open their doors to recognize peace.
All need to be healed to be free of their fears and forms, and find consolation when they ask their Lord, for He is more than a flame; He is a Sun that illuminates all things.
After the holy women lit their candles to watch over the mysteries of the Passion of their Lord in prayer, they were attentive to all that My Mother Mary was telling them.
Meanwhile, in the sacred Cenacle, your Lord and King, feeling His Passion drawing closer, in a semblance of peace and a look of Mercy for the world, began to wash the hands of His companions so that they could be worthy of this paschal mystery.
I washed to purify and to have hearts be reborn.
I washed to close wounds and also renew the hope of all those who believed in Me.
I washed to bring peace and dissolve the fears of all consciousnesses.
I washed to sanctify all souls through the Love that God caused to emanate from My Heart.
I washed to make the humble more humble, for these are bearers of the Celestial Kingdom.
I washed so they could praise God through His Son, experiencing with Him the mysteries of His Passion.
I washed so they could learn to teach, disseminating the good news to all those who needed to rebuild their paths of light.
I washed to re-experience the Love of the Father in each heart.
I washed to alleviate the deep wounds and innermost fears in hearts.
I washed so they could imitate My example of sacred humility with their fellow beings.
I washed so they could learn to bring the universe toward this planet.
I washed so that they could redeem the deep aspect of the consciousness.
I washed to awaken the talents in those who listened to Me with their hearts.
I washed so they could be joyful and be in likeness to their Redeemer.
I washed to awaken the message of God in each apostle.
I also washed the hands to heal what is unknown to everyone.
I washed to awaken the renunciation of all those who would follow Me.
I washed, only washed the hands, to demonstrate the power of My Silence.
I washed for those who should come to know My Holy Church.
I washed to release all the anguish, so that all could be deserving and worthy children of God.
I washed so that they would carry My message to the world, as an example of love and truth.
And to some I gave My Wounds so that they could re-live them spiritually, so they would be wardens and guardians of My Plan to the end of days, and thus recognize Who was their only Love.
I closed the door in those that could get lost, and in those who followed Me, I found the paths for the opportunity to love.
The awaited moment arrived, in which everybody, seated around the table of the Lord, offered themselves for humanity to live this sacrifice together with their Master.
Listening to the solemn Words of My Heart, they placed their hands on the table, in perfect receptivity to the loving Voice of their Lord. And in the name of humanity and the power of this sacrifice of love, they felt the descent of the angels and archangels from Heaven.
Jerusalem was turned inward, on a night of great silence and great expectation, in which the Son of Man, after celebrating His Supper with those whom He had called, to proclaim the Word of God. They heard in their hearts and observed and contemplated, with their souls, the realization of this sacred mystery through the Paschal Supper.
And the holy women, in a profound ecstasy and surrender, prostrate on the ground, experienced that spiritual communion with their Lord.
Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón:
The Mothers can kneel and all those who feel it, do so as well.
Thus, opening the doors of the universe, the archangel Michael witnessed the revelation of this mystery, in which love would be the premise for generating the salvation and the redemption of humanity.
After the table was sanctified by the incense and by the water, Our Lord asked the first Priests, who would be the precursors of His Holy Celestial Church, to bring oil to their Lord.
In this way, the Most Holy Mary, imbued by this mystery of love and living in Her own flesh, in Her own spirit, the Passion of Her Son, Her Lord, also did the same.
Her Lord took this oil into His Hands, as did His faithful Servant. He asked the angels to sanctify it and consecrate it in the name of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit. And Mary signed Her disciples with a cross on the forehead, so that they would witness the beginning and the emergence of a New Humanity, awake, active and solemn, through the inner Christ of each heart and each soul.
In that way, the Father, through His Holy Son and His Holy Mother, instituted the first legion of disciples who would be the guardians of the signs of the Passion of Our Lord.
In that time, the holy women committed themselves to suffer for their Lord so as to alleviate all His sorrows and assaults to the end of their days.
While Jesus was revealing the mystery of this last Supper, He asked His apostles and all the inner beings present there, that with the holy oil consecrated by the Archangel Michael, they make the sign of the Cross on their foreheads, to confirm their trust in this mystery of Love of the Sacred Passion of their Lord and to be able to be spokespersons of His Gospel in the world.
After all were marked with the energy of Saint Michael, the Lord continued with the ceremony. He took the unleavened bread and raising His Eyes to Heaven, your Lord implored His Father, blessed Him and this element was converted into the Body of Christ; today blessed by My Eucharistic Heart. He broke the bread and the angels prostrated themselves even more on the ground when for the first time, Our Lord instituted the Eucharist in order to overcome in Love to liberate this planet from evil.
He said to His apostles: "All eat of it, for this is My Body that will be given for sinners for the salvation of the world and of all the races of the planet."
John and Peter fainted on feeling so much Love from the Lord. And the Holy Mother received the Body of Her Son, as well as the holy women, who confirmed the Passion of their Lord.
After they all communed, they returned the bread to the basket and it was reverently covered, to protect the Holy Body of their Lord.
Jesus asked His apostles to pour the wine into the chalices. He asked John to bring the water, for His Blood and Water would be shed over the world.
In that moment, their Lord asked them to raise the little chalices to Heaven, as a representation of the practice that their Master was carrying out. And He asked all the angels of Heaven to change the wine into His Blood.
After this blessing, the first step of the Mercy of God manifested through your Redeemer.
Placing the Chalice close to His Heart, He told His apostles: "All drink of it, for this is My Blood of the New Covenant between peacemakers and God."
In the same way, the Holy Mother, in spiritual communion, received from the Archangel Saint Michael the Divine Blood of Her Son. And the holy women, in profound bliss, prostrated themselves on receiving the Holy Covenant of their Lord.
In the same way, the Holy Body and the Divine Blood reached Joseph of Arimathea. And all drank what was left.
In this way, the forgiveness granted by the Father for this humanity was constituted and confirmed through the Body and Blood of their Lord.
May everybody rejoice today, for you have received the first spiritual Communion with your Sovereign King.
In the name of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit. Amen.
Song: "Pater Noster."
The Lord brought the world the opportunity for uniting with God, in reconciliation and in love, through the Eucharist.
Thus it was that My Son poured out His Divine Blood to appease the power of the Divine Justice which would come to the world at that time.
The Lord surrendered Himself, as a Person and as Consciousness, so that each soul would have the Grace of finding the path toward the Light again.
For this reason, with each surrender of Jesus in that time, He conquered the possibility of reaching many more souls that would be being withdrawn from the abysses.
Thus, the Eternal Father asked for the concretization of the complete surrender of His Son, so that in humanity, the Project of Salvation could be accomplished, in order that the human consciousness could continue moving forward throughout time.
It is for this reason that the mystery of the Eucharist is so powerful, while at the same time divine, because everything is full of the greatest Love of Jesus expressed to the most sinful souls, and this was possible through His Sorrowful Passion.
I thank you for responding to My call!
Who blesses you,
Your Mother, the Virgin Mary, Rose of Peace
While My beloved Son was preparing to face the most cruel moment of His sacrifice for humanity, the holy women spiritually entered into seclusion and prayer to accompany their Holy Lord in their heart.
The sufferings and sadness that My beloved Son would face for an ungrateful humanity, would help to uplift it to a level of consciousness it had never reached up to that time.
Jesus came to the world to renew everything and make of this race a rescuable project, in order that the New Christs would awaken, throughout the ages, to continue the Work of the change and redemption of humanity.
My Son came to surrender Himself completely, so that humanity could learn to truly love and be free of expectations and results.
Jesus opened the door of humility to the world through His Sacred Passion. What He experienced in that time allowed other spiritual realities to manifest in this period.
I thank you for responding to My call!
Who loves you,
Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace
While the holy women were already near Jerusalem, on the other hand, the Divine Son was also approaching the town in which He would be repudiated and would die for all.
By an act of infinite love and incomprehensible for the human mind, My Beloved Son would surrender all His Life and Divinity for the salvation of humanity and of the planet.
During the trip to Jerusalem, which My Beloved Son took with His apostles, Peter asked Him why He, being the Messiah and the Savior of Israel, should have to go through this experience.
Jesus, attentive to the movement of His adversary, declared viva voce that the Will of God would be fulfilled in this Universe and on this planet and that nothing nor nobody could tempt or alter this Divine Will.
In this way, Jesus awoke in His apostles the fortress and the faith so that in the difficult moments of the Passion of Christ their consciousnesses might stay serene and not full of fear for believing that all had been a failure.
The surrender of Jesus made it possible to test the trust of His followers in something that is Greater and Divine. The Passion of Jesus allowed to reveal to the world its inferior condition, at that time, of all of human consciousness.
Jesus, before entering Jerusalem, shed upon His people the most elevated luminescent codes so that at the crucial moment the apostles might guard themselves spiritually from all the forces and energies that would be moved.
I thank you for responding to My call.
Who blesses you,
Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace
After Jesus healed the blindness of a poor and simple woman, He arranged with the twelve holy women who were accompanying My Divine Consciousness that they would meet on Sunday evening in the home of one of them, to finish preparing the great task that He would undertake for humanity: His Divine Passion.
The twelve holy women, after espousing Jesus in Bethany, left in pilgrimage along another path that led them to Jerusalem. With prayers, fasting and sacrifices, the holy women, together with Mary and during the path to Jerusalem, began to experience inexplicable ecstasies that made them more conscious of the Passion that their Holy Spiritual Spouse would experience.
Throughout the pilgrimage, My Divine Consciousness reported the visions that the Eternal Father was sending to me through Archangel Gabriel about the difficult moment and about the agony that Christ would experience.
Without knowing it, the twelve holy women, who were walking while praying and fasting towards Jerusalem, began to experience the Passion of Jesus in advance.
On Sunday evening, they received from Jesus Himself and through the legacy that My Divine Consciousness would leave, all the details about the preparation for the Last Supper. They perceived the indications for this ceremony by means of dreams and by direct guidance of their guardian angels.
This allowed them to be in perpetual communion with the Sacred Heart of Jesus, a fact that, in the end of times, would affect the whole feminine gender.
Before arriving in Jerusalem, the holy women declared to Mary the inner union to Her Heart of Mother and they confirmed that they would share, with Her and for Her, all martyrdom and pain that the Holy Mother would live in order to relieve Her Most Beloved Son.
I thank you for responding to My call.
Who unifies you,
Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace
While My Beloved Son made of each town He visited a new point of light for the planet, the miracles of life and conversion did not stop happening.
When My Son still had permission from the Celestial Father to work and attract more Mercy for the souls, in spite of the spiritual conditions of that time, His Sacred Heart did not cease to penetrate with His Light and His Mystery all souls He met on His simple paths.
Jesus taught His apostles while they visited the cities around Jerusalem that they should cultivate within themselves not only the spirit of faith, but also the persistence before all that would come.
At various moments My Beloved Son revealed to His followers and disciples that His awaited hour was approaching and, although the Lord would live one of the greatest sacrifices for humanity and for the Project of the Most High, He never ceased to show the inner power of His faith.
The faith of Jesus at that time was everything, and it meant the fundamental Purpose for the sinful and non-sinful souls to feed from the Divine Source.
In the faith of Jesus, the apostles and followers found the possibility of regaining the reconciliation with God and above all the confidence that would make each soul, at that time, worthy of the Mercy that was shed through the Presence of the Son of God.
Thus, Jesus tried through all spiritual and inner means that humanity recovered something so elevated as faith is; because this faith would place it again, as race, on the path it had lost.
In Jesus the power of His Faith was revealed, in silence. A faith that liberated the souls or that approached them again to the Divine Existence.
In those days, the Sacred Master prepared the human consciousness so that during the Passion of Christ it would recognize, at the least expected moment, who in truth was this consciousness and how much humanity should surrender to God to achieve redemption.
I thank you for responding to My call.
Who blesses you,
Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace
A week before Easter began, with the entry of My Son in Jerusalem, the place chosen by God for Him to live His sacrifice, Jesus, My Beloved Lord, was in Bethany gathering with the twelve holy women and, with them, My Divine Consciousness; there, at this moment, they united spiritually to the Master with the blessed aim of accompanying Him in silence during His Sacred Passion. In that time and on that occasion, these twelve women received from the Divine Master the inner initiation so that, no matter where they might be, they would receive in spirit the pungent warning that the Master was being handed over.
In this meeting also present was Joseph of Arimathea, who made the commitment, at the request of Jesus, to be the one who would recover His Sacred Body after being crucified, from the hands of Pontius Pilate.
On this day, the holy women, who were sitting at the feet of their sweet Master, received from Jesus Himself, the blessing of the Holy Spirit, and Joseph of Arimathea, with a simple wooden alliance, espoused them with Jesus, so that they could be, in the future, the witnesses of the history of the Nazarene.
Because of this, a week before Jesus entered Jerusalem, to be recognized for a moment as the Messiah, and then to be repudiated and crucified, the holy women joined Him in spirit and were the first souls, in the whole history of humanity, who married Christ through a simple alliance.
This story will continue.
I thank you for responding to My call.
Who blesses you,
Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace
I have come among the clouds of Heaven to bring good news.
Happy are they who will prepare to spend the seven days with Me, reliving My Passion, bringing the new codes for them, which will transform their lives forever.
The codes that I will bring for this cycle are not the same as what I have brought you in previous times.
I will come with the codes that will illuminate your cells; because it is the cells that will first be prepared for what is to come to the world.
I come with the good news of bringing you more hope, so that your spirits may be still and may perceive the frequencies of the Cosmos, which My Rays will bring from the Universe to the Earth during the seven days.
I will let there be silence between the words so that you may attentively listen to what I say to you.
My Words must not only sound in your minds; they must vibrate in your hearts so that the prophecy may be fulfilled.
You are part of that prophecy, of the prophecy of John on the resurgence of Christ, on His glorious coming to the world.
For now, companions, I can show Myself in Divinity to you, for My Body is still Glorified and My total Consciousness is also.
It is until you achieve new vibrations that I will show Myself in Divinity to the world. While you have not achieved a transcendence of terrestrial energies, I will come in Divinity to talk to you, and then show Myself in glory to everyone.
In the same way that I ascended to the Heavens, so I will return, when the seven trumpets of the angels sound, which will announce the seven new cycles that this humanity will experience on its five continents.
It will be the new tribes of Israel, which will be called by the sounding of the trumpets; that is why what you experience today is a preparation, the prelude to a great event.
Thus, avail yourselves of this, drink of the Fount that I bring you today so that your hearts, at the most crucial time of Earth, not be indifferent in the face of all that will happen; but, rather, let them take on all the human events and those of this planet, that will unfold in these new seven cycles.
The Sacred Week will be an inner preparation for everyone. A portal will reopen, just like in each previous Sacred Week. But this portal will be different from the previous ones. You will have the chance to vivify My Spirit, to feel new things that you did not feel before, to experience new lessons that you never experienced before, to take sure steps that you never dared to take before.
These are all the possibilities that I bring you today, for those who are happy and are preparing their hearts for the Sacred Week.
The revelations of these times are part of the awakening of the consciousness. Nothing will remain hidden, all will have the possibility of knowing everything, outside of and within beings, in humanity, and on the planet.
We are in the time of the prelude of the coming of Christ.
I Am that Consciousness that is reemerging in these times, and that is written in the prophetic books of the sages.
All of humanity will be able to know that I am here, and although My Church may be mobilized, do not fear, for if your Lord was not accepted in the temple of Jerusalem, do you believe that you will be accepted?
I come to build the bases of My Spiritual Church in souls.
I come to revive what is dead in beings, I come to ignite what has been extinguished in beings.
All of these are the offers that I bring you today. Do not allow the spark of your love for Me to be extinguished. In spite of what may happen, be brave.
The Kingdom of God is drawing closer.
I bring you My sincere Heart, so that you just may feel it.
Today I will call a group of women who have served Me in other times, just as I will have the opportunity during Sacred Week of calling many more souls to meet Me, so that they may receive the treasures that I want to give them with so much Love; non-material and invisible treasures that will make souls joyous because, through that treasure that I will give them, they will be able to be in the Sacred Glory of God, and by the Father will be considered as possible merciful souls.
This is why, companions, I need you to definitely awaken to these gifts because the world and humanity need it.
Each impulse that I bring you is definitive, it is the opportunity to take a great step, and to dare to cross the abysses, to be able to find the Ocean of My Mercy.
I still hope that you can enter this Ocean so that I may transform you, and convert you into My brave soldiers that will not be afraid to proclaim My Word, to announce My new gospel through the instructions that I have brought you in these times. They are only words of salvation and of love.
It is that light that I need you to distribute in the world. That is why I will always send you on a mission so that suffering may be alleviated and your hearts may awaken to unconditional service within the Plan of God.
While I speak to you, I leave you many keys, so that you may penetrate My Message, be a part of My Message, and live it in these end times, for in such a simple way you will help Me to carry out My Work of Redemption.
Through My Love, I come to teach you to be able to resurrect to the impossible, to be able to bring into your lives the mercies you have lost.
This is the spring that I offer you.
That is why I am sending My soldiers two by two; because I need, companions, for you to distribute and share the mercy that you have received from My Heart for all the hearts of the world that are shipwrecked in their suffering, that cannot find the way out, nor can they find peace.
You were deserving of My Peace, and what will you do with the peace that I have given you?
Be carriers of this legacy, for many souls in the world that do not have it.
When you are about to abandon My Work, remember these words, regain your inner strength, and continue onward, without looking back; just observing the horizon of love that I bring you and, in this way, the forces of evil will be defeated, because the very evil consumes itself by not knowing the power of the Love of God.
You are sparks of that invincible love, believe in this and you will never perish.
Around Me contemplate the inner universe. That is what I seek from you all the time, to be able to build the foundation of My Work in the world.
It will be through your inner universe that My Work will be carried out in humanity.
I do not come to make you materialists of My Plan, but rather spiritualized beings under the Love of God and of His infinite Mercy.
Again, I come to open the doors for those who have them closed.
I come to bring you the balm of My Love because it will be the flame that will comfort you for the times of darkness all over the Earth.
The Sacred Week is the refuge for My soldiers, it is the manna that will come from Heaven to give an impulse to the consciousnesses to carry onward the banner of peace that I give each one today.
Through the Sacrament of Communion, a union of souls with God, Heaven and Earth, like a single consciousness, is established through the adoring exercise of the angels.
Show Me the bread and the wine, so that they may convert into My Body and My Blood, divine codes of rehabilitation for consciousnesses.
Friar Elías: Let us softly sing "Christ, You are love."
Today I consecrate them, My daughters, as the first helpers of My sacramental ceremonies.
As servants of My Mercy, through their giving of self, they build the altars for My Work in the world.
I want them to be the first servants of My Mercy, because you will be who testifies that during this time I was among you, to have you know the power of My Love and My Grace.
My servants, be consolers of My Passion. Prepare to serve Me during the Sacred Week, just as the Holy women served Me in the Sepulcher and to the foot of the Cross.
Be like Mary Magdalene, who, with her tears, washed My Feet, and I drew her toward My Mercy.
Be in likeness of Mary Magdalene, be the new Marys, for this next Sacred Week.
I want you to be around your King, contemplating the love that I have for you, for each small step that you have taken in this manifestation of the ceremony of My Heart.
Thus I consecrate these elements, that in your hands will be signs for a new life.
Today you, My servants, are being witnesses of the last legacy that I give to humanity.
From your lips must come divine words of praise and prayer; from your hearts, consoling love must be radiated for your Sorrowful King, Who suffers the indifference of the world in His most silent agony.
I consecrate you as Helpers of My Divine Mercy; as the first women, of your Glorious King, who will be an example for all the rest who will be inwardly called for the concretization of the divine ceremony at each new altar.
Today God brings you this merit, so that many more merits may be distributed in the new holy women that I will call by name.
In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.
From your lips I want to hear the song "Sincere Heart," so that you may be like Me, in each new detail.
I thank you for serving Me, may peace be in you. Amen.
I have the celestial power, dear children, to untie any knot or to unblock any impediment, because if the Will of God is accomplished in you, the Law, which is divine and unalterable, manifests at each new step.
I know that your lives have never gone through such a difficult time as this one, nor have you experienced or endured the sufferings and the Wounds of Jesus.
Let the testimony of Love of My Son help you every day to achieve liberation from human forms and structures.
My wish, dear children, is that in these critical times, you learn to not fear and to bear all the universe will send for your inner maturity.
But you are not alone, because your Mother that is in the Heavens will assist you with all Her angels and, in this way, I will free precious souls from the clutches of My adversary.
While you prepare to learn, to know these times, I ask, dear children, that you have sufficiently great patience and love to be able to overcome all that will come.
Trust in the powerful Flame of Jesus, for there lies freedom and a covenant of your hearts with the most powerful Heart of Christ.
Each time you lose strength, each time that everything seems impossible or difficult to unblock, lovingly and in a determined way, implore the following prayer:
I thank you for responding to My call!
Who blesses and restores you,
Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace
In joy I gather together these young people to represent many more in the world, where My Christic Flame is ignited to call the self-summoned, so that at this crucial time, the soldiers may come together and form the first ranks, declaring thus My Return to the world to all of humanity.
I want you to hold up the torch, the Sublime Fire of My Sacred Heart.
I want you to carry My banner together with the legions of angels and archangels.
And so, dear youths, I baptize you with My Spirit, in the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit.
My Heart is glorified, because your lives glorify My Name, the Holy Name that God gave to the Son of all Creation, and to the One that comes from the sublime Source, from which all the graces and Mercies for all beings of the Earth arise, especially for My disciples that today begin this walk towards the transformation of their lives and consciousnesses, for all the young people who wound My Sacred Heart, which is filled with Mercy for all the youths that must uplift their spirits through an inner union with My Redeeming Work for these times.
So today I decree and declare: the new future is in the young people, the coming of the New Jerusalem, of the promised Land, of the great spiritual and cosmic Consciousness, that, after the purification of the Earth, will make the spirits that will form the New Humanity emerge, that will sow the Earth again with the codes of My Blood and My Water, achieved during the Passion, the Crucifixion and Death.
So today I consecrate you. I consecrate your lives to the Glory of My Sacred Heart. In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit.
With the redeeming sign of the Cross, the committed errors are removed and the doorways open so that consciousnesses may be uplifted and find My Celestial Presence on the inner paths, and hear, in their souls, the call of the Redeemer, Who calls on them to become part of the great celebration of this Supper, the great and last Supper, that will announce the coming of the King of the Universe to all of humanity.
The Celestial Choirs are already playing the trumpets and the spirits that have come from different parts of the Cosmos are assembling on the five continents to awaken within themselves the great Sun that exists and illuminates all times, through the impulse of My Christic Essence of renovation, transfiguration and transubstantiation of all the codes, and as from today, in you, dear youths, they are illuminated by My Presence.
I initiate you into a new stage filled by the greater Love of the Universe. In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit.
Never retreat from what I have asked of you. Rather, open your eyes to feel My Divine Consciousness in this place, in the depths of your hearts.
I come in this way to open a new cycle in this Center of Love, closing the doors of the cycles that already passed away and preparing, in your consciousnesses, new patterns of life that will be very necessary for planetary life, for all of this race that is still sleeping.
Today I dedicate this Sacred Call to all the youth of the planet who still have not dared to cross the threshold of My Sacred Heart, to be renewed by My Spirit and enlightened by My Presence, which is the Presence of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit.
Rejoice and fear no more. The thousand years of peace will be fulfilled, but it will be essential for the Earth and humanity to be completely purified.
When your hearts, minds and bodies suffer, submerge yourselves in My Divine Mercy, because My Spring is still open for those who thirst for the divine Light of the Father, the Love of the Son and the Wisdom of the Holy Spirit.
Today I am giving the sacrament to each one of those present to prepare you for My awaited "Sacred Week", which will be unique, unrepeatable and conscious for everyone.
Just like in the peoples of the past, announce to the world that the Sacred Lord of Love is coming in the awaited Holy Week, to announce His Gospel again. That One who transforms impossible things, and that, from time to time, frees you from perdition.
Thus, the Lord and King of the Universe, in His infinite humility, will not come alone to this meeting. He prepares the Cosmos, the Earth and the human consciousness for this moment.
Blessed are they who believe, even whithout having seen. They are already worthy of the New Earth.
Today the Kingdom of God draws closer to help the planetary consciousness and all those who are purified inside and outside of their beings, so that they may conceive My Christic Flame in each one of their lives, Flame which is the light that will illuminate their paths in the times of tribulation.
Today you will be anointed by the Sacred Son, under the unity with the Father and the Holy Spirit.
Oil for consecrating.
If today I consecrate you, I am consecrating humanity so that it may participate in the New Earth, in the New Covenant of man and God, in the evolved consciousness with the Infinite, the love that exists in each one of you, united to the Heavenly Father.
Today the choirs and the praises are sung in the Kingdom of God, in Paradise; they raise up the promise that the self-summoned are to be the visible sign for the unredeemed, by living redemption within themselves.
Do not lose My Words. Put your attention on what I am telling you. Divinity economizes everything that says, for the times are urgent and souls must define themselves in order to find peace, eternal peace.
Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón: At the request of our Lord Jesus Christ, we will hear the Pater Noster.
May the Lord pour out His Grace here, so that the soul, the mind and the body may be anointed by the Most Holy Trinity, that in a sacred triangulation descends over the Centers of Light so that souls may vivify their awakening and their union with the Divine Purpose, until peace is established.
Praised be the altars of the Creator! May souls exalt in joy, may spirits rejoice, because they have heard the Redeemer, the Son of Creation, the Son of the Almighty, the Son of Man and Life!
May the disciples be happy and their families rejoice, for they have heard the angels of God, fulfilling the promise of the annunciation of their spirits to the evolution of Divine Life!
May, after this earthly life, your souls find Me in the Kingdom of God to eternally praise the Father, together with the angels and archangels declaring Hallelujah! Glory in the highest, peace on Earth for all the beings of good will and for those who are part of the armies of light, of the Return of Christ!
So be it! In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit.
Most Holy Trinity,
13 bell tolls.
Thank you, Lord, for all that you give us!
In this meeting we honor you Lord!
In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.
Dear children,
When your Heavenly Mother gains a victory in a spiritual battle, and the plans of My adversary are disarmed, another battle arises which is perhaps even stronger, but which will not make of My soldiers consciousnesses unable to serve.
Each inner battle that a server faces comes to strengthen them, and to confirm them in the Divine Will.
The duality that this world lives allows consciousnesses to choose what path they will follow.
Thus, each inner battle is a moment in which to make ever new attempts toward perfection and toward transcending oneself.
When the disciple of Christ stumbles over the same stone at each inner battle, they must keep in mind that within this dual system of learning, one can only learn to love the errors every day so that this inner love may be sufficiently great and mature enough to be able to forgive everything.
If your Heavenly Mother, as an incarnated human being, had not felt or lived these high degrees of love, perhaps the Passion of Christ would not have had great results, because Christ taught on the Cross that love has the power and the victory over all errors.
This is what your lives must always keep well in mind, because otherwise you will never be able to liberate yourselves from the chains or the errors that you live.
The consciousness changes its focus when it manages to live and feel the degrees of love, because this will place it at another level in the school of redemption and forgiveness.
I thank you for responding to My call.
Who heals your wounds spiritually,
Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace
The Holy Grail: Instrument of Divinity and of a Legendary Brotherhood
From the moment in which Christ took the Holy Grail into His Hands, so that it could be the repository of all the Christic codes of redemption, from that moment, the Archangelic Consciousness of Michael established a spiritual union between souls and God in a definitive way, capable of sustaining itself inwardly throughout the ages, unbreakable to any opposing force.
This spiritual alliance, this celestial communion, which was celebrated by the Archangel Michael Himself with all souls, through the Most Powerful Firstborn Son, closed a decaying and involutionary cycle of humanity.
It was in this way that, through the Holy Grail, seven new principles were established in the Last Supper that all souls in redemption, and mostly all those who would seek this communion with Christ, could live consciously.
The first principle that the Archangel Saint Michael established was the principle of Reparation, which is the grace of being able to restore the alliance of souls with God through communion.
Second, the principle of Redemption. The opportunity of sending out all sin through a sincere confession with Christ.
Third, the principle of Liberation. An opportunity for detaching forever from all the chains that bind souls to the abysses of the Earth, and to all hells.
Fourth, the principle of Healing. The culminating moment to spiritually restore oneself through love and unity with God.
Fifth, the principle of Ascension. The opportunity of elevating the consciousness in dimension and in vibration through the inner fusion with the Body and the Divine Blood of Christ.
Sixth, the principle of Forgiveness. The possibility of closing past cycles and of remaining in the eternal present to live the reconciliation of one’s consciousness with the Celestial Universe.
Seventh, the principle of Rehabilitation. The ability for completely accepting the service to the Divine Plan and the fulfillment, throughout all phases of Higher Purpose.
Through these seven principles, through the Holy Grail that was transfigured with the Precious Blood of Christ, Blood that was shed in that moment, the Archangel Michael wanted to show humanity the incalculable value that the Passion of Jesus would have, and all the spiritual benefits that the same event would provide throughout time.
It is thus that the Holy Grail is a universal instrument, a cosmic and divine symbol, capable of awakening within us the Christic codes, those emanations of love-wisdom that arose from the Source, from which all creatures of the Universe originate.
It is to this powerful Source that the Holy Grail, this powerful instrument, leads us and essentially communicates to us that in this moment the holy angels and the elevated consciousnesses of the Spiritual Universe are reverently carrying it throughout each one of the nations of the Americas until it reaches the United States, to draw toward humanity the memory of returning to the principles of Christianity and peacemaking in the face of the planetary events that the human race is experiencing.
The Holy Grail, which is divine and spiritual, is lovingly transferred by an Angelic Brotherhood, the same that in the culminating moment of the Last Supper of Jesus with His apostles, witnessed the hidden and positive task that the Archangel Saint Michael carried out within Jesus Himself.
From that moment onward, this has given the world the opportunity of recovering communion with all the saints and angels so that a greater balance may be established in the consciousness of humanity.
The Holy Grail brings these types of celestial currents to a humanity that in these times will awaken in an intense way because of what they will have to experience.
The Holy Grail reminds us that we must be like Mirrors, able to reflect the principles that the Divine Source provides for humanity upon the planet and throughout the whole human race.
For a few days the Holy Grail has been in movement, in a sacred spiritual pilgrimage throughout the Americas, so that some events may not be triggered, and all can be balanced.
This event, which is not only universal but also divine, will allow the doors to open so that the corrupted states of consciousness may be liberated, healed and redeemed, and, in this way the planetary consciousness may recover certain values that were lost.
In its totality, this purely spiritual and inner event is supported by the Archangel Saint Michael.
And now that the Celestial Messengers await the arrival of the Holy Grail in the United States, the hearts of this nation prepare to receive this last and great impulse of Light and Redemption.
Your Most Holy Mother thanks you for the communion that souls have had in these last days with this holy instrument of the Brotherhood.
In Unity and Love, who thanks you for responding to the final call,
Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace
Apocalypse: Time of adaptation
Dear children,
In the Heart of the Celestial Father, from the beginning the last days of the planet were written, when everything would be permitted so that humanity might take the leap into the transcendence of planetary consciousness and life.
It is in this hour that the Universe prepares to move through this moment, together with humanity.
The Apocalypse spiritually signifies the change of one cycle into another through timely events that will give humanity the opportunity of completely changing the primitive state of its consciousness.
For this Jesus arrived in old times, with the purpose of not only liberating humanity from its mistakes, but also with the spiritual goal of preparing it consciously for His awaited return.
After more than two thousand years of terrestrial history in which humanity lived and experienced indifference and human evil, this moment of Apocalypse approaches at a universal and cosmic level in order to be able to correct and align what humanity on its own has not been able to live nor correct.
Thus, in the consciousness of human beings, the term “Apocalypse” was instilled as a mistaken expression and information, taught by the great religions of this world as the “end of the world” or the “end of the Earth”.
Thus, this term “Apocalypse” has not yet been lived or understood by the greater part of humanity as the most important moment for the planet; a moment when the true Universal Laws can be known and applied to correct what is twisted in human beings.
The Apocalypse exists in this moment in humanity and in the entire planet, for their not having complied with or lived the basic laws of the commandments, when many more than two thousand years ago there was an attempt made, through Moses, of teaching the primitive human consciousness how it should live in God and within universal laws, with the aim of remaining as a race within the Divine and Cosmic Purpose.
Thus once Moses had delivered the revelations of the rules contained in the commandments, the human race, after the events lived by the first population of Adams and Eves, totally deviated from its purpose of being in God, in His Primordial Source of Love and Unity.
Before humanity got completely lost due to its actions and behavior, the Eternal Father sent His First-Born Son with the goal of spiritually breaking the chain of the primitive DNA so that the evolutionary Christic code might awaken through the highest expressions of love that Jesus achieved.
Even after Jesus suffered and underwent all the martyrdom and sins of humanity through His Passion and His Death, with the mission of removing the human spirit from the abyss of consciousness, the race continued to make mistakes more serious that led, over time, to where the very elements of the planet, which were also transgressed, began to mobilize and to make themselves felt through different climatic and physical effects.
The consciousness of the planet, which is a living and active being, is at the point of its greatest suffering as it is subjected to being permanently violated by humanity.
This transgression, that has become more than centenary, has caused the very Laws that rule the planet, natural and telluric Laws, to begin to activate at this time in a precipitated way, on finding on its surface a noxious effect coming from surface humanity.
This activity of the Laws of the Earth, which are part of the Apocalypse and of the change of times, will activate, as in the case of Central America, with the purpose of correcting humanity and of placing it at a different point, more aware and less destructive.
It is in this way that Apocalypse prepares humanity so that in a future time, it may incarnate true love and true unity with the Laws of the Universe.
While humankind continues to exploit the planet for its own and malefic benefit, in many parts of the world incredible things will happen.
Therefore, while the Apocalypse calls humanity to repentance and not to indifference, the time has come for humanity to take a step toward the right path, because if this were done with love and forgiveness, a great many human consciousnesses would be relieved of the current planetary process.
The fundamental tool that will help to keep things in their proper universal and planetary order will be the constructive verb of prayer, a powerful energy from the Divine Creative Source that will help to balance all that will try to physically move on this beloved planet.
The Apocalypse is the moment in which the planet, as a mother consciousness, after having suffered so much, will be at the point of its great labor; this birth of the new human and the new terrestrial consciousness will lead things into a purification and to experience great changes that just promise to improve and to expand the evolution of humanity, so that it may no longer be primitive and becomes evolved.
While this race does not accept the time and the moment of the Apocalypse that it is living, the return of Christ will be delayed, because the Primordial Source, the Living God in His Infinite Grace, will wait for souls to define themselves and to cease living superficially.
Getting out of this point of ignorance and indifference, the entire planet could shift into a different scale.
The Apocalypse is a moment when everything will be seen and recognized by humankind. Nothing will remain hidden; the Apocalypse is the opportunity for self-transcendence so as to reach the perfect union with love and peace.
These are the times that the planet and the human race will be facing. Prayer will always place you, in spite of everything, in the safe place that is the sacred enclosure of the Supreme Heart of God.
I thank all Mexico for having received Me.
Who loves you and guides you in Christ,
Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace
My Spirit of Peace gathers the priests of the world so that, on the plane of the soul, they may together celebrate the Communion with Christ.
In My priests, the Divine Face of My Son must be mirrored, and this will be possible when each one of the priests accomplishes their sacred professions.
In the priests the Passion of My Son must be present; it must be vivified every day through the Sacred Sacraments. The Lord becomes present in Spirit and Life when each of His priests relives His Last Supper.
The priests must be included in the daily prayers of all, for the prophecy of the one hundred and forty-four thousand must be fulfilled in them.
The priests of Christ are present in order to attract the universe to the Earth, and it is the commitment of all good souls to participate in this sacred event when My Son becomes present in the bread and in the wine.
Each time such an exercise of transubstantiation is repeated, new Graces are poured upon the consciousnesses that perhaps would never have received them, except by means of the Sacred Communion.
The priests of Christ are a part of the spiritual movement which is gestated by the Divine Mother of the World, the Marian and Christic priestly movement, through which the foundations of the devotion to the Sacred Heart of Jesus and to the Immaculate Heart of Mary can be present in the lives of creatures, from the moment when the priests gather among them to celebrate the Passion of Christ in the Communion.
Such movement will be gestated from the moment when, after so many priestly meetings of spirituality, the principles of that movement may be formed and thus attract souls towards the deepening of their Christic path.
Such priestly movement of devotion already exists in the world. The establishment of this new movement is an extension and deepening that will help to strengthen the commitment of each priest of Christ with the plan of salvation, generating a divine field of protection.
I invite all prayer beings to pray for the coming manifestation of this spiritual movement of the Sacred Hearts.
I thank you for responding to My call!
Who blesses you,
Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace and Mother of the Priests of Christ
Not to want your own will, and to love the Divine Will
This race in the beginning was designed by God to obey and follow a single Purpose. But since My adversary, in antiquity, awakened the temptation and free will in the humankind of the surface, the original Project was distorted, straying from the path of the Divine Will.
It was there that duality, free choice and disobedience to all higher Laws that would rule humanity in times to come until it would be a sacred humanity, entered into the primitive consciousness of humanity.
From the moment Adam and Eve were tempted in Eden to decide on their own life and thus deviate from the Hand of the Creator, what we call self-will entered into the essence of the human being.
This will, devoid of spiritual principles and impregnated with codes of corruptibility, was the action that diverted the new humanity from the path; in the beginning of everything, the first race was the wise Project of a new humanity for the surface.
From the moment the first Adam decided to survive on the planet transgressing the natural Laws, Eve on the other hand awakened the first signs of capital sins.
My adversary achieved what he wanted so much: to make this an inert humanity without self-consciousness.
After so many eras gone by, the culminating moment arrived where, in the first stage, the decadence of humanity would come to an end, and it would be through the apparition of Christ in the world, as the Firstborn Son of God, incarnated to rescue the essence of this thought human project.
Later on, when Christ was present, the whole race, which was already in the abyss of its perdition, was diverted from its own hell through the Passion of Jesus.
The coming of the Messiah of Israel was delicately prepared by the Creator Fathers, by the Holy Archangels. Each one brought and bore in the most pure womb of the Virgin Mother the light cells of transubstantiation and redemption, higher Laws that later on allowed to liberate humanity from evil.
Since Adam and Eve activated in themselves their own will, the human spiritual genetics were spontaneously affected until today by this energy of earthly power of appropriation and domination of all things.
Only those consciousnesses that throughout the ages managed to open themselves to find Christ within have been challenged to renounce and banish this old human code that has been deviating millions of souls from the Purpose until today.
Self-will is the consequence of not accepting in a true way the Love of God, being the consciousness impregnated by its own ideas and concepts, those that are opposed to the Divine Thought.
Although Christ gave life and died for all also with the purpose of deactivating the old corrupt code of self-will, after all the events and facts that Master Jesus gestated in the consciousness of those who listened to Him, meanwhile the other part of humanity strengthened the precarious link with self-will; it was like a ten-horned beast recreated by all involutionary actions of the human race.
The human will has always been honored and appreciated by the majority, this is one of the reasons why in these definitive times, consciousnesses that are committed to the Plan are not able to take their steps when affirming their own will: a chain that ties them to an endless hell.
Those holy consciousnesses that were able to overcome their own will, did it through three factors: first, working every day renouncing themselves, second, searching for the emptiness of themselves and third, serving unconditionally, taking into account that even living all these experiences, there is self-will based on arrogance and pride.
When the disciple of Christ disposes themselves to transcend the states that corrupt the love in humanity, they must have in mind that they will face within themselves their own beasts, which will try to make them give up all efforts.
Some consciousnesses on the surface of the planet, as is the case of those who opted for a consecrated life, have the spiritual mission of dispelling from their consciousnesses all these energies that condemn the evolutionary life of a soul, and they also have the mission to do it for humanity, imitating Christ.
In these times humanity must define the path it will follow, this will be before the expected Judgment that will happen on this beloved planet.
Christ was and is an extraordinary example of life and truth for all those who accept to return to the previous moment of the Plan in which Adam committed the so-called original sin; a sin from which all creatures are born with the code of self-will and free will.
To be able to change this frequency, the determination and effort that are stimulated by prayer will allow disarming the opposite impulses that bring self-will.
To live the Divine Will means to want nothing for oneself and everything for others. To live the Divine Will means to follow step by step what one is asked for, avoiding failure many times.
But we know that humanity of today does not want to follow in obedience and adherence to what the higher Universes are emitting; this leads to an increase of spiritual perdition of the consciousnesses, it leads to submerging oneself in all possible deceptions, it leads to missing the path one has come to walk.
Therefore, God sends His Messenger again to warn you all and the whole world that they are still living their own will and this will not deter the planetary suffering, but rather it is increasing it gradually.
I invite you, children, to do the exercise of cutting the chain of self-will, thus you will have the inner strength to be able to Christify your lives and prepare for the glorious coming of Christ to the world.
Be intelligent and do not allow self-will to distance you forever from the path of your redemption.
Times announce great changes for everybody.
I thank you for losing your self-will and for being born to the Eternal Will of God!
Who impels you to inner purification,
Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace
Not even the heaviest yoke can make you give up this path. All sacrifice, when lived with love, becomes light and simple.
The weight of the Cross of Christ was not in the wood He was carrying. His sacrifice did not lie in the pain of His wounds. He was carrying the sins of the world that had been committed until that moment, and was also forgiving there all those which would be committed throughout time.
Incomprehensible to the human mind was the weight of that cross, just as incomprehensible to many today is the weight that some companions of Christ carry to prepare His return. Because both the Cross of Christ and the cross of these times hold in themselves a burden invisible to human eyes, yet almost palpable to those who carry it. This burden, which exists in the consciousness, is carried to transform that which must be healed in the human consciousness itself.
In the same way that the merits attained on the cross of Christ were only seen after the Resurrection of Jesus, the merits of the burdens carried in these times, for many will only be seen after the return of Christ and the establishment of the new life on Earth.
Those who understand the life of the spirit will not be confused by the appearances of matter and will live the love and unity needed to cross the obstacles that will come. But many others will fall through a lack of understanding and through the inability to live a higher reality and to transcend material happenings, just as occurred with many in the time of Christ.
In a spiritually similar way, the happenings are repeated for the establishment of the Plan of God, because the science that carries them into the manifestation of this Plan is always the same. For this reason, you must observe the life of Christ and reach the essence of the Teaching that He left you, and not only the facts. The facts may change, but the essence of the experience that you must live is the same.
The happenings themselves are leading you to that experience: the same tests, the same temptations, the same burdens. It will be enough now that from you spring the same perseverance, the same unity with God, the same surrender, and the same love of Christ.
The path to Christification is now proclaimed and your feet are already called to step upon this way. It will be up to each one the way you will live the Passion of these times, carrying with love your own cross or being a burden carried by others.
Your Father and Friend,
The Most Chaste Saint Joseph
Association Mary
Founded in December of 2012, at the request of the Virgin Mary, Association Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception, is a religious association without ties to any institutionalized religion. It has a philosophical-spiritual, ecumenical, humanitarian, charitable, cultural character, and it supports all activities that are indicated through the instructions transmitted by Christ Jesus, the Virgin Mary, and Saint Joseph. Read more