Proclamation of Gratitude and Love

Dear children,

On this special day, in which My children of the world celebrate the day of the Lady of Mount Carmel with love and profound devotion, I would like to proclaim to your hearts, just as it was during My visitation to Elizabeth, all the gratitude and love that you can feel from My Heart today, for having accompanied Me, as serving souls, during the trajectory of the last Pilgrimage for Peace.

I would like to thank, from My Maternal Heart, for the effort and dedication of each son and daughter of Mine, during each stage of construction of this Pilgrimage.

I would like to thank for the sincere effort and the immediate help of each child of Mine, in their spirit of collaboration, so that the Pilgrimage could gradually be fulfilled according to the Will of God.

I would like to thank, children, for the souls that awoke and for the offerings made during the songs in different languages.

I would like to thank for the fundamental fulfilling of each one of the novenas that were requested, since that, through the prayers of My children, your Heavenly Mother could deepen into Her Mission for humanity, just as Christ and Saint Joseph.

I would like to thank for the effort of all for having learned to pray in other languages during the journey of the Pilgrimage.

I would like to thank for the honesty and the constant faithfulness of the Network-of-Light before the call of inner support, to this sacred mission.

Everyone, without exception, My children, in some way or another was present in heart and soul, knowing that for the Creator Universe it was, and it is, fundamental to relieve the millenary pain of the nations of the world through the Ray of Love-Wisdom.

On this day, I invite you, by means of all efforts made, for your lives to renew again, so that the next stages of the Plan of Love may be fulfilled, just as they have been fulfilled so far.

With all faith of My Heart, children, I give you the graces and I give you My Heart, as a symbol of union of your lives with the Celestial Father.

On this day of the Most Holy Lady of Mount Carmel, may humanity and the whole planet receive the blessing of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

I thank you for cooperating and for responding to My call!

Who blesses you,

Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace and Lady of Mount Carmel

Special Apparitions
Special Apparition on July 16, 2018, transmitted by Mary, Rose of Peace, to the visionary Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón de Jesús

In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

I choose these special dates to let you know the most simple things of spiritual life, because in that which is simple you will be able to transform everything, in that which is simple you will be able to comprehend everything.

The life of the spirit is simple, but it is also wisdom.

I hope My children will achieve this state of simplicity and wisdom, not only in daily matters, but also in the inner levels, a place where everything begins and everything ends; because it is there, in that inner level, where the experience of your life on Earth and your passage through this Universe is held.

When you cannot conceive in yourselves this simplicity and this wisdom in the life of the spirit, it is because you are not doing it within your material life.

The simplicity of which I speak is not restriction or severe measures.

Simplicity will always lead you to love your neighbor just as they are and to not judge them because of their form or appearance.

My children of the world frequently forget these basic rules of life, because by living these rules, you will be able to be in God and God can be in you.

On this special day, when we celebrate, together with the Heavenly Mother, the anniversary of one of My instruments on Earth, through this I want you to see, My children, that the call of the Mother of God to Her children has always been and will always be simple.

On this path that I invite you to experience, you will also be able to find the humility you need in order to stop boasting about your lives, although sometimes you may not realize it.

Why do I tell you all this, My children?

Because the Work of God, since the beginning of all this Creation, was conceived of in the spirit of simplicity and humility. From there were born and emerged the most beautiful things in this Universe and for this whole material Universe; the spirit of each creature found a dwelling place, up to that which is most physical.

But know, My children, that everything has a correspondence and a communion between Heaven and Earth; within you and outside of you.

When you are not simple, you cannot be real, just as I need you to be, day after day.

Simplicity will not only take you to humility and truth but also to that which is most important: gratitude.

When you have no gratitude in your hearts, you cannot understand the Plan of God when it changes, time and again and from cycle to cycle, or from day to day.

If you are in this eternal gratitude, you will be able to understand the Mysteries of the Father and you will no longer be blindfolded, not knowing where to go or in what direction to walk, because in the life of the spirit, everything is clear, everything is transparent, and everything is crystalline.

I need you to not forget this, children.

When you cannot get around certain obstacles, it is because you have not conceived of the spirit of simplicity within yourselves, which will lead you into humility and eternal gratitude.

Although these words, that I speak to you today, have been heard by you many times, from My own mouth, or from Saint Joseph or from Jesus Himself, I invite you, dear children, to pay attention to the basic rules of spiritual life, because otherwise, you will be skipping the Universal Laws.

With all of this that I am telling you, My children, I do not aspire toward your perfection, but your transparency, your fellowship, generosity and collaboration.

This message serves for all of My children, because each one, according to their timing, goes through their purification and also the moment of their great surrender.

I want, My children, for you to learn to live as We do; the Sacred Hearts lived such a long time ago here on Earth, with no pretension, not wanting anything; always seeking to learn through equality, solidarity and above all, brotherhood.

Humanity, throughout recent times, has lost these principles. This is why souls become archaic and rigid and cannot manage to take their steps when they most need to take those steps toward God.

We have the authority, My children, as Sacred Hearts, of being able to dissolve all these obstacles within souls.

But, children, My children, you have already learned how to listen to Me, to feel Me and recognize Me. You know that what I tell you is true. Each one of you knows what they have to improve and perfect as a perfect offering for the Altars of God.

I am speaking to you about something profound, not something superficial. That which is superficial that may take place in your lives comes as a consequence of what happens within you when you are not in communion with the spirit, nor with the Universe.

We know that knowledge ennobles the spirit, but that is not what you need right now, My children. You need to ennoble your spirits with transparency and the loving collaboration for a fellow being, for the Divine Plan and its important manifestation on this planet.

As Lady of Mount Carmel, I invite you, My children, although you do not believe it, to live the path of redemption and your salvation, because many may believe that they are already saved, yet they are not.

My children, feel the Heart of the Mother that asks and begs to God for the awakening of Her children, even in the simple details.

All this will make the Earth and its humanity transform; it will make the Word of God triumph within you, through the examples of good and of loyalty.

I invite you, My children, to enter this school, which today with all of My Love I am offering to you.

I need you to hear My Voice, not as you always hear it. I need you to hold My words like keys that will be able to open the doors to your conscious and real transformation.

Children, there is a part that is yours to do. Everything must first begin within you so that then the Universe will be able to work and intercede.

The souls of the world, in the majority, are lost; and you know it because you have seen it everywhere you have been, together with Me, accompanying Me on this trajectory of being able to accomplish the Plan.

My wish is that on the day of the Lady of Mount Carmel, you could consider My words with sincerity.

My wish is that My Voice could touch the depths so that the Gifts might be sown that you need in order to live the next steps in this planetary transition.

My wish, My children, is that each one of you could see yourself for a moment, not to torment yourself or feel intimidated; not to judge or punish yourself. That each one of you could see yourselves, just as God sees you, just as the Father contemplates you in His Mercy and in His divine Patience.

There is still, beloved children, much to be done. I need you to understand what I am asking of you.

I have given you the Grace of being near Me, because it is what you need to be on the path of the spirit and in the living of the Plan, beyond any inner experience with the Universe or with all that is higher and even divine.

First, we must begin with that which is simple and necessary. You must not lose the basic rules of loyalty and fraternity; this closes the doors to Divine Providence. The Universe has everything for you and for humanity.

If each one of you knew, with complete awareness, what it is that I have to do to manage to be before you at each new meeting, in truth, you would consider My words and would pray on your knees to express your gratitude to God.

The Servant of God and the Mother of the Universe unconditionally offers Herself to Her children with nothing in exchange.

I want, beloved children, for you to grow, just as I grew, while I was Mary on Earth.

I know that in your inner worlds you keep known and unknown experiences; spiritual and also inner traumas. But everything can be dissolved in the Mercy of God and in the action of His Divine Grace.

I do not want you, My children, to leave My path.

I do not want you, My children, to be far from Me, serving Me in other works.

Children, I need you here, close to My Heart, in a real way rather than one that seems to be.

Sometimes I feel your hearts to be cold. Why are they that way, if everything I give you is by Grace?

I only aspire that My servers walk with loyalty and that they never, never lose brotherhood, because brotherhood will unify you with the Brotherhood of the Universe, and thus, the Divine Consciousnesses of Heaven will draw closer.

The Lady of Mount Carmel comes to offer you a true consecration so that the next doors toward the fulfillment of the Plan, in other parts of the world, may open.

We wait patiently and silently, in prayer, for that moment.

The world still waits for more Mercy and for more help.

I invite you to continue accompanying Me on this path, which will transform you.

I bless this soul, and on this special day, those who have offered themselves as instruments in My Hands, so that more instruments in this vast Universe of God can be consecrated in their real task and to their real mission.

I thank you for accompanying Me on this divine trajectory!

This is all I want to tell you today, and I have opened My Heart so that you could hear Me with sincerity and love.

Special Apparitions
Special Apparition of the Virgin Mary in the city of Ávila, Castilla y León, Spain, to the visionary Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón and Sister Lucía de Jesús

Place your gaze upon My Heart so that you may find the Universe of My Peace.

On this day I am the Lady of Mount Carmel, who takes care of religious life and also of the evolution of souls.

For this reason, I have come today with the Kingdom of My Peace, so that you may feel encouraged to enter into it and confidently feel your true origin.

This is the House of the Father, where everything is created and recreated.

This is the plane and the dimension where everything exists and nothing is separate; because here, in this place, the Primordial Source arises from where this entire Universe that was created has come, from the moment in which the Father emitted His Thought and His Feeling of Love so that everything would exist, as well as His creatures, so similar to His Divine Consciousness.

It is from this Higher Heaven that I come today as Mother and Lady of Mount Carmel, to strengthen the spirituality of souls.

Today I show Myself like this, before your inner eyes and before your hearts, so that you may see that something greater exists, and which is unknown to many.

In this place is also Christ, your Lord, your Master and Sovereign.

From there, with the Laws of the Father, He rules the Universes and commands them, so that fraternity, love and unity may exist.

Into this Heaven, not all can enter, but there are other Heavens that are open to receive you.

I show you this Heaven from where I come today, because it is where I will take those to whom I have appeared through this Work, so that together with Me, and in the next world that will not be material, they may continue to serve Me and may continue to respond to the call, which is not only for the future humanity, for the next humanity, for the next race, but also for everything that will come afterwards, for this Universe and beyond it.

Each one of the souls has a place in Heaven, which it must conquer with its sacrifice, with its surrender, with its renunciation and above all, with prayer.

If these foundations do not exist in your lives, how will you be able to enter into these Heavens, where your spiritual and infinite life will continue together with the blessed angels, together with the Sacred Hearts, which from this place cry out to the Father for a greater Grace for humanity?

Even though, to many, it may seem that many things do not make sense in this material life, or that it does not matter if they are lived or experienced as sacrifice and surrender, today I tell you, dear children, that all of this is very important to God; because it is the testimony and the way for you to pay for your debts of the past, and that through the Divine Mercy that arises from this Primordial Source, you may be able to enter, in the next world, the Universes that I offer you today with so much mercy, grace, and love.

Today, everything that surrounds My celestial aura is sublime and infinite, it is cosmic and higher, because in this place equality, justice, brotherhood, and equilibrium are lived.

Everything is in its place, so as to be able to awaken and evolve, just as God thinks and feels it. But the world and humanity have their gaze placed upon other things, and the time of definition is approaching, and it will depend on each one of My children for them to be able to take this great step towards their spiritual mission and towards their path, which will continue in the stars.

Meanwhile, I come to you to call you, so that you may follow Me in trust and faith, because in this way, on the inner planes I will be able to call all of humanity, and above all, the part that is most asleep and far from God, without knowing true love, true existence, and the true meaning of being incarnated in this time and in this final cycle.

All the tests that you go through will strengthen you.

All the difficulties that you experience will make you grow, so that you may be able to find the path and the meaning for responding to something greater and sublime.

From this place whence I come today, from one of the seven Heavens of the Creator, I come to call you so that you are able to expand the consciousness of your charity and service to others, because it is necessary to help a world that suffers and is in agony day after day.

I come to teach you to generate, through good examples rather than through resistances, the necessary merits to be able to enter into the Universes that God hopes so much for in the next world.

Quickly acquire a spirit of charity and service to others, and  learn, in these times, to take care of the Work of God in all details, because each thing that you do in this time will have great influences in the Plan.

Help the destiny of this Plan to be fulfilled as it is thought.

Help yourselves so that the Plan can be concretized.

In this Universe where I come from today, many things happen that are unknown to the  conscious humanity.

Here are kept projects, ideas, and treasures that the Creator emanates directly from His Source, in a permanent and continuous way.

I am talking to you about the designs that are born of His Eternal Heart, so that in all the manifestations of His Creation they can be fulfilled, and the souls may finally come know the essence of Love, which in this time they must conquer with effort and sacrifice.

This, at least, however simple it may seem, will make of this humanity a redeemable humanity; it will generate a possibility for new Laws of the Universe to be able to act in an infernal and indifferent world.

But in spite of everything, dear children, My Heart is untiring, My patience is infinite, and My purpose for you is even greater, and I work for this.

I wish My words would not pass, as other words or other messages have passed.

I need you to internalize My messages and to be able to understand, through your hearts, all the symbols that I reveal to you, because in this way, you will be consciously prepared to see the signs that the Universe will show in a short time.

And in spite of this, the planet will not stop suffering.

I need My servants and the apostles of Christ to be responsive to each need that presents itself in these times, no matter how simple it may seem. If you do not do it, dear children, you will not be growing inwardly, but rather will be evolutionarily stagnating.

And you must continue growing to be able to embrace new principles and new purposes that God will show you in the coming years.

Your lives are no longer your lives; your paths are no longer your paths; your decisions are no longer your decisions.

Learn to be in Christ, for Him to be able to be in you, and thus act. And be aware, be discerning, and have the wisdom not to make mistakes or err.

I invite you to be stewards of an unknown Purpose.

I invite you to be the pillars of an infinite Work, that does not only begin and end in an apparition, in a message, or in the liberation of a region, of a country, of a people, of suffering, or of a culture.

With the bases of Instruction that you have received in the last thirty years and in the recent times, I need you to be able to act just as God needs it.

The demand will be greater, but the consolation will be very great.

My Immaculate Heart will be the fortitude of those who are consistent, of those who say "yes" without thinking about it so much, and of those who respond spontaneously, without any resistance to live that which is new, renewing and transforming.

I wish you would receive in your hearts the Designs of God, just as My Immaculate Heart receives them at this time, as the Sacred Lady of Mount Carmel, who again gives you the symbol of the scapular of peace, so that souls may have on their bodies the union between Heaven and Earth, between God and souls, between this Universe and Paradise.

you may have the mysteries of the Infinite, of the Universe that holds you and will always hold you, as your strength for the tests that will come,  because they are supported by the Faith and the Hope of God Himself, your Creator Father.

I come to prepare you for a time in which My voice will no longer sound upon the world, but the echo of My words must be inside of you.

Everything that I have said to you throughout these years and that I will say the years that will come must remain imprinted in your consciousnesses and reflected in your lives as pure and simple actions, of hearts that are awake to fulfill the Plan of God.

Many want to find the Celestial Mysteries only with the research of the mind, but forget about the simplicity of the heart, of building this path with the stairway of a true prayer, of service to the neighbor, of the understanding the miseries of their brothers and sisters, to heal in oneself that which they expect to see healed in others.

deeper mission, in which I will conduct the human consciousness to unknown Universes.

the symbols that will manifest in the future, in order to dissipate the disbelief of hearts and so that you are be able to guide others in the moment when everything may happen.

Today, My children, as Our Lady of Carmel, Our Lady of Mount Carmel, Lady and Mother of all consecrated spirits, I grant a special Grace to all My religious children of this world, so that they may be liberated from the atavisms of the past and that their consecration may be real; so that all of the brotherhoods, monasteries, convents, temples, in real union with God, may become these pillars of light that will sustain the world, and that the Truth may be lived there, rather than human mediocrity.

in a near future, face to Face, without guilt or fear, for not having done what He expected of His companions.


As the Lady of Mount Carmel, I come today to renew the consecrated monastic life, because many of My children deviate from the Purpose of God due to the tendencies and inventions of the world.

I come to remind you of the monastic rule and of the importance that the groups of prayer be guardians of these monastic nuclei; thus you will allow the Laws to be fulfilled and hearts to lean on the spirit of prayer.

The consecrated life is the principal column for the support of the planet, and it is followed by all the groups of prayer, which must be the firm pillars so that the spiritual task may be fulfilled.

The priests and the monasteries consecrated to My Son must generate a significant vortex of prayer so that the divine Laws will be established, and that these fill all hearts. The consecrated life throughout the world is one of the points of attack of My adversary; nevertheless, vigilance, discipline, and the training for prayer create the strongest and most resistant walls to any temptation.

Around this rampart, which the monastery itself must build, are the groups of prayer of all the pilgrims; such groups are the spiritual bearers of the Gifts of the Holy Spirit, which allow the generation of a true setting, ready to respond to the Plan of God.

Our Lady of Mount Carmel is the divine protectress of the whole monastic life, the Star of all who must sail on the high sea until they find the harbor, which is Jesus.

I thank you for responding to My call!

Who guides you toward God,

Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace

Special Apparitions

Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón de Jesús transmits the Words of the Virgin Mary:

May peace be in this house and in those who do not possess it.

I Am your path of conversion toward Jesus, because My Heart is given to the world to generate the salvation of humanity.

Blessed are they who yield at My feet and seek the path of Light through the path of prayer.

Today, My Graces are poured out over this part of the world and I assemble you for a paramount task of peace.

The world is crazy because it cannot find peace. But there are hearts in the world that do have peace and that do not fear the hostility of My adversary, for one who is with Me is in My Immaculate Heart, and even though everything falls on the right and the left of them, they will continue to walk forward on the Path of Christ and will not waste time in accomplishing the Will of God, which is the Will of My Lord.

Today I come on this special date, also to bless you, to continue to untie the knots of the consciousness of this humanity; for as your Lady of Mount Carmel, I come to place the mantle of humility on you, which is the fundamental principle for your lives in today's times.

Do not fear, dear children; the tribulation is moving over the surface of the planet, yet many souls join in that tribulation, they submerge in the hells every day and lose sight of the Love of God.

I come to remind you of the principle of universal Peace, so that you may continue trusting, praying with Me for this maternal purpose I have for all.

On August 8, My children, a cycle will close with you and with Me. We begin to go deeper, My children, in the uplifting of your spirits to God; for matter may be  purified, it will die and become dust; but your spirit, My children, is the great treasure that will return to God, to His dwelling places in the cosmos, to unite with the Primordial Source, to the essence of Love and of Unity; bearing the fruits that I have left in your lives, as a great experience of Love for all of the universe.

Do not, My children, let evil be able to disturb you. Aurora is there in your lives so as to be able to defeat evil. For I Am that Aurora, that great Star, the great Mother Who guides wayfarers, the Lady of Mount Carmel Who comes to announce its last lifeline to the world. But My great works will be done, My children, in very few.

You, beloved children, must radiate the spirit of My Motherhood to the world. In this way, many souls in the four corners of the planet, in the last days of their lives, will find the way out to the Paradise of God and also will be aware, in light of the Father, of what they did.

I Am the Mother of the whole universe, the Mother of the world, the Lady of Mount Carmel Who comes to teach you the path of humility and of peace, through an inner divestment, so that you may walk freely toward the Heart of My beloved Son.

Today, He sends Me, and from the Greater Universe, also greets My beloved daughter, because these moments are very special for the world.

I come to teach you, My children, the true spirit of celebration of a soul, so you may see that God feels a great compassion for all the souls of the world; even though His Law will be poured out over humanity, and perverse hearts will recognize the Law of God, will feel it in their lives, in their hearts.

I come, as Mother of all, to extend My hand to you so that you may tightly take hold of it and follow the path of purification that I offer you. Perhaps, My children, after eight continuous years, you have understood very little of all I have said to you. But do not fear; My Words are placed in your heart. I come to speak to your essences and not your minds. I come to transmit My Spirit of motherhood to you, and of love for each of your hearts.

The world has greatly forgotten God, and it is not enough that just the ambassador of peace is present, Pope Francis. All of you, beloved children, to the degree and measure in your tasks, must transmit this energy of peace to the world; because if your souls are united, in spite of religions, the world will not move much; although it would deserve to move a lot after everything it has done and all it has not listened to.

I come to bring you the hope, My children, of finding a path of change and redemption. In this end time, My true miracle will be the conversion of your lives. Because throughout the centuries and times, I have already performed many miracles in the world, which are recorded in your terrestrial books.

But has the world changed after so many miracles? Where are the results of this experience of Love?

In Kibeho they did not want to listen to Me. Could it be that South America will listen to Me?

I come to prevent great things in this part of the Americas. The spirit of the New Humanity must be born here; it is already written in the books of Solomon and in the Heart of My Beloved Son.

I come to announce, in these times, the emergence of a New Humanity, experiencing a profound transition, an intense purification, but without lacking the Mercy of God. It is the Mercy of God, beloved children, that has brought Me here today, into your presence, and will bring Me many more days until your hearts become receptacles of My Divine Message for peace.

When I have achieved the result, My children, of a true change in some of you, I will cease to appear, for I will have accomplished the last part of the promise I made to God.

Let the suns, from various points in the universe, be ignited in the fire of prayer and be mirrors in the times of chaos.

What I need, beloved children, is that you reflect your simplicity and love for God. I do not need your skills, although they are important for My Works of the end times. I come to make of your lives a model, a model in likeness to that of Christ, My Son.

Imagine, beloved children, when your lives, your bodies and souls will be that true model, and God has finally seen that My task, in this time, was accomplished in this part of humanity.

Think about what I tell you. These are already My last Words after so many Messages.


Sister Lucía de Jesús transmits the Words of the Virgin Mary:

I come on this night to knock down each of the barriers that separate you from God.

I come to show you a way, which is the path of the loss of self; because in this time, My children, I will lead you into announcing My Message in the four corners of this world; I will ask you to lose your fear of giving up even your life to announce the Return of My Son; I will ask you to surrender each space of your consciousnesses for the fulfilling of the Plans of God; that you encompass, in your hearts, the grandeur and the perfection of this Plan and how small the world is and everything that dwells therein. How little it would be to lose everything that exists in the face of the grandeur of the Purpose of God!

The time has come for the apostles of My Son to emerge, those who in other times did not fear pronouncing His Words of Life, who were moved only by faith and the hope that this Christic Heart should ignite in the greatest possible number of souls. Because in a past time, your souls knew about the urgency for preparing His Path, of preparing for the salvation of souls, so that, the time of Justice having come, you should have an opportunity for redemption.

My children, since the beginning of this human project, you were called on to help Me in the redemption and the salvation of this world, through your own salvation and your own redemption; because it is only through being living examples of the existence of God that you will be able to change the souls that live around you.

Thus, My children, in the same way that My Voice is pronounced to the world and very few were capable of hearing Me, I ask that you copy My steps and without fear, announce My Words of Life.

Even though you are not believed nor heard, know to sow a seed of awakening in souls; because when they are at the last step between the abyss and redemption, the seed will emerge from within them, planted by the love of your hearts for all of this humanity.

Do not tire of pronouncing My Words or of announcing the Return of My Son, because one day, the Heavens will open, and from the clouds will descend the King of the Universe, confirming for the incredulous the existence of the Kingdom of God, making those who never heard His Call fear.

But for those who repent from the heart, Mercy will defeat Justice, because the Lord of the Universe has an infinite Mercy and a profound Love for this Creation of God. Where there is a repentant heart, there His Mercy will be poured out.

For this reason, My beloveds, do not worry about the incredulity of beings, just do your part, fulfill your mission without expecting any result; because this is what the Christic path is about: an eternal giving of the whole self, a surrender of the life out of a pure love for God, His Plan, even knowing that very few will be able to respond.

A seed will always germinate in consciousnesses and even though many do not have the opportunity to enter into My Kingdom, they will be able to begin again from a healthy place, and in this way, at least their essences will be protected from evil.

Today I come, My children, to announce the existence of God and to leave this certainty imprinted on your hearts, because doubts about My Presence cannot exist in My soldiers.

Dispel from your consciousnesses the doubts in relation to the Plan of God. Struggle against yourselves to fully trust in Our Words, the Words of the Divine Messengers, which are the echo of the Lord of the Universe for each creature of this planet.

Defeat yourselves, My children!

Surrender before the Altar of the Creator!

When pride becomes greater than faith, place your heads on the ground and cry out for a humble, simple heart willing to fulfill the Divine Purpose.

Cry out every day, for the Higher Truth to be revealed to you and the ignorance of your hearts to be dispelled by the Grace that is to know the Universe, the Higher Reality, the Life that beats in the Heart of the Cosmos and which invites you to return to the Divine Origin, where everything is the fulfillment of the Law, where all hear the Voice of their Creator and follow it unconditionally.


Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón de Jesús transmits the Words of the Virgin Mary:

As your Heavenly Mother, I want to rescue from shipwreck all those who drown in their own sea of illusions. Thus, the doors of Aurora will be open in August, so I may pour out My last spiritual healing over souls. You will be welcome in this, My House of Love, to meet again with Me in a new cycle and for a new end.

I thank you for responding to My call.

Sing to God and be thankful that He has allowed Me to visit you on this day. Remember My Words; they must be indelible in your hearts, sacred Words that will prepare the new being of the New Humanity.

Go in peace; I bless you under the luminous sign of the Cross, in the name of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit. Amen.


Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón de Jesús:

Thank You, Mother of God, for all that You give us!


May today your beings be covered by the brown mantle of humility in the same way as My Sacred Mother who today wears it in honor and in praise to the God of Love.

May on this 16th day of July, consecrated to Our Lady of Mount Carmel, your hearts unite themselves to the power and the strength of the ray of humility that incessantly springs from the Immaculate Heart.

May today, as good children of God, your lives experience the exercise of humility so that they may be able to recognize that God is in all of the simple things as also in the reverent and in the sacred.

Also see the ray of humility in the priests, those who day by day preach the Word of Life that must always be full of the charisma of humility and of simplicity in all, because these are My True Disciples and Apostles.

Remain day by day seeking humility in your prayers as well as in your tasks. Do all in the name of the sacred humility so that it may be graced by the gifts of the Holy Spirit, as it was once in the Cenacle of the Virgin Mary.

A path to enter into sacred humility is to ask the Holy Spirit to cover you with Its divine light and to show you how to live in humility, to live in this way in detachment from your own selves.

This is My current Aspiration, that each day that passes you be true disciples of humility so that competence, arrogance and vanity may disappear from your consciousnesses. When you assume to live in humility and for the humility of God you will recognize the times in which you hide under your veils.

I ask you that you do not confront them, but that you give them the order of transformation and of transcendence because in this way you will be in harmony. Walk through the same pathway of the Cross, the one that I walked for you, and feel humility as a table of salvation and of obedience to the greater laws and to your spirits.

Today I ask you that every day before three in the afternoon you always re-read the last message that has been posted, because in humility you will understand again what it is that I request from you day by day.

Under the Love of the Father, be blessed.

Thank you for living through the Spirit of Humility!

Christ Jesus, the humble Shepherd.

Who are we?

Association Mary
Founded in December of 2012, at the request of the Virgin Mary, Association Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception, is a religious association without ties to any institutionalized religion. It has a philosophical-spiritual, ecumenical, humanitarian, charitable, cultural character, and it supports all activities that are indicated through the instructions transmitted by Christ Jesus, the Virgin Mary, and Saint Joseph. Read more
