Special Apparitions
Special Apparition of the Virgin Mary in Vina del Mar, Chile, to the visionary Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón

Today I am here as the Lady of Carmen, because I am the Great Star of the Sea, the Star that takes care of all the seas in the world.

Today I bring you the teaching and instruction on the oceans, so that humanity can look with a little more compassion towards them. Because although it may not seem so, before the human gaze, the oceans suffer the consequences of this humanity.

That's why I am here, in Vina del Mar, to deliver a mission to all of My children of Chile, because this dear country is completely embraced by the Pacific Ocean and this brings it the possibility of working deeply with its emotional plane.

Therefore, dear children, you who love mountains, who love nature, who love the ocean, I invite you, dear children, on behalf of this humanity and of this planet, of all the oceans of the world, to look at the oceans with more compassion, mercy and prayer. This will allow, dear children, in spite of the suffering which the oceans and all the marine beings live, for souls to receive a special Grace that comes from Our Lady of Carmen, the Great Star of the Ocean, so that more hearts may awaken to the importance of taking care and protecting the oceans.

You, dear children, more than your Heavenly Mother, know the damage caused that life in the oceans experience and how much contamination they live day by day.

How will they be able to reflect to this humanity, by means of their mirrors, emotional healing for this planet, if all the oceans in the world through the hands of humanity itself, continue to be contaminated and outraged?

If the ocean could speak, the world would hear eternal cries.

Today I come as  the Mother of Nature and also as the Great Guiding Star of Chile to invite you, dear children, to place in your daily prayer not only the Pacific Ocean that embraces you, but also all  the oceans of the world, which need intercession and prayer, so that the very angels of the universe can clean them spiritually.

It is up to this humanity on the surface to take charge of the damage caused to the oceans. Know that the oceans of the world have inner ears with which they can hear many things and with which they receive great outrages from this humanity.

I invite you, dear children, out of love for the evolution of the oceans, to open your hearts to welcome this call that your Heavenly Mother and Mother of Nature brings you today. If nothing is done in time, the whole world could remain without water and even less, it would not have water to drink.

Humanity does not imagine this situation and has no consciousness of what this means for these end times, but if at least there existed sincere and open hearts that could unite to the oceans and to all marine life, which is also trespassed day by day, the Eternal Father would be able to grant something to this humanity, through the Lady of Carmen, so that many more things may be avoided.

I invite you, dear children, to open the ears of the soul and to listen with the heart to what the Celestial Mother is bringing to you.

I would like many more children in the world to consider this important call for love and for the evolution of oceans.

I would like My children of the world to respond to this convocation, because just as I come for you, I also come for the oceans of the world, which day by day lose their original purity, their innocence and mainly, the possibility to radiate their light to the world.

Humanity needs the oceans to move forward. Human beings cannot live without water and neither without having anything to drink. Imagine a totally thirsty and arid planet.

For the mercy of the mountains, they continue pouring water from the high glaciers of the world. This helps humanity to have fresh water to drink and to nourish itself day by day.

I invite you, dear children, to take a step in consciousness, for what the Father has given you since the beginning of your Creation and for everything He has thought of for you, for your evolution and for your awakening.

I would like you to place My plea in your hearts, because if you do not do it for Me, no one in the world will do it. I am being sincere about this.

I can no longer see marine beings, whales and dolphins suffer through the hands of the humanity of this world. And even though the outrages are endless, greater is the Mercy of My Heart, which today comes to speak to you and lead you towards the path of reparation and of forgiveness.

I know that many will not want to listen to this message because they will feel uncomfortable or perhaps annoyed to know that the world, as creation and as nature, needs the consciousness of the human being and especially its correction and attention, concerning everything it does daily, transgressing the Kingdoms of this Nature.

You cannot live without the Kingdoms, without the oceans and neither without the mountains. Your spiritual life would be scarce, limited and restricted. You would have few possibilities to reach God.

That is why in these critical times, dear children, I invite you to pray from the heart to be able to compensate the outrages that this humanity makes to the oceans of this world. They need to mirror the information of the universe. This information allows you, dear children, to take steps on the spiritual path, to have impulses to serve and mainly to have reasons to be able to transform.

Mirrors reflect in humanity, through the oceans, great divine principles, which will be necessary for the next humanity, for the future humanity.

You will be the guardians of this legacy, as well as the guardians of the Kingdoms of Nature. I need you to take care of the inner treasures of the planet, because later you will not be able to say, dear children, that no one warned you in time.

The Mercy of My Heart comes to meet you to live a deep awakening in consciousness, so that you may abandon this global hypnotism which leads many souls to constant distraction, to separate from God, from the path of Love and Truth.

I need you to take steps for your brothers and sisters not only here in Chile but also in the world, out of love for the Kingdoms of Nature and for the great oceans of this world.

The consciousness of the Kingdoms cry out to this humanity. They can no longer see instructors on the surface, guides or masters of this humanity, but rather see souls that outrage such small consciences as the Kingdoms. And they have nothing more to do nor to defend themselves, because they were not created to hurt humanity of the surface nor to disturb it.

The Kingdoms were created so that the beings of the surface, through them, could find communion with the Creator and with life. If this is lacking in humanity, that is, in the Kingdoms of Nature, as well as the great oceans, humanity will have no path to follow, to be able to find the light, reconciliation and especially forgiveness.

This is why I come here, dear children, because I know that your hearts are receptive to this call of Mine, and that you could not see the oceans, marine life, the great whales of this planet suffer, which sustain the axis of Earth, from north to south, from east to west. And although they are hurt and murdered, the consciousness of the whales does not cease to radiate love, in spite of the ignorance of the human being.

I would like the whale to be able to continue singing in the oceans of this world, to balance the Earth, to pacify the seas, to heal the emotion of this humanity, which is unbalanced.

The Kingdoms of Nature have a fundamental task in the end of times. Therefore I come today from the Pacific Ocean with this message, where I have made a pilgrimage from Asia to here, to meet you in prayer and in union with Me, because I am still preparing My Mission through that continent.

I want you to be conscious of this, and I will need, dear children, as up to now, that you accompany Me for this very important mission that I will realize in Oceania and in Asia, because My children are waiting for me, as you waited for Me today, and this goes above any event, any situation or circumstance.

I need that your consciousnesses be positioned above the material plane, the difficulties and the obstacles, to be able to accompany your Heavenly Mother in this Work, in which She, at the request of the Most High Father, will try to awaken all the Mirrors of the world to help humanity in the most acute moment of its transition and of its purification.

Do you understand now,  dear children, the importance of praying for the oceans of the world? If this does not happen, who will sustain this race of surface? If there are no Kingdoms of Nature, who will be there to support and accompany them in the great silence in which the Kingdoms live, in the great love that they have radiated since the beginning of this Creation?

I come to ask you, especially the Chileans, to become My missionaries of peace, not only on the path of prayer, but also in service, in the operative life of learning to take care of the Plan of God in this humanity and on this planet.

You have inner resources to do it. That is why I have called you here, to Viña del Mar, not only to speak to you about the oceans and about the critical situation that they face, but also to summon you to live the missionary life, from north to south of this country.

Chile, through the prayer of the heart, must also learn to sustain the tectonic plates. The balance of this country will depend on you, dear children, because this Earth, this planet, in its most intimate depth, also has wounds caused by the humanity of surface. This  is why this planet moves as it has moved here in this country, because it is living its transition that needs to be lovingly accompanied, by all your prayer.

This is the same task that the world has.

While the oceans suffer, the being on surface also suffers. The human being faces its purification and sometimes does not find a way out.

I come to show you, as the Guiding Star of all the oceans, that it is possible to move forward, dear children, if you simply take My Hand, say "yes" to Me so that I can lead you to the final purpose.

Today, My Heart is also bereaved about Europe, for the division that the Iberian Peninsula is experiencing, without consciousness of what this means to the Creator.

I also invite you, dear children, to place all of Europe in your hearts and prayers so that  it may be supported, supplied and guided by the Angels of the Nations.

The Angel of Peace, which corresponds to Portugal in these times, is having great tasks throughout the Iberian Peninsula and also throughout Europe.

I invite you to unite efforts of heart and soul, helping these great angels, responsible for the nations of the world, so that they can support the end of times with their mutual help.

I want to announce to you, dear children, by means of the Mercy of God, that I must, with your help, urgently, be in Europe to avoid something major that your brothers and sisters who are there, in Spain, do not imagine.

If humanity does not collaborate with the Plan of God, misfortunes will not be able to be avoided, because the human being, as part of this human race, has outraged all laws, all designs and all rules. And its debt is very great.

I invite you to live with Me the cross of this humanity, just as My Son lived it in an unconditional way for each one of you. He promised, He declared and announced that you would do greater things than He did. This is no longer a theory, nor a message, it is a reality that you are living by means of this Work, by means of this pilgrimage, in an inexplicable way in these times.

I come for all the human race and also for those who do not accept nor listen to Me. That is why I call you to unite to Me on this planetary mission, not only for the Kingdoms of Nature, but also for the nations, which, in case they do not maintain their spiritual and psychic balance, many things could not be avoided.

I will risk Myself in these times, dear children, to send less of My pilgrims, so that this Extraordinary Mission may become possible. This means, an even greater and invincible spirit of prayer on your part.

I will try to avoid something from Portugal, because there too, the love of My children concentrates in the great Sanctuary of Fatima, where I was with you a hundred years ago, to put an end to the war and establish a longer period of peace. But this period of peace, dear children, is ending.

I invite you to strengthen the path of prayer, because this will allow the doors of Heaven to remain open, so that the infinite Grace of My Heart may penetrate, as rays of Light, the nations that need it most, and thus I will be able to dissolve the evils of My enemy.

I invite you, dear children, to be conscious of the planetary situation, to come out of yourselves for a moment and not give work to God, but instead more service, more donation of self, more heart, so that many things may be relieved.

As you have placed your heart at the service of God in these days, I need this fire, ignited inside you, to continue forward, because I will be able to make of Chile, My Beloved Blessed Homeland.

This evening, I come to consecrate new Children of Mary with the same joy and plenitude, with the same happiness and bliss as Your Heavenly Mother did the last time in Santiago. Because here in this group of souls which will be consecrated today, there are origins of native people, spiritual and inner values that should emerge again in the human consciousness of this country, so that it may recuperate its spiritual dignity, its filiation with God and mainly, reconciliation among the peoples and the cultures of Chile.

This will also allow, dear children, that the very hard, difficult past, that this country experienced may be erased from the pain of the consciousnesses, and the principle of the primordial Healing of God can emerge.

That is why this consecration tonight is important for Me, because through the "yes" of these souls it is allowing many more souls of this nation to be helped, and in this way, through your hearts and your presence, you are allowing Me to return here once more, to consecrate all Chile to My Immaculate Heart.

Water to Bless.

 The Children of Mary may approach, those who will live consecration today.

Dear children, I want to tell you that I Am also that Spirit of Peace, so sacred and mysterious, which was present among the Incas and the Mapuches by means of the symbol of the Condor Bird. It is in this way that I was never far from you, your souls were accompanied by Me, as all your native peoples.

And know, dear children, that despite what you have lived or what you have suffered throughout the times, you never lost your original purity.

This is what I come to look for in Chile in these moments, your original purity, which was cultivated in your souls at the beginning, in your essences, in your experiences of love as a sacred people.

Today I come to bring to you the same values conceived by the Incas and the Mapuches. Therefore, I wish to hear this evening, at least three times, the Hail Mary in Mapuche.

Hail Mary in Mapuche (three times)

 I thank you for these prayers which I will take to the Celestial Father, so that many more indigenous essences, more native peoples throughout the Americas may receive My intercession, My Grace and especially the healing of their wounds.

By the authority that  My Son has granted Me, as the Mother of the World and Mother of Humanity, on behalf of the oceans of the world, of all marine life, may the Lord consecrate this element so that it may serve as healing, as redemption and as forgiveness for hearts.

And now, dear children, through this consecration and this prayerful commitment that you assume with Me, I ask you to sing the hymn of your consecration so that My Graces can descend upon your hearts.

I thank you for responding to My call and today I leave you the sacred image of the Virgin of Carmen so that it may pilgrimage through your homes, hospitals, homes for the elderly, infant institutions, through all places that need love, healing and forgiveness.

Remember, always remember that I will be your Sea Star, that I will come from the firmament, from the Pacific Ocean to help you.

I thank you, dear children, for responding to My call.

I bless you, in the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

Daily Message of Mary, Rose of Peace, transmitted in Monte Gargano, Foggia, Italy, to the visionary Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón

If nature were more loved and respected, perhaps the world would not be purified nor would humanity. This would avoid Creation being constantly altered by the hand of humanity.

If nature were more loved and cared for by humanity, peace would reign and there would be more time for gladness, joy and jubilation.

If nature were more loved and not destroyed, there would be no cause or reason for there being ideas about war or for carrying them out, because it would not be necessary to suffer or endure.

If nature and the lower Kingdoms were loved and contemplated, perhaps it would not be necessary to experience a transition of the Earth and it would not make sense to begin a new humanity.

If this current humanity truly did not sacrifice the Kingdoms so much, if nature were more loved and the Kingdoms more protected, it would not be necessary to experience a definition, for everything would be in harmony and unity with created life.

If nature and the Kingdoms were truly loved, there would be no need to suffer, to learn or to die, because everything would be in balance with the universe.

If nature and the Kingdoms were considered as part of the Divine Consciousness, evil would not be in the world nor would it be active in the human mind, because any creature could be united with the Source of the Creator.

But humanity has already chosen the opposite and has decided to continue on the path of pain rather than the path of love. For this reason, the change in humanity will be as similar and as great as the unpayable debt that the race has generated with the Kingdoms of Nature. It will be in this way that universal movement will unleash the chain of spiritual evolution of the end times.

I thank you for lovingly regarding the Kingdoms of Creation!

Who blesses you always,

Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace


While humanity sleeps and walks, looking for a fulfillment that every day leads it into greater emptiness, I am here on the horizon, My children, contemplating your little hearts.

I am the Mother of the Oceans, She Who, with Her Mantle and with Her Grace, sustains the seas and all the creatures that dwell in them.

Each small marine creature is a living part of My Mirror of Light, of My Heart.

Marine beings occupy a special place in My Maternal Heart, because they are part of My Purity. Through them, I balance the minds and the spirits of humankind and I generate merits in light of God so that this world may continue to exist. 

Today, contemplate the seas as great Mirrors of Light, similar to My Mirrors in the universe. Through them, I reflect peace to the world, and those hearts that are open will be able to feel and receive it within themselves. 

The seas are a living part of My spiritual Source; they are the materialization of Divine Purity and they exist on Earth to constantly remind hearts that one day they must return to God. 

The seas are an offering of the Creator to the world so that His creatures may recover their Essential Purity, and so that each time they submerge their bodies into the seas, they may come out renewed like a new essence that arises from the celestial reservoirs. And marine beings are those that, with love, support that possibility of renewal for the Earth. 

The seas do not only balance and transmute the planet; spiritually, they are a path of return to God.

Thus, My children, the Mirrors of Light that clean and purify them are distributed throughout the seas, so that they never lose the purity that God gave them. 

But the suffering of the marine beings, the pollution of the waters, and the incomprehension of humankind on the spiritual mission of the seas weaken them and allow them, little by little, to support the planet less. 

The time has come to spiritually support the seas for all that they have given to the world. 

The time has come to recognize the spiritual mission of nature and to seek a broader understanding of life, and not just an understanding closed up within you, in yourself, in your personality and personal life. 

Everything in the world, as in the Universe, has a reason to exist.

All life carries out a spiritual function, and it is in the communion and unity experienced among all that the Plan of God is accomplished and the return to the Origin is manifested. 

Everything is part of the multiplying of God; His Presence is in all things and, like a mysterious celestial puzzle, the Creator counts on each one of His creatures to express His Unity. For this reason, all life, children, depends on unity among beings. 

So today, understand the greatness of the seas and their mission in the world.

Pray for the oceans, pray for the life that dwells within them, and give thanks every day for their existence. 

With this simple act of thinking less about the self and more about Creation, you will draw closer to God and you will collaborate in the expression of His Divine Unity. 

I bless you on this day of Graces and I thank you for being with Me, praying for the oceans. 

Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace and Mother of the Oceans

Marathon of Divine Mercy

Our Father...

See how many armies follow Me and many do not know it.

This is the real presence of My Kingdom on Earth; a Kingdom that is united with each praying heart. And this Kingdom expands through the world in its invisible universe to reveal itself to the simple of heart.

This is the Kingdom that I promise to all, which I promised once when I was among you in My beloved Holy Land, revealing the power of My Gospel to you, the Sacred Word of God, that comes to redeem you time and again.

Today, with great happiness, I am in Costa Rica, because hearts are listening to Me, not in quantity, but in spirit, their simple spirit that unites with Mine and thus brings the Kingdom of God to a place so much in need of the presence of the Most Holy Trinity.

Seek God in all that exists, in all that He has created through Nature. There I am also, in silence and in the heights of the volcanoes, contemplating the whole planetary population, waiting for their awakening, for their great and last step towards the path of Light and of Forgiveness.

Thus you can see, companions, that I am in all places. I have come here to give you My inner Strength and My Love to have Central America rise up in its purpose and its spiritual mission, so as to fulfill the Plan of Peace of God.

Unite more, each time, and you fulfill this purpose that I am requesting of you today. Do it for all your brothers and sisters, of all the nations of Central America, who are so in need of My Divine Mercy to be able to continue forward in this final time that is approaching.

The strength of your prayer has reached beyond Central America, has embraced a great part of the planet and many condemned essences were benefited. And this was possible, companions, because of your unity with the Unity of God, with the Son and with the Holy Spirit, with each of your brothers and sisters of the nations that  fervently embraced the fire of this prayer, fulfilling, in this way, the task of this day.

A great part of My armies are formed with angels from Heaven, angels that accompany you time and again, from cycle to cycle, to facilitate your evolution and the great moment of your awakening to mature.

I want you to keep these words in mind because your Guardian angels wait for you, to show you the path towards the Truth, to strengthen your spirits, and so you may find the peace that must be radiated to the whole planet.

Today I come here with the Grace of God and of His Holy Spirit. Through My Divine Mercy I bring for all, the atonement, a holy absolution of each one of your lives at this crucial moment of the planet in which many consciousnesses, a great number of souls, are in need of forgiveness and of liberation.

Through this spiritual practice, companions, and after forty consecutive meetings, you are already at another point in your awakening. And as these meetings advanced, many more souls gradually awakened to My call.

This means that there is still much to do, much to sacrifice, especially in the surrender to God, each one to the degree of their consciousness and of their inner availability.

Thus, I come to give you My Message of Peace so that you may allow it to reach your siblings of the path, your relatives, all of the people; the people of God who must return to the path of hope and the path of forgiveness, that many are still searching for and cannot find.

Therefore, today, also with open Arms, as the Redeemer, I show you My Sacred Heart, My Eternal Spirit, so that you may strongly embrace it inside of you, adopt it in your lives as the one Flame, as the true path, as the hope for your lives rather than other spirits.

These spirits have also to be redeemed. Free them, set them aside and follow My path, because I will comfort you and free you from all evil, without leaving any of My disciples behind, especially those who must return to My Path and who for a long time have forgot Me.

I come to recover My old friends in  Central America, who committed with Me to live me, to worship me, to honor me, to love me, to seek me above all things and especially to serve me in this end time, in this Work of Redemption and of transformation of the consciousness.

So It is thus that I open the doors for you to see the Light again, the invisible Light of God that comes from His Spirit, from the deepest core of His Sacred Heart. He brings you His Mercy through His Beloved Son so that you may be able to free yourselves and walk freely in Redemption.

Today I launch the nets of Light so that many more souls may be able to return to My Heart.

Today I come as the Fisher of Men once again, seeking those who are lost, those who cannot find the path, those who, until now, have not seen the way out in the face of so much darkness.

And I bless you, companions. I give you the impulse to follow me in faith and in love, confirming in your lives that if I am in you, you will be in Me, and everything will always be well, and you are not to fear anything because you will be with Me and I will be with you, in vigil and prayer.

I come to withdraw many consciousnesses from sleep. But you will see this time and again because these souls must learn to know me, must learn to find the path by means of the seed of Light that today I once again am sowing in your hearts so that you may achieve the peace of living in God and in His Divine Kingdom.

Do not lose sight of these moments.

And I tell you again, companions: feel the strength of My liberation sustained by the whole Universe, by its Divine Laws, that come to try and reshape your lives into spirits consecrated to God and to His Holy Purpose.

I also bring you My joy, because of the joy that you have transmitted to Me on this day; the healthy joy of the heart that heals and redeems souls and a great part of the planet because joy is the flower of Love and Love will lead you to a Unity with God, with all of His Consciousness.

Understand this mystery in a simple way. Joy will lead you into peace and peace can be in everybody, especially in those who most need it.

Keep peace as a great treasure for these times. Let nothing disturb or bother you.

Offer each challenge as an opportunity of humiliation and of redemption without losing anything or seeking anything in return.

And now I show you the wounds in My Hands, how millimeter by millimeter they heal when feeling the love of all My companions, of those who seek transcendence, persevere in an unwavering faith, devotion, peace, the experience of My Divine Mercy.

See how the light of your prayers heals My Wounds, bringing relief to My Heart when seeing the horrors of the world and the sins of humanity.

Adore this moment, contemplate My Heart and live it in this last moment, in which My Grace allows all things and My Mercy gives impulse to all things, so that you may be in the Kingdom of God.

Each time you go through a test or face a difficulty or illness, remember this moment in which My Wounds are healed by the light of your prayers and through this example, of this symbol of holiness, strengthen yourselves and do not allow yourselves to fall, because My offer will always be to pick you up from the ground so that you may live Me, so that you may look into My Eyes without shame, without fear, not caring what may happen, contemplating the Love that My gaze expresses for all souls.

And so, with My angels, saints, and the blessed who today help Costa Rica and Central America, we enter into communion, in union of spirits, of essences, and of souls, with the one and powerful God Who gives you eternal life.

I come to especially consecrate all you have brought to Me to the altar because I have seen, on this day, the sincere hearts praying for a just cause that I have transmitted to you in the message for this Marathon.

Understand My Words with simplicity and thus you can live them, one by one.

The sacred objects are symbols of redemption for souls and a reason for igniting the spirit in profound devotion.

So today I will also give the sacrament to each one of you, through the sacred office of priesthood by means of the Sacraments that I instituted in the past, as an inner legacy for souls and for all the consciousnesses that may want to unite with Me in the Gifts of the Holy Spirit.

Today I see that you are experiencing the Gift of the Fear of God. For Me, this is incredible, especially at this time in which humanity is very distracted; this does not make me give up, because if I carried the Cross for you, you with Me and I with you, we will be able to carry the cross of this planet to achieve Redemption.

Offer yourselves to experience this sacrifice for the triumph of the Three Sacred Hearts in all of the Americas and the world.

Adonai, Mercy, Mercy, Mercy,

Redemption, Redemption, Redemption for this planet. Amen (x 6 times)

And before consecrating all the elements, I want you to hold hands to plead together with Me to God.

Feeling your sincere hearts, we unite in peace and work for peace for the places that most need it, where chaos reigns and causes more hearts to tremble.

Adonai, Creator Father-Mother, only existence amongst all that is created, Omnipresent and Omnipotent Spirit, experience of the Sacred and of the Eternal, descend with all Your Universal Light and may Your angels open the doors that the Fathers of Creation may descend.

May the twelve archangels help in the Redemption of consciousnesses, in the Liberation of sinners.

Do not forget, Holy Father, about any created essence.

We are a likeness of Your Face. We were created in Your Image. We are impregnated by Your Divine Spirit.

Close the hells that have been opened and redeem the one who has fallen and has created all the evil.

Clear the doubts from all minds. May the power of Your Love penetrate the core of spirits so that the Power of Your Unity and of Your infinite Love may thus be established for the centuries to come. Amen.

Place your hands on your heart and now sing to the sincere heart, because it is this heart that will accompany Me up to the last days on Earth and will see, on the horizon, the coming of My Kingdom and of My Glory, establishing the thousand years of peace.

I thank you for accompanying Me on this day in each corner of this planet.

Let us continue praying, proclaiming the sincere heart. It is that heart that will unite everyone, will free you from indifference.

And so may it be.

In the name of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit. Amen.


I am The Aparecida of Brazil…

On this holy day, dear children, when your Heavenly Mother is honored on the altars of the Sanctuary of The Aparecida, I wished to address My words and My maternal message to all the pilgrims and devotees of Brazil.

It is for this cause and for this holy celebration that your Mother The Aparecida is the patroness and spiritual guide of the Brazilian nation, which has suffered so much in the consequences of colonization and slavery.

For this reason I am the Black Virgin, I am the Mother and Queen of the ancient slaves. I am the one who is in Brazil to protect it from domination and from the chaos of these times.

I am in My beloved Brazil to protect its natural and spiritual wealth; I am in Brazil to teach souls to live their redemption and their moment of forgiveness.

Here, in these lands, I have appeared to give testimony about freedom and shelter the entire black race, the original race of this humanity, which was decimated by the white race.

I have come to Brazil as the Black Virgin to be able to unite the peoples and nations through culture, language and divine spirituality.

The Virgin of Aparecida comes to heal the past and close the doors to the slavery that took place between Africa and the Americas.

Today I come to save those who are marginalized and exploited in this time; this is why I am the Black Virgin of Brazil.

I have appeared in these lands to present to My children the spirit of equality and justice. I come to sever the chains of mistakes that are experienced in this people, and I come to guide consciousnesses toward the Grace and Mercy of God.

I am the Black Virgin of Brazil, because I want to teach all of My children that they can see human beauty without contempt for the type of race, but rather through the likeness that God has instituted between Himself and the human being.

I am the Mother of all the blacks and of the slaves.

I am the Comforter of human suffering.

I am the Universal Judge of all the peoples.

I am the Advocate of Brazil.

With My Maternal and Marian Spirit, I come to ask all Brazilians that you take care of and protect your nation from the destruction of nature in the Amazon and of all the native life that flourishes here.

I am the Guardian of the natural beauty of Brazil, therefore, I implore all My children, that you protect this precious Eden that is Brazil.

I ask you to no longer pursue that which is innocent, I ask you to protect peace in the Eden of Brazil.

On this day in which all the pleas are directed to My Immaculate Heart, I would like to see faces of joy on all My children from Brazil so that, along with you Lady The Aparecida, we may have the Plan of God triumph in this dear nation.

I am grateful for the sincere devotion of this people, and because of that I return on this day so that, during the Vigil of Prayer for Peace, this impulse of joy and of devotion may bathe the entire world.

Brazil is the green and devoted heart of the Americas; here the Father has deposited a Purpose, and today I teach you to live it with love, charity, and awareness.

Open your hearts even more, and at the feet of the altar of your Lady The Aparecida say: “Little Mother, Lady of Brazil, here I am to serve you in honor of Your Beloved Son.” 

I thank you for responding to My call. 

Who blesses you,

Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace and Mother of Brazil

Daily Message of the Virgin Mary, Rose of Peace, transmitted in the city of São Paulo, Brazil, to the visionary Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón de Jesús

Dear children,

I place My Crown of Light over the nations so that the spiritual and Christic life may awaken in time in consciousnesses, so that souls may recognize the moment has come to aspire to be in the Kingdom of God and in His Eternal Will.

Thus, on this day, My children, I remind you of the higher commitment with the Divinity and with the plans of your Eternal Father, which must be accomplished in this last phase of the planet.

I come to show My children that it will be necessary to collaborate so that peace may be established in matter and in every consciousness that has need of the intercession of Divine Mercy.

I hope that My beloved children have an awareness of the inner unity which must be experienced at this time, not only with the Plan of God, but also with everything that is living around you, with Creation and with nature.

This feeling of unity will allow you to be well positioned in the mission that you must carry forward with all of humanity that is awaking.

Today I place you all in My Lap so you may feel My Divine Peace.

I thank you for responding to My call!

Who unifies you,

Your Mother, the Virgin Mary, Rose of Peace



My dear children,

On this day, your Celestial Mother implores the Supreme Father for the world to be purified in harmony and without violence.

I implore the nations to awaken and listen to Heaven, which cries out for penance and repentance.

In this hour, dear children, you will see the greatest blindness of souls, as if no consciousness had a heart capable of loving and forgiving.

You will see that the planetary ignorance awakens as a source of mistakes made and actions which not only harm human beings, but also the Kingdoms of Nature.

But these actions of possessing and controlling will end in this time in which the purification of the planet will put everything in order.

Many souls are absent from the current reality, even those who experience the catastrophes remain at the same point without mentally perceiving that every fierce movement of nature is a sign emitted by the planet that something is not right.

The consciousness of humanity became accustomed to living in catastrophes or wars as if it were something normal, this generates events that join others, a chain of immense errors which cannot be stopped.

Prayer will be the shield that will protect those who practice it in their lives in a permanent way.

Prayer, at the end of times, will bring impulses direct from the Holy Spirit and will make those who pray know what to do and where to be.

To all My children, who face the catastrophes of the end of times, I ask you to practice acts of forgiveness and Mercy and not to allow faith to fade away.

I invite all My children to be brave in these times and to confirm their trust every day. This will prepare you for the end of times.

I thank you for responding to My call!

In prayer for the world,

Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace


While we were praying I saw Saint Joseph, first in the Middle East, dressed as a Muslim and with a cloth around his head. He was walking in the desert, accompanying different families who were emigrating, putting in His arms the children who were most tired of walking, and helping them. Afterwards, I saw Him in other cities, in big cities, helping people on the streets and only accompanying them, as someone who was simply passing by there. I also saw Him in different indigenous villages and when He appeared, He was surrounded by indigenous children who looked to be between three and eight years old. While Saint Joseph was transmitting the daily message, the children who were accompanying Him, spiritually radiated Light to the different indigenous tribes of the world.

       Dear companions in Christ, Missionaries of love on this Earth in so much need of aid and of peace,

Today I come to you with joy, but also with much regret in the depth of My Chaste Heart. I come with joy because I knew that, when arriving to the world, I would find beings that are willing to be with Me wherever it is necessary. I come with regret because I cannot be indifferent to all that happens in the world and also in the universe as a repercussion of the events of the Earth.

Today I do not come only from the Middle East, I come from many places of this vast planet, where I can walk beyond the borders, since for Me they do not exist. I come mostly from the region of Chaco, in Argentina, and also from other villages and tribes of original peoples that humanity still does not know. And I am not alone, because I have brought to you the little ones who – from the plans of the spirit – radiate their purity to those human beings who have the mission to keep guarding the presence of the indigenous consciousness on the planet, so that purity and simplicity do not disappear from the human heart.

Many think that it would not be necessary to carry out two missions at the same time, and lucubrate thoughts, imagining the reason why we have asked a mission to the Chaco, since the missionaries are already going so far, to the Middle East.

I know that the typical ignorance of the ordinary human mind often does not allow you to think and feel like the Creator of all things thinks and feels. That is why I will explain some truths to you, with My request that you observe them and learn from them, so that when your time arrives, with its own discernments, you make important decisions – time in which We will no longer be able to dictate all the steps as now.

The indigenous consciousness, in general, has an important mission of guarding the purity in humanity and also the possibility of understanding nature and, through nature, finding God. The indigenous are guardians of unity, of life in community, in a peaceful and loving way. Throughout times, many were losing these attributes and the customs of the current humanity were influencing the different indigenous communities of the world.

In Argentina, the region of Chaco, as other places, is a space of the consciousness of the nation that – despite the abandonment and the suffering which it lives – has not lost the essence of what it is and keeps being a guardian of the purity, mainly for this nation.

As South America has a primordial role in the end of times, if Argentina itself does not take care of the treasure it has in Chaco, it might lose the possibility of living simplicity, humility, peace and purity, attributes that are primordial for the emergence of a new race.

This mission of consecrating the Americas to God is a responsibility of all those who correspond to this Work of the Lord, and you must be aware that which each people fulfills a primordial role in the construction of the New Earth.

Why do we send the missionaries to Chaco and, at the same time, to the Middle East? Because, while some will try to heal the pain, the suffering and the resentment of the beings who have left their lands, their homes, others will go to a similar situation of people who have also been removed from their lands and, however, have not lost hope.

May the purity of your indigenous brothers and sisters be radiated to the Middle East and may, thanks to the different missionaries who will compose these two missions and all the prayer groups that will support them, a connection of love and unity may happen, so that, through service, love strengthens the population of Chaco and so that the purity of this people, strengthened by love, reach the Middle East as a hope that, one day, they be able to live fraternity.

May in these two missions, both peoples rekindle hope of being among brothers and sister, in a world of cooperation, of fraternity, of unity with one another and all with God. All this can be achieved with the purity of intention and the heart united, perfectly, to the Heart of God, from where comes all the principles and archetypes for humanity.

Go ahead, missionaries of Christ, of Mary and of My Most Chaste Heart. We will be in Omnipresence with all, watching over the fulfillment of the Divine Purpose.

Your Father and Friend, Missionary of all hours,

The Most Chaste Saint Joseph


Seeking the Truth must be the only existent aspiration in the heart of those who walk to God.

Look, for a moment, within yourself and feel the presence of the Creator within you, calling you to recognize the true reason of the life manifested in the world.

Breathe deeply and feel the principle of unity in the air that fills your body. Be for the planet as the air that gives you life, and in perfect unity with you, nurture each space of your being, balance it and take it to perfection.

Be for the planet as the air you breathe in the field. Allow that, in your presence, the consciousness of this Earth takes a deep breath, alleviated to find something pure and clean.

You are a bridge between Heaven and Earth; that is why you exist as a human, to generate balance and to attract the unity with God.

Be as the fresh breeze in a very warm and sunny day. With your prayers and with your unity with God, you bring not only life to Earth, but also encouragement, relief and peace.

Go to a field and, in silence, close your eyes and feel nature, breathe deeply the air that surrounds you, let your soul be joyful when listening to the praise of a bird. Feel relieved from the pressure of life on Earth: see how, before Nature, your soul finds meaning for the existence in the world. You must be like this for the planet. That in your prayers it may find relief; that in your unity with your neighbor it may find hope; that in your communion with the Kingdoms it may find peace. That in your consciousness of the existence of a higher spirit that shelters you, giving life to your planet, this spirit may find the reason for its existence and the faith in the achievement of its mission.

Perceive with the heart that this world has a spirit, a spirit that suffers with the wars and that animates itself in fraternity. A spirit that is wounded by the depredation and restored by the brotherhood among the Kingdoms.

Feel yourselves as part of this consciousness. You can be an ill cell, that generates a cancer in the world, or you can be a miraculous cell, which converts others and brings, thus, healing for the planetary body.

Become conscious of Life. Be part of a Whole and dissolve such beloved individuality of the human consciousness. Be one with your neighbor, with the Kingdoms, with God. Bring the Celestial Kingdom as a living principle in your interior.

Cast away what is old and be yourselves the fruitful principle of the new world, of the new redeemed Earth.

May peace and hope be a reality in the human heart and may they impel humanity to the renovation of life and of spirit.

The Most Chaste Saint Joseph


Be like nature that, before a small sigh of love sent by God, shines and restores its spirit. Nature lives from the love she receives from Heaven. Her elements seek, in the fruitful Principle of God, the power to manifest.

The Kingdoms will only continue to exist if they can fulfill their function of also learning to love and to forgive.

Observe animals: how easily they forgive the mistakes of those they love, how joyfully they endure their evils, only by the faithfulness that lives in their hearts to those who care for them.

Human beings share their existence with the Kingdoms of Nature to rise to one another through communion with life in different forms.

In order for peace to be established and for the Kingdom of God to be one with the kingdom of this world, you must discover what each Kingdom and each element brings an experience to enrich the human process of learning, because if you do not learn how to love the Kingdoms of Nature, which constantly give of themselves to human beings and in every way try to assist in your learning experience of love, you will hardly be able to truly love your neighbor as they are.

If you feel that you do not know how to love or that you cannot love, try to take care of the Kingdoms of Nature, especially the Animal Kingdom, which pours out its love upon human beings even when it is so violated by them.

Realize, observing the Kingdoms, that the school of love is in all things. Above all, the Kingdoms of Nature permanently show you how to live the love that transcends the imperfections and even cures them.

I love you and, clamoring to the hearts to enter the path of learning love and forgiveness, I ask you to commune in unity with the Kingdoms of Nature.

Your Father and Companion, The Most Chaste Saint Joseph



Dear children,

Your Mother of Kibeho is already working in the whole of the Congo through the missionaries of peace. For such a just and honorable cause, the Celestial Father is granting extraordinary Graces, which will then be deposited in the heart of all of My children of the Congo.

With joy and also in prayer, your Heavenly Mother is entering the spaces of sorrow and poverty so that, through the victorious prayer of all, the souls most lost may find the path back to the Heart of the Celestial Father.

In this time when humanity faces the acute crises of the end of times, you will find relief mainly through prayer, through faith, and through absolute trust in God.

The Congo is a land wounded by destruction, by mining takeovers, and outrages to the kingdoms of nature, the ones that always pay the price for the bad decisions made by humankind. As humanity does not see the destruction of Creation as something serious, Mother Nature herself is groaning so that at least a space may exist for relief and reparation. Thus, children, volcanoes explode and the nations move through earthquakes and catastrophes.

And where is the spirit of love of humanity?

For this reason, children, the Universe is causing Its Law to descend and there will not be anyone in this entire world who will not receive the effect of what they generated for years.

Children, live in My Grace and trust in it; it is a fountain of wonders and of miracles for souls.

In this era I need your cooperation and humanitarian help so that even with so few servers, dedicated and available, the Plan and the Planet may be saved. My Grace is not known; It is invincible and divine for all of those who search for It with heart and with love.

Keep on praying for My missionaries of peace; the time shortens and the emergency grows in the whole of humanity.

I thank you for responding to My call!

Who gathers you and unites you to love,

Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace


Remember that I come every day to this world to bring you, through the holy prayer of the heart, a little more of My Peace and the Peace of the Universe.

For this I need strong souls that day by day are encouraged to live a sacrifice similar to the one that I lived once on the Cross; since now you must know that I always will be that Galilean who will help you to carry your own cross.

Now, in a cycle of intense definitions for the souls, My Heart tries to prepare you, through the consciousness, for that which is coming.  That One which will come to the world will purify it; at the same time nature, created by the wise hands of the Creator, will see itself liberated from all suffering that has been caused by this humanity.

You, with the Rosary in the hands, have the great key that will open the door to the liberation of matter and, in consequence, of the life of the spirit.  I open to you My Merciful Heart so that you may take refuge in It, because there is nothing more important than being able to live every day the union with God the Father.

Under the Glory that comes from God, be blessed.

Thank you for having hope in My Heart!

Christ Jesus


By means of the message, My Consciousness radiates to hearts the light and the expression of the Seven Rays.

As in a rainbow created by the infinity of elements, you will be able to encounter Me as the immaterial tone of light and color that will fulfill the needs of your lives. In these shades of colors and light forms your consciousness can enter with trust and faith. In this way you will be uniting to the merciful dimensions of My Heart.

See My Sacred Heart as an incandescent flame from which the shades of light and color emanate to the life of all beings. When My Seven Rays come in light and in color to your inner beings, My Priestly Consciousness prepares the temple where It waits to dwell perpetually.

Search in Nature, as in well as in all of the Creation, the light of My various Colors and Rays, because there will always be some of them for which you will feel fulfillment, love and affinity in your hearts.

If My Consciousness from Heaven, as well as from the Universe, did not present itself before humanity in light through the various rays, souls would have difficulty recognizing Me as the Universal Instructor.

For this reason, today I reveal to you the infinite greatness of My Love, that Love which comes from the Living God and which dwells always in the presence of His Firstborn Son.

Therefore, My Companions, get to know now how My Divine and indestructible Love is manifested in this time to the creatures and to the world.

Find Me within the shades of the rays and each time you see a rainbow, remember that My Merciful Heart is descending in Grace and in Pity through the colors of the seven rays.

Collect from your beings the fruits that have already matured and no longer disturb your lives for that which still has not been redeemed. Always try to give Me that aspect which is tough and impenetrable because I, as Your Beloved King, will always know what to do with it and where to lead it to. 

Only place all your being within the rays so that the joy of living in God and of serving God may descend into your spirits. Under this Christic impulse, you will renovate the old Earth and in this way My Seven Sacred Rays will consecrate the essences that are lost.

So that your hope of redeeming yourselves may be stronger than your self-will and so that love may emanate eternally and transmute your unknown aspects you will repeat with faith, devotion and divine conviction the following prayer:

Victorious Prayer
to the Seven Rays of Jesus

Sacred White Ray,
that emanates from the Heart of Jesus,
cultivate absolute purity in my being.

Sacred Blue Ray,
that emanates from the Heart
of Jesus, sow Pity in my consciousness.

Sacred Pink Ray,
that emanates from the Heart of Jesus,
transcend now my difficulties.

Sacred Golden Ray,
that emanates from the Heart of Jesus,
bring to my consciousness
Your sacred wisdom.

Sacred Green Ray,
that emanates from the Heart of Jesus,
heal my old wounds,
so that the new being may be born.

Sacred Golden-Ruby Ray,
that emanates from the Heart of Jesus,
nourish my consciousness
so that the divine gifts may awaken within it.

Sacred Violet Ray,
that emanates from the Heart of Jesus,
transmute my doubts, guilt,
sorrows and any curse,
so that my spirit may be one with Jesus
and may be one in God eternally.

Under the imperishable Light of the Father,
in Christ, now and always,
I live the spiritual mission.


Under the Grace of the Father, be blessed.

Thank you for receiving My words in the heart!

Christ Jesus, the Sacred Ray of Love.


My heart feels and receives today the embrace of your love. Today My Heart prays, prays for the world and in silence contemplates the great moment for the souls. For this My Sacerdotal Priesthood congregates in prayer the believers and not believers because the Immaculate Heart prepares and gestates the inner temple in the hearts, hearts where the Sacred Heart intends to dwell.

My dears, in the second day of vigil in which you will receive the Virginal and Maternal presence of the Mother of the World, I ask you that from now on you cultivate in yourselves a meek heart, a trusting heart that will have engraved the powerful standard of My Heart to achieve the victory of the Kingdom of Heavens in the opaque kingdoms of the Earth.

Above all things and situations I ask you to contemplate the greatness that My Father has created through Nature and through the Kingdoms. Every space manifested by the All Powerful must be contemplated with love and devotion because Creation must also be the motive of your perpetual prayer of the heart.

If you contemplate Creation, this divine manifestation of My Father will also be saved again. Some of My New Disciples must also take the torch of peace and love so that all may awaken to the urgent moment that, as humanity, we are living.

It is indispensable to watch for all in vigil and in prayer, in this way My Heart will pleased  by listening to your voices and by contemplating the beauty of your souls.

My dears, may the reason for your life be the consecration of your hearts to My Sacred Heart and thus, as souls, you will open the door to those to whom it has a long time been definitively closed to the life of spirit.

But My unfathomable Mercy returns before My Presence to liberate from the fire of hell those who have fallen in the abysses of illusion, desires and modernity. The magnificent key of your protection will be the love that you may live through prayer.

Under the Love of the Father, be blessed.

Thank you for guarding My last words in the heart, preparing words.

Peace on Earth.

Christ Jesus. 


Feel the subtle perfume of My prayers for humanity. Guard in your hearts the essence of faith. Awaken in your hearts the call to hope. Aid humanity together with Me by means of the prayer of the heart.

Dear children, accept My Good News because Jesus wants to dwell in your hearts forever. My children, today I call you to pray for the salvation of the Kingdoms of Nature and for the salvation of humanity. You hold in this world the greatest treasure that God has given you: nature, His Creation.

For this reason, dear children, pray for the salvation of each one of the elements of Creation. May your prayer reach the Heavens so that it may be heard by the Heart of God.

In your hands is the possibility of Mercy for the world. In your hands is prayer, the path towards the new and the good, the hope of a better world, which must live under the Laws of Love and Peace.

Little children, for all that to be possible you have the presence of My Helping Heart, of My maternal gaze upon each one of you. As the Queen of Peace I ask you to strengthen the path of prayer that you are lovingly realizing.

Know, dear children, that each moment of prayer helps a soul of this humanity.

When I call you to prayer I am calling you to become conscious before the need of Mercy. As the Lady of Graces I give you My Maternal Blessing and I invite you to go forward.

I thank you!

Thank you for responding to My call.

Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception of the Trinity


I will be in your heart when you allow Me to live in it. I will be your Blessed Mother when in trust you walk through My garden of roses.

I promise many Graces to the hearts when they are in absolute faith.

The conversion of life begins with the giving of the heart and the spirit. This allows you to discover silence to then find the new and the good that comes from the Lord.

Whoever waits in faith, resumes the path towards the Heavens because the spirit that prays to the Creator Father finds the favorite refuge within the Heart of My Son.

It is time to open the ears to hear the call that God sends you through the presence of My Maternal Heart.

Dear children, today I ask you to make your hearts become like pure water and to convert them so that they may be as beautiful as the nature created by God, the Source of Love and Compassion.

Be responsive to the requests of praying for the conversion of this humanity so that the Kingdom of Grace may permeate all hearts. It is time to repair the heart and the life of many of My children who, remaining distant from God, are deviated from the path of the aspiration to find the Redeeming Kingdom of Christ, the path of salvation.

Dear children, My voice will not tire of saying that you must change before the time that will come for the world; that you must confess daily with My Son and that you must fulfill the act of reconciliation through the Sacred Communion with His Heart of Peace. If you could have these exercises as fundamen- tal, the world would be able to reach some more time of peace.

You must have each one of these acts as something precious and practice them in the name of all those children who do not do so.

I thank you for your response!

Thank you for responding to My call.

Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception of the Trinity


Who are we?

Association Mary
Founded in December of 2012, at the request of the Virgin Mary, Association Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception, is a religious association without ties to any institutionalized religion. It has a philosophical-spiritual, ecumenical, humanitarian, charitable, cultural character, and it supports all activities that are indicated through the instructions transmitted by Christ Jesus, the Virgin Mary, and Saint Joseph. Read more
