In the hour of My Mercy, I have much to give to souls, but the majority are not encouraged to drink of My prodigies, from the Fount of Living Water, because in many cases they put their attention in other places and not upon Me.
The souls of the world sometimes wonder about the reason and the motive for their suffering, and the first thing they do is blame God for the consequences they live, when in reality, they are the result of their own acts.
But in the Hour of Mercy, My prodigious Heart has the power to reverse many evils and misunderstandings, as long as souls trust in My Merciful Heart.
I encourage My true followers to spread the redemptive Work of My Mercy so that souls may learn to not make hasty decisions that affect humanity.
I invite you to seek humility within your beings so that the Truth may someday set you free.
I thank you for keeping My Words in your hearts!
Who blesses you,
Your Master, Christ Jesus
Transmuters are souls consecrated to be victims of the Love of Christ in order to transform, sublimate and liberate the contrary and dense currents that hinder spiritual ascent and the evolution of consciousness.
Transmuters are absolutely at the service of Christ, and, in silence, without recognition or comments, they relieve the pain of the world.
Transmuters are directly chosen by the Hierarchy because this is a task, a need of the Plan, and part of the Divine Will.
Nobody can declare themselves as a transmuter, since that state of consciousness depends on the alignment with the Hierarchy.
In most cases, purifiers exist, which are consciousnesses that, in a permanent and slow way, are purifying themselves, cleaning the spiritual register of their debts and errors through the impulse of a Higher Law that comes to their assistance, such as Mercy.
The Law of Mercy places those who are miserable of spirit within the energy of Grace but, for this to be possible, they must purify themselves.
Transmuters do not have a specific hour or time for this task. This mission of liberating and sublimating, through transmutation, is something the spirit learns throughout time and it has nothing to do with anything personal.
In these times, the Lord will call more transmuters to His service due to the need of the planet and the chaos of humanity.
I thank you for keeping My Words in your heart!
Who blesses you,
Your Master, Christ Jesus
Second Message
I bless you all in the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.
From the Heart of the Universe comes the Instruction for humanity.
It has always been like this, but today I am inviting you to enter with Me into one special Source of Instruction and knowledge, which until today has been inexhaustible, which has always remained alive throughout times.
Today I am talking to you especially from the Pleiades, an inner place from which much knowledge arose before the origins of the Earth, before the manifestation of the first humanity.
From this place many spirits were sent, wise consciousnesses that had their formation in knowledge and gave Instruction to the world throughout the times.
Therefore, Instruction must be considered as the first rule of life, the one which will always lead you to straighten the path and maintain your consciousnesses on High.
Today the Pleiades, as stars, make themselves present and come to meet the self-summoned so that they may feel within themselves the impulses of the Universe, impulses that will be revealed for the manifestation of the Plan of God in humanity.
For these critical times, the Pleiades keep participating in your humanity, they keep pouring out their knowledge upon the sphere of the Earth so that, in the spiritual plane, everything may be conceived and later be lived by the human consciousnesses on this surface.
May you understand today how much sacred knowledge has arisen from these great stars of the Pleiades which, time and again, emits impulses to the whole Universe so that the consciousnesses may catch the information that they need to be able to grow internally, and thus be bearers of peace.
Attract toward yourselves this superior consciousness of knowledge and Instruction, thus you will always hold in your lives this extended hand that will be the guide of Instruction, which will lead you to forge, in your true beings, that which you came to fulfill and live in these final times.
It is time to reignite this commitment within you, this sacred memory with the Universe and all its Instruction.
Instruction is like a wellspring that is never exhausted, it is like the river that never ceases to run to bathe the fields and the forests, to nourish the land with its wealth and minerals.
See, then, this sacred knowledge as something vital, because the last impulses are now coming to humanity, they are being poured out for the formation of the New Humanity.
From this place, receive all the love of Instruction. Receive in your hearts the impulse of something sacred that comes to unveil the new being and to bring Truth to the consciousness, without allowing it to become confused nor be deceived by the supposed instructions that will come from other paths.
I told you once that by your fruits you will be known. Instruction will be this key that will reveal that which is hidden and will leave in evidence in what is not true.
For this reason, each word that comes from knowledge and Instruction is vital because it will make of your beings consciousnesses free of themselves, from the constant current of errors of the race of these times.
The sacred knowledge will help you reverse the chaos of these times, it will help you to transform and vivify everything, in the plentitude that knowledge and Instruction have, because they come from the Source.
May the Sun, which can awaken in your heart, recognize this legacy.
Sacred instructions from the Pleiades are sent to humanity to form the last disciples, to make of each consciousness a teraphim of the new cycle.
I invite you to revive what is sacred in the Universe, what comes from such faraway places of the Cosmos so that you recognize your true identity and thus not be disturbed by the material life, by the human condition, by the errors and the suffering.
May you find this portal of exit to the heart of the Pleiades, in which the first rule of Instruction is the prayer of the Wise Spirits that have given of themselves throughout the times to serve humanity, to help elevate the consciousness to the true purpose and to the true meaning of existence.
See, then, companions, the importance of knowledge in these times. There are many who are still in the desert, seeking the water of life to quench their thirst, but cannot find it because they are within themselves.
Now that I have opened this Source for you, go and drink, drink of this knowledge as if it were the last water that existed on the planet, to give the most wonderful codes of the Universe and of the Brotherhood, to bring to your consciousnesses the true memory of their commitments signed in the Universe, as original essences, as part of a great Project, that has not ended yet.
Commune, then, with the wonders of the Pleiades and of its Constellation.
Feel the love of the Pleiades beat in your hearts and, in this sacred symphony, emit your ray of gratitude to that which is superior so that more keys may be given to humanity, so that more inner Christs may awaken and thus the talents in all beings may be shown; talents which will be at the service of your Master and Lord for the end of these times, and that, united, will be essential for the Work of redemption.
Emit, then, your song of gratitude to the Universe, may your spirits embrace this flame of knowledge and may it be welcomed in the depths of your beings in order to awaken the virtues that are necessary to remove the majority from spiritual drowsiness and inertia.
May the treasures of the Pleiades show themselves today to the simple hearts.
May the light of the Pleiades radiate to the humble hearts and may the consciousnesses commune with that which truly exists and has always been eternal.
This will safeguard the last Tribes of Israel, which are in the world to fulfill the great prophecy of the return of your Lord.
Be brave and say “yes” in trust.
Receive this encouragement and this hope from the Universe in these critical moments of humanity and the planet so that the true attributes and principles of evolutionary life are not erased from the memory of humanity, but are present for the most urgent times of humanity.
I embrace and hold My Heart in those who truly hear Me, in those who, above all, understand and adhere to My Purpose.
I also pray for those who do not understand Me and for those who do not follow Me, because everything will be in evidence someday, and this is not far away from happening.
For this, I pray, for this I implore, and for this I invoke My Father.
In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.
"Humanitarian Colombia" is a mission that promotes peace and humanitarian service for those who are most in need. In this instance, for all who are exiled from their nation and take refuge in other countries, in search of a new life, far from the horror and conflicts that these certain nations live.
"Humanitarian Colombia" is one more hand that extends towards the humanity of the Earth, so that, as a bridge of service and fraternity, souls may reencounter the meaning and hope of being part of a new race.
This mission constitutes the synthesis of all the humanitarian missions that were done in the last times.
Given the important service intervention and social aid that Fraternidade performs through its body of original missionaries and of missionaries in training, this new mission will attend to the other part of one of the many social and humanitarian imbalances that exist.
Fraternidade, as a missionary essence of service of unconditional love for the one who suffers, is called by the Consciousness of the Spiritual and Instructing Hierarchy to reunite its humanitarian and spiritual efforts with the aim of relieving human and inner suffering.
The fraternal foundations that Fraternidade has already manifested, attending to the migratory crisis in Roraima, Brazil, opened the doors of consciousness so that the true missionary and selfless spirit could come, this time, to Colombia, so that this network of light, of service and, especially, of love among brothers and sisters, may reach those who wait and cry out for it.
For the new mission "Humanitarian Colombia" the Hierarchy will broaden the action of its planetary work and Fraternidade, which will be united to the UN through UNHCR and UNICEF, will try to rebuild the human and voluntary spirit through works of service and social assistance.
With the presence of the monastic Grace Mercy Order, the missionary life will count on the arm of spiritual assistance of union and contact with the Hierarchy, so that everything that will be removed and worked from the psyche, and the inner world of consciousnesses, may find a path where it can be led and released.
Fraternidade, by assuming the two fronts of planetary work through the mission "Humanitarian Roraima" and now through "Humanitarian Colombia", from the next cycle and in the course of the year 2019, will begin to embrace, with the missionary life and together with the Hierarchy, other humanitarian works in Africa, Asia and Oceania.
The formation, actualization and training for emergency cases of the new volunteer missionaries will help in the future of a new consciousness, based on the protection and safety of the fellow being and of the one that suffers the most.
For this initial mission of "Humanitarian Colombia" the Youth Campaign for Peace and some of its members will be summoned to participate and establish the first foundations so as to relieve pain through love.
I thank you for keeping My Words in your hearts!
Who blesses you,
Your Master, Christ Jesus
Third Series of Poems
Fourth Poem of a Soul to the Sacred and Blessed Heart of Jesus
may my Soul be capable
of achieving transparency
in consecration.
May I not tire
of taking steps towards You, my Lord,
so that I may gradually abandon
all that which time and again
separates me from You.
Make me
divested of self, Lord.
May Your feeling of Love
and Mercy for the neighbor
be my feeling of love
and mercy for others.
Liberate me from the heavy chains
that make me regress
and do not allow me to move forward.
Liberate my heart, Lord,
from all evil, betrayal and disdain.
May I learn to sustain myself in You
so that I may manage to represent You
on the surface of the Earth.
Dear Jesus,
make me see everything beyond,
as it truly is.
Make me understand my fellow being,
just as You understood and accepted
those who rejected You, martyrized You and humiliated You
at the foot of the Cross.
Help me, Lord,
to live unconditional
and Christic Love.
Help me to surpass
the layers of appearances
and may I be able to see You
in each human heart.
I thank you for keeping the words of this Soul in your hearts!
Who blesses you,
Your Master, Christ Jesus
Third Series of Poems
Second Poem of a Soul to the Sacred and Blessed Heart of Jesus
Lord of Kindness,
placate the injustice
that is shown
before Your Eyes.
Relieve the inner pain
of those who truly suffer.
Place Your consoling Love
into the sick souls
and do not cease to guide me,
not even for a moment.
Beloved Jesus,
You know we are weak
and fragile of spirit,
You know we wound Your Heart
time and again with our
indifferent acts,
You know we do not do what we could
but rather we do what we should not.
Patient and beloved Jesus,
enter deeply
into our hearts
and tear out from us
all pride and arrogance
so that, free from the prisons of life,
we may humbly learn
to console You and adore You.
Sustain us during our falls.
Protect us in our weaknesses,
and always liberate us from ourselves
so that we may be worthy
of honoring and glorifying You
as the Savior and Redeemer
of our lives.
May we not abandon You.
May we abandon ourselves in You, Lord,
so that Your Sacred Will may be fulfilled.
I thank you for keeping the words of this Soul in your hearts!
Who blesses you,
Your Master, Christ Jesus
Third Series of Poems
First Poem of a Soul to the Sacred and Blessed Heart of Jesus
what shall I do with so many
Graces within my consciousness?
I ask You, beloved Lord,
make me worthy of receiving them,
one by one.
Make my heart small and humble
so that I may have the happiness
of knowing Your Wonders.
You know, dear Jesus,
that I am not worthy
of so many mercies.
Help me to deepen into love,
as You did
in each step of Calvary.
How is it possible to love
that which would be unforgivable, Lord?
Tear out from my being
all pride and arrogance.
That in each moment,
dear Master,
I may be able to sustain myself in You
so that I may have enough bravery
to surpass
my own feelings,
my hardest resistances
and all the obstacles
that separate me from You
and from Your Truth.
May I be able to humiliate myself
as many times as needed
so that in the resignation
of my personality,
beloved Lord,
I can transform
the human condition
that has always condemned
and punished me.
Sacred Liberator of life,
Blessed Jesus!
make me nothing in every moment
and submit me to Your unchanging Will
so that any trace
of personal power may vanish
from my consciousness and thus I may be able to live
Your magnificent Will.
I thank you for keeping the words of this Soul in your hearts!
Who blesses you,
Your Master, Christ Jesus
Second Series of poems
Tenth Poem of a Soul to the Sacred and Blessed Heart of Jesus
Liberate my Soul, dear Jesus,
from all the inventions of the world,
may it awaken
to purity and compassionate love
by means of Your divine
and powerful intercession.
Lord, make me free
of resentments and guilt.
Build, through my service to You,
all the plans and gifts
that You, Beloved Lord,
have thought of.
Consecrate me to You, Lord,
even in the moments of test
and the challenges of life.
Make me a partaker
in the Sacrament of Reconciliation
and that every day I may
confess to You openly
so that my small spirit may be renewed
for as long as You,
Master of Love,
may consider.
Embrace me, Lord
during the cold nights.
Shelter me upon Your lap, Lord,
so that close to Your kind Heart
I may be able to adore You as the Great living and
divine Temple of God.
I give You thanks
for granting me Your eternal Peace.
I thank you for keeping the words of this Soul in your hearts!
Who blesses you,
Your Master, Christ Jesus
Second Series of Poems
Eighth Poem of a Soul to the Sacred and Blessed Heart of Jesus
O My Lord!
make me patient and persevering
just as You were
in each moment of Your Passion.
May I see, reflected in everything,
the Divine Will of God,
and even if sometimes it may seem unfair to me, Lord,
allow me to always
see the purpose of the Truth
that emanates in each deed.
Small and invisible, I want to be, Lord Jesus,
just as You made Yourself small
and simple in humanity.
May my steps reflect
the absolute trust
of being able to follow You.
Elevate my consciousness
in state and vibration
so that from now on,
beloved Jesus,
I may find the meaning
of everything that could happen.
May my inner hearing
not close; may it open,
just as my heart opens
to recognize Your Presence
in my brothers and sisters.
Help me, Lord,
to understand life
beyond what it seems to be.
Help me to experience
each test or obstacle
with the importance they have
for reaching the transcendence of my being.
Liberate me from myself,
in all senses and forms.
May You, my Jesus,
be the One who acts, proceeds
and manifests the Supreme Will
in order that, someday,
I may learn to die to myself
so that You, Sacred King,
may live in me
I thank you for keeping the words of this Soul in your hearts!
Who blesses you,
Your Master, Christ Jesus
Second Series of Poems
Fifth Poem of a Soul to the Sacred and Blessed Heart of Jesus
definitively liberate me
from my rotten miseries.
Wash me completely,
inside and out,
with the blessed Water
that springs from Your Sacred Heart.
Clean me and liberate me
from all atavisms
so that, renewed
by Your Spirit,
I may, once and for all, manage to
take the steps in Your redeeming Path.
Decompress the pressures of life.
My Jesus,
place Your holy Hands upon me
and, imposing the power
of all the Universe,
exorcise me, Lord,
so that finally I may
be liberated from the ties
and from all the prisons of life.
Keep me beside You, Lord.
Keep me close to You
and renew me constantly
and may I not lose the Grace
of transforming, day by day.
Under Your paternal Light,
close all uncertain doors
that may have been opened.
Close, within me,
any uncertain state
that separates me from Your Divine Love.
Grant me, Lord,
the opportunity of living You and of feeling You.
Grant me the Grace
of being able to be in communion with You
after having been purified.
Grant me the Mercy that I need
to be able to learn to forgive myself
and my brothers and sisters.
Build within me, Lord,
the New Brotherhood.
I thank you for keeping the words of this Soul in your hearts!
Who blesses you,
Your Master, Christ Jesus
First Series of Poems
Twelfth Poem of a Soul to the Sacred and Blessed Heart of Jesus
It is in the most difficult hours
when I most need You, Lord,
so that you may liberate me from falling into temptation
and into the perverse sea of desires.
It is in the most difficult hours, beloved Lord,
when I most need You
so that You may teach me to come out,
in victory and humility,
from the inner tempest.
It is in the most difficult hours, Lord,
when I most seek You
so that You may reach out
Your sacred Hand towards me
and guide me along the path
that You are going through.
It is in the most difficult hours, Lord,
when I most call for You
so that Your Heart may be the beacon
that illuminates my paths,
and thus, I may avoid stumbling
upon my own shortcomings.
It is in the most difficult hours, Lord,
when I invoke You,
because I know that Your Spirit will save me
and come to assist Your sheep.
It is in the most difficult hours, Lord,
when I most implore You,
because, in spite of all the tests,
I know You will never abandon me
and that You will be by my side
to help me and comfort me.
In the most difficult hours, Lord,
I only seek the way and the means
of remaining in Your Sacred Heart,
because thus all adversity
and doubt will dissolve
and Your magnificent sovereignty
and Your majestic consoling Love will reign.
I thank you for keeping the words of this Soul in your hearts!
Who blesses you,
Your Master, Christ Jesus
First Series of Poems
Eleventh Poem of a Soul to the Sacred and Blessed Heart of Jesus
Raise me from the ground, Lord,
even if I fall into temptation,
just as you raised Mary Magdalene
from the ground of perdition.
Liberate me, Lord,
from the harassments and attacks.
Temper my heart
so that I may receive from You
the strength that I now seek
and that I need.
Help me, my Beloved,
to find inner paradise.
Help me in the difficult and hard hours
to only look upon the horizon
so that for an instant I may feel within me
Your Return.
May I feel, dear Jesus,
that every effort for You is worthwhile,
that despite the tempests,
internal and external,
You are always present,
imposing upon me
Your Sacred Hands
of blessing and healing.
And under the divine breath of the Holy Spirit,
dear Jesus,
may I have clarity and discernment
in the decisions of life.
May I never tire of seeking
the consecration to Your Divine Heart.
May in every moment
Your trust and Your Love invade me
so that I may learn like You,
beloved Lord,
to stand up from the ground
and continue, with patience,
carrying my own cross
until reaching the sacred victory
that Your redemption will give me.
I thank you for keeping the words of this Soul in your hearts!
Who blesses you,
Your Master, Christ Jesus
First Series of Poems
Ninth Poem of a Soul to the Sacred and Blessed Heart of Jesus
Lord, although my soul
is poor and imperfect,
I beg You, beloved Jesus,
to avail Yourself of it
so that You may carry out
Your infinite and prodigious
Work of Love and Redemption.
Dear Jesus,
may this weak
and fragile soul be strengthened.
May Your Divine Fire, Lord,
lead me to some day find
the sacred Gift of Your innocence
so that,
according to the designs,
I too may be able to awaken
the Gift similar
to Your inner Purity.
Make me meek, Jesus.
Make me humble
and above all truthful
so that in these imperfect eyes
may be reflected Your loving and peaceful Gaze,
so that the most lonely and suffering Souls
may find, through my offering,
Your powerful Celestial Presence.
For this, Lord,
liberate me from my desires,
liberate me from all ostentation and want.
That my heart be as simple as Yours.
Because my only wish, dear Jesus,
is to please You and share with You
the heavy Cross that You
still carry for the world.
Hear my supplication, Lord,
and make me once again
worthy of being before You.
Because, even though
I still do not understand
the power of Your mysteries,
I accept with love
all of Your Divine Wills.
May today Your Celestial Project
be fulfilled in me, Lord,
so that some day You can testify,
through me, Your Work of Redemption
before the Celestial Father.
I thank you for keeping the words of this Soul in your hearts!
Who blesses you,
Your Master, Christ Jesus
First Series of Poems
Eighth Poem of a Soul to the Sacred and Blessed Heart of Jesus
Liberate me, Lord,
from the fear of any pain
that I may have to face.
May this liberation,
that only You will grant me through Your Grace,
help me to learn from suffering
and to not fear it.
Because I know, Lord,
that in everything there is a reason
and You, My Beloved, give us wisdom
to be able to understand it and accept it,
just as You silently and humbly accepted it
in the Garden of Gethsemane.
Grant me, Lord,
the opportunity of seeing
the holy redemption everywhere
and how the powerful Love of Your Heart
transforms all and cures all.
Stay with me, Lord,
in every moment,
at least until I learn
to recognize Your Will
and to fulfill it, step by step.
In the difficult and bitter moments
let me be close to You, just to contemplate You
in the luminous power of Your Holy Eucharist.
That by means of this offering, Lord,
I may find the strength and much courage,
every day, to overcome
my ideas, likes and satisfactions.
Make me surrender at Your Feet, Lord,
so that my pride,
vanity and arrogance may kiss them,
and all adversity or inner selfishness
may be dissolved by the balm of Your Light.
I trust in You, dear Jesus.
You, who know my weaknesses,
transform them all,
even though my sacrifice is just
a small grain of sand
in this vast Universe.
I thank you for keeping the words of this Soul in your hearts!
Who blesses you,
Your Master, Christ Jesus
First Series of Poems
Fifth Poem of a Soul to the Sacred and Blessed Heart of Jesus
You expired, my Jesus, on the height of the Cross
and surrendered Your Spirit into the Hands of God.
Today, before Your merciful Presence,
I surrender to You my whole life, my Soul and my will,
so that according to Your Principles of Love and Light
You may project into this small life
the sacred treasures of Paradise.
My Jesus,
make me always small and similar to You,
as You did with John, the apostle and prophet,
so that I may be able to know the greatnesses
of Your Mercy and of Your Pity.
Empty me completely from within
so that someday I may render myself to Your designs
with total openness and unconditional surrender.
Do not let me fall into temptation, Lord.
Liberate me from harassments,
liberate me from illusions.
Ignite within my Soul
the sacred fire of the Holy Spirit.
Because thus I will make You known in the world,
just as You, my Spouse,
have made Yourself known
with all Your celestial mysteries
to my very tiny heart.
Help me, beloved Jesus,
to recognize Your Will
even in the smallest details.
Do not cease to guide me
and bless me in any moment.
Erase from my memory all mistakes
and fears of failure.
May I avail myself, Lord, of Your eternal confidence
so that one day I may be worthy
of witnessing Your Return.
I thank you for keeping the words of this Soul in your hearts!
Who blesses you,
Your Master, Christ Jesus
First Series of Poems
Fourth Poem of a Soul to the Sacred and Blessed Heart of Jesus
Above all, beloved Jesus,
liberate me from the chains and from the ties of desires
so that my human condition may be completely purified.
That by means of Your Body and Your Blood
I may reach the ennoblement of cells and of all matter.
May I become ever crystalline within Your Hands
so that You, my Lord,
may be able to use my consciousness
as a sacred mirror,
and all the attributes of Your Heart
may be poured into the souls of this humanity.
May the Love of Your Heart become known to the world
by means of the sacrifice of my life and of my whole consciousness.
For this, Lord, faithfully make me a partaker
of Your Sacred Sacraments
so that in each one of them
I may find a reason to make my life
each day more sacred and elevated.
Remove from my consciousness, dear Jesus,
these inferior aspects that dominate me and rule my life,
because I only hope and await that Your Divine Light
may become present in the deepest spaces and corners of my being
so that You may reveal to me the true reality of my consciousness
and in constant offering I may transform everything.
Make me similar to the apostles,
in consecration and in surrender.
Allow me, Lord, to demonstrate to You,
even in the small details,
how it is that I love You and how much I love You
through my brothers and sisters.
That all this not be a way or form
to boast my consciousness
and even less to make it shine before others.
Empty me of myself completely, Divine Jesus,
that in everything I may serve You.
But grant me the Grace of an anonymous and silent service
so that other hearts may find You before I do
and that I may only be a model
according to Your Principles and Designs.
Blessed Jesus,
convert all that which I do not manage to transform
and guide me until I am able to walk by Your side
with total trust and surrender
I thank you for keeping the words of this Soul in your hearts!
Who blesses you,
Your Master, Christ Jesus
Second Message
I would like that the world could comprehend what I live and what I feel, but I know that it is too unknown for most of My companions to be able to comprehend what I truly need for this cycle, in which humanity agonizes hour after hour, time after time.
I have come here to share what I Am and all that I have.
I do not come to ask what the world can not give Me, but rather I come to ask what the world can give Me.
When you are emptied, I can do everything and My Mercy can pour even more on those that listen to My Voice and to My Word, and make it part of them in each moment of life, as in each opportunity to serve expanding the consciousness in the grades of love and forgiveness.
What God has sent us to do here, in Portugal and in Europe, is too big, something that will not be tangible to the sight of many, but it will be known by those who open their heart to be able to comprehend the Work of the Hierarchy, and how the Spiritual Hierarchy builds it, from cycle to cycle and through the servers.
May the desire to know My Mysteries not be lacking in you.
May the motivation to fulfill My designs not be lacking in you.
May the encouragement to carry forward My Will not be lacking in you.
Because everything I have thought, Thought which comes from the Divine Mind of the Father, should be fulfilled, so that, through the love for the cross, which so many live, humanity can truly redeem itself and without prejudices.
Thus, My Mercy is the Source that grants and realizes everything.
Remember that you can not come to the Father except through Me.
And to come to the Father through Me, you shall pass through the Source of My Divine Mercy, to what you realize and perceive that you shall forgive yourselves and shall forgive others.
You must forgive the past and the present.
You must forgive everything that is internal and also external.
You must forgive that which you do not accept and you must forgive that which hurts you.
Thus the world will be able to change and it will not be necessary to suffer anymore, it will not be necessary that some souls offer themselves to suffering and to this state so unknown by the world.
To cross the door of suffering for the world is to cross the Door to My Heart, to a space where many, in these times, do not want to see the reality for fear of knowing it deeply.
But if I offered Myselt to the cross for you, there will be nothing to fear.
I offer you tirelessly to help me carry that cross, which is the cross of the World, the cross of Redemption and Mercy, the cross of awakening and the uplift of consciousness.
But that cross which I offer to each one of your lives is a cross that must be released; and this begins in yourselves, so that after it can be given to the world and especially to humanity.
To release humanity of their suffering is something very big and unknown.
Because of this, very few are the summoned to this task, to this special mission, where you do not have conscience of what it means and what it represents; but you have conscience by feeling and realizing what you live, step by step.
Through My Mercy I need to repair the world and replace the negative streams that imprison humanity more and more.
With your "yes" I will be able to do many more things.
With your surrender, I will be able to grant much more Graces.
With your unconditionality, I will be able to help and assist the world and those who give Me their backs, those who deny Me, those who offend God through their examples and ways of life.
Until humanity does not learn to truly love, it should pass through the Law of Suffering. I came to the world to be able to teach you how to release yourselves of it and to enter into the Law of My Grace and of My Mercy.
Still from My Side, continues sprouting the Precious Blood of your Master and Lord. That Blood spills over the world and over the consciousness of humanity, in order to justify, by means of all the prayers that invoke My Divine Mercy, the serious mistakes and outrages that the world commits today, in these critical times.
Through the Blood that sprouts from My Side, I come to justify the mistakes of the nations, the peoples and of all humanity, and of each one of the beings that live on the surface of this planet.
Through My Blood, I come to justify and to repair the things before God; the facts that submit and condemn the heart of men and the lives of all creatures.
Because from the Garden of Gethsemane, at that moment so acute for the Life of your Lord, I already knew that this moment would come and that I should be present to testify what My Father once showed Me there.
But I also come to testify the Work of My Mercy that transcends the times and forms, the ways of life and the customs.
I come to testify to those who in these times follow Me and congregate around your Lord, to confirm His Presence in the world and especially in the hearts, in the divine essence of each being; In spite of the corruption of these times and the injuries of many, of many children of God.
I come, through the Blood that sprouts from My Side in this moment, to repair My Church, which as you see is crumbling.
That is why, you are called to be joined to this moment with your Master and Lord; to do something for the others, something more real and deep, that can bring healing to the wounded souls and hearts which once believed in My Church and have rejected it because of its actions and experiences.
I come to renew, on this day, the sacrifice of the Lamb of God so that there are no longer immolated lambs in this final time.
Because the Blood that your Lord poured from His Side has been enough, in order that this testimony of love will remain through the times and until the moment of His Return for the second time to humanity.
Renew the sacrifice of the Lamb of God every day.
Do not forget that the bread and wine should always be on the table of your Redeemer, so that day after day, moment after moment, you commune of My Body and my Blood; and so the life will be renewed in spite of the events and the cruelties of this final time.
I would like that you understand, My companions, in a universal way and in a deeper and more open manner, that the legacy that testified your Master and Lord together with His apostles at the Last Supper cannot be lost; it will not be able to disappear nor fade itself from the heart of men.
Until now I did not reveal what truly happened in the Last Supper on the level of Consciousness of the Spirit and the Celestial Universe, but that moment is approaching, that hour is coming; it is the last Gift I will give to the world for the true expression of priestly and Christic life in souls.
You know that this legacy should always be your treasure, your inspiration and your life. May the communion with Christ not be forgotten, not a single day, even if your bodies can no longer endure.
Refuge yourselves in My Heart and everything will pass.
The Flame of My Love is stronger than all the evils of the world and all grievances.
I can transform what you can not, if you permit Me. But, while you do not permit Me, as the world, in its most part, does not permit Me, my thirst will still be very big and bitter.
I will feel the bitterness, in this time, greater than when they gave Me gall to drink on the cross. That is the symbol of the indifference of humanity that should be extirpated from the consciousness of the men and women of the Earth; so that exists an extraordinary Grace of awakening and of having consciousness of what it is to really live the Plan of God on Earth. So your bravery will be indispensable for these times.
That your inner fire never extinguishes and your inner flame illuminates the darkness that permeates the Earth by its insecurity and its offense.
That is why I said that this will be the Marathon of sacrifice, the moment of surrendering the heart into My Hands, so that I can offer it as a justifiable testimony to My Father and His Kingdom for the grievances of the world and indifference.
That nobody misses the opportunity to understand what I am saying and expressing.
That nobody misses the opportunity to remember My Words and to make them part of you, because they are the last words that I Am saying to the world before everything happens.
That is the reason why I come with My Divine Mercy, trying to expand it and extend it in time, despite if there is no time; so that the souls enter into the Ocean of My Love and reparation, so that the cure be granted in all spirits.
Do not stop helping me on this Pilgrimage for Peace, because it will not only be the peace that We will give you, but also the conscience of knowing that it is time to change and live the Commandments of God, as it were written in the beginning.
That will renew My Church, that will grant souls the Grace of living me fully again.
May the Blood of My Side wash your inner worlds.
May the Blood of My Side wash your souls.
May the Blood of My Side pour completely over you, so that the Sacrifice of the Lamb be even more justifiable in front of Creation.
In the name of the father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.
First Message
That being with Me not be a commitment, but an essential need for these times.
I do not come to ask the impossible, but what in truth you can give Me, because I see it and feel it.
Just as My Mother from Heaven, today I step with My feet on the head of the serpent of the curse, the usurping and invading serpent, and thus I liberate the hells, the souls and, above all, the peoples.
Today My Work begins here, in this place of Portugal, because it too needs of My Mercy; despite all the events that have happened in other times and all the Graces that have descended on this country.
But now we are in a definitive moment, in which the participation of each one of My companions is essential.
This is the answer that I will receive from you, in order to continue carrying out My Work, this time, in this part of the world, in Europe, but also in other places where My Divine Mercy is needed to be able to continue forward.
Now the time has come for My companions to give everything for love, and this message is for everyone.
The time has come for You to match Me, to be so similar to Me, not only in spirit but also in the work.
While I am with you, I decompress humanity from evil and allow the souls to immerse themselves in My Infinite Ocean of Mercy.
All those who can enter it will be important, because the Source is closing as Divine Justice approaches.
All those who can be safe, will be important, because thus I will be able to give testimony before My Father, that the souls respond to My requests and My commands.
I am here not only for Portugal, but also for all of Europe that must awaken to the essence of My Divine Mercy; and to be able to awaken to the essence of My Mercy, it must understand it and above all live it, in these very crucial times, in which love and indifference struggle.
I need you to be part of this Source of Mercy while you are here, on this planet, forming a part of this humanity.
May each act or each feeling be a part of My Divine Mercy.
May each offer or donation of yours be part of My Divine Mercy, so that My Redemptive Cross can triumph once again.
The time is already here, and by means of this Pilgrimage, entering to the most culminating moment of humanity, in which there will no longer be what to choose, but only one path to follow, which is the path toward My Heart, which I tirelessly offer to the world, so that souls may serve themselves of My merits and of all the treasures that the Father Himself has granted to My Divine Consciousness.
But you know, companions, that as much as I am in Heaven, I Am the same as you, as a man, as soul and spirit; that My resurrected Body and My whole Consciousness rose to Heaven to be protected from these times and, especially, to prepare for the moment of the great return to humanity.
We are on that transition and on that path, we are waiting for that great moment, when everything will be unleashed, inside and outside of creatures.
Meanwhile, drink from the Source of My Mercy so you can purify and cleanse yourselves.
May your acts be full of love.
May your words be full of wisdom and not of low vibrations.
May your works be full of charity and Mercy.
May your gestures be gestures of light and elevation of your consciousness, and of the consciousness of all humanity; so that when I return I may find you transformed, without the need to purify you a little more nor of asking you to remain for a longer time on Earth and you cannot return with Me to Heaven.
What I say to you at this moment is not symbolic, it is a truth that My Heart emanates.
But when I return to the world, many, many souls will find it hard to recognize Me because I will return different from how I went to the Universe.
But My Voice will be recognized, My Glorified and living Heart will be seen, and all will be able to be witnesses of My five main Wounds of Light, which I will impart, as the light of more than hundreds of suns, to bless the Earth and convert it into redemption.
When all that is about to happen, hearts must already be clean, without arrogance, without pride, without conceit and, above all, without evil.
Because in order for the Kingdom of God to enter you, you must be worthy of the Kingdom of God.
And the Kingdom of God will be able to enter within you when your hearts are clean of themselves and full of the surrender that they will share with their Master and Lord, transmuting and releasing the pain of the world and the suffering that imprisons and makes the souls agonize.
This is the cross that I offer to very few, because the reward, which will not be of this world, is very great, for those who carry it with Me, and with courage.
The moment has come for the cross of this humanity, which has been perverted and outraged, to be redeemed and to shine as a victory of Light and Love, of Unity and Brotherhood, so similar to the Cross on which I was nailed to on the top of Mount Calvary; in this redemption you will unite to the Essence of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit.
But there is still much to be done, there is much to be done with so few.
However, you will not lack the Force of My Spirit; because whoever is in Me, My Spirit will make invincible and will give them the strength to be able do everything, according to My designs and My Will.
Thus I tell you today, companions, especially for those who hear this message, on this first day of Marathon, who have made the effort and gotten up early to receive Me in your hearts from the other side of the world, those that I will count on, because they will not be warm or cold hearts, they will be hearts in which I can trust infinitely and without exceptions, without justifications and without claims.
Again I tell you that it is time to give everything for those who do not give it; and when the time of My return comes, you will be blessed as those who are in the Heavens, you will be recognized for the cause of having suffered and endured for Me, like so many saints and so many servants of the last times.
May this Marathon of Divine Mercy be the marathon of sacrifice and of the institution of Divine Forgiveness among the peoples and the nations that conquered and harmed one another, transgressing the Laws of God and the attributes of evolution.
Through the Source and Ocean of My Divine and Unfathomable Mercy, may the deepest wounds of human suffering be closed, from the moment of My Ascension to the present.
I trust, I trust in what you will be able to give Me, because what you have given Me so far has granted this so important Grace of you being here, together with Me, to follow the paths of forgiveness and of redemption.
Listen, Father, to the voice of those who are always with You.
Listen to the voice of those who cry out for Your Will and for Your Grace.
May everything be renewed, Father, from the most intimate to the most superficial.
May everything be healed, Father, from the smallest to the greatest.
Because in everything You are found, Adonai.
Because in everything You vibrate, Emmanuel.
And Your Spirit is present, Abba, in all the dimensions.
May the most thirsty and the most lost souls find Your Light, by means of this offer to the Divine Mercy of My heart; and so I will be fulfilling, beloved Father, together with My brothers and sisters, the promise to return to make My Cross triumph in the world. Amen.
May the Light of the Holy Spirit bless you and may the Holy Spirit guide you through the Gift of His Wisdom and Discernment.
In the Name of the Father, of the Son and of the Holy Spirit. Amen.
Confederate brothers and sisters,
Your Master and Lord of Mercy once again touches Portuguese lands with His feet of humility so that your hearts may prepare for the different phases of liberation that the Lord of the Universe will carry out within the European Community.
This is the reason for which your Mother and Mine, have chosen this nation to begin because from here you will be able to receive the necessary impulses so that the whole mission may be developed as foreseen.
Thus, all that you may offer God, no matter how small it may seem, will help and will contribute a great deal so that not only the nations that we visit but also all of Europe may receive the spiritual help that has been assumed by the Highest since the beginning.
Now, your Master and Lord, in a place so similar to the Garden of Gethsemani, prepares to immediately begin with the mission entrusted by the Divine Father.
And so, I have chosen to withdraw, in these days, into the valleys of the region of Algarve, so that, among the olive orchards, I may reflect upon the next steps of the rescue operation for Europe.
As of now, I am grateful for your company and union with Me on this sacred mission.
I thank you for keeping My Words in your heart!
Who blesses you with His eternal Light,
Your Master, Christ Jesus
Second Message
May the Voice of the Lord of Egypt be heard today, because there is a people crying for liberation, piety and redemption; there is a people crying for justice, mercy and peace. And it is not for lack of divine help nor of supreme help; this is part of what humanity generates among peoples and nations, among races and cultures.
From the Sahara Desert, the Voice of the Lord of Egypt be heard, Who today presents His Throne of Wisdom and Power to bring Justice to the world, the Justice that will balance the planet and humanity.
That is why you should pray as you are doing, every day.
The Voice of the Lord of Egypt comes to bring Justice to the world, for the requests of its people and its culture; for the pleas of the simple and of the humble.
May differences no longer exist between races and religions, between beliefs and doctrines.
The Voice of the Lord of Egypt comes to unify everything, from the beginning to the end; it comes to reveal to you that in essence you are all one. And from that unity, you all come from God; from the same Father who has created you; from the same Universe that has manifested you, from the same Love that has expressed you in an infinity of forms and manifestations.
All are one in essence, and in this unity there is the Love that transcends borders, cultures and peoples.
The Voice of the Lord of Egypt comes to reveal to you a time of great planetary purification; a time that no other race has lived in another era or in another century.
I come as the Lord of Egypt to speak to you in the name of Love, and also to show you that I am in everything, not only in Christianity.
I Am part of God and from God I come.
I Am part of His Divine Emanation and of His Purpose for this and other Universes.
This is the Voice that speaks to you, the Voice of the Lord of Egypt, the One Who was with you before and the One Who is with you now to give continuity to the Purpose of God.
May no people, culture, race or nation forget that each being first is an essence, before being matter; that they are part of an original Source and of a principle that must be fulfilled in you so that it can be fulfilled in the world.
Those who believe that they are powerful and make wars, will not win.
Those who are oppressed and suffer the consequences are the ones who will triumph.
Because Love will always be able to do everything. Love will renew everything and beliefs or religions will not be important, but rather the essence that will unite peoples and nations, where there will be no distinction of culture, race or color.
I come to show to My Church that I am also in those who would not believe in Christ. Because they do not really believe because they do not know Me, they have not felt Me and they have not lived Me, as you once lived and knew Me.
Expand this Love that I bring to the world, so that the world can have an opportunity and reconsider.
Therefore, from the Sahara Desert My Voice is proclaimed so that Christians, Arabs and Muslims listen to Me as the only God, as the emanation of the Firstborn Son, as the One Who has renewed all times in the past, through the Cross.
A moment will come when everyone will find themselves on the same path, and together, as peoples, cultures, religions and nations, they must cross the last portal, because there will be no other; there will be no portals to choose or door to cross, but one, which is the door of My Heart. There everyone will understand one another and will have clarity in the end times that I have always been the same, from the Alpha to the Omega, and that My Divine and Omnipotent Presence has been in everyone; although in the majority it has been hidden, even in order to awaken.
If I come as the Lord of Egypt, it is for you to know that My Christic Love is in others, and not only in so few or in those who believe they can retain Me by proclaiming My Name.
I Am the Son of the Living God, but also God is in Me, as in My brothers and sisters.
God, Abba or Allah is in everyone, as it is written in all the Sacred Books.
Because a day will come when the knowledge written in the Sacred Books will be one, when humanity receives the revelation that only one God was always in all creation, as in all times; going through all generations, all cultures and all peoples. And they will know that He has tried to express and show Himself in all places, as in all the corners of this planet.
And so, knowing this revelation, they will understand their filiation with the Father and they will join the Source. In that moment it will no longer be necessary to make wars or create conflicts, for material goods or for spiritual dogmas. At that moment I will already be present in the world and within humanity.
But, as in the past, the Living God in the Beloved Son will show Himself to small groups before showing Himself completely to the world and everything that will have happened through religions and this Work will be understood.
Those who did not accept it, will recognize it. Those who have stepped aside, will be ashamed for having abandoned Me. Those who persisted and will persist to the end, will enjoy My Spirit, something that will be unknown.
It will be the last impulse revealed by your Master and Lord to His disciples, in all those who have faith in My Name and in My Word.
And everything that will have been difficult, hard and sacrificed for those that are Mine will be understood and will have a meaning.
The anguishes lived; the sorrows that oppressed; the bitterness felt by the hearts that have separated themselves will be understood; because it is part of a purpose and a history that I am writing in this world and, mainly, in your hearts.
When everyone has conscience of what My Work has done through souls, many will regret too late; but those who are with Me will rejoice because they had full confidence in My Message and in My impulse of Light.
That is why I settle My Work in the most difficult places, so that it may be fulfilled and, at least, peace may be sown in the spirit of each place.
Therefore, everything you offer to your Lord for this Work will be invaluable in the eyes of the men of the world.
Because at this time it is written: The Lord of Egypt, the Lord of the East, will take away the power from those who believe they have it, and will give His treasures to those who have suffered for injustice and inequality; and the Promised Land, which dwells in the Heart of Christ, will be revealed to those who with effort have followed His steps, towards the path of Light and of unity.
And at that hour I will unite everything, cultures, peoples, beliefs, religions and races; and everybody will listen to the Master and Lord in one language, in His original language, which reverberates in the Universe and echoes in the deepest spaces of the Cosmos, like a mantric melody that, in an impulse of vibration and light, renews everything that it touches and transforms everything that is impossible.
The Voice of the Son of Man, the Voice of the Lord of Egypt, will be like a thunder that will illuminate the cusps of the Churches of the Earth, without preference of place or people.
Because at the least thought moment the Lord of Egypt will show Himself and in His Heart, as in His Divine and Trine Face, He will bring the synthesis of all His experience lived on Earth as in Heaven, so that a New Humanity may begin.
In the meantime, listen to the Voice of the Lord of Egypt that tells you: do not tire of working for God, because God always will give His Treasures to those who live His Word truly and without prejudice.
Therefore, may love abound in these times so that millions of wounds may be closed in hearts that suffer for different reasons and motives.
When they understand the essence of the Purpose of God many will be surprised by what they will know, because they will know something they have never known; because something that they never saw will be revealed, and it will be clear to all; there will be no doubt, interpretation or mirage. Because when the Lord of Egypt returns to the world with His true Face, everything will be consummated.
May each prayer be valued. May each bead offered be contemplated. May every prayer offered be placed at the Foot of the Creator, for those who turned away from Me without understanding everything; because the only thing that I want for all of My companions is that they always see the truth and in truth live to someday be free of themselves.
I thank those who persist; those who are sincere and transparent; those who are not afraid to accept their mistakes and ask forgiveness to their brothers and to God.
I thank those who accept without understanding, because someday they will understand everything and, without realizing it, they will be transformed into what I have so much desired with ardor in My living and patient Heart.
May everybody learn from this moment and benefit this opportunity so as not to lose the Grace of awakening and renewing times, just as the Father expects from His creatures.
May the Gift of Wisdom be in the open hearts.
May the Gift of Wisdom illuminate the closed hearts.
May the Gift of Wisdom reconcile those who have moved away.
May the Gift of Wisdom restore the unity between the souls and God.
May the Gift of Wisdom impulse you to live the Purpose and the transformation of times; because who aspires to the Gift of Wisdom will know My Face.
I encourage you to continue materializing My Work.
I encourage you to continue fulfilling My requests; because I tell you again, companions, that everything will be clear at the end of these times.
Remember that My Kingdom is for everyone.
Association Mary
Founded in December of 2012, at the request of the Virgin Mary, Association Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception, is a religious association without ties to any institutionalized religion. It has a philosophical-spiritual, ecumenical, humanitarian, charitable, cultural character, and it supports all activities that are indicated through the instructions transmitted by Christ Jesus, the Virgin Mary, and Saint Joseph. Read more