In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

Through this meeting today, you have removed many thorns from My Immaculate Heart. This Heart is no longer bleeding due to the pain and suffering for My children, though the world is in darkness.

Today, this Immaculate Heart of the Most Holy Mother of God is illuminated and re-ignited through the prayers of Her children, of all Children of Mary.

But this event, which happens today within My Heart, is not only due to this moment which you have, in honesty, mysteriously lived with Me and through Me with God; but it is also due to all moments that you have shared with Me in the prayer of the heart, which prepared this event in the most intimate and profound part of My Maternal Heart.

I know you will not understand what this means. Thus, I come today to expose My illuminated Heart, to demonstrate to God the response of His Creatures in this world, of those who foster peace and the good in humanity and unite to all brothers and sisters of this planet, regardless of religion or beliefs.

Because the center and the energy that unites all of humanity is the Love of God, something that the world is losing, and it is a commitment from you: being  able to recover it every day, first of all through your sincere acts of love for those beside you or even within your families, because you know in which situation the families of humanity are in, subjected to ideologies, hypnotized by technologies and put to the test at each moment of life.

Therefore, through sincere and honest prayer, every day until My Beloved Son returns, you must have your families be this spiritual cell that God needs in these final times.

Protect the values of the family of this humanity, even from your very selves, the values that in these times are being eradicated and rooted out through a so-called freedom that comes from many people in this world, deceived by My enemy, deviated from their spiritual paths and their Purpose.

These are the thorns that you have removed from My Maternal Heart, through the prayer of all Children of Mary. In this way, I can count on you in each task and request that the Father makes to Me to protect His Project of humanity.

And although everything in this world moves hastily, I only ask you to stop and think. In these times, do not decide impulsively, do not allow your minds to deceive and confuse you. Before everything, enter the sacred universe of prayer, as you are doing at this moment and have done at other moments. Thus not only will your consciousnesses be united to the Heights, to the Source that many still do not seek today, but you will also be protected and supported by the sacred spiritual energy of prayer.

Today, I would like to thank the Grace Mercy Order and all collaborators of the Marian Centers, who make the sincere and honest effort of elevating the values of divine spirituality on the surface of this humanity, through the hidden life of the Marian Centers, sacred epicenters of Light of the Spiritual Hierarchy, which mirror gifts, attributes and Graces upon those who seek them.

The pillars of these Marian Centers are My children. A Center of Grace and Mercy cannot sustain itself without the constant presence of all Children of Mary.

This is why I maternally want to tell you that I have been having the great joy, throughout these last years, not only of seeing the Marian Centers being concretized as Islands of Salvation, but also of contemplating, with love and joy, each moment of liturgy shared at the Marian Centers, each offering that was made by each one of you, regardless of your purifications and of your deserts.

Although it does not seem so, all the Marian Centers and Sanctuaries of the world were opened by Me so that souls might drink from the Source of Healing and Reconciliation.

Therefore, I ask the brave warriors and stewards of the Marian Centers to never give up. At each passing day, the hidden life of the Marian Centers will be more necessary and urgent for souls.

You must allow the Spiritual Source, that is open at each Marian Center, to never close, because little by little, day by day, week by week, you have seen for yourselves the serious thirst of the souls that are far from God and in conflict with Higher Love. Therefore, your welcoming, reception, attention and, above all, kindness for the pilgrims, is something that cannot be understood in these times.

This is why I ask you now to be attentive to the signs that I will send through the pilgrim hearts, because they are My children too, they are Children of God who deserve the same redemption that you are receiving. They need to be before the Fountain of Grace, just as you have been many times.

See what modernity does to My children. Could you be more united to Me, despite everything, just as the Hierarchy is united and concentrated on God, in the face of the hardest hells of this world?

You must not miss the opportunities, My children, because My time with you is ending and My Word is not in vain, because I come as the Great Messenger of God, as the Great Mirror of the Father’s Love, which comes to include and welcome all creatures, regardless of their spiritual debts, for it is Love and Grace that converts what is impossible into something possible, transfigures darkness into light, and redeems perdition into freedom.

Today, I want to withdraw from here with this feeling lived and shared with all Children of Mary and, especially with the stewards and guardians of the Marian Centers, because at this moment I have the joy of again contemplating that which each Marian Center has been able to express up to the present moment.

More than your hands and arms to serve the Marian Centers, I need your hearts, loving and peaceful hearts that someday, with the mere presence of My children who guard the Marian Centers, can bless the spaces and make them sacred, just as your Heavenly Mother blesses each meeting and makes it sacred.

To understand in Depth My Message of Love, I will again consecrate, on this special day, new Children of Mary, whom I invite to approach this Altar to receive My blessing.

And while the melody of the Children of Mary begins to resound, your Heavenly Mother, through this simple yet profound consecration, prepares to again bless all of My already consecrated Children.

I invite you to place your hands in the sign of reception, to receive from My Heart the flowers of Light from Heaven, which hold the most beautiful attributes of Creation.

Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón de Jesús:

You may draw near.

Today, I want to bless these children of Mine, who come to live their consecration on this special date for My Immaculate Heart, when, on March 13 of every year I can present before God the offerings, merits, prayers and supplications of all Children of Mary.

Today I gather here, through this consecration, different nations of Europe called to live the time of redemption through hearts that pray.

I consecrate and bless you, giving you My blessing and a kiss of love.  

In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.


Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón de Jesús:

Let us all sing the Hymn of Consecration. Let us stand up.

Song: Hymn of the Children of Mary.

We will close this meeting with the Mother of God, a meeting with this Love of a Mother who never tires, who always gives of Herself and shows us the immensity of Her untiring Love, and patiently renews us all through something that is so simple: Her profound, mature and maternal Love.

Thank You, Divine Mother, for all that You give us!

In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen. 



In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

 Let us pray.


Mercy, Mercy, Mercy,
Redemption, Redemption, Redemption
for this planet.

(six times)


Even if darkness seems to imprison the consciousness of the planet and all possible souls, I tell you, “Do not fear, because My Immaculate Heart will triumph.”

Even if all wars are unleashed throughout the world and souls emigrate to different nations, I tell you, “Do not fear, because My Immaculate Heart shall triumph.”

Even if the three days of darkness draw near and mental confusion is present in the majority of My children, I tell you, “Do not fear, because My Immaculate Heart shall triumph.”

Even if, in cities of different places of the world, many consciousnesses see entities walk, I tell you, “Do not fear, because My Immaculate Heart shall triumph.”

Even if desperation, anguish and spiritual blindness are present in the majority of My children, especially in those who rule the nations and who subject all of society, I tell you, “Do not fear, because My Immaculate Heart shall triumph.”

Even if suffering seems bigger than love, even if pain seems bigger than healing, even if lies seems bigger than the truth and even if impunity is stronger than fraternity, I tell you, “Do not fear, because My Immaculate Heart shall triumph.”

And even if the souls of this world, that is, all people, see that horrible things happen, that many uncertain doors open and that souls keep being subjected through the injustice and lies of this world, I tell you, “Do not fear, because My Immaculate Heart shall triumph.”

My promise remains in force and hidden.

I will come, after My Son, to re-establish the Spiritual and Celestial Kingdom on the planet. For this reason, My children, “Do not fear, because My Immaculate Heart shall triumph.”

This is the moment of all the Children of Mary. This is moment of the confirmation of all apostles of Christ.

Who will sustain, together with the Heavenly Mother, the banner of Peace?

Who will not allow their heart to become cold in the face of this planetary indifference?

This is the time of the final confirmation of all Children of Mary, because the preparatory time has passed. Now you are no longer My children, now you are evolving adult servers.

Now you must be ambassadors of peace and citizens of this universe so that the Divine Attributes may descend to Earth and so that the millions of souls in the world do not forget, because of the wars and conflicts, that God is Love, Truth and Justice, and that no one nor any event will erase from hearts the essence of the Love of God, even if it seems that suffering, the conflicts and migrations erase the Truth from hearts, the Truth that is the Living God Himself.

This is why I tell you, My children, “Do not fear, because My Immaculate Heart shall triumph.”

This is the time for the Children of Mary to be true consciousnesses that are decided to serve the Plan and allow the higher spirit of each child of Mine to descend, and who, through their own universal origin, allow for the establishment on Earth of the warrior spirits of prayer, the mirrors of prayer, the contemplatives of prayer, the guardians of prayer, the watchers of the Plan, the healers of the Love of God and the governors of the Universal King.

Place your consciousnesses in the correct direction, do not allow what is superficial and horizontal to take hold of you. Do not allow the forces that are contrary to the Light to keep subjecting all the consciousnesses through disinformation and lies.

Place your consciousnesses in a vertical position and see, on the top of the mounts of this world, the victorious and luminous Cross of the Redeemer, which will no longer be the Cross of suffering, but rather the Cross of Mercy, Justice and Love, which offers itself to you time and again, so that, through the victory of the Cross in your lives, your consciousnesses may rise to God, on behalf of all those who deny the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit and so that your consciousnesses may establish Spiritual Justice and Compassion in this world. This will allow those who have condemned themselves to the fires of hell, I speak of those who rule the nations and all their subjects, to have the opportunity, through My Son, the Redeemer and Resurrected Christ, for all to be redeemed, because this is true Love, to love one’s enemy and to not destroy them.

Even if the enemy destroys what is material, mental or spiritual, I invite you, My beloved prayerful armies, I invite you, My beloved Children of Mary, in these times, to be true strategists of the Plan of God, to not fight with weapons, to not offend with words, to not attract, through thought, what is negative, but rather to be like My Son, the Christ, who, on top of Mount Calvary, redeemed the whole world, until the last moment of His expiration.

This is why, My beloved children, it is time to change the frequency of this world and, through the pillars of prayer, service, dialogue, compassion and understanding, to allow the Doors of the Heavens to open so that the Graces of reparation, healing and redemption may descend upon the neediest souls in these times and, thus, the hells of the surface of the Earth may close, where great negative consciousnesses work within the involution of consciousnesses and souls.

But in this spiritual strategy that I invite you to practice through prayer, adoration, Communion and service, you must not challenge nor tempt the enemy. The strategy of silence will be your shield, the strategy of prayer will be your sword, which will cut the shackles of evil and dissolve the hells, where many souls stay without being able to find Light and Love.

Do you now understand the strategy of these times?

Because evil will be dissolved through its own evil. Remember that My Son is Love, He is the Truth and He is your Life, and that His Love is what closes the doors to evil.

Decide, Children of Mary, not only to be the apostles of the end of times, not only to be available, decided and defined consciousnesses, but also offer yourselves to My Son and to My Maternal and Immaculate Heart as sparks of the Light of Christ, codes of His Redeeming Love, mirrors of the Heavenly Mother, which can shine on the surface of this planet so that chaos can be vanquished, purged and removed from the human consciousness.

Just as I told you yesterday, I do not want to come with a Message of warning or fear. Through the Celestial Universe, I bring you the truth and the reality so that your eyes may no longer be confused, so that your attention may not be deviated by the chaos of this world and by illusion.

Through kind and generous souls, through souls of sacrifice and through the victims of Christ's Love, once again the Love, Justice and the Good of God shall triumph. And this will be the great and victorious justification in the face of all sins and errors of the world, and even in the face of all wars, condemnations, sacrileges and indifferences, because souls will be this justification before God. the souls, the Children of Mary, who, as from now, decide that their lives no longer belong to them, but rather that their lives belong to God, the Creator.

Thus you will open the correct door to live His Divine Will. Believe that this is so. Believe, at this moment, and feel, at this moment, the same inner and spiritual situation that your Heavenly Mother, the Virgin Mary, lived with the Archangel Gabriel.

Do you by any chance believe that I doubted the Call of God when I received this Call from Heaven?

You are before the same inner moment. You are before the great opportunity, in the name of many lost children, to embrace the Call of God, to love the Cross so that it may become more victorious and redeeming.

Today, I come from a place in the universe, from a place of this solar system, where the Heavenly Mirrors work again for peace in the world, in a silent and imperceptible way.

Therefore, on this very special day for Me, when many Children of Mary have the opportunity to renew their inner vows and take a definitive and true step, I invite all praying souls, all mirror hearts, to be quite united to the Heavenly Mirrors of the Mother of God; because you know that humanity needs it, it needs this peace that has been jeopardized, this hope that has been put under condition, this love that has been oppressed and buried, this fraternity that has been dissolved through evil, lack of piety and war.

It is the Heavenly Mirrors of the Mother of God that today reflect within the prayerful hearts, that elevate their word toward the Thrones of God to supplicate for Mercy and Redemption.

May those who have persisted up to this moment rejoice.

May those who have not managed to follow the Steps of Christ meditate.

May all My children pray for those who were deviated from the purpose of Love, for different situations and circumstances.

Today, in the face of the cruel reality of the world, the pain and suffering of the most innocent and inoffensive souls, I want My Children, the Children of Mary, not only to feel enveloped by My Heavenly Mantle so that the Star of the Brotherhood may shine within their hearts, but also so that, in the name of those who cannot reach Me, due to conflict and wars, desperation and anguish, the darkness and the absolute void of the deserts of life, I want My Children of Mary, in the name of each one of them, to place their heads upon my chest so that I can embrace you with My Light and My Love.

At this moment, in the silence of the heart, feel the beating of the Heart of the Divine Mother, a Heart that loves you, a Heart that accepts you, a Heat that embraces you, a Heart that bathes you with the Love of God, a Heart that illuminates you in each one of your steps.

For a moment, feel the Heart of the Mother of God, a Heart that suffers for the world when souls distance themselves from God, when souls distance themselves from the Father of Divine Mercy.

Now, embrace Me, placing your hands on My waist, upon the golden belt of the Mother of God, place your ears upon My chest, the Feminine Center of the Light of Creation, which guards and protects the whole universe and all life.

In this alliance with Me, internally renew your vows with the Creator Father.

I thank you for listening to Me and I also thank you for having the bravery to persist so that the Return of Christ may be a victory in the whole world.


Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón de Jesús:

Let us pray. Still with our heads upon the chest of the Mother of God, let us pray together with Her in unity and trust, in fraternity and love.


may the advent of the new race be fulfilled.
May humanity be able to express its archetype. 
May the Word be alive 
and build Your temple.
That Your Mystery may expand within us
and the true existence be revealed to the world
so that we may gather in Your Name
and glorify the Perfect Unity.

(three times)


Thank you, Divine Mother, for all that you give us!

In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.


Be a guardian of all the impulses that you receive from God, cultivating within your heart that which draws you closer to His Truth and His Graces.

With silence, defeat adversities, with prayer, keep your consciousness elevated, and with eternal gratitude, constantly open the doors of the Universe, as well as to Infinity.

Child, be a guardian of all you receive in the name of humanity. Let each impulse reach your consciousness as something that pushes you toward the path of ascension, so that each day you are more within the Time of God and outside the time of humankind.

In your heart cultivate the good and the love for the Divine Purpose and leave the things of the world, which are no longer for you, to those who are still lost.

The impulses you receive come, in this time, so that your heart may be a doorway toward higher life. For this reason, keep your consciousness focused there, united with the subtle worlds, united with the Truth of God, united with the celestial mysteries that are revealed behind the veils that continue to be torn in these times.

Cultivate faith and hope, in spite of all that is taking place in the world. And even though life around you may seem so distant from what is real, do not suffer, rather simply walk toward what is High.

Do not let your mind be confused with the illusions of the world, which seem so real. There is a greater Life, there is a higher Purpose, there is a reality drawing closer to Earth and this is where your heart must be.

You have My blessing for this.

The Most Chaste Saint Joseph


From the beginning of the manifestation of life, My children, in the most pure and profound Thought of God, when He was gestating the Project of this humanity, within it was contemplated the existence of the original peoples; those peoples are called thus not only because they gave origin to the civilizations of this world, but also because, from the origin of life, they were thought by God to maintain the union between Heaven and Earth, union among all Kingdoms of Nature, union between the surface of the planet and the subtle worlds.

The original peoples, beloved children, are those thought by God to be the doorkeepers of the sublime worlds, of the superior realities where the sacred dwells, where beings are invited to return to their Origins in the Celestial Founts.

It is in this way that, from the beginning of humanity and up to today, the Divine Hierarchy has impelled the original peoples to find their purity and return to the Purpose that God manifested for their lives at the beginning.

Upon creating this planet and each being of this Earth, which is the bearer of a particle of the divine essence, your Celestial Father created not only the Kingdoms, the elements and the human being, a fruit of the clay consecrated by His Divine Breath. God also created subtle realities, invisible to the human eyes that do not seek with sincerity the sacred within their lives.

These subtle worlds maintain, within the planet, the Divine Purpose. Within them, communion with all kinds of life is lived; within them the dimensions unite and there is no danger, because those who enter there live pure in heart and in spirit, and only aspire to fulfill the Divine Will and Purpose.

Those who enter these subtle worlds, My children, have been divested of their personal wills and from their human condition of impurity and degeneration. In this way, their hearts find the path to express purity and unity with the Divine.

These subtle worlds are safeguarded by nature, by its strength, beauty and harmony. In the invisible of the lakes, seas, deserts and mountains, they hide, not only to sustain the planet, but also so that, through the greatness of the expression of nature, those who arrive there can feel that something more dwells there; that a sacred mystery lies hidden there, and it is as if Heaven were closer to humanity and God could express Himself.

Throughout the times and the history of humanity, many were the peoples who could enter these subtle worlds with all they were because, while humanity, in other parts of the Earth,  lost its purpose, these peoples found it and deepened into it, not only through science and wisdom but, above all, through love for the sacred and divine and through respect for life and nature.

These were the Keys that allowed these peoples to live the Science of Transfiguration. And, just as My Son had once revealed It to you on Mount Tabor, they also could recognize their true face, illuminate cells and atoms and allow, not only for their heart and consciousness to vibrate in another more elevated level, but also their more material part. This part, which today seems so dense, had elevated and became transfigured in ancient times.

Through the simplicity of the heart, the original peoples discovered that the same solar essence that they contemplated and adored in the infinite sky dwelled within them. And, in this way, they lived a profound union with God, as they could understand Him.

Upon illuminating their cells and atoms, upon letting themselves be permeated by the light in their souls, these peoples attained the same vibration of the subtle worlds, and thus could not only see them, but also enter and participate in them, as representatives of humanity.

In this way, they became Guardians and Doorkeepers of these subtle dimensions, which up to today hide within the planet. Some of these peoples left upon the surface traces of their history and life, and then disappeared. But others, My children, were never known by humanity.

Today your Divine Mother comes to this place, sacred to Heaven and Earth, to reveal to you a history and, more than that, to impel your souls toward the quest for purity and for the sacred.

The time has come to unveil the hidden mysteries in the history of humanity, not only to abandon ignorance but, above all, My children, to embrace purity. And in the time to come, when the Earth will be elevated in its vibration and conducted to a new time, a new reality, may your hearts and spirits be ready, not only to see, but to participate in this sublime life.

Seek the purity of your hearts, seek union with life and nature and, just as today I reveal to you many mysteries, other truths will also be revealed in your hearts.

I bless you and thank you for coming here and for being open from the heart to the revelations that God brings to you at this time.

Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace


Series: The Sequoia Trees - Part I

Trees are the life of the planet and they regenerate every living being, simply with their plant presence.

The Sequoia trees are the greatest manifestation of the Power and the Will of God. They attract the materialization of Divine Will to the Earth. They express Will in their growth, expansion and beauty, this is the reason why they are so large and tall, so that the human consciousness may remember this is the way that God must be reached, so it may live His Will rather than its own, and so that the spirit may not lose its ardent aspiration to rise and transform, according to the need of the Plan, so that everything in this Universe may be recreated again.

The great trees are the guardians of the cosmic portals that enter the Earth through the inner planes in order to have it become ever more elevated and closer to higher reality.

The Sequoia tree represents the Sacred Spirit of the immortality of the soul and of the evolution of consciousness, under the principle of the righteousness of the good and of service.

I thank you for keeping My Words in your hearts!

Who blesses you,

Your Master and Lord, Christ Jesus

Marathon of Divine Mercy

In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

It is in the silence of God where the greatest and most precious treasures of Creation are kept. Witnesses of all these treasures are the trees, in their diversity and manifestation, in their expression and beauty.

Trees are the temples that bring to Earth the Principles of God. They attract from the Universe the higher energies that humanity needs, to elevate its consciousness and be healed.

Today you are in a place where I have expected you to come for many years, one of the most important places in the world for God.

Here lies not only the witnesses of the Creation of the Father, since millions of years ago, but, even more, present here are the guardians of the original legacy of humanity which, through the sacred White Mountain, are the ones that guard and protect this sacred knowledge that comes from the Brotherhood.

Northern California is the inner receptacle of the original legacy of humanity, something that today the minds do not know, and they now hear it for the first time.

The great watchers of the Plant Kingdom are present here, fulfilling a task since millions of years ago, since before humanity existed upon the surface as consciousnesses and as beings.

I have brought you all here, in the inner planes, so that you could remember and participate in the Origin of your origins as humanity of the surface, as consciousnesses that must evolve and attain the degrees of love through Me, as well as through the Kingdoms of Nature.

These great trees are witnesses of the errors of the different civilizations of humanity, of the events that happened and marked Creation, not only within this planet, but also outside of it, in the Universe, throughout Existence.

They feel all that humanity of the surface has done, all that humanity has generated since the first moment in which it existed upon the surface of the Earth, up until today.

This suffering is transmuted by the great trees of Northern California, as well as by another part of the Kingdoms, and humanity has still not become aware that this happens.

The trees of Northern California are a great mystery for humanity of the surface. It is time for humanity to discover the value they have and the spirituality they bear as a soul group of the Plant Kingdom.

They are also the great guardians and watchers of the inner Retreats of the planet. They are present throughout the Andes, each species and each tree, fulfilling a main function, essential for God.

They are temples that hold the one thousand portals to which humanity needs to access through the true and only time that surrounds them in the Universe and in the Solar System.

Through the great trees, you will find access to the superior reality, and you will be able to experience all that this superior reality holds, which comes to meet those who seek the Peace and Love of the Universe.

Trees have experienced the suffering that the planet has lived and all that humanity has generated toward it. Even so, they are present here, sustaining that which the humanity of today cannot sustain, donating that which humanity of today cannot donate and give to the Eternal Father.

Their silence and immobility make them great and strong to sustain the axis of the Earth and the heart of this planet.

But now is the moment for all this to come to light, for no one to be ignorant, any longer, for nothing to be imperceptible nor hidden any longer.

They need the love of the humanity of the Earth in order to keep fulfilling their spiritual and inner task.

They were also witnesses of what happened to your Master and Lord, long before your Master and Lord existed among this humanity, through the incarnation in the humble manger of Bethlehem.

The great Archangels of God were who helped, and the gave Their knowledge for creation and for the manifestation of this expression and beauty of God, through the devas and the lower angels. Because the trees beat and vibrate in a most important melody that humanity of today does not know.

By simply approaching them, it is possible to recognize and feel them, and know that the great trees kept in Northern California are the old ancestors that did not want to leave the planet in order to help it in its process of evolution and healing.

The great ancestors of the Indigenous peoples of North America are here. Their wisdom, their humility and their love have allowed them to express this grand manifestation of the Creation of the Plant Kingdom, which surpasses the limits of human consciousness, not only mentally, but also visually.

The great trees have a lot to give to the humanity of the Earth. They only need to be recognized so that their essences can open up and be shown, just as today they are shown to you, in profound and unconditional simplicity.

Their offering and surrender were so great that they gave of themselves, through the wood of the Cross, to be able to help humanity, through the surrender of the Son of God. This is why they are the great witnesses of yesteryear and are the ones that bring to humanity the sacred knowledge of Creation.

The trees are a life not yet understood, and they have, in their composition, that which the human being needs in order to evolve and awaken, each day more.

In these sacred spaces of the plant universe, the sacred Hierarchy also retreats in order to be able to think and meditate upon the next steps of this humanity and this planet, just as of the whole Universe.

God is found in the simplest places, where He is visible in His different manifestations.

I want you to know that the great trees of the planet will keep being the witnesses, but, in this cycle, they will be the witnesses of the final time.

Humanity has damaged, outraged and wounded them, and the blood of their sap has a price for the whole human race. The lack of connection with the Heights and with the Universe is the reason for so many psychological and psychiatric imbalances.

They also lived their passion, so similar to that of your Master and Lord. Therefore, the reconciliation and forgiveness of humanity are indispensable for these times, so that this chain of damage and destruction of the Plant Kingdom may be cut.

Rejoice, because you are conscious of all this knowledge and, above all, of what they have wanted to say for millions of years, and yet, no one has heard them. Today is the first time that this happens, because your Master and Lord offered that all this might take place, according to the Will of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit.

When human beings of the surface understand why each Kingdom exists, humanity will evolve and no longer become lost in sufferings and tests.

This is why these great trees are in the North of this planet. They are the great absorbers of the divine principle and energy for humanity. They have been fulfilling this and doing this for millions of years. It is an eternal service of love for souls and for all planes of consciousness.

Now I say to the world that this is the moment to rebuild the Planet and heal the Kingdoms of Nature, to plant trees and regenerate life, the soil, and, above all, the consciousnesses that have never been attentive to Creation and that are here to serve it, to make it grow and awaken.

The inner Retreats offer these keys for all human beings, regardless of their spiritual, mental or material condition, because the great trees of North-America are present and exist so that the men and women of the Earth never forget to return toward the Origins of their essences, which is love, harmony and inner and spiritual balance.

Although the world is in turmoil, in the silence of the Temple of Trees, of the one thousand portals, the planes of the One Divinity open so that all may receive and welcome the donation that they give, in their silence and firmness, so that healing may regenerate the consciousnesses, and the consciousnesses may find the path to enter into communion with Creation.

In silence, listen to the soul group of trees, of the great witnesses and guardians of North America and the world.

May humanity react and no longer self-destroy nor destroy its lower brothers and sisters, which in this case is the Plant Kingdom, nor may they longer destroy the elementals, devas and angels which, in their quietude and silence, watch over and protect humanities evolution as a race and as consciousnesses.

Be touched by this powerful light that comes from the great trees of North America and, from the coronary to the South of the planet, may all be transmuted, transubstantiated and elevated under the unconditional love of Creation and of its great rulers of the Universe.

In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.


Dear children,

It is time to expand the heart and the consciousness in love and in service to God. This is the time for, within you, there to be a space to receive and feel those who arrive.

It will be in this way that, just like My Son when He surrendered for you, you will be able to feel your neighbor, you will be able to participate and welcome the other's suffering and pain so that it may be transmuted and liberated in love.

Each being on this planet has a place within the spiritual path and this place, still unknown, is waiting for the consciousness to awaken to the Truth that comes from God. A Truth that will liberate you, forever, from the chains of error and illusion of this world.

Therefore, to those who have already awakened, I invite you to be conscious and keepers of this purpose for those who will arrive upon the Path of My Son, which is the same as your Path; seeking an opportunity, relief and hope for this crucial time of the planet.

As a Mother, I open My Heart again to welcome those who are just arriving and need great faith and fortitude to learn to detach from everything that binds them to the world and to perdition.

These souls that are just arriving and awakening are the ones that most need consideration and support so that they can feel that someone is there to sustain them in their trials and to help them in their transcendence.

The youth in the world need to be guided onto the correct path because, day by day, thousands of youth go astray in the illusions and in the promises that the world offers to them. Therefore, as the Mother of all, I open My Heart to accompany and sustain those who will awaken and arrive before the presence of My Son to say "Yes" to Him in a complete way.

It is the time of revelations, but it is also the time to support and accompany, from the heart, those who seek to find an inner and spiritual meaning for their lives. This is the task and the commitment of those who already serve Christ, day and night.

The youth in the world need to be listened to and understood, they must not be rejected or omitted. When they have a shoulder upon which they can lean and cry, they feel relieved and encouraged, beyond their youth, to change and mature.

Children, this cycle of youth and welcoming has arrived for all.

As of now, I thank you for imitating and accompanying Me!

Who blesses you,

Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace


In the battle of these times, reassert your faith every day through prayer and spiritual maturity. Strengthen unity with one another, transforming within yourselves that which injures your neighbor and destroys love amongst creatures.

Observe yourselves, so that you may be guardians of the Plan of God, in yourselves and on the planet. Unity among servers is the greatest strength that you can offer to God as humanity: this is what will keep open the door that leads you to the Father, to His Presence, His Wisdom, His Grace. 

In the battle of these times, vanquish yourselves every day, in order to know how to make yourselves available to planetary service, overcoming the limits of the consciousness and receiving the sustenance from Divine Grace, which will reveal to you the potential for overcoming that exists within you.

In the battle of these times, prayer will be the door for your return to the Heart of God, but unity and love among you will allow the Father to be always present, even though you do not see Him or feel Him.

You are, children, in a time of battle, but not like the battles on Earth nor like the spiritual battles that humanity already knows. You are before something unknown and that, to be overcome, you need to find, within yourselves, the love that will triumph above all things, just as the Love of Christ triumphed upon the Cross .

The Creator allows you to pass through the battles of these times, as He permitted His son to live the suffering on the Cross, because this will reveal to you who you are and what you have come to do in this world. Therefore, persevere in love, seek peace and care for unity.

You have My blessing for this.

You Father and Friend,

The Most Chaste Saint Joseph


Each day, elevate your heart a little more to God. Do not tire of persisting; do not tire of trying to be meek and humble in the face of all situations in life, keeping in your essence what makes you a guardian of the Divine Purpose.

Meekness and humility are not weakness and indifference. Be meek and humble and, at the same time, be firm in the silence within you, making the Will of God in you and around you incorruptible.

Emanate peace in your actions and words. Emanate peace in your presence and let God express through you. You already know, child, that this must be the expression of your being and, day after day, I come to remind you of these things because, while I speak, I give impulse to your consciousness so that it may take a new step and always go deeper into the living of higher teachings.

The mission of a companion of Christ is to be His living Word and to spread His Teachings with their own life. Thus, every day, My Chaste Heart comes to the world to form the companions of Christ and help them achieve the Will of God for their lives.

Let My instructions transform you. Let My presence inspire you so that one day, child, you also may transform and inspire souls by bringing the presence of your Lord into life, in all that you are and in all that you emanate to the world.

You have My blessing for that.

Your Father and Friend,

The Most Chaste Saint Joseph


Choose to get past yourself and move on.

Choose to silence and overcome the temptations that your mouth leads you to live, destroying with your word of illusion the truth that your soul tries to build.

Choose to pray with your heart when there is distress within you so that it may be dissolved by the presence of God.

Choose to confess before Christ and build between your heart and the Heart of the Lord a path of humility, solid and firm, where your feet can tread.

Choose to obey and strive to build in unity this Work of which God has called you to be part of.

Choose sacrifice and renunciation so that your brothers and sisters may walk in front of you to the Heart of God, and love guarding their steps, just as a mother accompanies the steps of her children.

Choose to love God above all things and find His Will in difficulties, as in triumphs, knowing that everything in your life happens to forge in you that which leads you to fulfill the Divine Will.

Always choose to say "yes" to the Creator.

Choose to rise before the superficialities of this world.

Choose evolution.

Choose peace.

Choose to be an apostle of the last times, a Saint of the last days, a New Christ, the renewer of God's Love.

During your definition, child, always choose the right way, because behind you there are many others who hope to be inspired by your steps, in order to proceed.

Your Father and Friend,

The Most Chaste Saint Joseph


Sacred Oceans – Part II

In the deep waters of the oceans, all marine life creates the conditions so that in the seabed, through the living beings, a balance that is vital for the sustenance of the planet and the purification of waters may be established.

On the spiritual and nonmaterial levels it happens in the same way, as the Mirrors and Intra-oceanic Precincts play a vital role in the physical-spiritual sustenance of humanity.

These Intra-oceanic Precincts are connected to all physical life present at the bottom of the oceans, and certain sea species, such as dolphins, whales, turtles and other beings of the Animal Kingdom,  represent, on the inner level, the guardians of these intra-oceanic spaces.

The same happens with the marine corals and with the so-called plankton, plant species of very high spiritual vibration that act not only physically, generating balance, but also on the spiritual level, generating harmony among the different oceans. 

In this sense, each species, element or Kingdom present within the depths of the oceans, is part of a great ecosystem of spiritual life, whose presence is irreplaceable on this type of planet, as is the Earth.

If today, within the oceans, there are imbalances among the species, this is part of a degeneration that the first human beings caused in the origins of the Earth; because within the scale of evolution, all manifested Kingdoms were correctly designed to live in harmony and not in conflict.

However, in spite of the maladjustments that exist among the Kingdoms of Nature within the oceans and the imbalances caused by the contamination and the exploitation of the seas, the Intra-oceanic Precincts, guided by the Spiritual Hierarchy, collaborates to the essential awakening of the balance and harmony lost after many experiences.

These Intra-oceanic Precincts, which are not physical but spiritual, have inhabited certain regions of the planet for a long time, and as poles of the Spiritual Hierarchy and Mirrors that capture the impulses of the Universe, they generate an atmosphere of greater protection and safeguard for all that has to evolve within consciousness, as well as in all manifested life.

The Intra-oceanic Precincts are like great magnets that attract toward themselves, from the universe, the cosmic currents that nourish and repair spiritual life so that a greater balance may be established.

The counterpart of these Intra-oceanic places  is made manifest through the whales and the dolphins, sea species that have the physical and mental ability of retransmitting very potent impulses of peace and harmony, which are emitted by the Intra-oceanic Precincts, and through these species, these impulses of light travel miles until they can reach the other side of the world.

Sea life and intra-oceanic life constitute one of the great discoveries that the human being will have to awaken within themselves so that, becoming aware of what the Creation of God truly represents, they begin to love it and respect it, so that the cycle of evolution of the species may never be altered again and, in this way, the evolution of the planet may never be altered again.

Everything will start from the consciousness and the maturity that human beings may be able to awaken in relation to the Kingdoms.

I thank you for responding to My call!

Who blesses you,

Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace


My Love and respect for Egypt and its people are great, from the depths of My Heart, because it was the Egyptians who welcomed with hospitality and love the Sacred Family when they arrived in the city of Cairo.

In those times, the Sacred Family, after having escaped and exiled themselves in Egypt, was received with glory and love by all the Egyptians they met along the way, even by those who received them at that time to be able to protect the newborn Baby Jesus.

It was a request from the Highest that the Egyptians be the first guardians of Baby Jesus. The royal family of Egypt, knowing about the arrival of the Messiah, decided to help with all that was necessary.

The Sacred Family was the first refugee consciousness upon foreign lands. This was an unforgettable event because, to this day, My children of Egypt remember the passage of the Sacred Family within this place, where the spiritual and divine marks of healing, love and redemption are experienced now, by the Christian devotees of these times.

The exile of the Sacred Family in Egypt was the first step in the expansion of Christianity.

I thank you for responding to My call!

Who blesses you,

Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace


The Time to confirm the Commitment

Dear children,

The time has come to confirm to the Father your unconditional commitment of service, giving, willingness and more time to serve God.

The time has come, after these ten last years of Graces and blessings, for the Children of Mary to confirm themselves before the Plan of God, which is supposed to be accomplished through their lives.

Children, the time has come for the old servers of the Work to confirm themselves before the Plan of God and to give their time even more, as only some have already fully given, without hours, without sleep and without conditions.

Dear children, the time has come to confirm your commitment to the different aspects of the Work and, above all, to the spiritual foundations, the ones that are expressed through the Light-COmmunities and its group life.

Children, the time has come for you to confirm and assume your commitment before the Father within this Work, which was conceived years ago, and that you are no longer halfway, but that you decide for the definitive awakening and evolution.

Dear children, the time has come to live spirituality and the Purpose entirely and not only on the weekends or in the free hours of the day.

The time has come to assume what you really came to assume in this life, to assume an integral and definitive service for a planet and for a sick and asleep humanity.

Dear children, the time has come for you to live what you say that you must live, and not for you to stay halfway or to be searching to satiate your needs or incomprehension in other places.

This Work of love and unconditional redemption is the one My Son offers to you for millions of other souls, the ones that someday will have to awaken, as you have awakened.

My children, the time has come to take the step and not to think anymore, the Father waits for you to be able to manifest His Rescue Plan and, above all, He waits for your total adhesiveness to all His requests within this Work of love that you live.

The time has come, children, for you to perceive by yourselves and realize what you are doing, what you are sacrificing or offering for a larger goal.

My children, the time has come for you to place your feet on only one path, on only one pathway.

I tell you this, children, because time goes by and you will not be able to wait thirty years more to be able to define your paths.

You can no longer only look for personal benefits within the Work, you can no longer only aspire for the Graces of Heaven and not make sacrifices or efforts that must be immediate.

You can no longer, children, only be present when all is about to begin in the meetings of prayer or instruction.

Where is this fire that used to ignite you before with love for the Communities, the inner fire that before used to lead you to give everything for love, to prepare each space, to be present with anticipation to celebrate with the brothers and sisters?

Children, there is no time left, this is the truth.

 You are no longer children spoiled by your Heavenly Mother, you are already servers and disciples consecrated by My Son. What are you waiting for to take the step?

I ask you, children, that these next meetings that will come may help you to confirm yourselves and not to take refuge in your homes and ways of life, since there is much to be done and the nations destabilize themselves, day by day.

Children, I am your Celestial Mother and I need you beside Me in an unconditional way.

I am saddened by the personal conveniences or tastes. I want you available, immediate, vigilant and guardians of My Work, this will allow, before the Universe, for Me to stay longer amongst you.

My soldiers of always are now tired of fighting alone, and a day will come when they will not be able to get up from the ground from being exhausted from working so hard.

Really offer yourselves to the Plan. Do not take on light tasks, the Work demands more hands, but especially more unconditional hearts.

I thank you for listening to Me with your hearts and without resistances!

Who blesses you for your prompt definition,

Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace

Daily Message received during the journey from Sao Paulo, Brazil, to Lima, Peru, transmitted by Mary, Rose of Peace, to the visionary Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón de Jesús

The life of the Missionaries of Christ is under the care of their Heavenly Mother, Who protects and safeguards each step that they take.

In obedience, the Missionaries of Christ follow the principles of the Brotherhood and gestate within them the awakening of the sacred sun that ignites the inner universe.

The Missionaries of Christ walk in faith and do not separate from the Commandments of God.

They help to renew the Earth and its humanity by their daily offering and permanent sacrifice to the Higher Purpose.

The guiding star of the Missionaries of Christ is to always glimpse the Divine Purpose, which will lead them all the time to know themselves in order to experience the sacred transformation of their little hearts.

The Missionaries of Christ collaborate with the manifestation of the Plan, as guardians and watchers of the night so that the designs may be fulfilled.

They make a promise before Our Lord Jesus Christ and, from then on, the blazing flame of the spirit illuminates them so that they also take the sacred steps in the Higher Plan.

The Missionaries of Christ have nothing to gain nor to lose. They have much to give to humanity by means of their consecration to God.

I thank you for responding to My call!

Who blesses you in this mission,

Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace



Declaration of the Divine Love, continuation

Oh, beloved Chilean people, who has printed on your blue and red flag, the star that must be the symbol of a celestial motherland!

Oh, sacred mountains of the Andes, which keep in in their mineral heart the greatest treasures of the original history of this humanity!

Oh, My children from Chile, who reflect on your faces the legacy of the peoples of the past!

Lift your white flags of peace and that, upon the cry that the Universe will emit, your inner stars receive the sacred call of the redemption!

May the Vigilant of the Legacy wash their faces in the Fountain of My Grace, so that they may be healed of everything!

May the Guardians of the Treasures of the Universe receive the balm of My Peace to be able to be healed!

May the Commanders of other times be forgiven and receive the spiritual Absolution from the Son of God!

Children of this ancient sacred people! Peoples of the beginning and peoples of the end! Open your hearts to be liberated!

Throw from your hands the weapons of destruction! May each radiant Sun, which dwells in this people, be erected again to the Glory of God, so that everything may be restored, so that nothing is lost. So that, from the silence of the Andes, the Sacred Word of Our Redeemer and Savior Jesus Christ may be heard.

Follow your Mother of Heaven on the path that will lead you to the blessed motherland, because thus your people, wounded by the causes of yesterday, will be redeemed of everything.

Trust, children, in everything that I bring you!

Trust in the renewed hope and in the end of this national captivity!

I Am the Mother who moves the whole Universe so that Her smallest and needy children have an opportunity!

May the soldiers of the Stars gather today at the foot of the great Celestial Altar! And may the doors to the abyss of this people be closed now!

Because the inner Christ will emerge from your beings and thus you will be one with My Son, so that He, in His Celestial Glory, may be one with His beloved people!

I want the Star of My Brotherhood to now be the motto and the symbol of your people!

I want, from this country, beings redeemed by the Love of the Creator!

May the Commanders of once now raise their hearts to Heaven!

Because now, without helmets, weapons nor cloaks, you will be free to sit at the Redeeming Table of the Lord and thus commune of His Codes of Life.

May the fallen in the past, arise in this present!

May those who have not yet forgiven the errors of this homeland and of this people, forgive today, so that My Beloved Son, in His Divine Grace, may reunite you and, by means of His Word, make you commune of His Most Holy Spirit!

That today Chile can, as a people, take each other by the hand, to declare the long-awaited reconciliation and pronounce the so longed-for peace, erasing thus, from this Chilean history, the errors of yesterday!

Thus, your hearts will shine and together with Me you will be able to take the steps toward the reunion of love that will heal the greatest wounds.

Let no one else grieve his or her heart, for Christ, My Son, will put an end to this exile!

And all the soldiers and Commanders of the purple helmets will unite in Christ, to make of this nation, the concretion of the Divine Promise in the life of each being.

That today the swords be abandoned, and the meek heart of each Chilean be offered to the Creator, so that the Plan triumphs, beyond everything!

So be it.

I thank you for responding to My call!

Who blesses you,

Your Mother, Mary, Rose of Peace


Declaration of Divine Love

Listen, children of God!

Listen, companions of Christ!

The maternal Voice, the Mother of the Ark of the Holy Covenant, speaks to you!

Rise now from your death, because the Great Spirit of the Resurrection of Christ has come!

May the millenary chains be broken!

May this people of Chile rise from where it has fallen, because today the time of true freedom has come!

The Voice of the Mother of the World cries out for your awakening today!

The Voice of the White Lady of Peace today gathers you together in spirit, so that all this people accepts with gratitude the redemption that is being offered by Our Lord.

Listen, My soldiers, your wreck has now ended!

May your hearts open to feel again the powerful divine energy!

I come from Heaven to liberate you from the chains of yore. I come to make those who have been disappeared appear back. I come to bring Divine Justice in the face of so much injustice.

My Children, look at God! Feel the echo of His Merciful Love resound within you!

Oh, beloved Chilean people! Oh, ancient people of the Andes, I am here today!

I am your Mother of Heaven, I am the Condor Bird, I am the Sacred Spirit of Peace who gathers you together to commune in reconciliation and in faith!

Believe, My children, that your true Spiritual and Celestial Church exists! Seek within yourselves for the Inner Christ, call Him by His Name and in this way you will all be saved!

Make of your people a garden of Paradise!

Make of your motherland, a celestial motherland!

May your faith be renewed today! May the national hypnotism end here today, so that hearts may recognize within themselves the value of their filiation with God!

Rise, armies of Christ!

May the Guardians, Vigilants and Commanders of the Plan rise now!

May they raise their flags up to the Universe! May they again form the ranks of the armies of the end time!

I come here so that you may unite with Christ again and in this way set aside this cruel inertia.

May Chile awaken from North to South, from the mountains to the sea!

May Chilean hearts be uplifted as trophies at the feet of the Redeemer!

May no one fear to relinquish this blind captivity, because I am here, I am your Divine Mother, who wants to again guide you towards the Heart of God!

May the Mirrors of your hearts be ignited!

May the doors to inner reconciliation be opened!

May the hearts of Chile be truly repentant, so that the Grace of the Universe may descend here and make of all this people the cradle of a blessed motherland!

Now, may the Suns of your hearts rise and see emerge, in the firmament of this Universe, your origins as great stars of light!

May the Commanders of yore prostrate themselves upon the ground and divest themselves from their swords and their capes so that the King of the Universe may pass among them and thus bless them!

May healing reach your hearts! May a true and full love exist, so that this nation may be rebuilt, and instead of having swords, I will give each Chilean My Holy Rosary so that as from now you may pray to My Heart and I am able to liberate you!

May today be the day of your joy, because the Almighty has sent His Faithful Servant so that the self-summoned prostrate themselves before the Altar of the Redeemer!

May the great Prophecy be fulfilled in you!

I thank you for responding to My call!

Who blesses you,

Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace

Apparition of the Glorified Christ Jesus during the Sacred Week, Day 2, at the Marian Center of Figueira, Minas Gerais, Brazil, to the visionary Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón

Today My Celestial Church is here and I came to administer the sacraments to you first, so that like Me, you may achieve holiness.

See, companions, how important the sacred elements of My Altar are. They are part of My Celestial Church stretched out to the ends of the Universe, between the dimensions and in all the planes of consciousness.

This is the true Church that I want you to achieve, because you can be part of the people of God and thus be within My Celestial Church. How important these elements are, so that souls may receive the Graces, spiritual healing, and more importantly, redemption.

Today I have administered the sacraments to four priests, representing many more who serve Me throughout the world. Because if the priest is not united with Me with all his heart and soul, the Celestial Church cannot descend nor approach souls. 

These four souls to whom I have administered the sacraments today, represent the shepherds of Emmaus, who trusted in My Resurrection and who in the last instant of their lives, when their consciousnesses were awakening, received Me without perceiving it and confirmed in themselves a trust in God, in the Eternal Father.

Today I want to extend this Church of the Universe to all, because it is necessary that all enter into it, so that once again, companions, you may be baptized, anointed, and blessed by the Holy Spirit, who is the one who brings together the value of all the sacraments that are offered on this planet.

I want you to feel the angels of God within My Church, that come to participate in this meeting with Me. Open your hearts and enter into My Celestial Church, so that you may meet the Celestial Father in this very acute hour of the planet, when many souls submerge many others in the abysses of error and sin.

As a Greater Priest, today I want everyone to feel they have received the sacraments of My Spirit, remembering that the main sacrament for your lives is the Eucharistic and that all the value you are able to give it represents an incalculable faith in these times. 

Now, I will have My Celestial Church rest upon your souls. I want you to kneel and let us go to meet It.

See the angels descend from Heaven and bring in their hearts the Glory of God, so that it may be expressed from on high in all beings of good will.

Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón:

Jesus is asking four Helpers of the Divine Mercy to place the four communion baskets that are on the Altar.

While My Church is open to all, the moment of the great invocation has come, because He who is in the Heavens and gives us eternal life must be praised and honored always.

Powerful is His Love. Great is His Mercy.

Blessed are all those who unite with His Original Source.

While the angels approach My Church, we will praise God and His Holy Name, through the sacred words of the melodic Kodoish.  Let all sing from the heart while the doors open, to reveal the mystery of My holy Celestial Church.

Song: melodic Kodoish

This Celestial Church is based on a great treasure of the Father: The Ark of the Holy Covenant, which holds the greatest experiences of love lived since the beginning of this creation.

The Ark represents the synthesis of all that is created, and expresses the Gifts of God, given by the Holy Father to the different humanities.

This is the Ark that is contemplated by celestial beings and by all the angels of Heaven, who participate in this perpetual communion with this sacred symbol of God.

See also within It, the Holy Grail, a faithful instrument that was held by My Hands during the Last Supper, when I was able to institute an unbreakable covenant between humans and God.

Holy is the Almighty Who has permitted these relics, which come from the Universe and from the Earth, to be kept in the Holy Ark.

The faithful patriarchs of the history of your humanity had contact with this spiritual symbol to know how to achieve union with the spiritual essence of God, something that is kept in His infinite Heart, and which is extremely invisible.

Four Angels guard the Holy Ark so that it may be protected, and at the same time adored, because God placed within it the spiritual, as well as non-material, instruments that He used to generate the Creation, which are His deepest Gifts, His pure and real desires that in this Universe a sacred humanity may exist that is able to love Him much more than He loves all of Creation. That is why I came to the world, to extend the mystery of the Holy Ark, through My incarnation on Earth, as one of the main Aspects of God, expressed through Love-Wisdom.

The Ark was also filled by My Sacrifice on the Cross and at each step of My Passion.

From this Ark came the new knowledge for humanity of the surface, because when My Blood was spilled, the holy Angels, at the foot of the Cross, gathered it up to spiritually place it inside the Ark that holds the history of this Creation and which only God and the Archangels know.

Why do I reveal this to you today? My loving friends, it is so that your spirits, which have been victims of suffering and also of many errors made throughout time, may bathe in the Divine essence of the Holy Ark, and thus a new opportunity may arise in the next six months that will be inexplicable for your lives. 

If this aspiration of God, which He pours out today through His beloved Son present here, giving you the revelation of the Holy Ark, and if all the aspiration and the project thought of for this Sacred Week, were truly considered by your hearts, and valued like you have never valued anything before, I could say that at least a part of the world will not tremble.

If your trust were complete, in this mystery of the Holy Ark, kept in the Center of the Spiritual Church of God, souls could receive a maximum grace that they have never received, so that your consciousnesses and the planetary life may be regenerated in this final time.

The Sacred Ark, contemplated and adored by the Angels of Heaven, is safeguarded by two menorahs. When the fourteen candles lit on the two menorahs are completely consumed after these seven days with Me, from the Universe will come a great announcement for humanity, so that many more may awaken and respond to the Call of God, uniting as a single race and rebuilding the foundations of the planetary consciousness, so that the first impulses of a New Humanity may finally emerge.

The Celestial Church is permeated by the Sacred Presence of the Holy Ark, so that the covenant between souls and God is vivified in these times, and may awaken new patterns in the behavior of humanity.

Now we will give sacred significance to the elements placed on the altar, so that they may be a source of salvation for souls.

You may sit down.

The Lord God Almighty made Himself small and insignificant through His Son, and His Son, at the same time, made himself even smaller and more humble among the humble, so that many could attain Light and redemption. In this mystery that I reveal to you today, the bread and the wine represent the effort of humans of the Earth, to generate in themselves, the merits of being able to enter into the Source of Divine Life.

Valuable are the sacrifices offered at the altar of Our Father, because no matter how small they may seem, God contemplates, through them, the absolute love that each soul can give with each new step it takes.

Thus, the bread and the wine, converted into the Body and Blood of Christ, represent for souls of the Earth, a great Source of eternal Wisdom and the possibility of incarnating in the self, with much faith, the Gifts of the Creator. That is why the angels participate in the moment of the transubstantiation: so that life, all human life, also receive this transfiguration of their cells, just as Their Lord, Jesus the Christ, was transfigured on Mount Tabor, to reveal to the world Who He was in truth, in essence, and in spirit.

You also, companions, have a real essence, which is attacked by my adversary. That is why I come from Heaven to take out of your lives everything that separates you from My path, because in the end, what I deeply desire is that you love one another, in the same way that I love you, through God. So be it.

Today, your guardian angels participate in this moment. Have your hearts rejoice, and smile at the life that God gave you, so that My Mercies may continue to pour out into the whole world, and in that way, the wars may end, the conflicts cease, and the triumph of My Heart be concretized in humanity. Hallelujah! Hallelujah!

I bless these elements to demonstrate to you the testimony of My Love for humanity. Blessed are those who participate in this meeting, because they will be giving to God My sorrowful Passion for the salvation of this planet, its continents and oceans, everything that was created from the beginning, from the minerals, plants, animals, and every living being that vibrates in this Universe, as a bearer of Peace.

The codes that I poured out at the last Supper are kept in the Holy Ark. Blessed be those who contemplate it from the heart, because they will feel the new life in themselves.

While My Church shows itself to the world, so that the spirituality in humanity may be restored, today I want you to offer God a song originating in this community, which has born many fruits. This song reveals a mystery: the simplicity of being united with God, in the transcendence of your beings.

Today I would like all those consecrated members of the Communities of Light, the Guardians and Wardens, called ‘Light Residents’, to approach this altar to sing this song to Me, which will be taken to God. The missionaries can also be here.

Light the flames of love in your hearts, because this moment is unique for the world, and I cannot  tell you how many more times it will be repeated, because the Earth and its entire race is at its great peak of purification, trying to be brought to the doors of redemption.

Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón:

Let us sing, at the request of Our Lord, "Breath of Spirit."

I would like to say to the Light Residents, that for Me they represent the seeds of the new patterns for this humanity, which being in its suffering, has turned away from love. Today, to you, dear guardians of My Centers of Love, I give a blessing, to calm your hearts and to cheer your spirits, for this sacred meeting.

Have faith, because I am closer than it seems.

In the name of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón:

Let us sing with joy.

Song: "Breath of Spirit"

If someday you lose hope, remember that this song brings you closer to the Cosmos and to the Infinite, to the depths of your essences, so that the Sacred Will of God may be concretized in all His creatures.

I bless you by Celestial authority, which the Almighty granted Me as His Firstborn, in the name of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit. Amen.


Dear children:

In these times of definition, souls will be able to choose consciously which path to follow in the present cycle.

Therefore, your Heavenly Mother comes to the world to instruct and teach souls for them to follow the only correct path, where they cannot be mistaken: the path of love and of peace.

If these two attributes are not present daily in the life of the souls on Earth, these will mean they are not connected to the true Purpose – the one that brings discernment and wisdom – but that in this cycle, temptation and mistake will make false a true spiritual life.

Therefore put your hearts and minds in the universe of My messages, dear children, help the souls that day by day submerge in this spiritual illusion, believing they are doing the right thing.

I need that at this time your lives may be a representation of the instruction of the Hierarchy and that through examples of love and brotherhood you may not allow to My adversary show himself so similar to that which really exists in Heaven.

Thus I invite you to be guardians of those solitary hearts that in many cases need a divine intercession and help to be able to be spiritually guided.

In this cycle, decide to be, together with your Mother, guardians of the most solitary souls of the world. May your inner love emerge towards all of them.

I thank you for responding to My call.

Who blesses and elevates you,

Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace


The Elohim: Golden Angels

In the Essence of the Heart of God, there once arose the great Purpose of creating life and the planes of consciousness.

As I told you yesterday, dear children, the archangels, those called the Resplendent, were born of Divine Inspiration, an inspiration that allowed archangelic and angelic beings to become concretized and manifested.

God expressed in the Mental Universe His twelve principal manifestations, which arose from the Most Pure Source. From there, the twelve Elohim, as Rays and impulses of fire, were born within the consciousness of the Higher Mental Universe.

From the moment in which the Eternal had the sacred will that, from His Most Pure Essence, the Archangels should be born, the Mental Universe was already a vital reality within the Spiritual Universe.

The Elohim were appointed by the Most High to carry out the organization and manifestation of all the universes where, in the future, life would exist.

Thus, from the moment in which the Elohim were manifested within the Mental Universe, the first legions were subtly created in reservoirs of light, which are great receptacles and conduits of divine energy that preceded the Mirrors.

Let us see then, dear children, how the divine history of Creation previous to material life was considered by God Himself to be a Project of love and of absolute unity.

It was based on love and unity that the Angelic Hierarchies, those called Elohim, developed the Project of the Eternal Father and gave continuity to the Work of Creation.

The reservoirs of light were also created through the essence of Divine Will, and the first Elohim were the ones that accompanied the manifestation of these states of consciousness, which held within themselves the spiritual emergence of angelic life.

Each archangel, as a Creator Father, deposited in the reservoirs of light a molecule of the twelve spiritual Rays that were present at the moment of the birth of the angelic beings. An angelic consciousness is born from the expression of love in the Mental Universe and through an act of profound union that the archangel establishes with the One Source.

At that moment, the archangel projects on the reservoir an extremely potent flow of love and unity and, as a consequence, through the grouping of all the molecules of the Creator Fathers, the reservoir emanates an angelic consciousness which is inside a precious crystal of a magenta, blue, green, white or gold color. When the angelic consciousness emerges from the reservoir and until it finishes forming, the crystal remains suspended above it for a certain period, like the gestation of a child in the womb of the mother. It is the creative and divine energy that internally gestates the purpose of this angelic consciousness.

The crystal may contain any of the twelve Rays to show the Mental Universe what has been the Greater Will for the task and service that the new angel will fulfill.

Thus, after its manifestation as mental and spiritual consciousness, the angel experiences a formation that helps it develop its mission in the Mental Universe or in the Material Universe.

After gradually forming the armies of light, which from their birth live an unconditional service and a perfect union with the Eternal, the archangels begin the building and materialization of the Academies of the Rays, so that each angelic being may develop its purpose before the Father.

The next step is the manifestation of the spiritual formation of the Seven Heavens or that of the seven states of Divine Consciousness, where the great armies begin to populate the celestial dimensions.

At that moment, under Highest Will, the archangels define the mission of each angelic consciousness, which establishes what Heaven or which states of consciousness it is to eternally serve.

As from this moment, the Creator Fathers assume the government of the Seven Heavens, so that from the beginning the Law of Hierarchy may be cultivated among consciousnesses.

The mission the angelic consciousness lives will be according to how its emergence has taken place inside the crystal.

If an angel has emerged from the reservoir of light in a magenta crystal, it means that the Creator Father will assign it the mission of living love, of radiating it and protecting it in the universes.

If an angel has emerged from the reservoir of light in a blue crystal, it means that the Creator Father will assign it the mission of protecting and vivifying the unity of all the universes, as well as that of being a guardian of the sacred knowledge of the spiritual, mental, and material Laws.

If an angel has emerged from the reservoir of light in a green crystal, it means that the Creator Father will assign it the mission of exercising the Law of healing, and of continuously emanating harmony in all of Creation and wherever it is.

If an angel has emerged from the reservoir of light in a white crystal, it means that the Creator Father will assign it the mission of drawing to itself the highest degrees of purity and of expanding it as essence toward the universes.

If an angel has emerged from the reservoir of light in a golden crystal, it means that the Creator Father will assign it the mission of an eternal praising of the One, as a member of those called Celestial Choirs, which draw to the universes the principles of the Source of God.

It is thus that the Creator Fathers send all the angels that were born of the Source through the reservoirs of light on a mission so that, together with their archangelic regents, they may assume the mission of protecting and supporting the evolution of the universes through the different Rays to which they belong.

The Elohim are part of the Divine Purpose and they are represented through the twelve main emanations of God, which we understand as the archangels; from that, the twelve emanations formed the twelve governors, and from the angelic governors another twelve emanations arose until we reach the guardian angels.

The Mental Universe has no limits and it is an infinite state formed by the Will of God. There the state of resplendence is lived, which means that each angelic consciousness generates in itself the highest degrees of love and of unity with the One.

The whole of angelic consciousness exists to protect and guard the essence of the Project of God within the Spiritual, Mental, and Material Universes. In this way, the Elohim can penetrate the dimensions and planes, even though they are mental beings, because they are at all times moved by the spirit of obedience and of eternal service.

From the beginning, the Father conceived the Elohim as the main guardians of the Purpose of Creation and of all life existing in the universes.

In this way, through the Resplendent Ones arose the first experience of the Cosmic Brotherhood, which later became established as a premise for all consciousnesses present on the different planes.

The Elohim are also considered the Messengers or the spokespersons of the Primordial Source for the Material Universe; they are the ones who carry out the concretion of the Divine Purpose and they are the ones who give impulse to the guardian angels so that each soul may live its mission within Creation, and in this manner fulfill the objective of the Father.

I thank you for responding to My call!

Who is in union with each guardian angel,

Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace and Queen of the Angels


At the Marian Centers of the world consecrated by Your Heavenly Mother, by Christ and by Saint Joseph, are spiritually kept precious pearls of Light that, lit in the essences of souls, awaken conversion.

Those are the treasures of Heaven that My Divine Soul comes to pour each time that I am present among My dear children; it is in this way that My Maternal Spirit establishes at each Marian Center one Gift of God that allows to awaken the redemption of the hearts and of all consciousness that pass by them in prayer.

The Sacred Family made use of these treasures of which I speak in order to carry out the redeeming work of humanity. It is in this way that the spiritual relics are to be found deposited, for example, at this Sacred Marian Center where the Celestial Hierarchy still develops a planetary task in union with all the consciousness that are here to sustain the vortex of light that is opened over each Marian Center.

In these final times when humanity will define its next destiny, I ask you, dear children, that you never get tired of being guardians of all the treasures and all the Graces that the Celestial Messengers have poured with much love. 

In this time when redemption and the planetary healing are essential, may your hearts always renew and be guardians of the divine legacy that will have its fruits and its victory in the next humanity.

As once I told you, dear children, you are guardians and successors of a divine knowledge that is kept at all the Marian Centers.

In prayer, work every day so that this knowledge and these divine codes expand more and more in the world and in the consciousness that need it the most.

May the living remembrance of the treasures of the instruction always motivate you to take your steps toward My Son and for the fulfillment of the sacred Plan of Love.

May the flame of your hearts never be extinguished and may it always be united to the flame of Your Heavenly Mother, thus We will reconstruct this humanity.

I thank you for responding My call! 

Who impels you to move forward,

Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace


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Association Mary
Founded in December of 2012, at the request of the Virgin Mary, Association Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception, is a religious association without ties to any institutionalized religion. It has a philosophical-spiritual, ecumenical, humanitarian, charitable, cultural character, and it supports all activities that are indicated through the instructions transmitted by Christ Jesus, the Virgin Mary, and Saint Joseph. Read more
