In the name of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit. Amen.
Blessed are those who believe without having seen, for they will see the Kingdom of the Heavens.
Blessed are those who hear the Voice of the Master, for they will see the end of captivity.
Blessed are those who embody the Verb of God in themselves, for they will be transformed.
Blessed are those who surrender at My Feet without delay, for they shall know peace.
Blessed are those who trust without knowing, for they will always see God.
Blessed are those who fulfill My Commandments, for they will live the First Law which is Love.
Blessed are those who will be humbled and offended, for there will be nothing that will defeat them.
Blessed are the true and simple of heart, for they will understand everything, beyond all science and understanding.
If I am here, it is so you may live this, because it will be the only thing that will be able to reverberate and remain here or in any other place when your Master and Lord should withdraw.
It will be at that time and in that hour when the true hearts and the false hearts will be known. For in that hour, you will know who has really understood the reason for receiving My Presence and My Grace, even without having been aware of what this means.
For this reason, I say to those who truly serve Me and accompany Me, to those who are guardians of My Word and of My Message, to those who believe without having seen, that I will always hold you in Me, just as I held the Cross in Me.
For heaven and earth shall pass away, but the Word of Christ, your Lord, will remain in the heart that has believed in Me until the end and has not allowed itself to be seized by doubt or by a lack of faith in Me. Because this time was already written and foreseen; and so it is and so it will be, whether you accept or do not accept it.
I will come for those who have been consistent with Me, not only here, but mainly in the whole world. How many hearts serve the Lord and you do not know it!
It is in what is smallest that I hide Myself and in the most simple that I live; I am in no other place except those, in the simple and in the small, in the true, in what can truly live in you.
There would be no sense in being here if it were not for this. But My Father decided that I be here and, throughout recent times, regardless of circumstances or situations, nobody can prevent the Lord from working and laboring.
For whoever is with Me, is really so. And is it the truth that you fear?
Blessed are the ears that openly listen and do not question the Lord and everything that I Myself have entrusted and given to you up to the present time. Because what happens here is being written, do not forget. Just as you are witnesses, the angels are witnesses of God and are the ones who record this moment and this conjuncture.
Before withdrawing from my public task, a moment that is no longer far away, I would like to come one day so as to see and recognize that you have understood and are living My Words. Because the Message of God, the Message of Christ, is what must remain in you and nothing else.
I aspire and hope to set My Feet in this place, as in other places of the world that await the victorious Return of the Lord.
But before all that, I would like to perpetually remain in your hearts, without you withdrawing Me from your lives, even though you do not perceive it, because the Lord reigns where love, truth and justice are. This is what causes the heart of My apostles to mature, so they may be representatives of Christ on Earth.
If I am here, it is to rebuild you, to lift up your hearts again to God, so that you may realize that the Love of My Father is infinite, immeasurable, and even incomprehensible.
If love were not here in the first place, for the Will of God to be fulfilled, there would be no motive or reason for the Divine Messengers to have seen fit to come and meet with you, even in spite of the circumstances.
Could this be valued by you and your brothers and sisters?
God chooses who needs to serve Him. With His Hand, He indicates who needs to transform themselves, become humble and surrender so as to grow in love and in truth, in His holy and wise Justice.
But before all this comes to an end between you and your Lord, as I have said to you, I will come in search of the result of what I have given you out of Love, Mercy and Grace; and that cannot be in vain.
Each one in their inner self is responsible for what they have received in holy confidence and faithfulness, for the time will come to ask you for the talents, but before that you must know what your talent is.
What else will you offer the Lord at this hour, where the majority of souls of the planet are submerged in darkness though a lack of Divine Light and of Love?
Will I be able to make of you instruments, empty and donated vessels so the Lord is able to work and have you be participants in My Designs?
But you would be able to say to Me: "Lord, I have given you my all."
Is this answer a firm one?
If the Lord asks it of you, it is for a reason. I do not come looking for the impossible, but the true, although imperfect.
When you definitely decide to submerge in My Consciousness, you will know the truth that you seek so much. But I want to tell you something: everything that has happened here through the announcement of the Message of the Hierarchy has been for just one purpose, the purpose of Love and of Truth.
Only one who is divested before Me will understand, because it is not something from this material reality; it is something from the Heavens, from the Will of the Father, from His highest Thought.
I hope you will give me gratitude rather than reactions. I hope you will adore the Lord in reverence for having spoken to all those souls, again and again, for a just cause: so that the Will of My Father may be fulfilled, which is written in the universe and in all dimensions.
I tell you again to think about what I tell you. I am here to help you, to have you walk at My side on the pathway of the heart, so you may see that My Grace and My Love do not end here and that they are immeasurable.
Today I will consent to consecrate new adorers, trusting that all the adorers are fulfilling the vows of their consecration. And I expect this in faithfulness, love, gratitude and reverence, when you must be alone and the Master is no longer here to remind you; because the Graces that We give are meant to bear fruit through the vows made by souls.
Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón de Jesús:
Can the postulants and adorers please approach, placing yourselves around the Altar.
The brothers and sisters can make their inner offering before the Heart of the Master, Who hears you and accompanies you at this moment when your souls are uplifted to the Lord so as to make this honest, sincere, and true offering, so His Will may be done in the life of His disciples.
In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.
In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.
It is in the silence of God where the greatest and most precious treasures of Creation are kept. Witnesses of all these treasures are the trees, in their diversity and manifestation, in their expression and beauty.
Trees are the temples that bring to Earth the Principles of God. They attract from the Universe the higher energies that humanity needs, to elevate its consciousness and be healed.
Today you are in a place where I have expected you to come for many years, one of the most important places in the world for God.
Here lies not only the witnesses of the Creation of the Father, since millions of years ago, but, even more, present here are the guardians of the original legacy of humanity which, through the sacred White Mountain, are the ones that guard and protect this sacred knowledge that comes from the Brotherhood.
Northern California is the inner receptacle of the original legacy of humanity, something that today the minds do not know, and they now hear it for the first time.
The great watchers of the Plant Kingdom are present here, fulfilling a task since millions of years ago, since before humanity existed upon the surface as consciousnesses and as beings.
I have brought you all here, in the inner planes, so that you could remember and participate in the Origin of your origins as humanity of the surface, as consciousnesses that must evolve and attain the degrees of love through Me, as well as through the Kingdoms of Nature.
These great trees are witnesses of the errors of the different civilizations of humanity, of the events that happened and marked Creation, not only within this planet, but also outside of it, in the Universe, throughout Existence.
They feel all that humanity of the surface has done, all that humanity has generated since the first moment in which it existed upon the surface of the Earth, up until today.
This suffering is transmuted by the great trees of Northern California, as well as by another part of the Kingdoms, and humanity has still not become aware that this happens.
The trees of Northern California are a great mystery for humanity of the surface. It is time for humanity to discover the value they have and the spirituality they bear as a soul group of the Plant Kingdom.
They are also the great guardians and watchers of the inner Retreats of the planet. They are present throughout the Andes, each species and each tree, fulfilling a main function, essential for God.
They are temples that hold the one thousand portals to which humanity needs to access through the true and only time that surrounds them in the Universe and in the Solar System.
Through the great trees, you will find access to the superior reality, and you will be able to experience all that this superior reality holds, which comes to meet those who seek the Peace and Love of the Universe.
Trees have experienced the suffering that the planet has lived and all that humanity has generated toward it. Even so, they are present here, sustaining that which the humanity of today cannot sustain, donating that which humanity of today cannot donate and give to the Eternal Father.
Their silence and immobility make them great and strong to sustain the axis of the Earth and the heart of this planet.
But now is the moment for all this to come to light, for no one to be ignorant, any longer, for nothing to be imperceptible nor hidden any longer.
They need the love of the humanity of the Earth in order to keep fulfilling their spiritual and inner task.
They were also witnesses of what happened to your Master and Lord, long before your Master and Lord existed among this humanity, through the incarnation in the humble manger of Bethlehem.
The great Archangels of God were who helped, and the gave Their knowledge for creation and for the manifestation of this expression and beauty of God, through the devas and the lower angels. Because the trees beat and vibrate in a most important melody that humanity of today does not know.
By simply approaching them, it is possible to recognize and feel them, and know that the great trees kept in Northern California are the old ancestors that did not want to leave the planet in order to help it in its process of evolution and healing.
The great ancestors of the Indigenous peoples of North America are here. Their wisdom, their humility and their love have allowed them to express this grand manifestation of the Creation of the Plant Kingdom, which surpasses the limits of human consciousness, not only mentally, but also visually.
The great trees have a lot to give to the humanity of the Earth. They only need to be recognized so that their essences can open up and be shown, just as today they are shown to you, in profound and unconditional simplicity.
Their offering and surrender were so great that they gave of themselves, through the wood of the Cross, to be able to help humanity, through the surrender of the Son of God. This is why they are the great witnesses of yesteryear and are the ones that bring to humanity the sacred knowledge of Creation.
The trees are a life not yet understood, and they have, in their composition, that which the human being needs in order to evolve and awaken, each day more.
In these sacred spaces of the plant universe, the sacred Hierarchy also retreats in order to be able to think and meditate upon the next steps of this humanity and this planet, just as of the whole Universe.
God is found in the simplest places, where He is visible in His different manifestations.
I want you to know that the great trees of the planet will keep being the witnesses, but, in this cycle, they will be the witnesses of the final time.
Humanity has damaged, outraged and wounded them, and the blood of their sap has a price for the whole human race. The lack of connection with the Heights and with the Universe is the reason for so many psychological and psychiatric imbalances.
They also lived their passion, so similar to that of your Master and Lord. Therefore, the reconciliation and forgiveness of humanity are indispensable for these times, so that this chain of damage and destruction of the Plant Kingdom may be cut.
Rejoice, because you are conscious of all this knowledge and, above all, of what they have wanted to say for millions of years, and yet, no one has heard them. Today is the first time that this happens, because your Master and Lord offered that all this might take place, according to the Will of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit.
When human beings of the surface understand why each Kingdom exists, humanity will evolve and no longer become lost in sufferings and tests.
This is why these great trees are in the North of this planet. They are the great absorbers of the divine principle and energy for humanity. They have been fulfilling this and doing this for millions of years. It is an eternal service of love for souls and for all planes of consciousness.
Now I say to the world that this is the moment to rebuild the Planet and heal the Kingdoms of Nature, to plant trees and regenerate life, the soil, and, above all, the consciousnesses that have never been attentive to Creation and that are here to serve it, to make it grow and awaken.
The inner Retreats offer these keys for all human beings, regardless of their spiritual, mental or material condition, because the great trees of North-America are present and exist so that the men and women of the Earth never forget to return toward the Origins of their essences, which is love, harmony and inner and spiritual balance.
Although the world is in turmoil, in the silence of the Temple of Trees, of the one thousand portals, the planes of the One Divinity open so that all may receive and welcome the donation that they give, in their silence and firmness, so that healing may regenerate the consciousnesses, and the consciousnesses may find the path to enter into communion with Creation.
In silence, listen to the soul group of trees, of the great witnesses and guardians of North America and the world.
May humanity react and no longer self-destroy nor destroy its lower brothers and sisters, which in this case is the Plant Kingdom, nor may they longer destroy the elementals, devas and angels which, in their quietude and silence, watch over and protect humanities evolution as a race and as consciousnesses.
Be touched by this powerful light that comes from the great trees of North America and, from the coronary to the South of the planet, may all be transmuted, transubstantiated and elevated under the unconditional love of Creation and of its great rulers of the Universe.
In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.
Today My Celestial Church is here and I came to administer the sacraments to you first, so that like Me, you may achieve holiness.
See, companions, how important the sacred elements of My Altar are. They are part of My Celestial Church stretched out to the ends of the Universe, between the dimensions and in all the planes of consciousness.
This is the true Church that I want you to achieve, because you can be part of the people of God and thus be within My Celestial Church. How important these elements are, so that souls may receive the Graces, spiritual healing, and more importantly, redemption.
Today I have administered the sacraments to four priests, representing many more who serve Me throughout the world. Because if the priest is not united with Me with all his heart and soul, the Celestial Church cannot descend nor approach souls.
These four souls to whom I have administered the sacraments today, represent the shepherds of Emmaus, who trusted in My Resurrection and who in the last instant of their lives, when their consciousnesses were awakening, received Me without perceiving it and confirmed in themselves a trust in God, in the Eternal Father.
Today I want to extend this Church of the Universe to all, because it is necessary that all enter into it, so that once again, companions, you may be baptized, anointed, and blessed by the Holy Spirit, who is the one who brings together the value of all the sacraments that are offered on this planet.
I want you to feel the angels of God within My Church, that come to participate in this meeting with Me. Open your hearts and enter into My Celestial Church, so that you may meet the Celestial Father in this very acute hour of the planet, when many souls submerge many others in the abysses of error and sin.
As a Greater Priest, today I want everyone to feel they have received the sacraments of My Spirit, remembering that the main sacrament for your lives is the Eucharistic and that all the value you are able to give it represents an incalculable faith in these times.
Now, I will have My Celestial Church rest upon your souls. I want you to kneel and let us go to meet It.
See the angels descend from Heaven and bring in their hearts the Glory of God, so that it may be expressed from on high in all beings of good will.
Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón:
Jesus is asking four Helpers of the Divine Mercy to place the four communion baskets that are on the Altar.
While My Church is open to all, the moment of the great invocation has come, because He who is in the Heavens and gives us eternal life must be praised and honored always.
Powerful is His Love. Great is His Mercy.
Blessed are all those who unite with His Original Source.
While the angels approach My Church, we will praise God and His Holy Name, through the sacred words of the melodic Kodoish. Let all sing from the heart while the doors open, to reveal the mystery of My holy Celestial Church.
Song: melodic Kodoish
This Celestial Church is based on a great treasure of the Father: The Ark of the Holy Covenant, which holds the greatest experiences of love lived since the beginning of this creation.
The Ark represents the synthesis of all that is created, and expresses the Gifts of God, given by the Holy Father to the different humanities.
This is the Ark that is contemplated by celestial beings and by all the angels of Heaven, who participate in this perpetual communion with this sacred symbol of God.
See also within It, the Holy Grail, a faithful instrument that was held by My Hands during the Last Supper, when I was able to institute an unbreakable covenant between humans and God.
Holy is the Almighty Who has permitted these relics, which come from the Universe and from the Earth, to be kept in the Holy Ark.
The faithful patriarchs of the history of your humanity had contact with this spiritual symbol to know how to achieve union with the spiritual essence of God, something that is kept in His infinite Heart, and which is extremely invisible.
Four Angels guard the Holy Ark so that it may be protected, and at the same time adored, because God placed within it the spiritual, as well as non-material, instruments that He used to generate the Creation, which are His deepest Gifts, His pure and real desires that in this Universe a sacred humanity may exist that is able to love Him much more than He loves all of Creation. That is why I came to the world, to extend the mystery of the Holy Ark, through My incarnation on Earth, as one of the main Aspects of God, expressed through Love-Wisdom.
The Ark was also filled by My Sacrifice on the Cross and at each step of My Passion.
From this Ark came the new knowledge for humanity of the surface, because when My Blood was spilled, the holy Angels, at the foot of the Cross, gathered it up to spiritually place it inside the Ark that holds the history of this Creation and which only God and the Archangels know.
Why do I reveal this to you today? My loving friends, it is so that your spirits, which have been victims of suffering and also of many errors made throughout time, may bathe in the Divine essence of the Holy Ark, and thus a new opportunity may arise in the next six months that will be inexplicable for your lives.
If this aspiration of God, which He pours out today through His beloved Son present here, giving you the revelation of the Holy Ark, and if all the aspiration and the project thought of for this Sacred Week, were truly considered by your hearts, and valued like you have never valued anything before, I could say that at least a part of the world will not tremble.
If your trust were complete, in this mystery of the Holy Ark, kept in the Center of the Spiritual Church of God, souls could receive a maximum grace that they have never received, so that your consciousnesses and the planetary life may be regenerated in this final time.
The Sacred Ark, contemplated and adored by the Angels of Heaven, is safeguarded by two menorahs. When the fourteen candles lit on the two menorahs are completely consumed after these seven days with Me, from the Universe will come a great announcement for humanity, so that many more may awaken and respond to the Call of God, uniting as a single race and rebuilding the foundations of the planetary consciousness, so that the first impulses of a New Humanity may finally emerge.
The Celestial Church is permeated by the Sacred Presence of the Holy Ark, so that the covenant between souls and God is vivified in these times, and may awaken new patterns in the behavior of humanity.
Now we will give sacred significance to the elements placed on the altar, so that they may be a source of salvation for souls.
You may sit down.
The Lord God Almighty made Himself small and insignificant through His Son, and His Son, at the same time, made himself even smaller and more humble among the humble, so that many could attain Light and redemption. In this mystery that I reveal to you today, the bread and the wine represent the effort of humans of the Earth, to generate in themselves, the merits of being able to enter into the Source of Divine Life.
Valuable are the sacrifices offered at the altar of Our Father, because no matter how small they may seem, God contemplates, through them, the absolute love that each soul can give with each new step it takes.
Thus, the bread and the wine, converted into the Body and Blood of Christ, represent for souls of the Earth, a great Source of eternal Wisdom and the possibility of incarnating in the self, with much faith, the Gifts of the Creator. That is why the angels participate in the moment of the transubstantiation: so that life, all human life, also receive this transfiguration of their cells, just as Their Lord, Jesus the Christ, was transfigured on Mount Tabor, to reveal to the world Who He was in truth, in essence, and in spirit.
You also, companions, have a real essence, which is attacked by my adversary. That is why I come from Heaven to take out of your lives everything that separates you from My path, because in the end, what I deeply desire is that you love one another, in the same way that I love you, through God. So be it.
Today, your guardian angels participate in this moment. Have your hearts rejoice, and smile at the life that God gave you, so that My Mercies may continue to pour out into the whole world, and in that way, the wars may end, the conflicts cease, and the triumph of My Heart be concretized in humanity. Hallelujah! Hallelujah!
I bless these elements to demonstrate to you the testimony of My Love for humanity. Blessed are those who participate in this meeting, because they will be giving to God My sorrowful Passion for the salvation of this planet, its continents and oceans, everything that was created from the beginning, from the minerals, plants, animals, and every living being that vibrates in this Universe, as a bearer of Peace.
The codes that I poured out at the last Supper are kept in the Holy Ark. Blessed be those who contemplate it from the heart, because they will feel the new life in themselves.
While My Church shows itself to the world, so that the spirituality in humanity may be restored, today I want you to offer God a song originating in this community, which has born many fruits. This song reveals a mystery: the simplicity of being united with God, in the transcendence of your beings.
Today I would like all those consecrated members of the Communities of Light, the Guardians and Wardens, called ‘Light Residents’, to approach this altar to sing this song to Me, which will be taken to God. The missionaries can also be here.
Light the flames of love in your hearts, because this moment is unique for the world, and I cannot tell you how many more times it will be repeated, because the Earth and its entire race is at its great peak of purification, trying to be brought to the doors of redemption.
Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón:
Let us sing, at the request of Our Lord, "Breath of Spirit."
I would like to say to the Light Residents, that for Me they represent the seeds of the new patterns for this humanity, which being in its suffering, has turned away from love. Today, to you, dear guardians of My Centers of Love, I give a blessing, to calm your hearts and to cheer your spirits, for this sacred meeting.
Have faith, because I am closer than it seems.
In the name of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit. Amen.
Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón:
Let us sing with joy.
Song: "Breath of Spirit"
If someday you lose hope, remember that this song brings you closer to the Cosmos and to the Infinite, to the depths of your essences, so that the Sacred Will of God may be concretized in all His creatures.
I bless you by Celestial authority, which the Almighty granted Me as His Firstborn, in the name of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit. Amen.
My silence conveys many things. Blessed are those who commune with Me, for they will never regret it. They will be witnesses for the times to come. Thus God has determined it.
Today I bring to you all My agonizing Consciousness of the Gethsemane, for there I lived many things for all and I never regretted living all that the Father gave Me. All this has allowed, companions, that all of you are here today through the agony in Gethsemane. And many souls, too, who are not on this plane with you, but who are attentive to the voice of My call that gathers and unites them in this time of redemption.
Today I am accompanied by James and John, guardians of your work, who silently follow your footsteps. Today I hand you over as guardians of this magnificent Work which is built by the very hands of the Creator, through the intercession of the Sacred Hearts.
Feel the Garden of Gethsemane as a moment of sacrifice. There the Son of God began to overcome death. And through the redemption of all that is impure and sinful, He reached the way of Resurrection.
In the Garden of Gethsemane, My silence engraved the Purpose of God for the world. That was the great moment, companions, when the first sword of betrayal and denial of the world pierced the Spirit of My Heart. There I lived the first sign for all of you, for all generations to come after Me.
And so, through My sacrifice and by drinking from that spiritual Chalice, many of My disciples awoke throughout the ages. And today I unite you again in the essence of the Heart, in the purpose of Love and Truth, which is built by the effort of all, of those whom I call persevering, who follow My ways by releasing their reins, walking steadily through the place I indicate to them, which is the mountain of Christification.
Many will remember that I have been here in these years, because through the word, inner evangelization, example and life they are redeemed, and they will be able to profess that I was here. First in Spirit, in order to be able to then give them My Essence and thus prepare them for the end of times.
Woe to those who are no longer with Me! My silent Heart contemplates them and the angelic armies pray for all of them, so that they may one day resurrect in spirit from the dead life they lead.
When I am here, the whole Universe is congregated. Blessed are those who participate in the Major Laws, even if they do not understand them, through My Presence and your absolute belief that I am here, in divine and glorified Spirit, everything can be fulfilled in the spirits that open to receive My call, with reverence and love, with simplicity and humility; something that I need you to learn to live even if you do not know it. Live My words and thus you will reach it.
Today you represent before My Thrones the Sacred Supper. What will this mean for your lives and families and especially for those who deny the Son of God? Yet many turn a deaf ear and do not listen to the Heavenly Messenger.
This offer that you make to Me here today, which you have dedicated with love, devotion and contemplation to My merciful Heart, My Spirit receives it with immense gratitude and truth; for through simple but true things, the Light of the Creator is manifested, that which consolidates His Will.
For one more year, but as in other times, I come to celebrate the Last Supper. Blessed are those who prostrate themselves at My Feet to receive My ministry.
"Holy Father".
It is not to be repeated. Listen and feel, for that is what I need. I am passing here for the last time in this final time, before everything is unleashed like a thousand horses without reins.
"Holy Father, who conceives life and spirit in all souls, receive this sacrifice from Your children which is instituted by bread and wine, precious ministry which You have bequeathed to humanity, through the Sacred Heart of Your Son, recalling the precious ministry of the Last Supper, where many inner lights were ignited and fallen souls rose to the Thrones of Heaven to glorify and honor You.
Receive, Beloved Father, this offertory which is the deep emanation of good hearts.
Thus, Adonai, establish once again, Your Sacred Spirit upon humanity.
I implore You, Holy Father, to close the doors of evil.
That is why this afternoon I give You My Blood, My Body and My Divinity so that many more souls may be freed from the constant persecution and deceit in which they live.
Thus I will be able to institute, through Your Sacred Spirit, the beginning and the end of Your Heavenly Kingdom, where the angels and archangels will gather the good news, the deep gifts of Your Spirit, which will be manifested in the life of all beings.
And thus, Beloved Father, the Project that You have written from the beginning will be fulfilled.
Listen to the Voice of Your faithful Servant, of the profound incarnation of Your manifested Love, of the Supreme Wisdom in this material life.
Receive in Your Kingdom the donation of all the stars and glimpse, Beloved Lord, in the horizons of all planets, the bright spheres of redemption, which were placed by the angels of Heaven from the moment of My glorification.
Beloved Father, receive Your Divinity, which is the Divinity of Your Son. Receive Your Love, which is the Love of Your manifested Son.
Receive all the gifts and charities, which are given by good souls.
Receive Adonai in the simple hearts, so that Your Sacred Kingdom may awaken again in all humanity, but more in those who need the breath of Your Spirit to resurrect again."
So be it. Amen.
This afternoon we celebrate the Mercy of God. And on this second day I give you the second key, which I deposited in your consciousnesses through My sacred Words, filled with the Love of the Creator and deeply filled with the humility of the Universe.
Receive it with gratitude, and thank God for this meeting which will be marked in your memories.
This will help you to pass through your purification when it comes to knock on your doors. But you should not fear. The one who trusts in My Mercy will prevail, but will be stronger when united to their brother and sister, and in the deep unity of the Spirit share the transformation as a sacrifice and surrender to God.
Let us celebrate, beloved companions, the institution for the world, of My sacred Body and My precious Blood.
Renew your vows and confirm yourselves before the Thrones of Light, for on this sacred afternoon, the angels are writing the new history in some souls.
Let us cry out for Adonai, for He is present through My Spirit.
Prepare the Sacraments.
Prepare the wine for consecration. From this fruit new beings are born on Earth.
Blessed are those who receive communion in reverence and love, for they will always receive the greater part of the Kingdom of My Father.
Let us pray, at the request of our Lord, the prayer of the Angel of Portugal:
We hear three bells.
This is the fruit of the work of very few, so that the majority can make use of it.
Blessed are those who drink My Blood, so that they may be transfigured by the Light of My Heart.
And thus, you too, consecrated by My Spirit, should give the example of what you received, because many behind you are waiting for this sacred opportunity.
Your confirmation and decision will allow those behind you to receive this Grace.
Go in peace, My soldiers, affirming your inner apostles.
In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.
Three bells.
Let us sing "Adonai, Espírito Santo" (Adonai, Holy Spirit) to say farewell to Christ.
Association Mary
Founded in December of 2012, at the request of the Virgin Mary, Association Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception, is a religious association without ties to any institutionalized religion. It has a philosophical-spiritual, ecumenical, humanitarian, charitable, cultural character, and it supports all activities that are indicated through the instructions transmitted by Christ Jesus, the Virgin Mary, and Saint Joseph. Read more