Special message received of the Blessed Mother of God, transmitted in the city of Santo Tome, Santa Fe, Argentina, to the visionary Friar Elias

In these times of trials, confirmations and surrenders, I invite you to the path of overcoming. Your Eternal Father contemplates with attention the certain and sure steps that all His beloved children are taking in this time of spiritual and material crisis.

I come on this day to announce to you a new cycle, after all these years shared with Me through the sacred Instructions from Heaven that I have delivered to you.

Dear children, I have come on pilgrimage to Santa Fe, to remind humanity that in these times, only faith and the path of permanent prayer will save you.

Now, God has asked me that His beloved children learn how to discover the universe of inner growth, through trials and experiences.

Before the enemy wants to take you out of the path, I have come to rescue you, bringing you this important message of preparation for the end of times.

You, My beloved children, are called to form an army of prayer and light, capable of being a vessel of divine and supreme energies.

But for that to be possible, I have come to announce to you, as a spiritual synthesis, the time of your transformation and purification.

All humanity is hypnotized and sleepwalking due to the harmful effect of modernities and human advances. I ask you, in the name of My Son, not to be afraid to let go of those artificial things that hurt you within, may your true communication be with God and the entire Higher Universe.

If souls would truly seek union with the High and the Supreme, many circumstances would not happen in the material life of My children. In this final cycle, as I have already told you, I come to untie the great knot of unconsciousness and lack of attention.

As your Celestial Mother, I wish you to take the steps towards the awakening of a new life united to all the universal Creation to which you belong. My urgency is to bring you out of the sleep generated by modernities and the lack of connection with the supreme Laws.

You were all born to live in happiness and love. The disorder of the world and the lack of balance generated irreversible effects in the lives of My children and many were led, by themselves, on the path of sadness, pain and illness.

God has asked me to tell you, for the last time, that Heaven will open to receive you all, He will shed Graces and blessings upon all those who do not deserve them.

Therefore, children, courageously face this last cycle of hard trials and confirmations so that the Light of Christ may bloom within you.

Day and night, I wait for you and, from Heaven, I pray for everyone so that the majority of My dear children may understand that the time has come to stop thinking of yourselves, to begin thinking of the world and the need of service and prayer for this last humanity.

In this way, My Heart is offered to you, so that with awareness and surrender you may recognize the Voice of God, which resounds in the universe and calls you to awaken.

In this last monthly Message, I invite you to make a compilation of all the Messages so that you may live and practice them, so that you may be prepared for that which is to come.

For this meeting with God, let us remain united in prayer, for these moments.

Thank you for your inner attention, 

Your Mother Mary, Queen of Peace


Special message received of the Blessed Mother of God, transmitted in the city of Santo Tome, Santa Fe, Argentina, to the visionary Friar Elias

In these times of trials, confirmations and surrenders, I invite you to the path of overcoming. Your Eternal Father contemplates with attention the certain and sure steps that all His beloved children are taking in this time of spiritual and material crisis.

I come on this day to announce to you a new cycle, after all these years shared with Me through the sacred Instructions from Heaven that I have delivered to you.

Dear children, I have come on pilgrimage to Santa Fe, to remind humanity that in these times, only faith and the path of permanent prayer will save you.

Now, God has asked me that His beloved children learn how to discover the universe of inner growth, through trials and experiences.

Before the enemy wants to take you out of the path, I have come to rescue you, bringing you this important message of preparation for the end of times.

You, My beloved children, are called to form an army of prayer and light, capable of being a vessel of divine and supreme energies.

But for that to be possible, I have come to announce to you, as a spiritual synthesis, the time of your transformation and purification.

All humanity is hypnotized and sleepwalking due to the harmful effect of modernities and human advances. I ask you, in the name of My Son, not to be afraid to let go of those artificial things that hurt you within, may your true communication be with God and the entire Higher Universe.

If souls would truly seek union with the High and the Supreme, many circumstances would not happen in the material life of My children. In this final cycle, as I have already told you, I come to untie the great knot of unconsciousness and lack of attention.

As your Celestial Mother, I wish you to take the steps towards the awakening of a new life united to all the universal Creation to which you belong. My urgency is to bring you out of the sleep generated by modernities and the lack of connection with the supreme Laws.

You were all born to live in happiness and love. The disorder of the world and the lack of balance generated irreversible effects in the lives of My children and many were led, by themselves, on the path of sadness, pain and illness.

God has asked me to tell you, for the last time, that Heaven will open to receive you all, He will shed Graces and blessings upon all those who do not deserve them.

Therefore, children, courageously face this last cycle of hard trials and confirmations so that the Light of Christ may bloom within you.

Day and night, I wait for you and, from Heaven, I pray for everyone so that the majority of My dear children may understand that the time has come to stop thinking of yourselves, to begin thinking of the world and the need of service and prayer for this last humanity.

In this way, My Heart is offered to you, so that with awareness and surrender you may recognize the Voice of God, which resounds in the universe and calls you to awaken.

In this last monthly Message, I invite you to make a compilation of all the Messages so that you may live and practice them, so that you may be prepared for that which is to come.

For this meeting with God, let us remain united in prayer, for these moments.

Thank you for your inner attention, 

Your Mother Mary, Queen of Peace


Special Message of the Virgin Mary, transmitted in the Marian Center of Figueira, Minas Gerais, Brazil, to the visionary Sister Lucía de Jesús

The Children of Mary are the expression of My Love for humanity; they are the ones who must be a living testimony of My Presence in the world, souls that committed themselves to Me a long time ago, to be part of this Marian army.

The formal consecration of a Child of Mary does not mean the expression of a preference. It is an impulse that God sends to the monads of some of His children and, in this way, also gives an impulse to all of humanity.

 All are potential Children of Mary, but some have the commitment to express this consecration in a formal manner because they will be the reference for many in the end of this time. This is a form of consecration requested by God for these souls that are called to activate the Marian Spirit.

To be a Child of Mary is not a material commitment; it is a purely spiritual commitment that souls have to My Marian task. Upon them, I will build the foundations of the temple that I will erect throughout all of humanity.

These are souls that were willing to face great tests, which they will experience in the end of times, and yet, they ardently persevere in their love for My Heart. They are called slowly, because each soul has its moment of confirmation, and only God knows when that moment has come.

Let those who are not called to specifically fulfill this task not be distressed, because if that does not happen, it means that it is not yet time, or that another part of the Plan of God is theirs to fulfill; a part that only their soul will be able to accomplish, and which will be a fundamental piece in this great work of God.

My children, do not wish to guide the Plans of the Lord, which are hidden and mysterious. Simply surrender your souls and your lives into His Arms and allow Him to place you in the correct and necessary place for this time. Later you will know what is yours to do if, with trust, you do what I tell you.

I love you all and I thank you for having faith in My Heart.

Your beloved Mother, the Virgin Mary


Children of Mine,

For My Immaculate Heart there are no obstacles that separate Me from My children. There are no barriers that are strong enough to prevent Me from approaching to your hearts.  The only thing that I ask you is for you to call Me. 

If there are still doubts in your hearts regarding My presence, ask with love for Me to dissipate them because then I will do that.  If for some reason you feel something in your hearts that separates you from Me, only hand Me this difficulty, because great is the Power of the Creator that heals and redeems all, that restores and reconciles all with His Most Sacred Heart.

Beloved children, in this time I place at the disposal of your souls the greatest celestial Graces and the only thing that I ask you is to be willing to face the barriers that the mind itself places before the heart because, in spite of not having anything external that prevents Me from approaching to your little hearts, only you can give Me the permission to act in your lives.  And even if it is a little yes, little by little you will surrender your beings to Me and you will see how I can take care of them and protect them under any circumstance.  You will see how within My mantle all true needs will be contemplated.

My children, a celestial life waits for you even while you are on Earth.  However, for this life to arrive to the world it is necessary to not detain the steps and to not ever think that you have already reached the goal because there is still a lot to be unveiled, there is a lot to be lived by the human heart and it is necessary to have hearts that are willing to take one step more on the path of consecration and of surrender to God.

Today I contemplate the need of the world and I see many of My children waiting to wake up, many that are ready to open the eyes and the heart, but that wait for the coming of those who may be able to show them the path.

My children, never detain yourselves.  Surrender to Me every day your little lives and allow yourselves to dive even more profoundly into your own inner world because there are those who wait for this one more step from those who are already on the path so that they may be able to get out from the darkness in which they live.

For this I call you day and night with urgency, to the permanent conversion, to surrender and to sacrifice, in order to be the example to the ignorant and the light on the path of those who are in darkness.

My beloved ones, I count on your hearts to be the apostles of the New Time, those that surrender their lives without conditions, without time nor space, those that seek nothing for themselves and whose luggage is the aspiration to fulfil the plans of God.  Carry in the heart My Message and the hope for it to touch the brother and sister souls.

Ignite in the chest devotion and joy so that the cold hearts may feel warmed up whenever they are before you.  May the whole life be a permanent spiritual exercise of love and charity.

Let us, dear Argentina, raise up the flag of Peace and of victory of Light, and may the Mission that I have given to you be the opportunity of awakening the souls that are around the world, waiting to receive a call.

Ignite the heart and activate your spirits!  Clamor for My presence and know that I want to get to absolutely all of My children.

Do not be preoccupied with the critics nor with the judgments, and neither with the denials.  I will arrive to each heart as soon as you get to known about My presence in the world and I will place in all of them the seed of a new life.

I thank you for answering with joy to My last call.

Your Mother, Queen of Peace and of all of the hearts


Children of Mine,

I come to the world in this time so that those who clamor for Mercy may receive from the Divine Source this fountain of Life.

Today I say to you that there will always be, in the darkness, a possibility of finding Light, because your little hearts contain in themselves a precious treasure – Love – that brings to you the possibility of opening the doors of Heaven and to arrive at the feet of the Creator.

My little ones, today I am the mediator between your hearts and God, but the moment will come in which all of you will be mediators between the universes and Him.  I come today to teach you step by step to open your hearts and to show you the path to awakening; but the moment must come in which your beings will have matured and will no longer need mediators in order to find God, but you will be the mediators and the intercessors that, before Him, will beg for all of those who did not know how to find Him.

This mission goes beyond this life.  I prepare you for something greater than the life in this world.  I prepare you to be mediators and intercessors in the universe, and to find all of those who have been lost from the path of the Father and that suffer in the darkness.

My children, I come at the request of the Lord to prepare the path for My Son, who will teach you definitively how to follow His steps; which will open to you for eternity the eyes and the heart; and which will make similar to Him the one who says yes to Him, without fear nor conditions.

Today I say to you that for this reason, you are living such hard trials at this end of the times, so that before such great difficulties you may surrender yourself to God and clamor so strongly for His presence, awakening in this way the potential of Love asleep in your hearts.

Do not fear the times that have already come, only be open to live them and fully feel the clamor that is born from your hearts and that opens one by one the doors of Heaven.

Feel! Clamor! Ask! Beg for Divine Mercy!  Surrender yourself to God that knows everything and knows you as none of you know yourselves, and that even still loves you in each detail of your beings.

My beloved ones, trust the Plans of God and permit that He may awaken in this race, that is perfect, the hidden potential in the interior of each being.  Say yes to God each day through the example of donation and surrender.  Give to the world witness of Faith and show to those who are lost the path that they must follow.

I accompany you and I will always accompany you and even if My lips one day may be in silence, My Heart will never stop uttering fervent prayers to God, so that even the last of My children may reach Redemption and may accomplish the perfect Purpose of the Creator.

I love you and I will always love you.

The beloved Mother and your companion,

Mary, Queen of Peace and of your lives


My children,

May the celestial armies open today the doors of the Kingdom of the Heavens before your eyes so that you may in this way get to know and recognize the Dwelling to which you must return in this time.

May your hearts be willing to receive the blessings and the Graces that the Lord sends to the world in this time because it is necessary that each consciousness give the consent and send to the Universe a strong and determined yes so that the Light of God may descend upon your lives.

I come to the world in this time to remove from ignorance all of the humanity that lives in the false belief that the world and life are limited to matter, to that which they can see and touch.

My beloved ones, I come today to show you that you know nothing about life on the surface of the Earth and even less about the celestial life.  Until today your souls have lived in this world as children that do not truly know the value of life and many permanently refuse to grow up.  It is time for humanity to mature and to live no longer as a race of youth and adolescents that acts without perceiving the consequences of their own actions.

The time in which the Lord will let humanity known the product of its life and all the fruits of the trees planted throughout human existence must emerge now.

I do not tell you to fear because it is not fear that I bring to your lives.  I only tell you to wake up because maturity will bring pain to many but to others it will bring the joy of knowing a Universe that had been hidden during all the history of humanity.

My beloved ones, as Mother of the World and Universal Mother I must warn you that that the moment has arrived of discovering before you a universal life that has always been here and that you could never find.

My beloved ones, be open to take a great leap as a consciousness and as humanity, but walk with joy, with the same joy of a child that enters a new school, in a new level of learning because it is like this that you are today, entering into a new level of your evolution that for many is greater than that which they would be able to achieve by themselves.  But for this I Am here, to help you to take this leap, to indicate to you the path and to sustain you during all the learning that is the first of many that you will live in Paradise.

My children, understand the importance of these times because the yes that you give on the day of today will represent the answer of all the human consciousness and it will determine the course of evolution of your souls.

As the Mother of each one of you I Am willing to guide your steps and to support them under any circumstances.  I only ask you, if you accept to follow with Me, to be faithful to My instructions because nothing more will be asked to you then a pure and truly open heart to the living of the Sacred and of the Superior, through prayer, service and love for all of the kingdoms of nature.

I thank you for accepting to enter with Me in this path of Redemption.

Mary, Mother and Queen of Peace


Let Me know your inner world, I Am You Pious Mother, the One who knows the secret corners of your mind and of your heart.

In trust give Me that which you are and that which you have done wrong; accept in return the source of Mercy that My Heart wants to pour as light over your being; in this way, united as only one, I will be able to purify the stains that darken your heart and I will give it the perfect shine of a pure heart.

Seek without delay the Divine Purity, begin day by day to observe your acts, feelings and thoughts.  Permit that the prayer of the heart may renew your cells and atoms.  Permit that the miracle of prayer may occur, which will be to transfigure your mistakes by means of the efforts realized.

The universe is constant harmony and equilibrium, for this seek that prayer may attune you with the greater principles of Heaven, those principles of brotherhood that are beyond this world.  And a way to be able to achieve this is the bridge of prayer, which will rapidly unite you to My Heart, a Heart that waits with joy that you may unite to the fundamental principle of love.

When you can feel true love in your heart, this will be the moment in which you will be able to begin to forgive the mistakes committed against yourself or others.  Love will always bring the praying soul to encounter the path of forgiveness.  For this, the world of today is against the purpose of God, because of the lack of love and of forgiveness.

In this time of crisis for all My children, I come to the aid of all of those who want to accept Me as the Regent of their hearts and of their lives; I come to those who want to accept Me as the Universal Mother.

The world needs urgently to live precious acts of forgiveness and of love, those that are born from the souls that pray to the Celestial Father asking Him and clamoring for Mercy.

No child of Mine will be able to take an important step in consecration and in the emptiness of self, without first living the path that I propose, which is the path of the prayer of the heart.   Prayer will give you enough inner strength to love and forgive as God expects.

I do not want that your hearts offend anymore, but that they love and forgive; this will be the only means that will permit you to seek Grace and Mercy.

The humanity of today is at the edge of the abysses and of the serious mistakes that day by day are accumulating, those that affect that which humanity may follow in the plans of God.  Those who accept the proposal of living in the Celestial Kingdom through sincere prayer, forgiveness and love will be mediators together with Me before the Father for the forgiveness of your mistakes and for Mercy for all My children.

The hour truly indicates changing something in the depths of the consciousness; to those who have been more instructed in the past years it will correspond to sacrifice themselves and to make more effort, for all the brothers and sisters that do not make an effort and that not even live the path of prayer.

And how will all of this end?

In the promise that My Immaculate Heart will bring you to the Greater Kingdom, a place beyond this world, so that just like the Angels you may glorify and serve God.

Now is the moment of greater effort and sacrifice, to the point that you may offer to God your inner suffering for all of humanity that does not sacrifice itself and that only accommodates itself to the modernities.

All must be resolved from your spiritual heart, even the serious global disasters.   For this I say to the children that do not know: we already are in the final time, we already are in the hour of deciding which path to choose.

I will be before the two paths to help you, but the decision and the answer will be in your hearts.

Who thanks you, Who blesses you and Who loves you,

Mother Mary Help of Christians


Dear children,

Between swords and prayers, fight every day for a new world, fight so that the Mercy of My Son may reach the hearts that live in adversity.

Dear children, fight so that the hands of those who donated themselves to God in faith may continue working without tiring, and fight so that the souls that today are confused and live in illusion may be able to perceive the difference of being near and far from God.  Fight so that the hearts who have committed themselves to live fraternity may carry on living it, without fearing great changes.

I Am with you day and night, from Heaven I observe you and I accompany you so that you may make the decision to live the Will of the Lord in this time.

Beloved children, once again I extend My hands towards you to help you and to encourage you to build a better world.  In the face of great mistakes that are committed day by day, I call you to seek inner truth by means of prayer.  The truth that reigns and lives in the Heavens, the truth of Paradise and of the Christic love that will always fill you so that your souls may be filled by the Spirit of God, the Spirit of the Truth and of the Supreme Life.

Beloved children, as the Mother of the good hearts I observe and guide the sufferings that the Lord sends to you.  There will be no sanctification of the life, of the cells, of the consciousness and of the spirit without before living suffering as a surrender and as a sacrifice to God.  My Son has already lived it for all of you and you now must live the desert to get to know the great loneliness that many souls cause the Heart of Your Eternal Father.

Do not fear surrendering all that which seems to be bad to you.  First your pride and vanity must die through suffering, this will be the way to help to liberate the ego of humanity.

My Heart always accompanies you in this trajectory of transformation and of surrender.  For the many graces received, the good souls must give the best to God.  I will help them so that they may be encouraged to surrender themselves more each day.  I want to conduct you through the path of the inner Calvary as one part of humanity that in the end of this time has offered itself to God to be able to balance the grave mistakes of the world.  

Remember that you will never be alone, My Love will bring you hope and joy so that in these critical times you may be able to face changes and tests, those that will strengthen you in the path of consecration.

I gather all in the Cenacle of My Heart to announce to you that the moment of living the apostolate has already come, the apostolate of sacrifice, of renunciation and of love to the Plan of the One and Only, for all those who do not live it and for those who turn their backs to the life of spirit.

My call is a call for Peace but to achieve Peace you must not only come to My Heart but also you must fight as servers of God so that this Peace may be established.  The mediating prayer will be the safe path, that which will repair the souls in this end of time.

Before darkness descends the hearts must be strengthened in Christ.

Who loves you and protects you always,

Your Mother Mary, Lady of the Perpetual Help


Call at the door of My Heart and tell Me what you need.

Enter into My Spirit and surrender yourself in trust in the arms of My Love.

Find in My Heart the Sublime Flame that will illuminate your path.  Persist without allowing yourself to be subjected to inner judgment.

Surrender all of the days what you are and I will be able to tell you what it is that I want from you.

Walk by My side taking to yourself My wise Hand, that which will indicate to you the path.

Live only in Me.  Seek the answer only through Me.

I want that you be the light manifested for the path.

The peace for each heart in need.

In My Kingdom there is a place for you and in this place you will be able to feel safe because you will be within My Heart.

Submerge yourself in the river of My Love, I expect that you will do this every day.

I will wait for your perfect decision.  I wait for you.

Under the Grace of God, be blessed.

Thank you for living in My Heart!

Christ Jesus

Monthly Message of Mary, Queen of Peace, transmitted in the Marian Center of Figueira, Minas Gerais, Brazil, to Mother María Shimani de Montserrat

My beloved pilgrims,

You are here today to prepare your hearts for the birth of the Redeemer in your consciousnesses. You will enter, unintentionally into the school of the Will of God, that Will which unites all things in the love to the Supreme, that which teaches essences to return to the House of the Father.

My little beloved ones, when Christ is definitely reborn in your lives and resides in the inner temple that for so long you have prepared for Him, nothing within yourselves will prevent the Superior Law of God from being fulfilled in this world.

If each one of My little children surrenders their resistances and their life to the perfect Will of the Creator, My Son, the Christ King, will reside in your dwelling and the miracles of Heaven will descend through your beings; My Son will work in this world and through you will change the destiny of this race.

My precious souls, the universe awaits for your destinies, those destinies thought of by the Creator for you, to begin to be a reality in your lives and that through you, they become a reality in this world. When the Will of the Creator embraces a consciousness, when children trustingly give of themselves to Their Father, a Light that will never go out begins to awaken to embrace salvation.

My son, My daughter, God patiently waits for you so that, as once occurred with Jesus, He may be able to work through you in this universal cycle in which humanity will enter. It will be Christ the Redeemer that will unite with the consciousnesses that accept Him, and thus the Divinity will work through those apostles that, one day, will be the Christs of the New Time.

Dear son, dear daughter, open your consciousnesses, open your hearts, open your arms, open your hands and let go of the reins of your lives. Let them walk by means of My Mantle of Light toward the Heart of Christ, the Redeemer, so that He may instruct you and help you prepare His Abode, that He will eternally dwell within you.

My beloved children, let fear be left behind, because I, Your Universal Mother, after My Son is born in you, will lead you in My arms and will present you before the Throne of My Father so that He may seal within your essences your destinies.

Praise be Christ in your lives.

I thank you for accepting My maternal words and for accepting to be with Me today.

Mary, Queen of Peace


When you surrender your life to Me I can fully transmute all of your being, but when you hold suspicion of some things, My Redeeming Light stays outside your dwelling place.

How will I be able to know that which you need, if you keep the door closed to your deep fears?

The one who fully trusts in Me will lose nothing, I will always give them the key so that they may open the right door.  When you make repetitive mistakes, you must have the consciousness that you are human, frail, feeble, and exposed too many influences; when in truth you appeal to My Presence every day, I will be able to act through your little heart.

In this time My disciples will be in the face of their own spiritual and moral fears.  I ask you that, despite your doubts and constant faults, do not stop appealing to My Heart; know that since the beginning of My Birth in the world, the Father has given Me the authority to liberate you and to redeem you.

The path that I offer you is divine, but will always be full of tests and renunciation, and even if your souls are not ready to face them, I will present to you unusual challenges that will cause you to mature and to grow.

I only ask you to not lose the sincerity that you have constructed with My Heart; today I want that your esteem be raised from below, and that you may smile to life, to the coming of My Divine Mercy.  I will always listen to you, do not be afraid of showing yourselves before Me as you are, I need transparent sinners and wandering souls, the ones who want to live with Me a new life full of redemption and peace.

Under the Grace of the Father, be blessed.

I give absolution to you always, in the name of the Father, of the Son and of the Holy Spirit.

Thank you for redeeming yourself before My Humble Heart!

Christ Jesus


Why do you fear, My soul, to surrender yourself to the ocean of My Sacrifice?

In the Greater Kingdom there is Eternity, the sublime place that you will be able to find after the long journey through the fires of the Earth.  Encourage yourself to suffer for others.  My pulsating and luminous Heart will never abandon you.

For this, My dear soul, I let you know a little more of that which I suffered so long ago for you and for the world.  But many souls do not want to drink of this sacrifice that I have proposed for you from the beginning of the redeeming walk towards My Heart.  I will not give you pains greater than those I suffered, but in holy suffering lies the key that will open the doors for those who have fallen from the arms of God.  

O, imperishable soul!  Do not be afraid to find what I propose to you for your conversion difficult.  I rejoice that on your path you find difficulties because the path of holiness consists of the renunciation of self to all. 

My soul, stay very close to Me and allow Me to embrace you so that in the hardest moments you may feel that the Love of My Heart will encourage you to go on.  Dear soul, you must know from the beginning that whoever offers themselves to the Great Shepherd will be the sheep who will transform themselves the most and will graze through bitter meadows.

The Lord wishes to make you an empty instrument so that, upon you, dear soul, the Grace of My Inner Presence may be poured.

Do not lose sight, My soul, that I Am always by your side, showing you the direct path to My Heart.

Under the Love of the Father, be blessed.

Thank you, My soul, for donating yourself to My Heart!

Christ Jesus


What are you waiting for, My soul, to surrender yourself to My Gifts?

Allow the Perpetual Love that springs from My Heart to flood you until the point in which you feel an ardent devotion for My Being.

Walk by My side, confident that you are taking the steps towards God.  Forget all that oppresses your heart and elevate your consciousness towards My Inner Kingdom.

The one who seeks the Heavens is the soul that unites itself to the Source of Love.  If you have already espoused Me, then allow Your Faithful Spouse to shelter and guide you through the path of the purpose. During the night, remain within My arms and feel the complete security that you will always be well, despite the circumstances.

Seek Me always, feel observed, My soul, by the sweet Eyes of Your beloved and faithful Lord.  Accept that it is now time to begin a new cycle, a cycle that will be radiated by My Celestial Graces.

Come close to Me, no longer be afraid to tell Me how many times you have fallen by My side.  Look, carefully, Your Companion is extending His hand to lift you up.  Pour your tears of light upon My chest, feel the supreme heat of My Compassion and let the past be flooded with healing and forgiveness.

See the Great Star in the firmament of the night, it is showing you the brightness of My Divine Mercy.

O, My soul!  You have stopped being tempted by the world to become like a flower in My Eternal Garden.

For this, I will always thank you for having abandoned yourself to the loving passion of My Arms because you have already entered into the trust of My Heart. Spouse Soul, live the joy of the great encounter and go ahead so that you may be able to reach My Eternity.

Under the Light of the Father, be blessed.

Thank you for abandoning yourself in trust to My Heart!

Christ Jesus


Discover under My mantle the mysteries that the Universe guards so that when the hour comes, the Lord may reveal to you even more secrets that are guarded in the Infinite.

Come, My son, come, My daughter and awaken your souls through the Love that today God offers you.  It is time to open the heart for the immaterial existence and to be able to live on Earth the infinite possibilities that you guard as a perfect creation of God.

My dears, permit that today an infinite source of love may flow from your little hearts; a love that each one will find within themselves, a love that has been deposited by God in the origin of His creation, and that today the hour has come for it to see to light, to go in aid of those who have not opened their eyes, and of those who do not seek God.

My beloveds, I come in this last time to invite all of humanity to a new awakening, an awakening for a divine and universal life.  And for this it is necessary that the bravery of your spirits be manifested in your lives, and that your souls make the decision of abandoning definitively the illusions of the world, to hold themselves eternally to the divine Graces and to Their infinite Glory.

These are times  to make Peace to be born in the hearts, times to dissolve the conflicts that impede you from maturing the consciousness, times to permit that the spirit imels you to a new stage of growth.

My beloveds, it is with deep joy that today I descend from the Heavens to come to the encounter of My little children, and in this encounter, invite you to answer to a divine Call of prayer, of conversion and of surrender.

Do not fear to approach to My Heart, as there is no pleasure in the world that may overcome the Grace that I deposit in your hearts.  And I say to you that when you truly know the Peace and the Love that I bring to you, you will never find in the world something similar to this divine source.

My little children, it is the moment to walk towards the Heart of God and to be willing to make an offer for all humanity, because your souls and your spirits have brought you today to the encounter of My presence, but there are still in the world many who deny to open themselves to this Call and who lose themselves amidst sufferings, surrendering the soul in the hands of the enemy and not in the hands of God.

I need soldiers in profound and tireless prayer, soldiers of a peacemaking army that dissolve, through the word, the conflicts of the world.

Purify today, in My presence, the conflicts of your inner world, so that through My maternal Love I may clean your souls and your hearts, preparing you in this way for a new mission of Peace on Earth.

Go forward, My beloved companions!

I thank you for being with Me in prayer.

Your Mother, Mary, Queen of Peace


In the hour of Mercy My invincible and powerful Heart comes to the world to heal souls and to raise again towards Heaven all who have fallen from it.

In this time of Graces I call you to meet Me and to walk in trust by My Side because the Lord, Your God, hopes that His Children look again at Him in the eyes and tell Him: “Eternal Father, I trust in You”.

Only through the channel of My Heart will you be able to find the necessary strength to go ahead without interferences or pains.  I hope in the silence of My Spirit that you surrender to Me all that separates you from love and from truth because there is no Superior Grace than living the greatness of My Love and of My Truth.

A truthful heart will never fear showing itself as it is. A truthful heart will never fear being found in fault and being judged because truth must spring from the Love of God and the Love of God is the wise science that will allow you to understand all things.

I only ask you to drink from My Blood and to eat from My Body in absolute trust because in this way you will receive for this remaining time all the infinite merits achieved by Me on the Cross.

I leave in your memories the joy of serving and of loving your fellow humans because in spite of the indifferences that exist among the consciousnesses there exists the powerful Truth of God which will demonstrate to you the path of humility and of emptiness of oneself.

Walk now towards the new life, free from sufferings and from swords of battle because in My Christic Love is found your possible redemption.

Under the humble love of God, be blessed.

Thank you for listening to My Words with the heart!

Christ Jesus Eucharist


Smile at life so that the brilliance of your soul will shine facing the darkness.

Rejoice completely, as you have entered into the ocean of My Graces.

Serve without delay, so that your being will donate itself completely.

Open yourself to the new because this way you will be conducted.

Look forward and you will see, reflected in Heaven, the perfect design of My Sacred Heart.

Donate yourself to God; this is the motto for this time and this donation shall always be joyful so that hope will open the new paths in life.

Adore Me completely; thus your spirit will be united with My Greater Commands.

It is time to surrender oneself without fear, because there is no greater value than doing all for love to the Plan of God.

Never forget that the path of Christ is the path offered to all, but only a few are able to throw themselves entirely into My Arms, because they know that I will ask of them unattainable things.

But it will not be any greater than what you are able to realize; My Works are simple and true; My Works want to take all the children of God to Paradise.

You shall recognize in humility that which I ask of you, because it will be necessary for the redemption of the world.

Under the Sublime Grace of God, be blessed.

Thank you for living in My Eternal Heart!

Christ Jesus


Guard your being in the silence of My Heart and in this way you will listen with clarity to My Words that will guide you towards the Purpose.

Clothe yourself with My Unfathomable Mercy and permit that My Light reach the deepest corners of your little consciousness.  Among My Steps of a Pilgrim are found you and your brothers and sisters.  Within My Hands and Prayers are marked each one of the souls that I have been seeking since My Passion and all continue in its course of peace because nothing that is not My Will will be able to modify your lives.

For this in the most difficult moments, is when My Love approaches to My disciples, My infinite Help will always want to demonstrate to you the capacity to deeply love God and your brothers and sisters.

The path to be followed is rough because it is full of challenges and tests to be overcome, but there is nothing stronger than the Divine Love, that which will fill you and that will give you inner strength to carry on walking. After the surrender is found the inner Glory, the universal joy for the soul that is liberated from itself for all of eternity.

Under the Light of God, be blessed.

Thank you for living in My Heart!

Christ Jesus


You can stay more with Me. In this way I will give you companions on the path so that together you may seek in the night the Source that will quench your material thirst, because whoever in truth is with Me, at the least remembers My Presence every day upon their awakening.

In this time of purification and of renunciation I call you to reconsider your vows with Me. Everyone will always have a space of light in My Heart but for My Task to be fulfilled My soldiers must truly have defined themselves and in this way, according to the degree of your surrender, I will call you for greater tasks or for smaller tasks.

In My Christic Plans there does not exist differences or privileges. I only deposit My Intentions upon those who need most to grow in consciousness and in the experience of life.

I Am here in the silence meditating about your lives and about what will come in a little time. I invite you to assume the vows in a humble and simple way. May each one, according to their definition towards Me, place themselves in the level of service that fits them because My Merciful Eyes will always look at you with love and compassion.

The path of discipleship in these times is only for those who may be inspired to die from themselves every day because the true treasures are found at the entrance of the Greater Kingdom. May each one be confirmed, may each soul give Me what in truth they can give Me for this critical time.

I will carefully observe you and in this way you will be encouraged to strengthen your spirits a little more through My Merciful Heart.

Under the Greater Good of God, be blessed.

Thank you for listening to My Sacred Words with attention!

Christ Jesus


When your prayers are donated with love they arrive to My Heart as flowers of relief for It.

For this, My brothers and sisters, companions of the long trajectory to the infinite, give Me all that you are and that you are not so that I may transform it according to My designs. Surrender to Me what is good inside of you or that which anguishes your heart because at three in the afternoon My Heart pours the Source that liberates you from sin.

Assume that you will not be able to be anything, but only through Me. Do not be discouraged from your falls nor be happy for your successes because only the spirit of humility will let you know that all must be in the perpetual silence of the heart.

I guide My Sheep until the end of the path so that from there they may begin to walk with Me as apostles in redemption. If My Consciousness had chosen wise and perfect souls what would have been the reason of My coming to the Earth?

I came to the world to liberate it from error and to demonstrate to it that in My Mercy is found the liberation of oneself. For this continue walking in spite of the landslides on the path of life. My Hope for redeeming you will comfort you. Whenever you address yourself to Me, do it in confidence and without fears. I Am the Son of the God of Love, the One who will always understand you and encourage you to transform into something that you do not know because you will be a part of My redeeming Design for the end of time.

Rejoice at being conscious of Me and at knowing that, through My Eucharistic Communion, you will find eternal life.

Under the Grace of the Father, be blessed.

Thank you for remaining in My Sacred Heart!

Christ Jesus, the Mediator 


I come from the Eternal and Omnipresent Heaven to appease your hearts. I come with the hope of your prompt redemption and absolute surrender to My Merciful Heart.

For this the one who is truly with Me will receive from the Father all of the treasures and gifts that are guarded in Heaven.

Also in the difficult times I Am with My ones so that they may be able to mature in the lessons of life.

At three in the afternoon My Consciousness radiates all of the rays that I acquired by means of My Infinite Mercy. These rays that come from the Sacred Universe of God are the immaterial rays, those that will reconfigure the humanity that is in ruins.

Through My soldiers of Mercy I hope to rebuild the millions of temples and of inner dwellings of those who live upon this present world and that the souls have abandoned.

I constantly need your warm and devoted prayers. I need that you unite to Me in spite of the circumstances and of the sufferings, because in truth I tell you: there is no greater miracle of love than that of the Love of God for all of His little creatures.

For this go and continue firmly towards the promised path that you must ardently traverse among hard stones and the thorns of the rosebush because on the other side of the sphere of the Earth, in the Portal of My Compassionate Heart is your Beloved God of Truth, of Unity and of Love.

I ask you to not lower your arms, raise them towards the High so that your spirits may be able to achieve the path that you have lost. There, in the High, is the Supra Consciousness of the Infinite, the Source that always will provide you and that will quench the thirst that your beings hold so much.

The Father hears and contemplates your needs. Be brave, there still remains a way to go to the completion of My Path and of My victorious return to the world.

Never forget that I love you and that in silence I protect My sheep from any ambush. I Am with those who make an effort to comply with the Plan of My Father. I am with the workers of the Greater Plan all of the days of life.

Under the Mercy of God, be blessed.

Thank you for allowing My designs of love and of redemption to be fulfilled!

Christ Jesus, Your Savior


Who are we?

Association Mary
Founded in December of 2012, at the request of the Virgin Mary, Association Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception, is a religious association without ties to any institutionalized religion. It has a philosophical-spiritual, ecumenical, humanitarian, charitable, cultural character, and it supports all activities that are indicated through the instructions transmitted by Christ Jesus, the Virgin Mary, and Saint Joseph. Read more
