As the Star of Heaven and of the Universe, your steps are guided under the Light of My Immaculate Heart. Thus your feet walk on this pathway towards the encounter with My Son. This is a pathway built in the pacification and in the faith of the heart.
Dear children, today I call you to rejoice your hearts and not to fear for anything because your Celestial Mother is with you, by your side, observing the walk of each soul, observing the definition of each heart before the Plans of God. Because each one of you keeps in the heart something that is revered by the angels of Heaven. This precious thing that you keep is called “purity of the heart.”
Although the world forgets, day to day, to strengthen the spirit through prayer and through the Love of God the Creator, today I invite you to search within yourselves for the immaculate purity of the heart. Out of love, God has given you His Favorite Son, who left for you the path of truth and salvation.
Therefore, dear children, today revere, adore and glorify the Presence of the Son of God in your lives.
On this day of important reparation of the Heart of Christ, I ask you that, out of love, you surrender your lives to Jesus and that you find, in the Merciful Love of Christ, the door to your salvation and redemption.
My children, new instruments of Christ, new fires of His Merciful Love must awaken in this time because the souls, as sparks of the Love of Christ, will help in the salvation of the essences by means of service and consecration.
Today, dear children, I want you to remember that you are precious essences of God and that beyond your understanding and reason, there is the expression of the Love of the Father in each one of His creatures. If souls could at least remember that they are essences created by God, the steps in conscious- ness would be able to be united to His Will.
Dear children, as the Mother of Redemption I leave My crown of stars to each one of your hearts today so that, guided by My Immaculate Love, you may recognize the value of your faith and of your absolute trust in God the Creator.
Today I also tell you to fear nothing and to walk, walk in prayer, because it will be your shield for the important moments. Uniting day by day your hearts in fraternity you will be able to carry imprinted in your beings the Eternal Celestial Peace of the Lord.
Propagate the merciful power of prayer and may your lives reveal to those who are distant from God, the teachings and the transformations that Christ has made in your consciousnesses.
Be the new shepherds of prayer and, through the exercise of prayer, be the guardians of all souls with Me. Let us pray for the presence of the Mercy of God in the world.
I thank you!
Thank you for responding to My call.
Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception of the Trinity
Blessed children,
In response to the urgent call realized yesterday to My children, I announce to those to whom I have appeared for five years as the Blessed Mother of the Divine Conception of the Trinity, that My Beloved Son, Christ Jesus, sends Me today to your hearts to tell you that the Almighty God has observed from His Heart your response to the celestial call of attention.
Dear children, in the face of the urgent necessity of conversion and redemption of all the creatures of God, today I call you to continuous prayer and especially I call you so that, during this whole month, your lives may deepen and may give time to the meditation on each one of the holy Mysteries of the Rosary.
There you will find the keys for the conversion of your hearts that are: peace, surrender, trust in God, charity, forgiveness, the Love of My Son, sacrifice, and the resurrection together with the glorification of Christ.
My children, in this month of the Rosary I want that you especially dedicate yourselves to unite your hearts to each one of the passages of the life of Jesus and of the silent life of My Immaculate Heart.
My little ones, that in this time may awaken in your consciousness the call to Redemption and to the Surrender to God, a call that My voice pronounces day by day by means of the daily messages.
Dear children, under the Grace of God we are now close to the completion of one year, continuous and without interrup- tions, of daily blessed messages of My Immaculate Heart, of the Queen of Peace, who intends to guide you along the path of Good and Peace in the heart.
After a continuous year of Graces received, today I want that in response to these Graces, you unite your lives to the key teachings of Christ.
For this victorious reason of My Immaculate Heart in each one of your lives I announce to you today in the name of the Merciful Love of Christ Jesus, that on the day of tomorrow, the 21st of October, 2012, My visionary children, will be honoring Me by means of a simple prayer and an internal communion in the Sanctuary of Aparecida, a sanctuary that I love with fondness for the humble expression of faith from all of My pilgrim children of Brazil.
Therefore, dear children, the Honorable ever Virgin Mary, Lady Aparecida of Brazil, invites you and calls all Her chil- dren so that together with My children the visionaries, you may realize this simple pilgrimage towards the Sanctuary of Aparecida and that, through the offer to pray fifty beads of the Holy Rosary and of the inner communion with Christ, you may repair My Immaculate Heart.
In response to the events that have happened between you and God, I promise you that whomever participates with a sincere spirit of reconciliation and forgiveness before the Most High, the Mother Mary, Queen of Peace, will radiate the power of Divine Mercy from Heaven, and your lives will be absolved before the Law.
Dear children, I have brought roses in My hands to the throne of God, and the Father of the Source of Love and Compassion has accepted My offering for all of you. This exercise of frater- nity that I ask you to realize will allow, once more, that your hearts be clean and pure before God.
Once again, dear children, My Immaculate Heart will triumph!
Thank you for responding to this celestial call.
Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception of the Trinity
Dear children,
Carrying all humanity in My arms, today I direct My celestial words to all My children from the United States and from Venezuela, asking you to pray so that the Blessed Grace may descend over both nations.
At the request of My Son Jesus, today I give My Maternal Blessing and I call you to continue walking for peace in your hearts and in the whole world. For this reason, today I send My eternal Love to each one of the groups of prayer from the United States and from Venezuela. I send you My Maternal Comfort and announce to you that My promised arrival to both nations, according to the plans of the Most High, has been moved to the Marian Center of Figueira, in Brazil.
When I tell you that I carry humanity in My arms it is because it needs the guidance and the protection of My Motherhood. When I tell you that I will appear in glory and in spirit during the months of October and November at the Marian Center of Figueira, it is so that your hearts can feel that I will not abandon you because I love you beyond your thoughts and reasoning.
Today I want to remind you of a parable that Christ left to all humanity. It is a message that will allow you to understand why God wants and asks your consciousnesses to grow in this defining final time.
My children, remember that Jesus once said that in a past time there was a very poor woman who donated everything that she had so that the temple could continue with its task. But because what she had given was so little, her action was not considered by humankind. Jesus My son invites you to recog- nize that the action that each child of the Father offers is more important than the value itself that each one has.
What is the mystery of this parable?
Dear children, the mystery is that in the Kingdom of the Heavens are kept the true and the sincere spiritual values that enrich the hearts of all souls, and not the goods that My children keep and accumulate on Earth.
Today, My children, I want that you learn to love that which you do not have. I tell you: love the true spirit of the Providence of God. Jesus said to His disciples: “Leave everything that you have and follow Me.” My Son wanted to tell you that each one of you must donate yourself entirely to the Will of God and trust that He will give the greatest goods that exist in the Heavens.
Dear children, My absence in Venezuela indicates that a correct balance in the collaboration and in the support for My universal task with you is lacking on the part of My children.
God will not abandon you and My Maternal Heart will be transmitting the monthly message for October and November of 2012. But today I want you to meditate on how much your hearts are supporting, with sincerity, My Universal Task, so that it is thus fulfilled in each nation.
God has not given Me the permission to make great miracles. Therefore, in order for My Message and My Light to be poured out on each nation that God has asked Me to go to, there must exist a total collaboration from you so that the visionaries may fulfill the task that My Heart has entrusted to them in each nation.
Dear children, you are being invited to live in faith and in surrender to God. For this reason I am now with you. Do not fear for anything, but it is now time to grow from the heart.
Will you, My little ones, accompany the voice of My call?
I bless the efforts that I have seen from the groups of the United States and of Venezuela. Let us pray much because the times are changing!
I thank you!
Thank you for listening to My call.
Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception of the Trinity
My little ones,
Keep in your hearts the whole path of love and conversion that, through the Faithful Servant of God, you have lived. For this maternal reason today I invite you to remember that it has already been eleven months of encounters and of daily messages for the world.
Today I am calling you to be the living example of My Mater- nal Message through charity and giving.
Dear children, I call you to form part of My Marian army of peace and to propagate My words by means of your prayer. You are in time to live in the Mercy of My Son, you are in time to forgive with the heart.
My children, today I also call all those who hear My urgent call for Peace and for Goodness so that you may propagate My words of support and help to all the hearts in the world.
Your goal, as is Mine, must be to alleviate the tired heart, the wounded heart and the fallen heart. To ignite, through prayer, the Flame of the Holy Spirit and to trust, in the name of My Son, in all the wisdom that you will receive to grow as consciousnesses and as hearts.
My children, today there is reason to celebrate from the heart the past eleven months in which My Maternal Love, My Hope, My Grace and My Mercy have been poured from the greatest depths of My Maternal Heart for all My beloved children.
Continue united to My Spirit of Peace and through the permanent prayer of the Rosary, be united every day to Jesus, the King of Love.
That your hearts, during these last eleven months, may have been able to be a part of My Great and Divine Son Jesus. That from now on, your lives may be surrendered to the Plan of God, as a reparation of all offenses that He receives from this world.
Be merciful and love your brothers and sisters because they are also My children.
For all this time of Mercy, I thank you for responding to My call!
Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception of the Trinity
Dear and beloved children of the Father,
All the offenses that are generated in the world are forgiven day by day through the Unfathomable and Powerful Divine Mercy that springs as a fountain from the Sacred Heart of Jesus.
Therefore today, My little ones, you must surrender in faith to the infinite mystery of forgiveness and of reparation for the hearts that have fallen into the faults that offend God.
So that the world and the souls may achieve peace and universal harmony necessary in this end of times, My Son needs humble and spontaneous soldiers of Mercy.
Dear children, the Universal King of the Love of God, Jesus Christ, awaits daily that through prayer, service and frater- nity new soldiers are able to be His instruments so that His Mercy may be propagated through the world. The hearts still have not understood the true mystery of the merciful Rays of Jesus; therefore today I invite you to propagate this important Grace that My Son is pouring over the whole world.
My children, in His Sorrowful Passion were radiated the highest States of Love that flowed out from the wounded Heart of Jesus. Now resurrected, He calls you to the conversion of your lives and to drink from the Fountain of Christ Itself, which heals all and cures all.
Dear children, it is time to awaken before that magnificent and splendorous Grace of Redemption and Forgiveness in which My Son is calling you to be participants.
May your lives be only Mercy. May your actions be merciful. May your words and thoughts be impregnated by Divine Mercy. May the Fire of the Love of Jesus convert you into instruments of His Unfathomable Mercy.
Dear children, you still have time!
I thank you for responding to My call!
Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception of the Trinity
My children,
Time is passing in the lives of all souls and, today again I invite you to be in My Peace.
Dear children, in order to remain in this Kingdom I invite you to live in prayer. Today, once again, I reiterate this request in the face of the need for love and unity among the hearts of all My children. When in truth you accept to be in the Celestial Kingdom of Peace your lives will reach harmony and peace in the heart.
When I tell you that time is passing in the lives of My children, it is because few stop to look and to pray to the Heart of My Son. The souls distance themselves from the source of life without noticing, even more so when many hearts reaffirm their personal truth.
Being the Mother, Help of all Christians, and the Queen of Peace, of Love and of Salvation, I ask that you never forget to live in the presence of Jesus. In this way, with a loving gesture that is born from your heart towards the neighbor, you will help to reverse the lack of consciousness and the lack of aspiration to search for Jesus.
As I have said to you before, dear children, He waits for you in the silence of the heart; therefore, do not detain yourselves in time and start to pray at each moment of your lives. The Lord of the Universe will be thankful for your collaboration.
Dear children, for this reason today I tell you to remain in the Love of God, because the Love of God will be the shield for your protection and this Divine Love will serve as help for your decisions in life.
Surrender your very little wills so that the Living Christ may find rest in your dwellings. Light must enter the hearts of all
My children, even more those who must initiate the path of the conversion of the heart.
Let us pray for all of them.
I thank you!
Live in the humility of Jesus.
Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception of the Trinity
Dear children,
Today, once more, in My spiritual visit to Medjugorje I ask that you recognize the presence of My Peace in your hearts. My Love wants to convert your souls into a garden of roses and into an inexhaustible fountain of peace.
My children, by accepting this call from My Maternal Heart, pain will no longer exist in you so that in this way the Love of the Redeemer may be born again.
Dear children, I want your consciousnesses to not complain anymore about the difficulties and the tests of life. I invite you to remain in My Maternal arms so that you may walk in sacrifice.
My little ones, the world is carrying so much pain. For this reason you must be true emanations of My Peace upon the face of the Earth.
Dear children, in order to correct the past, the tests and the pains, you must surrender your lives into the Hands of the Creator. In this way, in the name of all those who do not pray, do not adore and do not love God, you will be making an important surrender of your hearts to the Most High.
Walk in this time under the Bravery and Love of Christ be- cause your missionary hearts must now give everything for humanity.
Smile to the life that God has given you with so much love; be thankful from the heart and serve, in peace, those in most need through prayer and the service of the heart. In this way the towers of peace will rise from the Light of your hearts.
I thank you for living My call!
Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception of the Trinity
My children,
Live in perpetual alliance with the Sacred Heart of Jesus. He loves you above all things and shelters you in His arms of Mercy.
Today I contemplate you from My Maternal Heart and with eyes of Mercy, I tell you: do not fear, I am with you! Stay in the arms of the Redeemer because He will announce Himself, alive and resplendent, in each one of your hearts.
Do not fear, do not fear, My little ones! God wants the best for your lives. This is the moment in which God the Father calls you to redemption, to the awakening of faith and love in the essence of all My children. For this reason today I invite you to surrender each one of your fears and to fully trust the Plans of God.
There must be peace in the hearts of My children. Therefore, today do not forget that My Maternal Kingdom shelters you so that each one of the souls may arrive at the Redeeming Kingdom of the Love that Jesus, as a priest and as a shepherd, has prepared for you.
When I come to your encounter in silence, as Mother and Servant of God, it is so that your hearts may recognize that I am always among you.
It is important that, in this time, you live in a state of constant prayer because prayer will lead you to recognize with absolute clarity and wisdom the next and true inner path to go through.
Dear children, come to Me with your arms open, and remain- ing in faith and love in My Maternal arms, I will be able to fill you with the essence of the Love of God, a Divine Love that I lovingly bring from Heaven.
Therefore, walk with joy towards the Purpose because in this way you will be in God.
I want to lead you each day to the Peace of the Heart. Rest your souls on My maternal lap.
Courage and Hope to all!
Thank you for responding to My call.
Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception of the Trinity
Do not let your hearts grieve anymore; believe in the mystery of love that I am revealing to you. This, My children, will allow you to live the absolute trust in My Son and in My Maternal Heart.
Dear children, always raise your prayers towards Heaven. They are well received by the Great Heart of God because in this way, the Grace of Reparation can act as the Fire of the Holy Spirit and convert the pain of your hearts.
My little ones, today I invite you to keep praying the Mysteries of Contemplation of the Rosary so that in each one of the passages that My Son lived, you may be able to learn about love, sacrifice, surrender and faith. By the lack of these principles in the heart and in the life of many of My children, humanity has walked through mistakes that have offended God the Creator.
Therefore, dear children, the prayer of the heart and the prayer among united souls will open the Celestial Door so that all these gifts may be able to awaken in your lives and thus each one of your little hearts will become a faithful instrument of the Creator.
If humanity just stopped to think whether it is on the true path of God, many consequences would be able to be detained and humanity would avoid living the Law of the Universe. But if there are true groups of prayer that respond to My call for peace, My Maternal Promise is to intercede for everyone, especially for those who do not have God in their hearts.
In this defining time, it is necessary to learn in order to grow; you rely on many keys. Today again I give them to you: love, prayer, sacrifice and devotion. Through all of them, other more beautiful keys will be able to be awakened.
I thank you!
Thank you for responding to My call.
Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception of the Trinity
I want you to celebrate on this Saturday the supper with My Son, Jesus. Remember that Saturdays are days of special reparation and Grace for all those children that, united to Christ, commune with Him in His Heart and His Divine Spirit.
The day of Saturday helps you to meditate on the mystery of communion that My Son instituted in the Last Supper. This precious act that Jesus performed with the apostles allowed the great liberation of humanity in the sacrifice of the crucifixion of Jesus. The whole passion that Jesus lived invites you, during the day of Saturday, to contemplate the acts as sacred and as the beginning of the victory of the Kingdom of God on Earth, through the Merciful Love of Jesus.
With this, dear children, today I invite you to keep in your hearts the fact that the day of Saturday, with fasting and prayer in community, will be able to detain irreparable worldwide effects with the simple act of giving oneself to God, for love of those who still do not give themselves, do not love Him and do not adore Him.
Over the course of time, all this exercise will demand more effort from you. Therefore your hearts must be in constant prayer, to be able to comply with My call.
My children, know that the children of Fatima cultivated purity and surrender by being very innocent. Today I only ask you to remember the inner child that each one of you holds in the heart, which will allow you to take the steps towards the Light of the Creator.
May the days of Saturday be like a feast of Mercy for your hearts. Even though not all are able to fulfill My requests, remember the importance of this day of the week; this alone will help in the conversion of the world.
May you find in Jesus the joy of serving God, the Love.
I thank you!
Thank you for responding to My call.
Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception of the Trinity
Dear children,
If you have thrown yourselves into the prayer for all souls, it is a sign that you must continue on the path. May no one lose the hope of sharing the path of sacrifice so that in this way each child may recognize that the salvation of the heart is in true surrender.
Each step that is taken must be in the Hands of the Will of God, thus your lives will be able to recognize the signs of Mercy that He, in His Glory, will send you.
I am here among your hearts and the world to heal you from all evil, disturbance or pain. Therefore, believe in the power of forgiveness that God has given Me as a Grace to be poured over you, My little children.
Rejoice your lives before each test that the Whole sends you. It is necessary to mature to be able to expand humility in the heart. Thus you will be protected from the world and, with the loving act of prayer, you will be able to correct the indifferences of life so that it may be consecrated to the Creator Father.
The Most High has all of you in His Kingdom, but it is necessary to forgive and to be forgiven among yourselves as humanity, as a family and as beloved beings. This will relieve the burden of betrayal that many hearts live, due to the prevalence of competition.
If you were in constant prayer, Heaven would see it all as settled, and if you trusted what God dictates to your hearts, you would be spreading My Kingdom of Peace.
All My children must come to live the conversion of the heart. If you convert that which still has not been converted, you will convert the whole world into Light and thus My Immaculate Heart will triumph.
I love you deeply.
Do not fear, I am the Mother of Peace.
Thank you for responding to My call.
Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception of the Trinity
First dear children, today I thank you for daily answering My call to the prayer of the heart and the urgent call for Peace for all the hearts of My children who are in the world.
Today My children, I call you to continue persevering in the fruit of prayer and of the Mysteries of the Holiest Rosary. With this instrument that was given to you so many centuries ago, I invite you to meditate and to be a part of the life of each of the Mysteries that God the Father manifested when My Immaculate Heart was in the world and among you as humanity. Each passage of the Mystery wants to bring you to walk to the path of My Son and to pass through the bliss of His Redeeming Love in each one of the episodes that were wonderful works of the Highest God the Father.
Because this day dear children, I invite you as souls and as hearts to discover the path of purity that Christ expressed in His public life, as the transcendence through the act of love in His Passion. I want to make you understand how God the Father manifests Himself in each of the creatures. For this, in the Mysteries you will find brief descriptions of Our life, as faithful servants and children of God.
At the moment of daily meeting with each of the Mysteries, in your hearts will be revealed the Will of the Father through each one of the situations that happened.
For this My dear children, know that it is in God and for God that humanity will reach full redemption of all the faults practiced towards His Heart.
As Pilgrim of prayer I instruct you so that your hearts may see how the Will of God is one and omnipresent in each life on Earth.
The path of the prayer of the Holy Rosary will impel you and will allow you to find service, love, surrender and an absolute trust, the one that My Son lived with God. In this way I may tell you that God will be the Eternal
Light in your lives for the moments that will come. I prepare you with My Maternal Heart.
I thank you!
Thank you for answering My call.
Faith is perpetual strength for life.
Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception of the Trinity.
Dear children,
My Immaculate Heart rejoices when all are with Me, but It also withdraws when souls do not have the inner strength to respond to My call.
Little children, wake up! Wait no longer to serve God. While the world continues on the path of separation between the hearts, the One and Only Father has given you My Heart so that you may imitate It and accompany It in this pilgrimage.
My children, the fortress of your hearts is still not firm in God. This is why I invite you to unite to My Heart, so that the Celestial Kingdom may show you the path. When My Maternal Voice calls you, it is for a special and celestial rea- son. Therefore, dear children, I hope that next time you are attentive and truly open to be with Me. God is sending His Messengers of Peace to the world for the last time. All humanity must respond so that Grace may permeate the changes that will arrive to the Earth.
Dear children, if in truth My Immaculate Heart were the pillar of peace for your lives, from your hearts would spring a great joy from being in prayer with Me for the humanity that is without God.
My children, today I prepare you to receive the Body, the Blood, the Soul and the Divinity of My Son, who is constantly offended because of the lack of love among the hearts of the world. Therefore I invite you to repair the Heart of Christ and the heart of the world through prayer.
Dear children, all of you must open yourselves as an inex- haustible source of prayer so that humanity may change the actions that are against the Plan of God, so that the Mercy of My Son may act in each heart.
You are now in peace, but what about My other children?
Have you seen the lack of peace in the other hearts?
Out of love, My Immaculate Heart has entrusted much to you. Now you must give a little more and this will begin with the true surrender of each one of you. In this month of April, I hope to find you more awake and persistent in the purpose of the call that My Heart announces to you. In this way, dear children, your prayers from the heart will help Me in My Maternal Mission of Peace.
I expect an appropriate posture from each one of you, as worthy instruments of the Creator.
May in this Easter your eyes ignite themselves with the Light that My Son will radiate to you, out of love for the conversion of each human life.
Persist! Persist! Persist in faith in My Immaculate Heart!
Thank you for responding to My call.
Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception of the Trinity
Dear children,
In My arms you will find the refuge that your lives seek so much. I bring you My Peace so that you may live it and imitate it with the heart.
My children, today I invite you to the opening of the heart, a heart that must give itself and surrender itself with confidence to the Creator. Thus, dear children, your lives will travel the pathways that God proposes to each one of the souls: the pathway of love, the pathway of peace and the pathway of reconciliation. In this way, My children, you will be able to find My Son, present in each one of your lives.
Dear children, raise your lives and your hearts to Heaven so that through the holy prayer, the Heart of My Son may be able to call all of those who have distanced themselves from Him.
My little ones, it is the time of conversion, therefore everything will happen according to the Will of God, which you must love and revere.
Dear children, recognize the Purpose of the Celestial Father in your lives, which will be revealed to you when you contemplate with Me in prayer. Many of My children need to reencounter the path because they have distanced themselves from My Son. This is why your prayer will contribute so that, in this time of tribulation, many of My children may be able to be rescued, as you were rescued through the power of prayer.
Cultivate a healthy joy in your lives because the world without joy will not be able to reach peace. Trust the Merciful Love of My Glorified Son.
May this Easter renew your hearts. Be with My Son, the Redeeming High Priest.
Thank you for responding to My call.
Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception of the Trinity
Dear children,
Today raise Your arms towards the Celestial Kingdom of My Heart so that your hearts may be able to be purified. The soul that surrenders to the Will of the Father, My children, is a soul that gives itself and trusts in the True Love of God.
Dear children, in order for the changes in life to be manifested in these final times, it is necessary to accept, with braveness, the conversion of the heart. When you have converted the heart, you will know that faith has alighted like a living flame in your lives.
Dear children, while a part of the world dissipates itself from not recognizing God, I ask you for constant prayer so that My Immaculate Heart may assist all the children of the world. For a greater conversion of the heart, it is necessary that the changes of life happen through consecration to My Immaculate Heart.
Therefore, dear children, live the power and strength of the heart through love so that life may, every day, be as an Inner Temple to God. The path of pilgrimage in each one of you must reach the depths of the soul, thus the victory of the Love of My Son will touch each one of your souls. I wait for you in prayer as wayfarers and as hearts that at each moment aspire to find the Father.
Dear children, souls easily forget the Presence of the Universal Father. For this reason I am amongst you so that all of you may remember how important is to be in the Lord. The Lord guides you. The Lord knows you. The Lord loves you. Therefore, live the ultimate time of Mercy.
The world cries out for conversion, but it does not know how to start to live its own rehabilitation. I invite you to contemplate prayer from the highest place in your hearts. There you will find Me converting the world and the souls through My Immaculate Love.
Thank you for responding to My call.
Wisdom for your hearts.
Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception of the Trinity
Dear children,
Receive My call with your hearts and arms open. I am the Mother, Relief and Help*, that comes to the world to shelter the little hearts. There are still many places through which My Heart must pass in order to alleviate pain.
I only ask of you today, My dear children, that in face of all the inner suffering, you remain in My Immaculate Heart. In this hour of surrender and renunciation I will be there to support the steps of your hearts. Here on Earth there is still much to restore and forgive, but the most urgent is that we must pray so that the last Celestial Graces may descend.
Dear children, in truth I say to you that My Heart of Mother is humble, simple and open to each one of you. My Love will never separate Itself from the hearts that have been consecrated to My Immaculate Heart. For this reason, little ones, you must live with the utmost joy the suffering that the Lord sends to your hearts so that this pain, permeated by love, may liberate the evil that the world lives.
I conduct you through the path that My Son promised you to live. He is the Path, the Truth and the Life for all the hearts that accept to live it. There is a path by which to go. There is a truth about your existences as souls and hearts, and there is a new life, that through My Son, you will discover on the pathway of prayer. Only aspire, My little ones, to find day by day the path towards Christ. He will strengthen your hearts during the hours of testing.
The most essential of all, My dear children, is that your hearts may not lose the joy of serving and of smiling because such is the will of the Lord in these moments: He wants to see your hearts full of gratitude and joy.
The mission of all My children in the world will be to con- vert their hearts to the Will of the Lord without any fear. For this reason, My little ones, I am among you announcing the upcoming time of peace for the world.
Let us pray.
Thank you for responding to My call.
May joy reign in your hearts. Peace for the Earth.
Who loves you eternally,
Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception of the Trinity
* Tr: “Mother, Relief and Help” refers to and expands upon the meaning of the well-known title of the Virgin which in English has been called “Mary, Help of Christians.”
I hear daily the supplications of your hearts. I come from Heaven to respond to the call of hearts that unite to Me. The life of the hearts that consecrate themselves to the Most High God is inspired, by means of the tests of confirmation, on the path that the soul goes through, until arriving to the throne of the Lord. For this reason, My little children, do not fear for how much you have offended God. Instead, seek, in every moment, how to return to Him.
I am the Lady of Peace and I reach all the hearts that, being open, want to enter the Kingdom of the Lord. If the soul feels unprotected for that which it still must overcome in itself, I ask it to enter into a state of prayer in order to be able to thus repair the offenses that souls commit against the Heavens.
I come as the Mother, Help of Hearts*, so that they may feel My immaculate trust in themselves. Enter into My Immaculate Heart when you are overwhelmed, confused, or distant from prayer.
I come to reconcile your hearts with the Celestial Light. Sheltered within My Heart you will receive My Kind Love so that your souls may find humility before the Lord.
My little ones, you are part of the Creation of the Lord; you were made in His image and likeness. Now I invite you to transform and to surrender that which has not yet been transformed. I give you the flame of My Merciful Love so that you may strengthen yourselves day by day.
Silence your hearts. Allow that the true love may spring from them. I will lead you along the paths of peace. Feel the expansion of My Mantle of Light, despite everything. I guide you. I accompany you. I will show you the exit.
Revere with your hearts whenever you are before the Most Beloved Heart of My Son. He will radiate to you the power of the Love of God.
Go in Peace. I forgive you. I love you more than you love your own lives. I contemplate you from the Heart.
Keep going towards Christ, wayfarers of the Good News! Who shelters you,
Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception of the Trinity
* Tr: “Mother, Help of Hearts” refers to and expands upon the meaning of the well-known title of the Virgin which in English has been called “Mary, Help of Christians.”
Why is your little heart anguished?
Do you know the divine mystery of forgiveness and of compassion?
Each time that the darkness of life passes, My Immaculate Light flows out for your hearts. I love you, adore you, protect you and accompany you in each step of life.
Today I invite you to remember the resurrection that Jesus radiated to Lazarus. Today allow your hearts to be resurrected from every suffering or pain so that My Immaculate Heart will guard them in each moment of life.
My little ones, I know each one of your hearts from birth up to the present life. Therefore the time has come to surrender to Me that which in your hearts is as hard as wood, as resistant and heavy as iron. I guide you so that your hearts may live from the presence of My Divine Love.
Come closer to Me and I will understand you and I will listen to you. Pour your feelings over My Heart so that My Soul may help you with the steps of the path of transformation.
Many souls suffer because their hearts lose the inner strength to love and forgive and even more to find Me. But, My little ones, I am among the hearts of the world and in the hearts of all My children. My celestial mission is that all convert their hearts before entering the Kingdom of the Heavens.
For this, I radiate My Maternal Light to you so that your hearts may find rest and so that your feelings may be quieted in My presence. In order to arrive to the Kingdom of Peace, life will demand from you effort, work, prayer, transformation, renunciation and giving of yourselves.
A true soul consecrated to the Will of the Most High waits in silence for the awaited encounter and accepts with braveness and from the heart all that it will have to transcend.
For this reason, today I invite you to transcend yourselves under the strength of the heart and of the love that each one of your souls has for Me. Thus the new spirit will be born, and you will be close to My Kingdom. I will not separate Myself from any soul that transforms itself, and less from all those that face solitude in the path of consecration.
Aspire to faith within My Immaculate Heart. There, in this kingdom, we shall be together in the eternity of the living Love of God.
Who shelters you from everything, in the Merciful Love of Christ,
Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception of the Trinity
Dear children,
Bring today My Luminous and Miraculous Face into your lives. Stay under the Source of My Maternal Love so that the Divine Word may become flesh and life in you, as It became Life in Christ.
To live from this Original Source of Purity, My little ones, you must faithfully practice humility and peace. If there is no peace, there is no humility in the hearts. For this reason today I invite you to exercise the gift of humility for love of all My other children that offend God with their arrogance and forget Him.
Exercise humility to be able to swim in My ocean of peace, and thus the world will be able to be saved even more, and some more hearts may be converted and redeemed. For this purpose,
My dear children, remember the humility of Our Lord Christ, when He surrendered Himself out of love for you and, in com- plete trust, He accepted to live the martyrdom of the Passion for the liberation of the world.
Behold, My little ones, that the Savior of hearts is returning and will first touch the doors of the hearts. For this anticipated moment, you must be prepared in prayer and in vigil. The hours of the eternal sleep are now ending; it is necessary, children, to be awake for that which will come from the Heights.
But first it is time to exercise humility with the heart. You will be truly humble when you accept to surrender yourself out of love for others, when you do not fear being judged, and when you are able to live from the Divine Faith of the Lord despite the indifferences of the other hearts that still do not live in God. All that you may do, you will do for love and for the salvation of another brother or sister; thus you will begin to follow the path of humility.
You must aspire to not know who you are in order to open yourself in donation and surrender to others, without wanting anything for yourself. Through this pathway you will be seeing, little by little, the spark of the Will of the Lord.
Carry My Merciful Love in your hearts today, and remember, My little ones, that we are now at the time of the last preparation. With this aim and for this mission, I appear daily to you.
I await from the Heavens to find you in prayer each day, before dawn. Let us keep vigil with love and for the love of Christ.
May each child give with consciousness that which the Lord can receive as an offering from the heart. Give yourself truly with effort and love.
Let us pray.
In the Peace of the Kingdom of the Heavens,
Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception of the Trinity
There are aspects and states of consciousness in the human being that only love, mercy and patience can transform, because these human aspects have very relevant past histories, which interfere in the awakening toward service and absolute surrender.
When at a certain point you become aware of some of these aspects, it will not help to enter into conflict, guilt or battle. You must make use of the noble wisdom of the heart and, through the love of the spirit, transcend these moments in peace.
You must know that in the same way that surrender and service allows these aspects to be progressively redeemed, the same thing happens when the human aspects are removed from their ancient place to be dissolved by the light and the love of Divine Wisdom.
At times, you will manage to shift above these human aspects that cause you to commit failed acts. In other moments, you will fall into the prisons of these aspects, but you must not allow yourselves to be defeated nor intimidated.
The aspects are like raw wood in the human consciousness which, in the hands of the carpenter, is polished of all excess and shaped so that it may finally be turned into something beautiful.
Through My Mercy, these aspects lose force of action and independence because the Mercy of My Heart transmutes them and redeems them until the human being achieves the living of the spiritual model that God expects from each one of His children.
I thank you for keeping My Words in your heart!
Who blesses you,
Your Master and Lord, Christ Jesus
Association Mary
Founded in December of 2012, at the request of the Virgin Mary, Association Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception, is a religious association without ties to any institutionalized religion. It has a philosophical-spiritual, ecumenical, humanitarian, charitable, cultural character, and it supports all activities that are indicated through the instructions transmitted by Christ Jesus, the Virgin Mary, and Saint Joseph. Read more