The expansion of the consciousness in these times will come from service, renunciation, emptiness, and surrender.
The expansion of the consciousness in these times will come from silence, prayer, humility, and non-judgement.
The expansion of the consciousness in these times will come from the capacity of each being to look at themselves and transform a little more each day, based on the Christic principles of meekness, love, and sacrifice.
For this reason, child, in order to give yourself the opportunity to expand the consciousness and enter into a new level of service for humanity, look inward rather than outward. Look at what you hold within yourself and that which little by little you must empty.
Look inward and not outward. Look at what you still fear to confront within yourself, so that still unknown virtues and blessings may take root in your being.
Look inward and not outward. And do not do it through blame or fear, with apprehension or self-flagellation; do it with simplicity, because this is the time, and there has been no other, for you to open the doors of your subconscious and let the light enter into the dark spaces of your being.
This is the time, and there has been no other, for you to take the lamp of your love for Christ and enter into the deep abysses of your consciousness with eyes of compassion, but also with a posture of decision and inner definition.
Do not hold anything back, do not hold on to anything. Let the darkness be dispelled by the light of your lamp, and in silence, see how your inner self becomes empty. You will see, then, that your deepest fears will become small, your most entrenched miseries will lose their strength, your most frightening weaknesses will give way to the simplicity of emptiness and the freedom of surrender.
Want nothing for yourself: neither the pains nor the joys, neither the sufferings nor the spiritual likes. Want nothing for yourself: neither the martyrdom nor the virtues, simply surrender.
The time and the hour have come for looking inward rather than outward and experience the expansion of consciousness. Your consciousness will expand when you remove from it what occupies the space of inner emptiness.
For this reason, look inward rather than outward, and from the center of your being, light your lamp so the light will dispel your inner darkness. And there will no longer be misunderstandings, ignorance, or uncertainties; the void will bring you clarity and surrender will show the way.
You have My blessing for this.
Your father and friend,
The Most Chaste Saint Joseph
With your feet still in the desert, taking the last steps of this Lenten path, concentrate, child, on the Heart of your Father and Creator, the Lord of Life and of Divine Purpose.
The last steps of the Lenten path do not announce a time of inner peace, but rather of ever deeper and more intense tests, human and spiritual, which on the altar of faith will place the surrender of your human condition, your deepest fears, your most ingrained miseries, your beliefs most grounded in the consciousness of what you believe about yourself and which brought you here, supporting your human pride and your spiritual ego.
It is time to surrender it all.
In the agony that comes before the Calvary, your heart will be tested in the surrender and the void, and everything you experienced in the desert will surface with intensity, because the desert is a school, and the agony is a moment of definition.
Thus, place your being as an offering on the Celestial Altar and allow the Creator to grant you the Grace of going beyond human limitations and beliefs, beyond the strength that sustains humankind, so that He may have you know the Power that guides life.
Strengthen your faith in Divine Will, no matter what it may be. Strengthen your heart in the void so that it may be filled by the Power of God.
Walk with the purpose that your actions and your life may be an instrument of transformation for the human consciousness. That each one of your steps be given for the all; no longer see your path as something individual.
Do not seek to control your destiny and make plans according to your possibilities of bearing the tests of life or according to the security which the path can offer you. Live your spirituality as a human being, as part of humanity and for human transformation.
Let the desert expand your horizons, let the agonies define your heart, let the cross transform your consciousness, and through you, all of humanity.
Offer yourself to be an instrument.
You have My blessing for this.
Your father and friend,
The Most Chaste Saint Joseph
Souls come to the world to serve, to grow in spirit, to experience transformation, to multiply the Love of God and learn about this Love.
Souls come to the world to experience the gift of life, to understand the reason for the manifestation of divine life among the dimensions.
Consciousnesses go through life on Earth experiencing lessons, falling and getting up, living Graces and conflicts, miseries and mercies.
Souls pass through the world many times confused, without knowing the purpose of their existence, but at the end of the life, that purpose is revealed to them.
Souls can live in ignorance, but do not leave life in ignorance.
The Creator does not allow the eyes of His children to remain closed. When their life reaches its end, everything is revealed to them. It is at this time that the heart receives the opportunity to repent of its sins, to experience a true repentance, one which they did not understand during the whole of their life. It is at this moment that souls understand what gratitude is, because they understand why they were in the world, why they were sent to the Earth.
However, children, many think that it is much too late, much too late to repent and be different, much too late to confess their sins and receive Mercy, much too late to surrender, because they have only one last breath to offer God.
But I tell you that it will never be too late for true repentance, never too late for sincere gratitude, never too late for a request for Mercy which comes from the very core, from the deepest part of the consciousness, from what is called your essence.
Souls referred to as dying, who are in the last cycles of their existence, who depend on others, who have lost their autonomy and everything that humanity believes is most precious in this life, independence, false freedom, false power, self-love, pride, all this fades away when the body has become frail and the conscience awakens.
Yet, children, it is then that souls learn the meaning of surrender and grant others the opportunity to learn to serve, to reflect on the fragility of life, to reflect on the suffering, the loneliness, the emptiness and true faith.
At the end of their life, souls provide a great service, and also experience a great lesson. For this reason, revere this moment and do not seek to end it in human time; let it take place in God's Time. Everything has its reason and a motive; everything has a purpose, a lesson and an experience that makes you grow.
Revere life up to its last instant. Revere the Grace of living, because the time will come, the last breath, the last second, in which you will be able to understand all things. Until then, just trust, love one another, mutually serve each other, learn patience, persistence, surrender, humility.
Divine gifts do not have a time span for growing in the heart. There is no limit to the expansion of consciousness; it can occur in all situations in life. For this reason, do not yourselves limit this experience on Earth.
Let your path always be permeated by prayer, by patience and by love.
Let your souls not tire of serving or of living; it does not matter if you do or do not understand this life.
The time will come, the last breath and the last second in which you will be able to understand it.
Until then, walk untiringly to multiply the Love of God.
You have My blessing for this.
Your father and friend,
The Most Chaste Saint Joseph
To reach the Heart of God, you do not need great science and deep philosophies, you do not need formulas or even eternal practices. What you need, child, is a sincere heart, pure and redeemed in front of the Father.
All spiritual practices and exercises will forge a transformation for your consciousness within you, and they will allow you to remain in union with the Creator, and may this not be for just an instant, but rather become a permanent state of consciousness.
But to touch the Heart of God, to feel It and know It, you only need a sincere heart that is willing to come to the Father in confession, in adoration, in communion and in surrender. To feel Him, experience within yourself what He really is, and in coming to know God, also come to know yourself.
For this reason, before anything else, and even though you may not have the strength or inspiration, simply be with a sincere heart before the Creator, simply be with a surrendered heart at His Altar. Place yourself as an offering at His Feet and let Him make Himself felt. In the Divine Presence, everything in your life will regain its meaning, your efforts will be of value and their weight will be less, because the Love of God within you will speak louder; your battles will be light, not because they will be easier, but because your heart is no longer loose within the winds of darkness, but anchored in the Presence of God, from where no wind will be able to remove you.
Everything begins, child, with confession, yielding, surrender, adoration, and thus a perfect communion with God. And this can happen in silence, in spiritual joy, in the profound mourning of the soul, in prayer or in adoration, in your own life. You only need a sincere heart.
You have My blessing for this.
The Most Chaste Saint Joseph
Learn to contemplate and adore the Blood of Christ, knowing that each drop poured out by the Lord represents His unlimited Love for each being and for life itself.
Place your eyes on the Christ of Calvary and know that His Love, even without the Cross, has already surpassed and renewed all of Creation, but His offer went further, and pouring out Blood and Water, He perpetuated the Grace of salvation and redemption for all beings of Earth and beyond it.
May your eyes, placed upon the poured Blood of Christ, grant you the understanding and the experience of that which yielding and surrender are, that which giving all for love is.
The Water that was poured by Christ represented the unlimited Mercy that, along with pouring out all His Blood, He also poured out Water in order to give all of Himself, in matter and in spirit.
Together, Blood and Water represent the mystery of a Love still not understood by humankind; that Love that you are called upon to renew and to surpass so that everything may be recreated and evolution may find a new beginning, a greater life of union with the Creator Father.
Begin, then, by contemplating within your heart the Blood of Christ and the Water that was poured out from His Body so that you may penetrate His Mysteries and they may inspire you, and lead to a more true likeness with the Love of Christ.
You have My blessing for this.
The Most Chaste Saint Joseph
To prepare for death: an art of love and surrender before God.
To prepare for death, children, is in reality a daily act of keeping the heart clean and empty of the things of the world, of fearing God and of surrendering to His Celestial Will.
To prepare for death should be a constant act in which the consciousness wakes up each day, knowing that it may be the last, and lives each instant giving the best of themselves so that the Will of God may be realized.
To fear God is in truth to love Him above all things, and to not hesitate when the moment comes to give up the things of the world in order to embrace His Celestial Universe.
Each day of your lives, you should prepare for death, in the sense of allowing gratitude, yielding, love and surrender to permeate all your atoms and enter into the deepest fears of your beings, not only those that are hidden within the human soul but, above all, those that are part of the material condition of human beings and that permeate even your bones.
To defeat these fears, you must love more, each day. But do not just love the world, love God, love life and know that life is not limited to planet Earth; to know that a greater and eternal life awaits you and that in order to always be worthy of it, it is enough that you carry with you the Love of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit within your hearts.
For this reason, carry forward the practice of loving, of being grateful and of surrendering to God, every day. Aspire to discover a Greater Kingdom within you, in the world and beyond it, and thus you will discover the unity between the realities of life and that death is a step toward a greater life, where mysteries do not exist but rather only truth and the transparency of knowing oneself to be a child of God, returning to His Heart.
Each day, children, let the Love of the Creator expand within you and allow It to replace your deepest fears.
You have My blessing for this.
The Most Chaste Saint Joseph
When you feel the weight of your past mistakes which, like harassment, the enemy uses as attempts to deter your steps, just place your eyes upon the Cross, upon the Eucharist, upon the Heart of Christ, and stay there.
On the Cross, child, your deepest sins have been forgiven. On the Cross, your biggest mistakes have been justified.
Not only the memory of forgiveness is on the cross, but also the living and eternal forgiveness, which is renewed, time and again, each time a sincere heart is able to repent for the merits of the Cross of Christ.
However, on the Cross there is not only forgiveness for your sins; your path is also found on the Cross. The guide for your next steps is written on it so that you will not sin again, so that you will know where to go.
On the Cross, you discover God's forgiveness, but also the way that your Creator grants it to you in order to make that forgiveness fruitful. It is through surrender, humility, sacrifice and, above all, unconditional love, so that you may imitate the steps of the Christ of Calvary, so that you may drink from the Chalice that His Father offered to restore the Covenant between God and humans.
It is there, child, at the foot of the Cross, where your path begins. But it is when your Lord descends from it and ascends to Heaven that you are called to multiply the gifts of your redemption, bearing witness to the Love that has healed you and that is constantly being poured out upon the world, from the Heart of Christ to all those who know how to seek and find the merits of the Cross.
Therefore, when the enemy places your mistakes and sins before you, may your eyes turn to the Cross, may your heart remember that you have already been forgiven and that it is now a matter of following the footsteps of your Lord, Christ Jesus.
You have My blessing for this.
The Most Chaste Saint Joseph
XXXII - To Be Strengthened in God and Find Faith and Grace
A soul that sought to deepen their strength in Christ, to be renewed in Him in the face of each test, questioned the Lord, saying: "Lord, where did the faith of the first Christians come from? Where does the strength of those who knew and know how to surrender their lives out of love come from?"
And the Lord responded: "Not only the faith of the first Christians, beloved soul, but also the faith of all those who know how to surrender their lives out of love for God, is based on the certainty of My Celestial Existence. These souls know that their testimony of love rescues and inspires those who lack hope and those who have lost their faith. They know that their example generates merits for the salvation of the greatest sinners. They know that their lives are like a breath, fragile and passing, but that during this brief breath, they must love with all their being, and all their heart.
According to the commandment that My Son left to you, there is no greater love than the one that gives their life for their friends. And to give your life, little soul, is not only to die but, above all, to give of yourself, with all your being and all your heart, to be a living testimony of the surrender and love, the Grace and Mercy that flowed and continue to flow from the Crucified Heart of Christ.
For this reason, soul of Mine, may your effort be in loving and entering My Love more deeply. In this way, all faith and Grace will be revealed to you."
May this dialogue, children, teach you to be strengthened in God rather than in the world, and that in the quick breath of life, you may know how to love with all that you are.
You have My blessing for this.
The Most Chaste Saint Joseph
I - Seek God and Find the Meaning of Your Own Existence
A soul that lived immersed in sadness and bitterness questioned the Lord what was the meaning of their existence. Knowing that all creatures were made to express Love, and feeling that they were far from knowing and expressing this Love, the soul could not find the reason for their own existence.
With compassionate Eyes, the Lord contemplated this soul and responded also with a question: "You feel that you cannot express My Love and you live immersed in bitterness and sadness, but do you seek My Heart every day? Do you ask for My Grace and strive to overcome your bitterness and the dryness of your inner world in order to reach My Thought for you?"
The soul, afflicted and somewhat upset, responded to the Lord that they do not seek Him, that they do not feel Him, and that they are only immersed in their weaknesses and bitterness.
The Lord then said: "You are a beloved soul, and I love you as much as you could love Me and everything that exists, but since I created you, dear soul, you have distanced yourself from My path and you covered yourself with so many garments and veils that you can no longer recognize who you are nor Who I Am. But for Me to show you your true face, you need to ask Me, you need to go beyond your bitterness and weaknesses, your dryness and sadness, your desires and goals, and all that which you think about how I manifest in your life, how I reveal Myself to you, and how you can feel Me.
Let me act within your heart and, for this, just say yes to Me, every day, with humility and persistence. The purpose of your existence is to live and renew My Love but, for this to happen, there is a path of redemption and humility, of renunciation and surrender, of overcoming and rendition, in which you become lost from yourself and then you find Me, so that only then may you know what it is to express and renew My Love.
My miracle in your life begins when you say yes to Me. This miracle is constant and eternal, and oftentimes you will not perceive that My Love is acting through your heart but, above all, you must trust in Me."
Today I tell you this short and profound story because the souls of the world are not finding the meaning for their own existences, nor do they look the One Who can reveal this to them.
It is not in the world or in human goals that you will find realization and wholeness. To free yourselves of the emptiness and bitterness of a life without love, you must seek God, children, and in Him seek the answers for your deepest questions.
You have My blessing for this.
The Most Chaste Saint Joseph
When a soul has a commitment with God, God patiently leads it through the path of surrender.
First, He inspires it to transform its life, to go through the path which leads towards His Heart, not toward the world. Little by little, He places upon its path opportunities, signs, encounters that inspire it to assume new steps towards the Heart of God.
As this soul knows the Love of God and trusts It, the Creator starts asking it for new things, new surrenders, new renunciations, until a definitive point arrives for this soul; when the Lord asks it for a greater renunciation, a complete life transformation.
When the soul throws itself into the unknown abyss of surrender, it discovers that it was falling into the Hands of God, into an endless Fountain of Love, which was hiding deep within the soul that learned to renounce and take the risk of living surrender.
Still, upon this path, the soul, inspired by the Love of God, makes many offers to Him, placing everything into His Hands. However, it offers that which in truth is known, that which had already been surrendered while jumping into the abyss. The Lord then opens a door within the depths of its consciousness and points out that which must be transformed.
A new unknown abyss is then presented. The soul is faced with aspects of its consciousness that were like hidden treasures: its skills, magnetism, self-confidence, its most hidden vanities.
And however much it continues offering its life to God, its Creator always seeks, in the deepest layers of its being, the focus of surrender, that which must be emptied from its heart. Sometimes it hurts and the soul suffers but it knows that every space that is emptied within its heart and consciousness, hidden spaces of its being, are those which are given to the Heart of God, to His Love, to His Spirit, so that there He may have a sweet home, clean and ready to dwell in.
The path of surrender, children, is eternal, deep, a path to emptiness and, at the same time, a path to unity with the Whole.
So never think that you have surrendered everything, but always allow God to go deeper. And even though it sometimes causes pain, know that the pain is human and will be repaired by the Divine Presence within.
To this day and in each moment I offer the Father all that I am, all that is within Me and all that I do, live, experience, think and speak to the world, because surrender is eternal.
I invite you to follow these steps and each day deepen into your union with God.
You have my blessing for this.
The Most Chaste Saint Joseph
Prayer to Imitate Christ
may my eyes contemplate the world with Your Eyes;
may my heart feel life as does Your Heart;
may my soul live upon Earth and beyond it, as does Your Soul;
may my days be an eternal reflection of Your Mercy
so that I may see my neighbor as You see me,
so that I understand my neighbor as You understand me,
so that I may be patient with my neighbor as You are with me,
so that I may speak to my neighbor as You speak to those who are Yours,
so that I may act with my neighbor as You act with those who are Yours,
and so that I may deliver to them all that You may wish to deliver.
Therefore, Lord,
may I love as You love,
serve as You serve
and live as You live,
Pray like the first companions of Christ, who, gathered around Him, - Jews, pagans, atheists, fishermen, prostitutes, scholars and soldiers, poor people and tax collectors, doctors and lepers - learned to love one another as He loved them.
Through His sacred Presence, their eyes became merciful and they could see beyond miseries and appearances.
This is how, children, you should look at one another today, with these very Eyes. This is how you should recognize one another, in the eternal Presence of Christ; loving, understanding, patient, merciful and compassionate, as His Heart is.
You have My blessing for this.
The Most Chaste Saint Joseph
When a being loves with the Love of God, they grow humanly and spiritually, because this Love leads them to donate themselves, to surrender more and more deeply, to reach spaces unknown to their own consciousness, where love had not yet come, and there, the doors to God open.
A being who loves with the Love of their Creator Father does not fear to surrender before Him, does not fear to die to themselves and to their childishness, does not fear to leave the false freedom and the self-assertion of adolescence to grow up and be a servant of their Creator.
The Love of God brings creatures closer to Truth and, before this Love, nothing that comes from the world has strength, everything loses its meaning, its value, its weight within the hearts, because they discover the Infinity.
The being who loves with the Love of God only aspires to build His Kingdom and make known the Love of the Creator. They learn to live by His miracles, awaken the faith within themselves, open the consciousness toward Divine Wisdom, becoming permeated by the Gifts of the Holy Spirit, because, every day, they aspire less for themselves and more for God; they empty themselves and give place to God, thus, they grow humanly and spiritually.
Aspire for this, children: to live this Love, find this Truth and grow humanly and spiritually.
You have My blessing for this.
The Most Chaste Saint Joseph
Let your soul be enraptured by the Love of Christ. Do not fear, do not resist. Give Him your shame, your fears, your deepest aspirations, your goals and everything you are, including miseries, skills and virtues.
The time is coming to be washed by the Blood of Christ, permeated by His Love and renewed by His surrender and, more than remembering His Passion, to be with His surrender, His Love and His Cross.
Thus, child, the time has come for a definition of maturity in Christ, to deepen your consecration and to not be afraid of growing in Him and for Him.
Let yourself be new clay in the Hands of the Potter, because He knows the Purpose of God for your life and can shape your consciousness according to Divine Will.
Pray and speak the Poems* with love that the Lord gave you, because through them, He teaches you the spiritual meaning of surrender and of humility; in this way, a surrendered soul communicates with Christ.
Do not fear to live the experience of surrender. In what is left for you of this Lent and this deep desert, begin to walk, in your heart, with decided steps to Jerusalem, confirming and re-confirming your surrender to Christ each day.
You have My blessing for this.
The Most Chaste Saint Joseph
*Saint Joseph is referring to the Poems of a soul to the Sacred and Blessed Heart of Jesus, transmitted by Christ Jesus in the months of July and August of 2018.
From cycle to cycle, re-experience the call of Christ within you.
Within your heart, child, contemplate the sea of your life, of your story and of your surrender and, along the shores of this sea, find the Gaze of your Lord that is seeking your eyes.
Without fear, start again walking toward your Savior and allow Him to ask you for something new, a deeper surrender, a more perfect yielding.
At His Feet, leave the net of all your desires and aspirations, all that you were pursuing in the sea of life, trying to conquer it, even if it were something spiritual or even if it were something for Christ.
Listen to the Voice of your Lord calling you to enter into His Heart. And empty of everything, go with Him to fulfill His designs, cross deserts, heal your own heart and thus, grant healing, be deeply loved and, in this way, grant the Love of God to souls.
Never think that you will just surrender your life to Christ one day, but rather, child, surrender, every day. Listen to His Voice in each instant; open the way within you so that Christ may reach the most hidden spaces of your being.
I am speaking about surrender and yielding every day. Perceive that these are the keys of this time; they are the bases upon which your spirit is safe in God and in His Will. This is what He is calling you to live at this moment because, in this way, you will grow, in this way, you will fulfill the designs of the Creator for your life.
You have My blessing for this.
The Most Chaste Saint Joseph
When God allows humanity to suffer in the face of the plans of His enemy so that the foundations of sand may break, child, you must let the fragile and false dwellings fall down and surrender your heart to God so that He may build your fortress upon rock.
When God allows weak souls to succumb to their more human temptations and weaknesses, letting themselves be defeated by the enemy, child, you must repair in your life everything that distances you from God and close the doors to the darkness that exists in the depths of your human consciousness.
When you see that the world is fragile and the inner world of humankind does not find support in what once kept them on their feet, look within where your fortitude lies, upon that which your poor soul is supported by, and place your heart in the correct place of union with Christ.
Do not let the weaknesses of souls or the world make you feel better than others so that you may point your finger to the errors of others and place yourself somewhere that you have not yet reached of holiness, surrender and inner maturity.
Let human frailties always be a mirror for you, in which you must look every day to transform that which you see, to heal that which is sick, to throw out that which has rotted and to strengthen that which is truly pure.
Enter the Heart of Christ more and more. Seek the sure path to be in God.
You have My blessing for this.
The Most Chaste Saint Joseph
Surrender your heart in the Hands of God, oh soul so small and fragile!
Let your life be suspended into the Hands of the One who created you so that He may place you on the correct point of your evolution.
Live, being an expression of the love that you receive every day from your Creator Father.
Let your desert be fertile, like the deserts that, through the Grace of God, blossom and express the miracle of life, even in the aridity of the world.
Let your little soul be a source of faith through the persistence of your heart in the face of the challenges and trials of life.
May it not matter to you whether you are last or first.
May it not matter to you whether you are hidden or elevated in the eyes of humankind.
May it matter to you to serve and love more each day, to close your eyes to the illusions of the world and open them to the universal Truth that is revealed to you.
May it matter to you to enter into the depths of your heart and there find not only a Living God full of Graces, but also a Crucified Spouse who calls you to be like Him, every day, with the full surrender of your heart.
May the pain of the world matter to you, the pain of those who suffer and who do not find relief, and may the Grace of God upon you make your little life a fount for those who are thirsty; even though you will often drink, you will feel thirsty and empty.
May your emptiness not be filled by the world and its illusions but rather by God and His mysteries, by the faith that He places in your heart, in times of desert and solitude.
Seek relief in service; seek support in charity, in those who will always be in a worse condition than your little soul which, in spite of being so fragile, was chosen by God as a chalice for His spiritual Gifts.
It is not for you to judge the Will of the Lord, but simply to accept it, just as your Mother Mary did who, being small and simple, made Herself a Chalice and a Tabernacle so that the Living God could come into the world.
Be you, beloved soul, like your Divine Mother, and every day surrender your smallness into the Hands of God, because in your nothingness He will do everything.
You have My blessing for this.
The Most Chaste Saint Joseph
Sometimes it seems like you walk and walk, and your spirit turns away from God.
Sometimes you feel that you strive and break, and your heart retrocedes in love.
Today, child, I come to tell you that the human condition is very deep, with many layers to be transcended, ever deeper within your being. It is a long path, made up of many stages that your heart must mature, but your heart also must allow itself to be inflamed by the Love of God.
Each offer you make, each surrender you make, opens a new space within you to be healed, liberated, transcended. These are the chambers of your inner castle, which safeguard your essence and its mysteries.
Live each stage of your surrender, deepening into your union with God. Let your soul be a friend, sister, companion, wife of Christ, until one day it blends with the Lord and there are no longer limitations of His Love within you.
Walk, even if it seems that you will never get there.
Know that this is a profound inward walk toward infinity, and do not stop your steps.
Fix your gaze upon He Who calls you. And let all the obstacles, resistances, all the pain of the torn away layers, all the sorrows of the knocked down walls be sustained in the Heart that is before you upon the horizon of your surrender, your beginning and your end. In this way, you will grow in spirit, but also in love.
You have My blessing for this.
The Most Chaste Saint Joseph
Welcome the tests your Lord sends you with love and gratitude and, through each one of them, discover the perfect path for your healing, your awakening and your redemption.
Child, sometimes God allows you to experience an illness so that, through it, you may experience a profound spiritual healing. The illness shows you the fragility of your human being when it is only supported by human forces and the laws of this world.
When you surrender from the heart and place your life in the Hands of He Who created it, and Who is the only One capable of leading it perfectly, you will then understand that the illness comes to heal you of yourself, to defeat your deepest resistances, to place you before God, just like a fragile lamb in the Arms of its Shepherd.
Perceive the illness as a warning coming from Heaven, that is calling you to go deeper into your surrender and resignation to God, in your yielding in the face of His Will, so that you may understand that He is the only One capable of guiding your steps.
While you have strength, He has Power.
While you have knowledge, He has Wisdom.
While you seek truth, He is the Truth.
For this reason, child, remain standing before God within yourself, to give thanks while He seeks to open your eyes, revealing to you your fragility.
Go deeper into the sense of surrender, of yielding and of obedience. Go deeper into the sense of faith, of gratitude and of humility in the light of God. Because, in this way, your illness will be for you a healer and your spirit will be freed.
You have My blessing for this.
The Most Chaste Saint Joseph
When your heart no longer knows what to do, child, keep your spirit in the certainty of the Presence of God and simply offer the Father your emptiness, your silence, your anguish, your human condition, your deeper aspects, your most hidden weaknesses.
Offer yourself to the Father at each moment and may your small life be before His Celestial Altar.
Give thanks, even if it is for the tests, for the deserts and for the challenges.
Give thanks for the deep abysses from which your Creator comes to withdraw you while He reaches His hands out towards you.
Allow these experiences of surrender to strengthen your spirit for an even greater surrender because it is just a matter of yielding to God ever more deeply.
You have My blessing for this.
The Most Chaste Saint Joseph
If your heart is tired within, if your mind is tired of resisting, if your bodies are tired of sustaining themselves and this world, child, the time has come to surrender to God.
If your spirit is tempted, if your soul is in agony, if loneliness approaches, even while surrounded by friends, and silence is what speaks loudest within you, child, it is because the time has come to surrender to God.
The planetary Passion begins with temptation.
Before surrendering all for love, your Lord had already spiritually carried the weight of the world and, defeating inner temptations with the revelation of His unbreakable Faith, He then overcame His most human resistances by sweating Blood and, in that, He overcame the fear of all humanity, of experiencing surrender and sacrifice for a love without rewards.
But once again, I tell you, My child, meditate upon the Cross of your Lord, and create a deep connection with Him.
Because when the Divine Word becomes silent, when the stars hide in the sky and even your inner universe is dark, like a night without the moon, it is only the power of the memory of the Passion of Christ that will inspire your soul. It is your profound union with Him and the goal of imitating His footsteps that will allow you to continue moving forward.
It is so little, My child, that you suffer grief magnified by the temptations of the world, the assaults of these times. But I tell you that much greater is the Love and the Power of God within you.
Risk discovering it; surrender yourself to live it.
Do not remain in weariness or agony, but rather drink from the divine Chalice that seems to offer you pain but, in reality, offers you infinite Love.
You have My blessing for this.
The Most Chaste Saint Joseph
Association Mary
Founded in December of 2012, at the request of the Virgin Mary, Association Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception, is a religious association without ties to any institutionalized religion. It has a philosophical-spiritual, ecumenical, humanitarian, charitable, cultural character, and it supports all activities that are indicated through the instructions transmitted by Christ Jesus, the Virgin Mary, and Saint Joseph. Read more