When I arrive upon the planet, I reflect My Mirror-Consciousness upon the world so that the ideals and forms of the terrestrial and human mind may be changed by the most potent Light of the Heart of God.

Through My Mirror-Consciousness, I reflect upon the Earth the principles of regeneration and healing for humanity in order that the beings of the planet may awaken to the time of their redemption.

Through My Mirror-Consciousness, I remove from perdition the most lost ones and I offer the refuge of My Heart as a temple and salvation home for the souls that despair.

Through My Mirror-Consciousness, I purify the global depressive feeling of humanity so that the exorcist angels may defeat every evil idea and the balm of the Love of God may triumph.

Through My Mirror-Consciousness, I awaken the mirror of the heart of each being so that the Divine Will of seeing the manifestation of the new colony of Christs may be fulfilled.

Through My Mirror-Consciousness, I reflect upon humanity the Source of the Mercy of God so that sinners may be forgiven and the oppressed be liberated from their own spiritual prison.

I thank you for responding to My call!

Who blesses you,

Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace


With the Light emanated by the Mirrors, your Heavenly Mother can bring to the planet the ruling Principles of the Consciousness of God, and from the Mirrors of Light, pour out these inner attributes into the consciousness of humanity.

With the Light of the Mirrors, your Heavenly Mother can dissolve the contrary forces that impede the awakening of humanity.

With the Light of the Mirrors, your Heavenly Mother can grant the spiritual healing within souls so that afterward material healing may occur.

With the Light of the Mirrors, your Heavenly Mother can regenerate the consciousness of humanity and withdraw it from spiritual illusion so that hearts may find the Christic path.

With the Light of the Mirrors, your Heavenly Mother can encompass large regions of the planet, and from the most natural and sacred places of Creation in this world, She can help elevate the consciousness of human beings so that they may awaken to their inner reality.

With the Light of the Mirrors I can reflect upon the planet all the Love of God, so that souls may feel and perceive that it is time to change, so that the world may change and the entire Earth may be redeemed.

I thank you for responding to My call!

Who blesses you,

Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace


During the Hour of Mercy, while the greatest flow of the Fount of My pitying Heart opens, everyone has the unique opportunity to be able to submerge in My Ocean of Love so that the most serious faults committed may be forgiven and the deepest wounds may be healed.

At the Hour of Mercy, companions, the Wound of Light of My Side opens to pour out the most potent flow of the Pity of God upon the sinners who sincerely and truthfully ask for Mercy.

At the most culminating hour of Mercy, while every day the sorrowful Death of the Lord on the Cross is remembered, souls, and the whole world, have the opportunity of purifying their heart of every spiritual stain and of being able to enter into the Kingdom of the Heavens, simply by remembering the sorrowful Passion of Jesus.

Announce to the world that the deepest depths of My Mercy are still open so that souls, during this definitive hour of humanity, may achieve spiritual salvation and universal forgiveness.

May your lives be a testimony of My Mercy.

May your examples and acts be merciful, so that in the great universe of My Mercy, souls and the world may achieve peace.

I thank you for keeping My Words in your heart!

Who blesses you,

Your Master, Christ Jesus


My Heart is like the flame of a blue fire that re-ignites in spirits the Flame of the Original Purpose, and those who have the grace of receiving this impulse are led to experience the purification and the consecration of their lives.

My Heart is like the Blue Flame of the Divine Purpose, a Heart that offers Itself for the intervention and the healing of the errors committed by all beings throughout the ages.

My Heart is like the Blue Flame of the Divine Purpose because the Light of My Flame penetrates the depths of the spirit so that creatures may learn to live the Law of Love.

My Heart is like the Blue Flame of the Divine Purpose, a Heart that, in an offering to God, gains the action of forgiveness and of Divine Mercy in the heart of beings.

My Heart is like the Blue Flame of the Divine Purpose because, through My Heart, souls will be able to reach the path to live the Will of God.

I thank you for keeping My Words in your heart!

Who blesses you,

Your Master, Christ Jesus


Do you not see, child, that the world is in agony?

From the entrails of the Earth are expurgated the evils that cause deep spiritual wounds in the Earth. From the entrails of humankind are expurgated ancient evils, the results of a history built upon foundations of errors and fraud, Godless decisions, loveless hearts.

Like your Lord in the Garden of Gethsemane, close your eyes and observe the world; see that the planet is in agony and the consciousness of humankind trembles without perceiving this. They do not know the reason for their woes, and they catalog new illnesses to give a name to a life empty of God or full of a profound ignorance.

Like your Lord in the Garden of Gethsemane, observe the life on Earth and see, child, that only a great love will be able to heal this world.

Love is this unknown and hidden power that made God multiply and reflect Himself in His creatures, so that this Love might gain life and be renewed, from time to time, in a greater Love.

Love grows when the heart steps away from ignorance and enters the Truth. Love is multiplied when the being not only knows the Truth, but lives it, expressing its wisdom through loving actions.

The path to the Truth is prayer, which places you in inner dimensions, which are beyond any ignorance. For this reason, pray and cry out to the Father for His Presence. Rise up to His Heart and, within the Heart of God, observe the world and life, just as His Son did in the Garden of Gethsemane.

See that there is no limit to Love, because it is infinitely necessary on the Earth and well beyond it.

Pray, child, and find a greater cause for your own life. Find the cause of Christ, the cause of God, the meaning of your existence, which is held in the need that life has for a constant renewal in the Love of God.

See how in the silence of your heart you can serve, and in the sincerity of your spirit, you can cross boundaries. Without a true and deep spiritual life, nothing will make sense. This is the great thirst of the world, this is the thirst of Christ, this is the thirst of God.

Your Father and Friend,

The Most Chaste Saint Joseph


Do not stop believing that God is within you, that you have communed and lived this internal union with His Divine Spirit and His Mercy many times.

Do not forget that the Celestial Father has the power to do everything and give you everything.

Do not stop trusting that the great miracle of Love will come into your life and that you will again be blessed by Grace.

Do not lose your faith in what is beyond yourself and is unknown; and that in the greatest deserts of the soul, the Celestial Brotherhood silently accompanies each moment and that you are never alone.

Do not stop affirming that God is with you and within you and that, one day, you will fly towards His dwellings like a bird of fire that will go to encounter the infinite.

Do not stop confirming the universal victory of Christ within you and everything that the Lord has done in your life these times. 

Do not stop aspiring to find truth, healing, and redemption; and that one day you will be sitting beside Christ to tell Him how much you cherish and love Him.

Do not stop saying yes to God.

I thank you for responding to My call!

Who blesses you,

Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace


The twelve songs composed and intuitively elaborated by José Trigueirinho, during the course of his thirty years of instruction, of learning and of service to the Plan of God, reflect the aspiration, the hope and the call to the manifestation of the spiritual attributes which, during his first phase as an instrument of the Hierarchy, he yearned to concretize, in this humanity, just as other spiritual and philosophic instructors that have come to the Earth to fulfill a Greater Will.

By means of these twelve songs, José Trigueirinho achieved to transmit one of the seventy seven Wills of God manifested in twelve Principles, which were literally expressed as inner messages coming from his soul. These messages reflected the aspiration of the Divine Hierarchy for the concretion of the first attributes, which would impel the awakening of the consciousness of the New Humanity.

Another main accomplishment carried forward throughout the years by José Trigueirnho, the instrument of God, was the manifestation of the Choirs-of-Light, one of the streams of the Divines Will, in this case the main stream, which would help in the descending of more and more attributes to the consciousness of humanity.

In this sense, the first choirs, which had officially formed based on the experience and the living of the collective work, by means of the Community-of-Light of Figueira, accepted to develop, little by little, the expression of the attributes that José Trigueirinho had once heard in his soul and had written on paper, as inner statements, which transmitted a message and a higher call to the Hierarchy.

This legacy, which impelled, after thirty years, the expression of the Communities-of-Light, the awakening of the groups of service, of prayer, of instruction and of healing; is renewed today for all consciousnesses, demonstrating to each one of them that the twelve main songs once written by the instrument of God were prophetic symbolic messages which were revealing, on many levels of consciousness, what would happen during the first thirty years of a Work based on love and on faith in the Hierarchy.

Therefore, today your Master and Lord asks all of the founding pioneers and the servers of the last years to offer, for the next September 25, 2018, as a closing tribute, four songs, which will be recorded only with voices, and which later, at the end of the first part of the homage that will be made to José Trigueirinho, will be transmitted worldwide, so that everyone may perceive and become aware that the prophecies have already been fulfilled.

This special ceremony of transmission will be programmed for 8:00 p.m.

May this impulse, which will gather pilgrim hearts of the Work of the Hierarchy, reignite the commitment of serving, and of loving the Plan of God, more and more each day, just as José Trigueirinho, the instrument of God, selflessly loved.

I thank you for keeping these impulses in your heart!

Who blesses you,

Your Master, Christ Jesus


Child, feel loved by God, independently of your imperfections and miseries.

Feel loved by God in the certainty that the Creator knows you profoundly and, just as you are, loves you unconditionally.

Feel loved by God and do not fear not corresponding to what He needs from you because if you truly love Him, everything else will be accomplished in you, according to the Celestial Will, because the love to the Father will lead you through this path.

Feel loved by God and let this love penetrate deep in your heart, awakening in you a response of love similar to the Love of the One who created you.

Feel loved by God, and welcome each moment of your life as a symbol of this Love, because the Father gives you Graces, but also tests so that you may grow in faith and confirm yourself, day by day, in this Plan of His. 

Feel loved by God, and welcome in this new cycle a more profound contact with the Father, knowing His Truth, recognizing His Presence.

Feel loved by God, and may this Love heal your wounds, liberate you from the past, prepare you for the future and build, in the eternal present, a life of surrender and love for the neighbor and all Creation.

Feel loved by God, for He welcomes you, supports and forgives you every day so that you may always have the path open to restart. 

Feel loved by God, and start from scratch; rewrite your history, offer the Father a blank page so that He may draw a celestial triumph through you.

Feel loved by God, and always say “yes” to Him.

The one who also loves you,

Your Father and Friend,

The Most Chaste Saint Joseph


The joy of Jesus was in the inner and spiritual miracles that souls experienced when they came out of misery and went on to be in glory.

The joy of Jesus was also in the smallest, in the humble and in all those who, in absolute and total trust, would embrace the call of the Kingdom of God.

His Joy imprinted in His fellow people the true spirit to be able to live the Kingdom of God and be part of it.

Jesus reflected His Joy and also His gratitude for the Instruction that brought forth and manifested the sacred knowledge through the parables, which throughout His preaching, formed what we know as the Gospel.

Jesus was the Gospel itself made person and spirit. His Presence would grant souls the possibility of coming out of ignorance and experiencing the first steps of awakening. 

The whole work of Joy of Jesus was based upon Love for God and His Divine Will.

That nonmaterial Love which Jesus expressed for His Eternal Father was visible by means of the momentum and strength of each word pronounced in the Gospel. And also, through the events that occurred in the healing of the sick, the leper, the blind and the paralytic; as well as in the conversion and redemption of the most hardened hearts.

It is evident that the physical events, of which Jesus was an intermediary instrument for souls to liberate themselves from their own ills, were not intended to generate fanaticism nor sensationalism.

The miracles occurred to try to awaken humanity from its profound and petty ignorance. They intended to elevate consciousnesses, from such an earthly state to a more spiritual state.

In this sense, miracles taught the true actuation of nonmaterial Laws that interceded, through Jesus, in serious and complex situations.

The fundamental message that the Messiah wanted to leave is that all material life is governed by a spiritual life, and that our foundations, actions and deeds committed start first from what is absolutely invisible and that we are led by the Source of Creation.

Jesus used all spiritual means so that, through His joy, warmth and Love, the simplest and least prepared consciousnesses would learn to find the true meaning of being in incarnate life and thus discover their personal mission.

The joy of Jesus, His smile and impersonal affection for each being could heal the most profound corner of any consciousness, where the most hidden wound existed.

Just by looking into the eyes of the miserable or the arrogant, Jesus changed their destiny and altered their evolution forever.

I thank you for imitating the joy of Jesus!

Who blesses you,

Your Master, Christ Jesus


May good intentions towards your fellow being never cease to be born within your heart.

May this goodness that you should experience, day by day, lead you to understand, beyond forms and senses, the Divine Plan of God.

Profess the goodness in your fellow beings as part of the Divine, as a real union with the sacred Purpose.

Be good wherever you go and to whomever you are with.

In your life, may your heart learn to overcome duality, thus you will enter the perfect balance of the universe.

Practice good, as My Son taught, so that, in the depths of your cells, feelings contrary to goodness may purify.

Let goodness be the inner impulse that guides you, that leads you to experience the degrees of love in higher proportions.

In good, you will find the healing you need from all the evils that you ever experienced.

Good will lead you to be at peace, and in peace you will be able to submerge in love.

If you want to be a peace-maker, submerge in the chain of good, thus you will help rebuild this world and you will change the human standard, that of doing evil all the time, thus you will help move your neighbor apart from suffering.

When the soul does not carry out its actions in accordance with good, it enters suffering, because good teaches you to think and do everything for your neighbor and remove you from the first place in which you had placed yourselves.

Good does not battle nor compete.

Good reminds you that you must always return to love.

I thank you for responding to My call!

Who blesses you,

Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace


Dear children,

My words are the poetry of Heaven,

My solace is the joy that the heart has to experience God.

My aspiration is the conversion of all hearts.

My message is the realization of the Will in My children.

My joy is the song of the choirs.

My healing is the happiness of those who smile to God.

My path is the return of My Children to the Heart of Christ.

My inner aspiration is that everyone may understand God.

My song is the prayer of all My children.

My life is the life of those who follow My paths.

My principle is the Purpose of God

My goal is the awakening of those who are asleep.

My sadness is the abandonment of those who have not lived the Will of God.

My ardor is the praying fire of My children.

My offering is the love lived among My children.

My hope is the conscious answer of the soldiers of Christ.

My agony is the lack of love, it is hatred among the hearts.

My relief is the rosary offered by My children.

My conviction is the absolute faith in the Divine Plan.

My intercession is the kindness of the meek of heart.

My joy is the consecration of the spouses of Christ.

My peace is when you, My child, dare to say "yes" to me.

I thank you for responding to My call!

Who blesses you,

Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace


Dear children,

In this world and in this humanity, the school that enables you to go through human suffering is one of the greatest tests for souls, since this school represents the overcoming of difficult moments and experiencing greater learnings.

This is the reason why the school of prayer helps and intervenes in the deepest aspects of suffering, reaching the unconscious spaces of the human being in order to uproot that which caused suffering and keeps the soul imprisoned.

Therefore, the prayer from the heart attracts the action of the Laws of Healing and of Redemption.

In these times, in which most of humanity has chosen the school of suffering, it is the moment to act through the power of prayer so that souls may abandon that state of pain and rediscover the path of love and peace.

I thank you for responding to My call!

Who blesses you,

Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace


When you feel that your heart closes for some reason, open it again so that the light of My Love can enter, clean it, purify it and put it in order.

The light of My Love dissolves any conflict because God is to be found in this light, as well as all the sublime power of His Kingdom.

Thus, allow your heart to open more each time so that I, as Mother, can remove from it all pain, bitterness, sadness and conflicts.

Trust in the light of My Love and everything will transform. Because upon the donation of the light of My Love to My children, all will be able to know new states and principles of Divine Love, which go beyond planetary life.

Through the light of My Love, your life will transform and you will begin to experience new attributes.

Thus, day by day, do not cease to open your heart to Mine; in this way, I will be able to work and heal the very depths, the core of what is held within you.

I thank you for responding to My call!

Who blesses you,

Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace


At the doorway of the Kingdom of Aurora, your Heavenly Mother prepares the great stream of spiritual impulses that will be given during the first days of August.

The Kingdom of Aurora will be lit again as a Mirror so that humanity may receive from the Universe the spiritual help it will need for defining the next steps of the race.

Aurora, as a Center of healing and redemption, will offer to consciousnesses this gift of being able to abandon the past and be able to enter the inner schools of redemption so that someday they may experience rehabilitation.

Aurora, as a Sacred Center of God, will carry forward this spiritual movement of cosmic redemption so that the human beings present at this time may receive the Grace to free themselves from the ties of consciousness and enter into the school of forgiveness.

All of the Spiritual Hierarchy is working toward this.

We are in unity.

I thank you for responding to My call!

Who blesses you,

Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace


Never tire of giving love and forgiveness, so that you may also receive love and forgiveness.

Sick hearts need healing.

Wounded hearts need love.

Hardened hearts need liberation.

Cold hearts need inner warmth.

So all hearts need something internal or spiritual.

Work tirelessly for the love of God, so that those hearts may receive what they need rather than what they want.

In love, every heart in test will be healed.

For this reason, imitate Jesus in that love capable of healing and of understanding beyond words and forms; so that the world as consciousness will also be healed and everything will be renewed.

I thank you for responding to My call!

Who blesses you,

Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace

Marathon of Divine Mercy
Apparition of Christ Jesus during the 60th Marathon of the Divine Mercy, in the city of Vienna, Austria, to the visionary Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón de Jesús

Now I come from a place many do not know, a place where I was once received and from where I shall return to the world. You may know it as the House of the Father, the Celestial Source or the Universe.

I come from the Heart of this Universe, which has offered Itself to gestate life and Creation, so that all souls could live an experience of true and attainable love; so that souls could live an experience of redemption and of forgiveness.

I come from that Heart that pulsates in the center of the Universe and from where the Father sends Me to the world to proclaim His Word of Salvation and of Light, in order to bring you the impulses you need so that your consciousnesses may awaken to the true reality that emerges from the Heart of the Universe.

Today I show you My Face of Universality.

I am the One Who was among you more than two thousand years ago.

I am the One Who has risen, Who suffered for you and Who offered Himself to you out of love, a love that is still not known.

Behold the One Who ascended to the Heavens and Who is close to the Celestial Father to let you know the immensity of His Mercy, the great goodness of His Eternal Soul, the Infinity of His Love for each one of the creatures that have arisen from this Universe to live an experience of love and a great opportunity of forgiveness.

The history of humanity has not ended yet, nor has its past been dissolved. The Universe still needs to heal humanity and, for this to be possible, you must first heal your hearts, so that afterwards the world may be healed and finally redeemed.

With My Universal Message, I come to remove you from the superficiality of these times, from the ignorance of these times, from that which separates you from Truth and Love.

I do not wish to institute a new church in you. I wish to institute in your hearts My eternal Celestial Church, which is invisible, higher and infinite before the eyes of humankind.

Believe, companions, in the fountain that exists within you, in the universe that exists within you and that no human will be able to take from you.

I invite you to reconnect with the spirit of My Universality because, if you contemplate the Universe, you will contemplate Creation and you will attain the purpose of your lives.

I need New Christs who may feel like My Heart and My Soul do; who may know the immensity of My Works, which go beyond all churches of the Earth.

For I ascended to the Heavens for you and I come from Heaven for you, to reveal to you My new Task and the purpose the Celestial Father has placed in My Merciful Heart.

Therefore, I invite you to open your consciousnesses for you to know that I am more than Jesus, a humble man who came to the Earth to teach you about love and the importance of instruction for your lives.

Overcome the limits of matter. As you open your consciousnesses, your hearts will feel My Presence and you will know the place I come from is a special place for everyone, where all may commune with this precious Divine Energy which offers Itself from time to time, which reveals Itself from cycle to cycle so that souls may recognize the Will of God.

Do not see the Father as a judge. See the Great and Eternal One in the infinity of His Mercy. Recognize within yourselves the attributes He delivered to you out of love. Sacred Gifts of His Spirit which must awaken your talents, so that like many men and women of the Earth, you may feel encouraged to serve Him fully, experiencing service with joy and with deep bliss in your hearts.

I come from that place of the Universe so that you may know I am more than a Nazarene, and that I came here to the Earth just as I come at this time to take you to the Universe of My Truth.

In the Universality of My Heart, which you can find, you will have no restrictions or limits, because that which comes from the Source and which is in the Heart of the Son of God, invites souls to experience the Projects of the Father and to accomplish them on this planet through the donation of souls.

I invite you, companions, to find My Divine Spirit beyond forms and religions; for I come from a higher place that conceived the great opportunity for the world of bringing Love and Redemption to the Earth, so that all followers of My Heart might someday become witnesses of My Presence and of My Word.

Thus, I do not come to evangelize you, nor do I come to compromise you. I come to bring you the message of awakening, for this world and this humanity must come out of the inertia in which they have placed themselves, in order to experience their great transformation in the name of the whole Universe and of all of Creation.

Encourage yourselves to take this step and do it beyond My Name. Do it for the whole Universe, for the sake of the true experience of love that you have had in other times, and which I bring you today for you to remember it and, thus, awaken.

You are not here on this planet only for a human experience. You are a part of a Purpose and of a great Infinite Plan, which was thought and meditated by the Source and delivered to the great Archangels of Creation who, in the name of Love and of the Sacred Unity, have gestated the projects in all universes and especially within the inner universe of each being.

Therefore, recognize your filiation with the Heights. I do not ask you to become religious. I ask that your lives be redeemed and converted according to My Message, so that the Attributes of God may emerge in your hearts.

From that place of the Universe, I come to help the world, and I do not stop for those who have remained behind. I go ahead for those who accompany Me. Each soul will have its moment before Our Lord and this is something irrefutable.

Thus, with the awareness I bring you and with all the Love that I give you, establish this alliance with the Universe and continue to uplift your consciousnesses, not only through service or prayer, not only through fraternity and consideration, but also through the awakening of the consciousness to that which every being on this planet has truly committed to accomplish in the name of Creation, for the redemption of this race and the purification of this planet, for the establishment of a new and sacred humanity in communion and in alliance with all Kingdoms of Nature.

In this way, the history of this suffering humanity will change forever if more consciousnesses respond to My call; if more consciousnesses feel encouraged to search within themselves for the richness of their inner universe, which is a memory that cannot be erased.

I need, companions, that you discover within yourselves what you truly are, thus you will also help build the new times and will bring to the world the peace and the love it needs so much, so that many more souls, just like you, may be encouraged to take new steps into the sacred commitment with the Creator.

As you seek the union with your inner universe, you will be in communion with the Higher Universe and the laws in your lives will change, and you will learn through love and joy. Thus you will be My witnesses by means of the transformation of your lives.

Nevertheless, there are some consciousnesses in this time who fear to take such a step, preferring to remain in their resistance and in themselves, in order to not change. Souls believe they must suffer in order to be transformed; yet, the Law I bring you from the Universe is completely the opposite.

Feel encouraged to cross the portal I once crossed, accepting the Will of the Father and accomplishing It on the Earth according to His sacred designs from the Source.

By means of My Words and of the Universe that today I bring to all of you, I dissolve the past of Austria, the deeds of suffering and of pain, so that, through the rebirth of the Flame of Faith and the trust in the divine, souls may be encouraged to give a great "yes" to the Universe.

All of humanity is before a great choice that could change the course of events. Therefore, just as it happened more than two thousand years ago, but now in all places of the world, I come to call My flocks that come with different experiences, cultures, languages and deep histories that I come to transform and to sublimate in the Presence of the Living God, alive through the Son and His Heart.

Let us celebrate this moment when the Higher Universe enters the inner universe of hearts in order to dissolve suffering and the past, and to revive the joy of being in communion with the Heights.

Be participants of this moment, not only through the Sacraments, but also through the inner union of each one of your essences with the Son of Love.


The altar shall be blessed in order to deepen even more the inner union of hearts with the Creator, and also for His resplendent Angels to descend to the Earth bringing Grace, Forgiveness and Mercy through transubstantiation, a Law which is fulfilled today in the hearts that commune with Love.

Unique and powerful Source of the Universe, which has created everything that exists and everything that vibrates and which makes Itself present in the inner universe of each being; descend now to the Earth, so that souls may be liberated from error and may be reborn in the power of Your Glorious Love. Amen.

For the sake of the water that flowed out from My Side, may this water of conversion and of redemption spring as an immaterial source in the hearts that are opened to commune with My Spirit. Amen.

Those who have their feet washed today will be released from the past and will be granted a Grace for the merits attained by My Heart. Amen.

We offer You, Universe, the Sacrament of Redemption, so that the creatures of this material Universe, which vibrate according to Your purpose and understanding, may receive Your cells of Light, subtle and immaterial vibrations that transform the depths of beings, so that Your Will may be fulfilled.

The Immaterial Source of Love that comes from the Universe, incarnated as a human to witness the greatness of Love and of Redemption to the world.

The Immaterial Source delivers the Body and the Blood of Christ to you so that your cells may receive the impulses and merits that the Redeemer has attained.

Therefore, today I remind you of the Legacy that has been recorded in the memory of the planet for more than two thousand years.

Eat and drink of the Body and Blood of Christ, in order to commune with the universal legacy which God has expressed by means of His Son.

Behold the Living Love amidst men and women of the Earth. Blessed will be those who commune with It, in order to receive the Grace from the Source and the Mercy from the One and Only.

So be it.

Our Father...

This is the One Who gave Himself for you and Who will continue to give Himself. Blessed will be those who participate of the communion with the Immaterial Source. Amen.

May Peace be established in Austria and in Eastern Europe so that hearts may awaken to the call from the Source, in order to renew the times, to change forms, to rekindle spirits and to rejoice hearts.

In the name of the Source of Love and of the Center of this Universe, I give you Peace, for you to be peace, for you to radiate peace, for you to carry the Peace of My Heart to those who most need it.

God bless on this day, by the intercession of His Divine and Unfathomable Mercy, all those who listen to My Word.

Receive the Peace and the Mercy of God.

In the Name of the Father, of the Son and of the Holy Spirit. Amen.

I thank you for responding to My great Universal Convocation.

Now you may give one another the greeting of Peace.

I thank you!


Third day of the Novena

Carrying My Mercy to the most lonely and forgotten souls, you will allow them all to be granted the peace and the inner Grace of feeling loved by someone; because in love lies the foundation of life and the redemption of hearts, in love the spiritual healing of the whole consciousness is achieved.

The most lonely souls that are taken towards My Mercy will find meaning and motivation for living on Earth because there is nothing more important in the life of a being than to feel loved and protected by their fellow beings.

The work of Love is capable of banishing human suffering, the feeling of being forgotten, and of abandonment that the most lonely and innocent souls endure from their most beloved ones.

The love that any soul may come to feel means everything and leads it to the fullness of the union with God.

It is so that, in the life of the most suffering souls in the world, the key of love is the path that will open the healing of the past and the renewal of life in Christ.

The message continues:

Fourth day of the Novena

By submerging into the Fount of My Mercy, for the sinners that traffic human beings, a state of purification and redemption is generated in them.

The first steps in redemption are taken through the consideration and infinite pity that a fellow being may have for that soul that commits grave errors.

In this sense, the infinite ocean of the Mercy of God reaches the lives of sinning souls in order to dissolve the codes of evil and grant them the purity of spiritual and human salvation.

It is in this way that the action of Divine Mercy withdraws the soul from eternal condemnation, and the merciful Law itself replaces the sins and errors committed for the state of Grace and pity.

At this time when human exploitation and trafficking has become uncontrollable and immeasured in all senses, prayerful hearts that invoke My Mercy will help the abyss of the Mercy of God to carry sinning souls toward the principle of forgiveness and redemption through the simple act of thinking of those who are already condemned.

I thank you for keeping My Words in your heart!

Who blesses you,

Your Master, Christ Jesus

Apparition of Saint Joseph in the city of Krakow, Poland, to the visionary Sister Lucía de Jesús

In the name of the Father, of the Son and of the Holy Spirit. Amen.

May the Silence of the Heart of God speak to the world.

Let your hearts transcend appearances, matter, this physical space, so that I may lead you to the place where I want to take you to today.

As a Servant of God, I come to lead you to the Source of Divine Mercy, from which I drank, as consciousness, as a human heart.

The Mercy that comes from the Heart of God is still very unknown to you, because if you knew this Mercy you would love it infinitely.

Place your attention on the Heart of God. Give this permission to your own spirit, so that in this place I can show you something different from all suffering and anguish that is kept in the human consciousness and in the ether of the Earth.

I want to show you a Face of the Divine Consciousness that is the merciful aspect of God, through His Son.

Mercy is not only born of the suffering of Christ on the Cross. It has, in that suffering, its door to the world, but this Fountain is vast, universal and divine. This Fountain overflows to all life from the Heart of Christ.

Mercy is the healing for all diseases. Mercy is the forgiveness for all errors and the Grace for all needs.

I look at the world and see a sick humanity because it does not know the power of Divine Mercy. I see the souls that get lost in the abysses of darkness, of hopelessness, of ignorance and of lack of love for not knowing the Divine Mercy.

I look at the world and so often I see the Kingdoms of Nature outraged by the human consciousness because the Divine Mercy does not dwell in it.

As simple as a spring of water that rises from the Earth and becomes in a river that quenches the thirst of men, so is the Fountain of the Divine Mercy in the Heart of God.

A Fountain that becomes an inexhaustible flow when souls cry out with sincerity, when words do not pass empty through their mouth when they invoke: "For the sake of His sorrowful Passion, have Mercy on us and on the whole world."

This is an exercise that opens the door for Something still inaccessible to the human heart, incomprehensible, because you have not yet deepened in the love for the Divine Mercy.

If you knew that there is no eternal sin when souls sincerely cry out for an opportunity, when you repent and convert your paths by the Grace of the Divine Mercy.

Souls can be raised from the hells and purgatories of this world if there is that sincere heart that cries out for Mercy.

Mercy is the Fountain of the Hope of God, it comes from the infinite Love of the Father for humanity and for life; it comes from the infinite Love of God for each one of His children.

Mercy is the true sign that He is God, the God of Love and of Grace.

Mercy hides even in the Divine Justice; it reconverts the Laws and transforms them when they seem to be immutable because it is there where the potential of the human heart is kept, its resemblance to the Father.

The likeness of men with God is not in the appearances, nor in what they know of themselves. It is in something deeper they do not know. And it is when they consent to this truth that they can convert the Laws and transform the destiny of humanity, as well as that of the planet, of the Creation.

The Mercy that was born of the Heart of Christ when He was on the Cross, and shed the Blood and the Water from His Body, fertilizing the Earth, expanded to the Universe and generated opportunities of redemption for all creatures.

But this Mercy does not spring on its own. An inner force is needed to propel it. It Is the repentance that opens the door, the clamoring or the sincere love that is born from the heart when it cries out for Mercy not only for itself, but for the whole world.

Many think they know the Divine Mercy, but they do not live it. They are saddened by the situation of the planet, they resent the suffering of the Kingdoms and of men, but they do not seek for Mercy.

Children, the transformation of this world will not be born of social projects, it will be born of the depths of the human heart.

It will be worthless building great things if inside of you love were not great also, and Mercy does not live in your cells.

Today I am here not only to rescue souls and heal wounded hearts.

I am here to teach you to be true intercessors, who deepen in your prayers as the greatest service that you can render to mankind and to the planet.

Few were like Saint Faustina, who, deeply knowing the Divine Mercy, could not withhold inside of herself her will to announce it to the world.

So great was the anguish of her heart knowing that the balm for all diseases was available and hearts preferred to remain sick.

The greatness of the Divine Mercy is that you can ask for it to one another in the name of Christ when you cry out to God.

If you unite your hearts to the Heart of the Father and immerse yourselves in the Fountain of His Mercy, you will be interceding for the world, for realities that you do not know, that you could never imagine, that only the Eyes of God, which contemplate everything, can see.

Justice is already knocking on the doors of the world because the hearts have chosen not to awaken.

That is why We have come here, so that you may unite your hearts to Mercy.

May you unite the human consciousness to the Fountain of the Divine Mercy, and may you not miss the opportunity to live the Redemption and the Forgiveness of God, for ignorance.

Thank for the Mercy that is born of the Heart of Christ every day. Love the moment of uniting with it, because it justifies the existence of this Work and of your lives.

It is to bring a new opportunity to the world that your souls were gathered; it is not to allow humanity to go astray, not to allow to fade all Love deposited by God in this human project.

Be aware of this mission, which goes far beyond your little human understanding.

You can penetrate the mysteries of the Divine Mercy when you pray and when you ask God to know it a little more, to live it.

When you contemplate the Cross of Christ, when you contemplate the Immaculate Heart of Mary, eternal bearer of the Divine Mercy, and when you contemplate the Reliquary of My Heart, as a symbol of that Heart that opened to something higher, which allowed itself to know the Mercy of God, to live it and to announce it as I do today.

Let My Heart inspire you, so that you may find a sure way to transform your lives and become intercessors before God.

The doors to the Celestial Kingdom are always open to the servants who pray from the heart.

Enter, place yourselves at the Feet of the Father and, by the memory of the Passion of His Son, cry out for Mercy.

By the memory of the surrender of the Most Holy Mary, accompanying the Calvary of Christ and feeling, in Her Heart, each of His Wounds, cry out for Mercy.

By the renunciation of the Heart of Saint Joseph who, knowing all that His Little Son and His Holy Wife would live, left this world, because His renunciation was His true Mission. By the merits of this renunciation, cry out for Mercy.

And by the renunciation that each one live, every day, which is ever greater and you are invited to love, also offer it in order for you to cry out for Mercy.

Every act of your lives can become an opportunity of intercession before God if you learn not to complain, but to cry out for Mercy.

Receive today the Grace of knowing this Divine Fountain.

Accept this mission of being merciful and everything will be fulfilled just as God thought in the beginning.

Today the Rays of Mercy of Christ pierce My Most Chaste Heart, they radiate to the Reliquaries of My Heart in the world, wherever they may be.

Remember My Words when you contemplate those Reliquaries and before them ask for the Grace of loving Mercy, because I will intercede for you, that you might intercede for others.

With these words I thank you, I bless you, and I unite your hearts to the Fountain of the Divine Mercy.

 The Most Chaste Saint Joseph


Allow your soul to permanently invoke the Divine Mercy of the Redeemer, so that His Source of Love and Grace may pour upon your being the Gifts of redemption and healing.

In the meantime, My child, and even when humanity purifies itself, invoke from within the power of the Mercy of My Son, so that, it may continue descending upon humanity and the planet be washed of its profound wounds.

Acquire a spirit of meekness and hope in the midst of the tests you and humanity will encounter.

You must always keep in mind that the Divine Mercy of My Son performs miracles and converts impossible situations that cannot be solved by human will.

Be encouraged to say "yes" to the Mercy of the Savior in spite of the falls and delays.

In that way, there will be souls in constant offering so that the planet may be illuminated and blessed by the same Mercy.

I thank you for the effort of your prayers!

Who blesses you,

Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace

Vigils of Prayer
Apparition of the Virgin Mary during the Vigil of Prayer for Peace in the Nations, in Ourém, Portugal, to the visionary Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón de Jesús

Like one hundred and one years ago, the Sun of God shines again on Fatima, bringing peace to the world and the Mercy of the Redeemer for the souls.

This is the greatest testimony of the Love of the living God for all of humanity and the planet.

Today, dear children, at My Feet I bring the flags of two nations of the world: the one of Nicaragua and the one of Eritrea, so that with this symbol, your hearts may understand where the Mother of God is, seeking the love of Her children, trying to protect the wounded and aid those most in need.

Today I unite the two nations under one heart and in a single tune, so that the Grace of God may descend upon them and peace, the end of the war, and the persecution amongst mankind may be established, because thus, My Immaculate Heart will triumph.

Today, with the prayer of your people, I was able to achieve many things in the world. You know, My children, of the great planetary need, of the need for love, for Mercy, for forgiveness, for healing and redemption.

Through the path of your daily prayer, I can grant you all those Graces and many more Graces, ones you could not even imagine.

My Heart is with the heart of My children. The Lady of Nicaragua is with the people that cry out, and through the prayers of My children, I weave the hidden Mantle of Peace, where I place all those that need to be in God, safeguarding them from evil and danger.

Although your people are troubled, do not lose faith. Trust in the power of My Immaculate Heart, and the Wisdom of God will be in your minds and in your hearts, so that you may be guided on the path of the Good and the Light, so that this guidance may benefit many more souls, especially those that are in danger and suffer great persecution.

Today I also bring at My Feet the flag of Eritrea, because I love this suffering people that aspires someday to find peace.

Just as you pray for the nations of the world and so that serious events do not develop, I also ask you, My children, that you place Eritrea in your heart, so that this people may be able to recover and achieve peace, live the hope of My Son, and be immersed in His Divine Mercy, without the need of taking refuge in other countries to escape the horror.

But even if this happens, My children, My Immaculate Heart is also in Africa; it is in the heart of those from Eritrea, so that they may be able to promote peace through prayer, through entreaty, and especially  through communion with My Son; so that the Sacrament of the Eucharist may grant discernment and wisdom to the leaders of those nations, so that they may realize that it is no longer necessary to suffer, but rather, to love, to love with all of the heart and all of the soul, just as I love you, My children.

Because this Love that I have for you is what allows Me to be here on this day, announcing to the world and to humanity that the Mother of God, the Lady of Peace, is with Nicaragua and with Eritrea, as She is with all the nations of the world, especially with those that make wrong decisions and that compromise the spiritual life of millions of souls in the world.

I come to untie the knots of the human consciousness through your pleas and your prayers.

Today, the offering of all those who pray in the world at this vigil of prayer has permitted to stop great disasters; especially grave decisions that would condemn the rest of humanity.

With this, dear children, I show you the importance of the life of prayer, of the constant life of prayer, and of perseverance in prayer, so that your lips not grow tired of asking God for Mercy, because Mercy will save the world, and in this way, Divine Justice will stop and the world will not suffer again, as in the past century.

I come as the Mother of Light to grant healing to deep human wounds and all those that respond to My call in the different nations of the world; let it be only one consciousness.

This opens the door, dear children, so that the Grace of God may enter into the nations, especially in those most in need of mercy and of forgiveness.

On this day, on this night of Grace, I come to speak with you again about the commitment to the vigil of prayer for peace in the nations, which will be fundamental and essential for the coming times, in order maintain the stability of the planet, and above all, the balance of the psyche of humanity.

Each prayer that is offered and that shall be offered, will be well received by the Kingdom of the Heavens. And not only your lives will be transformed, but the world will continue to change to recognized the Will of God, and someday, by the Grace of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit, the thousand years of peace will be established.

Someday I will return to Central América to reestablish the Kingdom of God, that My enemies are trying to remove. But do not be frightened; remember that My Immaculate Heart will triumph; it will bring Peace to the world, even if it is purified, even if it goes through this critical final time.

Tonight I will say goodbye to you, My children, granting you a spiritual Grace for your efforts, sacrifice, and persistence in carrying forward this Work of Peace in the world, following the footsteps of the Divine Messengers in this important Network of Prayer that is generated by your hearts, to bring about more peace on the planet, relief and healing to all the souls of the Earth.

Eritrea is a country that must be taken into consideration by all the nations of the world, because there exist souls that are worthy of the Mercy of God, and that through the cooperation, charity, and fraternity of the rest of the countries, may be able to receive an opportunity of being someone in life.

For this reason, My children from the rest of the nations of the world, I invite you to open your heart even further to welcome into yourselves the real spiritual need of this people, which needs of the help of everyone, not only to establish peace, social dignity, the good, and cooperation, but also to reestablish the Kingdom of God, as it once was in the beginning of the life of Moses.

In this way, you will be able to make the commandments valued, which were born in that region of the world at the request of God, and which taught humanity, and continue to teach the first steps in spiritual life, so as to become worthy children of God, following the steps of the Law and of Divine Will.

Eritrea is a country that must be healed, not only through humanitarian service, but also through the prayers of all My children, especially through the welcome that the hearts of the other nations can provide for those that most need it, as well as for the rest of Africa, that awaits more compassion, solidarity, and humanitarian aid.

This help that I ask of you will not be born of the great nations of the planet, but of the simple nations of the world that have not yet lost the spirit of solidarity and that will be able to understand what I ask of them.

So I ask to not fear opening the doors of your homes to give refuge to those most in need of hope and of peace, because someday, you also may be in need of that peace and that hope.

I invite the adults in the life of the spirit to become aware of this and make themselves available to help these nations, that wait for solidarity. In this way, you will be consoling my Immaculate and Maternal Heart and granting the world a Grace that perhaps not many would deserve, but that will be possible because of your spirit of unconditional support and of service.

Eritrea must be a country repopulated by hope, that transmits the happiness of living in God, as it once transmitted, so that the consoling spirit, which is the Holy Spirit, may with Its Gifts fill that land and its people, bringing renewal and healing for all those consciousnesses.

So, dear children, from this day, in the weekly prayer for Africa, I ask you to place Eritrea in your hearts, so that My work may reach that place, so that the Will of God may be fulfilled with the help of everyone, and Peace may be achieved in that country.

My joy is infinite in having a representative of that people present here.

My Maternal sweetness is in those needy hearts, closing deep wounds, purifying deep after-effects, granting peace in the inner world of My Eritrean children.

I Am the Mother of the refugees, the Consoler of Peace, the Bird of hope, the healing for essences, the eternal consolation for hearts.

I Am the Queen of Peace and the Great Mother of Africa, Who has Her Heart in the center of that continent, and from cycle to cycle, making the hope and the joy of rediscovering God to pulsate in that place and in all of the nations of Africa.

Today I grant this son of Eritrea the blessing of the Celestial Father for their new task.

In the name of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit.

May the Spirit of Peace be with you, and that this Spirit of Peace propagate in Eritrea and in the world, bringing hope and renewal to the lives of those who have most suffered because of social injustice and indifference.

It is a European mission to take on Eritrea. It is their duty and their commitment as well as the rest of the African nations, that expiation be granted to both continents and the cycle of persecution and slavery be closed, and thus, the cycle of Light and of Hope, of Mercy and Redemption may open.

Today My wish is that from this African heart may part the Love for all the hearts of Africa, as well as from all of the hearts present here and that are accompanying this moment with the Mother of God.

I wish to hear again that song that is a reminder, that brings to memory the Presence of the Lady of Kibeho, the Patroness of Rwanda and of all Africa.

I thank you on this night for responding to this important call.

God bless you and grant you Peace. In the name of the Father, the Son, and the Holy spirit. Amen.

I thank you.


Who are we?

Association Mary
Founded in December of 2012, at the request of the Virgin Mary, Association Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception, is a religious association without ties to any institutionalized religion. It has a philosophical-spiritual, ecumenical, humanitarian, charitable, cultural character, and it supports all activities that are indicated through the instructions transmitted by Christ Jesus, the Virgin Mary, and Saint Joseph. Read more
