With the Union of Heaven and Earth, I descend to the world in order to help it, bringing in My Heart all the wonders of God, and through the angels, all possible Graces for hearts.
Today, My inner voice resounds in the world, and the inner worlds listen to the word of the Mother of God, Who comes to rescue Her children from exile and the wreck of these times, Who comes to bring the healing of humanity through Her hands.
I only wish, My children, for the good in each one of you, and that many more of My children recover their spiritual affiliation with the Celestial Father, knowing that for these difficult and critical times, the affiliation with the Creator Father will be essential for all souls.
That is why I come as a Great Mirror Consciousness, so that through prayer, the Mother of God may be united with all Her children who invoke Light, Good, and Redemption for humanity through the prayerful Word.
But I encourage you, dear children, to continue building within yourselves the end of times through a life of service and of prayer for others, knowing that there is much to be healed in this humanity and on this planet.
Each time you practice these attributes, My children, you will allow the Mother of God to intercede again, just as She is interceding today for Argentina.
I desire that your hearts open more and more to this call that comes from Heaven and that in this life will not be deeply known, but if your hearts unite with My Immaculate Heart, like a single chain of light and of love, through the Rosary for Peace in the Nations, I will be able to embrace many more souls in need of love and of light.
Great is the captivity of millions of souls in this humanity, and they are not able to get out of that state, because of having many obstacles and barriers.
But you know, My children, My presence has many aspects, and the Mother of God counts on Her Powerful Sword to be able to defeat evil by means of love and of faith, bringing liberation to the world and peace to the hearts that most need to again find God within themselves, to live, in these difficult times, a true communion with what is High, a profound union with the Divine.
I come to invite you, dear children, to learn to live the divine Laws, through the attributes which are conceived in the prayer of the Universal Mother.
If you live these attributes and apply them in your lives daily, it will not be necessary for Argentina or any other nation, to endure the sufferings generated by the peoples themselves.
The attributes that I bring you, My children, are born of My Maternal Fount, they are attributes that are born of the humility of the Mother of God, because of Her eternal service and as Servant of God.
But if you, My children, strive to live them daily, you will not only build an invincible and unbreakable fortitude in your souls, but you will also help your nations so that more souls may be contemplated in the Ocean of Mercy of God.
The time has come, My children, to live fraternity and cooperation among the peoples, this will demonstrate to God and the whole Universe that humanity is understanding something, and the Grace of God in Argentina and in the world will be inexhaustible, in spite of the extremely grave mistakes that many souls make in these times, and that from time to time outrage the Heart of God.
But today a new story is granted for Argentina and for its essences. The prayer work done today has helped a great deal, so that the Mother of God and your Mother may intercede, knowing that there are many souls that do not deserve the Grace of God, but as your advocate, and celestial intercessor between Heaven and Earth, God has granted Me the salvation of more hearts for the times that will come.
My children, the giving of your lives will be the key of the great transformation and the portals of the Universe will open before your eyes, you will see the spiritual Universe descend, and the great archangels, creator fathers of all the planes of consciousness, will assist you and help you to live, in these times, inside of an unknown, I would say, unalterable Universe of Peace.
This is possible thanks to the power of constant prayer, and to your daily commitment to the Holy Rosary. Thus, My children, you will be protected under My mantle, your families will also be protected from all evil; this will come even more to all places, because the Light of My Heart radiates to the whole world through the prayers of My children who are aware and have the discernment that prayer is a basic key for these difficult times.
Submerge in this practice and in a short time you will not recognize yourselves, your lives will have transformed completely, and you will manage to walk towards a freedom from self, achieving a transcendence from matter, and uniting your spirits with non-material life.
So that all these attributes to the Universal Mother may be in your hearts and in your peoples, today I open My Immaculate Heart as a house and refuge for hearts, as relief for the afflicted, and healing for the sick, to receive from your voices, the Sacred Prayer to the Universal Mother.
I am listening.
The Prayer to the “Universal Mother” is recited three times.
And in this way, I will be able to carry your pleas and deep intentions to Heaven, placing at the Feet of Our Creator Father, the intentions of His children, of His creatures, so that His Plan of Love may triumph in humanity and on the planet.
Remember this prayer as something fundamental for Argentina.
Today, My request for this nation is that a third weekly day of prayer for Argentina, Paraguay, and Uruguay exist, but this time praying the prayer to the Universal Mother, so that these sibling nations may be contemplated by the Mercy of God, and the divine attributes of My maternal Heart may be established in souls as a divine spiritual protection.
I would wish that all of My children, beyond Argentina, Uruguay, and Paraguay, be united in this practice of praying to the Universal Mother, so that the attributes also be radiated to the others nations of the world.
But today I ask for this prayer especially for these three nations, because they are the ones that most need it, to maintain their spiritual balance and their harmony in these times.
Prayer, whichever it is, that invokes the Divine Plan of God and that opens the doors of the Universe, will be the weapon of defense against the adversary, and the Mother of God, through the prayer of all of Her children, will step again with Her feet on the head of evil.
May the Project of God triumph in this Land of Argentina.
May hearts again find their affiliation with the High, and universal healing occur in souls, and in hearts, may the talents of Christ come alight, so that the commitment to the Universe be alive, real, and faithful for this final time. So be it
Like in all the places I visit, with immense love and gentleness for those who most suffer and despair, today we will experience a new consecration, reaffirming this commitment to union with the prayer to the Universal Mother, so that many more may feel drawn to the Fire of Love of My Maternal Heart, and thus souls may be healed and redeemed, freeing themselves from their chains and their prisons, so that the light of their spirits may fly.
At the request of the Mother of God, those who will be consecrated as Children of Mary should come forward to receive Her blessing.
And in this moment of consecration before the Mother of the Most High, we will begin to listen to the Hymn of Consecration of the Children of Mary, so that those who will be consecrated, and those already consecrated, may renew this commitment to the Mother of God, so that it be real and alive.
Children represent the happiness of Jesus on Earth, thus His Celestial Kingdom descends in the most pure and innocent, and reaches all the men and women of the planet in order that the Sacred Family be constituted in humanity, through this offering to Me that is done today by your hearts.
I have come to bless you and give you My love, My consoling and healing love, so that your souls be reborn in the enjoyment of the Divine Spirit, and so find again the peace that dwells in the Heart of God.
May your souls light up in joy and gladness, so that the spiritual soul of this nation lights up in the Gladness of God, deeply believing that it will be able to fulfill the designs of the Father, of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit.
My Spiritual Light descends upon you and enters your hearts, establishing this consecration as My beloved children, faithful followers of Christ, creatures loved by the Celestial Father.
I baptize you with the light of the Holy Spirit.
In name of the Father, of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit.
I thank you for responding to My call, for all the efforts made, for the triumph of My Maternal and Immaculate Heart in Argentina.
While you sing, I will contemplate you, so that your voices may reach Heaven as a plea of humanity to the Celestial Universe.
I thank you!
Like one hundred and one years ago, the Sun of God shines again on Fatima, bringing peace to the world and the Mercy of the Redeemer for the souls.
This is the greatest testimony of the Love of the living God for all of humanity and the planet.
Today, dear children, at My Feet I bring the flags of two nations of the world: the one of Nicaragua and the one of Eritrea, so that with this symbol, your hearts may understand where the Mother of God is, seeking the love of Her children, trying to protect the wounded and aid those most in need.
Today I unite the two nations under one heart and in a single tune, so that the Grace of God may descend upon them and peace, the end of the war, and the persecution amongst mankind may be established, because thus, My Immaculate Heart will triumph.
Today, with the prayer of your people, I was able to achieve many things in the world. You know, My children, of the great planetary need, of the need for love, for Mercy, for forgiveness, for healing and redemption.
Through the path of your daily prayer, I can grant you all those Graces and many more Graces, ones you could not even imagine.
My Heart is with the heart of My children. The Lady of Nicaragua is with the people that cry out, and through the prayers of My children, I weave the hidden Mantle of Peace, where I place all those that need to be in God, safeguarding them from evil and danger.
Although your people are troubled, do not lose faith. Trust in the power of My Immaculate Heart, and the Wisdom of God will be in your minds and in your hearts, so that you may be guided on the path of the Good and the Light, so that this guidance may benefit many more souls, especially those that are in danger and suffer great persecution.
Today I also bring at My Feet the flag of Eritrea, because I love this suffering people that aspires someday to find peace.
Just as you pray for the nations of the world and so that serious events do not develop, I also ask you, My children, that you place Eritrea in your heart, so that this people may be able to recover and achieve peace, live the hope of My Son, and be immersed in His Divine Mercy, without the need of taking refuge in other countries to escape the horror.
But even if this happens, My children, My Immaculate Heart is also in Africa; it is in the heart of those from Eritrea, so that they may be able to promote peace through prayer, through entreaty, and especially through communion with My Son; so that the Sacrament of the Eucharist may grant discernment and wisdom to the leaders of those nations, so that they may realize that it is no longer necessary to suffer, but rather, to love, to love with all of the heart and all of the soul, just as I love you, My children.
Because this Love that I have for you is what allows Me to be here on this day, announcing to the world and to humanity that the Mother of God, the Lady of Peace, is with Nicaragua and with Eritrea, as She is with all the nations of the world, especially with those that make wrong decisions and that compromise the spiritual life of millions of souls in the world.
I come to untie the knots of the human consciousness through your pleas and your prayers.
Today, the offering of all those who pray in the world at this vigil of prayer has permitted to stop great disasters; especially grave decisions that would condemn the rest of humanity.
With this, dear children, I show you the importance of the life of prayer, of the constant life of prayer, and of perseverance in prayer, so that your lips not grow tired of asking God for Mercy, because Mercy will save the world, and in this way, Divine Justice will stop and the world will not suffer again, as in the past century.
I come as the Mother of Light to grant healing to deep human wounds and all those that respond to My call in the different nations of the world; let it be only one consciousness.
This opens the door, dear children, so that the Grace of God may enter into the nations, especially in those most in need of mercy and of forgiveness.
On this day, on this night of Grace, I come to speak with you again about the commitment to the vigil of prayer for peace in the nations, which will be fundamental and essential for the coming times, in order maintain the stability of the planet, and above all, the balance of the psyche of humanity.
Each prayer that is offered and that shall be offered, will be well received by the Kingdom of the Heavens. And not only your lives will be transformed, but the world will continue to change to recognized the Will of God, and someday, by the Grace of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit, the thousand years of peace will be established.
Someday I will return to Central América to reestablish the Kingdom of God, that My enemies are trying to remove. But do not be frightened; remember that My Immaculate Heart will triumph; it will bring Peace to the world, even if it is purified, even if it goes through this critical final time.
Tonight I will say goodbye to you, My children, granting you a spiritual Grace for your efforts, sacrifice, and persistence in carrying forward this Work of Peace in the world, following the footsteps of the Divine Messengers in this important Network of Prayer that is generated by your hearts, to bring about more peace on the planet, relief and healing to all the souls of the Earth.
Eritrea is a country that must be taken into consideration by all the nations of the world, because there exist souls that are worthy of the Mercy of God, and that through the cooperation, charity, and fraternity of the rest of the countries, may be able to receive an opportunity of being someone in life.
For this reason, My children from the rest of the nations of the world, I invite you to open your heart even further to welcome into yourselves the real spiritual need of this people, which needs of the help of everyone, not only to establish peace, social dignity, the good, and cooperation, but also to reestablish the Kingdom of God, as it once was in the beginning of the life of Moses.
In this way, you will be able to make the commandments valued, which were born in that region of the world at the request of God, and which taught humanity, and continue to teach the first steps in spiritual life, so as to become worthy children of God, following the steps of the Law and of Divine Will.
Eritrea is a country that must be healed, not only through humanitarian service, but also through the prayers of all My children, especially through the welcome that the hearts of the other nations can provide for those that most need it, as well as for the rest of Africa, that awaits more compassion, solidarity, and humanitarian aid.
This help that I ask of you will not be born of the great nations of the planet, but of the simple nations of the world that have not yet lost the spirit of solidarity and that will be able to understand what I ask of them.
So I ask to not fear opening the doors of your homes to give refuge to those most in need of hope and of peace, because someday, you also may be in need of that peace and that hope.
I invite the adults in the life of the spirit to become aware of this and make themselves available to help these nations, that wait for solidarity. In this way, you will be consoling my Immaculate and Maternal Heart and granting the world a Grace that perhaps not many would deserve, but that will be possible because of your spirit of unconditional support and of service.
Eritrea must be a country repopulated by hope, that transmits the happiness of living in God, as it once transmitted, so that the consoling spirit, which is the Holy Spirit, may with Its Gifts fill that land and its people, bringing renewal and healing for all those consciousnesses.
So, dear children, from this day, in the weekly prayer for Africa, I ask you to place Eritrea in your hearts, so that My work may reach that place, so that the Will of God may be fulfilled with the help of everyone, and Peace may be achieved in that country.
My joy is infinite in having a representative of that people present here.
My Maternal sweetness is in those needy hearts, closing deep wounds, purifying deep after-effects, granting peace in the inner world of My Eritrean children.
I Am the Mother of the refugees, the Consoler of Peace, the Bird of hope, the healing for essences, the eternal consolation for hearts.
I Am the Queen of Peace and the Great Mother of Africa, Who has Her Heart in the center of that continent, and from cycle to cycle, making the hope and the joy of rediscovering God to pulsate in that place and in all of the nations of Africa.
Today I grant this son of Eritrea the blessing of the Celestial Father for their new task.
In the name of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit.
May the Spirit of Peace be with you, and that this Spirit of Peace propagate in Eritrea and in the world, bringing hope and renewal to the lives of those who have most suffered because of social injustice and indifference.
It is a European mission to take on Eritrea. It is their duty and their commitment as well as the rest of the African nations, that expiation be granted to both continents and the cycle of persecution and slavery be closed, and thus, the cycle of Light and of Hope, of Mercy and Redemption may open.
Today My wish is that from this African heart may part the Love for all the hearts of Africa, as well as from all of the hearts present here and that are accompanying this moment with the Mother of God.
I wish to hear again that song that is a reminder, that brings to memory the Presence of the Lady of Kibeho, the Patroness of Rwanda and of all Africa.
I thank you on this night for responding to this important call.
God bless you and grant you Peace. In the name of the Father, the Son, and the Holy spirit. Amen.
I thank you.
I come from a place in the Universe where peace reigns, love and good exist, where all understand one another, where everything is comprehended, where there are no obstacles or incomprehension.
From that place, I come, and I bring the Kingdom of God to the world so that more children may enter into It and feel themselves to be participants in the Communion with Christ.
I come from that place to demonstrate to the world that it is possible to live in a new state, to live within a real consciousness that includes all things, that understands all things and that pacifies all things.
I come to bring to the world the spiritual reality that many still do not want to see and that, through My Heart, I demonstrate every day, so that you may be in the truth, so that you may be submerged in love, and above all, in brotherhood.
In this place, there is wisdom and understanding, science and all that is created.
I come to bring you, from this place, what you need to see and understand, not with the mind, but with the feeling of the deep heart, with the heart that beats in God and knows all things.
Dear children, I need you to know that it is necessary to enter into this state for these times that will come. There is still much to do, and it is still necessary to continue to work in an unbreakable unity among beings; this will allow the Work to be carried out. This will allow for everything to be carried forward and for the steps of the disciples to be taken toward the path of the Purpose.
I do not need you to understand things in a material way, rather, I need you to understand what God wants in a spiritual way. This will make you more real each day, and, by means of Grace, you will be able to receive the wisdom to understand everything.
The times that are coming will require many changes, and souls do not yet know how to live the changes because they were never in this time.
This is the first school that you are experiencing, this is the first reality that you are going through in this cycle; that is why I need you within this state of unity, so that you may understand everything and so that there may be no obstacles.
Open the doors to the new times because they will arrive with great intensity and power.
The new times will come to change everything, inside and outside of beings.
The new times will come to modify everything, inside and outside of beings, and nothing will be left unaffected. For this reason, experience the times that will come with bravery and you will be within the Purpose of the part that is necessary for you to fulfill in this cycle, in this humanity and on this planet.
I come to reinforce Sacred Unity in you, which is the true principle that must never be lacking in your hearts nor in your lives; this will someday make you free, you will be able to walk free, you will not feel resistances or ties, because the divine Unity Itself will liberate you, the divine Unity Itself will guide you to the path of realization of the Plan.
Thus, dear children, receive this fundamental key for these times, even though we have already repeated it many times, you must remember it. The Lord needs it to not ever be erased within you or among your siblings on the path.
The Sacred Unity of God will allow evil to be defeated, it will allow the hells on Earth to be banished, especially all those that live within some consciousnesses in a permanent way.
The Sacred Unity of God will bring you healing, understanding, and above all, reconciliation among your beings.
Embrace this Unity, for it will strengthen you.
Live Unity all of the time, and in this way, all will be fulfilled as is written. Nothing will be altered by anyone.
Open your eyes and observe the firmament, the new time is arriving before the Return of My Son.
What I give you, in this time, are the bases for that expected return; they are the fundamental and spiritual requirements for you to be ready, rather than absent, when My Son returns.
You need to receive these impulses with true transparency of the heart, knowing that you are still experiencing transformation and change in these difficult times, knowing that you are still facing truths about yourselves that are deeply unknown to you.
But I come to bring you a maternal healing for all of those things, so that you are able to submerge yourselves in the Divine Unity of God; this will cause you to completely keep up with the events, this will cause you to be within reach of the Divine Purpose and everything will cease to be a mystery, because all will be revealed.
The Treasures of God will be within the reach of souls, the sacred tools of the Father will be within the reach of souls and all will know them, so as to be able to protect this planet, to know how to safeguard it from all the attacks that it will experience in the coming cycle, as it experiences them today.
Thus, the formation of your spirits is important, the purification of your souls is important, the transparency between your hearts and lives is very important.
You cannot set anything aside without solving it.
There is no time to waste, dear children; it is time for you to open your heart to change; it is time for you to feel within the call of God
Each one must fulfill their virtue, their gift, their talent, and their lineage.
Each one of you must be the Mirror of God on Earth, which is able to reflect what God needs for these times.
Live the foundation of prayer every day, as something indispensable.
Never forget to pray, because if you stop praying, you will lack understanding, you will lack wisdom, and will have no inner direction or guide when We are no longer among you.
You must represent the sacred sparks of the Divine Messengers on Earth.
You must be those inner Mirrors over the Marian Centers so that many more are able to feel inside of themselves what you once felt, when you awoke to Our call.
It is time to take on this Plan in a definite way.
It is time to be whole for everything that needs to be done.
It is time to come out of yourselves.
It is time to stop being in yourselves; because it is already time, children, to be in others, in those most in need, in those most in search of God and who do not know how to find Him.
I need you to be extensions of my Rosary on Earth, that you not only be flowers in My Celestial Garden but also be that bead of Light, that drop of Light, that Mirror that illumines all things.
Feel yourselves to be joined, feel unified, like Our Sacred Hearts feel all the time.
We come to bring you a celestial reality that you cannot yet understand in this life, but rather in the next.
We have come to bring you a divine state of consciousness that you still will not achieve, until the next time.
Meanwhile, dear children, it is possible to contact it through prayer and through union with Our Sacred Hearts.
We are reaching the last stage of this work, we are finalizing everything that we should do with you.
We are in the last times of the Work, before the Work can unfold into a greater state of consciousness.
I do not, dear children, need you to understand everything I say to you, because it is part of a divine and inner wisdom that has been developing from the higher planes.
The human being will still not be able to understand it all.
Life and the non-material Universe is still very unknown, but you have the possibility of drawing closer to it, of being in communion with true Existence, with the One Consciousness, with God.
In this end time, everything will be unleashed; you must not fear what will happen, but rather what you still are not doing.
Work tirelessly with that inner unity among your siblings, and in this way, you will make room for all to happen as has been written.
I do not want your hearts to be disoriented.
I do not want your feet to stray outside of the Path of Christ, but rather, that you be even further in, within His Heart of Love and of Light, receiving His Wisdom, receiving His Mercy, receiving His Understanding and His Comprehension.
And now, children, I ask you, set aside indifference and open to the unification of your beings and of your consciousnesses.
The Lord needs this path to finish being built by yourselves, through your giving of self, through your offering.
It is time that you found the path of Truth within yourselves, and thus, within yourselves, you will find the Kingdom of God.
I have waited for this Pilgrimage in Peru and Ecuador to pass so that you were strengthened in order to be able to hear My Words, which are now the last for these times; it is the last part of the Divine Word that is expressing on Earth for all souls.
It is the Source of Love that comes to hearts so that they may awaken and feel God within themselves.
I need you to be with Me unconditionally, and that is the simplest and most real testimony to demonstrate to God that the concretization of His Divine Plan in this humanity is possible.
A time will come in which you may experience doubt or a lack of understanding, but do not allow yourselves to be tormented; My enemy never rests, not even for a second. Be intelligent, dear children, defeat it with the prayer from the heart, with the ardent adoration of the Eucharistic Heart of My Son, and above all, with unity among your consciousnesses.
I wish the world to learn from your example of fraternity and of brotherhood; what happens here, dear children, does not happen in any place in the world, with any other group of souls.
I need you to understand that what you are living is unique and unrepeatable.
It is time to take a step in the maturity of the heart and of the consciousness; not seeking answers where they do not exist.
Ardently aspire to unify everything, because in this way, My Son will unify in you and the Will shall be fulfilled.
I bless you for the Meeting that you will experience in these days, in which this project must already be realized, first in your consciousnesses, to then be realized in the world.
The Grace of God must reach everybody, and it must first be conceived in you, so that it then may be conceived in the world that suffers and endures every day.
I Am the Mother of Grace, the Mother of Reconciliation, the Mother of Sacred Unity.
I thank you for responding to My call, now and always, and for the days that will come.
In the name of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit. Amen.
Dear children of the world,
Give your heart to God and repent soon, because there is little time left.
Surrender to the Love of God and you will be safe.
Do not let the darkness submerge you. Open your hearts and you will find the Light that comes from Infinity.
Dear children, dear children of the world, offer penance, reparation and much prayer, so that more souls are helped, are removed from error and may awaken to the Love of My Son, to the path of the apostolate and of redemption.
Dear children, what I offer to you, through the Marian Centers, is the most that I can give you, all that the Father has allowed me. Fill these Marian Centers with people in need of love; of souls thirsting for prayer, and a big part of the world will be able to change.
Diffuse My Marian Centers throughout the world; there is still little attendance, and there is a big need for prayer in this world.
I count on My faithful collaborators, with My celestial armies, who have committed themselves with Me since their consecration, so that the souls reach the Marian Centers and receive all the Graces like you did.
Dear children, God has written a destiny for this humanity, a destiny far from suffering and pain; this is why it is important, My beloved children, that within the Marian Centers there exists life, joy and devotion to serve God.
I need, dear children, that you can be more creative, that you summon the flocks of God that are scattered souls throughout the world, those who do not know the Love of My Immaculate Heart, nor the great Love of God.
Be pilgrims of My Marian Centers so that many more may also be. Bring souls to the Marian Centers by all possible means.
My Marian Centers are consecrated to the wounded world, to a sick humanity which, by means of my Marian Centers, may come to healing, forgiveness and redemption.
At My Marian Centers I have left the treasures of Heaven, the greatest gifts of the Universe, which are still unknown to souls, because they are intangible and come from the Spirit of God, from the Purpose of His nonmaterial Source
Dear children, My Marian Centers are for all nations of the world, as well as the Marian Sanctuaries in the world.
I want you to be the voice and echo of My Message. I want you to be the voice and echo of the Marian Centers of Love, that they are filled with souls in need of the Love of the Father and the Mercy of the Redeemer.
For this to be possible, My children, you must think big and not small; you must take on great challenges in this final time, because as long as you do not assume them or take them forward, many more souls are lost in the world of the abyss and are taken to the great illusion of this humanity.
Dear children, at the Marian Centers are the gifts that souls need for this time, the keys that they need to find to open new doors toward redemption and forgiveness.
For example, My children, this Marian Center of Aurora has a purpose with the healing of humanity. I need the brothers and sisters who constantly arrive here, I need all of My children of this nation and of this region to act in accordance with this Marian Center; to open your minds and hearts more to welcome the neediest.
You, dear children, are the diffusers of the Marian Centers of Love; as long as this diffusion is not carried forward, many Graces that come from Heaven are stopped, they can not descend and are restricted from many souls.
I need, dear children, that you assume this commitment with Me, helping to manifest your true task at the Marian Centers. In each one of them I have left a special gift from God, a gift that you must discover for your work, for your dedication, for your harmony with each one of them. When that happens, the souls will live the great changes that they need and will no longer feel alone nor lost, because they will be with God and in God.
I come to give you this gift and this treasure of the Marian Centers, because it is the mission of the children of Mary, of all the prayer groups, to make the Marian Centers alive so that they do not quickly die out. It is your commitment and also your obligation as My children, to come to the Marian Centers at least bi-weekly. Because while the Graces continue to descend, your hearts must be receptacles for them, your lives must be mediators so that those Graces that come from the Universe are retransmitted to the souls.
If at the Marian Centers there are not souls physically walking and praying, the Graces can not reach the suffering humanity and even less reach those hearts that suffer from horror, illness and perdition.
May your hearts, your lips and may your hands be diffusers of the Marian Centers of Love; so you will help your Celestial Mother, so that the Work of Redemption and Mercy carried out by My Beloved Son not only remains at the Marian Centers, but also thoughout the whole world, which must perceive and know, through My Message, that I I am here, present among you and summoning humanity so that it will experience its preparation during the end of this time.
My armies of Light must grow, it will start from the Marian Centers and from the true commitment of all the children of Mary.
The consecration does not end in you. The consecration leads you to live a commitment to the Plan of God and so you will be fulfilling His Will, as well as all the Angels of the Universe.
Dear children, since this birth of Aurora, since the rebirth of your superior Fire, from its healing flame, we are entering the last time of the awakening of humanity, and this cycle will at some point close. It will be up to you, beloved children, that this awakening which must arise from the Marian Centers of Love can reach all souls possible, all hearts in need, in all possible languages.
First, dear children, you must expand your consciousness, your heart, in order to embrace the Work in a planetary way; so that more doors to conversion and redemption can be opened in other nations of the world.
Here, with all My Motherly Love, in Aurora as at other Marian Centers, I have created the bases for this new stage. It is time for My soldiers of prayer and peace to accompany their Celestial Mother in this new challenge.
Today I come to leave this message, beloved children, because there is still so much to be done, there is still so much to reciprocate, there is still so much responsibility to undertake, for each one of you.
With this message of preparation, beloved children, today I come to consecrate new children of Mary, who will represent many more, many more who will be consecrated in the future to the Love of My Immaculate Heart and to the sacred task of living and assuming the Marian Centers; so that these may one day become the true Mirrors of God, which must reflect to the world the last time of Mercy, of Reconciliation and of the Healing for Souls.
The Marian Centers must be the dwelling place of the simple ones, of the seekers of the Love of God and of all the lost who do not find meaning in their lives, nor in their ways.
I truly wish, dear children, that the same spiritual impulse that your souls received from the day of your consecration as children of Mary could echo and expand into more souls of the world that cry out for My Heart and My Intercession.
In this way, responding to the pleas of My children of all nations and of the different races of the planet, I come to deliver this Mission in response to the plea of My children of the world, so My armies of Light, so the children of Mary let the special mission of the Marian Centers flourish and go meet the souls of the world, carrying My Message of Love, My Message of hope and peace for all creatures.
For that to be possible, beloved children, you must offer yourselves to the Redeemer, as His apostles willing to go to meet the souls of the world; not only in the way of service, prayer or communion, but also, My children, to meet the nations of the world that should receive the spiritual help they so much hope for and that they need to have a new opportunity in this path of love and redemption, that I offer you.
It will be in this way, beloved children, that the Marian Centers will be able to expand in the world and will not be restricted to the region where they are located, but will have their doors open to receive all the pilgrims of the world. I hope that it will happen one day; I do not ask you to convince them or convert them, but to receive them with love, to teach them to live prayer and to know that there is a way out of all the chaos of this world, a path that leads them to My Immaculate Heart and from My Immaculate Heart to the Kingdom of God.
Unite as groups and servants to take on this Mission for the Marian Centers, and help the Marian Centers to manifest the requests of the Divine Messengers and for this be fulfilled so that more spiritual energies and universal principles descend through them.
For this, My children, it will also be necessary to help in the concretion of all the necessary manifestations that the Marian Centers must have, to help face the end of this time and the final cycle that humanity will live in a short time.
The Marian Centers must be spiritual islands of salvation, so that the most lonely and lost hearts find relief, peace and hope.
If I ask you this today, I, who am your Mother, it is because it is possible to concretize it; there is potential in your hearts, you should only take the first step, so that the Father's Universe can make everything happen.
The Marian Centers will be the reference for when We are no longer here. You know, beloved children, that there is a time to be among you, and there is not much of that time left. After ten years of Graces, your hearts are ready to take on the task of the Marian Centers, which the Sacred Hearts of Jesus, Mary and Saint Joseph today entrust to all.
Here you will find us spiritually because Our Hearts will always be at the Marian Centers to bring relief to souls, cure and redemption to hearts.
Today I am carrying out this consecration of new children of Mary in a special way, as if it were the first time here, in Aurora, I consecrated the first children of Mary, who are now part of My Work, who have been strengthened in faith and in prayer, and now pilgrimage with Me unconditionally and are dedicated to living the Will of God.
Renewing this Principle of Consecration that was experienced here, many years ago, today I come to renew that vow of consecration, so that those who come to consecrate themselves in the future can live the same impulse to awaken and commit with God in order to establish upon Earth the thousand years of peace.
May those who today will be consecrated come here.
Today we will prepare the hymn of your consecration as if it were the first time that souls receive a great impulse, to be able to take a great step, as many children of Mary did in these last years when they said “yes” to God's Plan.
I would like to listen to the introductory instrumental music of that hymn to be able to bless those who will consecrate themselves today to their Celestial Mother.
I will pray for these children who are consecrated today in the name of all those who have already consecrated themselves, so that they can revive their commitment, confirm their vows and carry out this special mission that today I entrust to them in the manifestation of the Marian Centers and in the diffusion of them, as spiritual islands of salvation.
Let us place our left hand on our hearts and join My Immaculate Heart. In this sacred offering that we will make together today for our Celestial Father.
Most High Lord of the Universe, who hears the prayers of Your Servant!
Most High Father Creator, Source of Love and Unity for everything that exists!
Most High Adonai, Venerable Emanuel, Blessed Abba!
Listen to the prayer of Your Servant at this time, so that the hearts of the world, that will one day consecrate to Me, may spread Your Virtues and descend all Your Graces in order that relief for suffering, the cure for sickness, healing for the souls and redemption for the hearts is established.
May all the Love that comes from You today be poured out upon these consecrated children so that, like many others, they may be renewed in Your Divine Purpose and in Your Infinite Call.
May the Armies of Light multiply today so that more souls in this world may hold the banner of peace, which will indicate the return of Christ.
Dear Lord, grant Grace to these spirits who prostrate themselves before Your Servant to receive Your reparative Love, Your eternal Mercy.
Today I renew, in their name, the consecration of all the children of Mary, so that in these times that come, My Celestial Mantle of Light and Peace will expand thoughout all nations of the world, because My most ardent desire, Beloved Father, is that there are children of Mary in all the nations of the world.
And until that is fulfilled, I ask you Lord, to be here, near My children, for them to be able to accompany you in this great aspiration. Amen.
I bless you in the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit, Amen.
And now that the Father hears the voice of His most simple and persevering children, let us sing this hymn of consecration so that more inner nucleus, more souls in this humanity, awaken to their consecration in preparation for the return of Christ.
I thank you, in spite of everything, for answering to My call and I thank all those who are here today and those who will be one day. Amen.
Opening the door of My Heart, dear children, I give you My Supreme Grace. It is the Grace of My Heart that will strengthen you and protect you in these times.
I come once more to Sao José to bless you and I entrust you to the Most Chaste Saint Joseph so that He may be your Protector Father, the Guardian of your essences, the Shepherd of souls after Christ.
Today I would like to have you closer to My Heart, because I heard your prayers. And I also come on this day to bless Brazil in this important task it has for this moment; a very profound spiritual task, a purpose that many souls of this nation are involved with without knowing it, which is the purpose, dear children, of keeping faith alive in this blessed people that I cherish with so much Love.
Thus, today I come dressed with the mantle of this nation, bringing healing to souls, wisdom for all spirits, and on the planet of this nation I bring the Peace of God for the world.
This is the spirit and the proposition for this nation.
Now I will continue telling you, dear children, that My message on this day is to bring you the Grace of restoration and healing for all My children of Brazil, who are so in need of God and His Infinite Mercy so as to be able to persist in these times.
The planet has changed a lot, just as you know. Thus, I come on this day to you to show you once again the path toward Jesus, and the Love that He wants to pour out over all your hearts and lives.
Today, I would like to ask you for something special, dear children present here in Sao José, that you recite a prayer or at least a Mystery of the Rosary, so that Your Heavenly Mother may be able to fulfill the purpose through Her children, of reaching Central America.
Just as I appeared in this nation to protect the Purpose of God it has, in the same way I appeared in Mexico as Guadalupe to unite the races and the peoples in one same equality, in one same condition of love and of fraternity.
Therefore, I ask all of My children, not only those who are here in Sao José, but also in the whole world, that on this day of vigil you offer more prayers to your Heavenly Mother, so that My Basket of gold may be deposited at the foot of the altar of the Creator, and that it be the greatest and infinite offering of the salvation of all the souls of My beloved America.
I am here among you, dear children, as our Lady of Aparecida from Brazil and the Queen of Peace, opening My Immaculate Heart to you so that you may be able to enter the Temple, the Sacred Tabernacle of your Lord Jesus, Who contemplates you on this evening with His Mercy, erasing your debts, dissipating errors, bringing hope and a renewal through My Immaculate Heart.
Today I am not here alone with you; I am with the pilgrim soul of Brazil, with all the faithful devotees: simple and poor, rich and austere, who follow the Spirit of Peace, the spirit of your Lady.
In Heaven this is reflected as a great celebration, fulfilling again the prophecy that all the generations throughout all times, would honor and glorify the One Crowned with Stars, the Mother of God.
The angels see this event in Brazil as a new door that is opened on this October 12, not only in the Universe but also in this country that so needs forgiveness and redemption.
But it is the devotion and the faith of My children that will always allow me to come here, anywhere in Brazil, when the Will of God establishes it. When your voices pray to My Heart, irrespective of where you are, know that the prayer is powerful when it is done with the heart and with all the love of your lives. This renews your families and all planetary life, bringing an exceptional and extraordinary Grace for this end time.
Today I am among you, dear children, contemplating the nations of the world, and I invite you once more to renew yourselves within the Campaign for Peace; to be disseminators of My message, of My celestial call for these times, to now and always live the prayer of the heart, so that peace may be established in the human heart and on the planet.
I want all My pilgrims to come here today, My dear pilgrims, who helped Me to concretize My arrival in this city.
Draw close to My altar so that I may bless you in the name of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit.
It is a joy to know that Brazil still loves Me, and that every day works on its faith to establish the trust in God and His Divine Purpose in its consciousness.
You, dear children, who today approach My altar, My Guadalupean altar, represent all the consciousness of Brazil.
I also ask all the Brazilians that are listening to Me in this moment in the depths of their hearts, to place their left hand on their chest so that the Voice of your Heavenly Mother may be able to resonate forever, the Mother who cherishes you and loves you, who for all Her children wants the path of the good and of peace, of hope and of faith, in spite of what happens.
In this way, I unite you with My Holy Rosary, and today, dear children of Brazil, you are part of the beads of My prayer that I will give to the Eternal Father and will place in His Holy Hands, so that He may see, dear children, that His faithful Servant, the forever Virgin Mary, fulfills the promise of salvation and of redemption of hearts. With My Hand pointing at My Immaculate Heart, I ask you, dear children, to trust in Me as you should trust Christ.
Trust in Me, because I will always lead you to God.
Trust in Me, because I will protect you from all evil.
Trust in Me, because I will always bring relief to your hearts, I will calm your suffering, I will bring you hope and the Grace of God from the most pure Fount of His Mercy.
Trust in Me, dear children of all nations, so that My Immaculate Heart may triumph through your lives in the whole planetary consciousness.
Trust in Me, because you can always count on My angels of Light.
On this day I give you, dear children, the flag of Peace, so that it always may be seen in the shining of your prayers and in the smile of your hearts, for in this way, everything will be healed.
You are Children of Mary, some already consecrated, and today consecrated by Me, so that in humanity the Plan of God for all of the Earth may be strengthened.
Tomorrow you will wear My Blue Mantle of Light, in the first place, feeling your souls consecrated to Me in this new cycle, in which your lives will be purified, but you will count on My guidance so that your hearts are always renewed and faith and all the Love of My Heart prevail in your lives.
Do not fear transforming; fear being far from God.
I invite you, dear children, in the sacred Oratory of My Immaculate Heart, to be witnesses of My Presence in this place, in the Americas.
Pray to your Heavenly Mother so that Her Plan may triumph on Earth and in all the souls that are awakening.
(Four times in Portuguese)
Blessed am I among all women, and blessed are your hearts before God when you live in My Heart.
Blessed is the step you take in your lives.
Blessed may your prayer always be.
Blessed are your guardian angels.
Blessed be the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit.
Now sing the prayer that you have prayed.
I thank you for responding to My call and I invite you to disseminate the power of My Immaculate Heart.
Smile at your Heavenly Mother. Humanity is waking up from its deep sleep.
Hallelujah, hallelujah!
Association Mary
Founded in December of 2012, at the request of the Virgin Mary, Association Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception, is a religious association without ties to any institutionalized religion. It has a philosophical-spiritual, ecumenical, humanitarian, charitable, cultural character, and it supports all activities that are indicated through the instructions transmitted by Christ Jesus, the Virgin Mary, and Saint Joseph. Read more